=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_220 |storemode=property |title=Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution Combining Instance Based and Profile-Based Features |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_220.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Andrea Bacciu,Massimo La Morgia,Alessandro Mei,Eugenio Nerio Nemmi,Valerio Neri,Julinda Stefa |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/BacciuMMNNS19a }} ==Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution Combining Instance Based and Profile-Based Features== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_220.pdf
      Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution Combining
         Instance-Based and Profile-Based Features
                        Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

Andrea Bacciu, Massimo La Morgia, Alessandro Mei, Eugenio Nerio Nemmi, Valerio
                           Neri, and Julinda Stefa

             Department of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
                        {lamorgia, mei, nemmi, stefa}@di.uniroma1.it
           bacciu.1747105@studenti.uniroma1.it, neri.1754516@studenti.uniroma1.it

        Abstract Being able to identify the author of an unknown text is crucial. Al-
        though it is a well-studied field, it is still an open problem, since a standard
        approach has yet to be found. In this notebook, we propose our model for the
        Authorship Attribution task of PAN 2019, that focuses on cross-domain setting
        covering 4 different languages: French, Italian, English, and Spanish. We use n-
        grams of characters, words, stemmed words, and distorted text. Our model has an
        SVM for each feature and an ensemble architecture. Our final results outperform
        the baseline given by PAN in almost every problem. With this model, we reach
        the second place in the task with an F1-score of 68%.

1     Introduction

Stylometry is the application of the study of linguistic style, and it is often used for es-
tablishing authenticity or authorship of an unknown text. It was first used to determine
the author of unknown playwrights, but it soon became a powerful tool in Forensics
analysis. Nowadays, it is also used in court. It is famous how Linguistic analysis helped,
for example, to solve the Coleman case [12]. PAN 2019 [4,9] focuses on the task of Au-
thorship Attribution, that is the task of determining the author of a disputed document
given a set of known authors. When the disputed text could be written by an author that
does not belong to the known set, the task is called open-set Authorship Attribution.
This task is more challenging than the closed-set, where we always know that some au-
thor in our set wrote the disputed document. The main difference is that in the closed-set
we look for the most similar author, while in the open-set, we must further understand
if the most similar author is also the real author. Since for each author we have more
training documents, we build features using them individually and then concatenating
them. We refer to the features computed on a single document as instance-based fea-
tures while to those concatenated as profile-based features. We choose to combine these
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
two methods in order to catch both the patterns that they capture. In this paper, we ex-
tract different types of features and we pre-process the texts in several ways. We use
a Tokenizer, a Stemmer, and a POS tagger. Afterward, starting from the pre-processed
text, we extract 6 types of different features, and we use the Tf-Idf to weight them. We
train an SVM for each feature, then we ensemble their predictions with the soft-voting.
Our architecture uses 4 SVMs for the French, 5 for the Spanish and the Italian, and 6
for the English. With our technique, we achieve a final overall F1-score of 70.5%.

2   Related Work

Typically, we can divide the approaches to solve the Authorship Attribution problem in
two different categories: profile-based or instance-based approach [19]. In the profile-
based approach, we concatenate together texts of the same author to extract its stylomet-
ric profile. This method relies on collecting as more information of the user as possible,
in one document. It is especially suited when the texts are similar in the domain space.
In the instance-based approach, instead, we analyze the texts associated with an au-
thor separately. It gives better results if the texts associated with each author are from
different domains. In both these approaches, stylometric features are prevalent.
     Stylometry is one of the most effective technique to distinguish the authorship of
a text, and it has been used in most of the studies. Although to extract a stylometric
profile there are several kinds of features, some of them have been proven to be more
powerful. Several independent Authorship Attribution studies showed that character n-
gram are key features and they are more robust compared to the word n-gram features
in cross-topic and cross-genre conditions [13,19,20]. This is because character n-grams
can capture the use of punctuation marks, the lexical information, the use of the capital
letter, and it is also tolerant of typing errors.
     Despite the effectiveness of character n-gram applied on plain text, several vari-
ations have been proposed to improve it. One of the most successful variations con-
sists in text distortion (e.g., by removing some character) [21]. There are a variety of
features that can represent the stylistic profile of an author, such as Function Words,
POS tagging, and word n-gram. Some studies proposed to combine these features to
obtain a stronger representation of the author stylistic profile. Custodio et al. [3] pro-
posed the most interesting approach. It consists in fitting three different SVMs with
different features then combine their predictions. While the features mentioned above
work differently based on configuration and language, some method does not. Com-
pression [5, 6, 14, 19] is a particularly attractive method because it does not need any
configuration, it is language independent, easy to apply, and does not require any prior
knowledge of features extraction to produce a prediction. The drawback is the high cost
in terms of computational expensiveness. The compression method focuses on repeti-
tions and the ability of the compression algorithm to detect them. It uses off-the-shelf
compression algorithms to compress all the texts of the same author together. The pre-
diction is evaluated calculating the similarity between the compressed unknown text
and the compression of each file of the author concatenated.
     Koppel et al. [11], introduced another innovative approach called unmasking. It is
a complex meta-learning approach to Author Verification, especially suited for long
texts. The idea behind this method is that most of the time, few features are the most
significant. To show this, they use an SVM classifier to determine the accuracy results
of the cross-validation between known versus unknown documents. Then, they com-
pute the most significant features, remove them, and repeat the process. After some
iterations, they show that if the predicted author is the same of the unknown document,
the accuracy of the cross-validation decreased significantly, while if the author is not
the same, the accuracy remains pretty high. Kestemont et al [8] used the unmasking
method on two datasets, one intra-genre, and the other cross-genre. For the first dataset,
they confirmed the effectiveness of the methodology, while for the cross-genre dataset,
they show that the reliability of this approach drastically drops. Abbasi et al. [1] tried
unsupervised methods to perform user Authorship Verification. They used a set of fea-
tures comprising Lexical, Syntactic, Structural, Content and Idiosyncratic types over
4 different datasets with the best result reached on the eBay comments dataset with a
96% accuracy over 25 users. Kocher et al. [10] used an unsupervised method too. They
use the 200 most common terms of the disputed text (isolated words and punctuation
symbols) and simple distance measure and a set of impostors, to determine whether or
not the disputed text was written by the proposed author. They use a dataset with texts
of four different languages: English, Dutch, Spanish, and Greek. Their result was of
70% accuracy. Shrestha et al. [18] were the first to attempt to solve this task using a
Convolutional Neural Network with character n-grams as input. They used three lay-
ers: A character embedding layer, a convolutional layer, and a fully connected softmax
layer. With this architecture, they score an accuracy of 72% as best result, on a dataset
of 50 users. Recently, Brocardo et al. [2] used Deep Belief Network to perform the task.
They introduced new stylometric features and a method to merge pairs of random fea-
tures. They combine two similar features by computing cosine similarity for every pair
and then, they apply a linear combination to reduce two features into one. They use the
Equal Error Rate (EER) as evaluation metric, reaching a value of 8.2% and 5.4% for the
forgery dataset. Ruder et al. [17] perform a comparison between several Convolutional
Neural Network approaches and the traditional ones. Their best model outperforms the
results of three out of five datasets they tested on. Potha et al. [15] propose a variation
of the Common N-Grams (CNG) approach originally proposed by Keselj et al. [7] for
closed-set attribution and later modified by Stamatatos [21]. Following the profile-based
paradigm, this method firstly concatenates all samples of known authorship into a single
document and then extracts the representation vector using character n-gram. Another
vector is produced from the disputed document and the two vectors are compared using
a dissimilarity function. If the resulting score is above a certain threshold, the author-
ship of the disputed document is assigned to the author of the known documents. They
tested this model on PAN 2013 dataset, with an overall F1 score of 0.78%.

3   Problem Background

The main idea behind the Authorship Attribution is that by extracting some stylistic or
syntactic features, we can distinguish between texts written by different authors. The
2019 edition of PAN shared task, focuses on finding the author of a series of fanfictions
belonging to different fandoms. Fanfiction is a work of fiction written by a fan of an-
other work. The authors of the fanfictions usually maintain the original characters and
the story setting or add their elements. Fandom is the domain to which the fanfiction
belongs to. For example, if the fanfiction is based on the Harry Potter saga, this means
it belongs to the fandom of Harry Potter. In the dataset, there are a set D of known fan-
fictions and a set U of unknown fanfictions. The goal is to identify for each document
in U the correct author. The correct author can be one of the writers of the documents
in D or none of them. The nature of the dataset rises three main problems. The authors
are fandom writer, so they try to reproduce the writing style of the original work. The
fandom of the known document and the fandom of the unknown documents are differ-
ent. Finally, we are in an open-set problem, so there is no certainty that the unknown
text is written by one of the authors in the known set.

4     Dataset

Before starting to address the problem, we collect some statistics about the PAN dataset,
to better understand the data. PAN dataset is divided into 20 problems, 5 problems for
each language: English, French, Italian, Spanish. For each problem, we have 9 known
authors with 7 documents each, for a total of 63 training texts. The number of texts for
which we have to predict an author is not the same for every problem. They vary with
a maximum of 561 documents in the first problem and a minimum of 38 for the tenth
problem. On average we have 202 of unknown fanfics. Since it is well known that in
the Authorship Attribution problem, the number of words per document directly affect
the performances of the classifiers, we analyze the distribution of the words in each
document with known authors. We notice that inside the same problem the length of
the documents can be very different. Globally, almost all the documents are in a range
between 500 and 1000 words, with the shortest document of 382 words and the longest
of 1523.

5     Authorship Attribution

In the subsections below, we firstly describe our steps to prepare the data and the tool
we used. Later, we describe which features we choose to perform the classification, and
finally, we describe our proposed model to solve the Authorship Attribution task.

5.1   Text Pre-Processing

Pre-processing is a crucial step to prepare the data in almost every NLP problems. Text
pre-processing usually consists in normalize, sanitize or alter the text to remove noise,
error, or completely change the data format. We pre-process the texts using different
techniques, following we briefly describe the text pre-process we apply on the data.
    WordPunctTokenizer. WordPunctTokenizer of the NLTK library. It divides a text
into a list of words. We chose this tokenizer because it maintains the punctuation marks
and separates them from words. In this way, we can exploit the punctuation marks to
generate a more accurate stylistic profile of the author.
    SnowballStemmer. A stemmer is a tool that removes morphological affixes from a
word, reducing it to its stem. A stem is the part of the word that contains no morpho-
logical inflections (love, loving and loved are stemmed as love). It is part of the NLTK
package, and it supports all the languages that are in the PAN dataset, making it suitable
for our purpose. Stemming can be very important since by removing the morphological
inflectional it permits to recognize that two words are semantically identical even if they
differ syntactically.
    Convertion with POS tagging. A Part-Of-Speech Tagger is a tool that takes in
input a text and assigns a part of speech tag to each word. Some examples of POS tags
are PRP$ that identify a possessive pronoun (my, his, hers), VB, that identify a verb
at the base form (take), and VBD that identify a verb at past tense (took). To create
this representation, we firstly tokenize the text, then we use the POS tagger. Finally,
we concatenate all the tags and the punctuation marks, adding a space between them.
Table 1 show an example of text before and after this process. POS tagging is generally
used to underline the structure of the text removing all context-based information. It is
useful to identify syntactic patterns in the style of the author. We used the spaCy 1 POS
tagger since it handles all the languages present in the dataset, with an accuracy that
vary from 95.29% to 97.23%.

                        Table 1. Text conversion with POS Tagging

Original Text                                  Text converted with POS tagger
Your eyes opened, scanning the room with       PRP$ NNS VBN , VBG DT NN IN RB VBN
slightly dazed wariness. You weren’t home, but NN . PRP VBD RB NN , CC IN DT NN IN JJ
in a room with grey walls and a glass front.   NNS CC DT NN NN . JJ NNS VBD VBN IN
Several cameras were pointed at you. You felt PRP . PRP VBD JJ NN IN PRP , CC PRP
panic rise within sone intro.you               VBD PRP RP IN PRP$ NN CC PRP$ NNS . “
                                               NNP , JJ NN

     Text distortion. This pre-processing technique for Authorship Attribution task was
firstly proposed by [21] and it was used with good results also in [3]. This method
consists of masking some part of the text, replacing characters with the ’*’ symbol.
We used this method to maintain only punctuation marks and diacritical characters as
shown in Table 2.

5.2    Features

To develop our classifier we tested different kind of features. We heavily use character
n-grams due to their robustness in cross-domain settings [13, 19, 20] and word n-grams.
All our features are based on the extraction of sub-sequences of words or characters
called n-gram, and then weighting these sequences with the Tf-Idf, where the term fre-
quency is logarithmically scaled. More formally, an n-gram is a contiguous sequence
of n items from a given sample of text. The items can be phonemes, syllables, letters
                         Table 2. Text conversion with text distortion

Original Text                                   Text converted with POS tagger
marqué sur la couverture, avant d’avoir un      *****é *** ** **********, ***** *’*****
temps d’arrêt. Le dossier se nommait en effet   ** ***** *’***ê*. ** ******* ** ******* **
sobrement « Enterrement de vie de garçon ».     ***** ********* « *********** ** *** **
Plusieurs souvenirs remontèrent. John sourit    ***ç** ». ********* *********
doucement en se remém                           ******è****. **** ****** ********* ** **

or words. Instead, the Tf-Idf, term frequency-inverse document frequency, is a measure
associated to each term, in our case the n-gram sequences, that increases proportionally
to the number of times it appears in a document, while it is reduced by the number of
documents in the dataset that contain the term. In this way, it is possible to give more
importance to features that are frequently used by only one author and less importance
to widespread features such as stop-words. With the aim to capture different peculiar-
ities of the author stylistic profile, we tried to combine the benefits of two different
approaches: the profile and the instance-based.

Profile-Based Features. In the profile-based approach, we concatenate all the docu-
ments that belong to the same author and consider them as a single one. In this way,
it is possible to outline the general style of the author. According to this approach, we
extract the Profile feature. It is the union of Char-gram and Word-gram features com-
puted in the following way. For the char-gram, we take into account the raw text, then
we select the char-grams of length between 3 and 5, with a cut-off document frequency
less than 0.12. Regarding the word-gram, we firstly tokenize and stem the text. Then
we extract the word sequences of length 1 up to 3. We consider only the feature with
document frequency strictly lower than 0.3. Once computed both the features we stack
them together.

Instance-Based Features. In the instance-based approach, we process and extract the
features from each document of an author separately. This last approach allows to ex-
tract separate style for each text sample and thus different profiles across different do-
mains. So, for each document, we extract the following features:
 – Char: from the raw text, we extract char-grams of length 3 up to 5. We select all
   the sequences with a document frequency of less than 0.12.
 – Dist: we pre-process the text with the aforementioned distortion technique, then we
   extract sequences of characters of length between 3 and 5. We use 0.12 as cut-off
   document frequency value.
 – Stem1&2: After stemming the text, we extract word uni-grams and bi-grams and
   for each set of features we weight the terms with the Tf-Idf and discard terms that
   appear with a document frequency higher than 0.3. Finally, we stack them together.
 – Stem1-3: We stem the text, and then we extract word-grams of length 1 up 3. We
   take into account only word-grams that appear in the text with document frequency
   lower than 0.03.
 – POS:We transform the text into its POS tagged form then we extract the sequences
   of tags of length 3 up to 5. We use 0.12 as cut-off document frequency value.

5.3   Classifiers
As the first experiment, we stack all the features mentioned above together, and we test
them on different classifiers. We evaluate the performances of the following classifiers:
SVM with linear kernel, SVM with RBF kernel, K-nearest neighbors with K = 3 and
Random Forest. In this experiment, we left all the hyper-parameters to the default val-
ues. In Table 3 are shown the results of the classifiers. As we can see, the SVM with
linear kernel outperforms other classifiers in almost all the problems. Given this result,
we analyze the performance of different kind of features with the linear SVM. In Ta-
ble 4, we report the score of each kind of feature on different problems. After evaluated
these experiments, we try to improve our results with an ensemble classifier that relies
on SVMs with linear kernel. The ensemble is a method to combine different classi-
fiers predictions to build a more generally estimator. The ensemble can be based on
two methods: averaging method and boosting method. The averaging method takes the
output probabilities of N estimators and combines them usually using average. Instead,
the boosting method uses a weak base estimator as a starting point, and then, other
weak learners are trained to improve the predecessor. For our final classifier, we build
an ensemble architecture based on the averaging method. We combine the predictions
of several SVMs by the soft voting function. To ensemble the predictions we average
for each class the probability of being the right one as predicted by our classifiers, then
we pick as a final prediction the class with the highest value. We finally test different
combinations of our features in order to optimize the performances and select only the
best features for each language.
    In Figure 1, we show our final architecture and features combinations for each lan-
guage. The continuous line in figure are the features used for all the languages: the
Profile, Char, Stem1-3 and the Dist. While the dashed line represents the feature used
only for the English and the Italian classifier Stem1&2. Finally, the dotted line depicts
the feature we use only for documents written in English and Spanish POS. Table 5,
resume in tabular form the features used for each language.

5.4   Unknown Detection
In this section, we focus on the process of determining if the author of an unknown
document is in the known author set or not. To achieve this goal, we take into account
the probabilities results of the first three users. Let’s P1 , P2 and P3 , respectively the
probability of the first, the second and third most probable authors. Then we take a
decision based on two conditions. The first one is that the difference between P1 and P2
must be less than 0.1. The second condition is that the mean of the difference between
P1 and P2 and P1 and P3 must be less 0.7. If both conditions are True, we predict the
text as written by an unknown author. Otherwise, we choose the author with the highest
probability. The values of 0.1 and 0.7 are based on experimental observations. The
              Table 3. F1-score for the individual classifier

     Pr      SVM Linear          SVM RBF       K-NN         Random Forest
     01         78.7               76.9         67.9            68.3
     02         57.1               56.2         45.8            42.7
     03         71.0               67.1         49.3            45.6
     04         45.3               34.2         32.6            33.7
     05         53.0               51.8         43.1            44.1
     06         65.5               64.3         59.3            43.7
     07         62.9               58.0         51.1            38.2
     08         64.2               60.7         53.6            39.4
     09         73.0               65.0         46.7            43.5
     10         54.8               56.7         41.9            33.6
     11         69.6               65.9         61.8            60.3
     12         64.6               62.3         62.2            48.8
     13         72.1               71.7         52.3            55.8
     14         78.2               67.6         60.4            71.7
     15         70.2               69.5         69.3            65.6
     16         87.6               87.1         75.2            68.8
     17         71.5               73.4         71.8            40.7
     18         82.2               81.9         72.9            68.2
     19         66.2               63.7         54.6            38.0
     20         52.8               49.3         42.5            26.0
   Overall      67.0               64.2         55.7            48.8

                    Figure 1. Ensemble architecture

Features           Classifiers                   Ensemble

 Profile               SVM

  Char                 SVM

Stem1-3                SVM
                                                Soft Voting
   Dist                SVM

Stem1&2                SVM

   Pos                 SVM
          Table 4. F1-score for the individual feature and the aggregation

Problem        Profile      Char      Dist      Stem1-3       Stem1&2        POS
  01             76.6       75.4      75.4        76.9             79.0          75.9
  02             55.4       55.6      43.9        52.5             53.0          47.2
  03             70.8       60.8      41.1        62.5             63.7          45.7
  04             48.5       46.2      28.9        43.0             43.1          33.2
  05             49.3       53.6      44.4        52.5             49.3          42.5
  06             66.4       62.6      63.8        63.0             58.0          19.4
  07             57.9       58.4      39.3        57.6             46.8          21.9
  08             63.0       58.6      52.2        57.4             45.3          25.3
  09             70.1       62.1      52.2        68.6             54.4          21.1
  10             54.8       58.5      40.6        59.3             56.6           7.4
  11             70.5       64.6      55.6        69.4             71.0          27.1
  12             68.3       68.4      54.9        70.6             70.1          20.9
  13             72.6       71.9      63.3        68.5             70.5          28.3
  14             65.8       51.8      79.4        80.1             81.2          39.4
  15             86.4       76.9      56.3        79.9             76.9          19.9
  16             84.0       85.0      71.0        81.8             74.9          30.8
  17             78.3       75.7      52.3        63.1             61.4          35.1
  18             80.6       76.8      61.7        84.1             76.5          30.1
  19             67.3       69.4      42.0        69.1             62.7          18.7
  20             52.8       53.8      26.1        43.5             50.1          12.2
overall          67.0       64.3      52.2        65.2             62.2          30.1

                   Table 5. Table of features for each language

               Profile     Char       Stem1-3       Dist      POS         Stem1&2
English           x          x           x           x         x             x
French            x          x           x           x         -             -
Italian           x          x           x           x         -             x
Spanish           x          x           x           x         x             -
idea is that if an author of the known set wrote the unknown document, the difference
between his probability and the probabilities of the other users must be higher than if
we do not have the author of that unknown document.
    The idea is that if one of the known authors has written the document, then the
distance between their probabilities are high. On the other hand, if the real author is
unknown, the probabilities of the known authors are close to each other.
                         T rue, P1 − P2 < 0.1 ∧ mean(P1 − P2 , P1 − P3 ) < 0.7
      U nknown =
                         F alse, otherwise

6     Results
PAN organizers chose the macro-averaged F1 score as an evaluation metric since the
unknown documents to predict are not equally distributed across all the problems. PAN
provides to all the participants of the Authorship Attribution task a Train and a Dev
dataset as well as a Virtual Private Server (VPS) to deploy the model. The VPS is
hosted on the TIRA platform [16], Testbed for Information Retrieval Algorithms. The
main function of TIRA is to create a sandbox that the organizers can use to perform
the final test and verify the correctness of the result. To better reproduce a real-case
scenario, the Test set is unknown to the participants, and the teams involved in the
contest can evaluate their model on the Test dataset only on TIRA.
     We show in Table 6 the results on the Dev set. As we can see, the overall F1-score
is 70.5%, 12.6% higher than baseline-SVM. Looking at the single problems scores,
we can see how few problems, 3, 4, and 14, seem to undermine the effectiveness of
our model. Problems 16 and 18 are the ones that reach the higher scores, achieving an
F1-score of 88.3% and 87.8% respectively. In Figure 2(a), we plot the F1-score of the
baseline-SVM, the union of all our features and the final ensemble, for each problem.
As we can see, our ensemble method outperforms the baseline-SVM in all but one
problem, while it constantly performs better than our classifiers without the ensemble.
Looking at the Figure 2(a), it is clear that, even if the methods perform differently, they
all struggle with specific problems while achieving better results in others. Further, we
plot the F1-score of the two features with the highest results, Profile and Char, used
for all languages and the result of our ensemble. As we can see in Figure 2(b) the
Profile feature, that is the concatenation of Char and Word n-grams computed with
the profile-based approach, performs better than our second best feature (Char), and
worse than the ensemble. Looking at the single languages scores we note that the model
performs better on the Italian (76.88%) and the Spanish (76.58%) languages, conversely
the performance decrease on the English (63.74%) and the French (65.20%) languages.
The final result on the Test dataset used by PAN to evaluate the performance of the
proposed model, achieve an F1-score of 68%, that is the second-best score in the task,
just 1% lower than the first classified.

6.1   Discussion on Classifier Performances
Analyzing our results, we noticed that in the case our classifier assign an author and
the author belong to the set of known authors, our classifier have a mean error of only





                  0          5       10        15        20                         0   5           10         15             20
                                    Problem                                                        Problem

                         Ensemble     All     Baseline-SVM                              Ensemble       Char         Profile

(a) Comparison between the ensemble, all fea- (b) Comparison between the ensemble, the
tures stacked together and the baseline-SVM   Profile and the Char features

                         Figure 2. Comparison between different features set and classifiers

                                            Table 6. F1-score on the Dev dataset

                      Problem       Baseline-SVM              Baseline-Comp             Ensemble              Delta
                        01                  69.5                  68.2                      82.2              12.7
                        02                  44.7                  33.6                      56.2              11.5
                        03                  49.3                  50.1                      73.0              23.7
                        04                  33.1                  49.0                      51.1              18.0
                        05                  47.1                  34.0                      56.2               9.1
                        06                  70.2                  69.1                      65.6              -4.6
                        07                  49.9                  54.2                      63.8              13.9
                        08                  50.6                  49.2                      65.6              15.0
                        09                  59.9                  60.8                      73.8              13.9
                        10                  44.2                  50.1                      57.3              13.1
                        11                  65.1                  59.5                      73.7               8.6
                        12                  59.4                  50.8                      71.0              11.6
                        13                  68.7                  73.1                      74.3               5.6
                        14                  59.8                  78.0                      83.3              23.5
                        15                  74.5                  71.2                      82.1               7.6
                        16                  76.8                  70.5                      88.3              11.5
                        17                  58.4                  62.3                      81.7              23.3
                        18                  70.3                  65.9                      87.8              17.5
                        19                  55.6                  40.3                      71.0              15.4
                        20                  51.3                  22.3                      54.1               2.8
                      Overall               57.9                  55.6                      70.5              12.6
2.95%. On the other hand, in the case in which in the classification is involved the
unknown detector we have a mean error of 26.17%. So, we further investigate about
the performance of our classifier in the closed-set scenario. In other words, we run our
Authorship Attribution model only on the documents that are written by known author
in the Dev dataset. Then, we label as the right author, the one with highest probability
score. After the execution we score an overall accuracy of 87% on a total of 2,646
documents. More in details we achieve a single accuracy of 90% on English, 82.4% on
French, 84.3% on Italian and 88.5% on Spanish. To better understand the impact of the
unknowns detector on the model, we repeat the experiment on a fake open-set scenario.
In this scenario, we take into account the possibility that there are unknown authors, but
we use the same dataset of the previous experiment where they are not. This time we
achieve as overall result an accuracy of 78.7%, that is 8.3% lower of the experiment in
the closed-set scenario. This results show that in the absence of unknown author (i.e.,
in a closed-set scenario), our classifier achieves excellent results. However, when we
move on the open-set the unknowns detector induces an error of 8.3%. This drop in
performance is pretty normal, and it is well known that the Authorship Attribution in
open-set scenario is more difficult then in a closed-set. Nonetheless, the results clearly
indicate that although our methodology to detect the unknown authors performs slightly
better than the baseline, further improvements are needed.

7   Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we proposed our solution for the 2019 Authorship Attribution PAN task.
We present a model that relies on different classifiers fitted with a single feature rather
than more features for a single classifier. We use an ensemble approach to combine all
the probabilities of our single classifiers for each language and increase their result. We
use different pre-processing techniques to extract features of a different meaning. We
use text distortion, tokenization, stemming, and POS tagging to prepare the text for the
extraction. To solve the problem of the unknown authors, we introduced a method that
takes into account the three most similar author for the disputed text, instead of only the
first two. With our approach, we outperform the baseline for almost every problem.
     Analyzing our result on different problems, we notice that our performances tend to
decrease in the presence of a high number of author missing in the training data. So, we
believe that improving the algorithm to detect when an author is unknown could lead
to better results in this problem and hence a better result in the overall score. Looking
at the baseline in Table 6, we notice that some times the compression method seems to
reach high results. It could be useful to understand what kind of pattern the compression
identify and use it in order to improve our classifier.


This work was supported in part by the MIUR under grant “Dipartimenti di eccellenza
2018-2022" of the Department of Computer Science of Sapienza University.
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