=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_221 |storemode=property |title=Bots and Gender Profiling using a Deep Learning Approach |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_221.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Jose R. Prieto Fontcuberta,Gretel Liz De La Peňa Sarracén |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/FontcubertaS19 }} ==Bots and Gender Profiling using a Deep Learning Approach== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_221.pdf
                    Bots and Gender Profiling Using a
                        Deep Learning Approach
                         Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

              Jose R. Prieto Fontcuberta and Gretel Liz De la Peña Sarracén?

                               Universitat Politècnica de València

         Abstract This paper describes the system we developed for the Bots and gender
         profiling task, at PAN @ CLEF 2019. The task consists in, given a tweets set,
         automatically determine whether its author is a bot or a human. In case of hu-
         man, identify her/his gender. We propose a deep learning based system, fed with
         the TFIDF representation from the texts instead of word embeddings represen-
         tation as usual. Additionally, we use some linguistic features which improve the
         performance of the system according with the experimental results.

1      Introduction
Nowadays we use a lot of social media content, being a powerful tool to communicate
to the world. Some enterprises use bots accounts as a social manager to answer fast,
free and automatically to their clients. However, sometimes some governments, people
or powerful institutions abuse of these social networks and create bots to manipulate
and distortion the information and the point of view of some users [3], [2]. A bot can
be defined as a program that learns to promote some information as a normal user
but automatically, and can be programmed with a software specially concerned on the
manipulation on some topics. Hence identifying bots in the social networks is a relevant
task, not only from a point of view of marketing, but also from a forensics and security
    Among the efforts made to address this phenomenon, this year the Bots and gender
profiling task [9] has been launched as part of PAN @ CLEF 20191 [1]. This task
focuses on detecting bots against humans users given a text set from Twitter, one of the
most used social networks. The tweets are in English and Spanish.
    In recent related works as in [4], deep learning techniques, used for text classifica-
tion purposes, are used also for this task. More recent and new techniques are explained
and used in [5], where also Word Embeddings, dense layers and LSTM are used. In gen-
eral, many works point out the flexibility in capturing nonlinear relationships of deep
learning techniques.
     The authors contributed equally to this paper.
     Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
     cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
    In this paper, we propose a Feedforward Neural Network of two layers for the task.
In addition, as a second step, the system should identify the author gender in case of
human. For this other task we use a similar architecture but in this case with 4 layers. A
point to highlight is the use of some linguistic features which can help to discriminate
among types of users. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes our system.
Experimental results are then discussed in Section 3. Finally, we present our conclusions
with a summary of our findings in Section 4.

2     System

2.1   Preprocessing

In the preprocessing step the text is cleaned. Firstly, the typical characteristics used in
the tweets, and that possibly do not have discriminatory semantic information, have
been identified. We identify urls, numbers, mentions to users and dates as that kind of
features. Then, each part of the texts which represents this kind of features is replaced
with a corresponding tag.

2.2   Method

We propose a model that consists in a Feedforward Neural Network (FFNN) with two
layers, BatchNorm and ReLU activation. As input, the model takes a vector which is
generated as TFIDF representation of the concatenation of all tweets of the user. Thus,
we achieve to represent the information of a user in a unique vector. Given a text set S,
a term t, and an individual text T ∈ S, we calculate:

                        T F IDF (t) = tf (t, T ) ∗ log(             )                   (1)
                                                          tf (t, S)

Where tf (t, T ) is the number of times t appears in T , |S| is the size of the corpus, and
tf (t, S) is the number of texts in which t appears in S.
    This representation was selected based on the idea that the words usually used by a
user and no commonly by others, could be more important in the corresponding repre-
sentation of the user. This is an idea that matches with the phenomenon which we try to
capture. That is, this kind of representation can allow us to get typical characteristics of
each user.
    We also tried to encode with TFIDF every tweet separately and then concatenate
all of them, creating as a result something similar to a gray scale image. For this rep-
resentation we used a 2D Convolutional Neural Network with large kernels matching
with the number of features extracted from the TFIDF representation (2DCNN-TFIDF).
These large kernels are so expensive even when a GPU is used, due to this the train is
extremely slowly. We also tried to use a Recurrent Neural Network with a few layers of
LSTM (LSTM-TFIDF). On both experiments the results were not enough satisfactory.
    Similarly, we tried other approaches with other kinds of representation, using the
GloVe Word-Embeddings. We use all the tweets concatenated and then we look up
into the Word-Embedding table. As before, for this representation we used a 2D Con-
volutional Neural Network with large kernels matching with the number of features
extracted from the embeddings (2DCNN-WE) and a Recurrent Neural Network with
a few layers of LSTM (LSTM-WE). Again, on both experiments the results were not
enough satisfactory.
    Finally, we tried to concatenate the tweets of a given user on depth, obtaining as re-
sult an image with the number of channels (depth) equivalent to the number of tweets of
the user. Each matrix is the concatenation of words embeddings for a tweet. Therefore,
the width and height are determined by the size of embeddings and number of words in
the tweet, respectively. With this approach we used a 3D Convolutional Neural Network
with larger kernels (3DCNN-WE). With this last approach the idea is to consider the
kernels as large as the size of the embedding and in the second dimension we chose a
n-gram value to consider the context.

2.3     Linguistic Features

We include some linguistic features which consider important to discriminate among
users. For the implementation we used the TextBlob library2 which can be used to pro-
cess texts in English. Hence, these features were employed just with the corpus in En-
glish. Two types of features were analyzed. On one side, features related with subjective
information and on the other hand, features related with syntactic information:

    – Subjective information (SI): Analysis of degree of subjectivity and sentiment present
      in the text. This can be a good discriminative feature, since bots can be less subjec-
      tive and sentimental than humans.
    – Syntactic features (SF): Analysis of count of adjectives, adverbs and pronouns in
      texts. These kinds of features can discriminate between male and females as some
      studies suggest [6].

3      Results

In this section, we report and discuss the performance of the system in the task. Training
and evaluation were conducted using the PAN @ 2019 proportioned datasets which
have 4120 and 3000 tweets in English and Spanish respectively. The data is balanced
for each subtask and language. Results are obtained by uploaded the system to TIRA
     The results obtained on the development set with each approach commented before
are reported in Table 1. As we can see the best results are achieved with the FFNN
method. Hence it was the system selected for the task at PAN 2019. Other models that
supposed to be superior obtained worse results. Perhaps it could be due to the large
number of introduced parameters that were not well trained due the small amount of
data available.
    As we can see in Table 1, the best results achieved have an accuracy of 0.90 and
0.93 on Spanish and English datasets, respectively. In the Spanish partition we do not
use linguistic features, as we do in English dataset, where we use SI and SF features.

Accuracy ES 0.90          0.76              0.73           0.70        0.69    0.72
Accuracy EN 0.93          0.78              0.75           0.72        0.70    0.73
           Table 1. Results of different approaches on the development dataset

    In Table 2 we can see the improvement of the FFNN method adding the linguistic
features (LF). As we commented before, we just used them for the English corpus. The
system gains one point of accuracy adding these features, but there were no differences
when adding the syntactic features.

                      Method       Without LF With SI With SI + SF
                    Accuracy EN         0.92      0.93       0.93
                  Table 2. Results in the Bot vs Humans Task with FFNN

    Table 3 shows the results of accuracy for gender profiling for those tweets predicted
as a human. We achieve 0.87 accuracy on the English corpus, and the results did not
vary when the linguistic features are added. Hence these features are not important for
this task according to our experimental results. On the Spanish corpus, 0.86 accuracy is
achieved without any linguistic feature.

                      Method     Without LF With SI With SI + SF
                    Accuracy EN       0.87       0.87        0.87
                    Accuracy ES       0.86         -           -
                     Table 3. Results in the Gender Task with FFNN

    Table 4 shows the results on the test datasets for our final model and the baselines
proposed by the organizers of the task. We outperform in almost all the cases the results
of the baselines, except in English bot task where the LDSE method [8] obtains better
                  Method MAJORITY RANDOM LDSE Our proposal
                        EN      0.5000         0.4905 0.9054          0.9045
                  Bots ES       0.5000         0.4861 0.8372          0.8578
                        EN      0.5000         0.3716 0.7800          0.7898
                 Gender ES      0.5000         0.3700 0.6900          0.6967
                    Table 4. Final results in both task on the test datasets

4   Conclusion
We propose a deep learning based system for the Bots and gender profiling task, at
PAN @ CLEF 2019. The model consists of a Feedforward Neural Network which gets
as input the TFIDF representation from the text. The experimental results show the
suitability of the used representation for the task, achieving 0.8578 of accuracy on the
Spanish corpus and 0.9045 on the English corpus, on detecting bots vs human. For
gender profiling we obtain an accuracy of 0.6967 and 0.7898, respectively. Also, some
linguistic features are added, allowing for a small improvement in the bots and human
discrimination task, but not for gender profiling. Furthermore, we tried to use word
embeddings and some different kinds of architectures with these new features but the
results were not enough satisfactory. Maybe the results of CNN might be improved with
more data for re-training the word-embedding for this specific task.

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