=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_158 |storemode=property |title=ZJUTCVR Team at ImageCLEFlifelog2019 Lifelog Moment Retrieval Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_158.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Pengfei Zhou,Cong Bai,Jie Xia |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/ZhouBX19 }} ==ZJUTCVR Team at ImageCLEFlifelog2019 Lifelog Moment Retrieval Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_158.pdf
       ZJUTCVR Team at ImageCLEFlifelog2019 Lifelog
                Moment Retrieval Task*

                                      Pengfei Zhou, Cong Bai*, and Jie Xia

                     College of Computer Science and Technology,
                  Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China
    zpf4wp@outlook.com, congbai@zjut.edu.cn, jiexiaXX@outlook.com
                 *Corresponding author: Cong Bai, congbai@zjut.edu.cn

          Abstract. This paper describes our approach to the task of ImageCLEFlifelog
          2019. Totally five runs are presented here, which contribute to Lifelog Moment
          Retrieval (LMRT) task. We use several different methods to provide a flexible
          retrieval system based on the huge amounts of multi-modal dataset. The work
          proposes a supervised learning approach with high precision and two exploratory
          approaches. The first run based on pre-trained Alexnet is the only run we summit
          through the ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 evaluation system, which reaches the sec-
          ond rank with F1-measure@10=0.44. We then improve our pipeline and get bet-
          ter results of retrieval.

          Keywords: Lifelog Moment Retrieval, cross-modal retrieval, Convolutional
          neural network

1         Introduction

Lifelog is described as a phenomenon whereby people can digitally record their own
daily lives in varying amounts of detail, for a variety of purposes [1]. With the rapid
development of Internet of things (IOT) and the increasing popularity of sensors and
wearable devices that can sense and record biological characteristics [2], data is ready
to be captured and combined with more and more personal information in the form of
a digital diary. Individuals can now use digital technology to track the details of their
daily activities, such as eating, commuting, exercising, working and sleeping. Lifelog
data also includes all kinds of data created in daily interactions between individuals and
mobile phones and PCs, such as shopping records and music listening records [3].
   As part of the ImageCLEF 2019 evaluation campaign [4], The ImageCLEFlife-
log2019 task [5] aims to automatically analyze the data in order to categorize, summa-
rize and also to retrieve the information as the users’ need.
   The task is divided into two subtasks: Solve my life puzzle (Puzzle), Lifelog moment
retrieval (LMRT). The main demand of LMRT subtask is to retrieve a number of

*   Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
    CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
specific predefined moments in a lifelogger’s normal life. For example, the retrieval
result of the query "find my breakfast time" should be images that show the moments
of user having breakfast at home in the morning.
   And the results of retrieval should not only be relevant, the diversification should
also be taken into account. The definition of diversification is that the results of retrieval
should cover different proper moments as much as possible. And multiply methods can
be used to diversify the retrieval results. To be specific, implementing cluster on textual
or visual properties can improve the diversification of the selected moments with re-
spect to the target scenario.
   In this paper, we present three approaches to LMRT challenge. Two rely on visual
concepts using respectively fine-tuned Googlenet [6] and Alexnet [7]. One relies on
both the segmentation and visual concepts with fine-tuned Resnet18 [8]. Related works
are discussed in section 2. The proposed methods are described in section 3. In section
4 we analyze the results of our experiments. And we conclude this paper in section 5.

2      Related works

In this section, we briefly discuss recent works on lifelog retrieval. The researchers in
this field have proposed different strategies and models to explore inherent law. What’s
more, the personal devices provided more personal data that can be applied to lifelog
retrieval could help users to find the need of multimedia data more efficiently.
   Liting et al. [9] proposed retrieval system LIFER, an interactive life record retrieval
system developed by ImageCLEFlifelog2018 organizing team [10], in the spirit of the
MyLifeBits [11] seminal lifelog database. It provides effective interface with users ac-
cording to different requirements. The method is to segment dataset based on time and
concepts of metadata, and the pipeline is summarized into query, retrieval, filtering and
diversification through hierarchical clustering. Minh-Triet et al. [12] proposed a novel
method using conception coded feature augmentation to generate text descriptions to
exploit further semantics of images; Bernd et al. [13] developed LifeXplore search sys-
tem, a search and discovery tool that serves Lifelog domain researchers.
   Ergina et al. [14] presented a method only based on visual concept using fine-tuned
CNN with human-in-the-loop, and get a pretty good performance. The approaches ba-
sically consider the tasks as the problem of classification. In their methods, the training
procedure are able be simplified with proper preprocessing methods. So, we propose
three approaches of preprocessing. What’s more, we attempt to present a new method
of clustering for classification strategy to improve the performance of diversity.

3      Proposed method

3.1    Overview

The basic pipeline is described in Figure 1. The three approaches follow the same pipe-
line in earlier stage, but different in the methods of diversification. With the pipeline
and the proper threshold, the output of the system is formed by generating a list of
numbered images , which are both relevant and diversity to the query.
               Data preprocessing                                           Retrieval                                      Post-processing
  Meta dataset                                                                            Training by
                                                         Eleven-class      Merging of
                 Images    Blur filtering                                                implementing
                                                          approach          the true
                                                                                                          Testing on all
                                                                          images into                         data
                                                                                           CNNs and
                                                                           11 classes
      CSV                    Covered
                                                                          Training by
                                                           choosing of
                                            Concept                      implementing     Testing on       Testing on
                                            filtering                     pre-trained       results         all data
                             Concepts                       imaged in
     Data                                                                    CNNs
                            extraction:                       results                                                                   Form the
                             Resnet18                                                                                                   results in
                                                                            Manual                                                      required
                                                           Clustering                                                                    format
                                                                         splitting the    Retraining        Two-class
                                                                           retrieval     implementin        approach
                                                                         images into     g same CNNs
                                                                          two classes

  Location                                                                Training by
   Activity                                                Merging of                                      Clustering by
    Time                                                    the true                     Testing on all   implementing
  Category                                  Clustering    images into                        data               LVQ
                                                                           CNNs and
  Content                                                  10 classes                                        algorithm
                                            approach                      fine-tuning

                                                        Fig. 1. Proposed pipeline

3.2            Preprocessing

We apply three filtering metrics over the dataset. Two of them filter the blur images,
another one filter images that are covered by any objects.

Blur filtering. The first filter is the Laplacian filter (3x3 kernel) with OpenCV imple-
mentation to calculate the blur as the variance of convolution result and set the threshold
as 30 to avoid misjudging and removing the true positive images [15].
   After first filtering, we demand a more refined metric to cut down the amount of
images. Then a Fast Fourier Transform is applied to images. Once this step is com-
pleted, the average value in the transformed image is obtained and then scaled accord-
ing to the size of the image to compensate for the tearing effect. The average value is
then used for thresholding the image with the larger value representing the focused
image and the lower value representing the blurred image.

Covered filtering. To detect if an image is covered by something or facing the ceiling
or wall, we use detectors with maximum connected area calculator to calculate the pro-
portion of subjects in the image. Then we remove the images that have a subject’s size
over 90% of the whole area. The method used is described as follows:
   Step 1 Convert the images into grayscale images.
   Step 2 Convert grayscale images into binary images.
   Step 3 Convert the binary images into matrixes.
   Step 4 Find the largest pattern in matrixes and calculate the proportion of it.
   Step 5 Remove the images according to the result of matrix calculate.
3.3     The two-class approach

In this approach, we consider each query topic independently to retrieve lifelog image
according to the defined topic. For each topic, we get a two-class classifier that can
classify the True images and False images after training. The topics defined by organ-
izers are listed in Table 1 [16].

                                Table 1. The topics of LMRT

  Topic ID     Topic Title                     Topic Description
                                               Find the moment when u1 was looking at
  001          In a Toyshop
                                               items in a toyshop
                                               Find any moment when u1 was driving
  002          Driving home
                                               home from the office
                                               Find the moments when u1 was looking in-
  003          Seeking Food in a Fridge
                                               side a refrigerator at home
                                               Find the moments when either u1 or u2
  004          Watching Football
                                               was watching football on the TV
                                               Find the moment when u1 was having cof-
  005          Coffee time
                                               fee in a cafe
                                               Find the moment when u1 was having
  006          Having breakfast at home
                                               breakfast at home.
                                               Find the moment when u1 was having cof-
  007          Having coffee with two person
                                               fee with two person.
                                               Find the moment when u1 was using
  008          Using smartphone outside        smartphone when he was walking or stand-
                                               ing outside.
                                               Find the moment when U1 was wearing a
  009          Wearing a red plaid shirt
                                               red plaid shirt
                                               Find all moments when u1 was attending a
  010          Having a meeting in China
                                               meeting in China.

   The performance of classifiers depends on the preprocessing methods and the train-
ing of CNNs. We propose to use supervised learning methods based on Alexnet or
Googlenet, for what a pre-trained CNN has a better performance rather than training a
CNN from the beginning. The details of the pipeline are described as follows:

1.Preprocessing the dataset as mentioned before. After all the blur filtering and cov-
ered filtering, it leaves us with 51.8K true images.
2.Directories choosing and concept filtering. For each query topic, we divide them
into directories based on different specific categories. Then we make the corresponding
directories for each query by exerting the constraint on the specific topic, and manually
select the proper directories by imposing restriction on the concepts. Besides the visual
concept, we adapt the time stamp into concept that represent the period of a day and
also the binary concept that shows if the music is played in specific moment [17].
   The directories we discussed are shown in table 2, the nulls in table mean that the
constraint is not considered for avoid misjudging. The topic 009 is an exception corre-
sponding to all images with no constraint.
                            Table 2. Selected Images per topic.

  Topic ID    Location         Activity          Time             Concept
  001         Not DCU                                             Not outdoor
              Not Restaurant
              Not Home
  002                          transport         Not morning
  003         Home
  004         Not Park         Not walking                        TV, unknown, No music
                               Not transport
  005         Cafe,            Not transport
  006         Home             Not transport                      Morning
  007         Not DCU          Not walking
                               Not transport
  008         Not Home         Not transport                      Not enclosed area
  010         Not DCU                                             enclosed area
              Not Home
              Not Work

   Besides, several state-of-art tools is used to filter the irrelevant images and the re-
dundant images. For example, the relevant score is calculated by the concepts based on
the referenced directories [18]. We apply VisiPics as a trick to remove the duplicate
images for improving the diversification and the generalization performance [19], and
also lightening the load. All these tricks are implemented for a better performance.
3.Manual choosing several images as true. We manually select 8 to 20 True images
for each queries topic from the corresponding directory. The choosing procedure via
the categories that predicted by using the Place CNN [20], and the number of True
images depends on the official preprocessing clustering result of meta dataset.
4.Trainning by implementing pre-trained CNN. Pre-trained convolutional neural
network Alexnet or Googlenet (trained on ImageNet) is adopted.
5.Testing on the chosen directory by fine-tuned CNN. After training, we use the fine-
tuned CNN to test on the corresponding directory. And the results are used as the train-
ing dataset for retrained fine-tuning CNN.
6.Splitting the results into two classes by relevance to the query topic. We move
the results into two directories by images batching processing (we notice that the true
images also have principle of locality). One of the directories is True, then the other is
7.Training by implementing the same pre-trained CNN. We use the same trained
CNN that we used in step2 as well.
8.Testing on all data. The retrained CNN is applied to all images of entire dataset.
9.Saving the results in required format. The procedure is designed to automatically
transfer the results as the collecting into CSV format in MATLAB.
3.4    The eleven-class approach

With the basic pipeline proposed before, we apply the entire pipeline to all ten topics
at once. We classify the True images of each topic into 10 classes. And the images
which do not belong to these ten classes are classified as False. The 11 classes are 10
True classes of each topic and the only one False class. The pipeline before merging is
the same as the former two-class approach, and the procedures after merging are pre-
sented below:
1.Trainning by implementing pre-trained CNN. The Alexnet or Googlenet is trained
on the eleven classes.
2.Testing on all data. The retrained CNN is applied to all images of entire dataset.
3.Saving the results in the required format. The results are converted into required
format automatically.

3.5    The clustering approach

The approach is quite same to the former approaches, the difference is that we propose
a procedure of clustering right after the first-round retrieval. In clustering approach, we
just merge the True images of each topic into 10 classes in spite of the False class for
training. The pipeline before merging is the same as the Two-class approach, and the
procedures after merging are presented below:

1.Trainning by implementing pre-trained CNN. The Alexnet or Googlenet is trained
on the ten classes.
2.Testing on all data. The retrained CNN is applied to all images of entire dataset.
3.Clustering by implementing LVQ algorithm. In this process of work, learning vec-
tor quantization (LVQ) algorithm is used for clustering. The main steps of algorithm
include: initializing the prototype vector; iterative optimization, update the prototype
vector. The details of algorithm are introduced below (A set of prototype vectors is
initialized by randomly selecting a sample labeled 𝑡q from the q cluster firstly):

 Algorithm 1 LVQ algorithm
  1: Repeat
  2:    Pick a random sample
  3:    Calculate the Euclidean distance from the sample to each prototype vector
  4:    Find the shortest distance
  5:    If yj = t i (same class)
  6:       p' = pj + a (xj -pj ) (reduce the distance so that p become closer to the sam-
 ple point)
  7:    Else
  8:       p' = pj - a (xj -pj ) (increase the distance so that p become farther from the
 sample point)
  9:    pj = p'(update)
 10: Until the condition to end is met.
4.Saving the results in the required format. The results are converted into required
format automatically.

4       Experiment

4.1     Results discussion

Due to time limit and other force majeure factors, we just submit one run follow basic
two-class approach during the competition, however, we send our new results to the
organizers after the deadline of submission and get an evaluation of our whole three
retrieval approaches. The only run that we submitted during the competition follows
the pipeline described in Section 3.
   To evaluate the performance, the metrics used are F1@X (X=10), which measure
the harmonic mean between Precision at X (P@X) and Cluster recall at X (CR@X),
with X representing the top X results are taken into consideration in evaluation. So the
diversity (via CR@10) and relevance (via P@10) are both taken into account. The re-
sults of our runs are displayed in Table3. The runs with * are submitted after the com-

               Table 3. Result on ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 - LMRT challenge.

    Run ID   Description                               P@10        CR@10       F1@10
    Run 1    Two-class approach with Alexnet           0.71        0.380       0.440
    Run 2*   Two-class approach with Googlenet         0.74        0.342       0.428
    Run 3*   Eleven-class approach with Alexnet        0.41        0.305       0.330
    Run 4*   Eleven-class approach with Googlenet      0.48        0.348       0.363
    Run 5*   Clustering approach                       0.59        0.498       0.481

   The run 1 (with the details in table 4) is the only run we submit through the evalua-
tion system, while the run 5 has the best performance in diversification (CR@X), which
is one of the most notable performance in lifelog moment retrieval. The details of last
4 runs are shown in Figure 2. Compared with run 3 and run 4, run 2 and run 5 have
better performance. Which apparently shows that the eleven-class approach needs to be
improved in precision.
   From the charts we summarize that the query 8(Using smartphone outside) is diffi-
cult to retrieve, however, when we manually verify the retrieval results in query 8, we
find that most of retrieval results are related to phone using and outdoor. So, we con-
sider whether the problem is about the definition of outside? Using smartphone in the
yards probably is not affirmed as true. Besides, the vital signs devices that included in
dataset are noise for smartphone retrieval.
   In the proposed pipeline, the manual operation is taken into consideration, so the
results are fluctuating in a certain range. And to summarize from the results, the method
of clustering is a significant influence factor, a better method of clustering improves the
result rapidly in the performance in diversity, and also can improve the performance of
relevance within limits.
                                Table 4. Detail results for run1
 RUN1       P@5     CR@ 5   F1@ 5       P@10     CR@ 10    F1@ 10    P@50   CR@ 50   F1@ 50

 Query 1    0.8     0.5     0.615       0.9      1         0.947     0.24   1        0.387

 Query 2    1       0.095   0.174       1        0.095     0.174     1      0.143    0.25

 Query 3    1       0.167   0.286       0.7      0.278     0.398     0.56   0.778    0.651

 Query 4    0.8     0.25    0.381       0.7      0.25      0.368     0.72   0.5      0.590

 Query 5    0.8     0.333   0.471       0.8      0.333     0.471     0.74   0.333    0.46

 Query 6    0.8     0.222   0.348       0.8      0.222     0.348     0.68   0.444    0.538

 Query 7    1       1       1           1        1         1         0.54   1        0.701

 Query 8    0       0       0           0        0         0         0.08   0.333    0.129

 Query 9    1       0.286   0.444       1        0.286     0.444     1      0.286    0.444

 Query 10   0       0       0           0.2      0.333     0.25      0.52   1        0.684

                            Fig. 3. Detail results for last 4 runs

4.2     Resources

Our approach is implemented using Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @3.50Ghz with 16G RAM.
We work on Ubuntu16.04 using MATLAB 2019a. We use Neural Network Toolbox
with GPU coder which generates CUDA from MATLAB code for deep learning. The
OpenCV and PyTorch are also used.
5      Conclusion

This paper presents our proposal for lifelog retrieval system on Lifelog moment re-
trieval (LMRT)subtask, which is corresponding to different types of queries, such as
location, time, activity, and additional biometric data. As for procedure of prepro-
cessing, we present three different methods of preprocessing to adapt the meta dataset
to dataset which is appropriate in quantity and quality. During the retrieval process,
we implement three different methods to compare the relevant and diversified perfor-
mance of retrieval results.
    Experimental results show that our proposal is of high precision and reactiveness in
official ranking metric F1-measure, while the relevant score is far better (P@10) than
the diversified score (CR@10). Therefore, the ability of diversifying the results could
be improved further, which helps to achieve a comprehensive and complete view of
the query. The clustering method of our system is able to be updated to improve the
performance of entire system.
    As for future work, we will improve the pipeline of our proposal using the natural
language processing approach such as RNN and LSTM to automatically match the
query topics with visual concept. What’s more, we will develop a user-friendly graphics
interface for our proposal.


This work is supported by Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China
under Grant No. LY18F020032 and Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
No. 61502424.

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