=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_192 |storemode=property |title=Bots and Gender Profiling of Tweets using Word and Character N-Grams |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_192.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner,Natan Manor,Michael Goldmeier |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/HaCohen-KernerM19 }} ==Bots and Gender Profiling of Tweets using Word and Character N-Grams== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_192.pdf
                   Bots and Gender Profiling of Tweets
                   using Word and Character N-Grams
                          Notebook for PAN at CLEF 20191
                Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner, Natan Manor, Michael Goldmeier

        Dept. of Computer Science, Jerusalem College of Technology – Lev Academic Center
                   21 Havaad Haleumi St., P.O.B. 16031, 9116001 Jerusalem, Israel

    kerner@jct.ac.il, natanmanor@gmail.com, mmgoldmeier@gmail.com

          Abstract. Author profiling deals with the identification of various details about
          the author of the text (e.g., age and gender). In this paper, we describe the
          participation of our team (hacohenkerner19) in the PAN 2019 shared task on Bots
          and Gender Profiling in two languages: English and Spanish. Given a Twitter
          feed, we should determine whether its author is a bot or a human. In the case of
          human, we should identify her/his gender. In this paper, we describe our pre-
          processing methods, feature sets, five applied machine learning methods, and
          accuracy results. The best accuracy result for the English dataset (84.8%) was
          obtained by LinearSVC using 2,000 word unigrams. The same result (84.8%)
          was also obtained by LR by using four preprocessing methods, 2,000 word
          unigrams, and 1,000 word bigrams with maximal skips of 2 words. The best
          accuracy result (75,54%) for the Spanish dataset was achieved using LinearSVC
          with only the HTML tag removal preprocessing method and a combination of
          1,000 word unigrams, 1,000 word bigrams, and 3,000 character trigrams.

          Keywords: Bot Profiling, Gender Profiling, Character N-grams, Word N-grams,
          Supervised Machine Learning.

1         Introduction

Gender profiling deals with the analysis of a given text while inferring the gender of
the author of the given text. This task is of growing importance all over the world.
Important and interesting applications can use gender detection in various domains such
as business intelligence, forensics, and psychology. A linguistic analysis of a given text
can help to identify certain characteristics of the author. For example, companies would
like to know, based on the analysis of online product reviews, the gender of people who
like or dislike each of their products.

    "Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
     Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
    Another interesting task with increasing importance is to identify whether
its author is a bot or a human. This task is important because companies, organizations,
and individuals might use bots in various social media platforms in order to influence
users with commercial, political or ideological purposes. For instance, bots could
artificially increase the popularity of a product by promoting it and/or writing positive
ratings, as well as underestimate the importance of competitive products by writing
negative ratings and comments. There is a greater danger when the use of the bot is
political or ideological. Moreover, bots are also used for fake news spreading, which
can severely harm organizations or individuals. Therefore, the automatic distinction
between people and bots is of high importance from the point of view of marketing,
forensics, and security.
    In this paper, we describe the participation of our team hacohenkerner19 in the PAN
2019 shared task on bots and gender profiling. More specifically, the shared task is as
follows. Given a Twitter feed, determine whether its author is a bot or a human. In the
case of human, identify her/his gender. The addressed languages are English and
    In our research, we consider the application of several supervised machine learning
(ML) methods, various types of feature sets and various numbers of features from each
feature set.
    The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides background and
presents some related work on text classification in general and author profiling in
particular. Section 3 introduces the feature sets that we have implemented and used in
this study. Section 4 presents the experimental setup, the experimental results for the
datasets written in English and Spanish and their analysis. Finally, Section 5
summarizes and suggests ideas for future research.

2      Related Work

This section presents a general background and presents several previous studies
related to text classification in general and author profiling in particular.

2.1    Text classification
Text classification (TC) is the supervised learning task of assigning natural language
text documents to one or more predefined categories [Meretakis and Wuthrich, 1999].
There are two main types of TC: topic-based classification and style-based
    These two classification types often require different types of feature sets to achieve
the best performance. Topic-based classification is typically performed using word uni-
grams and/or n-grams (n > 2) [Argamon et al., 2007; HaCohen-Kerner et al., 2008A].
Style-based classification is typically performed using linguistic features such as
quantitative features, orthographic features, part of speech (POS) tags, function words,
and vocabulary richness features [HaCohen-Kerner et al., 2010A; HaCohen-Kerner et
al., 2010B].
2.2    Author profiling
The author profiling task is of growing importance during recent years. Various author
profiling applications are found in business intelligence, forensics, psychology, and
security systems. The general aim of an author profiling task is to determine various
|demographic information about the text’s author(s), e.g., age, cultural background,
gender, native language and/or dialect, and various personality traits. In this paper, we
will limit ourselves to bots and gender profiling because the PAN 2019 shared task is on
these tasks.
    The gender classification is a relatively simple (binary classification) and probably
the most frequent profiling task. However, such classification can be effective only if the
writing style between genders does differ [Eckert et al., 2013] and if such stylistic
differences can be detected [Jockers and Witten, 2010].
    In contrast to most other demographic traits, the link between gender and word use
has been extensively studied [Pennebaker et al., 2003]. Differences in women's and
men's language have received relatively high attention within the scientific community
as well as in the popular media. However, early studies on gender classification, mainly
on formal texts and blogs, reported on accuracies around 75%-80% in most cases [Schler
et al., 2006; Holmes and Meyerhoff, 2008; Burger et al., 2011].
    Recently, various bot profiling tasks have been published. Oentaryo et al. [2016]
presented a new categorization of bots and developed a systematic bot profiling
framework with a rich set of features and classification methods. They carried out
extensive empirical studies to analyze on broadcast, consumption and spam bots, as well
as how they compare with regular human accounts. They discovered that the diversities
of timing patterns for posting activities (i.e., tweet, retweet, mention, and hashtag, and
URL) constitute the key features to effectively identify the behavioral traits of different
bot types. Stella et al. [2018] analyzed nearly 4 millions Twitter posts. They showed that
bots act from peripheral areas of the social system to target influential humans, with
violent contents, increasing their exposure to negative and inflammatory narratives and
exacerbating social conflict online.
    Rangel et al. [2015] presented in their overview paper the framework and the results
for the Author Profiling task at PAN 2015, which dealt with the identification of age,
gender, and personality traits of Twitter users. In comparison to previous years of PAN
[Rangel et al., 2013; Rangel et al., 2014] the PAN-15 systems achieved significantly
higher accuracy values for gender identification. This may suggest that irrespective the
shorter length of individual tweets and their informality, the number of tweets per author
is sufficient to profile age and gender with high accuracy. Regarding the features, it was
not clear which ones (style-based or content-based) were the most important ones,
because of the high number of different ones used and combined by the teams.
    A similar phenomenon occurred in the gender classification tasks in [Rangel et al.,
2016A]. It was difficult to highlight the contribution of any particular feature since the
teams used many of them. Second order representations based on relationships among
terms, documents, profiles, and sub-profiles were used by teams that achieved first
positions in some of the tasks. Likewise, the distributed representations achieved the first
position in gender identification on the Dutch final evaluation.
   The best resulting approaches that took part in the gender classification tasks in PAN
2017 [Rangel et al., 2017] took advantage from combinations of n-grams, other content-
based features, and style-based features. The best final average gender ranking (for
English, Portuguese, and Spanish) shows that the best overall result (82.53%) has been
obtained by Basile et al. [2017], who used the scikit-learn2 LinearSVM implementation
trained with combinations of character 3- to 5-grams and word 1- to 2-grams with TF-
IDF weighting with sublinear term frequency scaling. New research about celebrity
profiling by Wiegmann et al. [2019] will appear in ACL 2019.

3       Features

In this section, we present the various types of features that we applied for the profiling
task. Our features include various n-grams sets, where each one of them is defined by
the following template: number_k-n_type where number is the number of the features
in the set, k is the size of the wanted skip (0 – no skip, 1 – skip of one unit, 2 – skip of
2 units, …) only for text inside word boundaries, n is code of the grams (1 for unigrams
2 for bigrams, 3 for trigrams, …), and type is W for words or C for characters. All
values are represented by TF-IDF values. The specific various n-grams sets that were
applied will be presented later in the framework of the experiments.

4       Experimental Setup and Results

In this section, we present presents the experimental setup, the experimental results for
the datasets written in English and Spanish and their analysis.

4.1     Experimental setup
The PAN CLEF 2019 [Daelemans et al., 2019] launched an evaluation campaign. The
algorithms of the teams that have participated in this campaign have been evaluated
using the TIRA platform Potthast et al. [2019]. The algorithms and the results of the
participated teams in this Bots and Gender Profiling tournament have been overviewed
in Rangel and Rosso [2019]. The Low Dimensionality Statistical Embedding (LDSE)
method was presented in Rangel et al. [2016B]. The results of this method set a pretty
high bar, which was ahead of most of the teams participating in the competition
   General approach: Our approach to authorship profiling is to apply supervised ML
methods to TC as was suggested by Sebastiani [2002]. The process is as follows. First,
given a corpus of training documents, where each document is a Twitter feed with 100
tweets, which is labeled as either ‘male’ or ‘female’ or ‘bot’, we processed each
document to produce values for different combinations of word and character n-grams.
Second, we applied several popular ML methods on the generated combinations of
features. Third, we tried additional combinations of features. Finally, the best models
for the training set were tested on the test set.

2 http://scikit-learn.org/stable/index.html
    Preprocessing: There is a widespread variety of text preprocessing types such as:
conversion of uppercase letters into lowercase letters, HTML object removal, stopword
removal, punctuation mark removal, reduction of different sets of emoticon labels to a
reduced set of wildcard characters, replacement of HTTP links to wildcard characters,
word stemming, word lemmatization, correction of common misspelled words, and
reduction of replicated characters. Not all of them are considered as effective by all TC
researchers. Many systems use only a small number of simple preprocessing types (e.g.,
conversion of all the uppercase letters into lowercase letters and/or stopword removal).
    In our classification experiments, we applied the following text preprocessing types
for the English language: L – converting uppercase letters into lowercase letters, P –
punctuation mark removal, M – word lemmatization, S – stopword removal, H – HTML
tags removal, R- reduction of Replicated characters, C – Error Correction. The
application of the S preprocessing type deletes all instances of 423 stopwords for English
text (421 stopwords from Fox [1989] plus the letters “x” and “z” that are not found in
Fox [1989], yet are included in many other stopword lists). For the Spanish language,
we applied the following text preprocessing types: L – converting uppercase letters into
lowercase letters, P – punctuation mark removal, S – stopword removal (321 stopwords
for Spanish3), H – HTML tags removal, and U – URL tags removal.
    ML methods: We applied five ML methods: MLP– Multilayer Perceptron4,
LinearSVC – SVM with a linear kernel5, LR - Logistic regression6, RF - Random
Forest7, and MNB - Multinomial Naive Bayes8.
    A brief description of these ML methods is as follows. MLP is a feedforward neural
network ML method [Jain et al., 1996] where artificial neural network (ANN) can be
viewed as a weighted directed graph in which nodes are artificial neurons and directed
edges (with weights) are connections from the outputs of neurons to the inputs of
neurons. Support vector machine (SVM, also called support vector network) [Cortes
and Vapnik, 1995] is a model that assigns examples to one of two categories, making
it a non-probabilistic binary linear classifier. LinearSVC is SVM with a linear kernel,
which is recommended for TC because most of TC problems are linearly separable
[Joachims, 1998] and training an SVM with a linear kernel is faster compared to other
kernels. Logistic regression (LR) is a variant of a statistical model that tries to predict
the outcome of a categorical dependent variable (i.e., a class label) [Cessie and Van
Houwelingen, 1992; Hosmer et al., 2013]. Random Forest (RF) is an ensemble learning
method for classification and regression [Breiman, 2001]. RF operates by constructing
a multitude of decision trees at training time and outputting classification for the case
at hand. RF combines the “bagging” idea presented by Breiman [1994] and random
selection of features introduced by Ho [1995] to construct a forest of decision trees.
MNB is a Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier that belongs to the family of Naive Bayes
classifiers, which are classifiers based on applying Bayes' probabilistic theorem with
independence assumptions between the features. The MNB classifier assumes that its

8 https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/naive_bayes.html
features (usually words) are chosen independently from multinomial distribution
(McCallum and Nigam, 1998). A multinomial distribution is useful to model feature
vectors where each value represents, for example, the number of occurrences of a term
or its relative frequency.

Tools and information sources: We used the following tools:
     scikit-learn - a library for ML methods
     NLTK9- a library that produces the various n-gram features and provides a
    corpus of synonyms
     Numpy10 - a library that performs fast mathematical processing
     Autocorrect11- a library that automatically corrects spelling errors.
     Emoji – a library that provides an option of translating emojis to words that
    express the emoji

4.2     Experimental results and their analysis
In Tables 1-4, we present our experimental results carried out on the training set
supplied by the organizers of the competition. These results were obtained on the
official split of the training set (2/3 for training and 1/3 for test).
   The baseline accuracy results of the TC experiments that were performed for the
English and the Spanish datasets are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The best results for each
of the two best ML methods in both tables are bolded.

                    Table 1. Baseline accuracy results for the English dataset.

                  Features                     MLP LinearSVC       LR             RF     MNB
           1000 Word Unigrams              0.783      0.841       0.825      0.750       0.691
           2000 Word Unigrams              0.794      0.848       0.834      0.766       0.706
           3000 Word Unigrams              0.790      0.846       0.827      0.760       0.716
           4000 Word Unigrams              0.798      0.839       0.823      0.745       0.734
           5000 Word Unigrams              0.796      0.837       0.816      0.749       0.735

                    Table 2. Baseline accuracy results for the Spanish dataset.

                Features                   MLP      LinearSVC     LR         RF        MNB
         1000 Word Unigrams               0.7109     0.7413      0.7457    0.6957 0.6489
         2000 Word Unigrams               0.6913     0.7293      0.7446    0.7089 0.6652
         3000 Word Unigrams               0.7098     0.7349      0.7467    0.6685 0.6587
         4000 Word Unigrams               0.7272     0.7435      0.7500    67.93       66.20
         5000 Word Unigrams               0.7250     0.7413      0.7478    0.6533 0.6630

    Tables 1 and 2 show various baseline results for the English and Spanish datasets,
respectively. The best accuracy result for the English dataset 84.8% was obtained by
the SVC method using 2,000 word unigrams. The second best ML method was LR with
an accuracy of 83.4% using 2,000 word unigrams. The best accuracy result for the
Spanish dataset 75% was obtained by LR using 4,000 word unigrams. The second best
ML method was SVC with an accuracy of 74.35% using 4,000 word unigrams.
    The best accuracy result for the English dataset in Table 3 (84.8%) was obtained by
LR by using four preprocessing methods (L – converting uppercase letters into
lowercase letters, M – word lemmatization, P – punctuation mark removal, and R-
reduction of Replicated characters), 2,000 word unigrams, and 1,000 word bigrams
with maximal skip of 2 words. Unfourtantly, although we have done dozens and maybe
hundreds of different experiments so far we did not succeed to improve the best baseline
result (also 84.8%) that was obtained by LinearSVC using 2,000 word unigrams.
    The best accuracy result for the Spanish dataset in Table 4 (75.54%) was obtained
by LinearSVC with only the HTML tag removal preprocessing method and by the
combination of 1,000 word unigrams, 1,000 word bigrams, and 3,000 character
trigrams. This result shows 1,000 word unigrams, a slight improvement of 0.54%
comparing to the best baseline accuracy result in Table 2 (75%).

                   Table 3. Best accuracy results for the English dataset.

                  Features                     Best ML      Preprocessing    Accuracy

2000 W Unigrams,
1000 W Bi-gram with skips of 2                    LR           LMPR            0.848
2000 W Unigrams,
1000 W Bi-grams with skips of 2                  SVC           LMPR            0.845
1000 W Unigrams, 1000 C Unigrams,
3000 C Tri-grams                                 SVC             H             0.842
1000 W Unigrams, 1000 C Unigrams,
3000 C Tri-grams                                  LR             H             0.830
1000 W Unigrams, 1000 C Bi-grams                 SVC             H             0.823

                   Table 4. Best accuracy results for the Spanish dataset.

                   Features                        Best ML     Preprocessing   Accuracy
1000 W Unigrams, 1000 C Bi-grams,
3000 C trigrams                                      SVC             H           0.7554
3000 W Unigrams, 3000 C bigrams                      SVC             LHS         0.7522
1000 W Unigrams, 3000 C trigrams,
1000 C Bi-grams                                      SVC              L          0.7511
5000 W Unigrams                                        LR          NONE          0.7472
2000 W Unigrams,                                       LR
1000 W unigrams with skips of 2                                    NONE          0.7452
              Table 5. Official accuracy results obtained for the test set on TIRA.

Baseline/Our Team               Bots vs. Human                       Gender             Average
                            English        Spanish         English            Spanish
     Random baseline         0.4905         0.4861          0.3716            0.3700    0.4296
     Majority baseline         0.5            0.5            0.5                0.5       0.5
        Our team             0.4163         0.4744          0.7489            0.7378    0.5944
      LDSE baseline          0.9054         0.8372          0.7800            0.6900    0.8032

   In Table 5, we present part of the official accuracy results obtained for the test set
on TIRA. The results of our model (hacohenkerner19) were better than the results
obtained by the Random and Majority baseline methods. Our results were comparable
to the LDSE baseline results for the gender task for both languages. However, our
results were significantly lower than those of the LDSE baseline results for the Bots vs.
Human task for both languages. Possible explanations for this phenomenon could be
(1) our model only classifies each profile to one of three types: male or female or bot;
We did not classify whether it is a bot or a person, and only if it a person to classify
whether it is a male or a female and/or (2) our models presented in Tables 3 and 4 are

5       Summary and Future Work

In this paper, we describe the participation of our team (hacohenkerner19) in the PAN
2019 shared task on bots and gender profiling of tweets in English and Spanish. We
tried various pre-processing types, a wide variety of feature sets, and five ML methods.
    Regarding the experimental results carried out on the training set, the best accuracy
result for the English dataset (84.8%) was obtained by LinearSVC using 2,000 word
unigrams. The same result (84.8%) was also obtained by LR by using four
preprocessing methods, 2,000 word unigrams, and 1,000 word bigrams with a maximal
skip of 2 words. The best accuracy result (75,54%) for the Spanish dataset was achieved
using LinearSVC with only the HTML tag removal preprocessing method and a
combination of 1,000 word unigrams, 1,000 word bigrams, and 3,000 character
    Regarding the official accuracy results obtained for the test set on TIRA, the results
of our model were better than the results obtained by the Random and Majority baseline
methods. However, our results were significantly lower than those of the LDSE
baseline results for the Bots vs. Human task for both languages. Possible explanations
could be (1) our model only classifies each profile to one of three types: male or female
or bot; We did not classify whether it is a bot or a person, and only if it a person to
classify whether it is a male or a female and/or (2) our models presented in Tables 3
and 4 are overfitting.
    Future research proposals include (1) applying additional combinations of feature
sets; (2) tuning each model separately; (3) applying various deep neural models; and
(4) building and applying model(s) that will use also keyphrases [HaCohen-Kerner et
al., 2007], expansions of abbreviations [HaCohen-Kerner et al., 2008B], and summaries
[HaCohen-Kerner et al., 2003] that can be extracted from the tweet profiles.

Acknowledgments. This work was partially funded by the Jerusalem College of
Technology (Lev Academic Center) and we gratefully acknowledge its support.

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