=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_265 |storemode=property |title=Bot and Gender Identification from Twitter |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_265.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Radarapu Rakesh,Yogesh Vishwakarma,Akkajosyula Surya Sai Gopal,Anand Kumar M |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/RakeshVGM19 }} ==Bot and Gender Identification from Twitter== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_265.pdf
           Bot and Gender Identification from Twitter
                         Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                       Radarapu Rakesh, Yogesh Vishwakarma,
                   Akkajosyula Surya Sai Gopal, and Anand Kumar M

                   Department of Information Technology, NITK, Surathkal
         {rakeshradarapu77, surya.akkajosyula, thisisyogeshvishwakarma}@gmail.com,

        Abstract The popularity of social media raises a concern about the quality of
        content over its platforms. The quality of data is important, especially for fair
        and considerable predictive analysis. If the quality of data is less, it may result
        in the prediction of wrong circumstances of an event. This causes misleading
        trending problems and more importantly, the sensitive stock price may fluctuate.
        The contents available on social media can be corrupted and overflowed by bots.
        There are a variety of bots available such as Spam Bots, Influence Bots, etc. Our
        target is to identify such bots on Twitter. Twitter data is mostly used by data
        analysts for applications related to scientific predictions or opinion analysis. This
        working note is capitalized on earlier approaches and Machine Learning (ML)
        approaches used to classify between a bot and human and find the gender further
        for interesting studies in crime detection etc. By sharing many attributes for user
        profiles, we have identified the pattern to find out that the given user is a bot or
        human based on the tweets posted.

1     Introduction
Before we dive into the proposed methodology used for solving the Bot and Gender
identification task, let us have a look at why Author Profiling is needed and its effects
on society. We will go through the background of Twitter and see how bots and fake
accounts have an adverse impact.

1.1    Background of Twitter
Twitter is a social networking service which was originated in America and serves as
an online news portal. It provides users to post messages (tweets) and also to interact
privately with another user. A tweet was limited to only 140 characters until November
7, 2017. This limit was doubled for almost all popular languages on Twitter from then.
Twitter provides features like post, like, and retweet a tweet for any registered user,
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
while those unregistered can only read. Twitter can be accessed through the web and
an application is provided for the convenience of smartphone users. Twitter, Inc. has
its headquarters in San Francisco, California, and spreads across the world with more
than 25 offices [4]. Twitter took birth in March 2006 and Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz
Stone, Evan Williams were the ones who came up with this revolutionary platform [5].
It gained popularity within no time since its launch in July of that year. By 2012, around
1.6 billion search queries per day were handled by Twitter with more than 100 million
users posting around 340 million tweets a day. As of 2016, the monthly active users
count raised to more than 319 million. With debates and news covering politics of the
United States, it has been a hot-bed ever since 2015. Twitter was the largest source of
breaking news on the day of the U.S. presidential election. Around 40 million tweets
were sent by 10:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) that day regarding the elections. It provided
the information on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination [1] [9] and the 2018
midterm elections of the United States [2].

1.2    Impact of Bots on Twitter

Nowadays the presence of bots over Twitter has increased rapidly. Even though Twitter
has anti-spam policies, the bots can bypass them easily. Bots are easy to implement
by anyone who has basic knowledge on that domain. Some bots react to a particular
keyword which is more likely related to a trending topic. Some bots randomly tweet
predefined statements or phrases. In some other cases, the bots are designed to highlight
a popular entity like an anime character, historic icon, celebrity characters, etc based
on the popular phrases related to the fields. In addition to them, some bots are not
fully automated (in other words we can say fake accounts). According to studies [18],
around 7 of the followers of a Twitter account are fake. Some studies [19], though less
scientific put that number as high as 35 percent. To solve all these problems Twitter has
sued suppliers of fake accounts to shut down them.
    Recently some politicians have been accused of buying influence on social media.
These are a few popular Japanese bots used for authorized purposes [3]:

    – Snoopy (@SNOOPYbot)
    – Nagato FakeBot (@NagatoFakeBot)
    – Moomin (@moominvalley)
    – Peter Drucker (@DruckerBOT)
    – Random phrases (@kotobabot)

2     Literature Survey

Now, let us take a look at the work done earlier and the studies related to our pro-
posed Author Profiling task. Twitter bots are becoming ubiquitous. They are increas-
ingly growing and becoming more creative.

    – Studies show that 16 percent of user accounts have the possibility of being auto-
      mated [18].
    – A study [10] reveals that 10.5 percentage of accounts are bots, and around 36.2
      percentage categorized as "cyborgs" ("Human Assisted Bots").
    – Studies say that a majority of bots lead to "follow-spam" (making a profile as spam
      by its bot followers) for Twitter users [18].
    – It may serve as a follow back request, as mentioned by Mowbray in his ’The Twit-
      tering Machine’ [10].
    – According to Lotan [6], the bots may be deployed to have a big number of followers
      for a user who pays a good amount for these fake followers just to raise popularity.
    – Many bots declare themselves as "automated" and manipulate news feed updates,
      blog updates, images and video updates with their benign tweets (Ex: Chu, Gian-
      vecchio, Wang, and Jajodia, 2012, p. 812) [18].
    – Twitter is also thinking of using automated bots for various purposes. For example,
      the account @MagicResend analyzes its followers’ Twitter activities and sends the
      analyzed data which can help in identifying the fake accounts [6].
    – ’BotOrNot’ is a project which determines the probability of an account being a bot
      based on machine learning techniques [7].
    – Other methods of analyzing accounts that were automated have found lower evi-
      dence of bot given the verified accounts and for accounts with a high number of
      followers [17].
    – Recently a Twitter bot challenge was conducted by DARPA [7] that aims to identify
      ’Influence Bots’, which are promoting discussions regarding terror activities by
      ISIS, etc. [11].
    – The paper [19] proposed gender identification in Russian Tweets with different
      classical ML classifiers, namely Logistic regression (LR), Support Vector Machine
    – PAN 2017 Author Profiling Task [15] discusses an overview of various approaches
      based on a deep neural network (DNN) and machine learning. However, deep learn-
      ing could not outperform traditional machine learning models.
    – PAN 2018 Author Profiling Task [14] describes an overview of gender identifica-
      tion from a multimodal perspective, where texts but also images are given as data

3     Problem Statement
Bots on social media create influence on the users for commercial, political or ideolog-
ical purposes by posing as humans. For example, consider when we are shopping we
usually check the rating of the product and the number of ratings, taking this as an ad-
vantage the bots will rate the product and change the view of the product (positively or
negatively). The bots on social media can directly tilt the fate of politics which makes
them an even greater threat (for reference see Brexit referendum [8] or US Presidential
elections [2]). This influence made the German political parties reject the use of bots in
their election campaign. In other ways, bots are well known for spreading rumours or
fake news. With these major threats, the identification of the bots on social media using
Author Profiling raised its importance from various domains like marketing, forensics,
and security. The aim is to find whether the author is human or bot and if the author is
human we have to further classify gender (male or female) based on the tweets given.
4     Proposed Methodology

In this section, we will see the data set description and methodology used to build our
proposed model and its parameters.

4.1    Data set Description

The training data set of the English author profiling task at PAN 2019 consists of XML
files each corresponding to a unique author (Twitter user) and there are a total of 4,119
files and a validation set contains 1240 XML files.

    – An XML file for each author (Twitter user) with a total of 100 tweets. The name of
      the XML file is a unique id that corresponds to the author.
    – A truth.txt file that contains a list of these author-ids and the truth about gender.
    – The truth file gives the author-id, truth for the human/bot and bot/male/female as

4.2    Pre-processing of Data set

For pre-processing of text, we are using the NLTK library to create a TweetTokenizer,
TreeBankTokenizer, etc to perform tokenization and some other procedure using regex
and identified the emoticons and renamed them with negative and positive emojis to
generalize the emojis used. We are using the following pre-processing steps as shown
in Figure 1.

4.3    System Architecture

The task is to find the gender from a given set of tweets - is it a bot or a human, further
a male or a female, in case of a human. For this, we have used the sequential neural
network classifier which is fed with ’max-num’ frequent words, this sequence is then
analyzed to predict the gender. We have also used Linear SVM as a learning algorithm
that is used for solving multi-class classification problems from large data sets. Figure
2 gives an idea of our proposed methodology.

                             Figure 1. Pre-processing of Data set
    We are using vectorize pipeline i.e., we obtained vectors as a pipeline of word and
character n-grams. We performed (with using two methods: manually and the scikit-
learns grid search function) several hyper-parameter tuning experiments for best pa-
rameter values. Finally, we combined the training and validation data and tuned the
parameters manually for performing cross-validation. We considered only the English
data set for the shared task, but the model can be extended to or implemented on other
language data sets as well. We experimented with different features and the final model
contains the following n-grams features in it:

 – Word unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams.
 – Character (3,5)-grams.
 – Term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) weighting.
 – Use of LSA to perform dimensional reduction on n-grams.

    In Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Linear dimensionality reduction was done us-
ing truncated Singular-Value Decomposition (SVD), using the TruncatedSVD function
from the scikit-learn library.

                               Figure 2. Concept Diagram

Let us look at the detailed steps and parameters we have tried in the two approaches.
One was with neural networks using the ’keras’ library. We used three ’dense’ layers
with 1024, 512, 3 neurons at the corresponding levels, with the activation functions like
’relu’, ’sigmoid’ and ’softmax’. We used the ’Tokenizer’ from keras to prepare the in-
put, which is an index array. The other approach is using ’LinearSVC’ itself, but with a
different pre-processing. We used the regular expression matching to find typical char-
acter sequences that are used as emojis, user-mentions, URLs, etc. and gave them a
positive/negative score based on the relevance with the tweet. These two approaches
also gave us significant cross-validation results, as shown in Table 1. So, we combined
these pre-processing, added a few more as mentioned previously in section 4.2 and
made our final model.
5   Results and Analysis

The performance of the proposed author profiling system is calculated by accuracy.
First, we need to calculate the accuracy for identifying bots vs humans. Then in the case
of humans, we will calculate the accuracy for identifying males vs. females. But, we
tried to identify the male or female or bot at first and then from the result, we identified
whether it is a human or a bot, just to simplify the approach. The cross-validation results
show considerable accuracy compared with the test results provided by organizers. The
software submission and evaluation are done using TIRA [12]. We hope to increase
the accuracy by adding more bot specific and relevant features in pre-processing in the
    The profiling data is distributed into train and validation sets. So, to avoid leaving
aside a significant portion of the training set for validation and to prevent over-fitting
on the training set, we combined the data set and evaluated the accuracy. The proposed
model is evaluated using stratified 3-fold, 5-fold, and 10-fold cross-validation during
our experiments. Here, Table 1 shows the cross-validation result which helps to choose
the best model. We have submitted the TweetNorm+TweetTok+SVM model to the or-

                              Table 1. Cross-Validation results

                        Methods          3-fold          5-fold   10-fold
                 TweetTok+Neural Network 80.21           80.65     81.87
                    TweetNorm+SVM        82.11           81.71     83.15
                TweetNorm+TweetTok+SVM 83.29             83.52     84.49

    Our model got a test accuracy of 0.7242 for bots vs. humans and 0.4951 for gender,
which for the English data set alone [16]. Low Dimensionality Statistical Embedding
(LDSE) [13] baseline accuracy given by the organizers using Naive Bayes for bots
0.9054 and gender 0.7800.

6   Conclusion and Future Work

We have developed an approach to classify the bots and humans on Twitter with better
accuracy. We have also provided some hints on the existence of spurious accounts on
social media and its future possibilities. We hope the results could have been better if
we had done the bots vs. human part first and later the gender classification. However,
this task of Author Profiling is still a subject of interest as various methodologies can
be applied to increase the performance. So, we hope that our approach would spark
some ideas in others for further improvements. Further, unsupervised tweet specific
embedding, Twitter POS tagging will improve the results on larger data sets. We could
further extend to other social media also like Facebook, Quora, Instagram, etc.

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