=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_190 |storemode=property |title=TUA1 at ImageCLEF 2019 VQA-Med: a Classification and Generation Model based on Transfer Learning |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_190.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Yangyang Zhou,Xin Kang,Fuji Ren |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/ZhouKR19 }} ==TUA1 at ImageCLEF 2019 VQA-Med: a Classification and Generation Model based on Transfer Learning== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_190.pdf
     TUA1 at ImageCLEF 2019 VQA-Med: A
   classification and generation model based on
                   transfer learning

                   Yangyang Zhou, Xin Kang, and Fuji Ren

                  Tokushima University, Tokushima 770-8506, JP
                    {kang-xin, ren}@is.tokushima-u.ac.jp

      Abstract. In this article, we describe a method for answering questions
      based on medical images in the ImageCLEF VQA-Med 2019 task. The
      VQA-Med 2019 mission involves four categories: modality, plane, organ
      system, and abnormality. We try to turn the strong artificial intelli-
      gence problem into multiple weak artificial intelligence problems. First,
      we use a simple classifier to distinguish the four categories by train-
      ing questions only. Transfer learning is useful in easing the overfitting
      problem of neural network on small datasets. Then, we use Inception-
      ResNet-V2 and Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transform-
      ers pre-training model as feature extractors to deal with medical images
      and questions, respectively. Next, we use additional classifiers to get
      answers in the modality, plane and organ system categories. Last, we
      use sequence-to-sequence model as a generator to get the answer in the
      abnormality category. Our submission ranks fourth, based on accuracy
      metric and BLEU metric, which shows that our method can effectively
      get answers from medical images and related questions.

      Keywords: VQA-Med · Inception-Resnet-v2 · BERT · seq2seq.

1 Introduction
VQA-Med2019 [?] [?] is a visual question answering (VQA) task in the medical
domain. Health has consistently been our concern. Artificial intelligence (AI)
has made significant breakthroughs in different tasks such as lesion recognition.
Compared with image recognition, VQA task needs to further understand the
content in images, which is more difficult. The VQA-Med2019 covers 36 im-
age modalities including CT, MR, etc., 10 separate organ systems, 16 planes,
and various abnormalities. Some examples are provided in Fig.1. Most medical
datasets are created for a single condition, like lung cancer. And VQA-Med looks
at a variety of conditions and hopes to help physicians and patients in diagnosis
by establishing a question and answer system.
  Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
  mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
  ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
Fig. 1. VQA-Med2019 contains four categories of questions: modality, plane, organ
system, and abnormality.

    Most open domain VQA tasks choose the best answer from the alterna-
tive by classification. VQA-Med2019 adds the classification part to the VQA-
Med2018 [?]. We use a simple classifier for questions only to break down this
difficult task into multiple relatively easy tasks. In the modality, plane and or-
gan system parts, we use the additional classifiers to obtain the answers, and in
the abnormality part we use the generator to get the answers. Due to the small
amount of VQA-Med2019 data, we choose to use transfer learning to prevent
overfitting. Additional classifiers and generator use the Inception-ResNet-V2 [?]
(IRV2) and Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers [?] (BERT)
pre-training model as feature extractors for processing images and questions, re-
spectively. The generator is constructed based on a sequence-to-sequence [?]
    The result we submitted gets 0.606 accuracy score, and 0.633 BLEU score,
ranking fourth, which shows that our method can effectively get answers from
medical images and related questions.
    The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews the
work related to the VQA-Med task. Section 3 provides details of the method
we proposed. Section 4 reports our experimental results and evaluation results.
Section 5 presents conclusions and future work.

2 Related work
In this task, we are using the VQA approach. VQA tasks involve image pro-
cessing and natural language processing. The open domain VQA tasks have
various question objects and ways. Most VQA tasks are classified tasks. The ex-
isting method of processing VQA task is mainly the Hierarchical Co-Attention
Model [?], which has a good performance in classification.
    Some hospitals have begun using computer-aided diagnostic tools to advise
physicians. However, Most of the existing auxiliary diagnoses are only for a
certain field, such as lung cancer. As for the question and answering, due to the
diversity of answers, the evaluation is quite difficult. So far the accuracy rate
is far from the level of human physicians. In addition, datasets in the medical
field, especially datasets involving multiple diseases, are rare, and medical image
datasets of many research institutions are not disclosed.
    The VQA-Med2019 data set involves a variety of conditions, but the existing
technology cannot deal with different types of pictures such as MR, CT, and
different organ parts such as brain, lungs, and abdomen at the same time. We
try to build classifiers and generator to simplify this strong AI problem.

3 Methodology

Fig. 2. An overview of our proposed model architecture which has four classifiers and
a generator.

   As mentioned in section 1, we propose a model for VQA-Med2019. This
system is primarily composed of multiple classifiers and a generator. As is shown
in Fig.2, simple classifier is used to classify questions, additional classifiers are
used for modality, plane and organ system questions, generator correspond to
abnormality problems.

3.1 Preprocessing

For medical images, we use data enhancement methods to randomly shift, shear,
and scale the image. We have not used methods such as rotation and inversion
because there may be position-related questions. As for the texts, we convert all
the questions and answers into lowercase letters and remove the punctuation.

3.2 Classifier

Since the test set does not provide the categories, we first train a simple classifier
to classify questions. The simple classifier can divide the dataset into four distinct
categories: modality, plane, organ system, and abnormality by observing only
the questions. On this basis, we train three additional classifiers for modality,
plane, and organ system problems, respectively. The data part of the next section
describes the answers to these three types of questions are under a variety of
options. Three additional classifiers extract features from images and questions:
the features of the medical images are extracted by the IRV2 pre-trained on the
Imagenet [?]; the features of the questions are extracted by the weighted public
BERT pre-training model. After that, we use Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) to
unify the feature dimensions of the images and questions and concatenate them
together. Then, we use the classification layer to output the categories.

3.3 Generator

The generator is utilized to solve abnormality questions. There are not any op-
tions for this category, and all the answers need to be generated by the model
from understanding the information of the images. The generator is built based
on sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model. The encoder part, similar to the clas-
sifier, uses IRV2 to extract features of the medical images and concatenates the
questions features extracted by the BERT as the initial state of the decoder. The
decoder bases on a long-short term memory [?] network. We put “sos” token as
the initial input, continuously loops to generate the probability distribution of
the next word, and puts the most likely word as the input of the next moment
until the output is “eos” token. In the prediction part, we use beam search [?]
to output the answers.

4 Experiment

4.1 Dataset

The VQA-Med2019 training set contains 3200 medical images and clearly iden-
tifies four categories of questions and answers (Q&A) pairs of 12792 pairs; the
validation set contains 500 images and 2000 Q&A pairs; the test set contains
500 images and 500 questions, and no label for the type of questions. For modal-
ity, plane, organ system, the dataset gives the options for the answers (refer to
the readme document in the dataset). As for the abnormality part, the answer
involves a variety of specific disease types, and there are no options for us to
choose. This dataset involves a wide range of medical images and Q&A pairs,
close to the real medical environment.

4.2 Evaluation metrics

We choose the accuracy metric commonly used in VQA task. The accuracy
metric considers the exact match between the answer and the fact.Besides, we
choose BLEU [?] metric commonly used in machine translation. BLEU metric
calculates the frequency of words that appear together between the answer and
the fact, in other words, the similarity between the answer and the fact. Both
metrics are automatically scored.

4.3 Result

We submit just one run. The result we submitted gets 0.606 accuracy score, and
0.633 BLEU score. This result ranks fourth in the leaderboard. Compare with
the first ranking, we are 0.018 score behind in accuracy and 0.011 score behind
in BLEU.
    After comparing with the published ground truth, we found that in the cate-
gories of plane and organ system, both classification accuracies exceed 70%, but
in modality, the accuracy is less than 70%. It may be due to the large number
of modality options and the small difference between them (there are 17 sub-
options of MR, such as “MR-STIR”, “MR-FIESTA”, etc.), which is difficult to
    As for the category of abnormality, the result we generated is quite different
from the ground truth. Perhaps because of the small amount of data, the process
of answer generation is much more related to the frequency of words in the
training set (such as “multiforme”, “glioblastoma”, etc.), rather than the medical

5 Conclusion

In this article, we describe our participation in VQA-Med2019 Task: to answer
questions based on the medical images. We use a simple classifier to categorize
the questions, then use the additional classifiers or generator for different types
of questions to get the corresponding answers. In this process, we use transfer
learning including IRV2 and BERT to prevent over-fitting problem that might
have on small dataset. We obtain 0.606 accuracy score, and 0.633 BLEU score,
indicating that our proposed method has a certain effect. It may be explained
by the wide range of datasets and the small number of training for a particular
condition. This method is far from being a human physician.
   Our future work will focus on making the answers more accurate. Consider
that there is a certain amount of noise in the dataset, such as Some CT im-
ages labelled as x-ray images. We may improve the accuracy of the answers by
correcting or eliminating the noise.

This research has been partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number

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