Full training versus fine tuning for radiology images concept detection task for the ImageCLEF 2019 challenge Priyanshu Sinha1 , Saptarshi Purkayastha2 , and Judy Gichoya3 1 Mentor Graphics India Pvt. Ltd. priyanshu sinha@outlook.com 2 Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA saptpurk@iupui.edu 3 Oregon Health Science University, Portlnd, OR 97239 gichoya@ohsu.edu Abstract. Concept detection from medical images remains a challeng- ing task that limits implementation of clinical ML/AI pipelines because of the scarcity of the highly trained experts to annotate images. There is a need for automated processes that can extract concrete textual infor- mation from image data. ImageCLEF 2019 provided us a set of images with labels as UMLS concepts. We participated for the first time for the concept detection task using transfer learning. Our approach involved an experiment of layerwise fine tuning (full training) versus fine tuning based on previous reported recommendations for training classification, detec- tion and segmentation tasks for medical imaging. We ranked number 9 in this year’s challenge, with an F1 result of 0.05 after three entries. We had a poor result from performing layerwise tuning (F1 score of 0.014) which is consistent with previous authors who have described the benefit of full training for transfer learning. However when looking at the results by a radiologist, the terms do not make clinical sense and we hypothesize that we can achieve better performance when using medical pretrained image models for example PathNet and utilizing a hierarchical training approach which is the basis of our future work on this dataset. Keywords: Transfer Learning · Layer wise Fine Tuning · Deep Learning in Radiology. 1 Introduction Concept detection from medical images remains a challenging task that limits implementation of clinical ML/AI pipelines because of the scarcity of the highly trained experts to annotate images. ImageCLEF is an annual challenge now in its Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com- mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem- ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland. third year that seeks contributions that provide techniques to map visual infor- mation to condensed textual descriptions. The process of automatic extraction of high level concepts from low level features is difficult when the images have occlusion, background clutter, intra-class variation, pose and lighting changes[1]. Participants from past challenges in 2017 and 2018 noted a broad range of content and hence the 2019 [2] challenge was narrowed down in focus to only radiology images [3]. The focus on concept detection in the 2019 challenge is important because it is the first step of automatic image captioning, while also providing metadata to support context based image retrieval. This was our first time participating in the ImageCLEF challenge. The chal- lenge is a multi-label classification problem, where one radiology image can have multiple labels. Previous participants had good performance when using transfer learning, hence we focussed on optimizing the ResNet50 [5] network which had the best performance compared to VGG19 [4], Xception Net [6] and Inception- ResNetV2 [7]. We ranked number 9 in this year’s challenge, with an F1 result of 0.05 after three entries. We had a poor result from performing layerwise tuning (F1 score of 0.014) which is consistent with previous authors who have described the benefit of full training during transfer learning. However when looking at the results by a radiologist, the terms do not make clinical sense and we hypothesize that we can achieve better performance when using medical pretrained image models for example PathNet which is the basis of our future work on this dataset. We describe our approach in detail in the remaining sections of this paper. 2 DATASET A total of 6,031,814 image - caption pairs were extracted from PubMed Open Access and after processing were reduced to 72,187 radiology images from var- ious modalities. This dataset included archived images from February 2018 to February 2019 [3]. Table 1 shows a summary of the images in the training, test and validation set. We did not use additional radiology training data for the pur- pose of our submission to this challenge. Each label is a UMLS concept provided as a csv file. Table 2 shows a representative sample of the data showing images in the training (First row), validation (second row) and test set (third row). Table 1. Data and corresponding number of images. Set No of Images Training Set 56629 Validation Set 14157 Test Set 10000 Table 2. Table displaying image examples from the training set (first two row), vali- dation set (third row) and test set (fourth row). 3 STUDY EXPERIMENT 3.1 Data Analysis The ImageCLEF images were formatted to the Imagenet directory style where the directory name is the UMLS label. This was because our approach was mainly based on transfer learning and would make repeat experiments easy to perform. Summary statistics of the dataset found 5217 unique UMLS/label con- cepts. There was image imbalance with approximately 90% of the labels con- taining less than 100 images; and 30% labels containing a single image. Table 3 shows the top 10 concepts occurring in the highest frequency in the training set. Table 3. Top 10 training concepts. Concept Frequency C0441633 6733 C0043299 6321 C1962945 6318 C0040395 6235 C0034579 6127 C0817096 5981 C0040405 5801 C1548003 5159 C0221198 4513 C0772294 4512 Analysis of the top 25 labels (summarized in Figure 1) show that there is persis- tent data imbalance with one label containing more than 6500 images (C0441633 - “Scanning”) and one label containing less than 2000 images (C0006104 - “Brain”). We therefore discarded labels containing less than 1000 images and used class weight technique from sklearn for balancing our training data [8]. 3.2 Training Each input image was resized into 224x224 pixels without cropping. We used a batch size of 32 with learning rate 0.0001. The batches were formed by randomly shuffling the dataset. Optimization was performed using Adam optimizer with default beta 1 (0.9) and beta 2 (0.999). Image augmentation during training was performed using the Keras ImageDataGenerator. Augmentations performed in- clude rescaling, rotation, zooming, shearing and horizontal flipping. A total of 100 epochs were executed. We split the data to 85% training set and 15% vali- dation set. The network was trained using the Keras framework with tensorflow as the backend, running on a NVIDIA Quadro P6000 GPU. Fig. 1. Frequency plot of top 25 concepts. We treated this as multi label classification problem and limited our training to the top 25 labels. Our base model was ResNet50, from which we removed the fully connected top layers and added our own auxiliary convolutional layer along with dense layers. To prevent overfitting, we used dropout between dense layers. After evaluating our performance with fine tuning the last layers and reviewing the literature on fine tuning versus full training [9], we embarked on layerwise fine tuning using Resnet50(run 2). In the second run we sequentially trained each layer while freezing others. For this approach we decreased the learning rate for higher layers and fine tuned it layer wise by unfreezing layers below a particular layer. 4 Evaluation and Analysis Tajbakhsh et al [9] performed the most comprehensive experiment evaluating the approach of fine tuning a network versus training a network from scratch. In their review of classification, detection and segmentation tasks using mul- tiple imaging modalities including radiology, colonoscopy and ultrasound, they demonstrate better performance with layerwise fine tuning. Our attempt to repli- cate their superior performance when approaching concept detection task on the ImageCLEF 2019 dataset led to lower performance when layerwise fine tuning (F1 score of 0.014) versus whole fine tuning the network as a whole (F1 score 0.05) summarized in table 4. Our poor comparative performance may be due to poor selection of hyperparameters for fine tuning the network. Our approach included a clinical review of some of the sample output by a radiologist who is one of the authors of this paper, and we notice a large dis- crepancy in the utility of the generated concepts (Table 5). For example the first Table 4. F1 Score of Different Runs. Run ID F1 Score Run 1 26815 0.05 Run 2 27011 0.014 row demonstrated a chest xray with a pneumoperitoneum, and our model does not generate terms closely related to the actual radiograph interpretation. We hypothesize that a stepwise approach to training where ontology hierarchies for example laterality and anatomy are maintained may generate a superior perfor- mance that is clinically meaningful. Table 5. Sampled images from the test dataset with the generated concepts and radi- ologist generated terms. Sample Image Concept Detected Radiologist generated terms – C0751437(adenohypophyseal – Chest Xray dis) – pneumoperitoneum – C0079595 (diagnostic imaging – frontal radiograph technique) – C0023884 (gastrointestinal tract) – C0003842 (arterial) – C0751438 (posterior pituitary – Skull radiograph dis) – cervical hardware – C0013516 (dx ultrasound- – mandibular fusion heart) – hardware – C0221874 (spacers) – lateral view – C0042449 (venous subtree) – C0023884(gastrointestinal – Lateral radiograph tract) – Chest Xray 5 CONCLUSION Despite previous documentations of superior performance with layer wise fine tuning of medical image tasks, we had a poor performance with this approach for concept detection. There is an opportunity to improve on layer wise fine tuning for such tasks. We advance the challenge by reviewing clinical relevance of output, for which despite our performance at number 9 in the challenge we found that the clinical utility of the concepts detected was low and hypothesize that we can achieve better performance and improved clinical utility using a hierarchical approach to training. References 1. D. Katsios and E. Kavallieratou, “Concept Detection on Medical Images using Deep Residual Learning Network,” CLEF, 2017. 2. 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