=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_157 |storemode=property |title=LIFER 2.0: Discovering Personal Lifelog Insights using an Interactive Lifelog Retrieval System |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_157.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Van-Tu Ninh,Tu-Khiem Le,Liting Zhou,Luca Piras,Michael Riegler,Mathias Lux,Minh-Triet Tran,Cathal Gurrin,Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/NinhLZPRLTGD19 }} ==LIFER 2.0: Discovering Personal Lifelog Insights using an Interactive Lifelog Retrieval System== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_157.pdf
LIFER 2.0: Discovering Personal Lifelog Insights
  using an Interactive Lifelog Retrieval System

 Van-Tu Ninh1 , Tu-Khiem Le1 , Liting Zhou1 , Luca Piras2 , Michael Riegler3 ,
Mathias Lux4 , Minh-Triet Tran5 , Cathal Gurrin1 , and Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen6
                         Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
                 Pluribus One & University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
                       Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway
                       Klagenfurt University, Klagenfurt, Austria
             University of Science, VNU-HCM, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
                          University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

        Abstract. This paper describes the participation of the Organiser Team
        in the ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 Solve My Life Puzzle (Puzzle) and Lifelog
        Moment Retrieval (LMRT) tasks. We proposed to use LIFER 2.0, an
        enhanced version of LIFER, which was an interactive retrieval system for
        personal lifelog data. We utilised LIFER 2.0 with some additional visual
        features, obtained by using traditional visual bag-of-words, to solve the
        Puzzle task, while with the LMRT, we applied LIFER 2.0 only with the
        provided information. The results on both tasks confirmed that by using
        faceted filter and context browsing, a user can gain insights from their
        personal lifelog by employing very simple interactions. These results also
        serve as baselines for other approaches in the ImageCLEFlifelog 2019
        challenge to compare with.

1     Introduction

An increasingly wide range of personal devices, such as smartphones, video cam-
eras, and wearable devices allow individuals to capture pictures, videos, and au-
dio clips for every moment of their lives. Considering the huge amount of data
created, questions on how to design and develop an automatic system for fast and
accurate data retrieval and understanding are becoming increasingly important.
   In this work, we highlight the state-of-the-art techniques adopted for Im-
ageCLEFLifelog 2019 [3] at ImageCLEF2019 [7], which include Solve My Life
(PUZZLE) and Lifelog Moment Retrieval (LMRT). For ImageCLEF LMRT task,
considering the multi-modality of lifelog data, we pre-processed the images to
remove noisy data as a first step and then focused on the exploitation of as-
sociated metadata (time, activities, location, etc.) from moments of daily life.
Inheriting the structure of the interactive search engine from [15], we developed

    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
a new facets filter and context browsing interface, with additional visual con-
cepts and criteria expansion for ImageCLEF2019 LMRT. For the Puzzle task,
we interpreted this task as a clustering problem and applied the state-of-the-art
Visual Bag-of-Words [2] method for both reordering lifelogger’s moments and
predicting the part-of-day.
    Building on prior research, we extended the retrieval system and optimised
it for the domain of lifelogging. The main contributions of this paper are thus:

 – A short survey of the current and state-of-the-art work in relevant domain.
 – An introduction and discussion of the schema and functions of our baseline
   interactive search engine.
 – A presentation, analysis, and discussion of the results obtained from the
   official competition.

2   Related Work

Interactive Lifelog Retrieval System: In recent years, a large volume of
work has been performed on developing information retrieval approaches to in-
creasingly commonplace personal digital collections, such as lifelogs. This has
been supported by a number of international benchmarking efforts, the most re-
cent of which is the Lifelog Search Challenge(LSC) [5], which is a multi-annual,
real-time retrieval challenge that evaluates different approaches to interactive
retrieval from lifelog collections.
    For benchmarking systems, Zhou el al. [15] provided an efficient retrieval sys-
tem in 2018, based primarily on faceted querying using captured metadata, which
served as a baseline for other systems, and provided the basis for the LIFER 2.0
system presented in this paper. For Interactive Retrieval, the LEMORE[11] sys-
tem, integrates classical image descriptors with high-level semantic concepts and
designs a graphical user interface that uses natural language to process a user’s
query. For a more complete review of interactive retrieval systems, we refer the
reader to [5], which highlights six different interactive lifelog retrieval systems.
More recently, we have noted the development of novel retrieval approaches, that
transcend the desktop, such as the Virtual Reality interactive retrieval system [4]
that combines visual concepts and dates/times as the basis for a faceted filtering
mechanism that presents results in a novel VR-interface.
    Image Retrieval: The description of the puzzle task is to rearrange the
massive image data (without time stamps) in in chronological order and predict
the correct day (Monday or Sunday) and part of day (morning, afternoon, or
evening). One possible computer vision-based approach is to detect and extract
features for efficient image retrieval. Visual Bag-of-Words is a well-known ap-
proach for this kind of solution. There are many visual features that can be used
for visual Bag-of-Words such as SIFT [9], root-SIFT, SURF [1], etc. Another
proper approach is to use deep feature from deep neural network like ResNet [6]
to classify the part of day of an image and retrieve the most similar images to
rearrange the images.
3   ImageCLEFlifelog2019 LMRT Task: LIFER 2.0-
    Baseline Interactive Retrieval Search Engine
For ImageCLEFlifelog2019 LMRT task, we exploit LIFER 2.0- baseline inter-
active search engine which was initiated in [15], and improved in [10]. In this
section, we provide a description of the interactive retrieval system and how it
can be used to solve information needs. Our system, as described in [10], is a
criteria matching engine which is built mainly from five categories: date/time,
location, activity, biometrics, and visual concepts.
1. Date/Time: Date/time is an important feature in our search engine system
   because it can narrow down the scope of moment searching. For instance,
   time is specifically useful in query 6: ”Having breakfast at home” (must
   have breakfast at home from 5:00 am to 9:00 am”. It could also be useful for
   result filtering and lifelogger’s behaviour guessing. In our system, date/time
   criteria include week days, date, and time.
2. Location: Location criteria contain location categories and location names,
   which are also advantageous for user to retrieve the relevant images in topic
   1, 5, and 6. These topics depend on mostly on location filtering to find the
   proper moments and increase the variety of chosen images.
3. Activity: Although activity metadata in ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 dataset
   is not diverse, it is a potential criterion to be integrated to our system to
   improve the search engine with user actions/behaviours when it is ready.
4. Biometrics: Due to the lack of activity information, biometric data provide
   us the means to guess the moments when lifelogger is eating, walking, moving
   by heart rate and calories changes.
5. Visual Concepts: These concepts play the key roles in finding the proper
   images for topics owing to the diversity of concepts, annotations, and key-
   words. They include place attributes, place categories, and objects’ name.
   Place attributes and categories are extracted from places365-CNN [14] with
   top 10 extracted attributes and top 5 place category predictions. Objects in
   image are detected using Faster R-CNN [12] trained on MSCOCO dataset [8].
These five sources of information are instantiated in the user interface as facets
of a user query, as shown in Figure 1.
    The interface of our system was divided into two parts: facets filter and
context browsing. For the facets filter, a user could adjust his/her choice of
five aforementioned criteria to retrieve the desired moments. In each criterion,
except for location, the keywords and tags are combined into query condition
using the OR operator to expand the diversity of returned results. Finally, all
the conditions from each criterion are merged into one final query by utilising
the AND operator. For context browsing, the keywords and annotations from
location, visual concepts, activity are added into an auto-complete search bar.
The user then types and chooses the proper tags which are suitable for current
context of each topic. The query processing of this function is the same as the
facets filter. The interface of LIFER 2.0- baseline interactive search engine is
demonstrated in Figure 2.
                                                                                  Raw Data

                                   Activity   Location   Time        Biometrics

                                                                                  Indexed Server


                          Images                            A set of criteria


    Fig. 1. Schema of LIFER 2.0, an improved interactive lifelog search engine.

Fig. 2. The facets filter (left) and context browsing interface (right) of LIFER 2.0-
baseline interactive search engine with an example of topic 1 results.

4   ImageCLEFlifelog2019 Puzzle Task: Lifelogger’s
    Activity Mining Approach
In ImageCLEFlifelog2019 Puzzle Task, by utilising our baseline interactive search
engine, we could review the provided training data and study lifelogger’s activ-
ity. Because habit and daily routine of lifelogger’s activity do not change much
in lifelogger’s life, we use only visual information to reconstruct the order of
images in test set. We propose to utilise Visual Bag-of-Words [2] method to re-
trieve the proper time of images in each query and predict part-of-day based on
the retrieved time. For this, we employ SIFT feature extraction [9] and conduct
experiments on the number of visual clusters - k using the K-Means algorithm.
The aim is to measure the effect of our proposed method while increasing the
parameter k. The remaining steps are similar to the Bag-of-Words algorithm for
text retrieval [13]. The way how we handle the rank list to choose the final time
for each image in test set is presented in section 5.

5     Experiment and Results

5.1   LMRT Task

For the Lifelog Moment Retrieval Task, we conducted an interactive search ex-
periment with the participation of two novice users. Each person was trained
to use the search engine for 10 minutes and was then given a further 10 more
minutes to get used to the system by performing 2 sample queries. Following
this, the experiment began and the user executed 10 queries from test set. Table
1 displays the result of our two runs from the participant. As can be seen from
the table, we achieved 41% in terms of precision, with cluster recall of 31% and
29% in F1 score.

                    Table 1. Submitted Runs for LMRT task.

           RunID                P@10          CR@10         F1@10
           LMRT Run 1           0.41           0.31          0.29
           LMRT Run 2            0.33          0.26          0.24

   Figure 3 and Figure 4 give us a precise look into multiple cut-off positions of
the returned ranking for each query of both runs. We observe that the system
has its stability across users as both graphs share the same pattern over three

5.2   Puzzle Task

In order to obtain the timestamp of each image in the test set, we established
the majority vote among Top-N retrieved images from the returned ranking.
The final time would be the average time of Top-N images. The accuracy of the
Lifelogger’s Activity Mining Approach also depends closely on the configuration
of the Bag-of-Words model, especially the number of K clusters for visual features
extracted from SIFT detector. Therefore, we submitted 8 runs in total, with 2
configurations of majority vote (Top-1 and Top-3) and 4 configurations of K
clusters (512, 1024, 2048, 4096), which are summarised in Table 2
    We achieved the overall score of 26.8% which shows that the best configu-
ration is using the highest number of clusters and taking the time of the most
relevant image as the final time.
                                         RUN 1






            5          10           20                30     40        50
                                     P     CR    F1

                Fig. 3. Result of Run 1 in various cut-off positions

                                         RUN 2








            5          10           20                30      40        50
                                     P     CR    F1

                Fig. 4. Result of Run 2 in various cut-off positions

6      Discussions and Conclusions
In this paper, we introduced a baseline interactive search engine which uses
faceted filtering and context browsing for the ImageCLEFlifelog2019 LMRT task.
We also presented our proposed method for ImageCLEFlifelog2019 Puzzle Task
to re-order the lifelogger’s moments by using visual Bag-of-Words based on the
belief of the minor change of his/her daily routine.
                     Table 2. Submitted Runs for Puzzle task.

    RunID           Majority    Number of     Kendall’s    Part of Day    Primary
                     Vote        Clusters     Tau Score     Accuracy       Score
    Puzzle Run 1     Top 1         512          0.055         0.308        0.182
    Puzzle Run 2     Top 1        1024          0.034         0.352        0.193
    Puzzle Run 3     Top 1        2048          0.033         0.336        0.184
    Puzzle Run 4     Top 1        4096          0.048        0.488         0.268
    Puzzle Run 5     Top 3         512          0.065         0.464        0.265
    Puzzle Run 6     Top 3        1024          0.049         0.344        0.196
    Puzzle Run 7     Top 3        2048         0.071          0.396        0.233
    Puzzle Run 8     Top 3        4096          0.059         0.380        0.219

    For the LMRT task, the analysis demonstrates that our search engine in-
creased the F1 score by increasing cluster recall through valid experiment cri-
teria. However, for novice users, the system still needs more annotation data
of activities, object names, in order to increase the effectiveness of the search
    For the Puzzle task, it could be inferred that our proposed method could
segment the images into correct clusters for part-of-days. However, our method
could not solve the problem of re-ranking the moments in each cluster to increase
the Kendall’s Tau score. This shows that reconstruction the moments in each
part of day still remains to be a challenge and requires further study.

7     Acknowledgement
This publication has emanated from research supported in party by research
grants from Irish Research Council (IRC) under Grant Number GOIPG/2016/741
and Science Foundation Ireland under grant numbers SFI/12/RC/2289 and

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