=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_198 |storemode=property |title=FOI Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution for Criminal Investigations |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_198.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Fredrik Johansson,Tim Isbister |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/JohanssonI19 }} ==FOI Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution for Criminal Investigations== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_198.pdf
            FOI Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution
                  for Criminal Investigations
                         Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                             Fredrik Johansson and Tim Isbister

                           Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
                                       Stockholm, Sweden
                            {fredrik.johansson, tim.isbister}@foi.se

        Abstract Authorship attribution techniques have existed for a long time, but they
        are seldom evaluated in conditions similar to the real-world scenarios in which
        they have to work if they should be useful tools in criminal investigations involv-
        ing digital communication. We have used a SVM classifier as a base, onto which
        we have added two sets of hand-crafted stylometric features and evaluated it using
        data from the PAN-CLEF 2019 cross-domain authorship attribution task. Results
        outperform the baseline systems to which our classifiers have been compared.

1     Introduction

Despite that the uniqueness of individuals’ fingerprints has been widely known for sev-
eral decades, collecting and matching fingerprints from crime scenes to the fingerprints
of suspects or large databases is still a useful tool in many criminal investigations. How-
ever, an increasing amount of crimes are carried out in the digital environment rather
than in the physical world. People are sending threatening e-mails to politicians. Drug
sellers advertise for cheap LSD on illegal darknet marketplaces. Terrorists post violent
extremism propaganda on social media. The list goes on and on. In common for many
crimes in the digital arena is that they in many cases involve digital written communi-
cation of various types. Therefore, it is unsurprisingly that many researchers in recent
years have considered the idea to “fingerprint” online users by extracting and, in var-
ious ways, compare stylometric features such as distribution of function words, parts
of speech, and word lengths from their written texts. One well-known and promising
example of this type of methods is the Writeprint technique, developed by researchers
at the University of Arizona [1]. In their experiments, as well as in many other author-
ship attribution studies, it is often assumed that criminal investigators have access to
texts written by a (usually quite small) set of candidate authors, and that the anonymous
texts with unknown authorship have been written by one of these candidate authors.
Different studies have shown promising results for many types of digital communica-
tion, involving everything from e-mails [15] and forum posts [11] to tweets [9] and
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
blog posts [10]. One fundamental issue with these studies is that they tend to almost
always be conducted on English texts. Far from all offenders in the digital environment
communicate in English, so there is a need for more studies on how this kind of stylo-
metric techniques work for other languages. Another issue is that criminal investigators
in practice far from always are able to access training data from the same type of writ-
ten communication as the anonymous texts that are supposed to be matched against the
training data. However, it is quite seldom that studies evaluate how well authorship at-
tribution algorithms perform when training on data from other medium types than they
are tested on. Moreover, the available texts are seldom controlled for topic, leading to
possibilities that authors may sometimes be distinguished based on topic rather than
style. Given these issues it is still not obvious whether stylometric techniques are prac-
tically useful for law enforcement in real-world criminal investigations or not. For this
reason, the PAN 2019 cross-domain authorship attribution task [7] is highly interesting.
First of all it is cross-domain, meaning that texts of known and unknown authorship
come from different domains. It is also the case that the challenge is an example of
open-set attribution, meaning that the true author is not necessarily included in the list
of candidate authors. Finally, it is also multilingual in the sense that it in addition to
English also covers French, Italian, and Spanish texts.
    The rest of this paper is structured as follows. First, we give an overview of previ-
ous work on authorship attribution in Section 2. In Section 3, we briefly describe the
data available for the PAN 2019 authorship attribution task and present different ideas
for how the challenge at hand can be tackled using different overall design choices. In
Section 4, we describe the features we have implemented and used in our submitted
systems. This is followed by Section 5, in which we give a detailed system description
of how the various features have combined, scaled, and fed into two different classi-
fiers. The obtained results are presented in Section 6. Finally, we conclude the paper in
Section 7.

2   Related Work

A systematic review of the research field is outside the scope of this paper, but it is
important to note that authorship attribution overall is a quite well-studied problem. As
mentioned by Juola in his review of the history of the authorship attribution research
field forward to around year 2006, the idea of telling something about a person from
the language he or she uses goes back at least until the days of the Old Testament [6].
As clearly stated by Juola, the underlying theory behind most authorship attribution ap-
proaches is that some kind of fingerprint of an author can be extracted as a summary
statistic from a given text, and that different authors will vary, noticeably and consis-
tently, along this summary statistic. In his survey, Juola identifies the open class version
of the problem (in which the true author is not necessarily in the set of identified can-
didate authors) to be much harder than the closed class version, and stresses the impor-
tance and difficulty of developing accurate cross-genre techniques. [6]. Another good
overview of the authorship attribution field is given in [13]. Among other things, Sta-
matatos mentions the importance of the open class version of the problem as well as the
importance of attribution methods to be robust even given a limited amount of rather
short texts [13]. He also highlights the need of finding specific stylometric features
which capture only authorial information, rather than genre or topic. Much research
has been undertaken since these overviews were conducted. One interesting example
is the Writeprint technique introduced by Abbasi and Chen [1]. Another study worth
mentioning is that by Narayanan et al. [10], in which the authors show that authorship
attribution can be conducted also on very large scale with good accuracy.

3   Overall Design Choices
A detailed description of the PAN 2019 cross-domain authorship attribution dataset can
be found in [7], but we here provide a short explanation of the most important aspects as
they have an impact on how we have approached the problem in our implementations.
    Participants in the challenge have got access to a development corpus with highly
similar characteristics as an unseen evaluation corpus (to which we have not got access,
but on which the developed system has been evaluated by submitting it and running it
on TIRA [12]). Both the development and evaluation corpora consist of a set of cross-
domain authorship attribution problems in each of the following languages: English,
French, Italian, and Spanish. A fundamental restriction to note is that the sets of can-
didate authors of the development and the evaluation corpora are not overlapping, so
that it is not possible to pre-train a model for classifying the authors of interest on the
development corpus and simply apply it to the evaluation corpus. This constraint made
us realize that we either have to:
 1. Develop a solution which dynamically builds a (supervised) model on-the-fly as it
    encounter new problem instances, or
 2. Develop a more general solution which learns whether two texts are likely to have
    been written by the same author, and apply this to all authors in each new problem
    Since we have previous experience of developing and applying the second type of
techniques to the related problem of author verification [2], [5], we started by apply-
ing a similarity-based supervised classifier [2] intended to classify pairs of texts as to
whether they have being written by the same author or not. When dealing with such
a small number of text documents for each author as were present in the development
corpus, our initial impression was that a more general solution to the problem might
perform better. However, our existing classifier had only been developed for English
and Swedish and has been trained on forum posts, which is quite different from the data
used in this challenge. Since initial experimental results were not very encouraging, we
decided not to spend the time on collecting more representative data to train this kind of
binary classifiers on for all the languages of interest. Instead, our intuition on this point
suggested that training a more tailored supervised classifier dynamically for each new
problem instance would be a more viable approach.
    We got many initial ideas for what type of supervised classifiers to build, many of
them involving various kinds of deep learning architectures. Everything from making
use of a pre-trained language model per language which could be fine-tuned to each in-
dividual candidate author, to building Siamese networks were up on the drawing board.
However, after making a few tests on the TIRA [12] platform we realized that the vir-
tual machines and their lack of GPUs would make this kind of dynamic model building
per problem instance take forever using such advanced architectures. For this reason,
we have in the end decided to go with a much more “traditional” authorship attribution
approach. This approach has many similarities with the baseline-SVM implementation
provided by the PAN organizers. However, it has been complemented with many hand-
crafted stylometric features.

4   Features

This section presents the full list of hand-crafted features that have been implemented
in any of our submitted solutions. Overall, stylometric features are intended to reflect
stylistic characteristics of the writing of individual authors. The idea is that they should
be as independent of topic as possible, and instead capture the more general writing
style of an author. Below follows a high-level description of all implemented features.

Capital words: is defined as the number of uppercase word bigrams divided by number
of word bigrams in total in a text.

Character n-grams: data-driven n-grams on character level (where a character n-gram
is a contiguous sequence of n characters from a given sample of text).

Character upper-lower ratio: is defined as the number of upper-case characters di-
vided by number of lower-case characters in a text.

Lexical diversity: defined as the amount of unique words divided by the total amount
of words in a text.

Lix: a metric defined as:
                                no.words     no.long_words
                            (            )+(               )
                                no.sents       no.words
where no.words is the number of words, no.sents is the number of sentences, and
no.long_words is the number of long words, defined to be all words that are longer
than six characters. It is intended to be used as an approximation of readability and
has in our initial experiments performed better than more traditional measures such as
Flesch-Kincaid [8].

Masked character n-grams: work as the character n-grams, but with the difference
that all characters between A and Z (uppercase as well as lowercase) are masked as a
star (*). The idea is to have this feature focus on the effects of punctuation, spacing,
diacritics, numbers, and other non-alphabetical symbols, as suggested in [3].

Part-of-speech (POS) tag n-grams: work in the same way as the word n-grams, but
use POS tags as tokens rather than words. The POS tagging is language dependent and
relies on spaCy’s1 POS tagger.

Sentence length: for all sentences in a text, the mean and standard deviation are calcu-
lated to get the average sentence length and the variation of sentence lengths.

Shannon entropy: intended to capture the entropy of texts written by an author. It
is defined as
                            H=−         Pi log2 Pi

where Pi is the probability of character number i appearing in the stream of characters
of the message.

Word length: for all words in a text, the mean and standard deviation are calculated
to get the average word length and the variation of word lengths.

Word length distribution: a vector representing the raw counts of word lengths up
to 16 characters, divided by the total amount of words in a text.

Word n-grams: data-driven n-grams on word level (where a word n-gram is a con-
tiguous sequence of n words from a given sample of text).

5      Submitted Systems

Our research institute FOI has contributed with two system submissions to the PAN
2019 authorship attribution challenge. These submissions are here referred to as is-
bister19 and johansson19, respectively. Since the submitted solutions have much in
common we describe them jointly, but in practice we have performed much of the fea-
ture selection, experimentation, etc. more or less independent of each other. This means
that none of the submitted systems utilize all of the features described in last section.
Instead, they use (partially overlapping) subsets of these features. A detailed description
of which features that are used in which system is given in Tables 1 and 2.

    As previously described, our implemented systems build upon the baseline-SVM
classifier, although it has been extended with a lot of other features. We have exper-
imented with several other types of standard classifiers, but the linear SVM classifier
performed consistently better than standard alternatives such as random forest and Ad-
aBoost classifiers. However, it is important to note that the SVM classifier performed
much better when using a one-vs-all regime, training as many binary classifiers as there
are candidate authors. In the implemented classifier there is also a reject option, as-
signing an unknown document to the  class when the difference of the top two
                           Table 1. System overview - isbister19

Features               Parameters
word_ngrams            weighting=smooth_idf, range(1, 3), min_df=2, lower=True
char_ngrams            weighting=smooth_idf, range(1, 3), min_df=25, lower=True
binary_char_ngrams     weighting=binary, range=(1, 4)
LinearSVM (One-vs-all) C=1.0

candidates is less than a pre-specified threshold (set to 0.1 in both systems). Initial ex-
periments indicated that the classifiers perform better with this kind of solution rather
than to assign  when the most likely class probability is less than some pre-
defined threshold. However, systematic searches for good threshold settings have not
been undertaken, so it is likely that classification performance can be increased by fine-
tuning this threshold.

    In case of the isbister19 submission, the whole corpus for each problem (including
the texts from the unknown authors as well) were used to create the vocabulary for the
data-driven n-gram representations. A small increase of performance could be gained
when using the vocabulary also from the unknown authors. Grid search has been used
for both submitted systems in order to find good parameters for the n-grams. In both
systems we have concatenated all used features into a single feature vector. This vector
has been transformed by scaling each feature by its maximum absolute value. Some-
what surprisingly, the choice of scaling method had a huge impact on the predictive
performance, as other standard scaling methods performed much worse.

6   Results
When developing our submissions, we decided on which features to include, how to
scale the data, which classifier to use, etc. by validating different configurations on the
development corpus being part of the PAN 2019 cross-domain authorship attribution
dataset. The results for the submitted systems, as well as two provided baselines to
                         Table 2. System overview - johansson19

Features               Parameters
word_ngrams            weighting=smooth_idf, range(1, 3), min_df=3, lower=True
char_ngrams            weighting=smooth_idf, range(1, 3), min_df=3, lower=True
POS_ngrams             weighting=smooth_idf, range(1, 2), min_df=2, lower=True
Masked ngrams          weighting=smooth_idf, range(1, 2), min_df=2, lower=True
LinearSVM (One-vs-all) C=2.0

                       Table 3. Evaluation results (macro F1 scores)

            Submission         Train-dataset 1 Test-dataset 1 Test-dataset 2
            isbister19         0.641           0.607          0.622
            johansson19        0.623           0.610          0.616
            PAN2019-svm        0.576           xx             xx
            PAN2019-compressor 0.556           xx             xx

which we have compared our results, as reported by the PAN 2019 evaluation script are
shown in the first column of Table 3. These results are, however, not very reliable as
various grid searches have been performed in order to find features and classifiers that
perform well on this specific evaluation.

     According to our preliminary analysis there was a clear difference in difficulty for
different problem instances on this development corpus, but we could not see any dis-
tinct trend in that our trained classifiers performed better for some languages than oth-

    A more reliable estimate of how well the submitted systems can be expected to per-
form on unseen data is given in the two last columns of Table 3. These are the results
obtained when submitting the systems to TIRA and evaluating them on previously un-
seen data. Test-dataset 1 is the data that was used to evaluate the early bird submissions,
while the Test-dataset 2 is the larger dataset used to evaluate the final submissions.
7   Conclusions
In this paper we have presented our submitted systems for the cross-domain authorship
attribution task at PAN 2019. The final submitted systems can be seen as extensions of
the PAN-CLEF 2019 baseline-SVM system, to which we have added a large amount of
hand-crafted stylometric features. The submitted systems have achieved overall scores
of approximately 0.62 macro F1 on the final TIRA test set. They have also consistently
outperformed the baseline implementations to which they have been compared.
     As future work, we would like to contrast this type of models with more mod-
ern pre-trained deep-learning architectures such as language models implemented as
stacked Long Short-Term Memories (LSTMs) [4] or Transformers [14], which are fine-
tuned on the specific problem instances at hand. However, since such approaches would
take a very long time to run on TIRA, given the current specifications of the virtual
machines, such an evaluation would require the PAN 2019 cross-domain authorship at-
tribution evaluation corpus (or similar datasets) to be released for such an evaluation to
be feasible.

This work was supported by the R&D programme of the Swedish Armed Forces.

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