=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_243 |storemode=property |title=Overview of the Style Change Detection Task at PAN 2019 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_243.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Eva Zangerle,Michael Tschuggnall,Günther Specht,Benno Stein,Martin Potthast |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/ZangerleTSSP19 }} ==Overview of the Style Change Detection Task at PAN 2019== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_243.pdf
Overview of the Style Change Detection Task at PAN 2019

                Eva Zangerle,1 Michael Tschuggnall,1 Günther Specht,1
                         Benno Stein,2 and Martin Potthast3
                                  University of Innsbruck, Austria
                               Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
                                    Leipzig University, Germany

                     pan@webis.de           https://pan.webis.de

       Abstract The task of style change detection aims at segmenting documents into
       stylistically homogeneous passages. These segments can subsequently be utilized
       for distinguishing different authors of a document. In this year’s PAN style change
       detection task we asked the participants to answer the following questions for a
       given document: (1) Is the document written by one or more authors? and, (2) if
       the document is multi-authored, how many authors have collaborated? The task is
       performed and evaluated on a dataset compiled from an English Q&A platform,
       covering a set of diverse topics. The paper in hand introduces the style change
       detection task and the underlying dataset, surveys the participant’s submissions,
       and analyzes their performance.

1   Introduction
The task of style change detection aims at detecting whether a given document was
written by a single author or by multiple authors. Also previous PAN editions aimed
to analyze multi-authored documents: In 2016, the task was to identify and group frag-
ments of the document that correspond to individual authors [23]. In 2017, the task was
to detect within a first step whether a given document is multi-authored. If this is indeed
the case, the next step was to determine the borders at which authorship changes [28].
The results obtained showed that accurately identifying individual authors and their spe-
cific contributions within a single document is hard to achieve. In 2018 the task hence
was substantially relaxed, asking participants to predict whether a given document is
single- or multi-authored [12], recasting it as a binary classification task. Considering
the promising results achieved by the submitted approaches, this year’s competition
continues this line of research and additionally asks participants to predict the number
of involved authors.
     The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents previous
approaches towards style change detection. Section 3 introduces the style change de-
tection task as part of PAN 2019 along with the underlying dataset and the evaluation
Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
procedure. Section 4 outlines the received submissions, and Section 5 analyzes and
compares the achieved results.

2     Related Work
Besides the aforementioned shared tasks and the contributions of its participants, previ-
ous work on detecting style change and multi-author documents is still limited. Glover
and Hirst [9] were the first to suggest the detection of inconsistencies in collaborative
writing, mostly as a tool to aid writers to homogenize their style [11]. In the context
of plagiarism detection, we introduced a class of algorithms for intrinsic plagiarism
detection [15, 26], which also formed part of our corresponding shared tasks on pla-
giarism detection [21, 17, 18] and its underlying evaluation framework [20]. A number
of participants tackled the problem of intrinsic plagiarism detection, most notably Sta-
matatos [25], who made use of n-gram profiles to quantify style variation. In their series
of four subsequent works, Koppel et al. [13, 14] and Akiva and Koppel [1, 2] develop
methods to identify distinct components of multi-author documents and decomposing
them in an unsupervised manner. Similarly, we proposed an unsupervised decomposi-
tion of multi-author documents based on grammar features [27]. Bensalem et al. [4]
follow on Stamatatos’ earlier work and use n-grams to identify author style changes.
More recent contributions include that of Gianella [8] who employs stochastic model-
ing to split a document by authorship, and that of Rexha et al. [22] who extend their
previous work to predict the number of authors who wrote a text. Dauber et al. [7] pro-
pose an approach to tackle authorship attribution on multi-author documents. Aldebei
et al. [3] as well as Sarwar et al. [24] use hidden Markov models and basic stylometric
features to build a so-called co-authorship graph.

3     Style Change Detection Task
3.1   Task Definition

The PAN 2019 style change detection task is defined as follows. Given a document,
participants have to apply intrinsic style analyses (i.e., exploit the given document as
the only source) to answer, consecutively, the following two questions:
 1. Do style changes exist? (which we interpret as the fact that the document is multi-
 2. If the document is multi-authored, how many authors did collaborate?
    Figure 1 depicts three example documents and the respective answers to the above
questions. The first document (left) is considered as a single-authored document since
no style changes are detected. The two other documents (middle and right) contain style
changes, with the second document having been authored by two authors and the third
document by three authors respectively;note that an author may have worked on one or
more passages.
           Figure 1. Exemplary documents that illustrate different style change situations.

3.2      Dataset Construction
The datasets provided for training, validation, and test were curated using the StackEx-
change Q&A platform,1 which provides a network of Q&A-websites on a wide variety
of topics. Based on a publicly available dump we extracted user questions and answers
from all available sites such that a diverse set of topics is covered, ranging from cook-
ing over philosophy to bitcoin technology. Each site (topic) contains several subtopics,
identified by user-created tags. Within this year’s task only English documents were
    Based on this set of questions and answers (referred to as documents in what fol-
lows), we remove the following documents (or parts thereof) to ensure that the dataset
contains only valid, parsable documents of sufficient length:
    – short documents consisting of only a few words or symbols
    – documents edited by users other than the original author
    – external URLs
    – embedded images
    – code snippets (particularly, for the StackOverflow topic)
    – bullet lists (including content)
    – block quotes
    – texts containing Arabic characters (particularly, for the Islam topic)
    If a document contains less than three sentences after having applied the above
cleansing steps, we remove it from the dataset.
    Based on the resulting set of documents, we compute the final dataset as follows.
For each subtopic of a main topic, we assemble a document based on the questions
and answers belonging to the same subtopic. This ensures that authors cannot be dis-
tinguished based on the topic or content discussed. Particularly, the datasets per topic
             Table 1. Parameters for constructing the style change detection datasets.

       Parameter                             Configurations
       Number of style changes               0 - 10
       Number of collaborating authors       1-5
       Document length                       300 - 1 500 tokens
       Change positions                      at the end of paragraph, within paragraph, mixed
       Segment length distribution           100 - 1 500

are assembled by varying the parameters shown in Table 1. Given that the first part
of the task—detecting whether a document contains a style change or not—is a bi-
nary classification problem, we ensure that the two classes are balanced, i.e., 50% are
single-authored and 50% are multi-authored documents. For single-author documents,
we assemble one or more documents, resulting in a document containing 300-1 500 to-
kens. For multi-author documents, we vary not only the number of authors, but also the
number of style changes within the final document between 1 and 10, which is done
by combining multiple documents of multiple authors, varying the parameters stated in
Table 1. The resulting dataset contains a total of 5 028 documents.
    The compiled dataset was split into subsets for training, validation, and test. The
employs approximate stratified random sampling, yielding a 50% training, a 25% val-
idation, and a 25% test split. Both the training and the validation set were released to
participants while the test set was withheld for the final evaluation. An overview of the
datasets is given in Table 2, where we list the number of documents for the different
number of authors (as absolute numbers and relative shares) and the average number
of tokens per document for single- and multi-authored documents. The three datasets
feature a similar distribution in terms of the number of authors per document and the
average document length.

3.3     Evaluation Framework

For computing the desired evaluation measures (see Section 3.4) the participants had
the choice either to use the provided evaluation script or to work directly on the TIRA

Table 2. Overview of the datasets. SA and MA stand for single-authored and multi-authored
documents; text length is measured by the average number of tokens per document.

Dataset      Documents                           Authors                                 Length
                             1           2           3          4           5        SA      MA
                           1 273       325          313         328        307
Training        2 546                                                               977     1 604
                          50.00%     12.76%       12.29%      12.88%     12.06%
                            636        179          152         160        145
Validation      1 272                                                               957     1 582
                          50.00%     14.07%       11.95%      12.58%     11.40%
                            605        147          144         159        155
Test            1 210                                                               950     1 627
                          50.00%     12.15%       11.90%      13.15%     12.81%
platform [10, 19]. By deploying their system on the TIRA platform, the participants can
see the obtained performance values on the training and the validation set. For the final
evaluation (done with the test set), participants were asked to mark their favored run to
be considered in the overall ranking (see Section 5).

3.4   Performance Measures
For the comparison of the submitted approaches we report both the achieved perfor-
mances for the subtasks in isolation and their combination as a staged task.
    For the first subtask, the binary classification of single- versus multi-authorship, the
accuracy metric is used, i.e., we compute the fraction of correctly classified documents.
For the second subtask, the prediction of the number of authors, we compute not only
the number of correctly classified documents regarding the number of authors, but we
also consider the extent to which the prediction differs from the true class. E.g., clas-
sifying a document authored by 5 authors as a 4-author document is here regarded as
a better result than classifying it as a 2-author document. For this “distance” between
the predicted and the true author number we employ the Ordinal Classification Index
(OCI) [5], which is based on the confusion matrices resulting from the classification
tasks. It yields a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being a perfect prediction.
    Finally, we combine the two measures into a single rank measure, where we put
equal weight on accuracy and OCI (recall that OCI is an error measure):

                                     accuracy + (1 − OCI)
                            rank =

4     Survey of Submissions
The style change detection task at PAN 2019 received two submissions, which are out-
lined in the following.

4.1   Clustering-based Style Change Detection
The approach by Nath [16] is based on the combination of two clustering approaches.
The authors propose to first divide documents into windows of similar size. For each
of these windows, a representation based on the 50 most frequent tokens is computed.
In this regard, the authors resort to the normalized frequency of the 50 most frequent
tokens in each document to represent each window. Based on the pair-wise distances of
documents, two clustering approaches are applied: Threshold-based Clustering (TBC)
and Window Merge Clustering (WMC), where the assumption is that windows assigned
to the same cluster have been written by the same author. Threshold-based clustering
operates on the distance matrix of individual windows, and clusters are formed by iter-
ating over the list of pairwise window distances (sorted by distance in ascending order).
For each window pair, either these windows are joint to a new cluster, they extend an
existing cluster (in which one of the two windows is already contained in), or two clus-
ters are merged based on a given threshold. The Window Merge Clustering follows the
hierarchical clustering paradigm, where pairs of clusters (initially one window per clus-
ter) are joint iteratively until a certain threshold in terms of cluster similarity is reached.
The authors propose to combine the results of the two clustering approaches by taking
their combined minimum. Furthermore, the authors employ statistics about the number
of duplicated sentences contained per number of authors in the training set, and they
add this information also to the clustering procedure. The authors report that utilizing
the TBC-based method achieves the best results (cf. Section 5).

4.2   Feed-forward Network-based Style Change Detection
Zuo et al. [30] propose to split the given task into two subtasks, which are dealt with
individually. For the first subtask, the binary classification of single- vs. multi-authored
documents, the authors propose a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with a single hidden
layer. Each document is represented by its TFIDF-weighted word vector. For the sec-
ond task, the authors compute a number of established features at the paragraph-level
for each of the multi-authored documents, which is based on the winning submission of
the PAN style change detection task 2018 [29]: lexical features (e.g., POS tags, num-
ber of sentences or token length), contracted word forms, British or American English,
frequent words, and readability scores (e.g., Flesch-Kincaid grade level or Gunning
Fog Index). Furthermore, they add the TFIDF-weighted words. Based on this represen-
tation, they propose to cluster segments by applying an ensemble of three clustering
approaches to predict the number of authors for a given document: k-means clustering
based on the TFIDF-representation of segments, hierarchical clustering with all fea-
tures, and an MLP classifier.

5     Evaluation Results
The submissions were evaluated on the TIRA experimentation platform. For compari-
son, we also evaluated two baselines:
 1. BASELINE-RND. An enhanced guessing baseline that exploits the data set statis-
    tics with respect to document lengths and style changes. In particular it is assumed
    that longer documents tend to contain more style changes shorter documents.
 2. BASELINE-C99. A baseline that employs the C99 text segmentation algorithm to
    predict the number of segments [6].
    Table 3 shows the participants’ evaluation results, where we list accuracy, the ordi-
nal classification index, and the proposed overall rank measure. Both submission sur-
pass the baselines with respect to every measure, where Nath achieved the highest rank
due to the high accuracy in distinguishing single- from multi-author documents. Zuo et
al. achieved a slightly better OCI value, i.e., they could better estimate the true num-
ber of authors in multi-author documents. In terms of runtime, the clustering-based
approach by Nath significantly outperforms the deep learning approach by Zuo et al.
    To get a deeper understanding of the performance of the submitted approaches, we
also analyze the results with respect to certain document characteristics. For Subtask 1
                                                          Table 3. Overall results for the style change detection task.

                                                  Participant                      Accuracy                       OCI                          Rank               Runtime
                                                  Nath                                 0.848                   0.865                           0.491               00:02:23
                                                  Zuo et al.                           0.604                   0.809                           0.398               00:25:50
                                                  BASELINE-RND                         0.600                   0.856                           0.372                   -
                                                  BASELINE-C99                         0.582                   0.882                           0.350               00:00:30

we compute the respective accuracy values, and for Subtask 2 we compute the absolute
prediction errors. Figures 2 and 3 overview the results. Figures 2a and 2b show the
average performance of the approaches and the random baseline grouped by document
length in tokens. We observe that Nath is able to outperform the approach by Zuo et al.
over all document lengths. In Figures 2c and 2d, by analyzing the results based on the
number of authors, we observe that the approach by Nath is able to exploit documents
with a lower number of authors better for Subtask 2, while Zuo et al. are able to exploit
documents with more than two authors better and predict the number of authors more
accurately. For Subtask 1, Nath achieves better results than both Zuo et al. and the
random baseline for single-authored documents. Looking into the lengths of segments
of individual authors (cf. Figures 3a and 3b), we observe quite diverging behaviors for
the submitted approaches for Subtask 1, whereas for Subtask 2 the differences are more

                                                             Subtask 1                                                                            Subtask 2

                                                      BASELINE-RND     Nath      Zuo et al.
                                                                                                                                            BASELINE-RND          Nath        Zuo et al.
                                  1.20                                                                                        2.50
      accuracy (single/multi)

                                                                                                       - predicted authors|

                                                                                                         |coreect authors

                                  0.20                                                                                        0.50
                                  0.00                                                                                        0.00

                                                                      #tokens                                                                               #tokens

                                                  (a) Accuracy wrt. #tokens                                               (b) Prediction error wrt. #tokens
                                                       BASELINE-RND     Nath     Zuo et al.                                              BASELINE-RND      Nath          Zuo et al.
                                           1.20                                                                           3.00
                 accuracy (single/multi)

                                           1.00                                                                           2.50
                                                                                                   - predicted authors|
                                                                                                     |correct authors

                                           0.80                                                                           2.00

                                           0.60                                                                           1.50

                                           0.40                                                                           1.00

                                           0.20                                                                           0.50

                                           0.00                                                                           0.00
                                                  1           2          3            4        5                                     1           2            3                4           5
                                                                      #authors                                                                             #authors

                                                  (c) Accuracy wrt. #authors                                      (d) Prediction error wrt. #authors

Figure 2. Detailed evaluation results of the approaches with respect to the number of tokens and
the number of authors for Subtask 1 (left column) and Subtask 2 (right column).
subtle: With regard to the number of style changes in a document (Figures 3c and 3d),
for documents with a lower number of style changes the approach by Nath achieves a
lower accuracy as well as a higher deviation in terms of the prediction of the author
number than does the approach by Zuo et al.

                                                      Subtask 1                                                                                      Subtask 2

                                                 BASELINE-RND        Nath        Zuo et al.                                                BASELINE-RND     Nath       Zuo et al.
                                     1.20                                                                                     2.00
           accuracy (single/multi)


                                                                                                      - predicted authors|

                                                                                                        |correct authors

                                     0.60                                                                                     1.00


                                     0.00                                                                                     0.00
                                         < 100    100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500             > 500                               < 100       100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500       > 500
                                                      average segment length (tokens)                                                            average segment length (tokens)

       (a) Accuracy wrt. avg. segment length                                                          (b) Prediction error wrt. avg. segment
                                                 BASELINE-RND        Nath        Zuo et al.                                                BASELINE-RND      Nath      Zuo et al.
                                     1.20                                                                                     2.50
       accuracy (single/multi)

                                                                                                       - predicted authors|

                                                                                                         |correct authors


                                     0.20                                                                                     0.50

                                     0.00                                                                                     0.00
                                            1         2-3             4-5           6-7       8-10                                   2-3              4-5              6-7           8-10
                                                                #style changes                                                                           #style changes

                                      (c) Accuracy wrt. #style changes                                (d) Prediction error wrt. #style changes

Figure 3. Detailed evaluation results of the approaches with respect to the average segment length
and the number of style changes for Subtask 1 (left column) and Subtask 2 (right column).
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