=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_197 |storemode=property |title=Stacked Bots and Gender Prediction from Twitter Feeds |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_197.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Todor Staykovski |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Staykovski19 }} ==Stacked Bots and Gender Prediction from Twitter Feeds== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_197.pdf
Stacked Bots and Gender Prediction from Twitter Feeds
                         Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                                       Todor Staykovski

                                 Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria

        Abstract This paper describes an approach of predicting bots and gender from
        twitter feeds in English only. Given an author Twitter feed, the task is to identify
        whether it is a bot or human and in case of human to profile the gender of the
        author. The submitted system is a stack of two models. In the first model, the feeds
        are represented as TF–IDF vectors. The second model is based on Doc2Vec feeds
        representations. Both models use the same pre-processing pipeline and multilayer
        perceptron neural network in order to classify the tweets.

1     Introduction

Over the last years bots have flooded social media, serving different purposes, such as
commercial and political. In order to achieve their goal, bots are spreading fake news.
Some bots promote specific products, while others could pose a thread for the security,
spreading news or opinions on political or ideological bases. Thus identification of bots
on social media is very important task nowadays.
     In the past years PAN have organized several tasks on author profiling. This year’s
Author Profiling task at PAN 2019 [2] is different from the previous years, since clas-
sification is separated into two sub-tasks. The first sub-task is to identify whether the
author of a Twitter feed is a bot or a human. The second sub-task is continuation of the
first one, profiling the author in case of human. The performance of the submitted so-
lutions is ranked bu accuracy. The accuracy is calculated for both sub-tasks separately,
where the final accuracy result will be average per language. Further details about Bots
and Gender Profiling task can be found in [8].
     This paper presents an approach of predicting bots and gender, only for English
language. The system predicts for both classification sub-tasks: (i) bot or human; (ii)
bot, male or female.
     The remaining of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a brief overview
of relevant previous work. Section 3 describes the dataset. Section 4 presents the core
system stack based on two models. Section 5 presents the experiments and discusses
the evaluation results. Finally, Section 6 concludes and points to possible directions for
future work.
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
2     Related Work
Author profiling has been explored in PAN lab for years. Wide range of machine learn-
ing algorithms have been presented, including deep learning.
    Giovanni Ciccone et. al. [1] predict gender from tweet texts and images, using stack
composed of two main parts. The first one, predicts gender from texts, based on n-grams
and TF–IDF. The second part consists of different layers of classifiers, predicting gender
from images. Both predictions, from texts and images, feed into a classifier that outputs
the final prediction.
    Adam Poulston et. al. [7] present an approach of predicting gender from tweets,
based on stack of two classifiers: a logistic regression classifier trained on TF–IDF
transformed n-grams and a gaussian process classifier trained on word embedding clus-

3     Dataset
The English part of the training dataset of the Bots and Gender Profiling task consists of
4120 files. Every file contains 100 tweets from an unique author. The dataset is balanced
for both sub-tasks. The labeling of the two sub-tasks is as follows:(i) classification by
type: human or bot; (ii) classification by gender: bot, male or female.
    The training dataset is further separated into train and development parts, which are
balanced as well.

4     Overview of the Proposed System
This section describes the two parts of the stacked model. Both parts use the same pre-
processing pipeline and multilayer perceptron neural network, where outputs one-hot
vector. The output is bot, male or female which serves for both sub-tasks.
    In order to prevent over-fitting on the training dataset a dropout is used. The value
of the dropout d = 0.2 for both models of the stack was chosen empirically.

4.1   Pre-processing
The pre-processing step involves case-folding, parsing specific symbols to text and
punctuation removing. All tweet specific symbols are parsed to text. For instance the
sentence "Bots and Gender Prediction is #great competition :-) https://pan.webis.de" is
pre-processed to "bots and gender prediction is hashtag competition emoji url". After
cleaning the tweets they are tokenized using TweetTokenizer from the nltk library [4],
using options of strip handles and reduce length.

4.2   Prediction Based on TF–IDF Vector Representations
The first part of the stack uses TF–IDF vector representations. In order to build the
representations, a TF–IDF vectorizer from [5] is used. The vocabulary of the vectorizer
is built from the training dataset. The TF–IDF vectorizer outputs a vector with size of
20,000. A feed-forward neural network with 2 hidden layers is trained, using hyper-
parameters shown in Table 1.
                       Figure 1. A picture of the proposed system.

4.3   Prediction Based on Doc2Vec Vector Representations

The second model of the stack is using Doc2Vec [3] representations for each author
tweets. A Doc2Vec model is built using [9] and trained on the training corpus. It in-
fers a 300-dimensional vector. Similarly to the preceding model, a feed-forward neural
network with 2 hidden layers is trained for prediction. The hyper-parameters of the
network are shown in Table 2.

5     Experiments and Results

In order to tune the hyper-parameters of the models, several experiments were con-
ducted. Both models of the final stacked system were tuned individually. During the
                          Table 1. TF-IDF model hyper-parameters

                                 Parameter           Best fit
                                 Batch size            32
                                   Epoch                7
                            Dropout regularization     0.2
                             Activation function      relu
                                 Optimizer          Adadelta
                               Hidden layers       (2000, 500)

                         Table 2. Doc2Vec model hyper-parameters

                                  Parameter           Best fit
                                  Batch size            32
                                    Epoch                7
                             Dropout regularization    0.2
                              Activation function      relu
                                  Optimizer          Adadelta
                                Hidden layers       (400, 200)

            Table 3. Results for both models separately and combination of them

                                     model accuracy
                                    TF–IDF 83.62
                                    Doc2Vec 83.22
                                    Stacked 85.96

experiments the hyper-parameters were obtained as shown in Tables 1 and 2. The unof-
ficial final results of the two models, tuned separately are shown in Table 3, where both
models are trained on the training part of the dataset, and evaluated on the development
part of the dataset. The accuracy is calculated for the gender classification sub-task (bot,
male or female).
     We can see that both models achieved similar results, which led to another exper-
iment with both models combined. The combination of TF–IDF and Doc2Vec outper-
formed both models separately, so that it was the obvious choice for the final system at
PAN 2019 [2], Bots and Gender Profiling task [8].
     Finally, both models of the submitted stacked system were trained on the whole
part of the training dataset and the stack was tested on the official test set on the TIRA
platform [6].

6   Conclusion and Future Work
This paper has presented a system for predicting bots and gender from twitter feeds
for the Bots and Gender Profiling task [8] at PAN 2019 [2]. The submitted system is
a stack of two models, where each model uses different vectorial representations for
the Twitter feeds; however, both models uses multilayer perceptron neural network. For
vector representations TF–IDF and Doc2Vec were used.
    The submitted system only works for English language. Therefore, for future re-
search the system should be improved so that it can work with another languages as

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