=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_245 |storemode=property |title=Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2019 Concept Detection Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_245.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Obioma Pelka,Christoph M. Friedrich,Alba G. Seco de Herrera,Henning Müller |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/PelkaFHM19 }} ==Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2019 Concept Detection Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_245.pdf
 Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2019 Concept
                Detection Task

                Obioma Pelka1,2[0000−0001−5156−4429] , Christoph M.
Friedrich                        , Alba G. Seco de Herrera4[0000−0002−6509−5325] ,
                    and Henning Müller5,6[0000−0001−6800−9878]
       Department of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences and Arts
                                Dortmund, Germany
      Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology,
                         University Hospital Essen, Germany
  Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (IMIBE), University
                               Hospital Essen, Germany
                                University of Essex, UK
      University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland
                           University of Geneva, Switzerland

        Abstract. This paper describes the ImageCLEF 2019 Concept Detec-
        tion Task. This is the 3rd edition of the medical caption task, after it
        was first proposed in ImageCLEF 2017. Concept detection from med-
        ical images remains a challenging task. In 2019, the format changed
        to a single subtask and it is part of the medical tasks, alongside the
        tuberculosis and visual question and answering tasks. To reduce noisy
        labels and limit variety, the data set focuses solely on radiology images
        rather than biomedical figures, extracted from the biomedical open access
        literature (PubMed Central). The development data consists of 56,629
        training and 14,157 validation images, with corresponding Unified Med-
        ical Language System (UMLS R ) concepts, extracted from the image
        captions. In 2019 the participation is higher, regarding the number of
        participating teams as well as the number of submitted runs. Several ap-
        proaches were used by the teams, mostly deep learning techniques. Long
        short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks (RNN), adversar-
        ial auto-encoder, convolutional neural networks (CNN) image encoders
        and transfer learning-based multi-label classification models were the fre-
        quently used approaches. Evaluation uses F1-scores computed per image
        and averaged across all 10,000 test images.

        Keywords: Concept Detection · Computer Vision · ImageCLEF 2019 ·
        Image Understanding · Radiology

  Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
  mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
  ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
1   Introduction
The concept detection task presented in this paper is part of the ImageCLEF1
benchmarking campaign, that is part of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum2
(CLEF). ImageCLEF was first held in 2003 and in 2004 a medical task was
added that has been held every year [10, 6]. More information regarding other
proposed tasks in 2019 can be found in [5].
    The caption task was first proposed in 2016 as a caption prediction task. In
2017, the caption task was split into two subtasks: concept detection and caption
prediction and ran in that format at ImageCLEFcaption 2017 [1] and 2018 [4].
The format has slightly changed in 2019 with a single task.
    The motivation for this task is that an increasing number of images has be-
come available without metadata, so obtaining some metadata is essential to
make the content usable. The objective is to develop systems capable of predict-
ing concepts automatically for radiology images, or possibly for other clinical
images. These predicted concepts enable order for unlabeled and unstructured
radiology images and for data sets lacking metadata, as multi-modal approaches
prove to obtain better results regarding image classification [12]. As the interpre-
tation and summarization of knowledge from medical images such as radiology
output is time-consuming, there is a considerable need for automatic methods
that can approximate this mapping from visual information to condensed textual
descriptions. The more image characteristics are known, the more structured are
the radiology scans and hence, the more efficient are the radiologists regarding
    For development data, a subset of the Radiology Object in COntext data
set (ROCO) [11] is used. ROCO contains radiology images originating from the
PubMed Central (PMC) Open Access Subset3 [14], with several Unified Medical
Language System (UMLS R ) Concept Unique Identifiers (CUIs) per image. The
test set used for official evaluation was created in the same manner as proposed
in Peltka et al. [11].
    This paper presents an overview of the ImageCLEFmed Concept Detection
Task 2019 with task description and participating teams in Section 2, an ex-
ploratory analysis on the data set and ground truth described in Section 3 and
the evaluation framework explained in Section 4. The approaches applied by the
participating teams are listed in Section 5, which is followed by discussion and
conclusions in Section 6.

2   Task and Participation
Succeeding the previous subtasks in ImageCLEFcaption 2017 [1] and Image-
CLEFcaption 2018 [4], a concept detection task with the objective of extracting
UMLS R CUIs from radiology images was proposed. We work on the basis of
  http://imageclef.org/ [last accessed: 06.06.2019]
  http://www.clef-initiative.eu/ [last accessed: 06.06.2019]
  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/tools/openftlist/[last accessed: 29.05.2019]
a large-scale collection of figures from biomedical open access journal articles
(PMC). All images in the training data are accompanied by UMLS R concepts
extracted from the original image caption. An example of an image from the
training set with the extracted concepts is shown in Figure 1. In comparison to
the previous tasks, the following improvements were made:

 – To reduce the variety of content and focus the scenario, the images in the
   distributed collection are limited to radiology images.
 – The number of concepts was decreased by preprocessing the captions, prior
   to concept extraction.

Fig. 1. Example of a radiology image with the corresponding extracted UMLS R CUIs.

The proposed task is the first step towards automatic image captioning and
scene understanding, by identifying the presence and location of relevant bio-
medical concepts (CUIs) in a large corpus of medical images. Based on the visual
image content, this task provides the building blocks for the scene understanding
step by identifying the individual components of which captions are composed.
The concepts can be used for context-based image analysis and for information
retrieval. The detected concepts per image are evaluated with precision and recall
scores from the ground truth, as described in Section 4.
    In Table 2, the 11 participating teams of the ImageCLEFmed Concept De-
tection task are listed. There were 49 registered participants out of 99 teams,
who downloaded the End-User-Agreement. Altogether, 77 runs were submitted
for evaluation. Out of the 77 submitted runs, 60 were graded and 17 were faulty
submission. The majority of the participating teams are new to the task, as only
three groups participated in the previous years.
Table 1. Participating groups of the ImageCLEF 2019 Concept Detection Task. Teams
with previous participation in 2018 are marked with an asterix.

 Team                      Institution                                 Runs
 AUEB NLP Group [8]        Department of Informatics                   4
                           Athens University of Economics and Business
 Damo [19]                 Beihang University, Beijing, China          9
 ImageSem* [3]             Institute of Medical Information            10
                           Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
 UA.PT Bioinformatics* [2] Biomedical Informatics Research Group       8
                           Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
 richard ycli              The Hong Kong University of Science and     5
                           Technology, Kowloon Hong Kong
 Sam Maksoud [9]           The University of Queensland                2
                           Brisbane, Australia
 AI600 [18]                University of International Business and    7
                           Economics, Beijing, China
 MacUni-CSIRO [15]         Macquarie University, North Ryde            1
                           Sydney, Australia
 pri2si17 [16]             Mentor Graphics LibreHealth                 3
                           Uttar Pradesh, India
 AILAB*                    University of the Aegean                    5
                           Samos, Greece
 LIST                      Faculty of Sciences and Techniques          6
                           Abdelmalek Essadi University, Morocco

3   Data Set

Equivalently to previous editions, the data set distributed for the ImageCLEFmed
2019 Concept Detection task originates from biomedical articles of the PMC
Open Access subset.
    The training and validation sets containing 56,629 and 14,157 images were
subsets of the ROCO data set presented in Peltka et al. [11]. ROCO has two
classes: Radiology and Out-Of-Class. The first contains 81,825 radiology im-
ages, which was used for the presented work. It includes several medical imag-
ing modalities such as, Computed Tomography (CT), Ultrasound, X-Ray, Fluo-
roscopy, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Mammography, Magnetic Res-
onance Imaging (MRI), Angiography and PET-CT, and can be seen in Figure 2.
    From the PMC Open Access subset [14], a total of 6,031,814 image - caption
pairs were extracted. Compound figures, which are images with more than one
subfigure, were removed using deep learning as proposed in Koitka et al. [7].
The non-compound images were further split into radiology and non-radiology,
as the objective was solely on radiology. Semantic knowledge of object interplay
present in the images were extracted in the form of UMLS R Concepts using the
QuickUMLS library [17]. The image captions from the biomedical articles served
as basis for the extraction of the concepts. The text pre-processing steps applied
are described in Peltka et al. [11]. Figure 2 displays example images from the
training set, containing several radiology imaging modalities.

Fig. 2. Examples of a radiology images displaying the broad content of the ROCO
data set.

Fig. 3. The frequency versus the number of UMLS R (Unified Medical Language System
R ) Concept Unique Identifiers (CUIs) in the development data. For example, 416
concepts occurred 10-20 times in the training images.
   Examples of concepts in the training set are listed in descending order of
occurence in Table 2. A few concepts were labelled only once, as can be seen in
Figure 3.
    ROCO contains images from the PMC archive extracted in January 2018,
which makes up the training set for the ImageCLEF Concept Detection Task.
To avoid an overlap with images distributed at previous ImageCLEF medical
tasks, the test set for ImageCLEF 2019 was created with a subset of PMC Open
Access (archiving date: 01.02.2018 - 01.02.2019). The same procedures applied
for the creation of the ROCO data set were applied for the test set as well.
    Concepts with very high frequency (>13,000), such as “Image”, as well as
redundant synonyms were removed. This lead to reduction of concepts per image
in comparison to the previous years. All images in the training, validation and
test sets have [1-72], [1-77] and [1-34] concepts, respectively.

Table 2. UMLS R (An excerpt of Unified Medical Language System R ) Concept
Unique Identifiers (CUIs) distributed for Tte ImageCLEF Concept Detection Task
with their respective number of occurrence. The concepts were randomly chosen in a
descending order. All listed concepts were distributed in the training set.

    CUI             Concept                                      Occurrence
    C0441633        Scanning                                     6733
    C0043299        Diagnostic radiologic examination            6321
    C1962945        Radiographic imaging procedure               6318
    C0040395        Tomography                                   6235
    C0034579        Panoramic Radiography                        6127
    C0817096        Chest                                        5981
    C0040405        X-Ray Computed Tomography                    5801
    C1548003        Diagnostic Service Section ID - Radiograph   5159
    ...             ...                                          ...
    C0000726        Abdomen                                      2297
    ...             ...                                          ...
    C2985765        Enhancement Description                      1084
    ...             ...                                          ...
    C0228391        Structure of habenulopeduncular tract        672
    C0729233        Dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta    652
    ...             ...                                          ...
    C0771711        Pancreas extract                             456
    ...             ...                                          ...
    C1704302        Permanent premolar tooth                     177
    ...             ...                                          ...
    C0042070        Urography                                    67
    C0085632        Apathy                                       67
    C0267716        Incisional hernia                            67
    ...             ...                                          ...
    C0081923        Cardiocrome                                  1
    C0193959        Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy              1
4   Evaluation Methodology

UMLS R CUIs need to be automatically predicted by the participating teams for
all 10,000 test images. As in previous editions [1, 4], the balanced precision and
recall trade-off in terms of F1-scores was measured. The default implementation
of the Python scikit-learn (v0.17.1-2) library was applied to compute the F-scores
per image and average them across all test images.
    As the training, validation and test set contain a maximum of 72, 77 and 34
concepts per image, the maximum number of concepts allowed in the submission
runs was set to 100. Each participating group could submit altogether 10 valid
and 7 faulty submission runs. Faulty submissions include:

 – Same image id more than once
 – Wrong image id
 – Too many concepts
 – Same concept more than once
 – Not all test images included

All submission runs were uploaded by the participating teams and evaluated
with CrowdAI4 . The source code of the evaluation tool is available on the task
Web page5 .

5   Results

This section details the results achieved by all 11 participating teams for the
concept detection task. The best run per team is shown in Table 3. Table 4
contains the complete list of all graded submission runs. There is an improvement
compared to both previous editions, from 0.1583 in ImageCLEF 2017 [1] and
0.1108 in ImageCLEF 2018 [4] to 0.2823 this year in terms of F1-score.
    Best results were achieved by the AUEB NLP Group [8] by applying convo-
lutional neural network (CNN) image encoders that were combined either with
image retrieval methods or feed-forward neural networks to predict the con-
cepts for images in the test set. On the test set, this CheXNet-based system [13]
achieved better results in terms of F1-score, while an ensemble of an k-NN im-
age retrieval system with CheXNet performed better on the development data.
AUEB NLP ranked 1st to 3rd place with 3 out of the 4 submitted runs.

  6812fec9-8c9e-40ad-9fb9-cc1721c94cc1 [last accessed: 02.06.2019]
  Evaluation.zip [last accessed: 02.06.2019]
Table 3. Performance of the participating teams at ImageCLEFmed 2019 Concept
Detection Task. The best run per team is selected. Teams with previous participation
in 2018 are marked with an asterix.

Team                      Institution                                   F1-Score
AUEB NLP Group [8]        Department of Informatics                     0.2823094
                          Athens University of Economics and Business,
Damo [19]                 Beihang University, Beijing, China            0.2655099
ImageSem* [3]             Institute of Medical Information              0.2235690
                          Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing,
UA.PT Bioinformatics* [2] Biomedical Informatics Research Group         0.2058640
                          Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
richard ycli              The Hong Kong University of Science and       0.1952310
                          Technology, Kowloon Hong Kong
Sam Maksoud [9]           The University of Queensland                  0.1749349
                          Brisbane, Australia
AI600 [18]                University of International Business and      0.1656261
                          Economics, Beijing, China
MacUni-CSIRO [15]         Macquarie University, North Ryde              0.1435435
                          Sydney, Australia
pri2si17 [16]             Mentor Graphics LibreHealth                   0.0496821
                          Uttar Pradesh, India
AILAB*                    University of the Aegean                      0.0202243
                          Samos, Greece
LIST                      Faculty of Sciences and Techniques            0.0013269
                          Abdelmalek Essadi University, Morocco

    Damo [19] was the second ranked group with 9 runs and applied two dis-
tinct methods to address the concept detection task. The latest deep learning
system ResNet-101 was used for a multi-label classification approach, as well
as a CNN-RNN model framework with attention mechanisms. Due to the im-
balanced concept distribution, the group applied several data filtering methods.
This proved to be positive, as the best run was a combination of multi-label
classification with a filtered and reduced data set.
    A two-stage concept detection approach was presented by the third ranked
group: ImageSem [3]. This included a medical image pre-classification and a
transfer learning-based multi-label classification model. For the pre-classification
step based on body parts, the semantic types of all CUIs from UMLS R were
extracted to cluster the images into four body part related categories, including
“chest”, “abdomen”, “head and neck” and “skeletal muscle”. Prior to training
of a multi-label classifier that was fine-tuned from the ImageNet data set, high
frequency concepts were selected. The best run by ImageSem ranked 8 out of all
    The pri2si17 team [16] participated for the first time in the concept detection
task. They addressed the task as a multi label classification problem and limited
the concepts to the most frequent 25 labels.
               Table 4: Concept detection performance in terms of F1-scores

     Group Name            Submission Run                                     F1-Score
    AUEB NLP Group         s2 results.csv                                     0.2823094
    AUEB NLP Group         ensemble avg.csv                                   0.2792511
    AUEB NLP Group         s1 results.csv                                     0.2740204
    Damo                   test cat xi.txt                                    0.2655099
    AUEB NLP Group         s3 results.csv                                     0.2639952
    Damo                   test results.txt                                   0.2613895
    Damo                   first concepts detection result check.txt          0.2316484
    ImageSem               F1TOP1.txt                                         0.2235690
    ImageSem               F1TOP2.txt                                         0.2227917
    ImageSem               F1TOP5 Pmax.txt                                    0.2216225
    ImageSem               F1TOP3.txt                                         0.2190201
    ImageSem               07Comb F1Top1.txt                                  0.2187337
    ImageSem               F1TOP5 Rmax.txt                                    0.2147437
    Damo                   test tran all.txt                                  0.2134523
    Damo                   test cat.txt                                       0.2116252
    UA.PT Bioinformatics   simplenet.csv                                      0.2058640
    richard ycli           testing result.txt                                 0.1952310
    ImageSem               08Comb Pmax.txt                                    0.1912173
    UA.PT Bioinformatics   simplenet128x128.csv                               0.1893430
    UA.PT Bioinformatics   mix-1100-o0-2019-05-06 1311.csv                    0.1825418
    UA.PT Bioinformatics   aae-1100-o0-2019-05-02 1509.csv                    0.1760092
    Sam Maksoud            TRIAL 1.txt                                        0.1749349
    richard ycli           testing result.txt                                 0.1737527
    UA.PT Bioinformatics   ae-1100-o0-2019-05-02 1453.csv                     0.1715210
    UA.PT Bioinformatics   cedd-1100-o0-2019-05-03 0937-trim.csv              0.1667884
    AI600                  ai600 result weighing 1557061479.txt               0.1656261
    Sam Maksoud            TRIAL 18.txt                                       0.1640647
    richard ycli           testing result run4.txt                            0.1633958
    AI600                  ai600 result weighing 1557059794.txt               0.1628424
    richard ycli           testing result run3.txt                            0.1605645
    AI600                  ai600 result weighing 1557107054.txt               0.1603341
    AI600                  ai600 result weighing 1557062212.txt               0.1588862
    AI600                  ai600 result weighing 1557062494.txt               0.1562828
    AI600                  ai600 result weighing 1557107838.txt               0.1511505
    richard ycli           testing result run2.txt                            0.1467212
    MacUni-CSIRO           run1FinalOutput.txt                                0.1435435
    AI600                  ai600 result rgb 1556989393.txt                    0.1345022
    UA.PT Bioinformatics   simplenet64x64.csv                                 0.1279909
    UA.PT Bioinformatics   resnet19-cnn.csv                                   0.1269521
    ImageSem               09Comb Rmax new.txt                                0.1121941
    Damo                   test att 3 rl best.txt                             0.0590448
    Damo                   test rl 5 result check.txt                         0.0584684
    Damo                   test tran rl 5.txt                                 0.0567311
    Damo                   test tran 10.txt                                   0.0536554
    pri2si17               submission 1.csv                                   0.0496821
    AILAB                  results v3.txt                                     0.0202243
    AILAB                  results v1.txt                                     0.0198960
    AILAB                  results v2.txt                                     0.0162458
    pri2si17               submission 3.csv                                   0.0141422
    AILAB                  results v4.txt                                     0.0126845
    LIST                   denseNet pred all 0.55.txt                         0.0013269
    ImageSem               yu 1000 inception v3 top6.csv                      0.0009450
    ImageSem               yu 1000 resnet 152 top6.csv                        0.0008925
    LIST                   denseNet pred all 0.6.txt                          0.0003665
    LIST                   denseNet pred all.txt                              0.0003400
    LIST                   predictionBR(LR).txt                               0.0002705
    LIST                   denseNet pred all 0.6 50 0.04(max if null).txt     0.0002514
    LIST                   predictionCC(LR).txt                               0.0002494
    AILAB                  results v0.txt                                     0
    pri2si17               submission 2.csv                                   0

   UA.PT BioInformatics [2] was the overall fourth best team and ranked 16th
with their best F1-score of 0.2058 out of all submissions. Two independent ap-
proaches were applied to address the concept detection task. Image represen-
tations obtained with several feature extraction methods, such as color edge
directivity descriptors (CEDD) and adversarial auto-encoder, as well as an end-
to-end approach using two deep learning architectures. The best score out of the
8 submitted runs was achieved with a simplenet configuration.
    A recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture was proposed by Sam Mak-
soud [9]. Soft attention and visual gating mechanisms are used to enable the
network to dynamically regulate “where” and “when” to extract visual data
for concept generation. Two runs were submitted for grading, with the score of
0.1749 ranked 22nd out of all submissions and the group was ranked 6th overall.
    The 7th overall ranked group is AI600 with 7 graded submission runs. Multi-
label classification based on Bag-of-Visual-Words model with color descriptors
and logistic regression, using different SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform)
descriptors as visual features were applied for the concept detection task. The
best run with a combination of SIFT, C-SIFT, HSV-SIFT and RGB-SIFT visual
descriptors achieved 0.1656261, which is the 26th out of all submissions.
    MS-CSIRO [15] submitted 1 run for official evaluation. Relevant concepts
were predicted with an approach based on a multi-label classification model
using CNN. MS-CSIRO ranked as the 8th best team and their submitted run
with the score 0.1435 ranked 36th.
    Similar to team Damo, the deep learning system ResNet-101 was utilized as
base model. pri2si17 are the ninth best ranked team. Three runs were submitted
for grading, of which the best run achieved the score 0.0497 ranking 45th.

6   Discussion and Conclusion

The results of the task in 2019 show that there is an improvement in the F1-
scores in this 3rd edition (best score 0.2823) in comparison to ImageCLEF 2017
and ImageCLEF 2018. In the previous years, the best scores were 0.1583 in 2017
and 0.1108 in 2018. There were several new teams participating for the 1st time,
as well as 3 teams, who participated in all editions. In addition, an increased
number of participating teams and submitted runs was noticed in 2019. This
shows the interest in this challenging task.
    Most submitted runs are based on deep learning techniques. Several methods
such as concept filtering, data augmentation and image normalization were ap-
plied to optimize the input for the predicting systems. Long short-term memory
(LSTM) recurrent neural networks (RNN), adversarial auto-encoder, CNN im-
age encoders and transfer learning-based multi-label classification models were
the frequently used approaches.
    The focus this year was reduced from biomedical images to solely radiology
images, which led to the reduction of extracted concepts from 111,155 to 5,528.
However, there is still an unbalanced distribution of concepts, which shows to be
challenging to most teams. This can be due to the different imaging modalities,
as well as several body parts included in the data set. Medical data and diseases
are also usually unbalanced with a few conditions happening very frequently and
most being very rare.
    In future work, an extensive review of the clinical relevance for the concepts
in the development data should be explored. As the concepts originate from the
natural language captions, not all concepts have high clinical utility. Medical
journals also have very different policies in terms of checking figure cations. We
believe this will assist in creating more efficient systems for automated medical
data analysis.


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