=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_222 |storemode=property |title=An Open-Vocabulary Approach to Authorship Attribution |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_222.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Angelo Basile |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Basile19 }} ==An Open-Vocabulary Approach to Authorship Attribution== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_222.pdf
         An Open-Vocabulary Approach to Authorship
                         Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                                         Angelo Basile

                                     Independent Researcher

        Abstract The PAN 2019 Authorship Attribution shared task presents the chal-
        lenge of the open-set condition, i.e. given a text and a set of possible authors, we
        have to predict who is the true author, but there is no guarantee that she is among
        the candidates. In this paper we present our participation to this shared task. Our
        best performing system consists of a linear model using sparse features: in this
        notebook we present this system in detail. We found that including rare words as
        features helps our model. Furthermore, we present a series of models which did
        not outperform the submitted system. On the official test set we achieved 0.613
        open-set F1-score.

1     Introduction

Authorship analysis goes back at least to the 15th century, when the Italian humanist
Lorenzo Valla showed by means of a linguistic analysis that the Donation of Constan-
tine was a forgery. Today it has several applications: history [15], history of philosophy
[3], intelligence [1]; [8,21] provide an exhaustive overview on the field and on the meth-
    Authorship analysis covers different tasks: a) given a text, it is possible to predict the
demographics of its authors (author profiling), b), verify if it was written by a specific
author (author verification), c) compare its style to other texts (plagiarism detection)
and d) if the author of said text is unknown, it can be possible to discover it (authorship
attribution). We focus on this last task.
    In this paper we present our participation to the Cross-domain Authorship Attri-
bution shared task [9], part of the PAN Evaluation Forum [5]. This edition presents
several challenges, as it includes texts written in four different languages (English, Ital-
ian, French and Spanish) and frames the task as an open-set problem, allowing for the
possibility that the true author of a document is not among the candidates. Further-
more, the task organisers designed a cross-domain scenario by sampling the known
and unknown texts for each problem from two different sources. All these challenges
combined lead us to design a simple, lexical, profile-based model using sparse features.
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
We experimented with with no success with different stylometric features. In this pa-
per we present our system together with an overview of a series of failed attempts to
outperform it.

2   Data


               1     en            63              4152               561
               2     en            63              4176               137
               3     en            63              4049               211
               4     en            63              4255               273
               5     en            63              4070               264
               6     fr            63              3963               121
               7     fr            63              4056                92
               8     fr            63              4100               430
               9     fr            63              4082               239
              10     fr            63              4086                38
              11     it            63              3085               139
              12     it            63              3745               116
              13     it            63              3569               196
              14     it            63              3676                46
              15     it            63              3663                54
              16     sp            63              3930               164
              17     sp            63              4070               112
              18     sp            63              3885               238
              19     sp            63              3929               450
              20     sp            63              3874               170

                      Table 1. An overview of the development data.

    The data released by the organisers of the tasks consists of fanfiction literature,
written in four languages (i.e. English, French, Italian and Spanish). Table 1 shows an
overview of the dataset. Fanfiction is a literary genre consisting of writings inspired
by certain well-known authors or works, known as fandom. This task challenges par-
ticipants by asking to predict the author of a text belonging to a given fandom, given
only developments texts belonging to different fandoms, providing thus a cross-domain
(or cross-fandom) condition. For the development of our system we only used the data
released by the organisers.

3   Submitted System
Our best system consists of a linear Support Vector Machine, fed with words and char-
acter penta-grams, including all the words, regardless of their frequency. We apply no
pre-processing to the data. Instances assigned a probability lower than 0.1 are clas-
sified as written by an unknown author. The features are normalised using TF-IDF.
The value of the C hyper-parameter of the SVM is 1. For the implementation we used
scikit-learn [16], starting from the baseline released by the task organisers. Al-
though extremely simple, this system was not outperformed by more complex ones, as
described in Section 4. We note that by allowing all the words occurring in the corpus to
be part of the feature space, we outperform by 0.2 F1 points an identical system using
only words occurring at least five times in the corpus.

                                  PARAMETER VALUE

                                  n-grams               5
                                  normalisation    tf-idf
                                  lowercasing       false
                                  min. freq             1
                                  C                   1.0
                         Table 2. Details of the submitted system.

4   Additional Experiments

This task presents several challenges, which all combined lead us to the choice of a
simple system for the official submission. First, the evaluation platform limits the ex-
perimentation with large pre-trained neural models which are dependent on a GPU for
running in a reasonable time: considering the reproducibility issues involved with neu-
ral models — as described in [19] — this is not necessarily a negative aspect for a
shared task. Second, this being a multi-lingual task, we hypothesised that a system re-
lying on linguistic knowledge would have been too dependent on the availability of
specific resources (e.g. POS taggers, parsers, etc.). Third, considering that there is no
overlap between the set of authors present in the development corpus and those present
in the evaluation corpus, we could not rely on traditional techniques for fine-tuning the
    Given all these constraints, we experimented with language-neutral methods, mostly
leveraging frequency- and surface-based features.
    Compression A first language-independent method is the compression-based method
described in [22]; we used the implementation based on [17]. Impostor A second lan-
guage independent method, also used in an implementation released by the organisers
of this shared task, is the Impostors method [11]. Ensemble We experimented with a
majority-voting ensemble system, built from combining the submitted system with the
Compression and Impostors system. Readability metrics We tried following [12], by
leveraging the readability of a text as a proxy for its true author: we used a battery of
readability metrics [7,20,10,4,13,2], using the computed score as a feature in isolation
and in combination with word n-grams: both approaches failed. Bleaching As shown in
[6], frequency and surface-level features can be useful for cross-lingual author profiling
tasks, which are loosely related to authorship attribution. Table 3 shows an illustration
of the bleaching feature abstraction method.

                           TOKEN          FEATURE        EXAMPLE

                                             shape      CcCvcvcc’c
                                         alphanumeric          True
                                             length               08
                                           frequency              17
              Table 3. An illustration of the feature bleaching process from [6].

   We experimented with the bleaching approach of [6], resulting in a lower perfor-
mance when compared to the submitted system.

5     Evaluation

The official evaluation is conducted on the TIRA Platform [18], using an F1 metric
modified in order to account for the open-set scenario [14]. Here we present i) some
development results obtained on the development data released by the organisers and
ij) the official results obtained on the test set on the TIRA platform.

5.1   Development Results

                                  model         open-f1 score
                                  submitted            0.619
                                  compressor           0.554
                                  impostor             0.449
                                  ensemble             0.618
                                  readability          0.078
                                  bleaching            0.133

           Table 4. Overview of the cross-validated results from different models.

5.2   Official Results

Our submitted system scored 0.613 open-set macro F1, 0.8 points less than the best-
performing system, which scored an average 0.69 open-set F1.
6    Conclusions
In this paper we presented our participation to the PAN Authorship Attribution shared
task. We showed that linear models combined with sparse features work well for this
task, at least under the constraints of a) limited computing power, b) language indepen-
dence and c) out-of-domain data. We report that combining different systems into an
ensemble model does not help improving performance. We show that word and charac-
ter n-grams are good features for this task, even though they might allow for interference
with topic effects. For reproducibility, we release all the code used in this paper. Our
official submission scored 0.613 open-f1 score; we note that our system is the fastest
one among the submitted runs on the official test set (00:17:08).

The author is thankful to the three anonymous reviewers who helped improving the
quality of this paper.

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