=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_253 |storemode=property |title=Twitter Bots and Gender Detection using Tf-idf |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_253.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Asad Mahmood,Padmini Srinivasan |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/MahmoodS19 }} ==Twitter Bots and Gender Detection using Tf-idf== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_253.pdf
       Twitter Bots and Gender Detection using Tf-idf
                        Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                         Asad Mahmood and Padmini Srinivasan

                                 The University of Iowa

       Abstract As the amount of unstructured data increases, value (and the number)
       of models that can infer information from this data also increases. This paper
       presents another such model that can perform bots and gender detection on Twit-
       ter using just the tweets from the respective Twitter user. We show that a sim-
       ple frequency based approach with a machine learning algorithm i.e., SVM can
       achieve high accuracy if the preprocessing is done right. In English language. our
       model detects bots with an accuracy of 91% and gender with an accuracy of 82%.
       Main strength of this model is its simplicity along-with the ease with which it can
       be used with other languages.

       Keywords: author profiling, bots detection, gender detection, Twitter

1   Introduction

We have seen a major shape shift in internet over the past two decades and all this has
happened due to the advent of digital social media. Number of social media websites
have risen a lot over time. Owing to which, it is now being said that the most valued
commodity has changed from oil to data1 . This data in its crude form, like oil, isn’t of
much benefit due to which researchers are constantly looking for ways to structurize
this data.
    One of the most researched online platform is Twitter2 . Twitter mostly deals with
the unstructured textual data which can be used to extract many characteristics of its
author like gender, age, identity [5] etc. PAN 3 organizes many tasks targetting the
identification of these characteristics [11,12,7,10]. For example, in PAN 2018 [11] par-
ticipants were asked to identify the gender of Twitter users from their tweets. In PAN
2019 [9], the organizers have added one additional step on top of the previous challenge
of gender detection i.e., bots detection.
    In this paper, we use the ideas of gender detection from [2] and apply them to bots
detection to solve the task of bots and gender detection [9].
   Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
   cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
    This paper from here on is organized as follows. Section 2 explains the existing
related work. Section 3 talks about the data provided for the task. Section 4 discusses the
model we used to solve this challenge. Section 5 discusses the results of our approach
and then in the end we discuss our conclusion in Section 6.

2     Related Work

Bots and gender detection task [9] in this year’s PAN consists of two components. The
first one is bots detection and the second one is gender detection. In this section we look
at the previous work done in both tasks.

2.1   Bots Detection

Over time, bots detection has been done using both machine learning algorithms with
hand crafted features and with deep learning on different online platforms.
     A. Hall et al. [3] used some basic features with machine learning models to detect
bots on Wikipedia . Specifically they used ensemble models like random forest classifier
and gradient boosting classifier on behavioural features like time difference between
edits made, time spent on the website etc. This method was able to detect bots with a
precision of 0.88.
     Sneha et al. [4] used contextual LSTMs on Twitter data to perform both account
level bots detection (with accuracy up to 100%) and tweet level bots detection (with
accuracy up to 90%). Tweets used in this system are preprocessed by steps like replacing
hashtags, URLs, user mentions with some static token, changing all tokens to lower case

2.2   Gender Detection

Gender detection from unstructured data whether it be images, metadata or text, is one
of the most researched topic. It has been studied previously in PAN [11] as well. Re-
searchers have tried to solve this challenge using both machine and deep learning based
    Daneshvar et al. [2] extract features from preprocessed tweet text and then applies
SVMs to detect the gender of a given tweet. Their model achieved an accuracy of 82%
on English language.
    Erhan et al. [13] use character embeddings with attention based Convolutional Neu-
ral Networks (CNNs) to detect gender from tweet text without any preprocessing. This
model achieved accuracy of 70%.

3     Dataset

Training data for Twitter bots and gender detection task [9] in PAN 2019 consists of
tweets from different Twitter users. This dataset was made available for two languages
i.e., English (en) and Spanish (es).
           Table 1. Number of Twitter users in training data for each language and class.

                                     en             es
                              Bots   Humans Bots Humans
                                   Male Female    Male Female
                              2060 1030 1030 1500 750 750

     Table 1 shows the number of Twitter users in each language (en, es) and in each
class (bots, male and female). For each of these users, we were provided with one xml
file containing 100 unprocessed tweets.
     It is evident from Table 1 that training dataset has no bias towards any class i.e.,
number of Twitter users for bots and humans are same and number of Twitter users for
male and female are same.

4      Model

The model used to perform bots and gender detection is inspired by [2] with a difference
that our approach is more focused on text pre-processing and less focused on feature
engineering and model selection. Figure 1 shows the pipeline of our approach. We used
this same pipeline to do bots and gender detection for each respective language.

4.1     Preprocessing

Given tweets from a particular user, we apply the following sequence of preprocessing

 1. Tokenization: In this step, we tokenize the given tweet using TweetTokenizer4
    provided by NLTK library. During tokenization we change all alphabets to lower
    case and restrict all character sequences of length greater than 3 to the length of
    3. Restricting the character sequence size helps us remove the redundant tokens.
    For example, people usually write the word ‘yay’ as ‘yaaaaayyyy’ with variable
    repetitions in character ‘a’ and ‘y’.
 2. URL remover: In this step, we replace all the urls found in the tweet with the token
    ‘’. A token is considered as a URL if it starts with either ‘https://’ or

                                                                 Calculate          Perform
       Twitter User     Preprocessing       Merge Tweets
                                                                 Features         Classification

        Figure 1. Pipeline to perform bot and gender classification on respective languages.
 3. User mention remover: In this step, we replace all the user mentions found in the
    tweet with the token ‘’. A token is considered as a username
    mention if it starts with ‘@’.
 4. Hashtag remover: In this step, we replace all the hastags found in the tweet with
    the token ‘’. A token is considered as a hashtag if it starts with

4.2     Merge Tweets

Current dataset is completely balanced with every Twitter user having 100 tweets but in
real world our intuition is that the amount of tweets posted by a human and a bot will
be different . So, in order to capture that, after applying all the preprocessing steps on
the tweets by a user, we combine them using the token ‘’ to represent the
number of tweets posted by that particular user.
    Once all the tweets are combined, we put the token ‘’ in the end.
In the current dataset and experimental setup, there is no advantage of adding ‘’, but this can be useful when we are considering tweet chunks based on the
time intervals in which they were posted.

4.3     Calculate Features

After preprocessing and merging tweets together, we use Term Frequency-Inverse Doc-
ument Frequency (Tf-idf) to encode them. Tf-idf will assign more weight to tokens
appearing frequently in tweets by one user, as compared to the tweets by other users
in the same class. This will help in identifying unique words used by different users
belonging to same class.
    We didn’t try to go for a more refined feature representation like [8] as the focus of
our approach is mainly preprocessing.
    We used scikit-learn5 to first calculate the counts for each token using CountVector-
izer and then calculate Tf-idf using TfidfVectorizer.

4.4     Classification

After creating tweet encodings for all users, we feed them to a machine learning classi-
fier. For this purpose we use LinearSVM6 .
     For each language, we trained two binary classifiers. One was used to detect whether
a given Twitter user was bot or human. The other was used to detect whether the given
Twitter user was male or female.
     In the submitted version of our model, if the first classifier predicts the Twitter user
to be human, we pass it onto the second classifier to predict the gender.
5     Results
To evaluate our approach before submission, we create our own train-test split with
80% training data and 20% test data. This train-test split is stratified i.e., it has equal
representation of each class in both train and test set. This is done for both languages
    English language has 3296 users (divided equally among bots and humans) in its
train set and 824 in its test set for bots v humans experiment. For male v female exper-
iment, train set has 1648 users and test set has 412 users.
    On the other hand, Spanish language has 2400 users (divided equally among bots
and humans) in its train set and 600 in its test set for bots v humans experiment. For
male v female experiment, train set has 1200 users and test set has 300 users.

Table 2. Accuracy results for experiments against our test set, official test set 1 (TS-1) and official
test set 2 (TS-2).

              bots v humans                            male v female
    dataset    our test set official TS-1 official TS-2 our test set official TS-1 official TS-2
      en           98%           88%           91%         91%            76%           82%
      es           97%           88%           92%         84%            72%           80%

    As evident from Table 2, the results after training respective models on 80% data
were pretty good as compared to the random chance level i.e., 50%. This was also
shown in the results when our model was tested against the official test sets provided
by PAN 2019 [1] using the TIRA platform [6]

6     Conclusion
We use the frequency based features from tf-idf along with SVMs to solve the bots
and gender detection task in PAN 2019. The main component of this method is the
preprocessing of data. High accuracies achieved in both tasks show the importance of
preprocessing even when the features used are trivial.
    This approach detects bots with an accuracy of 91% in English language and achieves
an accuracy of 92% for the same in Spanish language. This shows how easy and effec-
tive it is to use this approach across different languages as compared to some other
models which use pre-trained language word embeddings.
    SVM used to solve this challenge show a good performance but we believe that
ensemble models in this case could have done better.

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