=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_223 |storemode=property |title=Overview of ImageCLEFlifelog 2019: Solve My Life Puzzle and Lifelog Moment Retrieval |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_223.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen,Luca Piras,Michael Riegler,Liting Zhou,Mathias Lux,Minh-Triet Tran,Tu-Khiem Le,Van-Tu Ninh,Cathal Gurrin |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Dang-NguyenPRZL19 }} ==Overview of ImageCLEFlifelog 2019: Solve My Life Puzzle and Lifelog Moment Retrieval== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_223.pdf
            Overview of ImageCLEFlifelog 2019:
                 Solve My Life Puzzle and
                 Lifelog Moment Retrieval

      Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen1 , Luca Piras2 , Michael Riegler3 , Liting Zhou4 ,
       Mathias Lux5 , Minh-Triet Tran6 , Tu-Khiem Le4 , Van-Tu Ninh4 , and
                                 Cathal Gurrin4
                          University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
                 Pluribus One & University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
           Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Oslo, Norway
                         Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
                   ITEC, Klagenfurt University, Klagenfurt, Austria
             University of Science, VNU-HCM, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

        Abstract. This paper describes ImageCLEFlifelog 2019, the third edi-
        tion of the Lifelog task. In this edition, the task was composed of two
        subtasks (challenges): the Lifelog Moments Retrieval (LMRT) challenge
        that followed the same format as in the previous edition, and the Solve
        My Life Puzzle (Puzzle), a brand new task that focused on rearranging
        lifelog moments in temporal order. ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 received no-
        ticeably higher submissions than the previous editions, with ten teams
        participating resulting in a total number of 109 runs.

1     Introduction
Since 2016 with the first lifelog initiative, the NTCIR-12 - Lifelog task [7],
research in lifelogging, ‘a form of pervasive computing, consisting of a uni-
fied digital record of the totality of an individual’s experiences, captured multi-
modally through digital sensors and stored permanently as a personal multimedia
archive’ [5], is getting more attention, especially within the multimedia informa-
tion retrieval community. However, given the huge volume of data that a lifelog
would generate, along with the complex patterns of the data, we are just at the
starting point of lifelog data organisation. We need to advance the next step of
development and to unlock the potential of such data. There is a need new ways
of organising, annotating, indexing and interacting with lifelog data, and that is
the key motivation of the Lifelog task at ImageCLEF.
    The ImageCLEFlifeLog2019 task at ImageCLEF 2019 [10], was the third
edition of the task, with previous editions in 2017 [2] and 2018 [3], which were
inspired by the fundamental image annotation and retrieval tasks of ImageCLEF
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
since 2003. This year, the task continued to follow the general evolution of Image-
CLEF, by applying the advanced deep learning methods and extending the focus
to multi-modal approaches instead of only working just with image retrieval.
    Comparing to the previous editions, in this third edition we merged the
previous two sub-tasks (challenges): Activities of Daily Living understanding
(ADLT) and Lifelog Moment Retrieval (LMRT) into a single challenge (LMRT)
and proposed a brand new one: Solve My Life Puzzle (Puzzle), which focused
on the new ways of organising lifelog data, in particular in rearranging lifelog
    The details of this year two challenges will be provided in section 2. This
includes also the descriptions of data and resources. For the rest of the paper, in
Section 3, submissions and results are presented and discussed and in the final
section 4 the paper is concluded and final remarks and future work are discussed.

2     Overview of the Task

2.1   Motivation and Objectives

An increasingly wide range of personal devices, such as smartphones, video cam-
eras as well as wearable devices that allow capturing pictures, videos, and audio
clips for every moment of our lives are becoming available. Considering the huge
volume of data created, there is a need for systems that can automatically anal-
yse the data in order to categorize, summarize and also query to retrieve the
information the user may need.
     Despite the increasing number of successful related workshops and panels,
lifelogging has seldom been the subject of a rigorous comparative benchmarking
exercise as, for example, the new lifelog evaluation task at NTCIR-13 [8] or the
last editions of the ImageCLEFlifelog task [2][3]. In this edition we aimed to
bring the attention of lifelogging to a wide audience and to promote research
into some of the key challenges of the coming years.

2.2   Challenge Description

Lifelog Moment Retrieval Task (LMRT)
In this task, the participants are required to retrieve a number of specific mo-
ments in a lifeloggers life. Moments are defined as semantic events, or activities
that happened throughout the day. For example, a participant would have been
required to find and return relevant moments for the query “Find the moment(s)
when the user1 is cooking in the kitchen”. In this edition, particular attention
was to be paid to the diversification of the selected moments with respect to the
target scenario. The ground truth for this subtask was created using a manual
annotation process. Figure 1 illustrates some examples of the moments when the
lifelogger was having coffee with friends”. In addition, listings 1 and 2 list all the
queries used in the challenge.
T.001 Icecream by the Sea
Description: Find the moment when u1 was eating an icecream beside the sea
Narrative: To be relevant, the moment must show both the ice cream with cone in
the hand of u1 as well as the sea clearly visible. Any moments by the sea, or eating
an ice cream which do not occur together are not considered to be relevant.
T.002 Having Food in a Restaurant
Description: Find the moment when u1 was eating food or drinkingU1 was eating
food in a restaurant while away from home. Any kinds of dishes are relevant. Only
Drinking coffee and have dessert in a cafe won’t be relevant.
T.003 Watching Videos
Description: Find the moment when u1 was watching video when using other digital
Narrative: To be relevant, u1 must be watching videos in any location and any
digital devices can be considered. For example: TV machine, tablet, mobile phone,
laptop, desktop computer.
T.004 Photograph of a Bridge
Description: Find the moment when u1 was taking a photo of a bridge.
Narrative: U1 was walking on a pedestrian street and stopped to take a photo of a
bridge. Moments when u1 was walking on a street without stopping to take a photo
of a bridge are not relevant. Any other moment showing a bridge when a photo was
not being taken are also not considered to be relevant.
T.005 Grocery Shopping
Description: Find the moment when u1 was shopping for food in a grocery shop.
Narrative: To be considered relevant, u1 must be clearly in a grocery shop and
bought something from the it.
T.006 Playing a Guitar
Description: Find the moment when U1 or a man is playing guitar in view.
Narrative:Any use of guitars indoors could be considered relevant. Any type of
Guitar could be considered as relevant.
T.007 Cooking
Description: Find moments when u1 was cooking food.
Narrative:The moments shows U1 was cooking food at any places are relevant.
T.008 Car Sales Showroom
Description: Find the moments when u1 was in a car sales showroom.
Narrative: u1 visited a car sales showroom a few times. Relevant moments show u1
indoors in a car sales showroom, either looking at cars or waiting for a salesman
sitting at a table. Any moments looking at cars while outside of a showroom are
not considered relevant.
T.009 Public Transportation
Description: Find the moments when U1 is taking the public transportation in any
Narrative: To be considered relevant,the U1 must take a public transportation to
other place. The moments that the U1 is driving a car is not relevant.
T.010 Paper or Book Reviewing
Description: Find all moments when u1 was reading a paper or book.
Narrative: To be relevant, the paper or book must be visible in front of U1 and
sometimes U1 use a pen to mark on the paper or book.

     Listing 1: Description of topics for the development set in LMRT.
T.001 In a Toyshop
Description: Find the moment when u1 was looking at items in a toyshop.
Narrative: To be considered relevant, u1 must be clearly in a toyshop. Various toys
are being examined, such as electronic trains, model kits and board games. Being
in an electronics store, or a supermarket, are not considered to be relevant.
T.002 Driving home
Description: Find any moment when u1 was driving home from the office.
Narrative: Moments which show u1 is driving home from the office is relevant.
Driving from other place and to other place are not relevant.
T.003 Seeking Food in a Fridge
Description: Find the moments when u1 was looking inside a refrigerator at home.
Narrative: Moments when u1 is at home and looking inside a refrigerator are con-
sidered relevant. Moments when eating food or cooking in the kitchen are not con-
sidered relevant.
T.004 Watching Football
Description: Find the moments when either u1 or u2 was watching football on the
Narrative: To be considered relevant, either u1 or u2 must be indoors and watching
football on a television. Watching any other TV content is not considered relevant.
T.005 Coffee Time
Description: Find the moment when u1 was having coffee in a cafe.
Narrative:To be considered relevant, u1 must be in a cafe and having coffee alone
or with another individual.
T.006 Having Breakfast at Home
Description:U1 was having breakfast at home and the breakfast time must be from
5:00 am until 9:00 am
Narrative: To be considered relevant, the moments must show some parts of the
furniture being assembled.
T.007 Having Coffee with Two Persons
Description: Find the moment when u1 was having coffee with two person.
Narrative: Find the moment when u1 was having coffee with two person. One was
wearing blue shirt and the other one was wearing white cloth. Gender is not relevant.
T.008 Using a Smartphone Outside
Description: Find the moment when u1 was using smartphone when he was walking
or standing outside.
Narrative: To be considered relevant, u1 must be clearly using a smartphone and
the location is outside.
T.009 Wearing a Red Plaid Shirt
Description: Find the moment when U1 was wearing a red plaid shirt.
Narrative: To be relevant, the user1 was wearing a red plaid shirt in a day life.
T.010 Having a Meeting in China
Description: Find all moments when u1 was attending a meeting in China.
Narrative: To be relevant, the user1 must be in China and was having a meeting
with others.

          Listing 2: Description of topics for the test set in LMRT.
Fig. 1. Examples from the results of the query: ‘Show all moment I was having coffee
with friends.’

Solve my Life Puzzle Task (Puzzle)
Given a set of lifelog images with associated metadata (e.g., biometrics, location,
etc.), but no timestamps, the participants needed to analyse these images and
rearrange them in chronological order and predict the correct day (e.g. Monday
or Sunday) and part of the day (e.g. morning, afternoon, or evening). Figure 2
illustrates an example of this challenge.

2.3   Dataset
The data was a medium-sized collection of multimodal lifelog data over 42 days
by two lifeloggers. The contribution of this dataset over previously released
datasets was the inclusion of additional biometric data, a manual diet log and
the inclusion of conventional photos. In most cases the activities of the lifeloggers
were separate and they did not meet. However on a small number of occasions
the lifeloggers appeared in data of each other. The data consists of:
 – Multimedia Content. Wearable camera images captured at a rate of about
   two images per minute and worn from breakfast to sleep. Accompanying this
   image data was a time-stamped record of music listening activities sourced
   from Last.FM1 and an archive of all conventional (active-capture) digital
   photos taken by the lifelogger.
 – Biometrics Data. Using the FitBit fitness trackers2 , the lifeloggers gath-
   ered 24 × 7 heart rate, calorie burn and steps. In addition, continuous blood
   glucose monitoring captured readings every 15 minutes using the Freestyle
   Libre wearable sensor3 .
  Last.FM Music Tracker and Recommender - https://www.last.fm/
  Fitbit Fitness Tracker (FitBit Versa) - https://www.fitbit.com
  Freestyle Libre wearable glucose monitor - https://www.freestylelibre.ie/
      (a) Evening-Monday         (b) Morning-Tuesday       (c) Morning-Wednesday

    (d) Afternoon-Wednesday     (e) Morning-Thursday         (f) Afternoon-Friday

    (g) Afternoon-Saturday       (h) Morning-Sunday         (i) Afternoon-Sunday

         Fig. 2. Sample images from the Puzzle task and the predicted results.

 – Human Activity Data. The daily activities of the lifeloggers were captured
   in terms of the semantic locations visited, physical activities (e.g. walking,
   running, standing) from the Moves app4 , along with a time-stamped diet-log
   of all food and drink consumed.
 – Enhancements to the Data. The wearable camera images were annotated
   with the outputs of a visual concept detector, which provided three types of
   outputs (Attributes, Categories and Concepts). Two visual concepts which
   include attributes and categories of the place in the image are extracted
   using PlacesCNN [18]. The remaining one is detected object category and
   its bounding box extracted by using Faster R-CNN [14] trained on MSCOCO
   dataset [12].

   Format of the metadata. The metadata was stored in a .csv files, which
was called the minute-based table. The precise structured of it is described in
Table 2. Additionally, extra metadata was included, such as visual categories
and concepts descriptors. The format of the extra metadata could be found in
Table 3.
    Moves App for Android and iOS - http://www.moves-app.com/
                Table 1. Statistics of ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 Data

           Characters                            Size
           Number of Lifeloggers                 2
           Number of Days                        43 days
           Size of the Collection                14 GB
           Number of Images                      81,474 images
           Number of Locations                   61 semantic locations
           Number of Puzzle Queries              20 queries
           Number of LMRT Queries                20 queries

2.4   Performance Measures
LMRT For assessing performance, classic metrics were deployed. These metrics
 – Cluster Recall at X (CR@X) - a metric that assesses how many different
   clusters from the ground truth are represented among the top X results;
 – Precision at X (P@X) - measures the number of relevant photos among the
   top X results;
 – F1-measure at X (F1@X) - the harmonic mean of the previous two.
    Various cut off points were considered, e.g., X=5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. Offi-
cial ranking metrics were the F1-measure@10, which gives equal importance to
diversity (via CR@10) and relevance (via P@10).
    Participants were allowed to undertake the sub-tasks in an interactive or
automatic manner. For interactive submissions, a maximum of five minutes of
search time was allowed per topic. In particular, methods that allowed interaction
with real users (via Relevance Feedback (RF), for example), i.e., beside of the
best performance, the way of interaction (like number of iterations using RF),
or innovation level of the method (for example, new way to interact with real
users) were encouraged.
    Puzzle For the Puzzle task, we used Kendall’s Tau score to measure the
similarity of the temporal order between the participant’s temporal arrangement
and ground-truth for each query. The formula of Kendall’s Tau is as follows:
                                            C −D
                              τ = max 0,                                       (1)
                                            C +D

where C and D are the number of concordant pairs and discordant pairs corre-
spondingly between the participant’s submission order and the one of ground-
truth. In the original Kendall’s Tau formula, the range of the formula is from
[−1, 1], however, we choose to narrow the range of the score to [0, 1]. It means that
if the number of opposite ranking-direction pairs are greater than the quantity
of the same ranking-direction pairs, participants would get nothing in Kendall’s
Tau score. The accuracy of part-of-day prediction was computed simply by di-
viding the number of correct predictions by the total number of predictions.
                   Table 2. Structure of Minute-based table.

Field name         Meaning                               Example

minute ID          Identity field for every minute,      u1 20180503 0000
                   unique for every volunteer
utc time           UTC Time with format:                 20180503 0000 UTC
                   YYYYMMDD HHMM UTC
local time         Local time in volunteers timezone     20180503 0100
                   (from volunteers smart phone):
                   YYYYMMDD HHMM
time zone          The name of volunteers timezone       Europe/Dublin
lat                Latitude of volunteers position       53.386881
lon                Longitude of volunteers position      -6.15843
name               The name of the place                 Home
                   corresponding to volunteers
song               The name of the song was playing      walking, transport
                   at that time activity The activity
                   that volunteer was doing at that
steps              The number of volunteers steps        14
                   collected by wearable devices
calories           The number of calories collected      1.17349994
                   by wearable devices
historic glucose   The historic glucose index            4.3
(mmol/L)           collected by wearable devices,
                   measured in mmol/L
scan glucose       The scan glucose index collected      4.8
(mmol/L)           by wearable devices, measured in
heart rate         The heart rate of volunteer at that   73
                   time collected by wearable devices
distance           The distance collected by wearable
img00 id to        The image ID captured by the          u1 20180503 1627 i01
img 19 id          wearable camera at that time
cam00 id to        The image ID captured by              u1 20180503 1625 cam i00
cam14 id           volunteers smart phone at that
                    Table 3. Structure of the Visual Concepts table.

      Field name              Meaning                        Example

      image id                Identity field for every       u1 20180503 0617 i00
                              image, including images
                              from wearable camera and
                              smart phone camera
      image path              Image path to the
                              corresponding image
      attribute top1 to       The top 10 attributes          no horizon,
      attribute top10 (top    predicted by using the         man-made, metal,
      10 attributes)          PlaceCNN, trained on           indoor lighting
                              SUNattribute dataset
      category topXX,         The top 05 categories and      chemistry lab, 0.082
      category topXX score    their scores predicted by
      (top 05 categories)     using the PlaceCNN,
                              trained on Place 365
      concept class topXX,    Class name, bounding box       person, 0.987673
      concept score topXX,    and score of the top 25        508.568878
      concept bbox topXX,     objects with the highest       171.124496
      (top 25 concepts)       score in each image. They      513.541748
                              are predicted by using         395.073303
                              Faster R-CNN, trained on
                              the COCO dataset

Finally, the primary score was computed as the average of Kendall’s Tau score
and accuracy of part-of-day prediction for all queries.

2.5     Ground Truth Format

LMRT Task. The ground truth for the LMRT task was provided in two
individual txt files: one file for the cluster ground truth and one file for the
relevant image ground truth.
    In the cluster ground-truth file, each line corresponded to a cluster where the
first value was the topic id, followed by cluster id number, followed by the cluster
user tag separated by comma. Lines were separated by an end-of-line character
(carriage return). An example is presented below:

 – 1, 1, Icecream by the Sea
 – 2, 1, DCU canteen
 – ...
 – 2, 8, Restaurant 5
 – 2, 9, Restaurant 6
 – ...
    In the relevant ground-truth file, the first value on each line was the topic
id, followed by a unique photo id, and then followed by the cluster id number
(that corresponded to the values in the cluster ground-truth file) separated by
comma. Each line corresponded to the ground truth of one image and lines were
separated by an end-of-line character (carriage return). An example is presented

 – 1, u1 20180528 1816 i00, 1
 – 1, u1 20180528 1816 i02, 1
 – 1, u1 20180528 1816 i01, 1
 – 1, u1 20180528 1817 i01, 1
 – 1, u1 20180528 1817 i00, 1
 – 1, u1 20180528 1818 i02, 1
 – ...
 – 2, u1 20180508 1110 i00, 1
 – 2, u1 20180508 1110 i01, 1
 – 2, u1 20180508 1111 i00, 1
 – 2, u1 20180508 1111 i01, 1
 – 2, u1 20180508 1112 i01, 1
 – ...

     Puzzle Task The ground truth was provided in only one individual .csv
file. For each line in this file, first value was the id of the query, followed by
the id of image provided by the organisers, followed by the order that the image
should be arranged in this query in temporal manner, followed by the part-of-day
prediction. Values in each line were separated by comma. Lines were separated by
and end-of-line character (carriage return). The values in ground-truth file were
sorted by query id, and then image id column in ascending order. An example
is shown below:

 – 1, 001.JPG, 17, 1
 – 1, 002.JPG, 8, 1
 – 1, 003.JPG, 9, 1
 – 1, 004.JPG, 1, 1
 – 1, 005.JPG, 2, 1
 – ...
 – 8, 001.JPG, 12, 3
 – 8, 002.JPG, 16, 3
 – 8, 003.JPG, 13, 3
 – 8, 004.JPG, 15, 3
 – 8, 005.JPG, 10, 1
 – ...
         Table 4. Official Results of the ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 LMRT Task.

 Team             Run     P@10   CR@10   F1@10   Team        Run     P@10   CR@10   F1@10
 Organiser [13]   RUN1*   0.41    0.31    0.29   UATP [15]   RUN1    0.03    0.01    0.02
                  RUN2*   0.33    0.26    0.24               RUN2    0.08    0.02    0.03
 ATS [17]         RUN1    0.10    0.08    0.08               RUN3    0.09    0.02    0.03
                  RUN2    0.03    0.06    0.04               RUN4     0.1    0.02    0.03
                  RUN3    0.03    0.04    0.04               RUN5     0.1    0.02    0.04
                  RUN4    0.06    0.13    0.08               RUN6    0.06    0.06    0.06
                  RUN5    0.07    0.06    0.05   UPB [6]     RUN1    0.17    0.22    0.13
                  RUN6    0.07    0.13    0.08   ZJUTCVR     RUN1    0.71    0.38    0.44
                  RUN7    0.08    0.19     0.1   [20]        RUN2†   0.74    0.34    0.43
                  RUN8    0.05    0.11    0.07               RUN3†   0.41    0.31    0.33
                  RUN9    0.10    0.14    0.10               RUN4†   0.48    0.35    0.36
                  RUN11   0.14    0.16    0.12               RUN5†   0.59     0.5    0.48
                  RUN12   0.35    0.36    0.25   TUC MI      RUN1    0.02    0.10    0.03
 BIDAL [4]        RUN1    0.69    0.29    0.37   [16]        RUN2    0.04    0.08    0.04
                  RUN2    0.69    0.29    0.37               RUN3    0.03    0.06    0.03
                  RUN3    0.53    0.29    0.35               RUN4    0.10    0.11    0.09
 HCMUS [11]       RUN1    0.70    0.56    0.60               RUN5    0.08    0.13    0.09
                  RUN2    0.70    0.57    0.61               RUN6    0.00    0.00    0.00
 REGIM [1]        RUN1    0.28    0.16    0.19               RUN7    0.04    0.06    0.05
                  RUN2    0.25    0.14    0.17               RUN8    0.04    0.01    0.02
                  RUN3    0.25    0.10    0.14               RUN9    0.02    0.01    0.01
                  RUN4    0.09    0.05    0.06               RUN10   0.15    0.15    0.12
                  RUN5    0.07    0.09    0.06               RUN11   0.03    0.07    0.04
                  RUN6    0.07    0.08    0.06               RUN12   0.06    0.11    0.06
                                                             RUN13   0.01    0.01    0.01
                                                             RUN14   0.06    0.21    0.09

            Notes: * submissions from the organizer teams are just for reference.
                     submissions submitted after the official competition.

3     Evaluation Results
3.1     Participating Groups and Runs Submitted
This year the number of participants as well as the number of submissions was
considerably higher with respect to 2018: we received in total 50 valid submis-
sions (46 official and 4 additional) for LMRT, and 21 (all are official) for Puzzle,
from 10 teams representing over 10 countries. The submitted runs and their
results are summarised in Tables 4 and 5.

3.2     Results
In this section we provide a short description of all submitted approaches followed
by the official result of the task.
    The Organiser team [13] provided a baseline approach to the LMRT task
with a web-based interactive search engine called LIFER 2.0, which was based
on a previous system [19] used at the LSC 2018 Lifelog Search Challenge. The
authors submitted two runs which were obtained by letting two novice users
perform interactive moment retrieval on the search engine for all ten queries. For
the Puzzle task, the team proposed an activity mining approach which utilised
Bag-of-Visual-Words (BOVW) methods. For each image in a query, the authors
find the most relevant images in the training data based on the L2 distance of
BOVW vectors to predict the part-of-day and chronological index of the images.
       Table 5. Official Results of the ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 Puzzle Task.

 Team                   Run           Kendall’s Tau      Part of Day      Final Score

 Organiser [13]         RUN1*               0.06              0.31            0.18
                        RUN2                0.03              0.35            0.19
                        RUN3                0.03              0.34            0.18
                        RUN4*               0.05              0.49            0.27
 BIDAL [4]              RUN1                0.12              0.30            0.21
                        RUN2                0.08              0.31            0.20
                        RUN3                0.06              0.28            0.17
                        RUN4                0.12              0.38            0.25
                        RUN5                0.10              0.30            0.20
                        RUN6                0.09              0.29            0.19
                        RUN7                0.15              0.26            0.21
                        RUN8                0.07              0.30            0.19
                        RUN9                0.19              0.55            0.37
                        RUN10               0.17              0.50            0.33
                        RUN11               0.10              0.49            0.29
 DAMILAB                RUN6                0.02              0.40            0.21
                        RUN7                0.02              0.47            0.25
 HCMUS [9]              RUN03ME             0.40              0.70            0.55
                        RUN3                0.40              0.66            0.53
                        RUN04ME             0.40              0.70            0.55
                        RUN4                0.40              0.66            0.53
        Notes:       submissions from the organizer teams are just for reference.

    The REGIM-Lab [1] focused on LMRT task by improving the system from
their last year participation with NoSQL which offers distributed database and
framework to handle huge data. They employed the ground-truth of development
set to improve the fine-tuning phase for concept extraction. In addition, CQL
Query was used to exploit complicated metadata. For the query analysis, the
authors trained a LSTM classifier to enhance the query with relevant concepts.
    The UPB team [6] proposed the algorithm to eliminate blurry images which
contain less information using a blur detection system. Following that, a meta-
data restriction filter, which was created manually by users, was applied to the
dataset to further remove uninformative images. The remaining images was then
computed a relevance score based on given metadata description for query an-
    The UAPTBioinformatics (UAPT) team [15] proposed an automatic ap-
proach for LMRT task. The images are pre-processed through an automatic
selection step to eliminate images with irrelevant information to the topics (fea-
ture extraction, machine learning algorithm, k-nearest neighbors, etc.) and more
visual concepts were generated using various state-of-the-art models (Google
Cloud Vision API, YOLOv3). Then they extracted relevant words from topics’
titles and narratives, dividing them into five categories, and finally matching
them with the annotation concepts of lifelog images using a word embedding
model trained on Google News dataset. Moreover, an extra step to reuse unse-
lected images from the pre-processing steps for image similarity matching was
proposed to increase the performance of their system.
    The TUC MI team [16] proposed an automatic approach for LMRT task.
They firstly extracted twelve types of concept from different pre-trained models
to increase the annotation information for lifelog data (1191 labels in total).
For image processing, two methods were introduced to transform images into
vectors: image-based vectors and segment-based vectors. For query processing,
they processed the query with Natural Language Processing techniques and in-
troduced a token vector which has the same dimension as image/segment vector.
Finally, they defined a formula to compare the similarity between image/segment
and token vector and conducted an ablation study to find the best model that
achieved the highest score in this task.
    The HCMUS team [11] proposed to extract semantic concepts from images
to adapt to lifelogger’s habits and behaviours in daily life. They firstly identified
a list of concepts manually, then trained object detectors to extract extra visual
concepts automatically. Moreover, they also utilised object’ region of interest
to infer its color by K-Means clustering. To further understand the temporal
relationship between events, they also integrated the visualization function for
an event sequence in their retrieval system. For the Puzzle task, the HCMUS
team [9] utilised a BOVW approach to retrieve the visually similar moments
with reference to lifelog data to infer the probability of the time and order of the
images. Before applying the proposed remedy, they tried to cluster the images
into groups based on the provided concepts extracted from PlacesCNN, GPS
location, and user activities.
    The BIDAL team [4] participated in both Puzzle and LMRT tasks. For the
LMRT task, they introduced their interactive system with two main stages. For
stage 1, they generated many atomic clusters from the dataset based on rough
concepts and utilising text annotation to create Bag-of-Words (BOW) vectors
for each image. In stage 2, they generated the BOW vector for query texts and
found similar images that suited the context and content of the query. They then
used the output for result expansion by adding more images which were in the
same cluster. Finally, an end-user chooses appropriate images for the query. For
the Puzzle task, they proposed to use visual feature matching via two similarity
functions between each image in both train data and test data as the initial step
to filter out dissimilarity associative pairs (train-test image pairs). Finally, the
remaining images are grouped based on temporal order of train data so that it
forms the full set as test data to rearrange the images.
    The ZJUTCVR team [20] pre-processed the images with blur/cover filters
to eliminate the blurred and occluded images. Then, they proposed three ap-
proaches to handle the remaining lifelog images: the two-class approach, the
eleven-class approach, and the clustering approach. For two-class approach, the
authors divided query topics into directories and ran a test on each directory
with a fine-tuned CNN. After that, the results are classified into two classes
based on the relevance to topic description. The eleven-class approach shared
the same process with the previous method, but the results are split into 11
classes, where 10 classes are corresponding to 10 query topics and the 11th class
contains irrelevant images to all 10 topics. With the clustering approach, the
team inherited the procedure of two-class approach with a modification after
the first-round retrieval by clustering images with LVQ algorithm.
    The ATS team [17] approached the LMRT task with 11 automatics runs and
1 interactive run. All automatic runs shared the same process with 4 compo-
nents: Interpretation, Subset selection, Scoring and Refinement, but differed in
the configuration of selecting the approach of each component. The interpreta-
tion state provided keywords and synonyms approaches which utilised WordNet
and Word2Vec to diversify the results. The choice of subset is highly reliant on
the configuration to use partial match or entire dataset to test. A scoring pro-
cess was used to produce final ranking with three settings: label counting, topic
similarity and SVM. The Refinement step offered multiple approaches: weight-
ing, thresholding, visual clustering and temporal clustering. Finally, the team
conducted ablation study to find the best configuration. The interactive run was
done by letting user filter the subset of dataset and choose automatic approach
of each component to complete the query.
    The official results are summarised in Tables 4 and 5. For LMRT (Table 4),
eight teams participated and the highest F1@10 was submitted by HCMUS [11]
at their second run (RUN2) with a score of 0.61 which is considerably higher
than the results obtained by novice human (the Organiser team results). For this
task, the common approach was to enrich visual concepts from images through
different CNNs, transform everything data to vector through BOW, Word2Vec,
etc., cluster/segment sequential images, and apply different feature similarity
search methods to find images with suitable context and concepts. The best
score was achieved by building object color detectors to extract visual concepts
which adapt to each user’s daily life.
   In the Puzzle task, four teams have participated and the highest score was
obtained at the value of 0.55 by two runs (RUN03ME and RUN04ME), also from
the HCMUS team. With the exception of the BIDAL team that utilised different
functions and visual features to evaluate the similarity between each train-test
pairs and proposed new grouping algorithm to decide query arrangement, most
teams used BOVW to retrieve images from training data, in order to rearrange
the test images based on the temporal order of the retrieved results. The highest
score was achieved by applying BOVW with one million clusters, which would
be a promising approach to conduct further research and improvement.
4   Discussions and Conclusions
The submitted approaches in this year confirmed the trend from last year: all
approaches are exploiting multi-modal instead of using only visual information.
We also confirmed the importance of deep neural networks in solving these chal-
lenges: all ten participants are using directly tailored-built deep networks or ex-
ploiting the semantic concepts extracted by using deep learning methods. Unlike
previous editions, we received more semi-automatic approaches, which combine
human knowledge with state-of-the-art multi-modal information retrieval. Re-
garding the number of the signed-up teams and the submitted runs, the task
keeps growing, with the highest number of registrations and participated teams.
It is also a great successful that team retention rate is high with two third non-
organiser teams from last year continued to participate in this year. This again
confirms how interesting and challenging lifelogging is. As next steps, we do not
plan to enrich the dataset but rather provide richer and better concepts, improve
the quality of the queries and narrow down the application of the challenges.

5   Acknowledgement
This publication has emanated from research supported in party by research
grants from Irish Research Council (IRC) under Grant Number GOIPG/2016/741
and Science Foundation Ireland under grant numbers SFI/12/RC/2289 and

The authors thank to Thanh-An Nguyen, Trung-Hieu Hoang, and the annotation
team of Software Engineering Laboratory (SELab), University of Science, VNU-
HCM for supporting in building the data collection as well as giving valuable
discussions for the Lifelog moment retrieval (LMRT) task.

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