=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_170 |storemode=property |title=Species Recommendation using Intensity Models and Sampling Bias Correction (GeoLifeCLEF 2019: Lof_of_Lof team) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_170.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Pascal Monestiez,Christophe Botella |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/MonestiezB19 }} ==Species Recommendation using Intensity Models and Sampling Bias Correction (GeoLifeCLEF 2019: Lof_of_Lof team)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_170.pdf
 Species recommendation using intensity models
  and sampling bias correction (GeoLifeCLEF
             2019: Lof of Lof team)

                      Monestiez Pascal1 , Christophe Botella2
                              INRA, BioSP, Avignon, France
                          INRA, UMR AMAP, Montpellier, France

        Abstract. This paper presents three algorithms for species spatial rec-
        ommendation in the context of the GeoLifeCLEF 2019 challenge. We
        submitted three runs to this task, all based on the estimation of species
        environmental intensities through Poisson processes models: The first is
        directly derived from MAXENT method used for species distribution
        models. The second method is a modification that uses sites were species
        observed as background points in MAXENT to correct for spatial sam-
        pling bias due to heterogeneous sampling in the training occurrences. The
        last method jointly estimates species and sampling intensities to correct
        for sampling bias. The best run was the MAXENT method which was
        ranked 14 over 44 runs with a top30 accuracy of 0.111 on the test set
        while the worst performing method was LOF with an accuracy of 0.086
        (ranked 19).

1     Introduction

Predicting the species most likely to be observed from a location participate to
build better biodiversity identification systems by reducing the list of candidate
species that are observable at a given location. This may unlock the participa-
tion of citizen masses in biodiversity monitoring. It also helps experts with the
burden of data quality check. Last but not least, it might serve educational pur-
poses thanks to biodiversity discovery applications providing innovative features
such as contextualized educational pathways. For this purpose, the GeoLifeCLEF
2019 ([Botella et al., 2019b]) task aims at evaluating species spatial recommen-
dation algorithms to stimulate their improvement. It is one of the three tasks of
the LifeCLEF 2019 evaluation campaign ([Alexis Joly, 2019]).
This challenge is highly related to the problem known as Species Distribution
Modeling (SDM) in ecology [Elith and Leathwick, 2009]. SDM have become in-
creasingly important in the last few decades for the study of biodiversity, macro
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
ecology, community ecology and the ecology of conservation. Concretely, the
goal of SDM is to infer the spatial distribution of a given species, and they are
often based on a set of geo-localized occurrences of that species (collected by
naturalists, field ecologists, nature observers, citizen sciences project, etc.). No
standard methods for species distribution method have been implemented in last
year edition of GeoLifeCLEF. We implemented three methods based on Poisson
point processes models ([Diggle, 2003], [Renner et al., 2015]) that estimate the
relative environmental intensity of species from geolocated occurrences. In all
our approaches, we estimate an absolute species intensity over space, and de-
rive, for any location, the relative probability of any species from normalization
of its intensity by the sum of intensities over all species.
The first run (MAXENT) submitted is a simple loglinear Poisson process imple-
mented with maxnet R package ([Phillips et al., 2017]) for 141 species of the test
set with a selection of environmental variables globally suited for modeling plant
species distribution. We then fit a modified version with Target-Group back-
ground points [Phillips et al., 2009] (called TGB), a way of correcting for sam-
pling selection bias. Finally, we used another sampling bias correction method
(LOF). We implemented a joint estimation of all species intensities along with
the spatial sampling effort over a regular mesh of squares, that is then set con-
stant for prediction.

2     Data pre-processing

The dataset description may be found on the challenge overview
[Botella et al., 2019b].

Species selection - We first filtered species occurrences whose identification cer-
tainty score (field FirstResPLv2Score) was above 0.85 in the PL complete
dataset. Then, we kept only the 300 species with highest number of occurrences
to prevent over-fitting (list of species L0 ). We then made the intersection of those
species with species of GeoLifeCLEF test set, which gave the list of 141 species
(L1 ) included in our predictions, so our predictions lack 703 test set species. L1
is shown in the table SpeciesTable.csv of the Github repository 3 . MAXENT
and TGB runs used only occurrences with identification score superior to 0.98,
while LOF run used occurrences with identification score superior to 0.85, but
they were fitted on the same list of species L1 . In all cases, we finally kept only
the occurrences which had valid values for the selected environmental variables
(described below).

Environmental features selection We selected a set of 9 environmental variables
to model the environmental intensity of species included in the model. Follow-
ing the recommendations of [Mod et al., 2016] on environmental variables for
modeling macro ecological species niches, we included mean and annual varia-
tion of temperature (chbio 1, chbio 5), annual precipitations (chbio 12), po-
tential evapo-transpiration (etp), elevation (alti), slope (slope), available wa-
ter capacity of the soil (awc top), a soil pH proxy (bs top) and a simplified
plant habitat type descriptor (based on clc). Even though, the land cover cat-
egory and elevation are not directly linked to species eco-physiological require-
ments, they have strong empirical links with species distributions as described
by [Mod et al., 2016] and have a much sharper spatial grain, with a resolution
around 100 meters. Then, we defined features derived from those environmen-
tal variables that would constitute the linear predictor of the species intensity.
For continuous environmental variables we chose to model the intensity response
with a Gaussian density function, which means that we kept the original vari-
able and added a quadratic transformation of it to the linear predictor. This
concerns variables: chbio 1, chbio 5, chbio 12-etp, etp, alti and slope. We
combined annual precipitations chbio 12 and potential evapotranspiration etp
into chbio 12-etp, called the water balance, which is commonly used in plants
SDM [Mod et al., 2016]. We included categorical pedologic variables represent-
ing physico-chemical properties categories. However, for clc variable, we aggre-
gated the 48 initial land cover categories into 5 to avoid inflating the number of
parameters for the land cover effect. Indeed, we defined a Simplified Habitat Ty-
pology (spht) with types: cultivated, forest, grasslands, urban and other.
Each type includes several CORINE Land Cover 2012 categories as shown in Ta-
ble 1. We also included an interaction effect between water balance and slope in
the model. As a summary, equation 1 shows the R formula of the linear predictor
of any species intensity. It yields 18 features parameters.

    ∼ etp + I(etp2 ) + I(chbio 12-etp) + I((chbio 12-etp)2 )
      +chbio 1 + I(chbio 12 ) + chbio 5 + I(chbio 52 ) + alti + I(alti2 )
      +slope + I(slope2 ) + awc top + I(awc top2 ) + bs top + I(bs top2 )
      +spht + slope:I(chbio 12-etp)

3    Methodology

The R code for fitting models and producing the runs can be found on the
dedicated github repository https://github.com/ChrisBotella/GLC19runs/.

run 27124: MAXENT - We used the R package maxnet ([Phillips et al., 2017]) to
fit independently each species intensity from its occurrences. This package imple-
ments the method MAXENT. We constrained the features to be those of the pre-
vious paragraph Environmental features selection. This method requires to
provide quadrature points, which are meant to represent the distribution of envi-
ronmental variables in the spatial domain where the species is observed. We drew
a set Z0 of background points uniformly over the French territory until there was
at least 3 points per 4x4km square cells of a regular grid. With this setting, the
method approximately fits a L1 penalized Poisson Process for each species with
the given loglinear intensity model over environmental features. For each species
of L1 , we ran the maxnet function with the occurrences of the species (score iden-
tification ≥ 0.98) and background points Z0 . For more implementation details on
this part, one must refer to the file make maxent and tgb models.R of the github
repository. Once the maxnet model was fitted for each species i ∈ [1, 141], its
features parameters βi ∈ Rp were stored. Then, we estimated a posteriori the in-
tercept αi of the linear predictor because maxnet package Pdoesn’t provides it. We
can compute it with the following formula αi = log(ni / z∈Ztest exp(βiT x(z))),
where ni is the number of training occurrences for i and Ztest is the set of test
occurrences locations. Then
                         P141 we compute the probability of species i at location
z as exp(αi + βiT x(z))/ j=1 exp(αj + βjT x(z)). This second step is implemented
in the script file make maxent and tgb runs.R of the github repository. We note
that this two steps procedure is equivalent to a one step estimation of features
and intercept parameters.

run 27123: TGB - This run implements the Target-Group Background method
introduced in [Phillips et al., 2009]. It is the same as the MAXENT run (27124)
except that the background points are selected differently. We first defined el-
ementary sites where it is assume that the sampling effort is constant across
sampled sites. We used the cells of the raster grid of the alti variable as sites
because it is the highest resolution variable of our model, so the environment
is roughly constant in those sites. We took a background point for each site
where lies at least an occurrence of L0 . We removed points were non-valid en-
vironmental features were found. Once the model were fitted, we used the same
procedure as for MAXENT to derive run predictions. The model fitting and run
building are implemented in the script files make maxent and tgb models.R and
make maxent and tgb runs.R of the github repository.

run 27063: LOF - We fitted a marked point process where the marks are the
species identifiers.
          PQ          For any species i, its occurrences intensity is decomposed as
z → exp( j=1 γj 1z∈cj ) exp(βiT x(z)). The first factor models the sampling effort
which is shared between all species, while the second is the species environmental
intensity, i.e. its abundance. Each species intensity has exactly the same struc-
ture has the ones estimated in previous runs. The sampling effort is constructed
as a step function constant over units of a spatial mesh. The mesh is a regular
spatial grid of squares of 4km side over the French metropolitan territory includ-
ing Corsica, and restricted it to squares whose center was closer than 4km from
the border or coast. We kept only the squares that had more than 5 occurrences
inside and excluded the occurrences from the other squares. Thus, we ended
up for this model with a set of 475,138 occurrences from L0 , distributed over
15,556 spatial squares covering around 40% of the French territory. This model
and fitting procedure is entirely described in details in the submitted article
[Botella et al., 2019a] which preprint is already downloadable 4 (the submitted
run are directly extracted from the real data illustration) and the R imple-
mentation of this method can be found in the script file plantnet effort.R
at https://github.com/ChrisBotella/SamplingEffort. Once we fitted this
model, we extracted for each species of L1 its environmental intensity compo-
nent, and then built the run predictions as for other runs. This last step is
implemented in the script file make lof run.R of the repository.

4   Results and discussion

The top30 results of our three runs on the test set are represented in the graph
of Figure, which was pulled from the GeoLifeCLEF 2019 overview working note
[Botella et al., 2019b], with dark yellow bars.
    The best run was the MAXENT method which was ranked 14 over 44 runs
with a top30 accuracy of 0.111 on the test set while the worst performing method
was LOF with an accuracy of 0.086 (ranked 19). TGB made a score of 0.098.
Thus, both bias correction methods failed to improve the model performance
compared to the standard MAXENT approach. Theoretically, it was expectable
that bias correction would not change the performance. Indeed, global sampling
bias in the training data, which similarly multiplies the intensity of all species,
doesn’t affect the relative probabilities across species at a given place. However,
the loss of performance is surprising. In the case of LOF, this performance gap
might be due to the training data that include more occurrences of each species
with less identification reliability, or to a model variance problem due to the
high number of sampling effort parameters (around 15,000). The performance
gap between MAXENT (27124) and TGB (27123) shows that the background
points selection scheme have an impact on model predictive power.
    Despite the small number of features in the MAXENT model and the fact
that we only included 141 of the 844 test species in our models prediction,
MAXENT method had better performances than purely spatial machine learn-
ing algorithms (runs 26988, 27102), artificial neural networks (runs 26875) and
some CNN methods (runs 27004, 27005) learnt on all species. The few environ-
mental features selected for the species model based on expert knowledge might
have enabled to capture an important part of species abundance variance while
avoiding to fall in the trap of model over-fitting.

5   Perspectives

Further work include investigating why bias correction methods failed compared
to MAXENT, and study the generalisation power, at long spatial range, of MAX-
ENT predictions compared to other more complex models like ANN and CNN,
more likely to overfit.
Fig. 1. Top30 accuracy results per run and participant for the GeoLifeCLEF 2019

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  CLC category description                      spht category name Raster code
  Non-irrigated arable land                     cultivated         12
  Permanently irrigated land                    cultivated         13
  Vineyards                                     cultivated         15
  Fruit trees and berry plantations             cultivated         16
  Complex cultivation patterns                  cultivated         20
  agriculture, with areas of natural vegetation cultivated         21
  Agro-forestry areas                           cultivated         22
  Pastures                                      grasslands         18
  Natural grasslands                            grasslands         26
  Moors and heathland                           grasslands         27
  Sclerophyllous vegetation                     grasslands         28
  Broad-leaved forest                           forest             23
  Coniferous forest                             forest             24
  Mixed forest                                  forest             25
  Transitional woodland-shrub                   forest             29
  Continuous urban fabric                       urban              1
  Discontinuous urban fabric                    urban              2
  Industrial or commercial units                urban              3
  Road and rail networks and associated land    urban              4
  Airports                                      urban              6
  Green urban areas                             urban              10
  Sport and leisure facilities                  urban              11
  Port areas                                    other              5
  Mineral extraction sites                      other              7
  Dump sites                                    other              8
  Construction sites                            other              9
  Rice fields                                   other              14
  Olive groves                                  other              17
  Annual crops associated with permanent crops other               19
  Beaches, dunes, sands                         other              30
  Bare rocks                                    other              31
  Sparsely vegetated areas                      other              32
  Burnt areas                                   other              33
  Glaciers and perpetual snow                   other              34
  Inland marshes                                other              35
  Peat bogs                                     other              36
  Salt marshes                                  other              37
  Salines                                       other              38
  Intertidal flats                              other              39
  Water courses                                 other              40
  Water bodies                                  other              41
  Coastal lagoons                               other              42
  Estuaries                                     other              43
  Sea and ocean                                 other              44
  No data                                       other              48
  Unclassified land surface                     other              49
  Unclassified water bodies                     other              50
Table 1. spht (Aggregated land cover) categories correspondance with Corine Land
Cover 2012.