AI600 Lab at ImageCLEF 2019 Concept Detection Task  Xinyi Wang1 and Ningning Liu2 1 School of International Trade and Economics, 2 School of Information Technology and Management, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029, P.R.China; Abstract. In this paper we describe the participation of AI600 Lab in the Im- ageCLEF 2019 Concept Detection task. We adopted an approach based on bag- of-visual-words model and logistic regression, using different SIFT descriptors as visual features. The classifiers were trained with different features respec- tively and weighted results were presented. Our best result ranked 26th among 58 runs and 7th out of 11 participant teams. Keywords: Concept Detection, Bag of Visual Words, Logistic Regression, Im- ageCLEF 1 Introduction In the previous ImageCLEF medical tasks, a lot of remarkable works have been pro- posed. While traditional methods and features were used [1-3], methods based on deep learning were also introduced [3-4]. In this year, ImageCLEF 2019 [5] Concept Detection task [6] aims on interpreting and summarizing the insight of radiology med- ical images automatically. For this task, we focused on multi-label classification with traditional visual features. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the de- tailed process of our experiment. Section 3 summarizes all of our submissions. Final- ly, in Section 4, we make a brief conclusion of our results. 2 Experiments 2.1 Data description This task used a subset of the Radiology Objects in COntext (ROCO) dataset [7]. Three image datasets were provided. The training, validation and test datasets con- Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li- cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano, Switzerland. tained 56,629, 14,157 and 10,000 radiology images. The training and validation sets were accompanied by UMLS concepts extracted from the original image caption. No external data were used in our participation. The training and validation sets were labeled with a total of 5,528 different con- cepts. We obtained the frequency distribution of all concepts. The distribution is showed in Table 1. Most of the concepts rarely appeared in the dataset. Only 58 of the 5,528 concepts were labeled with for more than 1000 times. Some major concepts appeared frequently in the image set while most concepts were difficult to detect. Table 1. Frequency statistics of the concepts in training set Frequency Number Proportion 0-10 3718 67.26% 10-100 1261 22.81% 100-1000 491 8.88% >=1000 58 1.05% Total 5528 100.00% Besides, we noticed that many labels are linked and correlated. For instance, imag- es labeled with Concept B in Table 2 were always labeled with Concept A. Among the concepts which were annotated with for more than 100 times in the training set, there were 157 pairs of concepts with strict inclusion relation. This relation was used for detecting some minor concepts. Table 2. Examples of concept pairs of Concept B(subset)-Concept A(superset) Concept B Freq. Concept A Freq. C0729233: dsct of thoracic aorta 843 C0817096: thoracics 7470 C3244306: operations 248 C0543467: surgically 1386 C0175676: echotomography 925 C0041618: medical sonography 3257 C0392148: presences 783 C0150312: found 1354 C0203379: 4d echocardiogr 734 C0183129: echocardiographs 1495 …… …… 2.2 Visual features and Bag-of-Visual-Words model We employed 4 kinds of SIFT descriptors as visual features: SIFT [8], C-SIFT [9], HSV-SIFT [10] and RGB-SIFT. A series of key points of all kinds of descriptors were extracted from each image. To build a bag-of-visual-words (BoVW) model, 2 million key points were randomly selected from the training set as the template key points of visual codebooks. To overcome the memory limitation, we calculated visual code- books using mini batch k-means [11], a variant of k-means algorithm. Compared to k- means algorithm, mini batch k-means can reduce the amount of computation and work faster. We tried various codebook sizes, or numbers of cluster centroids, and eventually used two different sizes: k = 10,000 and k = 20,000. For all images, histograms of features were calculated with different codebooks. Each extracted key point in an image was assigned to its closest clustering in the codebook by calculating the Euclidean distance to the cluster centroids. Then the frequency of different clusters was calculated as the representations of images. Finally, the Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (tf-idf) weights of visual words frequency matrices were calculated and normalized by the L1-norm. 2.3 Classification We employed a two-round classification. As the distribution of concepts was unbal- anced, we dropped most of the concepts and only considered major concepts which appeared in the training set more than a frequency threshold, F. F ranged from 800 to 1,500. After the first stage of classification, the matrices fed into the model were augmented with ground truth or predicted values of the appearances of major labels, then some minor concepts which were subsets of the concepts predicted and appeared more than 100 times were predicted. This improved the performance of the model slightly. We applied logistic regression as we deemed it a competitive and faster method of classification compared to support vector machine or k-Nearest Neighbor cluster. For this multi-label classification task, we trained classifiers for each concept separately. Each time we only used one feature for training and prediction. The final submissions were generated from the probabilistic results. 2.4 Experimental environment Our experiment was conducted under Ubuntu 18.04 operating system with Python 2.7.15. The mini batch k-means clustering and logistic regression algorithm were implemented using scikit-learn library [12]. Some necessary libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas and SciPy were also used. All SIFT visual features were extracted with ColorDescriptor software (version 4.0) [13]. 3 Results 3.1 The submitted runs We submitted 7 runs to ImageCLEF 2019 concept detection task, with 1 run of single feature model and 6 runs of ensemble models. For the ensemble model we weighted the results of single feature model. The weights of [SIFT, C-SIFT, HSV-SIFT, RGB- SIFT] were [0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3]. For the probability threshold p, we proposed a method for optimal threshold selection. The probability threshold we used made the concept distribution of the results on test set similar to the concept distribution of best predic- tions on validation set which had higher F1-scores [14]. We picked a few thresholds in a small range. The details of submitted runs are as follows. 1. ai600_result_rgb_1556989393: single feature model based on RGB-SIFT. The size of visual codebook k = 10,000. The frequency threshold F = 1,200, with 46 major concepts and 14 minor concepts used for training and predic- tion. The probability threshold p = 0.1. 2. ai600_result_weighing_1557059794: the combination of SIFT, C-SIFT, HSV-SIFT and RGB-SIFT. The size of visual codebook k = 10,000. The fre- quency threshold F = 1,200, with 46 major concepts and 14 minor concepts used for training and prediction. The probability threshold p = 0.2. 3. ai600_result_weighing_1557061479: the same as the ai600_result_weighing_ 1557059794, except that the size of visual codebook k = 20,000. 4. ai600_result_weighing_1557062212: the same as the ai600_result_weighing_ 1557059794, except that the frequency threshold F = 1,000. In total, 58 major concepts, as well as 25 minor concepts were used and predicted. 5. ai600_result_weighing_1557062494: the same as the ai600_result_weighing_ 1557059794, except that the probability threshold p = 0.1. 6. ai600_result_weighing_1557107054: the same as the ai600_result_weighing_ 1557059794, except that the frequency threshold F = 1,500. In total, 35 major concepts, as well as 8 minor concepts were used and predicted. 7. ai600_result_weighing_1557107838: the same as the ai600_result_weighing_ 1557059794, except that the frequency threshold F = 1,000 and the probability threshold p = 0.1. In total, 58 major concepts, as well as 25 minor concepts were used and predicted. 3.2 Results The results obtained by our 7 runs are given in Table 3. All 7 runs were graded suc- cessfully. The best result of our runs scored a F1-score of 0.1656, which ranked 26th out of 58 runs and 7th out of 11 teams. Table 3. The results of submitted runs. Submission Id Run F1-Score 27071 ai600_result_rgb_1556989393 0.1345022 27074 ai600_result_weighing_1557059794 0.1628424 27075 ai600_result_weighing_1557061479 0.1656261 27076 ai600_result_weighing_1557062212 0.1588862 27077 ai600_result_weighing_1557062494 0.1562828 27095 ai600_result_weighing_1557107054 0.1603341 27096 ai600_result_weighing_1557107838 0.1511505 4 Conclusion In this paper we have presented the methods we have used in the ImageCLEF 2019 Concept Detection task. We applied multi-label classification based on bag-of-visual- words model with color descriptors and logistic regression. From our experimental results we can conclude the following: (i) while RGB-SIFT descriptors performed best among the color descriptors, the weighted model improved the performance greatly; (ii) using the semantic relations among the concepts, the two-stage classifica- tion is able to detect some concepts which are small in number, and on the validation set it can improve the F1-score for about 1%; (iii) with the approach we proposed, it is still challenging to predict concepts with a very limited number of image samples. References 1. Valavanis, L., Stathopoulos, S.: IPL at ImageCLEF 2017 Concept Detection Task. CLEF working notes, CEUR, 2017. 2. Valavanis, L., Kalamboukis, T.: IPL at ImageCLEF 2018: A kNN-based Concept Detec- tion Approach. CLEF working notes, CEUR, 2018. 3. Pinho, E., Costa, C.: Feature Learning with Adversarial Networks for Concept Detection in Medical Images: UA.PT Bioinformatics at ImageCLEF 2018, CLEF working notes, CEUR, 2018. 4. Wang, X. 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