=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_258 |storemode=property |title=CENTRE@CLEF2019: Overview of the Replicability and Reproducibility Tasks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_258.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Nicola Ferro,Norbert Fuhr,Maria Maistro,Tetsuya Sakai,Ian Soboroff |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/0001FMSS19 }} ==CENTRE@CLEF2019: Overview of the Replicability and Reproducibility Tasks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_258.pdf
              Overview of the Replicability and
                   Reproducibility Tasks

     Nicola Ferro1 , Norbert Fuhr2 , Maria Maistro1,3 , Tetsuya Sakai4 , and Ian
                                University of Padua, Italy
                         University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
                          University of Copenhagen, Denmark
                                Waseda University, Japan
              National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA

        Abstract. Reproducibility has become increasingly important for many
        research areas, among those IR is not an exception and has started to be
        concerned with reproducibility and its impact on research results. This
        paper describes our second attempt to propose a lab on reproducibility
        named CENTRE, held during CLEF 2019. The aim of CENTRE is to
        run both a replicability and reproducibility challenge across all the major
        IR evaluation campaigns and to provide the IR community with a venue
        where previous research results can be explored and discussed. This paper
        reports the participant results and preliminary considerations on the
        second edition of CENTRE@CLEF 2019.

1     Introduction

Reproducibility is becoming a primary concern in many areas of science [16, 24]
as well as in computer science, as also witnessed by the recent ACM policy on
result and artefact review and badging.
    Also in Information Retrieval (IR) replicability and reproducibility of the ex-
perimental results are becoming a more and more central discussion items in the
research community [4, 12, 17, 23, 28]. We now commonly find questions about
the extent of reproducibility of the reported experiments in the review forms of
all the major IR conferences, such as SIGIR, CHIIR, ICTIR and ECIR, as well
as journals, such as ACM TOIS. We also witness to the raise of new activities
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
aimed at verifying the reproducibility of the results: for example, the “Repro-
ducibility Track” at ECIR since 2015 hosts papers which replicate, reproduce
and/or generalize previous research results.
    Nevertheless, it has been repeatedly shown that best TREC systems still
outperform off-the-shelf open source systems [4–6, 22, 23]. This is due to many
different factors, among which lack of tuning on a specific collection when using
default configuration, but it is also caused by the lack of the specific and advanced
components and resources adopted by the best systems.
    It has been also shown that additivity is an issue, since adding a component
on top of a weak or strong base does not produce the same level of gain [6, 22].
This poses a serious challenge when off-the-shelf open source systems are used
as stepping stone to test a new component on top of them, because the gain
might appear bigger starting from a weak baseline.
    Moreover, besides the problems encountered in replicating/reproducing re-
search, we lack any well established measure to assess and quantify the extent
to which something has been replicated/reproduced. In other terms, even if a
later researcher can manage to replicate or reproduce an experiment, to which
extent can we claim that the experiment is successfully replicated or reproduced?
For the replicability task we can compare the original measure score with the
score of the replicated run, as done in [15, 14]. However, this can not be done for
reproducibility, since the reproduced system is obtained on a different data set
and it is not directly comparable with the original system in terms of measure
    Finally, both a Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop [11] and the recent SWIRL
III strategic workshop [1] have put on the IR research agenda the need to develop
both better explanatory models of IR system performance and new predictive
models, able to anticipate the performance of IR systems in new operational
    Overall, the above considerations stress the need and urgency for a systematic
approach to reproducibility and generalizability in IR. Therefore, the goal of
CLEF, NTCIR, TREC REproducibility (CENTRE) at CLEF 2019 is to run a
joint CLEF/NTCIR/TREC task on challenging participants:

 – to replicate and reproduce best results of best/most interesting systems in
   previous editions of CLEF/NTCIR/TREC by using standard open source
   IR systems;
 – to contribute back to the community the additional components and re-
   sources developed to reproduce the results in order to improve existing open
   source systems;
 – to start exploring the generalizability of our findings and the possibility of
   predicting IR system performance;
 – to investigate possible measures for replicability and reproducibility in IR.

    The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the setup of the
lab; Section 3 discusses the participation and the experimental outcomes; and,
Section 4 draws some conclusions and outlooks possible future works.
2     Evaluation Lab Setup

2.1   Tasks

Similarly to its previous edition, CENTRE@CLEF 2019 offered the following
two tasks:

 – Task 1 - Replicability: the task focuses on the replicability of selected meth-
   ods on the same experimental collections;
 – Task 2 - Reproducibility: the task focuses on the reproducibility of selected
   methods on different experimental collections;

   For Replicability and Reproducibility we refer to the ACM Artifact Review
and Badging definitions6 :

 – Replicability (different team, same experimental setup): the measurement
   can be obtained with stated precision by a different team using the same
   measurement procedure, the same measuring system, under the same oper-
   ating conditions, in the same or a different location on multiple trials. For
   computational experiments, this means that an independent group can ob-
   tain the same result using the author’s own artifacts. In CENTRE@CLEF
   2019 this meant to use the same collections, topics and ground-truth on
   which the methods and solutions have been developed and evaluated.
 – Reproducibility (different team, different experimental setup): The measure-
   ment can be obtained with stated precision by a different team, a different
   measuring system, in a different location on multiple trials. For computa-
   tional experiments, this means that an independent group can obtain the
   same result using artifacts which they develop completely independently. In
   CENTRE@CLEF 2019 this meant to use a different experimental collection,
   but in the same domain, from those used to originally develop and evaluate
   a solution.

    For Task 1 and Task 2, CENTRE@CLEF 2019 teams up with the Open-
Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC) [10] at SIGIR 2019. Therefore, par-
ticipating groups could consider to submit their runs both to CENTRE@CLEF
2019 and OSIRRC 2019, where the second venue requires to submit the runs as
Docker images.
    Besides Task 1 and Task 2, CENTRE@CLEF 2019 offered also a new pilot

 – Task 3 - Generalizability: the task focuses on collection performance predic-
   tion and the goal is to rank (sub-)collections on the basis of the expected
   performance over them.

In details, Task 3 was instatiated as follows:
 – Training: participants need to run plain BM25 and, if they wish, also their
   own system on the test collection used for TREC 2004 Robust Track (they
   are allowed to use the corpus, topics and qrels). Participants need to identify
   features of the corpus and topics that allow them to predict the system score
   with respect to Average Precision (AP).
 – Validation: participants can use the test collection used for TREC 2017
   Common Core Track (corpus, topics and qrels) to validate their method and
   determine which set of features represent the best choice for predicting AP
   score for each system. Note that the TREC 2017 Common Core Track topics
   are an updated version of the TREC 2004 Robust track topics.
 – Test (submission): participants need to use the test collection used for TREC
   2018 Common Core Track (only corpus and topics). Note that the TREC
   2018 Common Core Track topics are a mix of “old” and “new” topics, where
   old topics were used in TREC 2017 Common Core track. Participants will
   submit a run for each system (BM25 and their own system) and an additional
   file (one for each system) including the AP score predicted for each topic.
   The score predicted can be a single value or a value with the corresponding
   confidence interval.

2.2   Replicability and Reproducibility Targets
For the previous edition of CENTRE@CLEF 2018 [15, 14] we selected the target
runs for replicability and reproducibility among the Ad Hoc tasks in previous
editions of CLEF, TREC, and NTCIR. However, even though CENTRE@CLEF
2018 had 17 enrolled teams, eventually only one team managed to submit a run.
One of the main issues reported by the participating team is the lack of the exter-
nal resources exploited in the original paper, which are no longer available [19].
Therefore, for CENTRE@CLEF 2019 we decided to focus on more recent papers
submitted at TREC Common Core Track in 2017 and 2018.
    To select the target runs from the TREC 2017 and 2018 Common Core Tracks
we did not consider the impact of the proposed approaches in terms of number
of citations, since both the tracks are recent and the citations received by the
submitted papers are not significant. Therefore, we looked at the final ranking
of runs reported in the tracks overviews [2, 3] and we chose the best performing
runs which exploit open source search systems and do not make use of additional
relevance assessments, which are not available to different teams.
    Below we list the runs selected as targets of replicability and reproducibility
among which the participants can choose. For each run, we specify the corre-
sponding collection for replicability and for reproducibility. For more informa-
tion, the list also provides references to the papers describing those runs as well
as the overviews describing the overall task and collections.

 – Runs: WCrobust04 and WCrobust0405 [18]
    • Task Type: TREC 2017 Common Core Track [2]
    • Replicability: New York Times Annotated Corpus, with TREC 2017
      Common Core Topics
      • Reproducibility: TREC Washington Post Corpus, with TREC 2018
        Common Core Topics
      • Task Type: TREC 2018 Common Core Track [3]
      • Replicability: TREC Washington Post Corpus, with TREC 2018 Com-
        mon Core Topics
      • Reproducibility: New York Times Annotated Corpus, with TREC
        2017 Common Core Topics

    Since these runs were not originally thought for being used as targets of a
replicability/reproducibility exercise, we contacted the authors of the papers to
inform them and ask their consent to use the runs.
    The participants in CENTRE@CLEF 2019 were not provided with the cor-
pora necessary to perform the tasks. The following collections were needed to
perform the task:

 – The New York Times Annotated Corpus 7 contains over 1.8 million articles
   written and published by the New York Times between January 1, 1987 and
   June 19, 2007. The text in this corpus is formatted in News Industry Text
   Format (NITF), which is an XML specification that provides a standardized
   representation for the content and structure of discrete news articles. The
   dataset is available upon payment of a fee.
 – The TREC Washington Post Corpus 8 contains 608 180 news articles and
   blog posts from January 2012 through August 2017. The articles are stored
   in JSON format, and include title, byline, date of publication, kicker (a
   section header), article text broken into paragraphs, and links to embedded
   images and multimedia. The dataset is publicly available and free of charge.
 – The TREC 2004 Robust Corpus 9 corresponds to the set of documents on
   TREC disks 4 and 5, minus the Congressional Record. This document set
   contains approximately 528 000 documents. The dataset is available upon
   payment of a fee.

    Finally, Table 1 reports the topics used for the three tasks, with the corre-
sponding number of documents and pool sizes. An example of topic is reported
in the Figure 1 for TREC 2018 Common Core Track.

2.3   Evaluation Measures

Task 1 - Replicability: As done in the previous edition of CENTRE [15, 14], the
quality of the replicability runs has been evaluated from two points of view:
Table 1. Topics used for the first edition of CENTRE@CLEF 2019 with the number
of documents in the pool.

      Evaluation Campaign       Track              # Topics      Pool Size

      TREC 2018                 Common Core               50          26 233
      TREC 2017                 Common Core               50          30 030
      TREC 2004                 Robust                   250         311 410

         Fig. 1. Example of a topic for TREC 2018 Common Core Track.

 – Effectiveness: how close are the performance scores of the replicated systems
   to those of the original ones. This is measured using the Root Mean Square
   Error (RMSE) [21] between the new and original measures scores M (·):
                               u1 X  T
                     RMSE = t             Morig,i − Mreplica,i                (1)
                                  T i=1

   where T is the total number of topics, Morig,i is the measure score of the
   original target run on topic ti and Mreplica,i is the measure score of the
   replicated run on topic t. Equation (1) is instantiated with AP, Normalized
   Discounted Cumulated Gain (nDCG) and Expected Reciprocal Rank (ERR).
 – Ranked result lists: since different result lists may produce the same effective-
   ness score, we also measure how close are the ranked results list of the repli-
   cated systems to those of the original ones. This is measured using Kendall’s
   τ correlation coefficient [20] among the list of retrieved documents for each
   topic, averaged across all the topics. The Kendall’s τ correlation coefficient
   on a single topic is given by:
                                             P −Q
                  τi orig, replica = q                 
                                          P +Q+U P +Q+V
                  τ̄ orig, replica =       τi orig, replica
                                     T i=1

   where T is the total number of topics, P is the total number of concordant
   pairs (document pairs that are ranked in the same order in both vectors)
   Q the total number of discordant pairs (document pairs that are ranked
    in opposite order in the two vectors), U and V are the number of ties,
    respectively, in the first and in the second ranking.
    Note that the definition of Kendall’s τ in Equation (2) is originally proposed
for permutations of the same set of items, therefore it is not applicable whenever
two rankings do not contain the same set of documents. However, for real rank-
ings of systems it is highly likely that two lists do not contain the same set of
items, thus we performed some pre-processing with the runs before computing
Kendall’s τ in Equation (2).
    In details, consider a fixed topic t, the original ranking rt,orig and the repli-
cated ranking rt,replica . If one of the rankings contains a document that is not
retrieved by the other ranking, we define the rank position of that document
as zero. For example, if for a document d, d ∈ rt,orig , but d 6∈ rt,replica , then
the rank position of d in rt,replica is zero. Whenever the two rankings contains
the same set of documents, Equation (2) is not affected by this pre-processing
step and the computation of Kendall’s tau is performed as usual. Furthermore,
if two rankings retrieves different documents and place them in the same rank
positions, Kendall’s tau will still be equal to 1, and the comparison is performed
just with respect to the relative order of the documents retrieved by both the

Task 2 - Reproducibility: Since for the reproducibility runs we do not have an
already existing run to compare against, we compare the reproduced run score
with respect to a baseline run, to see whether the improvement over the baseline
is comparable between the original collection C and the new collection D. In
particular we compute the Effect Ratio (ER), which is also exploited in CEN-
TRE@NTCIR 14 [25].
    In details, given two runs, we refer to the A-run, as the advanced run, and
B-run, as the baseline run, where the A-run has been reported to outperform the
B-run on the original test collection C. The intuition behind ER is to evaluate
to which extent the improvement on the original collection C is reproduced on a
new collection D. For any evaluation measure M , let MiC (A) and MiC (B) denote
the score of the A-run and that of the B-run for the i-th topic of collection C
(1 ≤ i ≤ TC ). Similarly, let MiD (A0 ) and MiD (B 0 ) denote the scores for the
reproduced A-run and B-run respectively, on the new collection D. Then, ER is
computed as follows:
                                                PTD        D
                       D             C       TD    i=1 ∆Mi,reproduced
             ER(∆Mreproduced , ∆Morig ) =        1    TC
                                                TC    i=1 ∆Mi,orig

where ∆Mi,orig  = MiC (A) − MiC (B) is the per-topic improvement of the original
advanced and baseline runs for the i-th topic on C. Similarly ∆Mi,reproduced  =
  C    0      C    0
Mi (A ) − Mi (B ) is the per-topic improvement of the reproduced advanced
and baseline runs for the i-th topic on D. Note that the per-topic improvement
can be negative, for those topics where the advanced run fails to outperform the
baseline run.
Table 2. Path to the submitted runs files in the online repository with their description
and the number of assessed topics included in each run.

 Run Path                                                      Description                                # Topics

 official/task1/irc task1 WCrobust04 001                       official run, replicating WCrobust04         50
 official/task1/irc task1 WCrobust0405 001                     official run, replicating WCrobst0405        33
 official/task2/irc task2 WCrobust04 001                       official run, reproducing WCrobust05         25
 official/task2/irc task2 WCrobust0405 001                     official run, reproducing WCrobust0405       15

 unofficial/complete topics/task1/irc task1 WCrobust04 001     unofficial run, replicating WCrobust04       50
 unofficial/complete topics/task1/irc task2 WCrobust04 001     unofficial run, replicating WCrobust0405     50
 unofficial/complete topics/task2/irc task2 WCrobust04 001     unofficial run, reproducing WCrobust05       25
 unofficial/complete topics/task2/irc task2 WCrobust0405 001   unofficial run, reproducing WCrobust0405     25

    If ER ≤ 0, that means that the replicated A-run failed to outperform the
replicated B-run: the replication is a complete failure. If 0 < ER < 1, the
replication is somewhat successful, but the effect is smaller compared to the
original experiment. If ER = 1, the replication is perfect in the sense that the
original effect has been recovered as is. If ER > 1, the replication is successful,
and the effect is actually larger compared to the original experiment.
    Finally, ER in Equation (3) is instantiated with respect to AP, nDCG and
ERR. Furthermore, as suggested in [25], ER is computed even for the replicability
                        D                     C
task, by replacing ∆Mi,reproduced   with ∆Mi,replica in Equation (3).

Task 3 - Generalizability: For the generalizability task we planned to compare
the predicted run score with the original run score. This is measured with Mean
Absolute Error and RMSE between the predicted and original measures scores,
with respect to AP, nDCG and ERR. However, we did not receive any run for
the generalizability task, so we did not put in practice this part of the evaluation

3     Participation and Outcomes

19 groups registered for participating in CENTRE@CLEF2019, but unfortu-
nately only one group succeeded in submitting two replicability runs and two
reproducibility runs. No runs were submitted for the generalizability task.
    The team from the University of Applied Science TH Köln [8] replicated
and reproduced the runs by Grossman and Cormack [18], i.e. WCrobust04 and
WCrobust0405. They could not replicate the runs by Benham et Al. [7] since
they do not have access to the Gigaworld dataset10 , which is publicly available
upon payment of a fee. The dataset is necessary to perform the external query
expansion exploited by the selcted runs from [7].
    Eventually, the participating team submitted four official runs and four un-
official runs described in Table 2. The runs and all the code is publicly available
online11 .
    The paper by Grossman and Cormack [18] exploits the principle of automatic
routing runs: first, a logistic regression model is trained with the relevance judg-
ments from one or more collections for each topic, then the model is used to
predict relevance assessments of documents from a different collection. Both the
training and the prediction phases are done on a topic-wise basis.
    The routing process represented a challenge for the participating team, which
initially submitted a set of four official runs, where some of the topics were
missing. For example, the official run irc task1 WCrobust0405 001 contains
only 33 topics, while the corresponding original run WCrobust0405 contains
all the 50 topics. The participating team could not understand how to derive
document rankings for those topics such that no training topics were available
for the logistic regression model. For example, when they were attempting to
replicate WCrobust0405, they exploited as training set the intersection be-
tween the topics from TREC 2004 Robust and TREC 2005 Robust. Then, for
the prediction phase, only 33 topics from TREC 2017 Common Core were con-
tained in the training set, and no prediction could be performed for the remain-
ing topics. Due to similar issues, the official irc task2 WCrobust04 001 and
irc task2 WCrobust0405 001 contain 25 and 15 topics respectively.
    Afterwards, the participating team contacted the authors of the original pa-
per, Grossman and Cormack [18], to understand how to derive rankings even
when there are no training topics available. The authors clarified that for WC-
robust0405 the training set contains both the topics from TREC 2004 Ro-
bust and TREC 2005 Robust, and when a topic is not contained in TREC
2005 Robust, they used just the TREC 2004 Robust collection as training set.
Therefore, the authors submitted four additional unofficial runs, where both
irc task1 WCrobust04 001 and irc task1 WCrobust0405 001 contain
all the 50 topics, while the reproduced runs irc task2 WCrobust04 001 and
irc task2 WCrobust04 001 contain 25 topics. Note that some of the topics
are missing for the reproduced runs, since no training data is available for 25
out of the 50 topics of TREC 2018 Common Core.
    In the following we report the evaluation results for the replicability and
reproducibility tasks, both for the official and unofficial submissions.
    Table 3 and Table 4 report AP, nDCG and ERR scores for the official repli-
cated runs. As shown by RMSE, the replication task was fairly successful with
respect to AP and nDCG, while when ERR is considered, RMSE is greater than
0.2, showing that it is harder to replicate ERR than the other evaluation mea-
sures. Indeed, it is well known that ERR is highly sensitive to the position of
relevant documents at the very beginning of the ranking, thus even the mis-
placement of a single relevant documents may cause a significant drop in ERR
    Furthermore, as the cut-off increases, even RMSE for AP and nDCG in-
creases, showing that the replication is less accurate at lower cut-off levels. On
the other side, RMSE for ERR is almost constant when the cut-off increases,
showing once more that ERR focuses on the top rank positions rather than
considering the whole ranking.
Table 3. Evaluation of the replicability task for the official WCrobust04 (50 topics):
measures scores averaged across the topics and RMSE.

                      Original Run      Replicated Run
                      WCrobust04        irc task1 WCrobust04 001

   AP@10              0.0506            0.0564                               0.0224
   AP@100             0.2252            0.1862                               0.0868
   AP@1000            0.3821            0.2963                               0.1371

   nDCG@10            0.1442            0.1503                               0.0567
   nDCG@100           0.3883            0.3421                               0.1110
   nDCG@1000          0.6299            0.5418                               0.1374

   ERR@10             0.5340            0.5663                               0.2463
   ERR@100            0.5341            0.5693                               0.2437
   ERR@1000           0.5663            0.5695                               0.2436

Table 4. Evaluation of the replicability task for the official WCrobust0405 (33 topics):
measures scores averaged across the topics and RMSE.

                   Original Run         Replicated Run
                   WCrobust0405         irc task1 WCrobust0405 001

 AP@10             0.0473               0.0491                                 0.0233
 AP@100            0.2541               0.2214                                 0.0649
 AP@1000           0.4428               0.3751                                 0.1042

 nDCG@10           0.1490               0.1511                                 0.0489
 nDCG@100          0.4268               0.3944                                 0.0814
 nDCG@1000         0.6883               0.6237                                 0.1025

 ERR@10            0.6601               0.6756                                 0.2097
 ERR@100           0.6630               0.6777                                 0.2074
 ERR@1000          0.6630               0.6777                                 0.2074
Table 5. Evaluation of the replicability task for the unofficial WCrobust0405 (50
topics): measures scores averaged across the topics and RMSE.

                  Original Run        Replicated Run
                  WCrobust0405        irc task1 WCrobust0405 001

 AP@10            0.0584              0.0604                              0.0209
 AP@100           0.2699              0.2244                              0.0798
 AP@1000          0.4378              0.3534                              0.1227

 nDCG@10          0.1675              0.1698                              0.0484
 nDCG@100         0.4480              0.3994                              0.1024
 nDCG@1000        0.6878              0.6064                              0.1279

 ERR@10           0.6330              0.6572                              0.2106
 ERR@100          0.6359              0.6593                              0.2095
 ERR@1000         0.6360              0.6593                              0.2095

   Similarly, Table 5 reports AP, nDCG and ERR scores for the unofficial repli-
cated run irc task1 WCrobust0405 001. Note that the official and unofficial
replicated run irc task1 WCrobust04 001 are identical, therefore the eval-
uation scores for this unoffical run are the same reported in Table 3 and are
omitted in the following.
   Again, we can observe that the replication task is more successful for RMSE
with respect to AP and nDCG than ERR. Furthermore, RMSE increases as the
cut-off increases, meaning that the accuracy of the replicated run decreases as
the cut-off level increases.
   By comparing the official and unofficial evaluation results for irc task1-
 WCrobust0405 001, in Table 4 and Table 5 respectively, we can note that
RMSE score are quite similar, showing that the unofficial run is fairly accurate
even on the additional topics.
    Table 6 reports ER for the replication task with the official runs. We con-
sidered WCrobust0405 as advanced run and WCrobust04 as baseline run,
therefore the per-topic improvement is computed as WCrobust0405 scores
minus WCrobust04 scores for each topic. For the replicated official runs, we
needed to select from irc task1 WCrobust04 001 the 33 topics contained in
irc task1 WCrobust0405 001, otherwise we could not compute the mean
per-topic improvement.
    ER shows that the replication task is fairly successful for AP, while it is
less successful for nDCG and ERR. Furthermore, ER > 1 highlights that the
difference between the advanced and the baseline run is more pronounced in the
replicated runs than in the original runs. Again, it can be noted that as the
cut-off increases, the accuracy of the replicability exercise decreases for AP and
nDCG, while it is almost constant for ERR.
Table 6. Evaluation of the replicability task with mean per-topic improvement and
Effect Ratio (ER) for the official runs (50 topics for original runs and 33 topics for
replicated runs).

                                     C            C
                                   ∆Morig       ∆Mreplica      ER

                 AP@10             0.0078       0.0065         0.8333
                 AP@100            0.0446       0.0576         1.2915
                 AP@1000           0.0556       0.0866         1.5576

                 nDCG@10           0.0233       0.0309         1.3262
                 nDCG@100          0.0597       0.0839         1.4054
                 nDCG@1000         0.0578       0.0975         1.6869

                 ERR@10            0.1042       0.1270         1.2188
                 ERR@100           0.1019       0.1255         1.2316
                 ERR@1000          0.1019       0.1254         1.2362

Table 7. Evaluation of the replicability task with mean per-topic improvement and
Effect Ratio (ER) for the unofficial runs (50 topics for original and replicated runs).

                                     C            C
                                   ∆Morig       ∆Mreplica      ER

                 AP@10             0.0078       0.0040         0.5128
                 AP@100            0.0446       0.0382         0.8565
                 AP@1000           0.0556       0.0571         1.0270

                 nDCG@10           0.0233       0.0195         0.8369
                 nDCG@100          0.0597       0.0573         0.9598
                 nDCG@1000         0.0578       0.0647         1.1194

                 ERR@10            0.1042       0.0908         0.8714
                 ERR@100           0.1019       0.0901         0.8842
                 ERR@1000          0.1019       0.0899         0.8822
           Table 8. Kendall’s τ between the original and replicated runs.

 Replicated Run                          Original Run    τ @10      τ @100   τ @1000

 irc task1 WCrobust04 001 official       WCrobust04      −0.0222    0.0073   0.0021
 irc task1 WCrobust0405 001 official     WCrobust0405    −0.0034    0.0316   0.0046

 irc task1 WCrobust0405 001 unofficial   WCrobust0405    −0.0107    0.0199   0.0029

      Fig. 2. First 10 rank posi-        Fig. 3. First 10 rank positions for
      tions for WCrobust04 for topic     irc task1 WCrobust04 001        for
      307 form TREC 2017 Common          topic 307 form TREC 2017 Common
      Core Track.                        Core Track.

    Analogously, Table 7 reports ER for the replication task with the unoffi-
cial runs. We considered WCrobust0405 as advanced run and WCrobust04
as baseline run, therefore the per-topic improvement is computed as in Ta-
ble 6 and the first column is equal. Both the replicated unofficial runs con-
tain the same 50 topics, therefore the per-topic improvement is computed as
irc task1 WCrobust0405 001 scores minus irc task1 WCrobust04 001
scores for each topic.
    When the whole set of 50 topics is considered, the replication is fairly suc-
cessful with respect to all the measure, with ER ranging between 0.83 and 1.12.
The only exception is represented by AP@10, where the replicated runs fails to
replicate the per-topic improvements. Again, the accuracy of the replicated runs
decreases as the cut-off increases.
    Table 8 reports the Kendall’s τ correlation between the original and repli-
cated runs, both for the official and unofficial runs. We computed Kendall’s τ at
different cut-off levels, where we first trimmed the runs at the specified cut-off
and subsequently computed Kendall’s τ between the trimmed runs.
    Table 8 shows that the replication was not successful for any of the runs in
terms of Kendall’s τ . This means that even if the considered replicated runs were
similar to the original runs in terms of placement of relevant and non relevant
documents, they actually retrieves different documents.
    Figure 2 and Figure 3 shows the first 10 rank positions for WCrobust04 and
its replicated version irc task1 WCrobust04 001, for topic 307 from TREC
2017 Common Core Track. We can observe that even if the runs retrieves a
similar set of documents, the relative position of each document is different. For
example, document 309412 is at rank position 1 for the original run, but at
Table 9. Evaluation of the reproducibility task with mean per-topic improvement and
Effect Ratio (ER) for the official runs (50 topics for original runs and 15 topics for the
reproduced runs).

                                    C            D
                                  ∆Morig       ∆Mreproduced        ER

                AP@10             0.0078       0.0122              1.5641
                AP@100            0.0446       0.0431              0.9664
                AP@1000           0.0556       0.0579              1.0414

                nDCG@10           0.0233       0.0298              1.2790
                nDCG@100          0.0597       0.0767              1.2848
                nDCG@1000         0.0578       0.0898              1.5536

                ERR@10            0.1042       0.0124              0.1190
                ERR@100           0.1019       0.0142              0.1394
                ERR@1000          0.1019       0.0135              0.1325

rank position 2 for the replicated run, similary document 733642 is at rank
position 1 for the replicated run and at rank position 5 for the original run.
Moreover, document 241240 is at rank position 3 for the replicated run, but it
does not apper on the first 10 positions for the original run.
   Table 8, Figure 2 and Figure 3 highlights how hard is to replicate the exact
ranking of documents. Therefore, whenever a replicability task is considered,
comparing the evaluation scores with RMSE or ER might not be enough, since
these approaches consider just the position of relevant and not relevant docu-
ments, and overlook the actual ranking of documents.
    Finally, Table 9 reports the mean per-topic improvement and ER for the
official runs from the reproducibility task. As done for the replicability task, we
considered WCrobust0405 as advanced run and WCrobust04 as baseline run
on the test collection from TREC 2017 Common Core Track. For the reproduced
official runs, we needed to select from irc task2 WCrobust04 001 the 15 top-
ics contained in irc task2 WCrobust0405 001 from TREC 2018 Common
Core Track, otherwise we could not compute the per topic improvement.
   Table 9 shows that the reproducibility task is fairly successful with respect
to AP, with cut-off 100 and 1000. For nDCG, the improvement of the advanced
run over the baseline run is more pronounced for the reproduced runs than for
the original runs. Conversely, the improvement of the advanced run over the
baseline run is more pronounced for the original runs than for the replicated
runs for ERR. Again, ERR is the hardest measure in terms of reproducibility
success, with the lowest ER.
    Furthermore, when the cut-off increases, the accuracy of the reproducibil-
ity exercise increases for AP, while it decreases for nDCG and remains almost
constant for ERR.
Table 10. Evaluation of the reproducibility task with mean per-topic improvement
and Effect Ratio (ER) for the unofficial runs (50 topics for original runs and 25 topics
for the reproduced runs).

                                   C            D
                                 ∆Morig       ∆Mreproduced       ER

               AP@10             0.0078       0.0065             0.8333
               AP@100            0.0446       0.0241             0.5404
               AP@1000           0.0556       0.0336             0.6043

               nDCG@10           0.0233       0.0155             0.6652
               nDCG@100          0.0597       0.0426             0.7136
               nDCG@1000         0.0578       0.0509             0.8806

               ERR@10            0.1042       0.0004             0.0038
               ERR@100           0.1019       0.0033             0.0324
               ERR@1000          0.1019       0.0029             0.0285

    Similarly, Table 10 reports the mean per-topic improvement and ER for the
unofficial runs from the reproducibility task. We considered WCrobust0405 as
advanced run and WCrobust04 as baseline run on TREC 2017 Common Core,
therefore the per-topic improvement is computed as in Table 9 and the first
column is equal. Both the reproduced unofficial runs contain the same 25 topics,
therefore the per-topic improvement is computed as irc task2 WCrobust-
0405 001 scores minus irc task2 WCrobust04 001 scores for each topic.
    The best reproducibility results are obtained with respect to AP@10 and
nDCG@1000, thus the effect of the advanced run over the baseline run is bet-
ter reproduced at the beginning of the ranking for AP, and when the whole
ranked list is considered, for nDCG. Again, ERR is the hardest measure to be
reproduced, indeed it has the lowest ER score for each cut-off level.

4    Conclusions and Future Work

This paper reports the results on the second edition of CENTRE@CLEF2019.
A total of 19 participants enrolled in the lab, however just one group managed
to submit two replicability runs and two reproducibility runs. As reported in
Section 3, the participating team could not reproduce the runs from Benham et
Al. [7], due to the lack of the Gigaworld dataset, but they managed to replicate
and reproduce the runs from Grossman and Cormack [18]. More details regarding
the implementation are described in their paper [8].
    The experimental results show that the replicated runs are fairly successful
with respect to AP and nDCG, while the lowest replicability results are obtained
with respect to ERR. As ERR mainly focuses on the beginning of the ranking,
misplacing even a single relevant document can deteriorate ERR score and have
a great impact on the replicability evaluation scores.
    Moreover, whenever replicability is considered, RMSE and ER are not enough
to evaluate the replicated runs. Indeed, they only account for the position of
relevant and not relevant documents by considering the similarity between the
original scores and the replicated scores, and they overlook the actual ranking
of documents. When the runs are evaluated with Kendall’s τ to account for
the actual position of the documents in the ranking, the experiments show that
the replicability is not successful at all, with Kendall’s τ values close to 0. This
confirms that, even if it is possible to achieve similar scores in terms of IR
evaluation measures, it is challenging to replicate the same documents ranking.
    When it comes to reproducibility, there are no well-established evaluation
measures to determine to which extent a system can be reproduced. Therefore,
we compute ER, firstly exploited in [25], which focuses on the reproduction of
the improvement of an advanced run over a baseline run. The experiments show
that reproducibility was fairly successful in terms of AP@10 and nDCG@1000,
while, similarly to the replicability task, ERR is the hardest measure in terms
of reproducibility success.
    Finally, as reported in [14, 15], the lack of participation is a signal that the
IR community is somehow overlooking replicability and reproducibility issues.
As it also emerged from a recent survey within the SIGIR community [13], while
there is a very positive attitude towards reproducibility and it is considered very
important from a scientific point of view, there are many obstacles to it such as
the effort required to put it into practice, the lack of rewards for achieving it, the
possible barriers for new and inexperienced groups, and, last but not least, the
(somehow optimistic) researcher’s perception that their own research is already
    For the next edition of the lab we are planning to propose some changes in
the lab organization to increase the interest and participation of the research
community. First, we will target for more popular systems to be replicated and
reproduced, moreover we will consider other tasks than the AdHoc, as for ex-
ample the medical or other popular domains.

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