=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_147 |storemode=property |title=Medical Visual Question Answering at Image CLEF 2019- VQA Med |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_147.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Mohit Bansal,Tanmay Gadgil,Rishi Shah,Parag Verma |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/BansalGSV19 }} ==Medical Visual Question Answering at Image CLEF 2019- VQA Med== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_147.pdf
     Medical Visual Question Answering at Image CLEF
                     2019- VQA Med

               Mohit Bansal, Tanmay Gadgil, Rishi Shah and Parag Verma

                    Pricewaterhouse Coopers US Advisory, Mumbai, India
                      rishi.s.shah@pwc.com, parag.verma@pwc.com1

        Abstract. This paper describes the submission created by PwC US-Advisory for
        the Medical Domain Visual Question Answering (VQA-Med) Task of Image
        CLEF 2019. The goal of the challenge was to create a Visual Question Answering
        System which uses medical images as context to generate answers. The VQA
        pipeline classifies the questions into two groups, the first group of questions in-
        volves giving answers from a fixed pool of predefined answer categories and the
        second group of questions involves generating answers based on the abnormality
        seen in the image. The first model uses question embeddings from the Universal
        Sentence Encoder and Image Embeddings from ResNet which are fed into an
        attention-based classifier to generate answers. The second model uses the same
        ResNet image embedding along with word embeddings from a Word2Vec model
        pre-trained on PubMed data which is used as an input to a sequence to sequence
        model which generates descriptions of abnormalities. This methodology helped
        us achieve reasonable results with a strict accuracy of 48% and a BLEU score of
        53% on the challenge’s test data.

        Keywords: Visual Question Answering, Sequence to Sequence Model, Image
        CLEF 2019, Attention

1       Introduction

Technical advancements in the healthcare sector have helped in storing large
number of health records electronically and this provides opportunities for the
use of artificial intelligence (AI) in supporting clinical decision making and
improving patient engagement. Visual Question answering (VQA) is one way
in which the technical innovation in Artificial Intelligence can be used for the
benefit of the healthcare sector. VQA is a relatively new approach that uses a
combination of computer vision and natural language processing for designing

1   Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lu-
    gano, Switzerland
the model. Given the image and question input, VQA technique processes both
the visual and textual inputs to give relevant answer to the input question.
       Some interesting approaches have been published over the years on
VQA, but for this challenge we have come up with a relatively simple architec-
ture to best address the Image-CLEF 2019 problem. In this paper, we aim to
explain the details about different models used for getting the image embed-
dings, question embeddings and answer embeddings and for finally training the
model. In subsequent parts of this paper, we go on to discuss the possible ap-
plications of the VQA model in the industry and possible changes in model
design for enhancing the accuracy.

2     Literature Review

In the last few years, there have been tremendous advancements in the field of
AI. From neural network to computer vision, the field has transformed through
leaps and bounds [1]. Among other things, its ability to impact the value chain
has been felt unequivocally [2].
         Healthcare as a domain is very fragmented and the components in the
value chain don't adhere to accepted standards [3]. Such discretization provides
immense opportunity for consolidation and optimization in the Provider Market
[4]. A physician scans scores of documents and images before arriving at a
conclusion. Without having a heuristic process in place, he or she may have to
often spend substantial amount of time sieving through the scans and vitals be-
fore arriving at a conclusion. Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a recent
advancement in AI which tries to answer a set of questions about an image [5].
Tasks such as feature extraction, understanding question and generating an-
swers are an important part of the VQA. Complex systems built to extract in-
formation out of images and scans need to incorporate VQA along with natural
language processing to leverage the huge data generated at the patient and pro-
vider interface [6]. These will not only supplement the information at hand with
the clinician to make better decisions but also enable better knowledge man-
       Earlier work in VQA was concentrated mostly towards image captioning
[7]. In most of them, deep learning methods such as CNN, LSTM, DMN had
been used. The proposed model aims to find a link between the semantics of
the text description and the features extracted from an image.
3     Task Description and Dataset

As part of the Image-CLEF 2019 VQA-Med Task [12] [13], the participants
were given medical images accompanied by few clinically relevant questions,
and were supposed to answer the questions based on the visual image content.
The training dataset consisted of 3200 medical images and 12,792 question-
answer pairs, while the validation set had 500 medical images and 2000 ques-
tion-answer pairs. Finally, after developing the model framework, the partici-
pants were required to predict answers for a test set of 500 medical images with
500 questions

4     Pipeline overview / Model Structure

In this section we discuss our model architecture, which primarily consists of 3
main components: Question Classifier Model, VQA Classifier Model, VQA
Seq-2-Seq Model as shown in Fig. 1. Due to the complex nature of the problem,
we decided to break the problem into simpler tasks which could be handled
independently. We sorted the questions into its respective categories namely
Modality, Plane, Organ system & Abnormality using the Question Classifier
Model. The first group consisting of all questions on Modality, Plane & Organ
system categories along with their image pairs was fed to VQA Classifier
Model to implement a multi-class classification model. The second group con-
sisting of all the questions on Abnormality category along with their image pair
was fed to the VQA Seq-2-Seq Model to generate answer sequences for predic-

                          Fig. 1. Model Pipeline Overview
4.1   Question Classifier Model

To classify the questions, question embeddings were passed through a dense
connected layer. This deep representation was then projected using a final dense
layer followed by a softmax activation to form a distribution over all possible
tags. Question embeddings were created using the Universal Sentence Encoder
as it gives strong transfer performance on a number of NLP tasks and surpasses
the performance of transfer learning using word level embeddings alone. Also,
it handled variable input text length seamlessly to give a 512-dimensional vec-
tor output.

4.2   VQA Classifier Model

Once the questions were classified in the question classifier, questions and im-
ages from the category of Modality, Plane and Organ System were fed to the
VQA classifier. The VQA classifier model used a Universal Sentence Encoder
to create Question embeddings. To encode the information of the category to
which the question belongs, one-hot-encoded vector of the Question Classifier
was concatenated to the 512-dimensional vector to create a final 516-dimen-
sional question embedding vector. A pre-trained convolutional neural network
(CNN) model based on ResNet50 architecture [8] was used to embed the image.
         To compute attention over image features, we concatenated tiled LSTM
state with image features over the depth dimension and passed it through a 1 ×
1 dimensional convolution layer of depth 512 followed by ReLU nonlinearity.
The output feature was passed through another 1 × 1 convolution of depth C=
2 followed by softmax over spatial dimensions to compute attention distribu-
tions. We used these distributions to compute two image glimpses by compu-
ting the weighted average of image features. We further concatenated the image
glimpses with the state of the LSTM and passed it through a fully connected
layer of size 1024 with ReLU nonlinearity [10]. The output was then fed to a
linear layer of size M = 66 followed by softmax to produce probabilities over
the different sub-categorical answers in the top 3 categories. We used dropout
of 0.5 on input features of all layers including the LSTM, convolutions, and
fully connected layers and optimized the model with Adam optimizer. Fig 2
below shows the model architecture
Fig. 2. VQA Classifier Architecture
4.3     VQA Seq-2-Seq Model

Questions and images from the Abnormality category were fed to the VQA
Seq-2-Seq Model as shown in Fig 3. This is a custom encoder decoder archi-
tecture that was used to generate answer sequences. In the following section,
this will be discussed in detail. The first component was a pre-trained convolu-
tional neural network (CNN) model based on ResNet50 architecture that took
the image as an input and extracted a vector representation for that image, while
the second component was a word embedding layer that encoded the question
into a vector representation which was passed through a LSTM network. The
embeddings were created using pre-trained word2vec model on PubMed data.
The decoder consisted of LSTM network that took the thought vector as initial
state and ‘Start of Sentence’  token as input in the first time step and
tried to predict the answer tokens using softmax layer until ‘End of Sentence’
 was obtained [11].

                        Fig. 3. VQA Seq-2-Seq Architecture

4.3.1     Encoder

The encoder layer consists of 2 main components: the first is used to obtain
image embeddings from a CNN architecture and the second is a LSTM network
with a pre-trained word embedding layer to encode questions. Fig 4 below de-
scribes the encoder architecture.
         In the first component, the image embedding input layer takes the vec-
torized image from ResNet50. The image is flattened and passed through a fully
connected dense layer followed by a RELU activation to create a deep 512-
dimensional representation of the image. The main purpose of these two layers
is to reshape and compress the feature vector dimension to match the hidden
layer of the LSTM.
         In the second component, the semantic meaning of the question is to be
extracted with respect to the image. A 100-dimensional pre-trained word em-
bedding layer is used to encode the word into a dense semantic space using a
word2vec model trained on PubMed Data. This word representation is then fed
to a LSTM network with 512 hidden nodes. LSTM is a special type of Recur-
rent Neural Network (RNN) that has been designed to solve the problem of
vanishing gradient. The LSTM layer uses its memory cells to store the context
information. LSTM has three gates (i.e. Input gate, forget gate and output gate)
which will decide how the input will be handled. At any time step, inputs to the
LSTM cell include the current word (x), previous hidden state (h-1) and previ-
ous memory state (c-1), and LSTM cell outputs are current hidden state (h) and
current memory state (c). These states have 512 hidden nodes. At last time step
in the sequence, the LSTM cell outputs its hidden state (h) and memory state
(c). Both the hidden state and the memory state of the first LSTM layer is ini-
tialized with the image vector which helps LSTM layer learn the internal rep-
resentations useful for extracting information relevant to answering the ques-

                         Fig. 4. Encoder Model Architecture
4.3.2     Decoder

The decoder model is responsible for generating the answer from the input im-
age and question. The Decoder LSTM uses three inputs to generate a token
which is mapped to a dictionary. These include the token of the previous word,
the hidden state and the memory state of the previous LSTM layer as shown in
Fig 5. At the first time step, LSTM cell takes ‘Start of Sentence’  token,
the hidden and memory state of the encoder model as the input and calculates
the probability distribution of the target word using softmax layer. The word
with the highest probability will be the first word of the answer; this word will
be then passed to the second LSTM cell as input and predict the second word
of the answer. The full answer will be generated by repeating this process until
the model predicts ‘End of Sentence’  token.

                         Fig. 5. Decoder Model Architecture

5       Results

Training data and validation data for the challenge comprised of 3,200 images
with 12,792 Question-Answer (QA) pairs & 500 images with 2,000 QA pairs
respectively. Test data contained 500 images and questions. We experimented
with primarily 2 approaches for challenge submissions:

Approach 1: In the first experiment, we use the Question Classifier, followed
by VQA Classifier on the top 3 categories and a second VQA Classifier model
trained on Abnormality category train data only. We only consider top 657 most
frequent answers in the abnormality classifier. Other answers are ignored and
do not contribute to the loss during training. This covers 74% of the answers in
the validation set of abnormality category in VQA dataset [9]

Approach 2: In the second experiment, we use the proposed pipeline, Question
Classifier, followed by VQA Classifier on the top 3 categories and VQA Seq-
2-Seq Model on the Abnormality category questions

        The question classifier model to classify the question category gave a
100% accuracy on the validation set. The VQA classifier trained on the first 3
categories (Modality, Plane and Organ Systems) delivered an overall 76.1%
accuracy in predicting answers across 66 sub-categorical classes on validation
data of the corresponding 3 categories. The second VQA classifier trained on
the Abnormality category questions, used in Approach 1, delivered a 19.5%
accuracy in predicting answers across 657 sub-categorical classes on the vali-
dation set of Abnormality category.
        The VQA Seq-2-Seq model, used in Approach 2, generated answer se-
quences with an accuracy of 23.4% on validation set of Abnormality category.
Evaluation of test data was conducted based on the following metrics:
    1. Accuracy (Strict)- an adapted version of the accuracy metric from the
         general domain VQA task that considers exact matching of a partici-
         pant provided answer and the ground truth answer.;
    2. BLEU metric [1] to capture the similarity between a system-generated
         answer and the ground truth answer.;
    With different model hyper parameters, 5 valid submissions were given by
our team; 2 from Approach 1 and 3 from Approach 2. The best results from
both approaches were as follows:

                 Table 1. Performance statistics of model on test data

                                        Accuracy (Strict)          BLEU Score

 Approach 1                             0.484                      0.531

 Approach 2                             0.488                      0.534

      It is worth mentioning that both the VQA Classifier and VQA Seq-2-
Seq models are not very expensive to train. It took 14 seconds and 12 seconds
per epoch for the VQA-Classifier and VQA-Seq-2-Seq respectively on a Vir-
tual Machine (VM) equipped with NVIDIA Tesla P4 GPU card with 8GB of
RAM. The VM had Ubuntu OS with CUDA 10.1. For the implementation, we
use Keras with TensorFlow 1.13.1 backend.

6     Conclusion

VQA has great potential with respect to the automation of information gather-
ing from images. The medical domain can be greatly benefited in several ways
by these techniques, like providing the coherence required to simplify the diag-
nosis process, providing clinicians with a tool to check the validity of their di-
agnosis and providing patients with details which may otherwise be overlooked
during a consultation. It can empower the clinician to ascertain that enough in-
formation is at hand before arriving at any conclusion. Specific models relevant
for a particular disease can also be made by training the algorithm on specific
data sets, and this can create a better scanning process. Supplementing the mod-
els with more advanced techniques like attention and Multitask learning can
greatly enhance their accuracy. It can also create standards in terms of models
used by different providers. Moreover, the cost benefits incurred from such
simplification can be propagated through the entire value chain. Clinicians, pa-
tients and insurance providers can benefit greatly from the value created by
VQA based diagnosis systems.


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