=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_171 |storemode=property |title=Using Hashtags and POS-Tags for Author Profiling |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_171.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Flurin Gishamer |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Gishamer19 }} ==Using Hashtags and POS-Tags for Author Profiling== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_171.pdf
     Using Hashtags and POS-Tags for Author Profiling
                         Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                                        Flurin Gishamer

                         ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

        Abstract This paper investigates automatic methods to separate human created
        from bot created Tweets, and in the case of human, determine the gender of an
        author. The novel contribution is the investigation of 2 research questions, firstly
        the usability of part of speech tags and secondly the usability of hashtags as addi-
        tional features. It therefore extends the models presented by Daneshvar et al. and
        Basile et al. in the course of past Author Profiling Tasks @ Pan. The results are
        evaluated as part of the Author Profiling Task @ Pan 2019. It will be shown that
        the segmentation of hashtags as well as using POS-Tags n-grams can increase the
        accuracy when classifying bot and gender on the PAN Twitter-dataset. By adding
        these features and combining them in an ensemble classifier, it was possible to
        achieve accuracies of 94% for bots and 84% for gender for the English language
        on the official test set. However, with 79% for bots and 71% for gender, the per-
        formance on the Spanish part of the dataset differs significantly. Possible reasons
        for this shall be examined in the evaluation of the system.

1     Introduction
The ubiquity of social media, in private communication and media coverage calls for
strategies to validate both identity of users as well as the validity of the shared content
to prevent misuse and manipulation of public opinion.
     In [1] Shao et al. state that the deliberate spreading of false information, so-called
fake news, is a serious concern. Guess, Nagler and Tucker, who conducted a represen-
tative online survey on Facebook users behavior in connection with fake news, say that
"The vast majority of Facebook users in our data did not share any articles from fake
news domains" [2]. If one compares this with the finding from Chu, Gianvecchio, Wang
and Jajodia in [3] that 24% of the Tweets generated on Twitter originate from bots, and
relates it with the statement of Shao et al. that "social bots played a disproportionate
role in spreading articles from low-credibility sources" [1], it can be concluded that the
identification of bot profiles on social media is an important and promising approach to
prevent the spreading of fake news, and thus the manipulation of public opinion.
     The present work deals with the identification of features, which are suitable to
improve the accuracy of existing methods. The focus lies on the identification of bots
as well as the identification of gender from authors on Twitter. Both POS-tags as well
as the information contained in hashtags are considered.
    Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
1.1   Research Questions

The present work examines two central questions, namely:
 1. "Does the syntactic structure of Twitter Tweets reveal information about the au-
    thor’s identity with respect to gender/bot, moreover, if so, are such patterns univer-
    sal, i.e. are these patterns independent of content ?"
    Part of speech tags were chosen to represent the syntactic structure. To consider the
    sequential nature of the data, POS tags bi- and tri-grams were used as features..

 2. "Do hashtags in Twitter Tweets contain information about the identity of the author
    and can this information improve the accuracy of gender/bot-classification when
    looking at the individual words they comprise?"
    Due to the special nature of hashtags, where users are forced to use a single word,
    therefore using compound words, the approach of segmenting hashtags and using
    the resulting words as features was chosen.
   The goal is to develop a model that can classify Tweets via the use of an enriched
body of features, analyzing them in parallel and combining them.

1.2   Author Profiling Task @ PAN 2019
In [4] author profiling is described as: "the analysis of shared content in order to pre-
dict different attributes of authors such as gender, age, personality, native language, or
political orientation."
    The task described by Rangel et al. in [5] is concerned with the identification of an
authors gender and additionally if the author is either human or bot.
    PAN is a series of workshops concerned with digital text forensics [6] and is carried
out as part of the CLEF conference which is concerned with the systematic evaluation
of information access systems.
    The common basis of all participants is a dataset containing 100 Tweets per author,
which are combined in one file per author with a corresponding label assigned to it. A
label can have the following values: bot/human, and in the case of humans, female/male.
    The dataset of the Author Profiling Task 2019 includes the languages English and
Spanish. The English dataset contains 4120 authors, of which 2060 are bots, and the re-
maining 2060 are divided into 1300 female and 1300 male authors. The Spanish dataset
contains 3000 authors, of which 1500 are bots, and the remaining 1500 are divided into
750 female and 750 male authors.
    Consequently, the gender of the author or whether the author is human should be
inferred based on a set of short messages which are available in purely textual form
(without meta information or additional content such as images). The evaluation of all
submitted systems is carried out on the online platform Tira [7].
    To obtain the final scores, the results of all participants are ranked by accuracy.
A detailed description as well as results and comparisons of systems submitted to the
Author Profiling Task @ Pan 2019 can be found in the official overview paper [5].
2   Related Work
A data set concerned with bot-detection is the honeypot data set. It was introduced by
Morstatter et al. in [8], and as the name suggests was created using so-called honeypot
bots. They say that honeypot bots such that "... any user in the network that connects to a
honeypot will be considered as a bot" [8]. To identify bots, they developed an extension
of the AdaBoost algorithm which they call BoostOr, and used the honeypot dataset to
evaluate it. According to Morstatter et al. BoostOr "focuses more on the mislabeled bots
and downweights mis-labeled regular users." [8].
     In [9] Cai, Li and Zengi Introduce their Behaviour enhanced deep bot detection
model. It is an artificial neural network architecture which uses an LSTM, to learn a
representation of the sequence of an authors Twitter history. They evaluated their model
on the honeypot dataset presented in [8], and report in [9] that this model, called BeDM
reaches an F1 score of 87.32% as opposed to the BoostOr model presented in [8] which,
according to Cai et al. reaches an F1 score of 86.10%
     In [10] Basile et al. presented a model with a "simple SVM system (using the sci-
kit-learn LinearSVM implementation) that uses character 3- to 5-grams and word 1- to
2-grams with tf-idf weighting" through which they achieved the best result in the Author
Profiling Task @ Pan 2017. In the following year, several of the best-ranked systems
(when only considering textual features) employed similar strategies with respect to
n-grams and the classification algorithm used.
     According to [4] the best result in the combined Author Profiling Task @ Pan 2018
was achieved by Takahashi et al. [11] Their text component consists of a bi-directional
recurrent neural network whose output leads via two successive pooling layers into a
fully connected layer. As features, they used word vectors. In this system, however, the
result of the textual features is supplemented with information from images, which are
analyzed using a convolutional neural network. The achieved accuracy averaged over
all three languages was according to [4] 78.72%.
     Rangel et al. state in [4] that the system of Daneshvar and Inkpen was able to achieve
the best results when only textual features were considered. The features were similar
to [10], with the addition of word 3-grams for the English part of the dataset and sub-
sequent Latent Semantic Analysis for all languages. The classification algorithm used
was a support vector machine [12].
     According to [4] the accuracy averaged over all three languages for Daneshvar’s
model was 81.70%. This result is noteworthy as it shows that the best score of the 2018
task was achieved without the use of the provided images.
     According to [4] Tellez et al. achieved the second-best result when considering only
textual features, with a value of 80.99%. Similar to [10] and [12], the Bag of Words
approach was chosen using the tf-Idf weighting scheme, and support vector machines
for classification. Note, however, the additional use of skip grams [13].
     In [14] Reuter, Pereira-Martins and Kalita present a pipeline to segment Hashtags.
It is a combination of several approaches, where the use of maximum known match-
ing seems to be worth mentioning, which tries to determine a metric for the length of
matches, and the result which delivers the longest match is rated highest.
     In [15] Declerck and Lendvai mention that Spanish sources contain fewer hashtags
than German ones, and that the camelCase notation is mainly used in English sources.
                           Figure 1. Components of the Pipeline

    Their approach segments hashtags written in camelCase notation in a first step, and
then uses them as a decision basis for segmenting hashtags written in lower case letters.
    In [16] and [4] it is stated that participants either normalized Tweets by removing
hashtags altogether, or used ratios of hashtags with respect to Tweets.
    To the author’s best knowledge, the approach of replacing hashtags with words ex-
tracted by segmentation has not yet been used in a model submitted to the Pan work-
    The use of POS tags as features in the form of n-grams has already been discussed
by Martinc et al. [17] in the Author Profiling Task @ Pan 2017, but only trigrams were
considered here. Furthermore, a single instance of a Logistic Regression Classifier was
employed for classification, to which a combination of differently weighted features
was provided.
    In [18] López-Santillán, Gonzalez-Gurrola and Ramfrez-Alonso introduce a model
in which they create embeddings of POS tags, using the same procedure as is used for
word embeddings. Here they chose the skip-gram approach. In addition to the word em-
beddings the obtained document vector is then enriched with these POS-embeddings.
    The LDSE baseline by Rangel, Rosso and Franco is described under [19] and is
concerned with the Task of Language variety identification.

3   Model Overview
The model proposed in this paper is based on and extends the model presented by
Daneshvar et al. in [12] and Basile et al. in [10]. It comprises two main components, of
which the first is the preprocessing pipeline, which is responsible for tokenization and
preprocessing of the Tweets.
    As is shown in Figure 1, the classification pipeline consists of a text and a POS-part,
of which the text component is similar to the implementation in [12] [10] [13], with
the addition of hashtag segmentation and handling of compound emojis. The second
component is concerned with the classification of POS-tags.
    The text and POS-part are combined in an ensemble classifier, which uses a support
vector machine as meta classifier.
    The resulting output is a prediction which is either bot/female/male, written to an
XML file per author.
                            Figure 2. Feature Extraction Pipeline

4     Methodology
This section provides a detailed discussion of the proposed model concerning the re-
search questions presented in the introduction. It first describes the preprocessing pipeline
and its specifics, with a particular focus on the peculiarities of Twitter Tweets, and then
the detailed structure of the classification pipeline.

4.1   Feature Extraction
As can be seen in Figure 2 during the preprocessing phase, the concatenated Tweets per
author are tokenized and Twitter specific replacements, hashtag-segmentation and part
of speech tagging is performed simultaneously.
    All of the preprocessing is performed using the spaCy NLP Framework as intro-
duced in [20] by Honnibal and Montani. For the English part, the en_cor_web_sm lan-
guage model was used, which incorporates a convolutional neural network trained on
the OntoNotes corpus, consisting of blog articles, news, and comments [21].
    For the Spanish part, the es_core_news_sm language model was used which is
trained on the AnCora and WikiNER corpus instead, which comprises news and media
content [22]. The Twitter specific functionality was implemented via the extension of
custom pipeline objects provided by spaCy.

Twitter Specific Preprocessing

Similar to [12] the first step was to perform several substitutions on the concatenated
Tweets per author:

                          Domain names: URLURL
                          End of a tweet: SNTDLM
                          E-mail addresses: EMAILEMAIL
                          Twitter handles: USERMENTION
                          Line breaks:      LNFD

    To obtain accurate part of speech tags (POS tags), the replacement SNTDLM was
used to indicate the end of a sentence to the tagger explicitly. As with [12], sequences of
the same letters, which occurred more than three times, were replaced with a sequence
of 3 letters, resulting in a replacement of the following form:
                          heeey, heeeeeey, heeeeeeey → heeey
Custom POS tags
The jargon used in social media has some constructs that do not occur in verbal commu-
nication or classical texts. In order to consider this, the POS tags have been enhanced
with the following elements:
                                 Domain names: URL
                                 Emojis:           EMJI
                                 E-mail addresses: EML
                                 Hashtags:         HSHT
                                 Twitter Handles: HNDL

Emojis can be modified in several ways, e.g. there is a skin-tone modifier which can be
used to change the skin color of Emojis. Additionally, the combination of several Emojis
is possible, e.g. in the family Emoji , which consist of ,             and : Combining
several emojis is generally achieved by creating a sequence with the so-called Zero-
Width-Joiner (ZWJ). When using a whitespace tokenizer, this is problematic in several
ways: firstly during tokenization, such sequences are cut at the ZWJ, and secondly,
the ZWJ remains in the resulting token stream. Therefore the tokenizer was adapted to
recognize compound emojis and treat them as one token. For the POS tagger this means
that regardless of the length of a sequence of emojis, the result is always one POS-tag.

Hashtag Segmentation
To determine whether hashtags contain information about the identity of an author,
when classifying bot/female/male, the procedure of segmenting composite hashtags
into individual words was chosen, resulting in replacements of the form:
                 #makeamericagreatagain → make america great again
                 #roomforrent           → room for rent
    If the hashtag consist of a single word, a wordlist lookup is first performed to avoid
divisions such as the following:
                                #iconic   → i conic
                                #handsome → hand some
    The Viterbi algorithm who was first presented by Viterbi in [23] and more specific
an adaptation of it by Bacon [24] was used to segment composite hashtags into indi-
vidual words. In [25] it is described as follows: "the VA may be viewed as a solution
to the problem of maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation of the state se-
quence of a finite-state discrete-time Markov process". To calculate the probability of
the word under consideration, the algorithm needs to access word frequency lists. Dur-
ing the development of the model, such lists were generated from the Pan Dataset, but
it was found that word frequency lists based on the OpenSubtitles corpus by Lison and
Tiedemann [26] gave superior results. Hence the final model uses them instead.
    In the actual algorithm a test is performed first, if the length of a hashtag is less than
3 characters, or it is contained within the provided wordlist, the word without the pound
character is returned.
                              Figure 3. Classification Pipeline

    Then a nested loop is executed which steps through the string, considering each
substring contained in the hashtag, and using a function to assign it a probability.
    The mentioned function takes a word as argument and returns its probability, which
is calculated by dividing its frequency by the total number of word occurrences within
the provided word-frequency list (this information is contained data variable). The
words with the highest probability found are then returned.

4.2   Classification
The classification pipeline shown in Figure 3 consists of an ensemble that combines
the results of the text and POS components using an SVM meta-learner to make the
final prediction. The ensemble was implemented with the ML-Ensemble framework
developed by Flennerhag which facilitates parallel computations [27]. For the single
components such as the tf-idf vectorizer, singular value decomposition or the linear
svm classifier the sci-kit learn framework was used.
    Experiments were conducted with both, a soft- and hard-voting approach, it was
found that the ensemble achieves the best results using a soft-voting approach.

As proposed in [10] word 1- to 2-grams in addition to character 3- to 5-grams were
used in the text-component. As suggested in [12], for English, character 3-grams were
also included. For the POS-Pipeline grid-search was performed which indicated that a
combination of word 2- and 3-grams are the optimal setting.

Text Component
The text component uses both word n-grams and character n-grams as features. Each of
which is transformed separately into tf-Idf vectors, where only tokens with a term fre-
quency greater than or equal to 2 are considered. The set of resulting document vectors
is the source material for latent semantic analysis. This part of the pipeline is essentially
an extension to the systems presented under [12] [10]. Experiments with logistic regres-
sion have been carried out. However, a support vector machine with a linear kernel has
proved to be the most effective choice, just like in [12]. In order to enable multi-class
classification different strategies were considered out of which the best results were
achieved with a One vs. One approach.
                                 Figure 4. Reliability Curves

POS Component
In the POS component, n-grams were also generated in a first step, but only on the to-
ken level (no character n-grams were used). The use of n-grams was chosen to allow the
classifier to at least fundamentally analyze the information which lies in the sequence
of the data. Inspired by the text component, latent semantic analysis was also experi-
mented with but showed no improvement in accuracy. Interestingly, in contrast to the
text component, the accuracy increased when using logistic regression over a support
vector machine. Hence the final version uses it.

Probability Calibration
In [28] Platt et al. explain that “Posterior probabilities are also required when a classifier
is making a small part of an overall decision, and the classification outputs must be
combined for the overall decision.” [28]. He continues to point out that support vector
machines output an uncalibrated value which is not a probability. The ensemble of
the proposed model uses a meta-classifier with a soft-voting approach, which means
that it receives as input class-probabilities instead of hard labels. Therefore the SVM-
calssifier must be calibrated, as opposed to the logistic regression classifier of the POS-
component, which according to Niculescu-Mizil and Caruan [29] already predicts well-
calibrated probabilities. The calibration of the SVM was performed over the holdout set
of 3 folds; this step was directly included in the training process. In Figure 4 one can
see the reliability curve and the effect of calibration on the SVM-classifier.

5     Evaluation
This section presents and evaluates the results that the proposed model was able to
achieve on both the training and the test data. Special attention will be paid to the per-
formance of the POS-component and the differences between the Spanish and English
parts of the data-set.

5.1   Results on the Training Data
In accordance with [12] 60% of the PAN training data was used to train the models, and
40 % was used to evaluate them. In addition, 10-fold cross-validation was employed
during training. The following models were evaluated on the training data:
          Table 1. Model Comparison on Training Data           Table 2. Final Model on
                                                               Training Data
   Model          Features                    En Es
   Text Component N-Grams                     0.926 0.902                   En     Es
   Text Component N-Grams, Hashtags           0.944 0.914        Bot        1.00   0.99
   Ensemble       N-Grams, Hashtags, POS-tags 0.950 0.915        Gender     0.89   0.84

           Table 3. POS-Component on Training Data             Table 4. Final Model on Test
                Precision     Recall         F1-Score
                En     Es     En     Es      En    Es                      En      Es
      Bot       0.96 0.94     0.96 0.93      0.96 0.93          Bot        0.935   0.792
      Gender    0.70 0.68     0.71 0.69      0.71 0.69          Gender     0.840   0.712

                                Figure 5. Confusion Matrix

 1. Text component without hashtag-segmentation.
 2. Text component with hashtag-segmentation.
 3. Ensemble with text-component and pos-component

    Looking at the results in Table 1, which lists the mean accuracies for each examined
model for English and Spanish, it is noticeable that although a wide range of features
has been considered, the differences are all below 2%. Nevertheless, the combination
of hashtag-segmentation and POS classification leads to a measurable improvement in
the overall result.
    Both hashtags and POS n-grams have a higher influence on the English part of the
data-set. The hashtags in the English part improve the accuracy from 92.6% to 94.4%,
whereas the accuracy in the Spanish part increases from 90.2% to 91.4%. The differ-
ences for the POS component are even more pronounced. Looking at the differences
when adding the POS component, it can be seen that the increase in precision in the
English part is 0.5%, whereas in the Spanish part it is only 0.1%. Table 2 shows the
results with respect to precision for the final model on the training data by language and
class, here it shows, that the difference between class bot and gender for the Spanish
part is 5% higher than for the English part:
    Considered in isolation, with a mean accuracy of 81.3 % for Spanish, the POS
component has a significantly lower accuracy than the text component, but it improves
the overall result when used in an ensemble. The results for precision, recall, and F1-
Score of the POS-component can be seen in Table 3
    Since a One vs. One approach was chosen to implement the multiclass-classification,
each of the three classes bot/female/male has its own instance per component. The con-
fusion matrix in Figure 5 now shows that in both languages the number of bots wrongly
classified as men was much higher than the number of bots classified as women. In
English 10 women compared to 15 men, and in Spanish even 4 women compared to 20

5.2   Results on the Test Data
In order to evaluate the proposed model on the official test data set, it was first trained
on the entire training data and in a second step evaluated on the test data. The results
are listed in Table 4:
    What is particularly noteworthy about the results on the test data are the significant
differences between English and Spanish. The fact that the model achieved better results
on the English data-set could already be observed during training but was amplified on
the test data-set. Where on the training data-set the accuracy for Spanish was 84.5%
for the gender classification task compared to 89.5% for English, on the test data-set, it
became 71.2% for Spanish compared to 84% for English.

6     Conclusion
 1. Syntactic structure: It has been shown that it is possible to use POS-tags to clas-
    sify Tweets based on their syntactic structure, which means classification is possible
    without any information about the actual content of a text. In addition, it was deter-
    mined during the evaluation that these features are suitable to improve the accuracy
    of a system which until now has only classified on the basis of words.
 2. Hashtags: The results presented as part of the evaluation show that it is possible
    to improve accuracy when classifying, by segmenting the hashtags contained in the
    Tweets into individual tokens/words and replacing them with the original hashtag.
    It has also been shown that the approach presented, using word-frequency lists and
    the Viterbi algorithm to perform this segmentation is feasible.
    However, it was not possible to determine what caused the large differences in ac-
curacy between Spanish and English. A possible explanation for this are the different
corpora used to train the Tokenizer/POS taggers in English and Spanish, and the re-
spective word-frequency lists. Although López-Santillán et al. do not use tf-idf vectors,
but embeddings of POS tags as features [18], it is interesting that they also report lower
accuracies for Spanish than English.
7     Outlook
It would be interesting to investigate to what extent longer sequences enable an im-
provement in accuracy using an algorithm that is able to better address the relation-
ship between the individual elements. The use of LSTM or GRU networks would be
conceivable here. This would be a further step towards a model that can classify text
independent of content.
    In the proposed model, the tokens obtained by segmenting the hashtags were treated
exactly the same as other tokens. It should be examined whether a further improvement
in accuracy could be achieved through a different weighting scheme of the tokens ob-
tained from the hashtag segmentation.

8   Acknowledgements
I would like to express my very great appreciation to Prof. Dr. Martin Braschler for his
valuable and constructive contribution to the planning and development of this paper.
His feedback as a supervisor has always been of great value to me.
    I would also like to thank Saman Daneshvar for providing the source code of his
model, which allowed me to focus on my research questions.
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