=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_183 |storemode=property |title=Using N-grams to detect Bots on Twitter |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_183.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Juan Pizarro |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Pizarro19 }} ==Using N-grams to detect Bots on Twitter== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_183.pdf
       Using N-grams to detect Bots on Twitter
                   Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                         Juan Pizarro[0000−0001−9598−1929]

                          Universitat Politècnica de València

        Abstract. This article describes the participation in the Bots and Gen-
        der Profiling shared task in PAN at CLEF 2019. We propose a Support
        Vector Machine Classifier with character and word n-grams features. Our
        model achieved the best average performance of 88.05% at the 7th In-
        ternational Competition on Author Profiling. In the task of determining
        whether the author of a set of tweets is a bot or a human, our model
        obtained an accuracy of 93.60% for English and 93.33% for Spanish. In
        the task of Gender Identification, obtained an accuracy of 83.56% for
        English and 81.72% for Spanish.

        Keywords: Author Profiling · Gender Identification · Bot identification
        · Twitter · Spanish · English.

1     Introduction
Nowadays we communicate and interact through social media platforms on a
daily basis, we use it as a source of information, a commercial or marketing
channel, to buy products online even to speak with our bank representatives.
Thus, social networks have a great influence on our lifestyle and affect the way
decisions are made. It is known that social media bots (software controlled ac-
counts) pose as humans to intervene in elections and decisions that affect many
people [17]. They are also used to influence the perception of products through
fake reviews.
    The objective of this year’s Author profiling tasks [15] in PAN [5] at CLEF
2019 is to determine if the author of a set of tweets in English or Spanish, is a
human or a bot, and in case of being human, determining its gender.
    The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents the related work, Sec-
tion 3 describes the corpus, environment setup, preprocessing, features and mod-
els, and Section 4 shows the trained models with its accuracy on the dev set.
Then in Section 5 we discuss about the obtained results in the test set. After
that, Section 6 presents an overview of some experiments using deep learning.
Finally, Section 7 draws some conclusions.
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
2     Related Work

In 2002, Koppel et al. [8] evaluate the use of function words and part of speech
tagging to identify the author gender and document genre of a corpus consisting
of 920 labelled documents. Pang et al. [12] explore the use of unigrams and
bigrams, with Naive Bayes, maximum entropy classification, and support vector
machines to classify the sentiment on movie-data. In 2004, Pang et al. [11] employ
support vector machine and Naive Bayes to classify movie reviews as either
positive or negative. In 2006, Schler et al. [16] were able to obtain an accuracy of
80.0% in gender identification in a corpus of 85.000 blogs using style and content
words. Metaxas et al. [10] [9] found social bots supporting some candidates and
attacking their opponents [19]. In 2014, Dickerson et al. [7] studied the problem
of identifying bots on all of Twitter and identified 19 of the 25 top features they
use are sentiment-related. They use grid search to find the best hyperparameters
for each of the classifiers. In 2016, Bessi et al. [2] found social bots generating
a large amount of content, possibly distorting online conversations, they noted
that bots tweeting about Donald Trump generated the most positive tweets [19].
In 2018, Stella et al. [17] report a case of political manipulation on social media
using sentiment analysis.
    In the task of gender identification in PAN at CLEF 2017, Basile et al. [1]
obtained 82.33% for English and 83.21% in Spanish using an SVM classifier
trained with combinations of character and tf-idf n-grams. In the same task of
gender identification in PAN at CLEF 2018, Daneshvar et al. [6] obtained 82.21%
for English and 82.00% for Spanish using char and word n-grams as features,
with a SVM classifier. Tellez et al. [18] obtained 81.21% for English and 80.05%
for Spanish using a similar strategy.

3     Experimental Work

This section presents the methods and materials applied in the experiments.
Subsection 3.1 describes the corpus, Subsection 3.2 shows the environment setup,
Subsection 3.3 explain the preprocessing, Subsection 3.4 provides a description of
the feature representations. Finally, the models are presented in Subsection 3.5
and in Subsection 3.6 all the hyperparameter are shown.

3.1   Corpus

The corpus consists of a set of files in the XML format, containing of 100 tweets,
one file per author. It is balanced and annotated if the author is human or robot,
and in case on human its gender, male or female. It is recommended to use the
corpus partitions shown in Table 1 to avoid over-fitting (more than one file could
be written by the same author). Also, it shows that there are more tweets for
English than for Spanish.
                      Table 1. Tweets by corpus partitions.

                            Lang Train all Train Dev
                            es   3000      2080 920
                            en   4120      2880 1240

3.2   Environment Setup

The models were trained on a Jupyter notebook environment known as Colab-
oratory1 . We opted to use mainly the next software tools to build our models:
nltk2 , sklearn3 , hyperopt4 .

3.3   Preprocessing

The XML files are parsed using the Python 3 library xml.etree.ElementTree5 to
be able to work with its content. Then, for each author, their 100 tweets are
concatenated forming a long string, and a custom tag is used to separate each
of the tweets. After that, we applied a lowercase conversion and the strings are
tokenized using nltk TweetTokenizer [3], each URL, user mention and hashtag
are replaced by one fixed tag respectively, following what was done by Daneshvar
et al. [6]6 .

3.4   Features

Based on a quick experimentation, we choose to evaluate char and word n-
grams with different n-gram orders. Also we opted to represent each document
using term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). Finally, to join
both TF-IDF feature representations, the char and the word n-grams, we employ
FeatureUnion7 , in order to use Pipelines8 obtaining an end to end model.

3.5   Models

Taking into account our hardware resource limitation and the reason that we
want to try several hyperparameters by each model, we opted to include only a
few classical machine learning algorithms.
  pan18ap/train model.py
                            Table 2. SVM hyperparameters.

      Param             Values
      C                 hp.loguniform(’C’, np.log(1e-5), np.log(1e5))
      tol               hp.loguniform(’tol’, np.log(1e-5), np.log(1e-2))
      intercept scaling hp.loguniform(’intercept scaling’, np.log(1e-1), np.log(1e1))

                      Table 3. MultinomialNB hyperparameters.

                         Param Values
                         alpha hp.loguniform(’nb alpha’, -3, 5)

   As a result of our research, we ended up selecting: LinearSVC9 , LogisticRe-
gression10 , MultinomialNB11 .

3.6    Hyperparameter Tuning

The hyperparameter tuning was done by hand at first, obtaining poorly results,
because of that a parameter search tool was used.
    In this work we opted to explore the use of hyperopt12 , a Python library for
serial and parallel optimisation over awkward search spaces, which may include
real-valued, discrete, and conditional dimensions.
    After some experiments and looking of how others do the hyperparameters
search with hyperopt we define each parameter range as shown in Table 2, Table 3
and Table 4, for LinearSVC, MultinomialNB and LogisticRegression respectively.
    Also, a hyperparameter search was done to find the best parameters for
feature representation, what are shown in Table 5.

4     Trained Models

A model was trained for each task and language separately, 4 models in total.
The best 5 configurations by language and task are shown in Table 6. The models
were trained with the training set and evaluated with the dev set as shown in
Table 1.
    The best results for the task of determining whether the author is a bot or
a human in English were obtained using SVM with char n-grams with range (1,
3) and word n-grams with range (2, 3). For the task of gender identification the
best results were obtained also with SVM but with char ngram with range (1,
3) and word ngram with range (1, 3).
   https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear model.
   https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.naive bayes.
                     Table 4. Logistic Regression hyperparameters.

                          param values
                          C     hp.choice(’lr C’, [0.25, 0.5, 1.0])

                   Table 5. Feature representation hyperparamenters.

    N-gram type Param       Values
    word        ngram range (1, 2),(1, 3),(2, 3)
    word        max df      0.6, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0
    word        min df      0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.1, 1, 2, 5
    char        ngram range (1, 3),(1, 5),(2, 5),(3, 5),(1, 6),(2, 6)
    char        max df      0.6, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0
    char        min df      0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.1, 1, 2, 5

   In the Spanish task the same configuration allowed for obtaining the best
result on both tasks, a SVM classifier with char n-grams with range (3, 5) and
word n-grams with range (1, 3).

5     Results
In order to evaluate our model on the test set, a TIRA [13] account was given,
to install the software dependencies and to deploy our model in testing mode.
    The task organisers offer us to evaluate our models in an early birds dataset,
allowed us to verify the configuration of the environment and give us an early ap-
proximation of our model behaviour. Table 7 shows the results in the early birds
dataset (dataset1) and Table 8 shows the results the final datatest (dataset2).
    It is possible to see that in the gender identification task the results for the
dataset2 are a couple of points better than for the dataset1, but in the task
of determining the author, the results are similar for both languages and both
    Finally, the results obtained with our proposed model, are better than the
baselines defined by the task organisers. The baseline models as shown in Table 8
are majority, random and LDSE [14].
             Table 6. Best model parameters by language and task.

Lang Task         Classifier Loss      Feats     word.ngram range char.ngram range
en   human or bot LinearSVC -0.945968 word char (1, 2)            (2, 6)
en   human or bot LinearSVC -0.945968 word char (1, 2)            (2, 6)
en   human or bot LinearSVC -0.945968 word char (1, 2)            (2, 6)
en   human or bot LinearSVC -0.945968 word char (2, 3)            (1,3)
en   human or bot LinearSVC -0.945161 word char (2, 3)            (1, 5)
en   gender       LinearSVC -0.804839 word char (1,3)             (1,3)
en   gender       LinearSVC -0.803226 word char (1, 2)            (1, 3)
en   gender       LinearSVC -0.801613 word char (1, 2)            (1, 3)
en   gender       LinearSVC -0.801613 word char (1, 2)            (1, 3)
en   gender       LinearSVC -0.801613 word char (1, 2)            (1, 3)
es   human or bot LinearSVC -0.922826 word char (1, 3)            (3,5)
es   human or bot            -0.918478 word char (1, 2)           (1, 5)
es   human or bot LinearSVC -0.918478 word char (1, 3)            (2, 6)
es   human or bot LinearSVC -0.918478 word char (1, 3)            (2, 6)
es   human or bot LinearSVC -0.918478 word char (1, 3)            (2, 6)
es   gender       LinearSVC -0.691304 word char (1, 3)            (3,5)
es   gender       LinearSVC -0.691304 word char (1, 3)            (3,5)
es   gender       LinearSVC -0.691304 word char (1, 3)            (3,5)
es   gender       LinearSVC -0.691304 word char (1, 3)            (3,5)
es   gender       LinearSVC -0.691304 word char (1, 3)            (3,5)

                   Table 7. Results in the early birds dataset.

   pan19-author-profiling-test-dataset1-2019-03-20 Bot or Human Gender
                                                   en     es     en     es
   Our model                                       0.9394 0.9278 0.7879 0.7611

                 Table 8. Results in the test set and baselines.

   pan19-author-profiling-test-dataset2-2019-04-29 Bot or Human Gender
                                                   en     es     en     es
   Our model                                       0.9360 0.9330 0.8356 0.8172
   MAJORITY                                        0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000
   RANDOM                                          0.4905 0.4861 0.3716 0.3700
   LDSE                                            0.9054 0.8372 0.7800 0.6900
                             Fig. 1. Training accuracy.

6      Trained Deep Learning Models
After the submission of our run, we carried out a couple of further experiments
that we could not evaluated on the test dataset and that we present in this
    We conduct several experiments of different deep learning architectures with
Keras [4] and the data partitions shown in Table 1 (train and dev). The same
preprocessing process shown in Subsection 3.3 was done. In addition to that,
each emoji was replaced with a word using emoji13 .
    The model shown in Figure 3 obtained an accuracy of 94.524 ± 0.00167 eval-
uated in 10 runs. We also opted to evaluate 100 experiments with different
hyperparameters for the same architecture. Figure 1 shows the accuracy on the
training set and Figure 2 shows the accuracy on the dev set. It is possible to see
that the results were good, independently of the hyperparameters used.

Fig. 2. Validation accuracy.

Fig. 3. Deep learning model.
7    Conclusions

Similarly as in previous years of the Author Profiling shared task in PAN, the
SVM classifier with n-grams and TF-IDF features obtained very good results.
The use of hyperparameter tuning tools showed to be one of the crucial parts of
the model building process to obtain good results. As future work, it could very
useful to explore the use of more features such as the use on lexicons, transform
the emojis to custom tags, and also to try other feature representations such as
word embeddings with neural networks. In Section 6 we showed the promising
results of the preliminary experiments that we carried out.

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