=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_263 |storemode=property |title=Overview of the 7th Author Profiling Task at PAN 2019: Bots and Gender Profiling in Twitter |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_263.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Francisco Rangel,Paolo Rosso |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/RangelR19 }} ==Overview of the 7th Author Profiling Task at PAN 2019: Bots and Gender Profiling in Twitter== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_263.pdf
Overview of the 7th Author Profiling Task at PAN 2019:
        Bots and Gender Profiling in Twitter

                             Francisco Rangel1,2       Paolo Rosso2

                               Autoritas Consulting, S.A., Spain
                 PRHLT Research Center, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

                        pan@webis.de          http://pan.webis.de

       Abstract This overview presents the Author Profiling shared task at PAN 2019.
       The focus of this year’s task is to determine whether the author of a Twitter feed
       is a bot or a human. Furthermore, in case of human, to profile the gender of
       the author. Two have been the main aims: i) to show the feasibility of automati-
       cally identifying bots in Twitter; and ii) to show the difficulty of identifying them
       when they do not limit themselves to just retweet domain-specific news. For this
       purpose a corpus with Twitter data has been provided, covering the languages En-
       glish, and Spanish. Altogether, the approaches of 56 participants are evaluated.

1   Introduction
Society is increasingly polarised, at least this is what we can infer from the last World
Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Risk Report1 . People are organised into separated com-
munities with similar opinions, and with the same stance towards controversial topics.
The communication among these communities is non-existent, or it is based on hate
speech. Highly partisan entities try to massively influence public opinion2 [71] through
social media, since these new communication media can amplify what occurs in soci-
ety. Shielded behind anonymity and combined with botnets, these partisan entities can
achieve a significantly negative impact3 [37, 87].
    Bots are automated programs which pose as humans with the aim at influencing
users with commercial, political or ideological purposes. Malicious bots are strongly
related to polarisation due to their aim to spread disinformation and hate speech, trying
   Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
   cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
for instance to enhance some political opinions or supporting some political candidates
during elections [8]. For example, the authors of [88] showed that 23.5% of 3.6 million
tweets about the 1 Oct 2017 referendum for the Catalan independence were generated
by bots. These bots sent emotional and aggressive messages to pro-independence influ-
encers [88]. About 19% of the interactions were from bots to humans, in form of RTs
and mentions, as a way to support them (echo chamber), whereas only 3% of humans
interacted with bots. Similarly, accordingly to Marc Jones and Alexei Abrahams [44],
a plague of Twitter bots is roiling the Middle East4 . The authors showed that 17% of
a random sample of tweets mentioning Qatar in Arabic were produced by bots in May
2017 and they raised up to 29% one year later. The authors highlighted the prevalence
of automated Twitter accounts deploying hate speech, especially in relation to sectar-
ianism and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) crisis. In 2016, a large bot network
producing tens of thousands of anti Shia tweets were detected on regional hashtags in
the Gulf5 . During the outbreak of the Gulf Crisis in 2017, thousands of bots were found
to be promoting highly polarising anti-Qatar hate speech. Regarding the U.S. presiden-
tial election, Bessi and Ferrara [8] showed that, in the week before election day, around
19 million bots tweeted to support Trump or Clinton6 . In Russia fake accounts and so-
cial bots have been created to spread disinformation7 [65], and around 1,000 Russian
trolls would have been paid to spread fake news about Hillary Clinton8 .
     Bots could artificially inflate the popularity of a product by promoting it and/or
writing positive ratings, as well as undermine the reputation of competitive products
through negative valuations. The threat is even greater when the purpose is political
or ideological (see Brexit referendum or US Presidential elections9 [39]). Fearing the
effect of this influence, the German political parties rejected the use of bots in their
electoral campaign for the general elections10 . In addition, the use of bots is increasing.
As shown by a recent analysis of the Pew Research Center11 , an estimated two-thirds of
tweeted links to popular websites are posted by automated accounts – not human beings.
Therefore, to approach the identification of bots from an author profiling perspective is
of high importance from the point of view of marketing, forensics and security.
     Author profiling aims at classifying authors depending on how language is shared
by people. This may allow to identify demographics such as age and gender. After
having addressed several aspects of author profiling in social media from 2013 to 2018,
the Author Profiling shared task of 2019 aims at investigating whether the author of a
Twitter feed is a bot or a human. Furthermore, in case of human, to profile the gender
of the author. Two have been the main aims of this year’s task: i) to show the feasibility
   http://comprop.oii.ox.ac.uk/2016/11/18/resource-for- understanding-political-bots/
of automatically identifying bots in Twitter; and ii) to show the difficulty of identifying
them when they do not limit themselves to just retweet domain-specific news.
     The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 covers the state of the
art, Section 3 describes the corpus and the evaluation measures, and Section 4 presents
the approaches submitted by the participants. Sections 5 and 6 discuss results and draw
conclusions respectively.

2      Related Work
Pioneer researchers [51, 52] proposed the use of honeypots to identify the main charac-
teristics of online spammers. To this end, they deployed social honeypots in MySpace
and Twitter as fake websites that act as traps to spammers. They found that the collected
spam data contained signals strongly correlated with observable profile features such as
contents, friend information or posting patterns. They used these observable features
to feed a machine learning classifier with, in order to identified spammers with high
precision and low rate of false positives.
    Recently, the authors of [28] proposed a framework for collecting, preprocessing,
annotating and analysing bots in Twitter. Then, in [29] they extracted several features
such as the number of likes, retweets, user replies and mentions, URLs, or follower-
friend ratio, among others. They found out that humans create more novel contents that
bots, which rely more on retweets or URLs sharing. The authors of [20] approached
the bots identification problem from an emotional perspective. They wondered whether
humans were more opinionated than bots, showing that sentiment related factors help in
identifying bots. They reported an AUC of 0.73 on a dataset regarding the 2014 Indian
    Botometer12 [92] is an online tool for bots detection which extracts about 1,200 fea-
tures for a given Twitter account in order to characterise the account’s profile, friends,
social network structure, temporal activity patterns, language, and sentiment. Accord-
ing to the authors of [96], the aim of Botometer was at arming the public with artificial
intelligence to counter social bots. Thus, there are several analyses carried out with the
help of Botometer. For example, the authors of [12] analysed the effect of Twitter bots
and Russian trolls in the amplification around the vaccine debate. Similarly, the authors
of [83] analysed with Botometer the spread of low-credibility contents.
    Although most of the approaches are based on feature engineering and traditional
machine learning classifiers, some authors are moving to deep learning. For example,
the authors of [49] proposed a deep neural network based on contextual long short-term
memory (LSTM) architecture which is fed with both content and metadata. At tweet-
level, the authors reported a high classification accuracy (AUC > 96%), whereas the
reported accuracy at user-level is nearly perfect (AUC > 99%). Similarly, the authors
of [14] used an LSTM to analyse temporal text data collected from Twitter and reported
an F1 score of 0.8732 on the honeypot dataset created by the authors of [61]. The
authors built the dataset under the hypothesis that a user who connects to the honeypot
could be considered a bot.
    The investigation is less prolific in languages different than English. In Arabic for
instance, the authors in [1] collected a corpus from Twitter that was annotated within a
crowd sourcing platform. They approached the problem by combining formality, struc-
tural, tweet-specific and temporal features. They showed that tweet-specific features
helped to improve the accuracy to 92%. Similarly, the authors in [10] built their corpus
in two ways. Firstly, they paid for services that bring automatic retweets, favourites, and
votes, and labeled the Twitter accounts as bots. Secondly, they manually labeled as bots
Twitter accounts that repeated the same content rapidly, post non useful text, or post
unrelated contents. The authors combined several features from the tweets (source of
the tweet, number of favourites, number of retweets, tweet length, number of hashtags,
etc.), and the Twitter account (number of tweets/retweets per hour/day/total, time be-
tween two consecutive tweets, number of followers, biography length, etc.). The authors
reported an accuracy of 98.68%.
    Echoing the importance of automatically detecting bots, DARPA held a 4-week
competition [89] with the aim at identifying influence bots supporting a pro-vaccination
discussion on Twitter. Influence bots can be defined as those bots whose purpose is to
shape opinion on a topic, posing in danger the freedom of expression. The organis-
ers provided with a total of 7,038 user accounts, with the corresponding user profile,
and a total of 4,095,083 tweets. They also provided with network data with snapshots
consisting of tuples (from_user, to_user, timestamp, weight). Six teams participated in
the challenge by using features from the tweets contents together with temporal, user
profile and network features.
    Although there are several approaches to bots identification in social media, almost
all of them rely on several characteristics beyond text. As said by the authors of [72], a
content-based bot detection model could also be seen as a step towards a multi-platform
solution, as it would be less dependent on Twitter-specific social features.
    Regarding gender identification, pioneer researchers such as Pennebaker [67] found
that in English women use more negations and first persons, because they are more
self-conscientious, whereas men use more prepositions in order to describe their en-
vironment. On the basis of their psycho-linguistic studies, the authors developed the
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) resource [66].
    Notwithstanding initial investigations in author profiling focused mainly on for-
mal texts and blogs [3, 38, 13, 46, 82], recent investigations moved to social media
such as Twitter, where language is more spontaneous and less formal. In this line, it is
worth mentioning the contribution of different researchers that used the PAN corpora
since 2013. The authors of [56] proposed a MapReduce architecture to approach, with
3 million features, the gender identification task on the PAN-AP-2013 corpus, which
contains hundreds of thousands of users, whereas the authors of [95] showed the im-
portance of information retrieval-based features for the task of gender identification on
the same corpus. The authors of [76, 75] showed the contribution of the emotions to
discriminate between genders with their EmoGraph graph-based approach on the PAN-
AP-2013 corpus as well as the robustness of the approach against genres and languages
on the PAN-AP-2014 corpus. The authors of [7] showed that word embeddings work
better than TF-IDF to discriminate gender on the PAN-AP-2016 corpus. It should be
highlighted the contribution of the authors of [53, 54, 2] since they obtained the best
results in three editions of PAN from 2013 to 2015 with their second order representa-
tion based on relationships between documents and profiles. Finally, the authors of [6]
obtained the best results at PAN 2017 with combinations of n-grams.

3     Evaluation Framework
The purpose of this section is to introduce the technical background. We outline the
construction of the corpus, introduce the performance measures and baselines, and de-
scribe the idea of so-called software submissions.

3.1   Corpus
To build the PAN-AP-2019 corpus13 we have combined Twitter accounts identified as
bots in existent datasets [92, 52, 17, 18, 16] with newly discovered ones on the basis
of specific search queries. Firstly, we downloaded and manually inspected the Twitter
accounts identified in the previous datasets in order to ensure that the accounts still
remain in Twitter. As Twitter has removed millions of bots from its platform,14 we
have looked for new ones on the basis of search queries such as "I’m a bot". Moreover,
other bots relying on more elaborated technologies such as Markov chains or metaphors
have been considered. For example, the bot @metaphormagnet was developed by Tony
Veale and Goufu Li [93] to automatically generate metaphorical language, or the bot
@markov_chain read periodically the latest tweets and uses Markov chains to generate
related contents. Once the accounts were identified, we manually annotated them with
the agreement of at least two annotators15 . If some of the annotators disagreed, the
Twitter user was discarded.
    We have selected humans from the corpora created in previous editions of the author
profiling shared task [78, 80]. Nonetheless, we have performed a new manual review of
the annotation to ensure quality. Table 1 overviews the key figures of the corpus. The
corpus is completely balanced per type (bot / human), and in case of human, it is also
completely balanced per gender. Each author is composed of exactly 100 tweets.
   We should highlight that we are aware of the legal and ethical issues related to collecting,
   analysing and profiling social media data [77] and that we are committed to legal and ethical
   compliance in our scientific research and its outcomes.
   The collected Twitter accounts were previously annotated, on the one hand by the authors who
   created the datasets, on the other hand by the owner of the Twitter account described as "I’m a
   bot" and similar queries.
Table 1. Number of authors per language. The corpus is balanced regarding bots vs. humans, and
regarding gender in case of humans, and it contains 100 tweets per author.

                          (EN) English                           (ES) Spanish
                 Bots    Female   Male       Total     Bots     Female     Male     Total
      Training   2,060    1,030     1,030    4,120    1,500      750        750     3,000
      Test       1,320     660       660     2,640     900       450        450     1,800
      Total      3,380    1,690     1,690    6,760    2,400      1,200     1,200    4,800

    While annotating bots we found that most of them could be classified into prede-
fined classes. Concretely, we defined the following taxonomy and classified each bot in
one of these classes:

 – Template: the Twitter feed responds to a predefined structure or template, such as
   for example a Twitter account giving the state of the earthquakes in a region or job
   offers in a sector.
 – Feed: the Twitter feed retweets or shares news about a predefined topic, such as for
   example regarding Trump’s policies.
 – Quote: the Twitter feed reproduces quotes from famous books or songs, quotes
   from celebrities (or historical) people, or jokes.
 – Advanced: Twitter feeds whose language is generated on the basis of more elabo-
   rated technologies such as Markov chains, metaphors, or in some cases, randomly
   choosing and merging texts from big corpus.

    The information regarding this taxonomy was not released publicly and its only
purpose was to analyse more in-depth the error made by the participants of the shared

3.2     Performance Measures
The participants were asked to send two predictions per author: i) whether the author
is a bot or a human; and ii) in case of a human, whether the author is male or female.
The participants were allowed to approach the task also in one of the languages and
to address only one problem (bots or gender). The accuracy has been used for evalu-
ation. For each language, we obtain the accuracy for both problems in both languages
separately and average them to obtain the final ranking:
                                botsen + botses + genderen + genderes
                    ranking =                                                               (1)

3.3     Baselines
In order to assess the complexity of the subtasks per language and to compare the per-
formance of the participants’ approaches, we propose the following baselines:
 – BASELINE-majority. A statistical baseline that always predicts the majority class
   in the training set. In case of balanced classes, it predicts one of them.
 – BASELINE-random. A baseline that randomly generates the predictions among the
   different classes.
 – BASELINE-char n-grams, with values for n from 1 to 10, and selecting the 100,
   200, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000 and 10,000 most frequent ones.
 – BASELINE-word n-grams, with values for n from 1 to 10, and selecting the 100,
   200, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000 and 10,000 most frequent ones.
 – BASELINE-W2V [59, 60]. Texts are represented with two word embedding models:
   i) Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW); and ii) Skip-Grams.
 – BASELINE-LDSE [79]. This method represents documents on the basis of the prob-
   ability distribution of occurrence of their words in the different classes. The key
   concept of LDSE is a weight, representing the probability of a term to belong to
   one of the different categories: human / bot, male / female. The distribution of
   weights for a given document should be closer to the weights of its corresponding
   category. LDSE takes advantage of the whole vocabulary.
    For all the methods we have experimented with several machine learning algorithms
(below), although we will report only the best performing one in each case.

 – Bayessian methods: Naive Bayes (NB), Naive Bayes Multinomial (NBM), Naive
   Bayes Multinomial Text (NBMT), Naive Bayes Multinomial Updateable (NBMU),
   and Bayes Net (BN).
 – Logistic methods: Logistic Regression (LR), and Simple Logistic (SL).
 – Neural Networks: Multilayer Perceptron (MP), and Voted Perceptron (VP).
 – Support Vector Machines (SVM).
 – Rule-based methods: Decision Table (DT).
 – Trees: Decision Stump, Hoeffding Tree (HT), J48, LMT, Random Forest (RF), Ran-
   dom Tree, and REP Tree.
 – Lazy methods: KStar.
 – Meta-classifiers: Bagging, Classification via Regression, Multiclass Classifier
   (MCC), Multiclass Classifier Updateable (MCCU), Iterative Classifier Optimize.

   Finally, we have used the following configurations:

 – BASELINE-char n-grams:
    • BOTS-EN: 500 characters 5-grams + Random Forest
    • BOTS-ES: 2,000 characters 5-grams + Random Forest
    • GENDER-EN: 2,000 characters 4-grams + Random Forest
    • GENDER-ES: 1,000 characters 5-grams + Random Forest
 – BASELINE-word n-grams:
    • BOTS-EN: 200 words 1-grams + Random Forest
    • BOTS-ES: 100 words 1-grams + Random Forest
    • GENDER-EN: 200 words 1-grams + Random Forest
    • GENDER-ES: 200 words 1-grams + Random Forest
    • BOTS-EN: glove.twitter.27B.200d + Random Forest
       • BOTS-ES: fasttext-wikipedia + J48
       • GENDER-EN: glove.twitter.27B.100d + SVM
       • GENDER-ES: fasttext-sbwc + SVM
       • BOTS-EN: LDSE.v2 (MinFreq=10, MinSize=1) + Naive Bayes
       • BOTS-ES: LDSE.v1 (MinFreq=10, MinSize=1) + Naive Bayes
       • GENDER-EN: LDSE.v1 (MinFreq=10, MinSize=3) + BayesNet
       • GENDER-ES: LDSE.v1 (MinFreq=2, MinSize=1) + Naive Bayes

3.4    Software Submissions
We asked for software submissions (as opposed to run submissions). Within software
submissions, participants submit executables of their author profiling softwares instead
of just the output (also called “run”) of their softwares on a given test set. Our ratio-
nale to do so is to increase the sustainability of our shared task and to allow for the
re-evaluation of approaches to Author Profiling later on, and, in particular, on future
evaluation corpora. To facilitate software submissions, the TIRA experimentation plat-
form was employed [31, 32], which renders the handling of software submissions at
scale as simple as handling run submissions. Using TIRA, participants deploy their
software on virtual machines at our site, which allows us to keep them in a running
state [33].

4     Overview of the Submitted Approaches
This year, 56 teams16 participated in the Author Profiling shared task and 46 of them
submitted the notebook paper17 . We analyse their approaches from three perspectives:
preprocessing, features to represent the authors’ texts, and classification approaches.

4.1    Preprocessing
Various participants cleaned the textual contents to obtain plain text. To this end, most
of them removed, normalised or masked Twitter specific elements such as URLs, user
mentions, hashtags, emojis or reserved words (e.g., RTs, FAV) as well as emails,
dates, money or numbers [91, 94, 70, 26, 30, 73, 81, 68, 90, 64, 27, 21, 97, 57].
The authors of [30, 45] applied word segmentation to split hashtags into the corre-
sponding words. The authors of [91, 70, 30, 45, 5, 68, 34, 97, 57] tokenised texts
and the authors of [40, 45, 81, 5, 68, 27, 34, 97] applied stemming or lemmatisa-
tion, depending on the language. Punctuation marks were removed by the authors
of [94, 81, 64, 63, 34, 21, 97]. The authors of [91, 94, 26, 81, 63] lowercased the
tweets, removed stopwords [45, 81, 27, 97] and treated character flooding [94, 30, 34].
In order to reduce the dimensionality, LSA was applied by the authors of [74], while the
authors of [40, 30] removed words that appear less than a given frequency in the train-
ing corpus. Similarly, the authors of [94] removed words with less than a given number
of characters. Conversely, the authors of [45, 81] unfolded contractions and acronyms.
   The authors of [48] could not finish before the deadline, hence they are considered out-of-
   Regretfully, some working notes had to be rejected due to lack of scientific quality.
4.2   Features

As in previous editions of the author profiling task at PAN, participants used a high
variety of different features. We can group them into three main groups: i) n-grams;
ii) stylistics; and iii) embeddings. Traditional features such as character and word n-
grams have been widely used [41, 11, 74, 90]. Both Mahmood et al. [57] and Fahim
et al. [84] used bag-of-words (word unigrams) as text representation. Espinosa et
al. [21] used character n-grams while Pizarro [69] and Przybyla et al. used word n-
grams. Combinations of both character and word n-grams where used by the authors
of [85, 58, 19, 94, 26]. The authors of [50, 27, 81, 45, 5, 43, 23, 35] weighted the n-
grams with tf/idf, whereas Van Halteren et al. [91] used character n-grams from tokens.
Finally, Gishamer et al. [30] used Part-of-Speech (POS) n-grams.
     Some authors measured the stylistic variation of the tweets by counting the occur-
rence of some types of elements [45, 34, 4, 15]. For example, Oliveira et al. [63] counted
the use of function words, Ikae et al. [40] counted the use of articles and personal pro-
nouns, similar to De la Peña [50] who counted verbs, adjectives and pronouns. Puertas
et al. counted the use of hashtags, mentions, URLs or emojis, Johansson [43] counted
the number of words in capital and lower letters, as well as the number of urls, user
mentions and RTs, and Giachanou and Ghanem [26] counted the use of punctuation
marks such as exclamations and questions, the number of terms in capital letters, the
use of mentions, links and hashtags, or the occurrence of words with character flooding.
Retweet ratios, tweets length, and ratios of unique words were also used by authors such
as Martinc et al. [58], Przybyla et al. [72], Van Halteren [91] and Fernquist et al. [23].
     Some authors [15] also used emotional features. Giachanou and Ghanem [26] used
emotional words, Oliveira et al. [63] used the emoticons and both of them used senti-
ments or/and polarity words. Polignano et al. [70], Fagni et al. [22], Halvani et al. [36]
and Onose et al. [64] used different embedding-based features to represent text. Simi-
larly, López-Santillan et al. [55] and Staykovsky et al. [86] combined word embeddings
with tf-idf, whereas Joo et al. [45] used document-level embeddings. Apart from the
previous approaches, Gamallo et al. [25] used lexicon-based features and Fernquist et
al. [23] combined different compression algorithms. Finally, it is worth to mention the
DNA-based approach by Kosmajac et al. [47].

4.3   Classification Approaches
Regarding the classification approaches, most participants used traditional approaches,
mainly Support Vector Machines (SVM) [94, 15, 22, 69, 42, 35, 5, 34, 85, 57, 21, 63,
27, 74]. Some authors ensembled SVM with Logistic Regression [30, 62]. The last
authors also included in the ensemble SpaCy and Random Forest. The authors of [26]
used SVM only for the gender identification subtask, using Stochastic Gradient Descent
(SGD) for the bots vs. human discrimination. Participants also used other traditional
approaches such as Logistic Regression [90, 9, 72], SGD [11], Random Forest [43],
Decision Trees [81], Multinomial BayesNet [81], Naive Bayes [25], Adaboost together
with SVM [5], CatBoost [23], kNN [40], and Mutilayer Perceptron [86].
    Only few participants approached the task with deep learning methods. The authors
of [19, 68] combined Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNNs). CNNs have been used by the authors of [70, 24] and RNNs by the
authors of [9, 64], the first author only used RNNs for the gender identification subtask,
and the second one together with hierarchical attention. Finally, the authors of [45]
used a BERT model, the authors of [36, 50] used Feedforward Neural Networks, and
the authors of [97] a voted LSTM.

5     Evaluation and Discussion of the Results
Although we recommended to participate in both subtasks, bots and gender profiling,
some participants approached only one problem, or / and in just one language: English
or Spanish. Therefore, we present the results separately in order to take into account
this fact.

5.1    Global Ranking
In Table 3 the overall performance per language and users’ ranking are shown. The best
results have been obtained in English for both bots (95.95% vs. 93.33% in Spanish)
and gender (84.17% vs. 81.72% in Spanish) profiling. The best results per language
and problem are highlighted in bold font. The overall best result (88.05%), as well as
the best result for both tasks in Spanish (93.33% and 81.72%), have been obtained by
Pizarro [69]. He has approached the task with a Support Vector Machine with character
and word n-grams features. The best result for bots discrimination in English (95.95%)
has been obtained by Johansson [43]. He has approached the task with Random For-
est and several features such as term frequencies together with aggregated stats (tweets
length, number of capital letters, lower letters, URLs, mentions, RTs ratios, etc.). In
case of gender identification in English, the best result (84.32%) has been obtained by
Valencia et al. [90]. They have approached the task with n-grams and Logistic Re-
gression. It should be highlighted the high results obtained by the word and character
n-grams baselines, even greater than word embeddings [59, 60] and the Low Dimen-
sionality Statistical Embedding (LDSE) [79]. In this vein, it is worth to mention that the
four teams with the highest performance [69, 85, 5, 42] used combinations of n-grams
with SVM and the fifth one [23] used CatBoost. The first time a deep learning approach
appears, concretely a CNN, is in the eleventh position [70].

                      Table 2. Statistics on the accuracy per task and language.

      Stat                       Bots vs. Human                 Gender             Average
                                   EN             ES          EN            ES
      Min                       0.4163       0.4744        0.2511       0.2567       0.3784
      Q1                        0.8719       0.8307        0.7220       0.6986       0.7906
      Median                    0.9057       0.8698        0.7731       0.7206       0.8176
      Mean                      0.8615       0.8408        0.7279       0.7017       0.7932
      SDev                      0.1239       0.1020        0.1385       0.1031       0.0975
      Q3                        0.9159       0.8954        0.8174       0.7564       0.8432
      Max                       0.9595       0.9333        0.8432       0.8172       0.8805
      Skewness                 -2.4679      -2.5676       -1.7444      -2.5298      -2.7257
      Kurtosis                  7.9291       9.1006        5.2570      10.5175      10.7926
      Normality (p-value)     2.20e-16     4.81e-12      2.86e-12     5.13e-08     4.78e-11
          Table 3. Accuracy per language and global ranking as average per language.

Ranking       Team                       Bots vs. Human              Gender            Average
                                         EN          ES         EN            ES
      1       Pizarro                   0.9360     0.9333     0.8356      0.8172       0.8805
      2       Srinivasarao & Manu       0.9371     0.9061     0.8398      0.7967       0.8699
      3       Bacciu et al.             0.9432     0.9078     0.8417      0.7761       0.8672
      4       Jimenez-Villar et al.     0.9114     0.9211     0.8212      0.8100       0.8659
      5       Fernquist                 0.9496     0.9061     0.8273      0.7667       0.8624
      6       Mahmood                   0.9121     0.9167     0.8163      0.7950       0.8600
      7       Ipsas & Popescu           0.9345     0.8950     0.8265      0.7822       0.8596
      8       Vogel & Jiang             0.9201     0.9056     0.8167      0.7756       0.8545
      9       Johansson & Isbister      0.9595     0.8817     0.8379      0.7278       0.8517
     10       Goubin et al.             0.9034     0.8678     0.8333      0.7917       0.8491
     11       Polignano & de Pinto      0.9182     0.9156     0.7973      0.7417       0.8432
     12       Valencia et al.           0.9061     0.8606     0.8432      0.7539       0.8410
     13       Kosmajac & Keselj         0.9216     0.8956     0.7928      0.7494       0.8399
     14       Fagni & Tesconi           0.9148     0.9144     0.7670      0.7589       0.8388
              char nGrams               0.9360     0.8972     0.7920      0.7289       0.8385
     15       Glocker                   0.9091     0.8767     0.8114      0.7467       0.8360
              word nGrams               0.9356     0.8833     0.7989      0.7244       0.8356
     16       Martinc et al.            0.8939     0.8744     0.7989      0.7572       0.8311
     17       Sanchis & Velez           0.9129     0.8756     0.8061      0.7233       0.8295
     18       Halvani & Marquardt       0.9159     0.8239     0.8273      0.7378       0.8262
     19       Ashraf et al.             0.9227     0.8839     0.7583      0.7261       0.8228
     20       Gishamer                  0.9352     0.7922     0.8402      0.7122       0.8200
     21       Petrik & Chuda            0.9008     0.8689     0.7758      0.7250       0.8176
     22       Oliveira et al.           0.9057     0.8767     0.7686      0.7150       0.8165
              W2V                       0.9030     0.8444     0.7879      0.7156       0.8127
     23       De La Peña & Prieto       0.9045     0.8578     0.7898      0.6967       0.8122
     24       López Santillán et al.    0.8867     0.8544     0.7773      0.7100       0.8071
              LDSE                      0.9054     0.8372     0.7800      0.6900       0.8032
     25       Bolonyai et al.           0.9136     0.8389     0.7572      0.6956       0.8013
     26       Moryossef                 0.8909     0.8378     0.7871      0.6894       0.8013
     27       Zhechev                   0.8652     0.8706     0.7360      0.7178       0.7974
     28       Giachanou & Ghanem        0.9057     0.8556     0.7731      0.6478       0.7956
     29       Espinosa et al.           0.8413     0.7683     0.8413      0.7178       0.7922
     30       Rahgouy et al.            0.8621     0.8378     0.7636      0.7022       0.7914
     31       Onose et al.              0.8943     0.8483     0.7485      0.6711       0.7906
     32       Przybyla                  0.9155     0.8844     0.6898      0.6533       0.7858
     33       Puertas et al.            0.8807     0.8061     0.7610      0.6944       0.7856
     34       Van Halteren              0.8962     0.8283     0.7420      0.6728       0.7848
     35       Gamallo & Almatarneh      0.8148     0.8767     0.7220      0.7056       0.7798
     36       Bryan & Philipp           0.8689     0.7883     0.6455      0.6056       0.7271
     37       Dias & Paraboni           0.8409     0.8211     0.5807      0.6467       0.7224
     38       Oliva & Masanet           0.9114     0.9111     0.4462      0.4589       0.6819
     39       Hacohen-Kerner et al.     0.4163     0.4744     0.7489      0.7378       0.5944
     40       Kloppenburg               0.5830     0.5389     0.4678      0.4483       0.5095
              MAJORITY                  0.5000     0.5000     0.5000      0.5000       0.5000
              RANDOM                    0.4905     0.4861     0.3716      0.3700       0.4296
     41       Bounaama & Amine          0.5008     0.5050     0.2511      0.2567       0.3784
     42       Joo & Hwang               0.9333        -       0.8360         -         0.4423
     43       Staykovski                0.9186        -       0.8174         -         0.4340
     44       Cimino & Dell’Orletta     0.9083        -       0.7898         -         0.4245
     45       Ikae et al.               0.9125        -       0.7371         -         0.4124
     46       Jeanneau                  0.8924        -       0.7451         -         0.4094
     47       Zhang                     0.8977        -       0.7197         -         0.4044
     48       Fahim et al.              0.8629        -       0.6837         -         0.3867
     49       Saborit                      -       0.8100        -        0.6567       0.3667
     50       Saeed & Shirazi           0.7951        -       0.5655         -         0.3402
     51       Radarapu                  0.7242        -       0.4951         -         0.3048
     52       Bennani-Smires            0.9159        -          -           -         0.2290
     53       Gupta                     0.5007        -       0.4044         -         0.2263
     54       Qurdina                   0.9034        -          -           -         0.2259
     55       Aroyehun                  0.5000        -          -           -         0.1250
    As can be seen in Figure 1 and Table 2, the results for the bots vs. human task in
English are higher and slightly less sparse than in Spanish. Although the average is
similar for both languages (86.15% vs. 84.08%), in the case of English the median is
90.57% with an inter-quartile range of 4.4%, whereas in the case of Spanish the median
is 84.08% with an inter-quartile range of 6.47%. Nevertheless, in the case of English, the
standard deviation is higher (12.39% vs. 10.20%), due to the higher number of outliers
(see Figure 2 and 3). In the case of gender, the average results in English (72.79%) are
also higher than in Spanish (70.17%). In this case, the sparsity is higher in the case of
English, with an inter-quartile range of 9.54% vs. 5.78% in Spanish. Due to the several
outliers in the case of English, the standard deviation (13.85%) is also higher than in
Spanish (10.31%). We can conclude that notwithstanding most systems obtained better
results in the case of English for bot tasks, several systems obtained low accuracy and
reduced the average as well as increased the sparsity.

           Figure 1. Density of the results for both tasks in the different languages.
           Figure 2. Distribution of results for both tasks in the different languages.

  Figure 3. Distribution of results for both tasks in the different languages (without outliers).

5.2   Error Analysis
In this section we perform an in-depth error analysis. Firstly, confusion matrices are
plotted and analysed. Then, we explore when a bot is wrongly classified as a human,
taking into account the type of bot as well as the predicted gender. Finally, we analyse
the humans that wrongly were identified as bots, also from the gender perspective.

Confusion Matrices We have aggregated all the participants’ predictions for the bots
vs. human discrimination task, except baselines, and plotted the respective confusion
matrices for English and Spanish in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. In the case of English,
the highest confusion is from bots to humans (17.15% vs. 7.86%). Nonetheless, in the
case of Spanish the confusion is similar in both cases (14.45% vs. 14.08%, respectively
for humans to bots and bots to humans).
     Figure 4. Aggregated confusion matrix for bots vs. human discrimination in English.

     Figure 5. Aggregated confusion matrix for bots vs. human discrimination in Spanish.

    In Figures 6 and 7 we have aggregated the predictions for the gender identification
task, respectively for English and Spanish. In both languages, bots are mainly confused
for males, although the difference with females is lower in the case of English (9.83%
vs. 7.53%) than in Spanish (8.5% vs. 5.02%). Similarly, also males are more confused
with bots than females, and again this difference is lower in the case of English (8.85%
vs. 3.55%) than in Spanish (18.93% vs. 11.61%). Within genders, the confusion is very
similar in the case of English (27.56% from males to females vs. 26.67% from females
to males), whereas the difference is much higher in Spanish (21.03% from males to
females vs. 11.61% from females to males).
         Figure 6. Aggregated confusion matrix for gender identification in English.

         Figure 7. Aggregated confusion matrix for gender identification in Spanish.

Errors per Bot Type For each participant, we have obtained the number of errors per
bot type. Then, we have obtained the basic statistics shown in Table 4 and represented
their distribution in Figure 8. In both languages, as it was expected, the number of
errors is higher in case of advanced bots (average error rate of 30.11% and 32.38%
respectively for English and Spanish). It is worth mentioning that in both languages,
although specially in the case of Spanish, the inter-quartile range is higher also for
advanced bots (26.88% in the case of English, 36.5% in case of Spanish), meaning
a high variability in the systems’ behaviour. In the case of English, quote bots were
identified with similar number of errors (as well as its variability) than template errors.
On the contrary, in Spanish quote bots were almost equally difficult to be identified than
advanced bots for most systems (median of 19.64% vs. 23%), similarly to what occurs
with feed bots and advanced bots in English (median of 21.16% vs. 24.37%).

                         Table 4. Statistics of the errors per bot type.

     Stat                  Template            Feed             Quote           Advanced
                            EN        ES      EN       ES       EN         ES     EN       ES
     Min                  0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0267 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
     Q1                   0.0091 0.0173 0.1605 0.0694 0.0552 0.1304 0.1187 0.1250
     Median               0.0364 0.0538 0.2116 0.0811 0.0897 0.1964 0.2437 0.2300
     Mean                 0.1264 0.1320 0.2789 0.1428 0.1794 0.2651 0.3011 0.3238
     SDev                 0.2641 0.2194 0.2299 0.2029 0.2601 0.2175 0.2617 0.2771
     Q3                   0.0841 0.1327 0.2744 0.1161 0.1345 0.3625 0.3875 0.4900
     Max                  1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
     Skewness             2.8051 2.9892 2.3214 3.6109 2.4970 1.9761 1.4789 0.8724
     Kurtosis             9.4586 11.8837 7.7310 15.1821 7.9773 7.2431 4.7429 2.9126
     Normality (p-value) 2.2e-16 2.2e-14 1.03e-15 2.2e-16 2.20e-16 2.49e-06 9.25e-07 0.0021

  Figure 8. Distribution of the errors per bot type (English on the left, Spanish on the right).

    In Figure 9 the number of systems failing in each of the predictions per bot type is
shown for English. It can be seen that the highest sparsity occurs with feed bots, where
most of the instances were properly predicted by most of the systems, but with several
instances where most of the systems failed. This is similar in the case of quote bots,
but with a higher number of systems failing on average. In the case of advanced bots,
although the number of systems failing is more concentrated, there are no instances
where at least five to ten systems failed.
                           Figure 9. Errors per bot type in English.

    Figure 10 represents the instances where at least half of the systems failed. In the
case of template bots, only one instance was wrongly predicted by at least half of the
systems. The highest number of systems failed in feed and quote bots. In the case of
advanced bots, two groups of instances can be seen. In the first group, between twenty-
five and thirty systems failed in the prediction. In the second one, between thirty-five
and forty-five systems failed (almost all of them).

       Figure 10. Errors per bot type in English when at least half of the systems failed.

    Similarly in Spanish, the highest number of systems failed for the feed and quote
bots (Figure 11), whereas the lowest sparsity occurs with advanced bots. In the case of
template bots, most of the instances were wrongly predicted by less than ten systems,
whereas in the case of advanced bots, only few instances were properly predicted by all
the systems, failing at least five in the vast majority of them.

                          Figure 11. Errors per bot type in Spanish.

      Figure 12. Errors per bot type in Spanish when at least half of the systems failed.

   Looking at Figure 12 we can observe the instances where at least half of the sys-
tems failed. In the case of template bots, there is more sparsity than for English, with
instances where between twenty and twenty-five systems failed. This is similar to the
case of advanced bots where there is a group of instances where between twenty and
twenty-five systems failed. In none of these two kinds of bots there is an instance with
more than twenty-five systems failing. In case of feed and quote bots, the number of
instances with more than half of the systems failing is much higher. There are also a
series of instances where almost all the systems failed.
     In Tables 5 and 6 we can observe examples of wrongly classified bots as humans.
The tables show the author id, the real Twitter account, and the type of bot. The last col-
umn shows the number of systems that failed in the classification and the total number
of systems.
     In the case of English, we can see that even the Twitter account reflects the kind
of bot. For example, the @MessiQuote is a Twitter account that search for quotes from
Messi and automatically tweets them, the bio of @NasaTimeMachine says "I’m a bot
tasked with finding cool old photos from this day in NASA history. Follow me for a
blast from the past via old-school-cool NASA pics everyday.", and the @markov_chain
account is described as "I am a fan of Markov Chains. Every ten minutes I read the
latest Tweets and work out what I’m going to tweet from them. Yes, I am a Twitter bot
:)". However, as can be seen most of the systems failed detecting them.

                              Table 5. Top failing examples in English.

     Author Id.                               Twitter Account           Type        N. Systems
     caf6d82d5dca1598beb5bfac0aea4161 @NasaTimeMachine template                       21 / 53
      @wylejw You must be cool, I’ll follow you!
     4c27d3c7a10964f574849b6be1df872d @rarehero                          feed          52 / 53
      Get a doll, drape fabric and spray the hell out of it with Fabric Quick Stiffening Spray ...
      https://t.co/C9Ub6xXZWI via @duckduckgo
     8d08e3a0e1fea2f965fd7eb36f3b0b07 @MessiQuote                       quote    48 / 53
      .@PedroPintoUEFA: "Messi is unstoppable and we should feel privileged to be
      watching a player who may be the best of all time." https://t.co/TmCR6qCzO2
     6a6766790e1f5f67813afd7c0aa1e60d @markov_chains                  advanced       42 / 53
      I have transferred to the local library go you! Just be Crazy John’s prepaid sim card.

    In the case of Spanish, the bio of @Joker32191969 is "Bot AMLOVER", a
word game that references the Mexican president Antonio Manuel López Obrador
(AMLO) and which automatically publishes tweets supporting the president. Simi-
larly, @Con_Sentimiento is a Twitter bot which automatically publishes love quotes,
or @Online_DAM auto-defines itself as "Official Distributor of Tamashii Nations and
Megahouse in Mexico. My name is Tav-o and I am a Sociopat Bot, evil twin of Ultra-
     The official bio is in Spanish: "Distribuidor Oficial Tamashii Nations y Megahouse en México.
     Me llamo Tav-o soy un Robot Sociópata, gemelo malvado de Ultraman."
                          Table 6. Top failing examples in Spanish.

Author Id.                               Twitter Account          Type          N. Systems
d0254a9765c8637b044dd2fa3788a103 @Online_DAM                template           25 / 42
 ¡Nueva edición Out of da Box! Presentando a Sailor Urano y Neptuno. http://t.co/KloUlv4l7j
1416c9615d30d0e6fbe774496ffa5d0f @Joker32191969               feed   42 / 42
 RT @MiguelGRodri: @fernandeznorona @lopezobrador@ T aibo2Sitienederecho,
 pero hay que se prudente, que no mame en pleno proceso electora...
d58008f7878fc9dd7cde1febaec65201 @Con_Sentimiento               quote             39 / 42
 "Todo el mundo puede ser un capítulo, no todos llegan a ser historia."
ded97b0a2efad0ba098311fe467b5136 @ClintHouseDosch advanced                   18 / 42
 Acabo de llenar un sobremesa y lo de La Manada, y la universidad hemos llegado a
 degenerado a Danny DeVito y lo sucedido

    It is worth mentioning that most systems did not have much problems in identifying
two advanced bots that we expected the systems to fail. Concretely, @metaphormagnet
and @emailmktsales. The first one was developed by Tony Veale and Goufu Li [93]
to automatically generate metaphorical language, and in the worst case, only 16 of 53
systems failed (e2cb393082f76b316bcd350d094ae100). The second one was developed
by the first author of this overview with the aim at generating automatically contents
related to marketing posing as human posts. In the worst case, only 13 of 53 systems
failed (317354a53c2b7725f316421f8578cad0).

Bot to Human per Gender Errors Tables 7 and 8 show the statistics of the bots
wrongly classified as humans, taking into account the predicted gender. As stated in
Figures 4 and 5, on average the misclassification occurred mainly towards males. This
is especially true in the case of feed bots in English (12.49% vs. 9.60%), and advanced
bots in both English (13.90% vs. 9.48%) and Spanish (21.86% vs. 6.19%). It is worth
mentioning that the only case were errors go towards females was in the case of quote
bots in Spanish, where the average is almost double (6.75% vs. 15.29%) and the differ-
ence is even greater in case of the median (1.43% vs. 11.79%).

              Table 7. Statistics of the errors per bot type and gender in English.

     Stat                  Template            Feed            Quote          Advanced
                           Male Female      Male Female      Male Female      Male Female
     Min                  0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
     Q1                   0.0000 0.0000 0.0512 0.0419 0.0345 0.0000 0.0187 0.0125
     Median               0.0091 0.0045 0.1046 0.0744 0.0414 0.0172 0.0812 0.0687
     Mean                 0.0389 0.0370 0.1249 0.0960 0.0755 0.0537 0.1390 0.0948
     SDev                 0.1380 0.1397 0.1432 0.1402 0.1459 0.1474 0.1925 0.1458
     Q3                   0.0204 0.0182 0.1512 0.1070 0.0690 0.0379 0.1750 0.1250
     Max                  0.9954 1.0000 0.9953 1.0000 0.9966 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
     Skewness             6.4717 6.3896 4.3197 5.2448 5.1936 5.3702 2.8814 4.6631
     Kurtosis            45.2338 44.3030 26.9656 34.0622 31.9446 33.8018 12.4398 29.2938
     Normality (p-value) 2.2e-16 2.2e-16 4.3e-10 2.2e-16 2.2e-16 2.2e-16 1.7e-11 7.1e-13
Figure 13. Errors per human in English.

Figure 14. Errors per human in English.
Figure 15. Errors per human in Spanish.

Figure 16. Errors per human in Spanish.
             Table 8. Statistics of the errors per bot type and gender in Spanish.

     Stat                  Template           Feed            Quote          Advanced
                           Male Female     Male Female      Male Female     Male Female
     Min                  0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
     Q1                   0.0038 0.0000 0.0294 0.0094 0.0000 0.0750 0.0000 0.0000
     Median               0.0211 0.0154 0.0500 0.0222 0.0143 0.1179 0.1800 0.0000
     Mean                 0.0689 0.0258 0.0776 0.0273 0.0675 0.1529 0.2186 0.0619
     SDev                 0.1567 0.0321 0.1482 0.0258 0.1615 0.1225 0.2338 0.1161
     Q3                   0.0654 0.0385 0.0811 0.0400 0.0643 0.1857 0.3800 0.0900
     Max                  0.9808 0.1500 0.9756 0.1467 1.0000 0.5643 1.0000 0.5800
     Skewness             4.9026 2.1976 5.4956 2.4720 4.8096 1.2499 1.1546 2.5727
     Kurtosis            28.7533 8.6738 33.7374 11.9685 27.8880 4.6554 4.1529 10.7066
     Normality (p-value) 2.2e-16 7.6e-07 2.2e-16 0.0002 2.2e-16 0.0013 7.8e-05 2.4e-15

Human to Bot Errors Figures 17 and 19 show the number of systems which wrongly
classified humans as bots, differentiating between genders. As can be seen, for both
English and Spanish, the highest number of systems failed with male instances.

  Figure 17. Number of systems wrongly classifying humans as bots, per gender, in English.
Figure 18. Number of systems wrongly classifying humans as bots, per gender, in English when
at least half of the systems failed.

    Figures 18 and 20 represent the instances where at least half of the systems failed.
In the case of English it can be seen that almost all the instances correspond to male
users. In the case of Spanish, although also males appear in the top failing instances,
the distribution between genders is more homogeneous.

  Figure 19. Number of systems wrongly classifying humans as bots, per gender, in Spanish.
Figure 20. Number of systems wrongly classifying humans as bots, per gender, in Spanish when
at least half of the systems failed.

    In Tables 9 and 10 we have compiled some of the instances with the highest number
of systems failing in the prediction.

                          Table 9. Top failing examples in English.

   Author Id.                              Twitter Account     Gender     N. Systems
   63e4206bde634213b3a37343cf76e900 @Ask_KFitz                  male         49 / 53
    #Electric Imp Smart Refrigerator https://t.co/qigh5Womd7 https://t.co/JNVsRKvRQ8
   b11ffeeed0b38eb85e4e288f5c74f704 @iqbalmustansar           male          45 / 53
    Trend - What’s Dominating Digital Marketing Right Now? - https://t.co/dWp7ovqzCM
   ba0850ae38408f1db832707f1e0258fd @CharBar_tweets female              26 / 53
    Hollywood boll #bowling #legs #Sundayfunday https://t.co/cLq9ZlNM38
   d64be10ecfbbb81d0c6e5b3115c335a5 @RheaRoryJames female                   25 / 53
    RT @realDonaldTrump: Employment is up, Taxes are DOWN. Enjoy!
                             Table 10. Top failing examples in Spanish.

      Author Id.                               Twitter Account         Gender      N. Systems
      a22edd53bb04de0c06a52df897b13dd0 @carlosguadian                    male        39 / 42
       Tres días para analizar el presente y futuro de la Administración pública: lo que trae el
       Congreso NovaGob 2018 - NovaGob 2018 https://t.co/Ofc4cDTeym #novagob2018
      cf520c8e810a6a9bae9171d6f23c29be @kicorangel                   male     35 / 42
       Google prepara una versión de pago para Youtube http://t.co/UvZdao68wc
      8e4340e95667c8add31f427a09dd3840 @EmaMArredondoM female                   30 / 42
       @andrespino007 ¿Se ha preguntado cómo alguien llega a ser científico? Pequeña
       muestra chilena: https://t.co/fLjJsV0I0J
      6730bdf9686769c4a8a79d2f766a7f67 @AnnieH go                  female            24 / 42
       Wow!! Nuevamente rebasamos expectivas... https://t.co/PJ8bHA1SrG

    If we go to the Twitter accounts, we can see that all of them can be easily confused
with feed bots since their content consists mainly of sharing news or retweeting them.
For instance, as can be seen in Figure 21, even Botometer assigns a score of 3.9 out of
5 in both contents and sentiment features to the @Ask_KFitz user, which would give a
false positive.

                        Figure 21. Botometer prediction for @Ask_Fitz user.

    Notwithstanding the predictions, they are actually humans. For example, the user
@kicorangel is the first author of this overview, who mainly uses Twitter to share news
of his interest. Similarly, the user @carlosguadian is a friend of the first author who
uses Twitter with the same purpose.

5.3     Best Results
In Table 11 we summarise the best results per language and task. We can observe that
for both tasks the best results have been obtained in English, although with a slight
difference. In case of bots vs. human, the best accuracy range from 93.33% in Spanish
to 95.95% in English, while in case of gender identification it ranges between 81.72%
in Spanish and 84.17% in English.
                          Table 11. Best results per language and problem.

                                Language Bots vs. Human Gender
                                English          0.9595       0.8417
                                Spanish          0.9333       0.8172
    The best results in bots detection in English (95.95%) have been obtained by Johans-
son [43] who used Random Forest with a variety of stylistic features such as term occur-
rences, tweets length or number of capital and lower letters, URLs, user mentions, and
so on. The best results in gender identification in English (84.32%) have been achieved
by Valencia et al. [90] with Logistic Regression and n-grams. In Spanish, Pizarro [69]
achieved the best results in both bots (93.33%) and gender identification (81.72%) with
combinations of n-grams and Support Vector Machines.

6   Conclusion
In this paper we presented the results of the 7th International Author Profiling Shared
Task at PAN 2019, hosted at CLEF 2019. The participants had to discriminate from
Twitter authors between bots and humans, and in case of humans, to identify their gen-
der. The provided data cover English and Spanish languages.
     The participants used different features to address the task, mainly: i) n-grams;
ii) stylistics; and iii) embeddings. With respect to machine learning algorithms, the
most used one was Support Vector Machines. Nevertheless, few participants approached
the task with deep learning techniques. In such cases, they used Convolutional Neural
Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, and FeedForward Neural Networks. According
to the results, traditional approaches obtained higher accuracies than deep learning ones.
The four teams with the highest performance [69, 85, 5, 42] used combinations of n-
grams with SVM and the fifth one [23] used CatBoost. The first time a deep learning
approach appears in the ranking, concretely a CNN, is in the eleventh position [70].
     The best results have been obtained in English for both bots detection (95.95% vs.
93.33%) and gender identification (84.17% vs. 81.72%). The best results in bots de-
tection in English have been obtained with a variety of stylistic features and Random
Forest [43], whereas in Spanish were obtained with combinations of n-grams and Sup-
port Vector Machines [69]. Regarding gender, the best results in Spanish were achieved
by the previous author, and the best results in English were obtained with n-grams and
Logistic Regression [69].
     The error analysis shows that the highest confusion is from bots to humans (17.15%
vs. 7.86% in English, 14.45% vs. 14.08% in Spanish), and mainly towards males (9.83%
vs. 7.53% in English, 8.5% vs. 5.02%). Similarly, males are also more confused with
bots than females (8.85% vs. 3.55% in English, 18.93% vs. 11.61% in Spanish). Within
genders, the confusion is similar in English (27.56% from males to females vs. 26.67%
from females to males), whereas the difference is much higher in Spanish (21.03% from
males to females vs. 11.61% from females to males).
     The error analysis per bot type shows that the highest error on average was pro-
duced in case of advanced bots (30.11% and 32.38% respectively for English and Span-
ish). In the case of English, the systems failed in a similar rate on quote and template
bots (12.64% and 17.94%), while the error is higher in the case of feed bots (27.89%).
However, in Spanish template and feed bots obtained similar rate of error (13.20% and
14.28%), while quote bots error raises up to 26.51%. No matter the type of bot, the
highest confusion is towards male, except in case of quote bots in Spanish (15.29%
towards females vs. 6.75% towards males).
    Looking at the results, the error analysis and the given misclassified examples, we
can conclude that: i) it is feasible to automatically identify bots in Twitter with high
precision, even when only textual features are used; but ii) there are specific cases where
the task is difficult due to the language used by the bots (e.g., advanced bots), or due to
the way the humans use the platform (e.g., to share news). In both cases, although the
precision is high, a major effort needs to be made to take into account false positives.

Our special thanks goes to all PAN participants for providing high-quality submission,
and to The Logic Value19 for sponsoring the author profiling shared task award. The
work of Paolo Rosso was partially funded by the Spanish MICINN under the research
project MISMIS-FAKEnHATE on Misinformation and Miscommunication in social
media: FAKE news and HATE speech (PGC2018-096212-B-C31).


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