=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_210 |storemode=property |title=Bot and Gender Detection of Twitter Accounts Using Distortion and LSA |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_210.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Andrea Bacciu,Massimo La Morgia,Alessandro Mei,Eugenio Nerio Nemmi,Valerio Neri,Julinda Stefa |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/BacciuMMNNS19 }} ==Bot and Gender Detection of Twitter Accounts Using Distortion and LSA== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_210.pdf
    Bot and Gender Detection of Twitter Accounts Using
                   Distortion and LSA
                        Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

Andrea Bacciu, Massimo La Morgia, Alessandro Mei, Eugenio Nerio Nemmi, Valerio
                           Neri, and Julinda Stefa

             Department of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
                        {lamorgia, mei, nemmi, stefa}@di.uniroma1.it
           bacciu.1747105@studenti.uniroma1.it, neri.1754516@studenti.uniroma1.it

        Abstract In this work, we present our approach for the Author Profiling task of
        PAN 2019. The task is divided into two sub-problems, bot, and gender detection,
        for two different languages: English and Spanish. For each instance of the prob-
        lem and each language, we address the problem differently. We use an ensemble
        architecture to solve the Bot Detection for accounts that write in English and a
        single SVM for those who write in Spanish. For the Gender detection we use a
        single SVM architecture for both the languages, but we pre-process the tweets in
        a different way. Our final models achieve accuracy over the 90% in the bot detec-
        tion task, while for the gender detection, of 84.17% and 77.61% respectively for
        the English and Spanish languages.

1     Introduction
The ability to profile the author of a message automatically with the advent of social
networks and online platforms is more than ever a crucial issue. As an example, be
able to profile users that write on a specific topic can provide useful insight to address
advertisement campaigns. In forensic investigations, detailed profiling of an anonymous
user can speed up the investigative process. Moreover, be able to profile an author also
include the ability to understand if the author of a set of messages is a human or a
bot. On social networks, especially on Twitter, the presence of bots is heavy. Usually,
bots have the task to drum up the attention of human users on a specific event but,
unfortunately, they are often used to spread misleading information and fake news.
    In this paper, we present our approach for the Author Profiling task of PAN 2019,
that focuses on the bot and gender detection of Twitter accounts. We start introducing
the problem, the dataset provided by PAN, and the evaluation framework used in this
task. In section 3, we describe the features selected to build our model for the bot detec-
tion, the architecture, how single features perform on the task, and the final evaluation.
In section 4, we address the problem of gender detection, also here we describe all the
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
phases we faced to build the final model. Finally, in section 5, we make a brief survey
of the works that inspired our methodology, and section 6 concludes the paper with the
final considerations about the work and the possibility to improve it.

2     Problem

In this section, we describe the problem addressed in this work. More in details, we
start defining the Author Profiling competition, then we report about the data, and the
evaluation framework used by the organizers of the task to evaluate the classifiers of the

2.1   Pan Task

PAN is a series of scientific events and shared tasks on digital text forensics and stylom-
etry. Currently, we are at the 19th [11] edition of the event, and the 7th on the author
profiling task [34]. In each edition, the organizers propose several challenges related
to the forensic analysis, provide the guidelines and the dataset to accomplish the tasks.
Participants team can concur for one or all of them. At the end of the challenges, all the
participants are invited to submit a notebook where they explain the methodology and
the idea developed for the solution of the task.

2.2   Author Profiling Task

The Author Profiling Task 2019 [34] aims to identify the nature of Twitter accounts,
detecting if the writer is a Bot or a Human being and in the last case, the gender of the
account owner. The task is proposed in two different languages: English and Spanish.
Participants can address just one problem, Bot or Gender detection, just one language
or the complete challenge.

2.3   The Dataset

The dataset is made by two sets of Twitter accounts, one for the English language, and
the other for the Spanish. Each account in the dataset is a collection of 100 tweets.
Both the datasets are already split in Train and Dev partitions. Moreover, the complete
dataset contains also two Test partitions, but they are not public, both the dimension and
the number of instances for each class are unknown to the participants. Test sets can be
used only in the remote evaluation phases. Instead, the known part of the dataset has
the ground truth. Here, each account is described by two columns, where the first one
defines the nature of the account and the second the gender.
    To maintain a realistic scenario, no cleaning operation on the tweets was performed
by the organizers. In this way, participants can be aware if a message is a tweet or a
retweet, on the other side there is no guarantee that all the tweets of the same users
are in the same language. All the links in the dataset appear, as usual on Twitter, in the
short format (https://t.co/id). Hence, since during the evaluation phase is not possible
to use the internet connection, neither the link can be resolved nor is possible to extract
information about their contexts such as the hostname, or the page content.
    The English part of the dataset is made globally by 4120 accounts, of which 2880
belonging to the Train set and 1240 to the Dev. Instead, the Spanish one has 3000 users,
with 2080 accounts in the Train partition and the remaining users for the Dev set. In all
the partitions users are evenly divided between bots and humans, and humans in their
turn are divided in half between men and women. As we can see in Table 1, the length
of the tweets can vary a lot. We have tweets made by only one character and tweets
longer than 900.

                                  Table 1. Datasets composition

                      Partition        users     max char         min char
                      En Train         2880         933              1
                      En Dev           1240         646              1
                      Es Train         2080         932              1
                      Es Dev            920         876              1

Evaluation Framework As we previously said, PAN does not disclose to the partic-
ipants the Test dataset, in order to simulate a real case scenario. So, it is possible to
evaluate the performance of the developed solution on the test set only using (TIRA).
TIRA [17, 32] — Testbed for Information Retrieval Algorithms, is a platform that fo-
cuses on hosting shared tasks and facilitates the submission of software. Pan provides
to all the participants a Virtual Private Server on Tira, where participants can deploy
their model and run it on preset datasets. For the author profiling task of 2019, two Test
sets were released on TIRA. The first Test was used during the pre-evaluation phase,
at this stage it was possible to execute multiple runs on the Test set, and to request the
evaluation for all of them to the moderators. Instead, for the second Test set, the final
one, it was possible to request the evaluation for just one run. Performances of runs are
computed with the accuracy metric. Finally, it is important to note that the evaluation
of the gender is based on the output of the bot detection task, this means that only the
accounts classified as human by the bot detector are used to compute the accuracy of
the gender classifier.

3   Bot Detection

Our classifiers to address the bot detection problem rely on the meta-estimator Ad-
aBoost for the English language and on a single SVM architecture for the Spanish.
Following we describe step by step how we built our models.
3.1   Features
In this section, we describe the features that we use for the bot detection classifier. For
each account we compute the following features:
 – Emojis: The average number of emojis used in each tweet.
 – Web link: The average number of links shared in each tweet.
 – Hashtag: The average number of hashtags used.
 – Len of Tweets: The average length of the tweets.
 – Len of ReTweets: The average length of the retweets.
 – Semicolons: The average number of semicolons used.
 – Cosine Similarity score: For all the tweets that belong to the same user, we weight
   each word with the Tf-Idf. Then, for each pair of tweets, we compute the cosine-
   similarity. Finally, we get as feature the average of the scores. The idea is that the
   cosine similarity of bots is higher than that of humans. Since the messages that
   belong to the same Bot, tend to be very similar among them selves.
 – Sentiment Analysis: We perform the sentiment analysis to each tweet, then we
   use as features the average neutral sentiment score and the average on compound
   score. To perform the sentiment analysis, we use the Vader Sentiment Analysis
   tool [19]. It provides for the analyzed sentence a positive, a negative, a neutral and
   a compound score where the compound score is a single uni-dimensional measure
   that sums up the sentiment of the sentences.
 – Text Distortion: We use the function of [39] to distort the text. The distortion
   technique is a pre-processing method that consists in masking some part of the text
   before the feature extraction. The distortion is used to emphasize the use of special
   characters and punctuation. This function transforms every ASCII characters into *
   and leaves unchanged no-ASCII characters. An example of distorted text is shown
   in Tab. 2. So, we first concatenate all the tweets belonging to the same user. Then,
   we replace all the emoticons with the tag ::EMOJI::, in this way we normalize
   all the emoticons, and at the same time after the text distortion we can still have
   a recognizable pattern (::*****::). Finally, we apply the distortion and we extract
   from the text the first 1000 char-grams by frequency of length from 2 up to 8, that
   appear at least 5 times among all the tweets of the account. The selected char-grams
   are then weighted with Tf-Idf in which the term frequency is logarithmically scaled.
In Tab 3 are reported the final dimension of each feature, and the total dimension of our
features set.

                                   Table 2. Text distortion

Original Text                                  Distorted Text
RT @BIBLE_Retweet: Great men are not           ** @*****_*******: ***** *** *** ***
always wise - Job 32:9                         ****** **** - *** **:*
I don’t know. Just making conversation with    * ***’* ****. **** ****** ************
you, Morty. What do you think, I-I-I... know   **** ***, *****. **** ** *** *****, *-*-*...
everything about everything?                   **** ********** ***** **********?
                              Table 3. Dimension of features

               Feature type                En Dimension        Es Dimension
               Emojii                           1                   1
               Web link                         1                   1
               Hashtag                          1                  —
               Len of Tweets                    1                   1
               Len of ReTweets                  1                   1
               Semicolons                       1                   1
               Cosine Similarity Score          1                   1
               SA: Neutral                      1                   1
               SA: Compound                     1                   1
               Distortion Text tf-idf          1000               1000
               Total                           1009               1008

3.2   Features Reduction
Once extracted all the features, we use the PCA [18,28] —Principal Component Analy-
sis, to reduce the dimensionality of the features space with a minimum loss of informa-
tion. In particular, in our algorithm we use the PCA implementation of sklearn. For the
English bot classifier, we reduce the features dimension from 1009 to 56, while for the
Spanish bot classifier from 1008 to 46. In both the cases we set the withen parameter of
PCA equals to True.

3.3   Bot Classifiers
We built two different classifiers one to detect the English Bot and one for the Spanish
one. In Fig. 1 is shown the architecture for the English Bot classifier. As we can see,
the classifier is made by two layers. In the first layer, we have a single SVM [9] with
an RBF kernel, and an AdaBoost instance. AdaBoost is a meta-estimator [15], that be-
gins by fitting a classifier on the original dataset and then fits additional copies of the
classifier on the same dataset but where the weights of incorrectly classified instances
are adjusted such that subsequent classifiers focus more on difficult cases. We use Ad-
aBoost with 30 estimators and SVM as base estimator, with a learning rate of 65% and
the SAMME.R algorithm. In the second layer, we have a Soft-Voting Classifier that
ensemble the predictions of the previous layer. To ensemble the predictions we sum up
for each class the probability of being the right one as predicted by our classifiers, then
we pick as final prediction, the class with the highest value.
    For the Spanish bot classification, we use just a single SVM, since in this case, after
some experiments, we found that it performs better than the ensemble architecture used
for the English bot detection. The SVM on our experiment has Radial Basis Function
kernel, with the hyper-parameters left to the default values.

3.4   Evaluation
To evaluate our model, accordingly with the metric evaluation of the task, we use the
accuracy. As first experiment, we evaluate the features we extracted one by one, with
                        Figure 1. English bot classifier architecture


                                        .                                Voting      Predictions

                                     SVM           Predictions

the same architecture described above. In Tab 4 are shown the performances. As we
can see, all the features have similar performances for both the languages. Of particular
relevance is the Distortion feature that alone achieves an accuracy of 90.48% for the
English language, and the ratio of web links shared with more than 79%. The compound
feature has a strange behavior, in fact on the English language it is very close to the
random guess, while for the bot detection in Spanish it is around 68%.
    In Tab. 5 are shown the results with our final model on the three evaluation datasets
provided by PAN. As we can see, our model perform better for the English language
than for the Spanish.

4     Gender Profiling

In this section, we describe our approach to gender detection. For this task, we use a
single SVM architecture for both the languages.

4.1    Pre-Processing

Before extracting the features from the text, we pre-process the tweets in a different
way depending on the language taken into account. For both the languages, we process
all the tweets belonging to the same account as a single document. English: for the
English accounts, we start our pre-processing phase tokenizing the text. To accomplish
                              Table 4. Features performance

                    Featuretype                   En Score      Es Score
                    Emojii                        71.05%        70.65%
                    Web link                      79.19%        87.93%
                    Hashtag                       76.53%          —
                    Len of Tweets                 59.59%        53.36%
                    Len of ReTweets               86.12%        81.41%
                    Semicolons                    64.27%        55.21%
                    Cosine Similarity Score       60.00%        64.67%
                    SA: Neutral                   61.53%        66.19%
                    SA: Compound                  51.37%        68.36%
                    Distortion Text tf-idf        90.48%        81.73%
                    all without PCA               77.90%        76.73%

                         Table 5. Bot detection evaluation results

                             Test       English       Spanish
                             Dev        95.56%        92.06%
                             Test1      93.18%        88.89%
                             Test2      94.32%        90.78%

this operation, we use the TweetTokenizer of the NLTK python package [4]. We choose
this tokenizer since it was designed exactly to web content. It can handle out of the
box ASCII emoticons, and it replaces character sequences of length greater than 3 with
sequences of length 3. After this step, we stem the tokenized text. We use the Snowball
Stemming [31], from the NLTK library. Stemming is a technique of Natural Language
Processing that reduces an inflected word to its base form. For example given this list of
words [’denied’, ’died’, ’agreed’, ’owned’], the Snowball Stemmer produce as output
the following words [’deni’, ’die’, ’agre’, ’own’].
    Spanish: Also, for the Spanish tweets, we start our pre-processing with the tok-
enization of the text. After this stage, we lemmatize the tweets instead of stemming
them as done for the English. Lemmatizing like Stemming generate the root form of
the inflected word, but while the stemmer operates on a single word without knowledge
of the context, a lemmatizer does a full morphological analysis to identify the lemma
for each word accurately. For instance, if we consider the word "meeting" that can be
either the base form of a noun or a form of a verb ("to meet"), the lemmatizer tries to
understand from the context of the sentence the right form and lemmatize the word ac-
cordingly. To lemmatize the tweets, we use the es_core_news_sm library of the SpaCy 1

4.2   Features Extraction and Features Reduction

After the pre-processing phase, we move to the features extraction. Here, we use the
same kind of feature, Word n-gram, but with different settings for English and Spanish.
For the English gender detection, we select the 90000 most frequent words n-grams
of length from 1 up to 5, that have a document frequency higher than 4. Then, we
weight the n-grams with the Tf-Idf, in which the term frequency is logarithmically
scaled. In the Spanish case, we use words n-grams of length from 1 up to 8, that appear
in each document at least 7 times, then we weight them with the Tf-Idf. In this last
case, we select the 50,000 most frequents n-grams. Once we have extracted all the
features, we apply the Latent Semantic Analysis to reduce their dimensionality, the
effectiveness of low dimensionality representation in the Author Profiling task is shown
in [33]. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) [14] is a statistical approach to extracting
relations among words by means of their contexts of use in documents. It makes no use
of natural language processing techniques for analyzing morphological, syntactic, or
semantic relations, nor does it use humanly constructed resources. LSA starting from
the Tf-Idf , applies a reduced-rank singular value decomposition (SVD) on the Tf-Idf
matrix to reduce the number of rows while preserving the similarity structure among
columns. After this step, we have that each account for both the languages is represented
by 11 features.

4.3   Classifier and Evaluation

In our experiments, we try different classifiers: Logistic Regression, Random Forest,
and SVM. To evaluate our classifiers, we measure their performances using only the
humans in the Dev set. In this way, we have not the bias of the bot miss-classified by
the Bot detector. Unfortunately, we cannot repeat the same experiment on the Test sets,
since they are not public. In Table 6 are shown the performances of the aforementioned
classifiers. As we can see, the best result is achieved for both the languages with a single
SVM with a radial base function kernel. We tune the hyper-parameter of the classifiers
through grid search. We find that the best configuration for our models is to use for
the English model a penalty coefficient of 8192, while of 4096 for the Spanish model,
we left the remaining hyper-parameters to the default values. In Tab. 7 are shown the
final results of our classifiers, in this last case, we made a full evaluation accordingly
with the PAN guidelines, so we evaluate all the users that the bot detector classified as
Human. Investigating on the miss-classified English speaking accounts of the Dev set,
we note that most of them are humans that we erroneous classify as bot. So, we look
inside their messages, and we found that most of them have strange posting behavior.
As an example, they share almost the same messages multiple times, or the majority of
their tweets are bible verses.

5     Related Work

Bot Detection. Since 2006, the year Twitter was released to the public, it catches the at-
tention of the research community both from a sociological and technical point of view.
            Table 6. Evaluation results of gender detection on humans of Dev set

                       Test                      English       Spanish
                       Logistic Regression       75.16%        64.43%
                       Random Forest             72.58%        63.91%
                       SVM                       85.48%        71.30%

                          Table 7. Final results of gender detection

                              Test        English      Spanish
                              Dev        80.42%        63.68%
                              Test1      80.68%        69.44%
                              Test2      84.17%        77.61%

Among these works, some of them focused on detecting the nature of the accounts,
such as fake followers [10], bots, spammers, advertising account [40], with different
approaches. Morstater et al. [26] clustered the approaches by the kind of features used
in the detection outlining three different categories. The first one is characterized by the
detection algorithm that exploits the content of the messages [45]. The second to those
exploit the information contained in the profile description or account details like the
mail address used for the sign-in or the device used for tweeting [41, 42]. Lastly, the
one that takes into account the network structure and the connection of the accounts
under investigation [24]. Chu et al. [8] were the first to address the problem of the bot
detection in Twitter. They focused on the classification of Twitter accounts into three
categories: Human, Bot and Cyborg — hybrid accounts managed by a human assisted
by software and vice versa. They noticed that human have complex timing behaviors
in terms of posting while bots and cyborgs posting at a regular times. Moreover, they
found that Bots posts contents are very often spam messages and that Bots share more
links than human. In their classification, they achieve an average accuracy of 96% with
a Bayesian classifier on a balanced dataset made by 6,000 samples. Chavoshi et al. [6]
showed that it is possible to detect automated account exploiting only the time series of
their posting, achieving with their methodology an accuracy of 94%. Varol et al. [44]
estimated that between 9% and 15% of active Twitter accounts are bots. For the estima-
tion they used a Random Forest classifier and 1150 different kinds of features belonging
to the three categories described above, their classifier can separate the classes with an
Area Under the Curve of 0.94. Finally, Koulompis et al. [21] were the first to introduce
the sentiment analysis in the task of bot detection on Twitter. In [3, 13] in conjunction
with other kinds of features, they exploited the sentiment analysis to analyze the bots
presence in the tweets related to the Indian and U.S elections respectively.

Gender identification. The problem of automatic profiling the author of a text is a
crucial problem in many application scenarios, such as forensic, security, and commer-
cial settings [2]. The goal of the task is to infer as much as possible information about
an unknown author. The profile traits most studied in the literature are: Age, gender,
personality traits, native language. Following we focus on the works that address the
gender identification problem. The linguistic community was the first researchers to
face the problem of gender identification [22, 23, 43]. Pennebaker et al. [30] address the
problem from a psychological point of view, they conclude that the stylistic differences
between women and men are consistent with a sociological framework of gender dif-
ferences in access to power. In the field of the automatic gender identification several
approaches was proposed and on different datasets. Cheng et al. [7] explore the problem
on the Reuters and Enron corpus using three different classifiers SVM, Decision tree,
and logistic regression. In [1, 5, 12, 25] the authors deal with different twitter datasets
built by themselves. Also, the participant of the PAN author profiling task of the years
2015 [38],2017 [36] and 2018 [36] address the problem on a twitter dataset provided by
the task organizers. Finally, datasets built from the heterogeneous social network was
used in [2,35,37] From the point of view of the features, we can divide the features used
in these works into three macro-categories: Syntactic features, that capture the writing
style of the authors. As example in [7, 27] the authors found that women and men have
different habits of using punctuation; for example, women tend to use more question
marks with respect to the men. Function words are the words that have an ambiguous
meaning and express grammatical relationships among other words within a sentence.
Instead, in [16, 20, 29] the authors noticed that women tend to use ’I’, ’me’, and ’my’
more frequently than men, or that the women use intensive adverbs and positive adjec-
tives more than men. Finally, we have the char and the word n-grams highly adopted in
every stylometric tasks.

6   Conclusion and future work

In this work, we presented our approach to the Author profiling task of PAN2019. We
develop 4 different classifiers, one for each problem subset. For the Bot detection of En-
glish written messages, we used an ensemble architecture where the AdaBoost outputs
are ensembled by a soft-voting classifier. For each one of the other problems, we use
a single fine-tuned SVM. We achieve excellent performances, especially in the bot de-
tection task, where we record a score of about 95% on the English Dev and the English
final Test set. Regarding gender detection, our model achieves an accuracy of 85.48%
on English Dev set and of 71.30% on the Spanish one, when there is no bias introduced
by the Bot detection. If we consider the full pipeline of the task, that means to evalu-
ate the gender on all the accounts classified as human by the bot classifiers, our model
achieves an accuracy of 80.42% and 63.68% respectively for the English and Spanish
datasets. Globally our models perform better on the English accounts than the Spanish
ones, so we believe that more work is needed to fill this gap. Finally, we believe that
the performances of the classifiers can even be better if the model can take into account
at least the hostname of the link found in the dataset. Moreover, in a real case scenario,
also the profile description of the account, the username, and the profile image can help
to boost the performance as shown in the previous editions.

This work was supported in part by the MIUR under grant “Dipartimenti di eccellenza
2018-2022" of the Department of Computer Science of Sapienza University.


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