=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_238 |storemode=property |title=ELMo Word Representations For News Protection |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_238.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Elizaveta Maslennikova |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Maslennikova19 }} ==ELMo Word Representations For News Protection== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_238.pdf
       ELMo Word Representations For News Protection

                                    Elizaveta Maslennikova1
       National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) N. Novgorod, Russia

         Abstract. Within framework of the research for this article a new state-of-the-art
         ELMO model of the words representation to improve the quality of classical
         models for solving the problem of binary classification in different interpretations
         is considered. The article contains a description of various methods applied to the
         processing of source texts for their transformation into the format necessary for
         many models, a description of their advantages and disadvantages, principles for
         constructing and operating the context-dependent representation of ELMo with a
         detailed description of the algorithm for using it within the target model. For a
         competent assessment of the results obtained, all experiments are carried out us-
         ing a real dataset including news articles from various sources in China and India.
         Comparative analysis includes consideration of the results of adding an ELMo
         model to standard target models of solving a problem in comparison with using
         Word2Vec. A comparison is also made for different problem statements - the
         classification of whole texts, individual sentences and the finding of specific pas-

         Keywords: ELMo, BiLM, Text Classification, NLP.

           1       Introduction

At 1the present, a person is surrounded by a large number of external sources of infor-
mation. The newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, even unwittingly heard or seen news
can sit in person’s head, then reborn into some kind of idea or even a change of own
principles. Now, in the sphere of high technologies, the Internet is becoming increas-
ingly popular as a way to communicate, learn, search for information and as a guide to
the world of the latest news. At the same time, the world wide web is growing at an
incredible speed, the number of sites on various subjects is becoming more and more,
news portals fully replace the news program on any channels, and social net-works
multiply the number of users every day. But, unfortunately, such a speed of distribution
creates great difficulties with the problem of controlling all published content, espe-
cially since such a large coverage of the World Wide Web contributes to increased
interest from people or their groups who are trying to spread protest ideas, irrelevant or

Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano, Switzer-
even prohibited content. Protest news also includes appeals to organize or participate
in various events that are in the scope of contentious politics and characterized by riots
and social movements, i.e. the “repertoire of contention” (Giugni 1998, Tarrow 1994,
Tilly 1984). Therefore, the task of creating a mechanism capable of controlling the
published content and identifying protest content, event and information connected
with them is a very important and an urgent problem today. Thus, this article is devoted
to the study of algorithms for solving the actual problem of binary classification by the
presence of some kind of protest ideas in it.
   Currently, machine learning algorithms are gaining much popularity in the study of
classification problems. At the same time, the most important problem and interesting
part of the development is the creation of a model capable of translating a complex
human language into a machine-friendly form. language is a very complex structure:
letters combined in a different order constitute completely different words, and some-
times the same word has several meanings; words, combining sentences in a different
order, can give a completely different emotional coloring, and sometimes a different
meaning; etc. At the moment, researchers have proposed a large variety of different
models for representing words in an “understandable” form for a computer. But mostly
all of them are based on the coding of either the letters that make up the word, or the
coding of the words themselves, without taking into account their lexical meaning and
the whole context surrounding it. But, unfortunately, in the present conditions, when
models for many tasks cannot be trained on a sufficient number of texts, and their writ-
ing style contains a very complex structure, these models are not sufficiently accurate
and workable. Therefore, in recent years, researchers have been quite actively develop-
ing models for the representation of words that combine both syntax, semantics, and
lexical meaning of individual tokens. One of such models is ELMo (Embeddings from
Language Models) - the representation of words as a vector of features obtained from
a neural network pre-trained on a huge text package using LSTM (Long short-term
memory) layers. This model was developed and presented by researchers from Wash-
ington in 2018, and produced a great resonance, as its effectiveness was proven when
applied to some well-known machine learning tasks (Named Entity Recognition, Ques-
tions answering on the text, etc.) - the quality of the best models found showed an even
higher result when using ELMo as models for the representation of texts for further
research than those models that were previously the most effective in their own right.
At the same time, it was precisely the task of classifying texts that was not part of their
research, although it is expected that the described representation will be able to im-
prove the quality of models for classifying texts, especially in conditions of a small
amount of training data set.
   In this paper, the possibility of using the ELMo model for the task of recognizing
protest ideas in texts is observed. The structure of the creation of the ELMo model,
studying of other models of the words representations that were previously used for
such tasks; carrying out their comparative analysis and drawing conclusions regarding
the possibility of improving the quality of standard algorithms using ELMo is also pre-
sented in this work. It is as well necessary to consider the machine learning algorithms
applied earlier to the problems of classification, implement them using the characteris-
tics from ELMo and carry out a comparative analysis with the results obtained without
it using on real data sets.

         2      Related works

As mentioned earlier, the main problem in building a model for word processing is the
choice of a method for converting text into a “understandable” form for a computer.
For these purposes people often use various kinds of embedding. Embedding is a pro-
cess of matching a certain object (text, word, picture, etc.) with a certain vector of num-
bers. Correspondingly, the source texts, encoded by matching the words to a point in n-
dimensional space, take the form of a computer model that can be processed.
    One of the most simple and widely used approaches for encoding words with a vec-
tor of numbers is the Bag-of-Words method [1], the main idea of which is to form a
dictionary of all the words of the source text, organize it, and then convert the texts in
the vector of numbers, where the i-th element is equal to the number of occurrences of
the i-th word from the dictionary in the given text. This approach gained its fame due
to its simplicity and sufficiently large efficiency for processing a small number of texts.
With the development of technology and the emergence of the Internet in human life,
the number of processed texts and their complexity is growing every day, making mod-
els like the BoW inapplicable. Then, in 2013, the Word2Vec model was proposed,
which not only is capable of working with a large volume of texts and a huge dictionary,
but which only “wins” with the growth of information [2]. This approach is based on
the locality hypothesis - words that occur in the text next to identical words will have
the close coordinates of words at the output, i.e. it is assumed that only words that are
combined with each other can stand next to them. However, these approaches allow
only one context-independent representation for each source word. A little later, several
more models were proposed that try to circumvent this drawback by examining indi-
vidual vectors for each word value [3] or by enriching the original word with infor-
mation on its subwords (using a letter-by-word representation) [4].
    Another quite popular word representation model is Context2Vec [5], which uses a
bidirectional network of long short-term memory [6] to encode a context around a word.
Another approach to the study of contextual embedding includes the keyword itself in
the presentation and is calculated, for example, using controlled neural machine trans-
lation [7]. Like the previous approaches, these models only “win” from a large amount
of input data.
    Previous studies on the topic of machine learning words processing also showed that
different layers of deep bidirectional recurrent neural networks are capable of encoding
various types of information. For example, the introduction of multitasking syntactic
control (using the tags of parts of speech) at lower levels of LSTM can improve the
overall performance of higher-level tasks [8]. Long Short-Term Memory – is the kind
of recurrent networks which is capable of learning long-term dependencies, while mem-
orizing and transmitting some information for long periods of time is their usual prop-
erty, and not something that they hardly try to learn as with the simple architecture of
recurrent neural network.
   In the machine translation system, also based on recurrent networks, it was shown
that the representations obtained at the first level in the two-layer LSTM predict tags of
parts of speech better than at the second level [9], and, finally, the upper level of LSTM
for encoding is studying the meaning of the word [5].
   The described below ELMo model of the word’s representation have all the ad-
vantages of considered models and in which their shortcomings will be also taken into
account [10].

         3       Embeddings from Language Models

The model of the word’s representation studied in this article differs from the traditional
ones in that each token is assigned a representation, which is a function depending on
the entire input sentence. In this case, I use vectors derived from a bi-directional net-
work of long short-term memory, which is taught in advance on a large text package as
a model representing the entire language used. Therefore, this approach received such
a name: Embeddings from Language Models.
   Let we have a sequence of N tokens (𝑡# , 𝑡% , … , 𝑡' ). The forward language model
(LM) calculates the probability of a given sequence, simulating the probability of the
appearance of the token 𝑡) taking into account the history (𝑡# , 𝑡% , … , 𝑡)*# ):

                       𝒑(𝑡# , 𝑡% , … , 𝑡' ) = ∏𝑵
                                               𝒌1𝟏 𝒑(𝑡) |𝑡# , 𝑡% , … , 𝑡)*# )          (1)

   Recent most popular language models compute a context-independent representa-
tion of tokens 𝑥)45 (using, for example, convolutional neural networks above the letters
that make up the original text), and then pass them through L layers of the forward-
directed LSTM. It turns out that for each position k, each layer of the LSTM network
outputs context-dependent representation →45 , where 𝑗 = 1, ..., 𝐿 and the output of the
                                               6 ),8
upper layer of this network →45 is used to predict the next token 𝑡);# (calculating the
                               6 ),4
Softmax activation function).
The backward language model is similar to the forward language model (1), with the
only exception that the passage through the sequence is carried out in the reverse order,
predicting the previous token, taking into account the subsequent context:

                   𝒑(𝑡# , 𝑡% , … , 𝑡' ) = ∏𝑵
                                           𝒌1𝟏 𝒑(𝑡) |𝑡);# , 𝑡);% , … , 𝑡' )            (2)

The implementation occurs by analogy with the forward language model, where on
                                                                             ⃖?),8 for
each reverse LSTM layer j= 1, ..., 𝐿 give a context-sensitive representation ℎ
token 𝑡) , taking into account the following sequences (𝑡);# , 𝑡);% , … , 𝑡' ).
Accordingly, biLSTM combines these approaches for both forward (1) and backward
(2) language models. In this presentation, the logarithmic probability will be jointly
maximized taking into account both directions:

∑'                                  ?⃗                                            ⃖?
 )1#Alog 𝑝A𝑡) F𝑡# , … , 𝑡)*# ; ΘI , Θ4KL5 , ΘM N + log 𝑝A𝑡) F𝑡);# , … , 𝑡' ; ΘI , Θ4KL5 , ΘM NN (3)

 where ΘI - the representation of the token, ΘM - the result of applying the SoftMax layer,
?Θ⃗4KL5 and Θ⃖? 4KL5 are the outputs after the LSTM layer, taking into account the previous
 and subsequent context respectively. The schematic representation of the architecture
 of the bi-directional language model using in ELMo is presented in Fig.1. Embeddings
 from Language Models is a context-dependent specific to the task model of represent-
 ing words, which is a combination of representations from the intermediate layers of
 the biLSTM network. For each token 𝑡) a network of depth L gives a total of 2L + 1
 different representations (outputs from all layers):

                  𝑅) = Q𝑥)45 , ℎ 45 ⃖?45                       45
                                     , ℎ),8 F𝑗 = 1, … , 𝐿S = Qℎ),8 F𝑗 = 0, … , 𝐿S              (4)

where ℎ),U                    45
              – input layer, ℎ),8 = Vℎ?⃗),8
                                        45 ⃖?45
                                            , ℎ),8 W - representation from the j-th layer of
biLSTM taking into account both directions, j = 1, ..., L. The overall final ELMo rep-
resentation, which is “embedded” in the main model to solve the NLP problem, is a
convolution of outputs from all layers or all vectors from R into one vector: 𝐸𝐿𝑀𝑜) =
𝐸(𝑅) , Θ[ ). In the simplest case, you can use the output from the entire network (the
presentation from the last layer) 𝐸(𝑅) ) = ℎ),4     , but then the representation of the words
will be based only on the language model that we assume not quite accurate, and will
not depend on the current problem being solved and it’s training dataset. If we approach
the problem more globally, then we can calculate the final presentation as some com-
bination of outputs from each layer with the corresponding weights, which just will be
selected in the process of learning the final model:

                  𝐸𝐿𝑀𝑂)]^M) = 𝐸(𝑅) , Θ]^M) ) = 𝛾 ]^M) ∗ ∑481U 𝑠8]^M) ℎ),8

where the parameters 𝑠 ]^M) (normalized weights vector) and 𝛾 ]^M) (scalar parameter
which is necessary to assist the optimization process) allow the entire ELMo vector to
be scaled within a specific task (see Fig.2).
    Having a pre-trained biLM (Bidirectional Language Model) with the architecture
described above and a certain algorithm for solving the target problem of NLP it is
sufficiently easy to integrate the ELMo model into the existing final solution to improve
it. For this, it is enough to run the biLSTM network on the available source data and
save all views from each layer of this network, and “train”, or rather, select the neces-
sary weights for these models while training process using the algorithm described be-
         Fig. 1. Architecture of the bi-directional language model using in the ELMo.

First of all, you need to consider the lowest layer of the original model. For most tasks
in NLP, the source data has a similar structure, and, accordingly, similar data processing
and architecture on the very first layer of the model, which makes the algorithm for
adding the ELMo model quite universal. The standard way of processing the original
sequence of tokens 𝑡# , … , 𝑡' is applying to it some algorithm for generating a context-
independent representation of the word 𝑥) (possibly using a previously trained network
or based on a symbolic representation). Then the data is transferred further.

  Fig. 2. Example of the formation of the final presentation for the word in two-layer ELMo.
For adding ELMo to the final model, it is necessary to pass the initial representation of
the token 𝑥) through the pre-trained biLM, and then send the received ELMo vector for
training to the next layers of the original model. For some tasks using the
V𝑥) , 𝐸𝐿𝑀𝑜)]^M) W as the final representation will be more efficient, but for the problem
studied in this article, with a very small initial training dataset, this representation of
words greatly complicates the model, but not gives a higher result because the data is
not enough for full-fledged training.
   As previously described, I use a pre-trained on a huge corpus of text data (1 Billion
Word Language Model Benchmark) network as a biLM in this work.
   The final model for pre-trained biLM is a recurrent neural network with two biLSTM
layers with 4096 and 512 dimensions respectively, and a residual connection between
the first and second layers (i.e., after two layers, a representation is made up as the sum
of from the 1st and from the 2nd layer). At the same time, the model is built in such a
way as you can use not only the final ELMo output, but also get separately outputs from
each layer of the network or immediately get a general representation for some set of
tokens (using the convolutional mean-pooling layer). After this training and such setup,
we have finished language model, which can be incorporated into the final model for
most tasks from NLP to improving the most effective (State-of-the-art) methods. It
should be noticed, that for some tasks, the ELMo model, even without adjusting the
weights for the outputs from each layer, provides an increase in quality, especially if it
is close to a set of training data for the final task for teaching a language model. In the
scope of this article, I explore the application and effectiveness of the ELMo model
with the SVM classifier, fully connected, convolutional and recurrent neural networks.

         4      Experiments

Experimental dataset is a set of texts taken from various English-language news sources
from India and China. For different levels of complexity, the data is presented in a
different format:
   • Task 1 - the classical formulation of the original problem, in which, according to a
set of news articles, it is necessary to determine protest event related news articles as a
whole or any other news article;
   • Task 2 is a more difficult task of binary classification, where a whole set of texts
is also presented, but each of their sentences should being considered separately in the
context of having a protest event trigger or a mention of it;
   • Task 3 - this problem formulation is similar to the task of Named Entity Recogni-
tion. The main goal is to extract the event information that targets protest event.
   Data package for all tasks is represented a set of text objects with an assigned class
for each. The difference lies only in the object itself - this is either the whole text, its
separate sentences or separate words. It should also be noted that only data from Indian
resources are submitted for training, and data from both countries are presented for
testing. This is necessary for a higher test of the possibility of generalizing the models,
since it is assumed that the test data from India has the same distribution as the training
data, since the distribution of the data from China should slightly differ [11].
   As it was noted earlier, for correctly testing of ELMo model performance, it is nec-
essary to compare the result of the work of the target model for solving this problem
using the ELMo word representation and without it (using, for instance, the Word2Vec
model). At the same time, it is necessary to choose the final model correctly, which
would be suitable within the context of the task and would give good results even with-
out using ELMo. Therefore, in the framework of the experiments, several classifiers
were used to solve this problem with the selection of all the necessary parameters. The
final used architecture of fully connected network contains 4 Dense layers for Task 1
and 6 these layers for Task 2 and 3, the best architecture of convolution network in the
scope of these task is a combination of Convolution and MaxPooling layers repeated 3
times, GlobalAveragePooling, Dropout and Dense layers and the final used recurrent
network consists of 3 biLSTM layers. These architectures were chosen as the best of
all reviewed after a series of experiments. All necessary parameters as the number of
neurons on hidden layers, units in LSTM were selected using the grid search method
for each task individually.

     Table 1. The results of applying different classifiers with ELMo for described tasks.

                                 Task 1                   Task 2                  Task 3
     Classifiers            India     China           India    China          India    China
   SVM + ELMO               79.13     57.30           61.17    55.42            -        -
FullyCon.NN + ELMo          79.37     60.00           64.93    59.11          33.46    21.72
Convol.NN + ELMo            79.07     59.84           65.39    64.86          35.78    25.16
 Recur.NN + ELMo            73.12     54.67           65.54    63.92          52.40    42.50

As can be seen from obtained results (see Table 1), SVM is a fairly good model for
binary classifying whole texts, applying it to test data from the same distribution. But
with respect to data from the second test set, SVM gives worse results than neural net-
works, which shows a poor generalizing ability of this model. Therefore, the most suc-
cessful model for solving this problem in a general sense is the fully connected multi-
layer fully connected, which shows the best result for the Chinese data set and high
result for the Indian. It should be noted right away that the SVM classifier is not suitable
for other tasks, since it does not take into account the previous context in any way but
treats each object as an independent unit. This is also confirmed by the rather low result
of its application to Task 2. Moreover, for example, the recurrent network is not effec-
tive for Task 1, since, on the contrary, it tries to use the previous context, while each
object is a separate unit under consideration in this task. Convolutional and recurrent
neural networks showed good results, while the generalizing ability is better for the first
one for task 2. As for Task 3, there, as it was expected, the recurrent network gives the
best quality, since individual words do not represent the most meaningless context, es-
pecially if parts of information of protest news can include several words in a row.
   As it was already mentioned, the data presented in the Table 1 represent the result of
applying various target classifiers using ELMo model. At the same time, this model is
built into neural networks with the ability to configure weights for output from its dif-
ferent layers, but SVM should get representation obtained after passing through ELMo
with fixed weights installed during model formation.
   To prove the effectiveness of the using ELMo model the Fig. 3 provide a compara-
tive analysis of the use of various application models with the Word2Vec and ELMo
presentation. It is clearly seen that the ELMo model gives an increase in the quality of
recognition for all models (from 1% to 10% of F1 score), this is especially clearly seen
in Tasks 2 and Task 3. From the obtained result, we can say with confidence that the
ELMo model is really able to improve the results of the classical models for solving the
problem of binary classification. That is why, after its invention, this model received
the status of the-state-of-the-art very quickly. Its effectiveness is also confirmed by the
fact that the solutions presented in the framework of this article at the CLEF Protest-
News 2019 competition took high prizes [12].

Fig. 3. Comparative analysis of using SVM, Fully Connected, Convolution and Recurrent Neu-
   ral Networks for binary classification with ELMo and Word2Vec words representations.

         5      Conclusion

This article examined the possibility of using the ELMo word representation model to
improve the quality of prediction of classical models for the problems of binary classi-
fying according to the presence of protest ideas or information about it in them. Within
the framework of the research, the predecessors of ELMo, the principles of its construc-
tion and operation, as well as the possibility of its introduction into classical models of
problem solving in NLP were considered. After the experiments and analysis of ob-
tained results, it is safe to say that ELMo really improves the quality of many models
for solving text analysis problems in comparison with the use of other word represen-
tation algorithms in a model-friendly way. The ELMo method really deserves the title
of state of the art at present. installed during model formation.
 As a future work I plan to explore effectiveness of ELMo model with different methods
 of its training previously, using different datasets. Moreover, the study of the possibility
 of combining different pre-trained language models is also included in the scope of my
 further research.


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