=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_182 |storemode=property |title=Word Distance Approach for Celebrity Profiling |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_182.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Muhammad Usman Asif,Muhammad Naeem,Zeeshan Ramzan,Fahad Najib |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/AsifNRN19 }} ==Word Distance Approach for Celebrity Profiling== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_182.pdf
        Word Distance Approach for Celebrity Profiling

    Muhammad Usman Asif, Muhammad Naeem, Zeeshan Ramzan, and Fahad Najib

    Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, KSK
                                     Campus, Pakistan
          usmanasifweb@gmail.com, naeemshahzad7075@gmail.com,
                 zramzan@uet.edu.pk, fahad.najib@uet.edu.pk

         Abstract This paper describes and evaluates a model for Celebrity Profiling
         2019 dataset. The training data set contain 33,836 celebrities’ text with 50 dif-
         ferent languages. The task was to create a model for this textual complex dataset
         which predict gender (male, female, nonbinary), fame (star, superstar, rising),
         occupation (sports, performer, creator, professional, manager, science, politics,
         religious) and birthyear (1940-2011) of celebrity. We use word distance features
         as input to different classifiers for different aspects (gender, fame, occupation and
         birthyear) of celebrity to create models. Results showed that word distance-based
         features outperformed the PAN baseline results.

         Keywords: Celebrity Profiling · Text Classification · Natural Language Process-

1     Introduction
Celebrity profiling task [14] offerd by PAN’19 [3] is to predict the celebrity predict
gender (male, female, nonbinary), degree of fame (star, superstar, rising), occupation
(sports, performer, creator, professional, manager, science, politics, religious) and birth-
year (1940-2011) from celebrities’ tweets written in 50 different languages. This task
was offered by PAN [3]. The dataset [13] for both training and testing of models was
given by PAN. The complete dataset contains tweets of 48,335 celebrity users. The
training dataset consists of tweets of 33,836 users, and rest of the users’ tweets were in-
cluded in test dataset. The prediction of properties containing many labels e.g., birthyear
contain 71 label classes and occupation contain 8 label classes, makes the task more
    Almost all celebrities use the twitter and tweets there. The task has importance in
social media and in celebrity industry for predicting the celebrity properties like gen-
der, birthyear, occupation, fame by using their tweets. To measure these properties of
celebrities from their tweets is significant for the celebrity fans, social media and in-
dustry. Knowing users’ demographics from their written text has also applications in
marketing as brands could increase reach of their message to more relevant audience
[10,12]. The problem of celebrity traits predictions has also applications in forensic
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
[8,4] because of increasing cases of cyber crime including sexual harassment, threaten-
ing, identity theft etc.

2   Related Work
The problem of predicting different personality traits from text, due to it’s applications
in various other problem, have gain lot attention from community. Previously doc2vec
document embedding technique used to train SVM and logistic regression classifier
[2,5,1]. RUSProfiling (Cross-Genre Gender Identification in Russian texts) used char-
acter n-grams, word n-grams and gender specific Russian grammatical features to train
multinomial Naive Bayes, logistic regression, random forest, and ensemble classifier
for gender identification [7]. The problem to identification of author’s traits from his/her
written text have been addressed by using stylistic features to train different Machine
Learning classifiers e.g., J48, Logistic Regression, Random Forest and Naive Bayes
[11]. Different feature representations including raw frequency, binary, normalized fre-
quency, tf-idf and second order attributes (SOA) have been used in combination with
different machine learning algorithms including multinomial naive Bayes, Support Vec-
tor Machines (SVM), logistic regression [6].

3   Corpus
The PAN’19 [3] Celebrity Profiling [14] Dataset [13] contains twitter data of total
48,335 User Profiles. These tweets belongs to 50 different languages. A subset of this
dataset, tweets of 33,836 users, used for the purpose of training models, whereas, re-
maining dataset consisting of 14,499 user profiles is used for testing of trained models.
The complete training datasets consists of a single ndjson file in which tweets of all
33,836 user profiles/celebrities are present.
    The corpus contains tweets, grouped by user/celebrity and labeled with gender
(male, female, nonbinary), degree of fame (star, superstar, rising), occupation (sports,
performer, creator, professional, manager, science, politics, religious) and birthyear
    The corpus was not balanced (See Figure 1). In case of gender, more than 50%
profiles are of male celebrities, whereas, only 32 users belongs to nonbinary. Similarly,
huge proportion of user profiles are stars, whereas, the frequency of rising and super-
stars is very low. Same is the case with occupation, where, there are sufficient instances
of sports, performer and creator, whereas, remaining categories are in minority. The
corpus is also unbalanced in case of birthyear (See Figure 2).

4   Methodology
We use the word distance approach for training models to predict different personality
traits of celebrities. We made 200 (4 * 50) models as corpus contains tweets of 50 differ-
ent languages and we have to predict fours aspects of user profile for each user profile.
Each model predicts the specific class / personality trait for specific language such as
           Figure 1. Overview of PAN19 Celebrity Profiling Dataset (Source: [14])

             Figure 2. Frequency of user profiles in each birthyear (Source: [14])

English gender model predicts gender of user whose tweets are in English language.
Each model has been trained using different sets of features and classifier.

4.1   Pre-processing

As corpus contains tweets written in 50 different languages, we put the same language
tweets in same file by using langdetect module of Python. In this way, whole corpus was
divided into 50 ndjson files such as en.ndjson, ar.ndjson files for languages English and
Arabic. After separation we examine that almost 93% tweets are of English language
                Figure 3. Example of dictionary used for Features Selection

and remaining 7% are non-English so made two categories English and non-English
    After separating tweets of different languages, we applied different technique for
data cleaning and features extraction for training models. There were lots of emojis,
tag words, stop words, punctuation words, numbers, alphanumeric words, links, URLs,
short form words, repeating characters words with punctuation’s marks and escape char-
acters. First of all, we removed all links / URLs from corpus by using a regular expres-
sion. Then, we extracted words from the text by tokenizing text using word tokenizers.
We used the language specific word tokenizers for the purpose of tokenizing text into
words. If, we could not find any word tokenizer for any language then we tokenized the
text with space delimiter. We made a set of unique tokens. After that, we excluded all
punctuation marks, stop words, numbers, alphanumeric words, URLs. Then we remove
all escape characters and hash tag (#), @, spaces, brackets etc., from the word string
and made the words clean. That’s how we get the cleaned set of words.

4.2   Features Selection
After data cleaning and pre-processing, we made a dictionary for each personality trait
for each language, which yielded 200 (4 * 50) dictionaries. The key of each of these
dictionaries is a word and value of this dictionary is a list. Length of list depends upon
the number of labels in the class (gender, fame, occupation or birthyear) to predict. Let
if we want to make a model to predict gender then the list’s first index (0 index) give
count of male users in corpus who used this word (key in the dictionary) in their tweets.
Same, second index for female and third index for non-binary (See Figure 3).
      – n1 : Number of males in corpus who uses this word in their tweet
      – n2 : Number of females in corpus who uses this word in their tweet
      – n3 : Number of non-binaries in corpus who uses this word in their tweet
   Same process was followed to create dictionaries for the fame, occupation and birth-
year classes. For example, the range of birthyear is from 1940 to 2011. It contains 71
possibilities, so the list length would be 71.
    The most important and tricky part of feature selection was to filter most distin-
guishing features from the dictionaries created in last step. For each word, we checked
that which label / class (male, female, non-binary) is using this word most. If all classes
are using a word with almost comparable frequency, then it is common word and we
will not choose it as feature to train model. But if one label / class is using this word
most and others are using it least, then we will choose this word as feature. We can say
that, we will choose such words, for which, one label class has greater distance in count
from other classes. For this we designed strategy to calculate how much maximum dis-
tance, a word is creating. As in total corpus we have let say 60% men, 30% women and
10% non-binary tweets so men will always dominate the women and non-binaries. For
this we multiplied the count (n1 , n2 , n3 ) of list with the corresponding ratio. Equations
1, 2 and 3 shows the formulas to calculate the ratio to be multiplied with the count.

                                   total number of tweets in all corpora
                  ratio_male =                                                            (1)
                                   total number of tweets of male users

                                     total number of tweets in all corpora
                ratio_f emale =                                                           (2)
                                    total number of tweets of female users

                                      total number of tweets in all corpora
           ratio_nonbinary =                                                              (3)
                                   total number of tweets of non-binary users
     After calculating the ratio, we multiplied the ratio number with each word’s count
list (n1 , n2 , n3 ). New structure of key-value pair of dictionary is represented below:
     W ord : [n1 ∗ ratiomale , n2 ∗ ratiof emale , n3 ∗ rationon−binary ]
     After multiplying the ratio, the problem created because of unbalanced dataset or
dominating class is somehow solved. After this we calculated the difference created by
the highest value of count with other counts in the list. For this we picked the highest
count value in the list let say n1 has the highest value in list, then calculated it’s differ-
ence with other values in the list. At the end add the all differences. After adding we get
a number which is the distance of that word. Let’s say n1 has highest value in list (n1 ,
n2 , n3 ), the word distance would be calculated using Equation 4.

                      W ord_Distance = (n1 − n2 ) + (n1 − n3 )                            (4)

    After calculating distance of each word, the dictionary would now contain words as
keys and their respective distance as value
    Dictionary{word1 : word1 _distance, word2 : word2 _distance}
    Now, we sorted this dictionary in reverse direction. The large size of dictionary
made it challenging to sort dictionary. Therefore, we get the list of all values form
dictionary and sorted it in reverse order and then deleted the low distance values. After
sorting list, we picked top scoring values and got the corresponding words from the
dictionary and selected them as features.
    After extracting features, we created CSV files to pass it to the Machine Learning
algorithms to train model.
                     Table 1. Classifiers used for creating models

index Language Gender             Fame                 Occupation        Birthyear
1       af    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
2       ar    Logistic Regression K Neighbors         Random Forest       Logistic Regression
3       bg    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
4       bn    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
5       ca    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
6       cs    Logistic Regression SVC                 Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
7       cy    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
8       da    Decision Tree       Logistic Regression Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
9       de    Logistic Regression SVC                 Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
10      en    Logistic Regression Random Forest       Random Forest       Logistic Regression
11       el   SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
12      es    Logistic Regression Logistic Regression Random Forest       Logistic Regression
13       et   SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
14      fa    SVC                 Decision Tree       Decision Tree       Logistic Regression
15       fi   SVC                 Decision Tree       Decision Tree       Logistic Regression
16       fr   Decision Tree       SVC                 Random Forest       SVC
17      gu    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
18      he    Gaussian NB         SVC                 Gaussian NB         Logistic Regression
19      hi    Logistic Regression Random Forest       K Neighbors         Logistic Regression
20      hr    Gaussian NB         SVC                 Decision Tree       Logistic Regression
21      hu    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
22      id    Gaussian NB         SVC                 Gaussian NB         Logistic Regression
23       it   Gaussian NB         Decision Tree       Decision Tree       Logistic Regression
24       ja   Decision Tree       Logistic Regression K Neighbors         Logistic Regression
25      kn    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
26      ko    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
27      lv    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
28      mk    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
29      mr    SVC                 SVC                 Decision Tree       Logistic Regression
30      ne    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
31      nl    Decision Tree       SVC                 Decision Tree       SVC
32      no    Logistic Regression Decision Tree       Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
33      pl    Random Forest       Gaussian NB         Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
34      pt    Decision Tree       SVC                 Random Forest       Decision Tree
35      ro    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
36      ru    Logistic Regression K Neighbors         Decision Tree       Logistic Regression
37      sk    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
38       sl   Logistic Regression Logistic Regression Decision Tree       Logistic Regression
39      so    Random Forest       Gaussian NB         Decision Tree       Logistic Regression
40      sq    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
41      sv    Decision Tree       Decision Tree       Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
42      sw    Random Forest       Logistic Regression Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
43       ta   SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
44       te   SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
45      th    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
46       tl   SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
47       tr   Gaussian NB         Random Forest       K Neighbors         K Neighbors
48      uk    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
49      ur    Logistic Regression Logistic Regression Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
50      vi    SVC                 SVC                 SVC                 SVC
                           Table 2. Results on Training Dataset

                                  Traits        F-measure
                                  Gender               0.746
                                  Fame                 0.989
                                  Occupation           0.995
                                  Birthyear            0.307
                                      cRank = 0.604653

4.3   Classifiers
The sklearn implementations of various Machine Learning algorithms were applied on
CSV files created in last step. We used 80% data for training the model and 20% for
testing. We applied six different algorithms (See Table 1) to train models. Then tested
the models with 20% testing data. We selected highest scoring algorithms for training
the model using 100% available data.

4.4   Evaluation Measures
The performance of our proposed for Individual traits was judged by F1 measure (See
Equation 5). Whereas, overall performance of the system would be judged by a com-
bined metric cRank, which is harmonic mean of each label’s metric (See Equation 6).
                                      2 ∗ precision ∗ recall
                             F1 =                                                     (5)
                                       precision + recall
                     cRank =      1            1             1          1             (6)
                                F1,fame + F1,occupation + F1,gender + F1,age

5     Results and Analysis
The results of our proposed approach on Training dataset are presented in Table 2.
Table 2 shows the F-measure of all traits of training dataset. The F-measure in case
of occupation and fame is much higher than other two traits. The training dataset is
somehow more balanced in case of occupation and fame than other two traits could
be the reason for such results. Moreover, the birth year range is 1940-2011 and there
are not enough user profiles for non-English to cover all these birthyears (1940-2011).
These problems with the training dataset made it very challamging to correctly predict
birthyear. The cRank (See Equation 6) on Training dataset, the combined score of all
traits, is 0.604653.
     Table 3 presents results obtained by applying our proposed technique on test dataset
using TIRA [9]. These results show that our technique could not perform well on test
dataset as compared with training dataset. The features, the list of words used for train-
ing, were extracted from train dataset, which were not necessarily present in test dataset
                               Table 3. Results on Test Dataset

                                   Traits       F-measure
                                   Gender            0.588
                                   Fame              0.505
                                   Occupation        0.427
                                   Birthyear         0.254
                                      cRank = 0.40181

with comparable frequency. This limitation of this approach resulted in over-fitting by
giving very promising results on training dataset but not on test dataset.

6   Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have explained a technique for the prediction of the celebrities’ gen-
der, fame, occupation and birthyear from their tweets. It has applications in various
fields like forensics, marketing and security. We trained models on the training data
provided by the PAN organizers. The results we achieved on are pretty good. In future,
more performance can e achieved by making training dataset more balanced and well
representative of the population. Moreover, more sophisticated features, which are not
specific to training dataset, can also improve results.


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