=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_250 |storemode=property |title=CLEF 2019 Technology Assisted Reviews in Empirical Medicine Overview |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_250.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Evangelos Kanoulas,Dan Li,Leif Azzopardi,Rene Spijker |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/KanoulasLAS19 }} ==CLEF 2019 Technology Assisted Reviews in Empirical Medicine Overview== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_250.pdf
       CLEF 2019 Technology Assisted Reviews in
            Empirical Medicine Overview

        Evangelos Kanoulas1 , Dan Li1 , Leif Azzopardi2 , and Rene Spijker3
                Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands,
                             E.Kanoulas@uva.nl, D.Li@uva.nl
         Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK,
        Cochrane Netherlands and UMC Utrecht, Julius Center for Health Sciences and
                Primary Care, Netherlands, R.Spijker-2@umcutrecht.nl

         Abstract. Systematic reviews are a widely used method to provide an
         overview over the current scientific consensus, by bringing together mul-
         tiple studies in a systematic, reliable, and transparent way. The large and
         growing number of published studies, and their increasing rate of publi-
         cation, makes the task of identifying all relevant studies in an unbiased
         way both complex and time consuming to the extent that jeopardizes the
         validity of their findings and the ability to inform policy and practice in
         a timely manner. The CLEF 2019 e-Health TAR Lab accommodated two
         tasks. Task 1 focused on retrieving relevant studies from PubMed with-
         out the use of a Boolean query, while Task 2 focused on the efficient and
         effective ranking of studies during the abstract and title screening phase
         of conducting a systematic review. In the 2019 lab we also expanded
         upon the type of systematics reviews considered. Hence, beyond Diag-
         nostic Test Accuracy reviews, we also included Intervention, Prognosis,
         and Qualitative systematic reviews. We constructed a benchmark collec-
         tion of 31 reviews published by Cochrane, and the corresponding relevant
         and irrelevant articles found by the original Boolean query. Three teams
         participated in Task 2, submitting automatic and semi-automatic runs,
         using information retrieval and machine learning algorithms over a vari-
         ety of text representations, in a batch and iterative manner. This paper
         reports both the methodology used to construct the benchmark collec-
         tion, and the results of the evaluation.

Keywords: Evaluation, Information Retrieval, Systematic Reviews, TAR, Text
Classification, Active Learning

1      Introduction
Evidence-based medicine has become an important pillar in current health care
and policy making. In order to practice evidence-based medicine, it is important
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
to have a clear overview of the current scientific consensus. These overviews
are preferably provided in systematic reviews, that appraise, summarize, and
synthesize all available evidence regarding a certain topic (e.g., a treatment or
a diagnostic test). To write a systematic review, researchers have to conduct a
search that will retrieve all studies that are relevant to a topic. The large and
growing number of published studies, and their increasing rate of publication,
makes the task of identifying relevant studies in an unbiased way both complex
and time consuming to an extent that jeopardizes the validity of their findings
and the ability to inform policy and practice in a timely manner. Hence, the need
for automation in this process becomes of the utmost importance. Finding all
relevant studies in a corpus is a difficult task, known in the Information Retrieval
(IR) domain as the “total recall” problem [?].
    To this date, the retrieval of studies that contain the necessary evidence to
inform systematic reviews is being conducted in multiple stages:
 1. Identification: At the first stage a systematic review protocol, which describes
    the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review, is prepared.
    The protocol is used as a guide to carry out the review, by doing so prospec-
    tively one tries to minimize risk of bias during conduct of a systematic review.
    Beyond other information, it provides the criteria that need to be met for
    a study to be included in the review. Further, a Boolean query that at-
    tempts to express these criteria is constructed by an information specialist.
    The query is then submitted to a medical bibliographic database containing
    titles, abstracts, and indexing terms of a controlled vocabulary of medical
    studies. The result is a set, A, of potentially relevant studies.
 2. Screening: At a second stage experts are screening the titles and abstracts
    of the returned set and decide which one of those meet the inclusion criteria
    for their systematic review, a set D. If screening an abstract has a cost Ca ,
    screening all |A| abstracts has a cost of Ca ∗ |A|.
 3. Eligibility: At a third stage experts are downloading the full text of the po-
    tentially relevant abstracts, D, identified in the previous phase and examine
    the content to decide whether indeed these studies are relevant or not. Ex-
    amining a document has typically a larger cost than the cost of examining
    an abstract, Cd > Ca . The result of the second screening is the set of studies
    to be included in the systematic review.
    Unfortunately, the precision of the Boolean query is typically low, hence
reviewers often need to manually examine many thousands of irrelevant titles
and abstracts in order to identify a small number of relevant ones. Further,
there is no guarantee that the Boolean query will retrieve all relevant studies,
jeopardizing the validity of the reviews. To overcome some of the limitations of
the Boolean search, researchers have been testing the effectiveness of machine
learning and information retrieval methods. O’Mara-Eves et al. [?] provide a
systematic review of the use of text mining techniques for study identification
in systematic reviews.
    The focus of the CLEF 2017 and 2018 e-Health Technology Assisted Reviews
in Empirical Medicine (TAR) [?,?], lied on Diagnostic Test Accuracy (DTA) re-
views. Identifying DTA studies has additional difficulties over the more common
intervention studies caused by poorer reporting and indexing of these studies
with a lot of heterogeneity in terminology, a breakthrough in this field would
likely be applicable to other areas as well [?]. During the past two years search
and classification algorithms were developed demonstrating good retrieval per-
formance over the DTA studies. In 2019 we extended our focus to Intervention,
Prognosis, and Qualitative systematic reviews.
    The goal of the lab, as part of the CLEF e-Health Lab [?], is to bring to-
gether academic, commercial, and government researchers that will conduct ex-
periments and share results on automatic methods to retrieve relevant studies
with high precision and high recall, and release a reusable test collection that can
be used as a reference for comparing different retrieval and mining approaches
in the field of medical systematic reviews.
    This paper is organized as follows: Section 3 describes the two subtasks of
the lab in detail, Section 2 describes the constructed benchmark collection, and
Section 4 the evaluation measures used; in Section 5 we discuss the results of
the evaluation. Section 6 concludes the article.

2     Benchmark Collection

In what follows we describe the collection of articles used in the task, the topics
released to participants, and how they were developed, as well as the relevance
labels used in the evaluation.

2.1    Articles

The collection used in the lab is PubMed Baseline Repository last updated on
11/12/2018, and available on the NCBI FTP site under the ftp://ftp.ncbi.
nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/baseline directories. PubMed comprises more than 27
million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science jour-
nals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from
PubMed Central and publisher web sites. NLM produces a baseline set of MED-
LINE/PubMed citation records in XML format for download on an annual basis.
The annual baseline is released in December of each year. The complete baseline
consists of files pubmed19n0001 through pubmed19n0972.

2.2    Topics

To construct the benchmark collection, the organizers of the task used 8 Di-
agnostic Test Accuracy, 20 Intervention, 1 Prognosis, and 2 Qualitative sys-
tematic reviews already conducted by Cochrane researchers. These reviews can
be found in the Cochrane Library4 . 72 DTA systematic reviews used in the
2017 and 2018 versions of the lab [?,?,?,?], as well as 20 different Intervention
reviews were also collected and made available to the participants as a devel-
opment set. The 123 systematic review in both the development and test can
be found in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. The tables provide the topic id, which is a
substring of the DOI of the document (e.g. the DOI for the topic ID CD008122
is 10.1002/14651858.CD008122.pub2), and the title of the systematic review
that corresponds to the topic.

Topic Description for Subtask 1: In subtask 1 each topic file was generated
through the following procedure: First, the topic ID was extracted from the DOI
of the systematic review. Then, the title of the systematic review was considered.
Last, for each systematic review, the corresponding protocol was identified, and
the objective of the review as described in the protocol was also considered.
These three elements, topic ID, title and objective constitute the topic provided
to participants. An example can be seen below:

Topic: CD008122

Title: Rapid diagnostic tests for diagnosing uncomplicated P. falciparum
       malaria in endemic countries

Objectives: To assess the diagnostic accuracy of RDTs for detecting
            clinical P. falciparum malaria (symptoms suggestive of
            malaria plus P. falciparum parasitaemia detectable by
            microscopy) in persons living in malaria endemic areas
            who present to ambulatory healthcare facilities with
            symptoms of malaria, and to identify which types and
            brands of commercial test best detect clinical P. falciparum

    Furthermore, participants were provided with other relevant parts of the pro-
tocol, which varies per type of review. The protocol for DTA reviews includes the
type of study, the participants, the index tests, the target conditions, the com-
parator tests, and the reference standards. The protocol for Intervention reviews
includes the types of studies, the type of participants, the types of interventions,
and the type of outcome measures. The protocol for Prognosis reviews includes
the types of studies, the types of participants, and the types of outcome mea-
sures. The protocol for Qualitative reviews includes types of studies and types
of participants.

Topic Description for Subtask 2: In subtask 2 each topic file was generated
through the following procedure: For each systematic review, we reviewed the
search strategy from the corresponding study in Cochrane Library. A search
strategy, among other things, consists of the exact Boolean query developed and
submitted to a medical bibliographic database, at the time the review was con-
ducted, and typically can be found in the Appendix of the study. Rene Spijker,
a co-author of this work and a Cochrane information specialist examined the
grammatical correctness of the search query and specified the date range which
dictated the valid dates for the articles to be included in this systematic review.
The date range was necessary because a study published after the systematic
review should not be included even though it might be relevant, since that would
require manually examining its content to quantify its relevance. Although the
date ranges reflect the time of the review a complete mirror image of the database
as it was at the time is impossible as records get added and removed retrospec-
tively so using the date range gives us the best approximation of the content at
the moment of the review.
    A number of medical databases, and search interfaces to these databases
is available for searching, and for each one information specialists construct
a different variation of their query that better fits the data and meta-data
of the database. For this task, we only considered the Boolean query con-
structed for the MEDLINE database, using the Wolters Kluwer Ovid inter-
face. Then we submitted the constructed Boolean query to the OVID system
at http://demo.ovid.com/demo/ovidsptools/launcher.htm and collected all
the returned PubMed document identification numbers (PMID’s) which satisfied
the date range constraint. This step was automated by a Python script we put
together and through an interface available to the University of Amsterdam.
    The topic file is in a text format and contains four sections, Topic, Title,
Query, and PMID’s. PMID’s are the PubMed document IDs returned by the
Boolean query. The PMIDs can be used to access the corresponding document
through the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)5 . An exam-
ple of a topic file can be viewed below.

Topic: CD008122

Title: Rapid diagnostic tests for diagnosing uncomplicated
       P. falciparum malaria in endemic countries

1. Exp Malaria/
2. Exp Plasmodium/
3. Malaria.ti,ab
4. 1 or 2 or 3
5. Exp Reagent kits, diagnostic/
6. rapid diagnos* test*.ti,ab
7. RDT.ti,ab
8. Dipstick*.ti,ab
9. Rapid diagnos* device*.ti,ab
10. MRDD.ti,ab
11. OptiMal.ti,ab
12. Binax NOW.ti,ab
13. ParaSight.ti,ab
14. Immunochromatograph*.ti,ab
15. Antigen detection method*.ti,ab
16. Rapid malaria antigen test*.ti,ab
17. Combo card test*.ti,ab
18. Immunoassay Immunoassay/
19. Chromatography Chromatography/
20. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay/
21. Rapid test*.ti,ab
22. Card test*.ti,ab
23. Rapid AND (detection* or diagnos*).ti,ab
24. 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14
    or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23
25. 4 and 24
26. Limit 25 to Humans
27. limit 26 to ed=19400101-20100114


2.3   Relevance Labels
The original systematic reviews written by Cochrane researchers included a refer-
ence section that listed Included, Excluded, and Additional references to studies.
Included are the studies that are relevant to the systematic review. Excluded are
the studies that in the abstract and title screening stage were considered rele-
vant, but at the full text screening phase were considered irrelevant to the study
and hence excluded from it. Additional are the studies that do not impact the
outcome of the review, and hence irrelevant to it. The union of Included and Ex-
cluded references are the studies that were screened at a Title and Abstract level
and were considered for further examination at a full content level. These consti-
tuted the relevant documents at the abstract level, while the Included references
constituted the relevant documents at the full content level.
    The majority of the references included their corresponding PMID, but not
all of them. For those references missing the PMID, the title was extracted from
the reference, and it was used as a query to Google Search Engine over the
domain https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/. The top-scored document
returned by Google was selected, and the title of the study contained in landing
page, as identified in the metadata extracted. The title was compared then with
the title of the study used as search query. If the Edit Distance between the
two titles was up to 3 (just to account for spaces, parentheses, etc.) then the
study reference was replaced by the PMID also extracted from the metadata of
the landing page. If (a) the title had an edit distance greater than 3 but less
than 20, or (b) the study was an included study, or (c) no title was contained
in the Google result metadata, or (d) no Google results were returned, then
the query was submitted at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ and the
results were manually examined. All other studies were discarded under the
assumption that they are not contained in PubMed. The format of the qrels
followed the standard TREC format:
                   Topic Iteration Document Relevance
where Topic is the topic ID of the systematic review, Iteration in our case is a
dummy field always zero and not used, Document is the PMID, and Relevancy
is a binary code of 0 for not relevant and 1 for relevant studies. The order
of documents in the qrel files is not indicative of relevance. Studies that were
returned by the Boolean query but were not relevant based on the above process,
were considered irrelevant. Those are studies that were excluded at the abstract
and title screening phase. All other documents in MEDLINE were also assumed
to be irrelevant, given that they were not judged by the human assessor.
    Note that, as mentioned earlier, the references of a systematic review were
produced after a number of Boolean queries were submitted to a number of medi-
cal databases, and their titles and abstracts were screened. The PMID’s provided
however were only those that came out of the MEDLINE query. Therefore, there
was a number of abstract-level relevant studies (the gray area in the Venn dia-
gram below) that were not part of the result set of the Boolean query provided
to the participants. Studies that were cited in the systematic review but did not
appear in the results of the Boolean query were excluded from the label set for
both Subtask 1 and Subtask 2 (while in 2018 they were included for Subtask 1).
    The average percentage of relevant abstract in the training set is 6.5% of the
total number of PMID’s released, and in the test set 8.9%, while at the content
level the average percentage is 2.6% in the training set, and 3.9% in the test
set. Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, and Table 8 show the distribution of the relevant
documents at abstract and document level for all the topics in the test set.
A break down of the average percentage of relevant abstracts/documents are:
DTA 12.9%/5.3%, Intervention 7.6%/3.4%, Prognosis 15.7%/9.4%, Qualitative

3     Task Description
In this section we describe the two subtasks of the TAR lab, the input provided
to participants for each one of the subtasks and the expected participant’s output
submitted to the lab for evaluation.

3.1   Subtask 1: No Boolean Search
Prior to constructing a Boolean Query researchers have to design and write
a systematic review protocol that in detail defines what constitutes a relevant
study for their review. In this experimental task of the TAR lab, participants are
provided with the relevant pieces of a protocol, in an attempt to complete search
effectively and efficiently by-passing the construction of the Boolean query.
    In particular, for each systematic review that needs to be conducted (also
referred to as topic in the IR terminology), participants are provided with the
following input data:
 1. topic ID;
 2. the title of the review written by Cochrane experts;
 3. parts of the protocol;
 4. the PubMed database, provided by the National Center for Biotechnology
    Information (NCBI), part of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).

    For each one of these topics participants are asked to submit: (a) a ranked
linked of PubMed articles, and (b) a threshold over this ranked list. Participant
can submit an unlimitted number of submissions (“runs”). A run is the output
of the participants’ algorithm for all the topics, in the form of a text file, with
each line of the file following the format:

       TOPIC-ID        THRESHOLD       PMID       RANK      SCORE      RUN-ID

    Each line represents a PubMed article in the ranked list for a given topic,
with RANK indicating the index of this article in the ranked list. TOPIC-ID is
the id of the topic for which the document has been retrieved, and THRESHOLD
is either 0 or 1, with 1 indicating that the given rank is the rank of the threshold.
PMID is the PubMed Document Identifier of the article ranked at that position,
SCORE is the score the algorithm gives to the article, and RUN-ID is an identifier
for the submitted run. Participants are allowed to submit a maximum of 5,000
ranked PMIDs per topic.

3.2   Subtask 2: Title and Abstract Screening

Given the results of the Boolean Search from the first stage of the systematic
review process as the starting point, participants are asked to rank the set of
abstracts. The task has two goals: (i) to produce an the efficient ordering of
the documents, such that all of the relevant abstracts are retrieved as early as
possible, and (ii) to identify a subset which contains all or as many of the relevant
abstracts for the least effort (i.e. total number of abstracts to be assessed).
    In particular, for each systematic review that needs to be conducted (also
refereed to as topic in the IR terminology), participants are provided with the
following input data:

 1. topic ID
 2. the title of the review written by Cochrane experts;
 3. the Boolean query manually constructed by Cochrane experts;
 4. the set of PubMed Document Identifiers (PMID’s) returned by running the
    query in MEDLINE.

   As in subtask 1 participants are asked to submit: (a) a ranked linked of
the PubMed articles in the given set, and (b) a threshold over this ranked list.
Participant can submit an unlimitted number of runs, and the format of each
submission follows the format of subtask 1 submissions.
4      Evaluation

Evaluation within the context of using technology to assist in the reviewing
process is very much dependent on how the users interact with the system, and
on the goal of the technology assistance. For example, if the goal of the assistance
is to autonomously predict which studies should be assessed by the end-user at a
document level, then the problem can be viewed as a classification problem; the
system screens all abstracts and returns a subset of them as relevant. If the goal
of the assistance is to identify all the relevant documents as quick as possible but
let the human decide when to stop screening, then the problem can be viewed as
a ranking problem. There are, of course, many other possible variations. For the
purposes of the 2018 lab, we consider the problem as a ranking problem - that
is, to rank the set of documents associated with the topic in decreasing order of
     Furthermore, the two subtasks although very similar in terms of evaluation,
i.e. in both subtasks participants’ runs are rankings of article, with a designated
threshold, they also differ: in subtask 2 the set of articles to be prioritized con-
tains all the relevant articles, while in subtask 1 the relevant articles need to be
found within the entire PubMed database, and hence there is no guarantee that
all relevant articles will appear in the top 5000.
     For the evaluation of the two runs we employ a number of standard IR
measures, along with measures that have been developed for the particular task
of technology assisted reviews [?,?]. A list of the used measures can be seen

    – Subtask 1
       1. Average Precision
       2. Number of Relevant Found
       3. Precision @ last relevant found
       4. Recall @ rank k, with k in [50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000]
       5. Recall @ threshold
    – Subtask 2
       1. Average Precision
       2. Recall @ k % of top ranked abstracts, with k in [5, 10, 20, 30]
       3. Work Saved over Sampling at recall r, W SS@r = (T N + F N )/N (1 − r)
       4. Reliability = lossr + losse [?], with lossr = (1 − r)2 , where r is the recall
          at the threshold, and losse = (n/(R + 100) ∗ 100/N )2 , where n is the
          number of returned documents by the system up to the threshold, N is
          the size of the collection, and R the number of relevant documents.
       5. Recall @ threshold

    The lab organizers developed an evaluation software similar to trec_eval for
the easy evaluation of the submitted runs, also provided to participants. The code
of the tar_eval software is available at https://github.com/CLEF-TAR/tar.
5   Results

The 2019 task received submissions from 3 teams, all from Europe, including
one team from The Netherlands (UvA), one team from the UK (Sheffield), and
one team from Italy (UNIPD). For Subtask 1, we received no runs. For Subtask
2, we received 36 runs from the three teams. The three teams used a variety
of ranking methods including traditional BM25, interactive BM25, continuous
active learning, relevance feedback, as well as a variety of stopping criteria to
provide a threshold on the ranking. The results on a selected subset of metrics
on DTA, Intervention, Prognosis, and Qualitative studies, on abstract-level rele-
vance, are shown in Tables 9, 7, 11, 12, respectively. Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 shows
the box plots for Average Precision against the abstract level labels for each one
of the participants’ runs in Subtask 2, with the Mean Average Precision denoted
by a blue dashed line in the box plot. Figures 9, 10, 11, 12 presents the recall
obtained by the participants’ runs at the point of the threshold as a function of
the number of abstracts presented to the user. As expected the more abstract
presented to the user (the lower the threshold) the higher the achieved recall.
Nevertheless, there are still algorithms that dominate others. The figures present
the Pareto frontier.

6   Conclusions

The CLEF e-Health TAR has now constructed a benchmark collection of 80
Diagnostic Test Accuracy, 40 Intervention, 1 Prognosis, and 2 Qualitative sys-
tematic reviews to study the effectiveness and efficiency of information retrieval
and machine learning algorithms in retrieving relevant studies from medical
databses, and prioritizing the studies to be screened at the abstract and title
screening stage, while providing a stopping criterion over the ranked list. The
results demonstrate that automatic methods can be trusted for finding most, if
not all, relevant studies in a fraction of the time manual screening can do the
same. Given that across different runs many parameters change simultaneously
it is not easy to come to certain conclusions about the relative performance of
automatic methods.
    Regarding the benchmark collection itself, there is a number of limitations to
be considered: (a) Pivoting on the results of the the OVID MEDLINE Boolean
query limits our ability to identify all relevant studies, i.e. relevant studies that
are outputted by Boolean queries over different databases, and relevant studies
that are actually not found by these Boolean queries. The former can be overcome
by considering all the different queries submitted; for the latter extra manual
judgments would be required. (b) Pivoting on abstract and title only we miss the
opportunity to study the effect of automatic methods when applied to the full
text of the studies, that would present an opportunity to completely overcome the
multi-stage process of systematic reviews. However, most of the full text articles
are protected under copyright laws that do not give all participants access to
those. (c) The evaluation setup of ranking does not allows us to consider the
cost of the process, since given a ranking a researcher would have to still go
over all studies ranked. A more realistic setup, e.g. a double-screening setup,
could be considered. (d) In the construction of relevant judgments we considered
the included and excluded references of the systematic reviews under study,
which prevented us to study the noise and disagreement between reviewers.
(e) In our effort to allow iterative algorithms, e.g. active learning algorithms,
to be submitted, we handed the test sets’ relevant judgments directly to the
participants, which is rather unusual for this type of evaluation exercises.
7     Appendix: Tables and Figures

    Topic ID         Topic Title
    CD012567       Positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance
                   imaging (MRI) for assessing tumour resectability in advanced
                   epithelial ovarian/fallopian tube/primary peritoneal cancer
    CD012669       Point-of-care ultrasonography for diagnosing thoracoabdominal
                   injuries in patients with blunt trauma
    CD012233       Transabdominal ultrasound and endoscopic ultrasound for diag-
                   nosis of gallbladder polyps
    CD008874       Airway physical examination tests for detection of difficult air-
                   way management in apparently normal adult patients
    CD012768       Xpert MTB/RIF assay for extrapulmonary tuberculosis and ri-
                   fampicin resistance
    CD012080       Non-invasive diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylori infection
    CD011686       Triage tools for detecting cervical spine injury in pediatric
                   trauma patients
    CD009044       Diagnostic tests for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in
                   preschool children
          Table 1. The provided to participants set of testing DTA topics.
Topic ID        Topic Title
CD010239     Lower versus higher oxygen concentrations titrated to target
             oxygen saturations during resuscitation of preterm infants at
CD012551     Non-pharmacological interventions for treating chronic prostati-
             tis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
CD011571     Antistreptococcal interventions for guttate and chronic plaque
CD011140     Implantable miniature telescope (IMT) for vision loss due to
             end-stage age-related macular degeneration
CD012455     Melatonin for the promotion of sleep in adults in the intensive
             care unit
CD009642     Continuous intravenous perioperative lidocaine infusion for
             postoperative pain and recovery in adults
CD007867     Prescribed hypocaloric nutrition support for critically-ill adults
CD011768     Educational interventions for improving primary caregiver com-
             plementary feeding practices for children aged 24 months and
CD011977     Blue-light filtering intraocular lenses (IOLs) for protecting mac-
             ular health
CD012164     Subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery (SEPS) for treating ve-
             nous leg ulcers
CD010038     Face-to-face interventions for informing or educating parents
             about early childhood vaccination
CD009069     Prophylactic vaccination against human papillomaviruses to
             prevent cervical cancer and its precursors
CD001261     Vaccines for preventing typhoid fever
CD010753     Antidepressants for insomnia in adults
CD006468     Anticoagulation for people with cancer and central venous
CD010558     Psychological therapies for treatment-resistant depression in
CD000996     Inhaled corticosteroids for bronchiectasis
CD012069     Methylphenidate for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
             (ADHD) in children and adolescents âĂŞ assessment of adverse
             events in non-randomised studies
CD004414     Interventions for preventing occupational irritant hand dermati-
CD012342     Comparison of a therapeutic-only versus prophylactic platelet
             transfusion policy for people with congenital or acquired bone
             marrow failure disorders
  Table 2. The provided to participants set of testing Intervention topics.
Topic ID           Topic Title
CD012661      Development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in people with interme-
              diate hyperglycaemia
    Table 3. The provided to participants set of testing Prognosis topics.

Topic ID           Topic Title
CD011787      Parents’ and informal caregivers’ views and experiences of com-
              munication about routine childhood vaccination: a synthesis of
              qualitative evidence
CD011558      Factors that influence the provision of intrapartum and postna-
              tal care by skilled birth attendants in low- and middle-income
              countries: a qualitative evidence synthesis
   Table 4. The provided to participants set of testing Qualitative topics.

        Table 5. Statistics of topics in the test set of the DTA studies.

           Topic# total PMIDs # abs rel # doc rel % abs rel % doc rel
                         Diagnostic Test Accuracy
       CD008874      2382         130      121     0.055     0.051
       CD009044      3169          47        8     0.015     0.003
       CD011686      9729          74        3     0.008     0.000
       CD012080      6643          85       85     0.013     0.013
       CD012233      472           54       10     0.114     0.021
       CD012567      6735          12        5     0.002     0.001
       CD012669      1260          82       31     0.065     0.025
       CD012768      131          100       41     0.763     0.313
Table 6. Statistics of topics in the test set of the Intervention studies.

     Topic # total PMIDs # abs rel # doc rel % abs rel % doc rel
  CD000996      281         10          6     0.036     0.021
  CD001261      571         85         26     0.149     0.046
  CD004414      336         32         13     0.095     0.039
  CD006468      3874        91         15     0.023     0.004
  CD007867      943         31         15     0.033     0.016
  CD009069      1757        94          6     0.054     0.003
  CD009642      1922        90         72     0.047     0.037
  CD010038      8867        36         12     0.004     0.001
  CD010239      224         23         12     0.103     0.054
  CD010558      2815        75         16     0.027     0.006
  CD010753      2539        35         21     0.014     0.008
  CD011140      289          4          0     0.014     0.000
  CD011571      146         21          6     0.144     0.041
  CD011768      9160        81         31     0.009     0.003
  CD011977      195         65         38     0.333     0.195
  CD012069      3479        425       327     0.122     0.094
  CD012164       61         10          3     0.164     0.049
  CD012342      2353         9          0     0.004     0.000
  CD012455      1593        12          5     0.008     0.003
  CD012551      591         86         34     0.146     0.058

 Table 7. Statistics of topics in the test set of the Prognosis studies.

     Topic # total PMIDs # abs rel # doc rel % abs rel % doc rel
  CD012661      3367       527       317      0.157     0.094

Table 8. Statistics of topics in the test set of the Qualitative studies.

     Topic # total PMIDs # abs rel # doc rel % abs rel % doc rel
  CD011558      2168        51        27      0.024     0.012
  CD011787      4369       125        34      0.029     0.008
                                      Table 9. DTA studies with abstract-level QRELs

Run                                              L_Rel MAP R@5% R@10% R@20% R@30% WSS95 WSS100 Rely R@k                    k
ILPS/DTA/abs-hh-ratio-ilps@uva.out                2420 0.493 0.589   0.682   0.789   0.834   0.406   0.304   0.189 0.815 1132
ILPS/DTA/abs-th-ratio-ilps@uva.out                2676 0.399 0.418   0.536   0.661   0.734   0.312   0.253   0.273 0.744 1558
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p10_t400.out         1190 0.229 0.448   0.634   0.818   0.895   0.662   0.512   0.136 0.963 605
Padua/DTA/distributed_effort_p10_t1500.out        1111 0.229 0.445   0.63    0.814   0.895   0.652   0.513   0.204 0.963 2453
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p10_t1000.out        1141 0.229 0.445   0.63    0.814   0.893   0.658   0.509   0.19 0.986 1195
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p10_t200.out         1282 0.229 0.445   0.634   0.823   0.891   0.66    0.507   0.115 0.877 336
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p10_t500.out         1200 0.229 0.445   0.634   0.818   0.893   0.662   0.509   0.147 0.97 719
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p10_t300.out         1280 0.229 0.452   0.627   0.816   0.893   0.66    0.5     0.113 0.936 477
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p10_t1500.out        1126 0.229 0.445   0.63    0.814   0.895   0.657   0.514   0.228 0.995 1524
Padua/DTA/distributed_effort_p10_t1000.out        1109 0.229 0.445   0.63    0.814   0.895   0.649   0.514   0.129 0.93 1776
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p10_t100.out         2024 0.221 0.418   0.609   0.791   0.868   0.525   0.399   0.291 0.604 180
Padua/DTA/baseline_bm25_t500.out                  2470 0.119 0.236   0.402   0.548   0.65    0.39    0.252   0.342 0.638 451
Padua/DTA/distributed_effort_p10_t300.out         1111 0.232 0.445   0.63    0.814   0.886   0.649   0.528   0.117 0.818 802
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p50_t1000.out        1127 0.229 0.445   0.63    0.811   0.893   0.652   0.528   0.235 0.995 1473
Padua/DTA/distributed_effort_p10_t100.out         1271 0.204 0.439   0.614   0.77    0.839   0.61    0.468   0.308 0.572 284
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p50_t200.out         1291 0.229 0.445   0.634   0.82    0.898   0.66    0.499   0.141 0.89 364
Padua/DTA/baseline_bm25_t1000.out                 2395 0.119 0.236   0.389   0.543   0.659   0.396   0.26    0.274 0.761 826
Padua/DTA/distributed_effort_p10_t500.out         1116 0.229 0.445   0.63    0.814   0.891   0.634   0.521   0.096 0.874 1083
Padua/DTA/baseline_bm25_t300.out                  2493 0.119 0.239   0.405   0.541   0.652   0.391   0.244   0.415 0.499 280
Padua/DTA/baseline_bm25_t100.out                  2130 0.12 0.239    0.414   0.564   0.659   0.394   0.295   0.683 0.241 101
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p50_t400.out         1189 0.229 0.448   0.634   0.816   0.891   0.654   0.527   0.154 0.965 672
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p50_t300.out         1272 0.229 0.452   0.627   0.814   0.893   0.656   0.518   0.146 0.945 522
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p50_t100.out         2027 0.222 0.418   0.609   0.786   0.868   0.549   0.394   0.308 0.618 189
Padua/DTA/distributed_effort_p10_t200.out         1194 0.225 0.445   0.632   0.811   0.877   0.663   0.509   0.17 0.735 566
Padua/DTA/baseline_bm25_t400.out                  2492 0.119 0.239   0.405   0.539   0.65    0.386   0.246   0.355 0.596 367
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p50_t1500.out        1056 0.229 0.445   0.63    0.814   0.898   0.651   0.537   0.31 1.0 2018
Padua/DTA/2018_stem_original_p50_t500.out         1200 0.229 0.445   0.634   0.809   0.889   0.649   0.524   0.169 0.97 820
Padua/DTA/baseline_bm25_t1500.out                 2476 0.119 0.236   0.389   0.541   0.652   0.364   0.254   0.256 0.853 1171
Padua/DTA/baseline_bm25_t200.out                  2253 0.12 0.234    0.405   0.55    0.652   0.409   0.278   0.504 0.407 192
Padua/DTA/distributed_effort_p10_t400.out         1116 0.231 0.445   0.63    0.814   0.886   0.634   0.528   0.1 0.856 942
Sheffield/DTA/DTA_sheffield-Chi-Squared.out       1964 0.222 0.305   0.45    0.641   0.73    0.475   0.375   0.479 1.0 3815
Sheffield/DTA/DTA_sheffield-baseline.out          2250 0.175 0.22    0.336   0.525   0.675   0.451   0.338   0.479 1.0 3815
Sheffield/DTA/DTA_sheffield-Odds_Ratio.out        2184 0.248 0.382   0.561   0.707   0.805   0.49    0.347   0.479 1.0 3815
Sheffield/DTA/DTA_sheffield-Log_Likelihood.out    1972 0.234 0.35    0.527   0.668   0.759   0.487   0.381   0.479 1.0 3815
                                    Table 10. Intervention studies with abstract-level QRELs

Run                                              L_Rel MAP R@5% R@10% R@20% R@30% WSS95 WSS100 Rely R@k                      k
ILPS/Int/abs-hh-ratio-ilps@uva.out                 958 0.567 0.518   0.628   0.736   0.813     0.526   0.48    0.213 0.915 773
ILPS/Int/abs-th-ratio-ilps@uva.out                 986 0.556 0.478   0.576   0.692   0.774     0.535   0.45    0.197 0.868 555
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p10_t400.out          985 0.28 0.307    0.502   0.663   0.744     0.632   0.511   0.334 0.941 487
Padua/Int/distributed_effort_p10_t1500.out         981 0.28 0.306    0.499   0.664   0.745     0.633   0.517   0.247 0.968 1349
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p10_t1000.out         977 0.28 0.306    0.499   0.664   0.745     0.63    0.51    0.415 0.973 870
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p10_t200.out         1180 0.28 0.312    0.501   0.671   0.775     0.617   0.488   0.267 0.901 301
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p10_t500.out          975 0.28 0.306    0.502   0.662   0.742     0.63    0.514   0.353 0.946 560
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p10_t300.out         1141 0.28 0.313    0.496   0.665   0.771     0.617   0.494   0.322 0.922 405
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p10_t1500.out         952 0.28 0.306    0.499   0.664   0.745     0.63    0.522   0.474 0.984 1117
Padua/Int/distributed_effort_p10_t1000.out         992 0.279 0.306   0.499   0.664   0.745     0.62    0.492   0.157 0.921 975
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p10_t100.out         1153 0.274 0.306   0.483   0.639   0.737     0.54    0.474   0.292 0.711 164
Padua/Int/baseline_bm25_t500.out                  1233 0.222 0.191   0.282   0.41    0.515     0.435   0.394   0.481 0.741 402
Padua/Int/distributed_effort_p10_t300.out          974 0.276 0.306   0.499   0.664   0.733     0.592   0.481   0.122 0.794 441
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p50_t1000.out         836 0.29 0.306    0.498   0.688   0.795     0.643   0.542   0.493 0.988 1139
Padua/Int/distributed_effort_p10_t100.out         1114 0.248 0.315   0.444   0.604   0.704     0.458   0.372   0.402 0.45 156
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p50_t200.out         1185 0.29 0.312    0.499   0.693   0.792     0.63    0.481   0.331 0.911 334
Padua/Int/baseline_bm25_t1000.out                 1241 0.222 0.191   0.282   0.408   0.524     0.446   0.392   0.471 0.827 682
Padua/Int/distributed_effort_p10_t500.out          991 0.278 0.306   0.499   0.664   0.743     0.606   0.483   0.115 0.842 594
Padua/Int/baseline_bm25_t300.out                  1262 0.222 0.187   0.286   0.41    0.523     0.44    0.398   0.506 0.664 270
Padua/Int/baseline_bm25_t100.out                  1397 0.223 0.186   0.291   0.429   0.557     0.414   0.368   0.485 0.507 99
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p50_t400.out          985 0.29 0.307    0.501   0.685   0.767     0.646   0.514   0.374 0.949 572
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p50_t300.out         1144 0.29 0.313    0.495   0.682   0.788     0.639   0.497   0.355 0.933 462
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p50_t100.out         1150 0.284 0.306   0.483   0.653   0.752     0.556   0.481   0.362 0.728 188
Padua/Int/distributed_effort_p10_t200.out          965 0.271 0.306   0.482   0.651   0.752     0.56    0.445   0.165 0.714 312
Padua/Int/baseline_bm25_t400.out                  1242 0.222 0.191   0.286   0.412   0.523     0.434   0.393   0.485 0.713 337
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p50_t1500.out         796 0.29 0.306    0.498   0.688   0.785     0.642   0.553   0.541 0.999 1425
Padua/Int/2018_stem_original_p50_t500.out         1001 0.29 0.306    0.501   0.691   0.779     0.65    0.505   0.395 0.961 677
Padua/Int/baseline_bm25_t1500.out                 1203 0.222 0.191   0.282   0.411   0.533     0.453   0.399   0.461 0.933 932
Padua/Int/baseline_bm25_t200.out                  1263 0.222 0.189   0.284   0.417   0.535     0.438   0.396   0.466 0.624 191
Padua/Int/distributed_effort_p10_t400.out          981 0.277 0.306   0.499   0.663   0.734     0.595   0.483   0.116 0.822 518
Sheffield/Int/Int_sheffield-Log_likelihood.out    1132 0.293 0.258   0.378   0.583   0.695     0.458   0.381   0.599 1     2100
Sheffield/Int/Int_sheffield-Odds_Ratio.out        1070 0.261 0.267   0.404   0.569   0.7       0.462   0.384   0.599 1     2100
Sheffield/Int/Int_sheffield-baseline.out          1276 0.245 0.22    0.334   0.507   0.653     0.47    0.386   0.599 1     2100
Sheffield/Int/Int_sheffield-Chi_Squared.out       1149 0.262 0.238   0.36    0.537   0.687     0.469   0.415   0.599 1     2100
                                     Table 11. Prognosis studies with abstract-level QRELs

Run                                                  L_Rel MAP R@5% R@10% R@20% R@30% WSS95 WSS100 Rely R@k                    k
ILPS/Pro/abs/abs-hh-ratio-ilps@uva                    2885 0.673 0.562   0.714   0.875   0.911   0.591   0.143   0.018 0.948 1221
ILPS/Pro/abs/abs-th-ratio-ilps@uva                    2537 0.628 0.521   0.682   0.818   0.927   0.566   0.247   0.014 0.922 867
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t400             2967 0.235 0.214   0.484   0.812   0.901   0.567   0.119   0.035 0.828 735
Padua/Pro/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t1500            2594 0.235 0.214   0.484   0.812   0.896   0.554   0.23    0.049 0.99 2165
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t1000            2644 0.235 0.214   0.484   0.812   0.896   0.554   0.215   0.022 0.943 1332
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t200             2911 0.242 0.214   0.536   0.812   0.901   0.53    0.135   0.162 0.599 398
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t500             2920 0.235 0.214   0.484   0.812   0.891   0.56    0.133   0.027 0.859 832
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t300             2955 0.239 0.214   0.547   0.818   0.891   0.556   0.122   0.054 0.776 597
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t1500            2578 0.235 0.214   0.484   0.812   0.896   0.554   0.234   0.035 0.984 1831
Padua/Pro/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t1000            2563 0.235 0.214   0.484   0.812   0.896   0.554   0.239   0.026 0.974 1566
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t100             2802 0.259 0.286   0.562   0.797   0.891   0.6     0.168   0.411 0.359 198
Padua/Pro/abs/baseline_bm25_t500                      3343 0.071 0.057   0.13    0.281   0.422   0.084   0.007   0.621 0.214 501
Padua/Pro/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t300             2964 0.235 0.214   0.484   0.812   0.906   0.567   0.12    0.038 0.818 709
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t1000            2556 0.221 0.214   0.484   0.74    0.87    0.571   0.241   0.041 0.995 1981
Padua/Pro/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t100             2789 0.252 0.25    0.568   0.786   0.875   0.594   0.172   0.288 0.464 248
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t200             2911 0.242 0.214   0.536   0.812   0.901   0.53    0.135   0.162 0.599 398
Padua/Pro/abs/baseline_bm25_t1000                     3346 0.07 0.057    0.13    0.276   0.396   0.057   0.006   0.382 0.391 1001
Padua/Pro/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t500             2708 0.235 0.214   0.484   0.812   0.891   0.566   0.196   0.026 0.87 955
Padua/Pro/abs/baseline_bm25_t300                      3350 0.071 0.057   0.135   0.276   0.385   0.104   0.005   0.794 0.109 301
Padua/Pro/abs/baseline_bm25_t100                      3350 0.066 0.047   0.13    0.255   0.365   0.059   0.005   0.939 0.031 101
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t400             2955 0.231 0.214   0.484   0.807   0.896   0.556   0.122   0.033 0.839 798
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t300             2955 0.239 0.214   0.547   0.818   0.891   0.556   0.122   0.054 0.776 597
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t100             2802 0.259 0.286   0.562   0.797   0.891   0.6     0.168   0.411 0.359 198
Padua/Pro/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t200             2968 0.24 0.214    0.542   0.807   0.906   0.548   0.119   0.079 0.724 501
Padua/Pro/abs/baseline_bm25_t400                      3347 0.071 0.057   0.13    0.281   0.417   0.109   0.006   0.696 0.167 401
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t1500            1975 0.219 0.214   0.484   0.74    0.828   0.5     0.413   0.091 1     2966
Padua/Pro/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t500             2660 0.228 0.214   0.484   0.807   0.891   0.576   0.21    0.022 0.891 993
Padua/Pro/abs/baseline_bm25_t1500                     3346 0.07 0.057    0.13    0.276   0.396   0.05    0.006   0.258 0.516 1501
Padua/Pro/abs/baseline_bm25_t200                      3350 0.069 0.057   0.125   0.266   0.385   0.111   0.005   0.86 0.073 201
Padua/Pro/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t400             2920 0.235 0.214   0.484   0.812   0.891   0.56    0.133   0.028 0.854 830
Sheffield/Pro/abs/Pro_sheffield-baseline              2990 0.126 0.146   0.255   0.448   0.594   0.247   0.112   0.117 1     3367
Sheffield/Pro/abs/Pro_sheffield-relevence_feedback    2775 0.141 0.151   0.307   0.484   0.646   0.305   0.176   0.117 1     3367
                                    Table 12. Qualitative studies with abstract-level QRELs

Run                                                        L_Rel MAP R@5% R@10% R@20% R@30% WSS95 WSS100 Rely R@k                    k
ILPS/Qual/abs/abs-hh-ratio-ilps@uva.out                     1796 0.204 0.478   0.655   0.876   0.929   0.417   0.397   0.326 0.919 1247
ILPS/Qual/abs/abs-th-ratio-ilps@uva.out                     2564 0.187 0.487   0.628   0.805   0.92    0.398   0.215   0.341 0.878 1158
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t400.out              2547 0.109 0.496   0.717   0.779   0.894   0.302   0.183   0.568 0.387 704
Padua/Qual/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t1500.out             2544 0.109 0.496   0.743   0.77    0.885   0.268   0.168   0.37 0.745 2098
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t1000.out             2662 0.109 0.496   0.743   0.77    0.885   0.273   0.141   0.29 0.714 1320
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t200.out              2934 0.089 0.478   0.522   0.699   0.805   0.216   0.101   0.627 0.266 397
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t500.out              2535 0.109 0.496   0.743   0.77    0.894   0.301   0.185   0.578 0.396 820
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t300.out              2660 0.103 0.496   0.655   0.752   0.858   0.303   0.159   0.582 0.338 554
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t1500.out             2534 0.109 0.496   0.743   0.77    0.885   0.268   0.17    0.447 0.732 1819
Padua/Qual/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t1000.out             2469 0.109 0.496   0.743   0.77    0.885   0.295   0.199   0.628 0.491 1515
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p10_t100.out              2996 0.071 0.327   0.416   0.637   0.796   0.186   0.09    0.726 0.167 198
Padua/Qual/abs/baseline_bm25_t500.out                       2700 0.051 0.274   0.425   0.469   0.611   0.412   0.256   0.683 0.221 501
Padua/Qual/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t300.out              2518 0.109 0.496   0.743   0.77    0.894   0.309   0.193   0.547 0.396 684
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t1000.out             2438 0.116 0.496   0.743   0.92    0.947   0.357   0.194   0.545 0.745 1977
Padua/Qual/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t100.out              2920 0.083 0.416   0.469   0.681   0.814   0.258   0.106   0.659 0.221 244
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t200.out              2934 0.089 0.478   0.522   0.699   0.805   0.216   0.101   0.627 0.266 397
Padua/Qual/abs/baseline_bm25_t1000.out                      3040 0.055 0.274   0.425   0.496   0.788   0.239   0.101   0.278 0.601 1001
Padua/Qual/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t500.out              2641 0.109 0.496   0.743   0.77    0.894   0.295   0.162   0.553 0.446 924
Padua/Qual/abs/baseline_bm25_t300.out                       2697 0.049 0.274   0.372   0.451   0.628   0.294   0.257   0.726 0.171 301
Padua/Qual/abs/baseline_bm25_t100.out                       2700 0.056 0.301   0.389   0.637   0.743   0.399   0.256   0.845 0.086 101
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t400.out              2566 0.109 0.496   0.717   0.779   0.894   0.293   0.174   0.594 0.387 795
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t300.out              2687 0.103 0.496   0.655   0.752   0.858   0.29    0.147   0.591 0.338 595
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t100.out              2996 0.071 0.327   0.416   0.637   0.796   0.186   0.09    0.726 0.167 198
Padua/Qual/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t200.out              2762 0.104 0.496   0.673   0.761   0.867   0.303   0.135   0.56 0.347 486
Padua/Qual/abs/baseline_bm25_t400.out                       2700 0.052 0.274   0.434   0.469   0.619   0.417   0.256   0.694 0.203 401
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t1500.out             1970 0.116 0.496   0.743   0.92    0.965   0.356   0.301   0.532 1     2568
Padua/Qual/abs/2018_stem_original_p50_t500.out              2576 0.11 0.496    0.743   0.788   0.894   0.283   0.168   0.624 0.405 991
Padua/Qual/abs/baseline_bm25_t1500.out                      3039 0.055 0.274   0.425   0.496   0.779   0.24    0.101   0.382 0.669 1501
Padua/Qual/abs/baseline_bm25_t200.out                       2698 0.053 0.274   0.381   0.619   0.726   0.395   0.256   0.764 0.14 201
Padua/Qual/abs/distributed_effort_p10_t400.out              2636 0.109 0.496   0.743   0.77    0.894   0.301   0.165   0.545 0.432 804
Sheffield/Qual/abs/Qual_sheffield-relevance_feedback.out    2940 0.06 0.274    0.549   0.717   0.832   0.185   0.103   0.593 1     3268
Sheffield/Qual/abs/Qual_sheffield-baseline                  3031 0.051 0.265   0.451   0.619   0.743   0.135   0.082   0.593 1     3268
Fig. 1. Average precision using the abstract level relevance judgments for DTA reviews.
Fig. 2. Average precision using the abstract level relevance judgments for Intervention
Fig. 3. Average precision using the abstract level relevance judgments for Prognosis
Fig. 4. Average precision using the abstract level relevance judgments for Qualitative
Fig. 5. Recall at different ranks for DTA reviews.
Fig. 6. Recall at different ranks for Intervention reviews.
Fig. 7. Recall at different ranks for Prognosis reviews.
Fig. 8. Recall at different ranks for Qualitative reviews.
Fig. 9. Recall at the threshold rank as a function of the number of abstracts shown to
the user for DTA reviews.
Fig. 10. Recall at the threshold rank as a function of the number of abstracts shown
to the user for Intervention reviews.
Fig. 11. Recall at the threshold rank as a function of the number of abstracts shown
to the user for Prognosis reviews.
Fig. 12. Recall at the threshold rank as a function of the number of abstracts shown
to the user for Qualitative reviews.