=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_246 |storemode=property |title=Overview of the Celebrity Profiling Task at PAN 2019 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_246.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Matti Wiegmann,Benno Stein,Martin Potthast |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/WiegmannSP19 }} ==Overview of the Celebrity Profiling Task at PAN 2019== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_246.pdf
    Overview of the Celebrity Profiling Task at PAN 2019

               Matti Wiegmann,1,2 Benno Stein,1 and Martin Potthast3
                                     Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
                                       German Aerospace Center
                                           Leipzig University


       Abstract Celebrity profiling is author profiling applied to celebrities. The focus
       on celebrities has several advantages: Celebrities are prolific social media users
       supplying lots of writing samples, lots of personal details are public knowledge,
       and they try to build a consistent public persona either themselves or with the help
       of agents. In addition, a number of demographics apply only to this group of peo-
       ple. In this overview of the first shared task on celebrity profiling at PAN 2019,
       we survey and evaluate eight submitted models that try to predict the gender, the
       year of birth, the fame, and the occupation of 48,335 English-speaking celebri-
       ties based on text obtained from their Twitter timelines. Anticipating some key
       results we can report that the models work well for predicting binary gender or
       for distinguishing the most famous celebrities from the less famous ones. Also the
       occupations sports, politics, and performer are easily identified. The models work
       less well for the prediction of rare demographics such as non-binary gender and
       occupations that are not single-topic (e.g., manager, science, and professional).
       Predicting the year of birth works best for the years between ca. 1980-2000 (i.e.,
       ages ca. 20-40), but less well for older celebrities, and not at all for younger ones.

1    Introduction
Author profiling aims to correlate writing style with author demographics. It has ap-
plications in marketing, forensic linguistics, psycholinguistics, and the social sciences.
Especially today’s omnipresence of social media and the resulting availability of text
data from large portions of the population caused a surge of interest in profiling technol-
ogy. On social media, celebrities occupy an exalted position. Rallying up to millions of
followers, they serve as role models to many and exert a direct influence on public opin-
ion, sometimes for the better, e.g., by lending their voices to the disenfranchised, and
sometimes for the worse. Unsurprisingly, the “rich and famous” are subjects to research
in the social sciences and economics alike, especially with regard to their presence on
social media. The celebrity profiling task at PAN 2019 introduces this population for
the first time to the author profiling community.
Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
   The task was to predict four demographics of celebrities, given their history of
tweets on Twitter:
    – Gender as male, female, or, for the first time, non-binary.
    – Year of birth within a novel, variable-bucket evaluation scheme.
    – Fame as rising, star, or superstar.
    – Occupation or “claim to fame,” as sports, performer, creator, politics, manager,
      science, professional, or religious.
The evaluation data for this task was sampled from the Webis Celebrity Profiling Cor-
pus 2019 [49]: 48,335 Twitter timelines of celebrities with on average 2,181 tweets per
celebrity. The labels gender, year of birth, and occupation were obtained from Wikidata,
the degree of fame was derived from the follower count.
    As a quick overview, 92 teams registered for the task, 12 showed some sign of
activity, e.g., by requesting a virtual machine, and eight made a successful software
submission. Performance was measured using cRank, the harmonic mean of the macro-
averaged multi-class F1 for gender, fame, occupation, and a leniently calculated F1 for
year of birth. This measure is stricter than average accuracy, since it prefers consistent
results, emphasizing performance on classes reflecting rare demographics. The winning
submission achieved an outstanding cRank of 0.593. Most submissions prefer feature-
based machine learning utilizing word-level features over neural approaches, reporting
higher performance of the former in preliminary experiments.
    After reviewing related work, we give a more detailed description of the task, the
construction of the task’s evaluation data, and the reasoning underlying our performance
measures in Section 3. In Section 4, we survey the software submissions, in Section 5,
we report the evaluation results and carry out an in-depth analysis with regard to the
performance of different approaches and individual demographics of the task.

2     Related Work
The study of author profiling techniques has a rich history, with the pioneering works
done by Pennebaker et al. [24], Koppel et al. [15], Schler et al. [41], and Argamon et al.
[1], focusing on age, gender, and personality from genres with longer, grammatical
documents such as blogs and essays. Table 1 overviews most of the works done in
author profiling over the past 20 years, reporting on text genre, author count, word
count, and the demographics studied. The most commonly used genre in recent years is
Twitter tweets, first used in 2011 to predict gender [4] and age [22]. Later work also used
Facebook posts [12], Reddit [13], and Sina Weibo [47]. Recently added demographics
include education [6], ethnicity [46], family status [47], income [30], occupation [28],
location of origin [12], religion [32], and location of residence [6].
    At PAN, author profiling has been studied since 2013, covering different demo-
graphics including age and gender [36, 35, 39], personality [33], language variety [37],
genres including blogs, reviews, and social media posts [39], and cross-domain predic-
tion [34]. Profiling research related to aspects such as behavioral traits [16], medical
conditions [7], and native language identification (NLI) have been excluded from our
survey, since these have developed into subfields of their own right.
Table 1. Survey of author profiling studies, sorted by year of publication. A ‘*’ indicates an
estimation based on an average of 12.7 words per tweet from the reported number of tweets, a ‘?’
indicates unavailable information.

Dataset                            Genre          Authors Words      Demographics
Schler et al. [41]                 Blogs           37,478   7,885    Gender
Estival et al. [10]                Emails           1,033   3,259    Age, Gender, Education, Native lang.,
                                                                     Personality (Big Five), Residence
Estival et al. [11]                Emails           1,033   2,085    Age, Education, Gender,
                                                                     Personality (MBTI)
Burger et al. [4]                  Twitter        183,729    283* Gender
Nguyen et al. [21]                 Blogs            1,997 27,303 Age
Rosenthal and McKeown [40]         Blogs           24,500     (?) Age
Bergsma et al. [3]                 Publications     4,500      (?)   Gender, Native language
Ciot et al. [8]                    Twitter          8,618 12,700* Gender
Mikros [19]                        Blogs              100 20,323 Gender
Schwartz et al. [42]               Facebook       136,000 4,129 Age, Gender, Personality (NEO-PI-R)
Rangel Pardo et al. [36]           Blogs          346,100    632 Age, Gender
Rangel Pardo et al. [35]     Multiple             346,100     632    Age, Gender
Verhoeven and Daelemans [44] Essays                   749     976    Age, Birthplace, Gender,
                                                                     Personality (Big Five)
Kapociute-Dzikiene et al. [14]     Essays             186    286 Age, Gender
Preotiuc-Pietro et al. [28]        Twitter          5,191 26,415* Occupation (SOC)
Plank and Hovy [26]                Twitter          1,500 12,880 Gender, Personality (MBTI)
Rangel Pardo et al. [33]           Twitter          1,070 1,205 Age, Gender, Personality (Big Five)
Volkova and Bachrach [46]          Twitter          5,000 2,540 Age, Children, Education, Gender,
                                                                  Income, Intelligence, Optimism,
                                                                  Political alignment, Ethnicity,
                                                                  Religion, Relationship, Satisfaction
Rangel Pardo et al. [39]           Multiple       346,100    632     Age, Gender
Verhoeven et al. [45]              Twitter         18,168 25,400     Gender, Personality (MBTI)
Wang et al. [48]                   Sina Weibo     742,323     (?)    Age, Education, Gender, Relationship
Emmery et al. [9]                  Twitter          6,610 31,750* Gender
Fatima et al. [12]                 Facebook           479 2,156 Age, Birthplace, Gender, Education,
                                                                  Extroversion, Nat. lang., Occupation
Litvinova et al. [17]              Essays             500    145 Age, Education, Gender, Personality
Preotiuc-Pietro et al. [29] - D1   Twitter          3,938 15,587* Age, Gender, Politics
Preotiuc-Pietro et al. [29] - D2   Twitter         13,651 23,717* Politics
Rangel Pardo et al. [38]           Twitter         19,000 1,195 Dialect, Gender
Carmona et al. [6]                 Twitter          5,000 17,195* Education, Residence
Gjurkovic and Snajder [13]         Comments        23,503 24,861 Personality (MBTI)
Preotiuc-Pietro and Ungar [30]     Twitter          4,098 16,785* Age, Education, Gender, Income, Race
Ramos et al. [32]                  Facebook         1,019 2,178 Age, Education, Gender,
                                                                  Personality (Big Five), Religion
Rangel Pardo et al. [34]           Twitter         19,000 1,195 Gender
Tighe and Cheng [43]               Twitter            250 31,011* Personality (Big Five)

30k                                                                                                 15k


20k                                                                                                 10k



10k                                                                                                 500


                                              2098                          400911411094 763
                         50                                                                    54
         ma fem no    s s ri                         sp pe cre po sci ma pro rel 0 1940                   1960           1980   2000
           le al nbi tar upersing                      ort rfo at litic en na fe igi
                                                          s rm or s ce ge ss ous
                 e na        sta                                                                             Year of birth
                      ry         r                             er              r ion

Figure 1. Number of authors in the complete dataset by classes of the demographics: (left) gender
in blue, fame in green, occupation in red, and (right) year of birth.

3           Task Description
The task’s goal was to evaluate technology to predict the four demographics gender,
year of birth, degree of fame, and occupation of a celebrity from their history of tweets
on Twitter. Participants were given a large training dataset comprising 33,836 celebrities
with up to 3,200 tweets each, and submissions were evaluated on a test dataset com-
prising 14,499 celebrities using our TIRA evaluation service [27]. Performance was
evaluated using a combination of the multi-class F1 -scores of each demographic.

3.1              Evaluation Data
The data used for this task was sampled from the Webis Celebrity Profiling Cor-
pus 2019 [49], which links the Twitter accounts of celebrities with their corresponding
Wikidata entries. A celebrity in this corpus is defined as a person who has a verified
Twitter account and who is notable as per Wikipedia’s notability criteria. Given the
list of all verified Twitter accounts, they were heuristically linked to their respective
Wikidata entries by matching Twitter’s free-form name and the “@”-handle with Wiki-
data’s item name, omitting ambiguous matches, non-person, and memorial accounts.
An evaluation of the matching heuristic revealed a very low error rate of 0.6%. In to-
tal, the corpus contains 71,706 celebrities as Twitter-Wikidata matches, where Wikidata
supplies 239 different demographics, albeit sparsely distributed. For each celebrity, we
crawled all available tweets from their timelines,1 and then filtered out all celebrities
who declared a non-English profile language,2 or were born before 1940, as well as all
tweets that did not contain mainly text. Finally, to compile the evaluation data for our
task, we sampled all celebrities for the most widely available demographics, namely
gender, occupation, and year of birth. Figure 1 shows histograms for each demographic
in the sample of the corpus used for this task.3 Altogether, the evaluation data comprises
48,335 celebrities with an average 2,181 tweets.
  Twitter’s API limits access to only the latest 3200 tweets. According to the total number of
  tweets noted in the respective user-profile, this is the complete timeline in 98.05% of cases.
  Note that the dataset still contains some bilingual and non-English tweeting celebrities.
  The high number of celebrities for year of birth 2000 is an error in Wikidata that we noticed only
  at the time of writing. We removed them in our subsequent analyses.
Number of celebrities                                                              Log-normal Distribution
                                                                                   Celebrity count per
                                                                                   number of followers


                           10   100         1k        10k       100k          1M          10M        100M
                                                    Number of followers
 Figure 2. Histogram (blue) of the number of followers each celebrity in the dataset has and a
 log-normal distribution (yellow) to determine class boundaries of the fame demographic.

    Wikidata employs a high number of labels for certain demographics. To render the
 prediction tasks feasible, we simplified the labels as follows:
                – Gender. From the eight different gender-related Wikidata labels, we kept male and
                  female and merged the remaining six to non-binary.
                – Fame. To determine the degree of fame, we calculated the distribution of follower
                  counts shown in Figure 2, overlaid a matching log-normal distribution and used its
                  standard deviation to separate the three classes rising (less than 1,000 followers),
                  star (more than 1,000 and less than 100,000 followers), and superstar (more than
                  100,000 followers).4
                – Occupation. The 1,379 different occupations were grouped into eight classes:
                   1. Sports for occupations participating in professional sports, primarily athletes.
                   2. Performer for creative activities primarily involving a performance like acting,
                      entertainment, TV hosts, and musicians.
                   3. Creator for creative activities with a focus on creating a work or piece of art, for
                      example, writers, journalists, designers, composers, producers, and architects.
                   4. Politics for politicians and political advocates, lobbyists, and activists.
                   5. Manager for executives in companies and organizations.
                   6. Science for people working in science and education.
                   7. Professional for specialist professions like cooks and plumbers.
                   8. Religious for professions in the name of a religion.
                  We arrived at these groups of celebrity occupations by reconstructing the graph
                  induced by Wikidata’s subclass of property, connecting all occupations in the
                  corpus. By manually analyzing the graph, the most reasonable sub-structures of
                  closely connected professions were identified.
                – Age. Unlike the profiling literature on age prediction, we did not define a static set
                  of age groups, but used the year of birth between 1940 and 2012 as extracted from
                  Wikidata’s Day of Birth property.
        We attribute the gap under the left half of the log-normal distribution curve to the fact that rising
        celebrities are less likely to possess a verified Twitter account, thus missing from our corpus.
     The different demographics in the dataset are not entirely independent. While the
correlation of some class combinations like year of birth and fame, and gender and fame
are insignificant, others have notable dependencies: Figure 4 in Appendix B shows that
there is a clear imbalance between gender and occupation, and occupation and year
of birth. Female celebrities tend to be younger and more likely have a performing or
creator occupation, while male celebrities strongly tend to be famous for sports when
young, and politics and religion otherwise. Celebrities working in performing occupa-
tions like acting or music tend to be more famous than others.
     We split the sampled data 70:30 into a training dataset of 33,836 celebrities and a
test dataset of 14,499 celebrities (test dataset 1); from the latter we sub-sampled another
small-scale test dataset of 956 authors (test dataset 2).

3.2   Performance Measures
In previous years at PAN, the performance of author profiling approaches has been
measured as average of the accuracies measured for each demographic in question.
This measure is unfit for celebrity profiling, since the demographics are imbalanced
and some have many classes. To measure participant performance, we rather average
the per-demographic performance using the harmonic mean, promoting a consistent
performance across demographics:
              cRank =       1            1             1            1       .
                         F1,fame + F1,occupation + F1,gender + F1,birthyear

    Let T denote the set of classes labels of a given demographic (e.g., gender), where
t ∈ T is a given class label (e.g., female). The prediction performance for T ∈ {gender,
fame, occupation} is measured using the macro-averaged multi-class F1 -score. This
measure averages the harmonic mean of precision and recall over all classes of a demo-
graphic, weighting each class equally, promoting correct predictions of small classes:
                                 2 X precision(ti ) · recall(ti )
                    F1,T =           ·                              .
                                |T |   precision(ti ) + recall(ti )
                                     ti ∈T

    We also apply this measure to evaluate the prediction performance for the demo-
graphic T = year of birth, but change the computation of true positives: we count a
predicted year as correct if it is within an m-window of the true year, where m increases
linearly from 2 to 9 years with the true age of the celebrity in question:

                             m = (−0.1 · truth + 202.8).

This way of measuring the prediction performance for the age demographics addresses
a shortcoming of the fixed-age-interval scheme: Defining strict age intervals (i.e. 10-
20 years, 20-30, etc.) overly penalizes small prediction errors made at the interval
boundaries, such as predicting an age of 21 instead of 20. Furthermore, we decided
against combining precise predictions with an error function like mean squared error,
since we presume that age prediction gets more difficult with increasing age as people
grow mature and their writing style presumably changes more slowly over the years.
4   Survey of the Submitted Approaches
Eight participants submitted software to this task, six of whom also submitted note-
books describing their approach. Five of these six approaches are based on traditional
feature engineering, and three also report negative experiments with deep learning mod-
els, whereas only Pelzer [23] employed a neural language model (ULMFiT). The most
popular algorithm choices are logistic regression and support vector machines (SVM),
the most popular features are exclusively based on content, whereas only Moreno-
Sandoval et al. [20] also added grammatical and custom features. To cope with the
small classes in the gender and occupation demographics, two participants resorted to
oversampling the classes during training, one to downsampling, and one applied class
weighting. Three participants grouped the year of birth into eight maximum-sized in-
tervals and predicting them instead. The most popular preprocessing steps are the re-
placement or removal of hyperlinks, mentions, hashtags, and emojis, while stop words
and punctuation are rarely touched. Below, each approach is described in more detail.
     Radivchev et al. [31] uses support vector machines to predict fame and occupation
and logistic regression to predict year of birth and gender, using tf-idf vectors of the
10,000 most frequent bigrams of 500 randomly selected tweets per celebrity as fea-
tures. The authors determined class priors to cope with small classes in gender and
occupation prediction and grouped the year of births into eight intervals, reversing the
window function used for performance measurement. Tweets are preprocessed by re-
moving retweets and all symbols except letters, numbers, @’s, and #’s, replacing hy-
perlinks with  and mentions with , collapsing spaces, and adding a 
token at the end of each tweet. The optimal configuration of learning algorithms for
each demographic was determined via grid search over several hyperparameter settings
for both the SVM and logistic regression. The authors tried multiple alternative ap-
proaches, reporting sub-par results for preserving retweets and replacing emojis with
 during preprocessing, using character 3-grams and 4-grams as features, and
employing multi-layered perceptrons or a deep pyramid CNN on GloVe embeddings.
     Moreno-Sandoval et al. [20] uses logistic regression to predict fame, gender, and
year of birth, and a multinomial naive Bayes model to predict occupation, using n-
gram features with a minimum frequency of 9 for gender, 6 for year of birth, 3 for
occupation, and none for fame, as well as the features average number of emojis, hash-
tags, mentions, hyperlinks, retweets, words per tweet, word-length, the lexical diversity,
the kurtosis and skew of word-length and word-count, respectively, and the number of
tweets written in each of the grammatical genders: the first, second, and third person
singular and the first and third person plural. Years of birth are combined into eight
larger intervals and oversampled. Preprocessing of texts was done for fame, gender,
and year of birth in the form of replacing hashtags, mentions, hyperlinks, and emojis
with special tokens. The model configurations described above were obtained by test-
ing several combinations of (1) the five algorithms naive Bayes, Gaussian naive Bayes,
naive Bayes complement, logistic regression, and random forest, and (2) whether to
apply preprocessing, (3) oversampling, and (4) whether to include the features.
     Martinc et al. [18] uses logistic regression for all four demographics, with tf-idf
vectors of word unigrams, word-bounded character trigrams, and 4-character suffix tri-
grams of the first 100 tweets per timeline as features. The suffix trigrams were based on
the 10%-80% most frequent words and were weighted with 0.8, the character trigrams
4-80% with 0.4-weighting, and the word unigrams 10-80% with 0.8-weighting. No re-
sampling was applied and all years were predicted without regrouping. The text for both
trigram features was preprocessed by replacing hashtags, mentions, and hyperlinks with
special tokens and the text for the word unigrams by additionally removing all punc-
tuation and stop words. The authors determined the logistic regression algorithm to
be optimal after performing a grid search over different hyperparameter combinations
of linear SVMs, SVMs with RBF kernel, logistic regression, random forest, and gra-
dient boosting classifiers. Experiments with BERT-based fine-tuning approaches were
reported as non-competitive.
    Asif et al. [2] utilizes one model for each combination of the four demographics
and the 50 languages the authors detected in the dataset, using the most discriminative
words as features. To determine the best learning algorithm for each combination, the
authors selected the best-performing one after testing support vector machines, logistic
regression, decision trees, Gaussian naive Bayes, random forests, and k-nearest neigh-
bor classifiers. The most discriminative word features for each demographic were deter-
mined by aggregating word counts for all users of one class, normalizing these counts
by the frequency of the class, and summing the pairwise intra-class distance in relative
frequencies. This calculation results in a ranking of words for each demographic, in-
dicating which words are more frequently used by members of one class compared to
members of all other classes, where the occurrences of the highest-ranking words were
used as features. All tweets are preprocessed by removing hyperlinks, punctuation, stop
words, numbers, alphanumeric words, escape characters, #’s, and @’s.
    Petrik and Chuda [25] use multiple random forest classifiers with 200 decision trees
based on the tf-idf vectors of the top 5000 1-, 2-, and 3-grams. To train the models,
the authors used the synthetic minority oversampling technique in combination with
Tomek links to balance the examples for each class. The timeline text is preprocessed
by removing mentions and stop words, collapsing letter repetitions, and replacing hy-
perlinks and emojis with special tokens. Additionally, the authors report on experiments
with RCNNs, which did not deliver promising results and were hence discarded.
    Pelzer [23] applies a transfer learning strategy by training an ULMFiT instance on
the celebrity timelines. The classifiers constructed from this instance predicted a class
for every tweet in a given timeline and used the majority of all per-tweet predictions to
infer the celebrity’s demographic. The authors further refined their model by regrouping
the year of birth into fewer classes and downsampled the examples of all demographics
to get a more balanced training dataset. The author reports on slow prediction times of
8 minutes per celebrity; this approach was only evaluated on the second, small-scale
test dataset.
    Baselines. Since this is the first edition of the task, we did not resort to providing
or reimplementing other unproven models as baselines. Instead, we created three sets
of random predictions to compare participant predictions against: (1) baseline-uniform
randomly draws from a uniform distribution of all classes and reflects the data-agnostic
lower bound, (2) baseline-rand randomly selects a class according to the prior likeli-
hood of appearance in the test dataset, and (3) baseline-mv always predicts the majority
class of the test dataset.
Table 2. Results of the celebrity profiling task for both test datasets. Bold font indicates the
highest, and underlined font the second-highest value.

(a) Primary metric cRank and minor F1 scores.
Participant                    Test dataset 1                            Test dataset 2
                   cRank gender      age    fame occup cRank gender            age    fame occup
Radivchev           0.593   0.726   0.618   0.551   0.515   0.559   0.609     0.657   0.548   0.461
Moreno-Sandoval     0.505   0.644   0.518   0.388   0.469   0.497   0.561     0.516   0.518   0.418
Martinc             0.462   0.580   0.361   0.517   0.449   0.465   0.594     0.347   0.507   0.486
Fernquist           0.424   0.447   0.339   0.493   0.449   0.413   0.465     0.467   0.482   0.300
Petrik              0.377   0.595   0.255   0.480   0.340   0.441   0.555     0.360   0.526   0.385
Pelzer                –       –       –       –       –     0.499   0.547     0.518   0.460   0.481
Asif                  –       –       –       –       –     0.402   0.588     0.254   0.504   0.427
Bryan                 –       –       –       –       –     0.231   0.335     0.207   0.289   0.165
baseline-rand       0.223   0.344 0.123 0.341 0.125           –       –         –         –     –
baseline-uniform    0.138   0.266 0.117 0.099 0.152           –       –         –         –     –
baseline-mv         0.136   0.278 0.071 0.285 0.121           –       –         –         –     –

(b) Accuracy.
Participant                   Test Dataset 1                          Test Dataset 2
                   Mean Gender Age Fame Occup Mean Gender Age Fame Occup
Radivchev       0.744       0.926   0.511 0.784     0.757   0.743   0.930    0.517 0.770      0.757
Moreno-Sandoval 0.614       0.863   0.365 0.543     0.684   0.627   0.861    0.376 0.547      0.722
Martinc         0.710       0.897   0.457 0.756     0.732   0.712   0.915    0.448 0.753      0.733
Fernquist       0.661       0.763   0.469 0.770     0.644   0.666   0.784    0.466 0.776      0.640
Petrik          0.616       0.914   0.081 0.767     0.703   0.597   0.852    0.345 0.529      0.661
Pelzer            –           –       –     –         –     0.622   0.862    0.364 0.556      0.704
Asif              –           –       –     –         –     0.696   0.905    0.346 0.776      0.758
Bryan             –           –       –     –         –     0.515   0.722    0.173 0.763      0.402
baseline-rand      0.419    0.586   0.233 0.577 0.279        –       –         –       –       –
baseline-uniform   0.179    0.336   0.153 0.105 0.122        –       –         –       –       –
baseline-mv        0.542    0.717   0.298 0.751 0.400        –       –         –       –       –

5   Evaluation of the Results
Table 2a shows the performance of the eight participants who submitted a software
to the celebrity profiling task, ranked by the cRank score. The winning approach by
Radivchev et al. [31] achieves 0.593 on the first and 0.559 on the second test dataset,
closely followed by Moreno-Sandoval et al. [20] with 0.505 on the first, and Pelzer
[23] with 0.499 on the second test dataset. All submitted approaches beat the baselines,
most by a significant margin. The performance measured for our two test datasets is
quite similar, comparing participants who submitted runs for both. The scores are less
varied on the second test dataset: The leading participant’s performance is lower, and
Petrik and Chuda’s approach improves slightly, overtaking that of Fernquist as fourth
in the ranking. These differences can be attributed to the smaller size of the second test
        Table 3. F1-scores on the first test dataset for each demographic individually.

    Participant                           Gender                                Fame
                           female         male     nonbinary         star      superstar   rising
    Radivchev                  0.881      0.951      0.307       0.874          0.469      0.261
    Moreno-Sandoval            0.820      0.909      0.260       0.488          0.662        0
    Martinc                    0.816      0.933        0         0.853          0.425      0.160
    Petrik                     0.858      0.947        0         0.867          0.329      0.093
    Fernquist                  0.405      0.853        0         0.868          0.264      0.079
    baseline-rand              0.277      0.712        0         0.752          0.070      0.063
    baseline-uniform           0.299      0.466        0           0            0.289        0
    baseline-mv                  0        0.835        0         0.863            0          0

Participant                                           Occupation
                   performer creator sports manager politics science professional religious
Radivchev              0.785      0.572    0.895   0.229     0.740     0.320       0.214      0.272
Moreno-Sandoval        0.798      0.429    0.860   0.226     0.661     0.318       0.178      0.363
Martinc                0.740      0.501    0.872   0.152     0.731     0.271       0.100        0
Petrik                 0.645      0.411    0.783   0.006     0.622       0           0          0
Fernquist              0.736      0.445    0.868     0       0.698       0           0          0
baseline-rand          0.299      0.175 0.398      0.007     0.072     0.017       0.008        0
baseline-uniform       0.167      0.139 0.191      0.035     0.084     0.042       0.035        0
baseline-mv              0          0   0.577        0         0         0           0          0

dataset and less to the fact that the second dataset contains exclusively English tweets.
To verify this claim, we compiled an English-only version of the first test dataset, and
the results shown Table 4, Appendix A, are nearly identical for all participants.
     Table 2b shows the accuracies for all submitted approaches, allowing for a compari-
son of the general, unweighted correctness of class predictions with the cRank measure.
Accuracies are generally higher for all participants, a natural consequence of the imbal-
anced dataset and the existence of small classes. This can be seen by comparing the
results of the baseline-mv, which is almost competitive under accuracy but irrelevant
under cRank. The differences in the per-demographic performance can be explained
further by inspecting the class-wise F1 shown in Table 3. An important observation is
that the top three approaches succeed more frequently in predicting small classes cor-
rectly, greatly benefiting cRank without notably impacting accuracy. We assume that
the good performance on small classes is due to downsampling and the class weight-
ing applied by the top two approaches, whereas models without these strategies mostly
fit toward the majority classes. Overfitting toward the majority class is also the likely
explanation for the difference in ranking between accuracy and cRank.
     Gender. Predicting the binary sex of an author is a widely studied benchmark task
for author profiling approaches. All participants achieved a respectable accuracy in pre-
dicting celebrity gender, frequently surpassing 0.9 accuracy, while F1 scores are near
the 0.6-0.7 range. Table 3 and Table 5, Appendix A, show the class-wise F1 for all de-
mographics, which explain the achieved performance values on gender prediction: The
best approaches are best at predicting non-binary gender, while binary gender classifi-
cation is close to fit for practical use. Interestingly, the averaged confusion matrix for
gender in Figure 3 shows that non-binary celebrities are mostly misclassified as female,
which can not be explained by imbalanced data and thus justifies further research.
     Year of Birth. Our approach to age prediction, departing from fixed-size intervals to
a lenient evaluation of year of birth prediction, notably impacts participant performance.
Some models reduce the difficulty of the task by reconstructing intervals and using
classification algorithms with notably better performance than the alternatively used
strategy of predicting each year individually. No submission tries to solve the prediction
with regression algorithms. The confusion matrices for the winning model exemplified
in Figure 5, Appendix B, illustrate the difficulty of predicting the year of birth, with that
approach especially struggling to separate celebrities born before the 1980s. This is a
well-known difficulty and has been addressed in our evaluation by being more forgiving
on older celebrities.
     Fame. The degree of fame is a particularly imbalanced class, reflected in the ac-
curacy where only four participants could beat the baseline-mv on the first test dataset
and only three on the second. On the contrary, participants are much better at separat-
ing classes correctly as shown by their F1 scores, although there is a trend toward the
majority class as can be seen by the confusion matrix in Figure 3. We cannot claim that
this task is solved but we have shown that both the most and least famous celebrities
can partially be distinguished by their writing.
     Occupation. As with the other demographics, occupation was predicted far bet-
ter than the baselines by all participants and the results were highly influenced by the
performance on small classes, although not exclusively. All models work better on oc-
cupations with a clear topic, like performer containing actors and musicians, sports,
and politics. For occupations that cover multiple topics, like creator, manager, profes-
sional, and science, all models are rather weak while still beating the baselines. Ignoring
the trend toward majority classes, the confusion matrix for the winning approach in Fig-
ure 5, Appendix B, and the averaged one in Figure 3 both show that science is frequently
confused with politics and creator, religious with creator, and creator with performer.

5.1   Discussion
In general, all submitted approaches work better, the more examples there are, and the
more clearly classes can be separated by topic. The final ranking was influenced the
most by the resampling strategies to avoid fitting to majority classes and the addition of
grammatical or stylistic features to avoid the misclassification of occupations without a
coherent common topic. From a classification perspective, we see the most potential for
improvement in using all available text data to build celebrity representations, instead
of just excepts, but still excel at finding small classes, for example, using few-shot
models like prototypical or highway networks. From an author profiling perspective,
much is still unclear about the expression of fame, non-binary gender, and non-topical
occupation groups. The best algorithms can partially separate these demographics and
                                                Occupa�on                                         Gender
               sports                                                                                                   female
         performer                                                                                                      male
              creator                                                                                                   nonbinary
True Class

              poli�cs                                                                    female      male   nonbinary

             manager                                                                                Fame
              science                                                                                                   superstar
    professional                                                                                                        star
             religious                                                                                                  rising
                         sports   perf. creator poli�cs manag. science prof.   relig.   superstar    star    rising
                                              Predicted Class
 Figure 3. Averaged normalized confusion matrices for gender, fame, and occupation prediction
 of the top 5 approaches by cRank.

 errors are systematical rather than random, but a more fundamental understanding of
 differences in writing is necessary to make progress.
     Although we are satisfied with the results of the celebrity profiling task and the in-
 sights gained, we see some opportunities to refine our task setup. For the next iteration,
 we will consider narrowing the range of years of birth to 1940-2000, omitting occu-
 pations religious and professional, and revising the fame boundaries. The existence of
 several small classes turned out to be the major challenge of this task. We see this as an
 important aspect of author profiling and especially forensics, since correctly identifying
 rare demographics is most desirable in practice. A certain degree of class imbalance is
 hence necessary, albeit the degree of imbalance in all four demographics affected a reli-
 able evaluation and prevented participants from focusing on small classes in particular.
 To improve the general robustness and ease of use of our dataset, we will remove all
 non-English tweets and celebrities supplying too little text.
     Besides the prediction of small classes, year of birth prediction has been a major
 factor influencing algorithm performance. The intention behind our approach was to
 overcome the inherent weakness of interval-based age prediction and to provide an in-
 centive to participants to develop more fine-grained predictions. This was not picked up
 by participants, since participants simply defined their own interval-based classification
 based on our scoring formula. For the next iteration, we will consider a distance-based
 performance scoring for year of birth prediction.

 6            Conclusion and Outlook

 In the celebrity profiling task at PAN 2019, we invited participants to predict the de-
 mographics gender, year of birth, fame, and occupation of 48,335 twitter timelines of
 celebrities. Eight participants submitted models and six submitted notebooks describ-
 ing their approach. Participants found traditional machine learning on content-based
 features to be most reliable, where the best-performing models added some style-based
 features and resampled the training examples to compensate class imbalance. Although
 a lot of progress has been made in this task, several open challenges remain: (1) a
reliable prediction of rare demographics, like non-binary gender, very young celebri-
ties born after 2000, and “rising” stars, (2) the prediction of occupations without clear
topical separation, like professional, manager, science, and creator, and (3) the discrim-
ination of authors born before 1980.

We want to thank our participants for their effort and dedication and the CLEF organiz-
ers for hosting PAN and the celebrity profiling task.

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A    Tables

Table 4. Absolute difference in accuracy between the first test dataset and its exclusively English

                Participant              Mean     Gender      Age      Fame      Occup
                Radivchev                0,07      0,04       0,07      0,08      0,06
                Moreno-Sandoval          0,02      0,01       0,01      0,02      0,02
                Martinc                  0,04      0,04       0,03      0,06      0,03
                Fernquist                0,04      0,01       0,04      0,05      0,03
                Petrik                   0,07      0,08       0,02      0,09      0,11

        Table 5. F1-scores on the second test dataset for each demographic individually.

      Participant                         Gender                                 Fame
                              female      male     nonbinary          star     superstar    rising
      Radivchev               0.874      0.952            0          0.858       0.396      0.350
      Moreno-Sandoval         0.772      0.902            0          0.641       0.466      0.246
      Martinc                 0.835      0.943            0          0.848       0.383      0.178
      Fernquist               0.449      0.866            0          0.869       0.258      0.111
      Petrik                  0.759      0.894            0          0.620       0.434      0.292
      Pelzer                  0.732      0.906            0          0.691       0.369      0.144
      Asif                    0.825      0.937            0          0.870       0.189      0.120
      Bryan                   0.014      0.838            0          0.865         0          0

Participant                                           Occupation
                    performer creator sports manager politics science professional religious
Radivchev             0.763      0.527    0.900    0.250      0.756      0.150      0.200            0
Moreno-Sandoval       0.740      0.417    0.893    0.242      0.715      0.190      0.080            0
Martinc               0.730      0.470    0.869    0.300      0.736      0.142      0.200            0
Fernquist             0.617      0.362    0.785      0        0.632        0          0              0
Petrik                0.708      0.344    0.854    0.086      0.700      0.142      0.160            0
Pelzer                0.764      0.376    0.874    0.148      0.717      0.246      0.105            0
Asif                  0.776      0.481    0.884      0        0.773      0.095        0              0
Bryan                 0.318      0.108    0.550      0        0.218        0          0              0
B      Figures

                Fame over Occupation                                            Gender over Occupation
                                                                        0.0    0.002   0.002    0.0     0.0    0.002   0.001    0.0
  1    0.116   0.331   0.244   0.141   0.223   0.255   0.211   0.389   0.154   0.442   0.334   0.288   0.239   0.161   0.256   0.111
       0.809                   0.816                                                                                           0.889
0.8                                                    0.76
                                                                       0.846                                   0.837
                       0.736           0.738
                                               0.71                                                    0.761           0.743
               0.654                                                                           0.711
0.6                                                            0.574


                       0.019   0.043   0.039   0.035   0.029   0.037
       0.075   0.015
  0 spor. perf. crea. pol.             sci. man. prof. rel.            spor. perf. crea. pol.          sci. man. prof. rel.
               rising            star           superstar                      male            female             nonbinary

                                                  Gender over Birthyear


      1940                                     1960                                    1980                                    2000
                                               male            female            nonbinary

                                               Occupation over Birthyear





      1940                                     1960                                    1980                                    2000
                          sports                  performer                    creator                   politics
                          science                 manager                      professional              religious

Figure 4. Co-occurrence likelihood of different occupations with (left) different degrees of fame
and (right) different genders.
                                             Occupa�on                                            Gender
               sports                                                                                                   female
         performer                                                                                                      male
              creator                                                                                                   nonbinary
True Class

              poli�cs                                                                    female      male   nonbinary

             manager                                                                                Fame
              science                                                                                                   superstar
    professional                                                                                                        star
             religious                                                                                                  rising
                         sports   perf. creator poli�cs manag. science prof.   relig.   superstar    star    rising
                                              Predicted Class




                                             1940        1960        1980         2000

                         Figure 5. Confusion matrices of the winning approach for all four traits.