Ranking Studies for Systematic Reviews Using Query Adaptation: University of Sheffield’s Approach to CLEF eHealth 2019 Task 2 Working Notes for CLEF 2019 Amal Alharbi1,2 and Mark Stevenson1 1 University of Sheffield, UK 2 King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia {ahalharbi1,mark.stevenson}@sheffield.ac.uk Abstract. This paper describes the University of Sheffield’s approach to the CLEF 2019 eHealth Task 2: Technologically Assisted Reviews in Empirical Medicine. This task focuses on identifying relevant studies for systematic reviews. The University of Sheffield participated in subtask 2 (Abstract and Title Screening). Our approach used lexical statistics (Log- Likelihood, Chi-Squared and Odds-Ratio) to identify terms that retrieve specific types of evidence. A total of 12 official runs were submitted. 1 Introduction Systematic reviews aim to collect, synthesise and summarise all available evi- dence that answers a specific research question. Medical practitioners and deci- sion makers rely on the information they contain to guide treatment decisions. Cochrane is one the key producers of medical systematic reviews. Its library contains 7,987 reviews1 which fall into five categories [1]: 1. Intervention reviews assess the benefits and harms of interventions used in healthcare and health policy. 2. Diagnostic test accuracy reviews (DTA) assess the accuracy of a diag- nostic test when used to detect a particular disease. 3. Methodology reviews explore issues about the processes associated with conducting systematic reviews and clinical trials. 4. Qualitative reviews address questions related to healthcare interventions other than effectiveness by synthesizing qualitative evidence. 5. Prognosis reviews address the probable course or future outcome(s) of people with a health problem. 1 At the date of writing this paper May 2019 Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com- mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem- ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland. Systematic reviews are time-consuming to create, it may take up to a year to conduct a single review [7]. One of the most time consuming steps is evi- dence collection. The main stages in this process are: (1) Boolean Search: A Boolean query is created and applied to a medical database, such as MEDLINE, to retrieve a set of candidate citations. (2) Title and Abstract Screening: The title and abstract of all candidate citations returned by the Boolean query are screened to decide which ones should be considered for inclusion in the review. (3) Content Screening: The full text of the remaining citations are examined to determine the final set that will be included in the review [2]. CLEF eHealth 2019 Task 2 Subtask 2 [9] focuses on the second stage of evidence collection (‘Title and Abstract Screening’). The dataset contains four of the five types of review produced by Cochrane: DTA, Intervention, Prognosis and Qualitative. Participants are asked to rank the list of PubMed Document Identifiers (PMIDs) returned from the Boolean query so that relevant citations appear as early as possible. This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the datasets and approaches used, Section 3 the experiments conducted and Section 4 states and discusses the results obtained. 2 Method 2.1 Datasets CLEF2019 dataset is partitioned into training and testing datasets. The training dataset contains two types of review (72 DTA and 20 Intervention) while the test dataset contains four types (eight DTA, 20 Intervention, two Qualitative and one Prognosis). For each review participants are provided with the review title, Boolean query, set of PMIDs and relevance judgements for both title/abstract and content level screening. 2.2 University of Sheffield’s Approach to Subtask 2 Sheffield’s submission extended the approach that had been developed for our previous entries to the task. The core of our approach extracts terms from the Boolean query and uses them to rank the studies [3]. In addition, these terms are augmented with additional ones designed to identify the DTA reviews that formed the majority of the studies in previous editions of the task (e.g. ‘sensi- tivity’, ‘specificity’ and ‘diagnosis’) [2]. Our submissions to the 2019 task extended this approach to multiple review types by developing lists of terms that indicate the relevant evidence for a spe- cific review type. Lexical statistics were used to automatically derive these lists of key terms. Three lexical statistics were applied: Log-Likelihood, Chi-Squared and Odds-Ratio [4,6,12,8,10,11]. These lexical statistics are computed using a contingency table created for each term (see Table 1). This table assumes that the collection is partitioned into relevant and irrelevant documents and encodes information about the frequency with which the term appears in each. For ex- ample, Orel represents the number of times the term occurs within the entire set of relevant documents and Nrel the sum of the occurrences of all terms. Table 1: Contingency table for computing lexical statistics. Relevant Irrelevant Frequency of term Orel Oirrel Total tokens Nrel Nirrel Log-Likelihood is computed as   Orel Oirrel Log-Likelihood = 2 × Orel × log + Oirrel × log (1) Erel Eirrel where Orel and Oirrel are the observed frequency of the term in different subsets of the collection (e.g. relevant and irrelevant documents). Erel and Eirrel are the term’s expected frequencies, calculated as Orel + Oirrel Orel + Oirrel Erel = Nrel × , Eirrel = Nirrel × (2) Nrel + Nirrel Nrel + Nirrel where Nrel and Nirrel represent sub-corpus size (e.g. relevant and irrelevant doc- uments). Terms are assigned high Log-Likelihood scores for a particular corpus when their observed frequency is (much) higher than the expected frequency. Chi-Squared is computed as 2 2 (Orel − Erel ) (Oirrel − Eirrel ) Chi-Squared = + (3) Erel Eirrel where Orel and Oirrel are the observed values and Erel and Eirrel are expected values calculated using equation 2. Odds-Ratio is computed as Orel × (Nirrel − Oirrel ) Odds-Ratio = (4) Oirrel × (Nrel − Orel ) where Orel and Oirrel are the frequency counts of the term in the relevant and irrelevant sub-corpus and Nrel and Nirrel are the total number of terms in each of those sub-corpus. 3 Experiments Four official runs were submitted for DTA and Intervention reviews: sheffield- baseline, sheffield-Log Likelihood, sheffield-Chi Squared and sheffield-Odds Ratio. Two official runs were submitted for Prognosis and Qualitative reviews: sheffield- baseline and sheffield-relevance feedback. 3.1 sheffield-baseline A baseline query was formed using the review title and terms extracted from the Boolean query. Studies were ranked using this query and BM25 [5]. This approach was applied to all reviews types and was also used in our submissions to previous editions of the task [2,3]. 3.2 sheffield-Log Likelihood, sheffield-Chi Squared, sheffield-Odds Ratio Training data was available for two review types (DTA and Intervention). Where this is available lexical statistics were applied to derive a list of terms that indicate evidence relevant to a specific type of review. Studies in the training dataset were partitioned into relevant and irrelevant sets depending upon whether they were included in the systematic review. The three lexical statistics described in Section 2 were calculated and the terms with the highest scores added to the baseline query. The number of terms added was determined from experiments conducted using the training data2 . The studies in the test dataset are ranked by matching terms from the expanded queries against those in the abstracts using BM25. Note that sets of additional terms were generated for each review type separately, i.e. once for DTA reviews and again for Intervention reviews. 3.3 sheffield-relevance feedback No training data was provided for Prognosis and Qualitative reviews. Conse- quently it was not possible to apply the lexical statistics and a relevance feed- back approach was used instead. Studies in the test dataset are ranked using BM25 and the top 5% extracted. The Chi-Squared statistic was then applied us- ing relevance judgements to divide the studies into relevant and irrelevant sets. The top 20 terms were added to the query which is then used to re-rank the remaining 95% of the studies. 2 For DTA reviews, 10 terms were added when the Log-Likelihood and Chi-Squared lexical statistics were used and 50 when Odds-Ratio was used. For Intervention reviews, 20 terms were added for the Log-Likelihood statistic, 5 for Chi-Squared and 50 for Odds-Ratio. 4 Results and Discussion Table 2 shows the results for DTA reviews (computed using the script provided by the task organisers3 ). All three lexical statistics outperform the baseline, as expected. This improvement is consistent across all metrics for both abstract and content level screening. The best result was achieved by applying Odds-Ratio. Results demonstrate that expanding query with terms generated to identify DTA studies helps improve performance. Table 2: Performance ranking abstracts for DTA reviews at (a) abstract and (b) content levels. Approach MAP WSS@100 WSS@95 (a) abstract level sheffield-baseline 0.175 33.80% 45.10% sheffield-Log Likelihood 0.234 38.10% 48.70% sheffield-Chi Squared 0.222 37.50% 47.50% sheffield-Odds Ratio 0.248 34.70% 49.00% (b) content level sheffield-baseline 0.066 51.90% 55.30% sheffield-Log Likelihood 0.120 56.70% 58.80% sheffield-Chi Squared 0.113 54.10% 58.30% sheffield-Odds Ratio 0.129 54.90% 63.50% Results for Intervention reviews are shown in Table 3. Log-Likelihood per- forms strongly, with the best results for all metrics using content level judgements and using MAP for abstract level judgements. However, it is noteworthy that the baseline approach achieves the best performance using the WSS@95 metric and abstract level judgements. Tables 4 and 5 show the results produced by applying the baseline and relevance-feedback approaches to the Qualitative and Prognosis reviews, respec- tively. The use of relevance feedback produced a slight improvement in the re- sults, particularly MAP. The modest level of improvement may be down to the small number of relevant studies found in the top 5% of the ranked doc- uments. For example, for the Qualitative review (CD011558) only two of the 2,168 (0.09%) studies are relevant. 3 https://github.com/leifos/tar Table 3: Performance ranking abstracts for Intervention reviews at (a) ab- stract and (b) content levels. Approach MAP WSS@100 WSS@95 (a) abstract level sheffield-baseline 0.245 38.60% 47.00% sheffield-Log Likelihood 0.293 38.10% 45.80% sheffield-Chi Squared 0.262 41.50% 46.90% sheffield-Odds Ratio 0.261 38.40% 46.20% (b) content level sheffield-baseline 0.185 49.80% 50.00% sheffield-Log Likelihood 0.272 57.90% 56.80% sheffield-Chi Squared 0.223 51.70% 52.80% sheffield-Odds Ratio 0.254 53.60% 54.20% Table 4: Performance ranking abstracts for Qualitative reviews using baseline and relevance feedback at (a) abstract and (b) content levels. Approach MAP WSS@100 WSS@95 (a) abstract level sheffield-baseline 0.051 8.20% 13.50% sheffield-relevance feedback 0.060 10.30% 18.50% (b) content level sheffield-baseline 0.035 5.40% 30.10% sheffield-relevance feedback 0.041 36.00% 35.70% Table 5: Performance ranking abstracts for Prognosis review using baseline and relevance feedback at (a) abstract and (b) content levels. Approach MAP WSS@100 WSS@95 (a) abstract level sheffield-baseline 0.126 11.20% 24.70% sheffield-relevance feedback 0.141 17.60% 30.50% (b) content level sheffield-baseline 0.077 11.20% 27.90% sheffield-relevance feedback 0.086 18.70% 36.70% 5 Conclusions This paper presented the University of Sheffield’s approach to CLEF2019 task 2 subtask 2. Studies were ranked by supplementing terms extracted from the Boolean query with ones specific to the review type. Three lexical statistics were used to generate these list of supplementary terms. 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