=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_251 |storemode=property |title=Overview of the CLEF eHealth 2019 Multilingual Information Extraction |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_251.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Mariana Neves,Daniel Butzke,Antje Dörendahl,Nora Leich,Benedikt Hummel,Gilbert Schönfelder,Barbara Grune |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/NevesBDLHSG19 }} ==Overview of the CLEF eHealth 2019 Multilingual Information Extraction== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_251.pdf
             Overview of the CLEF eHealth 2019
             Multilingual Information Extraction

    Mariana Neves1[0000−0002−6488−2394] , Daniel Butzke1[0000−0002−4800−4655] ,
    Antje Dörendahl1 , Nora Leich1 , Benedikt Hummel1[0000−0003−2016−7441] ,
                  Gilbert Schönfelder1,2 , and Barbara Grune1
             German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals (Bf3R),
                 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR),
                     Diedersdorfer Weg 1, 12277, Berlin, Germany
                          Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
                  Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology,
                        Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany

       Abstract. Non-technical summaries (NTSs) of animal experimentation
       can be valuable resources to foster more transparency of research made
       with animals and to better inform the community about this topic. The
       NTSs of planned animal experiments in Germany are publicly available
       and have been manually assigned to ICD-10 codes. We used this data
       in the scope of organizing the Multilingual Information Extraction Task
       (Task 1) in the CLEF eHealth challenge. For the development phase, we
       released a training dataset containing more than 8,000 NTSs and their
       corresponding codes (if any assigned). For the test phase, we released 407
       unseen NTSs for which the participants should submit the predictions
       made by their systems. The best performing system obtained a P, R, and
       FM of 0.83, 0.77, and 0.80, respectively.

       Keywords: Document indexing, ICD-10 codes, summaries of animal

1    Introduction

Non-technical summaries (NTSs) are short descriptions of the planned animal
experiments to be carried out in a country and are stipulated when requesting
permission for the experiment. The European Union (EU) requires the member
states to collect these summaries and to make them available to the community in
order to foster more transparency in animal research [12]. The German Federal
Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR, in its acronym in German) publishes the
German NTSs online in the AnimalTestInfo database3 .
  Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
  mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
  ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
    These NTSs are regularly manually annotated with ICD-10 codes for the
identification of the diseases that are the focus of the planned experiments.
Indexing the NTSs using terms from standard teminologies provides additional
information on the research goals of the animal experiments and supports a
detailed analysis of the data. [3].
    We utilized our annotated NTSs in the scope of a shared task in the CLEF
eHealh challenge. Our shared task aimed to evaluate systems for the automatic
detection of the ICD-10 codes in German NTSs4 . For this purpose, we utilized the
manually annotated data for building training, development, and test datasets,
which were to be used by the participants in the shared task. Previous editions
of CLEF eHealth addressed similar tasks, such as the extraction of ICD-10 codes
in death certificates for English and French [8], and the following year for French,
Italian, and Hungarian [9].
    The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: we describe details of the
shared task in Section 2 and the participating teams and systems in Section 3. We
presented the baselines that we developed in Section 4 and the results obtained
by participants and baselines in Section 5.

2     Details of the Shared Task

In this section we describe details of the challenge, including the schedule of the
event, the data that we released, and the evaluation that we carried out.

Schedule. We released the training data, which is split into a training and devel-
opment datasets, to the participants on February 1st, 2019. During three months,
the participants could utilize this data for training, tuning, and evaluating their
system. We released the official test set on May 6th, 2019. The participants had
one week to process the test data and prepare the submissions files, that had to
be uploaded in to the submission system until May 13th, 2019. Each team was
allowed to submit up to three runs for their systems, i.e., different configurations
or approaches that they experimented during the development period. Manual
(human-annotated) approaches were not allowed in the shared task.

Data. Our training data consisted of a set of 8,386 manually annotated NTSs
which was split into two datasets: 7,544 NTSs for the training dataset and 842
NTSs for the development dataset. For the test set, we released a collection of
407 unseen NTSs, i.e., which were not included in the training data. Each NTS
is divided in six sections, namely, title, objectives, benefits, harms, replacement,
reduction and refinement.

Evaluation. We evaluated the predictions returned by the participating systems
based on an automatic and a manual approach. We automatically evaluated the
    Task 1: https://clefehealth.imag.fr/?page_id=26
submissions based on the standard metrics of precision (P), recall (R) and f-
measure (FM). We utilized the Python script that we released to the partici-
pants during the shared task.5 For the manual validation, one of our annotators
manually checked a total of 100 NTSs originated from false positives (FPs) and
false negatives (FNs) returned by the best runs. We randomly selected 25 FPs
and FNs from the best run of the two best-scoring teams, thus a total of 100
NTSs. During the manual validation, our expert checked whether the wrong
predictions (FP or FN) were indeed false.

3     Teams and systems

We received 14 submissions from six teams originated from a total of six coun-
tries, as summarized in Table 1. We present a summary of each team and their
systems below.

                       Table 1. List of participating teams.

Team      Institution                                                   Country
DEMIR     Dokuz Eylul University                                        Turkey
IMS UNIPD University of Padua                                           Italy
MLT-DFKI German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Germany
SSN NLP   SSN College of Engineering                                    India
TALP UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, University of Sheffield Spain, UK
WBI       Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin                               Germany

DEMIR [1]. The DEMIR team developed an approach based on two phases. In
the first phase, they utilized the Elasticsearch tool to perform k-Nearest Neighbor
(kNN) and threshold-Nearest Neighbor (tNN). In the second phase, the codes
were selected from the top ones using two majority voting approaches based on
either the pre-defined top M codes or on the similarity scores of the corresponding
NTSs. The team submitted three runs, namely, k-NN based on k=5 and M=2
(run1), tNN based on T=30 and M=3 (run2), and tNN based on T=80 and
adaptive M.

IMS-UNIPD [5]. The IMS-UNIPD team experimented with three probabilis-
tic Naı̈ve Bayes (NB) classifiers, following the same approach that they used
in previous editions of the Multilingual Information Extraction Task in CLEF
eHealth. All models were based on a two-dimensional representation of proba-
bilities. They submitted three runs based on the three NB classifiers, namely,
Bernoulli (run1), Multinomial (run2) and Poisson (run3).
MLT-DFKI [2]. The MLT-DFKI team tried a variety of approaches, such as
Conditional Neural Networks (CNN) and Attention models, which that usu-
ally used for Neural Machine Translation (NMT), among others. They obtained
the best results when relying on Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT) and, more specifically, on BioBERT which was trained
on biomedical documents [7]. For using this approach, which is available for the
English language, the team had to first automatically translate the NTSs using
the Google Translate API. The team only submitted one run.

SSN-NLP [6]. The SSN-NLP team developed a multi-layer Recurrent Neural
Network (RNN) with a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) as recurrent unit.
They experimented with two attention mechanisms, namely Normed Bahdanau
(NB) and Scaled Luong (SL), and with the requirement of a minimum number
of occurrences of a code as generated by the model. They submitted three runs,
namely, NB attention and minimum two occurrences (run1), SL attention and
minimum of two occurrences (run2), and SL attention, minimum 2 occurrences
and all codes if no code is repeated more than once (run3).

TALP UPC. The TALP-UPC team developed a simple semi-supervised sys-
tem based on Machine Translation and Named Entity Recognition (NER). In a
first step, the “Benefits“ section was translated into English using the Amazon
Translate API6 . For NER, they used MetaMap7 (online batch submission sys-
tem) and considered only the ICD-10 vocabulary source. After the identification
of the entities (codes), their parents in the ICD-10 hierarchy were also selected
to the prediction list.

WBI [11]. The WBI team utilized a multilingual BERT text encoding model
[4] and additional training data of German clinical trials8 also annotated with
ICD-10 codes. They also experimented with training various instances of the
models and ensembling the predictions based on their average or on a logistic
regression classifier. The team submitted three runs, namely, BERT multi-label
(run1), ensemble based on the average (run2), and an ensemble based on logistic
regression (run3).

4   Baseline Approaches
We developed some baselines systems to compare the results from the partic-
ipants to a simple text classification approach. The automatic classification of
NTSs according to the ICD-10 codes consists of a multi-class and multi-label
problem. It is multi-class because the ICD-10-GM-2016 ontology contains a to-
tal of 270 (until level4) that could potentially be assigned to an NTS, while it is
multi-label because more than one code can be assigned to a each NTS.
  from https://www.drks.de/drks_web/
     We considered only supervised learning approach based on our training data,
i.e. codes that do not appear in the training data cannot be identified by our
baseline approaches. Given it is a multi-label problem, during the training phase
and for the training dataset, one classifier is trained for each of the 270 codes
(if training data is available). During the test phase, for the development and
test datasets, and for each NTS, each of the above classifier is used for deciding
regarding the assignment of the corresponding code to the summary. All doc-
uments were pre-processed using the standard tokenization and TF-IDF func-
tionality available in the Python scikitlearn library9 . We considered two types
of experiments, one using all sections of the summaries, and one using only only
the title and the benefits sections.
     We followed the approaches based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) that
was previously utilized for the MIMIC II dataset [10]. The authors proposed
flat and hierarchical SVMs in which the hierarchical structure of the ICD-10
terminology is considered in the latter. Both SVM algorithms were based on
the SVM implementation available in the Python scikitlearn library and the
differences between the two approaches are described below.

Flat This approach does not make use of the hierarchical structure of the ter-
minology neither when building the classifiers nor when classifying the NTSs
from the test set. For the flat SVM approach, we built one classifier for each
code based on the totality of the summaries in the training dataset, i.e. for each
code, the positive training examples were the NTSs that contained the particular
code, while the negative examples were all NTSs that did not contain the code.
Therefore, the classifiers were trained on a very unbalanced data for those codes
that occur very seldom in our training data.

Hierarchical In this approach, we consider the four levels of the hierarchy of
the ICD-10 ontology, as considered in our manual annotations of the NTSs. The
classifiers related to codes on level 1 were trained on the whole training data,
in which the positive examples were the ones that contained the particular code
and the negative examples were the one that did not contain the code. Therefore,
the classifier for level 1 are not different from the ones built in the flat approach
for these same codes. As for next levels, the classifier for a particular code was
only trained on the NTSs which belonged to the corresponding parent code. For
instance, the classifier for code C00-C97 (level 2) was trained on all NTSs that
were assigned to chapter II. The positive examples were the one assigned to code
C00-C97, while the negative examples were the all the others assigned to chapter
II but not to C00-C97, for instance, those that belong to the other codes in this
chapter, such as D00-D09, D10-D36 or D37-D48. Therefore, each classifier has
a different number of training examples, but a more balanced one with regard
to the proportion of positive and negative examples, in comparison to the flat
Table 2. List of the results for baselines and submitted runs. All results are presented
in descending order of the scores for f-measure, precision and recall. We highlight in
bold the highest values for f-measure, precision and recall.

         Team and Runs TPs FPs FNs Precision Recall F-Measure
         WBI-run1            602 124 181  0.83  0.77   0.80
         WBI-run2            581 108 202  0.84  0.74   0.79
         WBI-run3            615 154 168  0.80  0.78   0.79
         MLT-DFKI            670 382 113  0.64  0.86   0.73
         DEMIR-run1          394 454 389  0.46  0.50   0.48
         DEMIR-run2          341 348 442  0.49  0.44   0.46
         DEMIR-run3          386 455 397  0.46  0.49   0.48
         baseline-hierar-All 178 20 605   0.93  0.27   0.42
         baseline-flat-All   154   4  629 0.98  0.23   0.38
         baseline-hierar-TB 189    7  594 0.98  0.22   0.36
         TALP UPC            275 462 508  0.37  0.35   0.36
         baseline-flat-TB    167   1  616 0.92  0.22   0.35
         SSN NLP-run2        210 871 573  0.19  0.27   0.23
         SSN NLP-run1        213 889 570  0.19  0.27   0.22
         SSN NLP-run3        265 1788 518 0.13  0.34   0.19
         IMS UNIPD-run3 40 361 743        0.10  0.05   0.07
         IMS UNIPD-run2 394 44278 389     0.009 0.50  0.017
         IMS UNIPD-run1 0          0  783   0     0      0

5     Results
In this section we present the results obtained by the runs submitted by the
participating teams and by our baseline systems.

5.1   Automatic Evaluation
Table 2 summarizes the results for all runs and baselines. Details for all runs
are described in Section 1. Regarding the baselines systems, we evaluated both
approaches (flat and hierarchical) and using the whole text of the NTS (All) or
just the title and benefits (TB) sections.
    The results for all metrics varied considerably, ranging from null to up to
more than 0.80. The best scores were the following, 0.8 of f.measure from the
WBI (run1) team, 0.86 of recall for the MLT-DFKI team, and 0.98 of precision
of two of our baselines. Excepted for our baseline systems, results for precision,
recall and f-measure were quite balanced for all runs. In contrast to these, our
baselines obtained a much higher precision (above 0.9) over the recall (around
    As expected, the current state-of-the-art approach for many natural language
processing (NLP) tasks, i.e. BERT, obtained the best performance in the runs
submitted by teams WBI and MLT-DFKI. However, other machine learning
approaches, e.g. kNN and tNN from team DEMIR, could outperform the deep
learning approaches proposed by team SSN NLP.
Table 3. List of the identified FNs which were validated as incorrect, i.e., they have
not been missed by the systems.

            NTS identifier WBI run1             MLT-DFKI
            19568          H55-H59              H55-H59
            19663          J40-J47, J80-J84     J40-J47
            19776          R10-R19, XVIII       R10-R19
            21184          C76-C80, C00-C97, II C76-C80, C00-C97, II
            21802          P05-P08, XVI         P05-P08, XVI
            21953          X, J09-J18           X, J09-J18
            21969          T80-T88, XIX         T80-T88, XIX

5.2   Manual Evaluation
As described in Section 2, one expert manually validated a random sample of
100 FPs and FNs from the best runs from the two best-scoring teams, namely,
run1 from WBI and the only run submitted by team MLT-DFKI. The FNs and
FPs were automatically detected by our evaluation script (cf. Section 2) with
regards to our gold standard test set. We provide a discussion below about the
errors in our gold standards that we found.

FNs. From the 25 NTSs from run1 of the WBI team, our expert found seven
NTSs in which a total of 14 FNs codes were wrong (cf. Table 3). These were
not codes missed by the run, but rather codes that were mistakenly assigned to
the NTSs in our gold standard. The same seven NTSs also contained 12 wrong
FNs codes detected for the run from team MLT-DFKI. Curiously, even though
we randomly selected the FNs codes, both runs had practically the same FNs
codes from the same seven NTSs.

FPs. From the 25 NTSs from run1 of the WBI team, our expert found 12 NTSs
in which a total of 22 FPs codes were wrong (cf. Table 4). These were codes
that the expert judged as correct but that were not originally included in our
gold standard. For the run from team MLT-DFKI, our expert judged as correct
predictions just nine codes from four NTSs, from the total of 25 NTSs that were
manually evaluated.

6     Conclusions
We presented the first corpus of non-technical summaries (NTS) of animal ex-
periments for the German language. We annotated the NTS with the ICD-10
codes and utilized the data in the scope of a shared task in the CLEF eHealth
challenge. Runs from two of the participants obtained results above 0.80 of f-
measure and outperformed our baseline systems. The results obtained by the
participants show that automatizing this task is indeed feasible, for instance,
for the development of a semi-automatic system to support the experts in the
manual annotation of the NTSs.
Table 4. List of the identified FPs which were validated as incorrect, i.e., they are
indeed correct predictions from the systems.

  NTS identifier WBI run1                      MLT-DFKI
  18805          F10-F19, V
  19776          N80-N98, XIV                  N80-N98, XIV
  21969          C00-C75, C00-C97, C50-C50, II C00-C75, C00-C97, C50-C50, II
  20906          XXI, Z80-Z99
  16241          C76-C80
  21953          N17-N19, XIV                  N17-N19, XIV
  19599          XIX
  20619          C00-C75, C15-C26
  17716          C76-C80
  17108          D80-D90, III
  18865          I10-I15
  22344          C00-C75, C60-C63
  18318                                        C76-C80

We would like to thank all participants for their interest in our task, and Fe-
lipe Soares for providing a description of his team’s system. We would like to
acknowledge the Australian National University for supporting the submission
Web site in EasyChair.

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