=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_212 |storemode=property |title=Bots and Gender Classification on Twitter |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_212.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Usman Saeed,Farid Shirazi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/SaeedS19 }} ==Bots and Gender Classification on Twitter== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_212.pdf
              Bots and Gender Classification on Twitter
                       Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                         Usman Saeed and Dr. Farid Shirazi
                                Data Science Lab (DSL),
                             Ryerson University, Canada,
                    350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, Canada.
                         {usman.saeed, f2shiraz}@ryerson.ca

       Abstract. In the modern era, we observed a massive increase in the activities of
       social-media due to suitable large group of users. As Twitter is highly popular
       social networking site, Twitter has also appealed the interests of the spammers
       like social bots to behave as social media actors. Actors like this can perform
       many wicked actions, including individual discussion inflators, swindler, and
       stock market exploiters, and so on. The hazard is even higher when the purpose
       is a political party. Furthermore, bots are usually associated with spreading fake
       contents. So, it is vital to deal with the classification of bots from an author
       profiling point of view from the perception of the marketing field, network
       security, and Data forensics. This article describes the contribution of the Data
       Science Lab of Ryerson University, Canada in task bots and gender profiling at
       PAN-19 evaluation lab. The goal of this paper is to detect (A) if the author of a
       Tweet is a bot or a human, (B) if human, identify the gender of that particular
       author. We participated in the English language only. In the proposed approach,
       we used bag of words model after applying different preprocessing techniques
       (stemming, stop words removal, lowercase, etc.). On the development dataset
       which was made available by PAN, we got best accuracies 79.51 on task A
       (binary class) by using MultinomialNB and 56.55 on task B (multi-class) by
       using Decision Tree classifier. In the evaluation phase on TIRA, our results are
       the same as in development dataset-2.

        1 Introduction
A social-bot is an automated program that creates web content and attempts to interact
with humans on social media platforms. Recently, we realized significant progress of
actions by users presence in social-media platforms. For instance, Twitter advanced from
a private micro-blogging platform to an information distribution platform. It became easy
for a new user to set up an account due to possible access and openness of the Twitter
platform. This set up allows the bot to post tweets like a human. There are both bad and
good outcomes by the proliferation of bots [1, 2]. On one side, bots can produce some
good, informative tweets like blog updates and news, which improve information
broadcasting. Automated bots can also be useful for a profile holders, like bots that
combined data from many information origins ground on the account holders’
attentiveness. Contrarily, spammers and hackers can manipulate bots to appeal current

Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
profiles as their supporters, allowing them to take over outcomes of the searching engines
or running topics, distribute unwanted communications (messages, email, etc.), and tempt
the users to visit malicious websites [2, 3, 4]. Furthermore, hackers can use malicious bots
that can produce more severe effects like generating panic in emergencies, leaning
political opinions, or harming a company’s status [1, 5] and hack IT network. Therefore,
this article uncovers the possible threats of nasty social bots, evaluations of the detection
techniques and suggests possible paths for future study.
The rest of the article is arranged as follows. In section 2, the existing work in research
community is explained. In section 3, dataset provided by the PAN1 [16] organizers and
task description are presented. In chapter 4, details of our purposed approach and
experiments to evaluate the system are described. In section 5, results and analysis are
specified. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2 Related Work

Spam recognition examined for quite a while. The earlier work centers around spam-
email recognition and identification of spam contents on web.
   In [6], author first suggested a Bayesian method to clarify spam e-mails. Research
outcomes display that the algorithms has an enhanced scores studying domain-specific
features along with the unprocessed messages of E-mails. Presently spam e-mail cleaning
is a moderately advanced method. Bayesian spam e-mail filters are executed both on
modern e-mail users and servers. [7] formed honey-profiles on MySpace, Facebook and
Twitter to examine spambots. After a full examination of the gathered dataset, they
determined unexpected user profiles who connected the honey-profiles and formed
attributes for classifying spambots. Additionally, research of seven months engaged on
Twitter by producing 60 honeypots that try to trap spambots [8]. Twitter users who sent a
message or followed two or more accounts of honeypot are instinctively supposed to be
spambots. There is also a study in the research community on spambot identification
grounded on social familiarity [9] or social and content familiarity [10]. It is described in
[11] who distinguished among bot accounts, managed accounts, and personal accounts of
clients on Twitter, based on time intervals of the tweet from the users.
   In [12] developed an algorithm to check if a Twitter profile performs same as bot or an
individual. They utilized the group of bots and individual profiles prominent by [8] and
gathered their tweets and track network information. In 2014 Indian election, different
features like linguistic, network, and application-oriented used to differentiate bots and
individuals [13]. [14] considered a set-up of bots for the study that mutually tweet
concerning the 2012 Syrian civil war.

    https://pan.webis.de/clef19/pan19-web/author-profiling.html Last visited: 14/05/2019
3 Dataset and Task Description

The organizers of shared task bots and gender profiling on Twitter provided English and
Spanish language datasets. However, we only participated in the English language.

3.1 Corpora

PAN-2019 released 412,000 labeled tweets of English language for the training and
development of the systems. Dataset for the training of the model consists of 288,000
labeled tweets, and the development dataset includes 124,000 labeled tweets (according
to the PAN’s suggested split of 70% for training and 30% for development phase). The
English training data set statistics are presented in Table 1 and statistics of development
dataset are in Table 2. Various annotators manually labeled the dataset. Details can be
found in overview paper [15].

3.2 Description of the task

   Task (A): if the author of a Tweet is a bot or a human: it is a binary classification
task, where it is remanded to classify if a tweet written by a human or bot. The systems
are ranked by accuracy.
   Task (B): if human, identify the gender of that particular author: It is multi-class
classification task, where asked to classify bot or human (e.g., the author of the specific
tweet is human or bot) and in case of human, identify the gender of human either male or
female. The systems are ranked by accuracy [15].

4 Description of our Approach

In this chapter, we describe our purposed approach considering the attributes and machine
learning methods used for this shared task.

4.1   Pre-processing

The released dataset was not preprocessed; organizers provided the tweets as they were
tweeted by the users. Here explanation is RTs were not removed and there are chances to
appear multilingual tweets. Before the extraction of features, we applied preprocessing
on raw text. Preprocessing helps to increase accuracy in classification tasks.
We performed the following steps:
• Removed stop words
• Lowercased the text
                              Table 1: English training dataset statistics.
                                        Training corpus
                                              Human total             144000
                             Human                Male                72000
                                                 Female               72000
                               Bot                                    144000
                         Total instances                              288000
                              Table 2: English development dataset statistics.
                                     Development corpus
                                            Human total               62000
                            Human              Male                   15200
                                              Female                  46800
                               Bot                                    62000
                         Total instances                              124000

•      Punctuation marks are removed
•      Removed HTML tags
•      Changed the contracted forms into long forms e.g. haven’t ® have
       not by using regular expressions
•      Removed the numbers, kept only alphabets,
•      Performed stemming by using snow ball stemmer2

4.2      Features
The cleaned text was used to generate the features for the machine learning (ML)
algorithms. We used TF-IDF values with unigram bigram and trigram.

4.3      Machine learning algorithms
In our system, we tried a range of different classifiers for both tasks A and B, but we
decided to mention best performing classifiers on our training dataset.
                              Table 3: Results on training dataset.
               Tasks                       Classifiers                  Accuracy(%)
               Human/Bot (Task A)          MultinomialNB                95.73
               Gender (Task B)             Decision Tree                74.34
                              Table 4: Results on development dataset-1.
              Tasks                        Classifiers                  Accuracy(%)
              Human/Bot (Task A)           MultinomialNB                79.17
              Gender (Task B)              Decision Tree                54.17

    http://www.nltk.org/howto/stem.html Last visited: 14/05/2019
                                 Table 5: Results on development dataset-2.
               Tasks                          Classifiers               Accuracy(%)
               Human/Bot (Task A)             MultinomialNB             79.51
               Gender (Task B)                Decision Tree             56.55

                       Figure 1:The trend of accuracies obtained for English language on training,
                       development and testing corpora.

For binary classification problem (Task A), we used MultinomialNB (MNB), and for
multi-class classification problem (Task B), we used Decision Tree (DT) classifier, For
all classifiers, we used existing implementation in scikit-learn3.

5      Results and Analysis

Shared results of TIRA[17] is presented , i.e., task A and B for the English language only.
We used the following conventions. First column refers to the Shared task which we
participated in. The second column “Classifiers” state different classifiers, which we used
in this competition. Third column “Accuracy” points to the evaluation measure used in
this competition.
Table 3 is presenting the results on training dataset on TIRA platform. On binary
classification problem (Human or bot), we got 95.73% accuracy by using MNB classifier,
which shows that the model is performing well on the binary classification task. On multi-
class classification problem (in case of human, profile the gender), we achieved 74.34%
accuracy by using DT algorithm. Table 4 is showing the results on development dataset-

    https://scikit-learn.org/ last visited: 18/05/2019
1, which is provided by the PAN-19 organizers to evaluate the model on TIRA settings.
We got 79.17% and 54.17% accuracies on task A (binary) and task B (multi-class)
respectively. Table 5 is providing the results on development dataset-2 (also provided by
organizers) to evaluate the model. We acquired 79.51% and 56.55% accuracies on task A
(binary) and task B (multi-class), respectively. In Figure 1, all results are reported including
results in evaluation phase on TIRA. In evaluation phase, our results are same as on
development dataset-2. All reported results are for the English language.

6   Conclusion and Future Work

In the presented article, we explained our methodology to detect (A) if the author of a
Tweet is a bot or a human, (B) if human, identify the gender of that particular author by
using Twitter corpus. We participated in the English language only. We used TF and TF-
IDF values with n-gram range 1-3. The vectors are then used as features for classifiers
like LR and DT. Our model is performing well in the binary classification task by using
development corpora provided by the organizers of PAN-19. Evaluation phase shows that
the classification system is effective and correct to classify spambots and profile the
gender on Twitter. In future, we can consider embeddings with TF-IDF weighting [15]
and learning of document embeddings [16]. We also plan to work with syntactic n-grams
(n-grams obtained by trailing paths in syntactic dependency trees) [17].

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