=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_215 |storemode=property |title=Twitter Feeds Profiling with TF-IDF |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_215.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Juraj Petrik,Daniela Chuda |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/PetrikC19a }} ==Twitter Feeds Profiling with TF-IDF== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_215.pdf
              Twitter Feeds Profiling With TF-IDF
                        Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                                 Juraj Petrik, Daniela Chuda

                     Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
                             {juraj.petrik, daniela.chuda}@stuba.sk

         Abstract. Paper describes our approach in celebrity profiling task at CLEF
         2019 conference. Our method is based on TF-IDF feature extraction method
         combined with random forest classifier. We were mainly focused on
         preprocessing phase, where we implemented multiple methods for a text
         normalization such as emoji transformation, lemmatization, URL replacing.
         The biggest problem was class imbalance, which we tried to resolve by using
         synthetic oversampling techniques.

1 Introduction

   This notebook describes our approach in celebrity profiling task [1] [3]. We were
trying to adjust our method used for source code authorship attribution [4]. However,
we were not able to achieve good consistent results. Thus, we took our baseline
method based on TF-IDF and random forest and tune it for purposes of this challenge
and our results were consistently better with this approach. Our solutions were tested
and evaluated by TIRA evaluation platform [2].
   Author profiling is subtask in stylometry which deals with text analysis to extract
various characteristics of the author. For instance, nationality, age, political or religion
believes, gender or occupation. We can use such traits to determine who is “on the
other end” of chat communication. To know if we are talking with real person, with
the person which is acting as or to adapt way of communication to this specific

2      Task Description

   Task is to profile given celebrity Twitter feed. Our task is to predict four traits -
author’s occupation, birthyear, fame and gender.
   An average F1 macro score amongst all traits was chosen by organizers as a final
evaluation score. Classes in training dataset are heavily imbalanced, especially
nonbinary gender class. Since, birthyear prediction is extremely difficult, score of
birthyear trait is calculated leniently.

    Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
    License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019,
    Lugano, Switzerland.
3    Related Work

   In recent years there has been reborn of stylometry and authorship detection,
multiple papers are dealing with authorship attribution or stylometry in different
contexts. We can distinguish between two common types of stylometry: linguistic
stylometry and source code stylometry.
   The survey [6] describes five subtasks in a linguistic (textual) stylometry –
authorship attribution, authorship verification, authorship profiling, stylochronometry
and adversarial stylometry. Combination of lexical, syntactic, semantic, structural,
domain-specific features and topic models has best results in authorship attribution in
combination with machine learning techniques, which outperforms probabilistic
methods and string distance methods.
   Additionally, 14 open source algorithms for authorship attribution were
benchmarked on a corpus with 1000 authors [6]. It turned out that lower-level
representations (mainly character-level features) are more important than high-level
features (word-level features).
   Representing texts as complex networks based on a word adjacency model look
promising [7]. Working with graphs and comparing similarity of graphs of multiple
documents is a computational complex problem, so authors extracted features as
accessibility, degrees, assortativity, betweenness of nodes from these graphs. Hybrid
approaches outperformed traditional methods.
   Other authors decided to deal with a problem of multiple authors of one document
– multi label classification [8]. Dataset is composed from early revisions of Wikipedia
pages. Results were quite usable when there were 2 authors of one document but with
3 and 4 authors of one document, the accuracy was pretty low and not ready for a
real-world usage. Although thinking about this, we need to take into account that
there is a huge difficulty jump, because of possible authors combinations.

4    Our Method

   As stated above, provided training dataset consists of unprocessed Twitter feeds
[5]. A feed consists of maximum 3000 single tweets from the celebrity. One tweet is
usually ~100 characters long or in terms of words, it is 30 words (the maximum
length is 180 characters, but it depends on language). An average number of tweets
per celebrity in training dataset is 2181. Given these statistics, we got relatively huge
number of texts per sample (celebrity).
   One of our first approaches was convolutional recurrent neural network [4]
modified for purposes of this task with hierarchical tweets processing. Unfortunately,
this approach was surprisingly inferior to our baseline approach leveraging TF-IDF as
features extraction method. Therefore, we used our baseline as the base of the method
for this task and tuned it for better results.
   We used 10-fold stratified cross validation as testing strategy for our solution.
Stratification is especially important in this task, because classes are heavily
                                  Figure 1. Preprocessing pipeline

   Vastly majority of tweets contain handles. A handle is unique personal id in
Twitter social network. People are commonly referencing other profiles by this id,
however for our purposes this information is just some kind of highly dimensional
   Unfortunately, we were not able to use handles to improve performance of our
method. Therefore, we decided to remove all handles from dataset.
   Another common trait in tweets is a multiple usage of the same letters in a row to
emphasize something. Our approach is based on a word (sub word) frequency. We are
reducing dimensionality in the next steps, so we need to deal with this kind of
synonyms. Fortunately, solution is simple – squeeze multiple occurrences of the same
letters (more than 2).
   Next thing how to reduce dimensionality of texts was replacing URLs with
sequence “URL_TOKEN”. Due to Twitter is using own URL shortener service, all
URLs in dataset (in tweets) are starting with string “https://t.co/”. On the one hand
URL info could be good feature, we could be able to cluster similar webpages and
then we can replace original URL with cluster representation. But on the other hand,
because of mentioned shortener, we need to resolve all target URLs, which is time
and resources consuming. As because of the deadline, we decided just to replace
URLS with token, as stated above.
   Another step is a Unicode emoji translation to their respective word description1.
This helps us to better detect emotions (professionals and managers don’t use so many
positive emojis for example).
   In the end we have done standard text preprocessing steps such as lowercase
conversion, accent and English stop words removal.
   As we mentioned above, task dataset is heavily imbalanced. Our first approach was
weighting classes according to their size. This approach, however, does not improve
our testing results.
    Next, we tried to balance dataset using synthetic oversampling and undersampling
techniques. We used Synth CSOB etic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
with combination of Tomek links to remove overlapping samples (undersampling).
SMOTE combination with Tomek links shows better results than just random
oversampling, time performance was quite good too.

Classification and Feature Extraction
   A chosen classifier (random forest) is not able to work with text data directly and
therefore we need to get features from text. We used term a frequency-inverse
document frequency (TF-IDF), as it is commonly and successfully used in a high
number of natural language tasks, primarily in a text classification and
   TF-IDF is typically using words as input terms, when dealing with n-grams we can
talk about unigrams. Additionally, we used bigrams and trigrams to capture general
contextual terms (words) relations, which are beneficial for this task (higher
accuracy). We were also experimenting with higher-level n-gram features (4, 5, 6 and
7 grams), unfortunately achieved results were not better. Also processing time and
memory requirements were a lot higher because more features were extracted.
   It is evident that there are many extracted features (tens of thousands to hundreds
of thousands). We reduced a number of the features in range from 3000 to 30000 by
1000 steps, 5000 features show best trade-off in means of accuracy and processing
time. A higher number of features was paradoxically crippling accuracy, this is
caused by the fact that dimensionality reduction is naturally acting as a generalization
   A random forest was chosen as a final classification model. We used grid search in
combination with random forest, decision tree and extremely randomized trees.
Random forest with 200 decision trees had best f1 score. Because of the deadline (this
solution was chosen few weeks before deadline), we used only a fraction of all
training data for training (1/8).

5       Results

   As reported multiple times above, imbalance of classes in dataset was huge
problem for our approach. For instance, there were just 32 non-binary samples for
gender – because of that testing f1 score was highly unstable (high standard deviation)
in multiple runs. Another problem was a poor classification accuracy of some classes,
namely creator, manager and professional (Table 1). Closer look on a confusion
matrix shows, that the classifier was unable to properly distinguish between samples
of these three classes, majority of misclassifications was within this classes.
Considering all the aspects, we found out that it is extremely hard for humans a to
distinguish whether it is manager’s feed or professional’s feed.

                             Table 1. Classification report of occupation

                creator   manager   performer   politics   professional   religious   science   sports

    f1-score    0,268      0,145      0,539      0,636         0,2          0,666     0,366     0,682

    precision   0,305      0,285      0,462      0,518        0,297         0,666     0,356     0,576

     recall     0,239      0,098      0,648      0,825        0,150         0,666     0,378     0,837

    support       92        102        94         86           93            6          82       86
                                    Table 2. Training and testing results
     Dataset       Birthyear (f1)        Fame (f1)       Gender (f1)                     Rank (f1)
     Training           0.41                0.65             0.67              0.44        0.543
     Testing           0.360               0.526            0.555             0.385        0.441

  Table 2 shows our scores where is clearly visible, that problems with larger
number of classes get lower f1 score (birthyear especially), because more classes
equals lower chance of right guess – from statistical perspective.

6       Conclusions and Future Work

   Our approach shows promising results. However, we also take into consideration
that proper recurrent neural network could have better results (our first approach).
Unfortunately, due to time constrains, we were not able to design and train network
with better results than simple TF-IDF combined with random forest. The biggest
problem was the class imbalance – we were unable to properly oversample data for
training of such neural net.
   Task’s official results show that we struggled most with age prediction, which
makes sense, since we don’t use any special approach to leverage lenient age f1 score
calculation, we could divide classes by age to bins and train classifier to predict these
bins. With greater age, the bins will be broader, than in f1 age calculation.
Alternatively, we could use this lenient age f1 score as loss function (in neural
network) or target score in random forest classifier.
   We could also balance classes using new data from crawling Twitter, but
unfortunately, we were unable to reproduce class labels. Our expert guesses were just
making training and therefore the final predictions worse.


  This work was partially supported by Human Information Behavior in the Digital
Space, the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV-
15-0508, by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No.
APVV-17-0267 - Automated Recognition of Antisocial Behaviour in Online
Communities and by data space based on machine learning, the Scientific Grant
Agency of the Slovak Republic, grant No. VG 1/0725/19.


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