=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_256 |storemode=property |title=Overview of BirdCLEF 2019: Large-Scale Bird Recognition in Soundscapes |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_256.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Stefan Kahl,Fabian-Robert Stöter,Hervé Goëau,Hervé Glotin,Bob Planque,Willem-Pier Vellinga,Alexis Joly |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/KahlSGGPVJ19 }} ==Overview of BirdCLEF 2019: Large-Scale Bird Recognition in Soundscapes== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_256.pdf
    Overview of BirdCLEF 2019: Large-Scale Bird
            Recognition in Soundscapes

    Stefan Kahl1 , Fabian-Robert Stöter2 , Hervé Goëau3 , Hervé Glotin4 , Robert
                Planqué5 , Willem-Pier Vellinga5 , and Alexis Joly2
                         Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany,
                     Inria/LIRMM ZENITH team, Montpellier, France,
                   {fabian-robert.stoter, alexis.joly}@inria.fr
             CIRAD, UMR AMAP, Montpellier, France, herve.goeau@cirad.fr
             Université de Toulon, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, LIS, DYNI team,
                       Marseille, France, herve.glotin@univ-tln.fr
            Xeno-canto Foundation, The Netherlands, {wp,bob}@xeno-canto.org

         Abstract. The BirdCLEF challenge—as part of the 2019 LifeCLEF Lab
         [7]—offers a large-scale proving ground for system-oriented evaluation of
         bird species identification based on audio recordings. The challenge uses
         data collected through Xeno-canto, the worldwide community of bird
         sound recordists. This ensures that BirdCLEF is close to the conditions
         of real-world application, in particular with regard to the number of
         species in the training set (659). In 2019, the challenge was focused on
         the difficult task of recognizing all birds vocalizing in omni-directional
         soundscape recordings. Therefore, the dataset of the previous year was
         extended with more than 350 hours of manually annotated soundscapes
         that were recorded using 30 field recorders in Ithaca (NY, USA). This
         paper describes the methodology of the conducted evaluation as well as
         the synthesis of the main results and lessons learned.

Keywords: LifeCLEF, bird, song, call, species, retrieval, audio, collection, iden-
tification, fine-grained classification, evaluation, benchmark, bioacoustics, eco-
logical monitoring

1      Introduction

Accurate knowledge of the identity, the geographic distribution and the evolution
of bird species is essential for a sustainable development of humanity as well as
for biodiversity conservation. The general public, especially so-called ‘birders’ as
well as professionals such as park rangers, ecological consultants and of course or-
nithologists are potential users of an automated bird sound identification system
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
in the context of wider initiatives related to ecological surveillance or biodiversity
conservation. The BirdCLEF challenge —as part of the 2019 LifeCLEF Lab [7]—
evaluates the state-of-the-art of audio-based bird identification systems at a very
large scale. Before BirdCLEF started in 2014, three previous initiatives on the
evaluation of acoustic bird species identification took place, including two from
the SABIOD6 group [5,4,2]. In collaboration with the organizers of these previous
challenges, the BirdCLEF challenges went one step further by (i) significantly
increasing the species number by an order of magnitude, (ii) working on real-
world social data built from thousands of recordists, and (iii) moving to a more
usage-driven and system-oriented benchmark by allowing the use of metadata
and defining information retrieval oriented metrics. Overall, these tasks were
much more difficult than previous benchmarks because of the higher confusion
risk between the classes, the higher background noise and the higher diversity
in the acquisition conditions (different recording devices, contexts diversity, etc.).

    The main novelty of the 2017 and 2018 editions of the challenge with respect
to the previous years was the inclusion of soundscape recordings containing time-
coded bird species annotations. Usually Xeno-canto recordings focus on a single
foreground species and result from using mono-directional recording devices.
Soundscapes, on the other hand, are generally based on omnidirectional record-
ing devices that monitor a specific environment continuously over a long period.
This new kind of recording reflects passive acoustic monitoring scenarios that
could soon augment the number of collected sound recordings by several orders
of magnitude. Despite the technological progress in recent years, the results of
the previous editions on this challenging soundscape task were quite low. We
decided to shift the focus of the 2019 challenge to soundscape analysis only. We
extend the previous dataset with North American bird species for which more
annotated data was available. In particular, we built a dataset of 350 hours of
soundscapes that were recorded and annotated by expert birders of the Cor-
nell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, NY, USA (see Figure 1). This large volume
of data allowed us to share a fully-annotated, three-day validation dataset to
enable participants to thoroughly evaluate their systems.

2     Task description
The 2019 BirdCLEF challenge featured the largest, fully-annotated collection of
soundscape recordings. With respect to real-world use cases, labels and metrics
were chosen to reflect the vast diversity of bird vocalizations and high ambient
noise levels in omnidirectional recordings.

2.1     Goal and evaluation protocol
The goal of the task is to localize and identify all audible birds within the
provided soundscape test set. Each soundscape is divided into segments of 5
    Scaled Acoustic Biodiversity http://sabiod.univ-tln.fr
Fig. 1: Example of an annotated soundscape recording. Expert birders provided
more than 80,000 bounding box annotations using the Raven Pro analysis soft-
ware. For reasons of better comparability, those annotations were condensed into
label lists for 5-second intervals.

seconds, and a list of species associated to probability scores had to be returned
for each segment. The used evaluation metric is the classification mean Average
Precision (cmAP ), considering each class c of the ground truth as a query. This
means that for each class c, all predictions with ClassId = c are extracted
from the run file and ranked by decreasing probability in order to compute the
average precision for that class. The mean across all classes is computed as the
main evaluation metric. More formally:
                                         c=1 AveP (c)
                             cmAP =
where C is the number of classes (species) in the ground truth and AveP (c) is
the average precision for a given species c computed as:
                                           P (k) × rel(k)
                        AveP (c) = k=1                    .
                                           nrel (c)

where k is the rank of an item in the list of the predicted segments containing c,
nc is the total number of predicted segments containing c, P (k) is the precision
at cut-off k in the list, rel(k) is an indicator function equaling 1 if the segment
at rank k is a relevant one (i.e. is labeled as containing c in the ground truth)
and nrel (c) is the total number of relevant segments for class c.

2.2    Dataset

The 2019 dataset contains about 350 hours of manually annotated soundscapes—
most of which were recorded using field recorders between January and June of
2017 in Ithaca, NY, USA. We used SWIFT recording units provided by the
Bioacoustics Research Program7 of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (Figure 2).
These omnidirectional recorders capture audio over an array of 30 units spanning
   (a) SWIFT recorder assembly line            (b) SWIFT recorder in the field

Fig. 2: Autonomous recording units are a widely used sampling tool in ecological
research. The SWIFT recorder provided by the Bioacoustics Research Program
(BRP) of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology allows to record up to 30 consecutive
days of audio. Optimizing the assembly of these weatherproof recorders reduces
the costs per unit significantly. Images provided by the BRP.

one square mile of diverse vegetation and water bodies. We randomly selected
one file for each hour of the day recorded with one of the 30 recorders to compile
a data collection of 15 days. Each hour-long recording was then annotated by
experts who provided more than 80,000 bounding boxes—one for each audible
bird vocalization. For the sake of comparability with previous editions, these
annotations were condensed into label lists for 5-second segments of audio.
   In addition, we also re-used the soundscape data from the previous years
of BirdCLEF. More specifically, this concerns about 4,5 hours of soundscapes
recorded in Columbia by Paula Caycedo Rosales, ornithologist from the Bio-
diversa Foundation of Colombia and an active member of Xeno-canto. More
details about this soundscape data (locations, authors, etc.) can be found in the
overview working note of BirdCLEF 2018 [6].
   As for training data, we provided an newly composed Xeno-Canto subset
covering 659 species from South and North America (including all species an-
notated in the soundscapes). The vast collection of recordings provided by the
Xeno-canto community often features multiple hundreds of recordings per (com-
mon) bird species. Especially North American species are well represented in
the collection. Therefore, we limited the amount of audio files to 100 recordings
per species. This way, we decreased data imbalance and provided a manageable
amount of data. In total, the training data featured 50,153 files with a total run
length of 608 hours. We selected recordings based on their community rating to
preserve a high quality for most species. Each recording contained weak labels
that state the presence of fore and background species.
   Recordings are associated to various metadata such as the type of sound (call,
song, alarm, flight, etc.), the date of recording, the location, textual comments
of the authors, multilingual common names and collaborative quality ratings.
Additionally, we provided eBird.org frequency lists to enable participants to
decide which species are plausible for a given time, date and location. Frequency
estimations of bird species occurrences were compiled using eBird checklist data
for the soundscape recording locations in the US and Colombia provided by the
eBird API 1.1 (which was unfortunately discontinued in March 2019).
    The shift in acoustic domains between mono-species, high quality recordings
and omnidirectional soundscapes with high ambient noise levels is one of the
major challenges in bird sound recognition for avian activity monitoring. Par-
ticipants were required to submit at least one run that used training data only.
Aside from that, participants were allowed to use validation data for training
(despite the fact that this would require extensive annotation when switching
recording locations in real-world applications).

3     Results
103 participants registered for the BirdCLEF 2019 challenge and downloaded
the dataset. Five of them succeeded in submitting runs, but only four teams
published their approaches. Details of the methods and systems used in the
runs are synthesized in the individual working notes of the participants and are
summarized in this section. In Figure 3 we report the performance achieved by
the 25 collected runs, Table 1 provides more detailed insights and additional
scores for each of the two soundscape recording locations.

3.1   MfN [11], Best overall
Lasseck managed to achieve top scores in most of the past editions in Bird-
CLEF. Most notably, his 2018 performance topped all previous results in the
mono-species recording domain [10] and led to the observation that this task
can be considered solved. This year, MfN build upon the results of past edi-
tions and managed to outperform all other participating teams with his very
deep Inception and ResNet architectures that were pre-trained on ImageNet, as
a continuation of [12]. Lasseck used 5-second spectrograms with mel-compressed
frequency and dB amplitude scale. Sophisticated data augmentation methods
lead to consistent improvements and can be considered a major contribution
to the field of bioacoustics. Additionally, the use of validation data to fine-tune
the pre-trained networks has a significant effect on the overall scores. Consider-
ing this, annotating soundscapes to adapt neural networks to specific recording
conditions appears to be well worth the costs.
Fig. 3: Scores achieved by all systems evaluated within the bird identification
task of LifeCLEF 2019. MfN scored best overall with outstanding results in
both soundscape domains. The difference between runs that only used training
data and those which also used validation samples for training is significant and
raises the question whether local adaption to recording conditions is worth the
manual annotation effort.

3.2   ASAS [9]

This team also used Inception and ResNet architectures to conduct their experi-
ments. Again, task-specific data augmentation was key to achieve higher scores.
ASAS followed the spectrogram extraction approach of the 2018 Baseline Repos-
itory [8]. The results however–although very competitive—do not outperform
the approach of Lasseck despite the similarities in deep neural network design.
This leads to the assumption that sophisticated augmentation strategies are of
particular importance since they provide the needed variance to the input data
distribution which prevents overfitting. The authors state that pre-processing of
training data could have a significant impact on the overall performance due to
the difficulties of weakly labeled data.

3.3   NWPU [1]

Consistent with all other approaches, these participants used mel-scale spectro-
gram extracted from the provided training data to build a Inception-v3 feature
extractor and classifier. The model was pre-trained on ImageNet and a num-
ber data augmentation methods were applied. However, training deep neural
networks is costly and subsequently, the participants were not able to conduct
the amount of experiments needed to achieve higher scores. The results state
once again the most notable observation across all submission: An elaborate
training regime is key to good overall performance. It appears that this applies
independent of the underlying network architecture.
Table 1: Detailed results of runs submitted by the participants. Lasseck sub-
mitted the best performing run based on our primary metric (MfN run 5). In
both domains, Colombia and North America, results show string improvements
compared to previous years. Team names shortened for brevity.

                      Overall           North America            Colombia
TEAM RUN         cmAP        mAP       cmAP      mAP         cmAP       mAP
 MfN   1         0.213       0.446     0.231     0.446       0.252      0.451
 MfN  2*         0.258       0.690     0.320     0.697       0.238      0.463
 MfN  3*         0.297       0.710     0.343     0.718       0.239      0.455
 MfN  4*         0.308      0.745      0.364    0.755        0.239      0.443
 MfN  5*         0.356       0.714     0.407     0.723       0.292      0.451
 MfN  6*         0.348       0.721     0.398     0.728       0.287      0.493
 MfN  7*         0.348       0.732     0.401     0.740       0.283      0.483
 MfN  8*         0.350       0.743     0.404     0.751       0.283      0.483
 MfN  9*         0.327       0.710     0.404     0.718       0.282      0.476
 MfN 10*         0.354       0.722     0.403     0.729       0.293     0.509
MIHAI     1      0.005        0.006    0.000       0.006      0.011      0.003
MIHAI     2      0.000        0.000    0.000       0.000      0.000      0.001
MIHAI     3      0.000        0.001    0.000       0.001      0.001      0.000
MIHAI     4      0.000        0.000    0.000       0.000      0.000      0.000
MIHAI     5      0.000        0.001    0.000       0.001      0.000      0.000
PingAn 1         0.046        0.132    0.039       0.130      0.079      0.174
PingAn 2         0.046        0.128    0.034       0.127      0.075      0.167
PingAn 3         0.005        0.026    0.004       0.027      0.007      0.017
PingAn 4*        0.035        0.179    0.024       0.181      0.055      0.125
NWPU      1      0.054        0.145    0.067       0.145      0.059      0.140
 ASAS     1      0.140        0.110    0.161       0.108      0.113      0.192
 ASAS     2      0.154        0.184    0.183       0.183      0.116      0.206
 ASAS     3      0.149        0.117    0.171       0.114      0.120      0.204
 ASAS     4      0.160        0.164    0.178       0.163      0.137      0.204
* used validation data for training

3.4   MIHAI [3]
The submission results of this participant confirm this thought. The author states
that he was able to confirm that deeper architectures do not necessarily lead to
better performance, especially when computational constraints limit the choice
of hyperparameters. Despite very low scores across all runs, the observation
that task-specific training and model layouts matter was consistent with the
submissions of other teams.
4   Conclusion

In this edition of the BirdCLEF challenge, participants built on established sys-
tems from previous years, all submitted runs featured a CNN classifier trained
on spectrograms—very deep networks once again performed best. Participants
were able to significantly improve the detection performance. In fact, we saw an
increase of more than 180% for the best performing runs (2018: 0.193 - 2019:
0.356). This result is probably largely due to the high number of North Ameri-
can soundscapes that are less complex than their South American counterparts.
However, the recognition performance for South American soundscapes also in-
creased significantly compared to 2018 with a cmAP of 0.293 in 2019 over 0.222
from last year. Participants were allowed to use any publicly available metadata
and even the provided validation data to improve the performance of their sys-
tems. Although expert annotations are not an adequate (or even easy-to-acquire)
addition for the training of a recognition system for unseen habitats, the increase
in overall performance is considerable. The highest scoring run submitted by MfN
achieved a sample-wise mean average precision (our secondary metric) of 0.446
without the use of validation samples and 0.745 when validation data was used
for training. These scores imply that domain adaption to new acoustic environ-
ments (and recorder characteristics) plays a crucial role and should be subject
of investigation in future editions.

    Acknowledgements The organization of the BirdCLEF task is supported
by the Xeno-canto Foundation, the European Union and the European Social
Fund (ESF) for Germany, as well as by the French CNRS project SABIOD.ORG
The annotations of some soundscapes were prepared by the wonderful Lucio
Pando of Explorama Lodges, with the support of Pam Bucur, H. Glotin and
Marie Trone. We want to thank all expert birders who annotated North Amer-
ican soundscapes with incredible effort: Cullen Hanks, Jay McGowan, Matt
Young, Randy Little, and Sarah Dzielski.

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