=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_269 |storemode=property |title=Overview of the CLEF-2019 CheckThat! Lab: Automatic Identification and Verification of Claims. Task 1: Check-Worthiness |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_269.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Pepa Atanasova,Preslav Nakov,Georgi Karadzhov,Mitra Mohtarami,Giovanni Da San Martino |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/AtanasovaNKMM19 }} ==Overview of the CLEF-2019 CheckThat! Lab: Automatic Identification and Verification of Claims. Task 1: Check-Worthiness== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_269.pdf
    Overview of the CLEF-2019 CheckThat! Lab:
     Automatic Identification and Verification
       of Claims. Task 1: Check-Worthiness?

Pepa Atanasova1 , Preslav Nakov2 , Georgi Karadzhov3 , Mitra Mohtarami4 , and
                          Giovanni Da San Martino2
         Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
              Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU, Doha, Qatar
                        {pnakov, gmartino}@hbku.edu.qa
                     SiteGround Hosting EOOD, Sofia, Bulgaria
      MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, MA

        Abstract. We present an overview of the 2nd edition of the CheckThat!
        Lab, part of CLEF 2019, with focus on Task 1: Check-Worthiness in po-
        litical debates. The task asks to predict which claims in a political debate
        should be prioritized for fact-checking. In particular, given a debate or
        a political speech, the goal is to produce a ranked list of its sentences
        based on their worthiness for fact-checking. This year, we extended the
        2018 dataset with 16 more debates and speeches. A total of 47 teams
        registered to participate in the lab, and eleven of them actually submit-
        ted runs for Task 1 (compared to seven last year). The evaluation results
        show that the most successful approaches to Task 1 used various neural
        networks and logistic regression. The best system achieved mean average
        precision of 0.166 (0.250 on the speeches, and 0.054 on the debates). This
        leaves large room for improvement, and thus we release all datasets and
        scoring scripts, which should enable further research in check-worthiness

Keywords: Computational journalism · Check-worthiness estimation · Fact-
checking · Veracity

    This paper only focuses on Task 1 (Check-Worthiness). For an overview of Task 2
    (Factuality), see [18].

    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
1     Introduction

The current coverage of the political landscape in both the press and in social
media has led to an unprecedented situation. Like never before, a statement
in an interview, a press release, a blog note, or a tweet can spread almost in-
stantaneously across the globe. This proliferation speed has left little time for
double-checking claims against the facts, which has proven critical.
    The problem caught the public attention in connection to the 2016 US Pres-
idential Campaign, which was influenced by fake news in social media and by
false claims. Indeed, some politicians were fast to notice that when it comes to
shaping public opinion, facts are secondary, and that appealing to emotions and
beliefs works better, especially in social media. It has been even proposed that
this marked the dawn of a Post-Truth Age.
    As the problem became evident, a number of fact-checking initiatives have
started, led by organizations such as FactCheck and Snopes, among many oth-
ers. Yet, this proved to be a very demanding manual effort, which means that
only a relatively small number of claims could be fact-checked.5 This makes it
important to prioritize the claims that fact-checkers should consider first. Task 1
of the CheckThat! Lab at CLEF-2019 [10,11] aims to help in that respect, ask-
ing participants to build systems that can mimic the selection strategies of a
particular fact-checking organization: factcheck.org. It is defined as follows:

        Given a political debate, interview, or speech, transcribed and seg-
        mented into sentences, rank the sentences concerning the priority
        with which they should be fact-checked.

    This is a ranking task and the participating systems are asked to produce
one score per sentence, according to which the sentences are to be ranked. This
year, Task 1 was offered for English only (it was also offered in Arabic in the
2018 edition of the lab [2]).
    The dataset for this task is an extension of the CT-CWC-18 dataset [2]. We
added annotations from three press-conferences, six public speeches, six debates,
and one post, all fact-checked by experts from factcheck.org.
    Figure 1 shows examples of annotated debate fragments. In Figure 1a, Hillary
Clinton discusses the performance of her husband, Bill Clinton, as US president.
Donald Trump fires back with a claim that is worth fact-checking, namely that
Bill Clinton approved NAFTA. In Figure 1b, Donald Trump is accused of having
filed for bankruptcy six times, which is also a claim that is worth fact-checking.
In Figure 1c, Donald Trump claims that border walls work. In a real-world
scenario, the intervention by Donald Trump in Figure 1a, the second one by
Hillary Clinton in Figure 1b, and the first two by Donald Trump in Figure 1c
should be ranked at the top of the list in order to get the attention of the
    Full automation is not yet a viable alternative, partly because of limitations of the
    existing technology, and partly due to low trust in such methods by the users.
    H. Clinton: I think my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s.
    H. Clinton: I think a lot about what worked and how we can make it work
                again. . .
    D. Trump: Well, he approved NAFTA. . .                                       ○

               (a) Fragment from the First 2016 US Presidential Debate.

    H. Clinton: He provided a good middle-class life for us, but the people he
                worked for, he expected the bargain to be kept on both sides.
    H. Clinton: And when we talk about your business, you’ve taken business      ○
                bankruptcy six times.

          (b) Another fragment from the First 2016 US Presidential Debate.

    D. Trump: It’s a lot of murders, but it’s not close to 2,000 murders right   ○
              on the other side of the wall, in Mexico.
    D. Trump: So everyone knows that walls work.                                 ○
    D. Trump: And there are better examples than El Paso, frankly.

      (c) Fragment from Trump’s National Emergency Remarks in February 2019.

 Fig. 1: English debate fragments: check-worthy sentences are marked with ○.

    The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses related
work. Section 3 describes the evaluation framework and the task setup. Section 4
provides an overview of the participating systems, followed by the official results
in Section 5, and discussion in Section 6, before we conclude in Section 7.

2     Related Work
Automatic fact-checking is envisioned in [38] as a multi-step process that includes
(i ) identifying check-worthy statements [14,19,22], (ii ) generating questions to
be asked about these statements [23], (iii ) retrieving relevant information to
create a knowledge base [28,35], and (iv ) inferring the veracity of the statements,
e.g., using text analysis [3,6,34] or external sources [4,5,23,33].
     The first work to target check-worthiness was the ClaimBuster system [19].
It was trained on data that was manually annotated by students, professors,
and journalists, where each sentence was annotated as non-factual, unimportant
factual, or check-worthy factual. The data consisted of transcripts of 30 historical
US election debates covering the period from 1960 until 2012 for a total of 28,029
transcribed sentences. The ClaimBuster used an SVM classifier and features
such as sentiment, TF.IDF word representations, part-of-speech (POS) tags,
and named entities. It did not try to mimic the check-worthiness decisions for
any specific fact-checking organization; yet, it was later evaluated against CNN
and PolitiFact [20]. In contrast, our dataset is based on actual annotations by a
fact-checking organization, and we release freely all data and associated scripts.
    More relevant to the setup of Task 1 of this Lab is the work of [14], who
focused on debates from the US 2016 Presidential Campaign and used pre-
existing annotations from nine respected fact-checking organizations (PolitiFact,
FactCheck, ABC, CNN, NPR, NYT, Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, and Wash-
ington Post): a total of four debates and 5,415 sentences. Besides many of the
features borrowed from ClaimBuster —together with the sentiment, tense, and
some other features—, their model pays special attention to the context of each
sentence. This includes whether it is part of a long intervention by one of the
actors and even its position within such an intervention. The authors predicted
both (i ) whether any of the fact-checking organizations would select the target
sentence, and also (ii ) whether a specific organization would select it.
    In follow-up work, [22] developed ClaimRank, which can mimic the claim se-
lection strategies for each and any of the nine fact-checking organizations, as well
as for the union of them all. Even though trained on English, it further supports
Arabic, which is achieved via cross-language English-Arabic embeddings.
    In yet another follow-up work, [37] proposed a multi-task learning neural
network that learns from nine fact-checking organizations simultaneously and
tries to predict for each sentence whether it would be selected for fact-checking
by each of these organizations.
    The work of [32] also focused on the 2016 US Election campaign, and they
also used data from nine fact-checking organizations (but a slightly different
dataset). They used 3 Presidential, one Vice-Presidential, and several primary
debates (7 Republican and 8 Democratic) for a total of 21,700 sentences. Their
setup asked to predict whether any of the fact-checking sources would select the
target sentence. They used a boosting-like model that takes SVMs focusing on
different clusters of the dataset, and the final outcome was considered as that
coming from the most confident classifier. The features considered ranged from
LDA-based topic-modeling to POS tuples and bag-of-words representations.
    In the 2018 edition of the task [2,30], we followed a setup similar to that
of [14,22,32], but we manually verified the selected sentences, e.g., to adjust
the boundaries of the check-worthy claim, and also to include all instances of
a selected check-worthy claim (as fact-checkers would only comment on one
instance of a claim). We further had an Arabic version of the dataset. Finally,
we chose to focus on a single fact-checking organization. The interested reader
can also check the system description papers from last year’s lab. Notably, the
best primary submission last year was that of the Prise de Fer team [41], which
used a multilayer perceptron and a feature-rich representation.
    The present CLEF’2019 Lab is an extension of the CLEF’2018 CheckThat
Lab [29], and the subtask of identifying check-worthy claims is an extension of
last year’s subtask [2]. This year, we provide more training and testing data, and
we focus on English only.
   Finally, there have been some recent related shared tasks. For example, at
SemEval’2019 there was a task focusing on fact-checking in community question
answering fora [24,25,31] and another one that targeted rumor detection [15].
Table 1: Total number of sentences and number of check-worthy ones in the
CT19-T1 corpus.
      Type                    Partition     Sentences      Check-worthy
                              Train              10,648                 256
                              Test                4,584                  46
                              Train               2,718                 282
                              Test                1,883                  50
                              Train               3,011                  36
      Press Conferences
                              Test                  612                  14
      Posts                   Train                  44                   8
                              Train             16,421                 433
                              Test               7,079                 110

3     Evaluation Framework

In this section, we describe the evaluation framework, which includes the dataset
and the evaluation measure used.

3.1     Data

The dataset for Task 1 is an extension of the CT-CWC-18 dataset [2]. The
full English part of CT-CWC-18 (training and test) has become the training
data this year. For the new test set, we produced labelled data from three press
conferences, six public speeches, six debates, and one post.
    As last year, the annotations for the new instances were derived from the pub-
licly available analysis carried out by factcheck.org. We considered as check-
worthy those claims whose factuality was challenged by the fact-checkers, and we
made them positive instances in our CT19-T1 dataset. Note that our annotation
is at the sentence level. Therefore, if only part of a sentence was fact-checked, we
annotated the entire sentence as a positive instance. If a claim spanned more than
one sentence, we annotated all these sentences as positive. Moreover, in some
cases, the same claim was made multiple times in a debate/speech, and thus we
annotated all these sentences that referred to it rather than only the one that
was fact-checked. Finally, we manually refined the annotations by moving them
to a neighbouring sentence (e.g., in case of an argument) or by adding/excluding
some annotations. Table 1 shows some statistics about the CT19-T1 corpus.
    Note that the participating systems were allowed to use external datasets
with fact-checking related annotations as well as to extract information from
the Web, from social media, etc.
3.2   Evaluation Measures

Recall that we defined Task 1 as an information retrieval problem, where we
asked the participating systems to rank the sentences in the input document,
so that the check-worthy sentences are ranked at the top of the list. Hence, we
use mean average precision (MAP) as the official evaluation measure, which is
defined as follows:
                                        d=1 AveP (d)
                            M AP =                                            (1)
where d ∈ D is one of the debates/speeches, and AveP is the average precision,
which in turn is defined as follows:
                                    k=1 (P (k) × δ(k))
                        AveP =                                                (2)
                                 # check-worthy claims
where P (k) refers to the value of precision at rank k and δ(k) = 1 iff the claim
at that position is actually check-worthy.
    As in the 2018 edition of the task [2], following [14] we further report some
other measures: (i ) mean reciprocal rank (MRR), (ii ) mean R-Precision (MR-P),
and (iii ) mean precision@k (P@k). Here mean refers to macro-averaging over
the testing debates/speeches.

4     Overview of Participants’ Approaches

Eleven teams took part in Task 1. The most successful approaches relied on train-
ing supervised classification models to assign a check-worthiness score to each
of the sentences. Some participants tried to model the context of each sentence,
e.g., by considering the neighbouring sentences to represent an instance [12,16].
Yet, the most successful systems analyzed each sentence in isolation, ignoring
the rest of the input text.
    Table 2 shows an overview of the approaches used by the participating sys-
tems. While many systems relied on embedding representations, feature engi-
neering was also popular this year. The most popular features were bag-of-words
representations, part-of-speech (PoS) tags, named entities (NEs), sentiment anal-
ysis, and statistics about word use. Two systems also made use of co-reference
resolution. The most popular classifiers included SVM, linear regression, Naı̈ve
Bayes, decision trees, and neural networks.
    The best performing system achieved a score of 0.166 in terms of MAP.
This is a clear improvement over the best score from last year’s edition of the
task, 0.1332 MAP, but of course the results are not directly comparable as we
have a new test set. Apart from the improvement in participants’ solutions, the
increased performance of the systems can also be attributed to the fact that we
provided twice as much data as we did last year, both for training and for testing
Table 2: Overview of the approaches to Task 1: check-worthiness. The learning
model and the representations for the best system [17] are highlighted.
Learning Models [1][8][9][12][13][17][27][36] Represent.   [1][8][9][12][13][17][27][36]
Neural Networks                               Embeddings
 LSTM                                        PoS                
 Feed-forward                                 word                     
SVM                                           syntactic dep.             
Naı̈ve Bayes                                  SUSE                 
Logistic regressor                           Bag of . . .
Regression trees                               words                             
Teams                                           NEs                               
[1] TOBB ETU        [27] é proibido cochilar   PoS                    
[8] UAICS           [36] Terrier              Readability           
[9] JUNLP           [–] IIT (ISM) Dhanbad Synt. n-grams             
[12] TheEarthIsFlat [–] Factify               Sentiment                
[13] IPIPAN         [–] nlpir01               Subjectivity          
[17] Copenhagen                               Sent. context         

    Team Copenhagen achieved the best overall performance by building upon
their approach from 2018 [16,17]. Their system learned dual token embeddings —
domain-specific word embeddings and syntactic dependencies—, and used them
in an LSTM recurrent neural network. They further pre-trained this network
with previous Trump and Clinton debates, and then supervised it weakly with
the ClaimBuster system.6 In their primary submission, they used a contrastive
ranking loss (excluded in their contrastive1). For their contrastive2 submission,
they concatenated representations for the current and for the previous sentence.
    Team TheEarthIsFlat [12] trained a feed-forward neural network with
two hidden layers, which takes as input Standard Universal Sentence Encoder
(SUSE) embeddings [7] for the current sentence as well as for the two previous
sentences as a context. In their contrastive1 run, they replaced the embeddings
with the Large Universal Sentence Encoder’s ones, and in their constrastive2
run, they trained the model for 1,350 epochs rather than for 1,500 epochs.
    Team IPPAN first extracted various features about the claims, including
bag-of-words n-grams, word2vec vector representations [26], named entity types,
part-of-speech tags, sentiment scores, and features from statistical analysis of
the sentences [13]. Then, they used these features in an L1-regularized logistic
regression to predict the check-worthiness of the sentences.
    Team Terrier represented the sentences using bag-of-words and named en-
tities [36]. They used co-reference resolution to substitute the pronouns by the
referring entity/person name. They further computed entity similarity [39] and
entity relatedness [40]. For prediction, they used an SVM classifier.
    Team UAICS used a Naı̈ve Bayes classifier with bag-of-words features [8].
In their contrastive submissions, they used other models, e.g., logistic regression.
    Team Factify used the pre-trained ULMFiT model [21] and fine-tuned it on
the training set. They further over-sampled the minority class by replacing words
randomly with similar words based on word2vec similarity. They also used data
augmentation based on back-translation, where each sentence was translated to
French, Arabic and Japanese and then back to English.
    Team JUNLP extracted various features, including syntactic n-grams, sen-
timent polarity, text subjectivity, and LIX readability score, and used them to
train a logistic regression classifier with high recall [9]. Then, they trained an
LSTM model fed with word representations from GloVe and part-of-speech tags.
The sentence representations from the LSTM model were concatenated with the
extracted features and used for prediction by a fully connected layer, which had
high precision. Finally, they averaged the posterior probabilities from both mod-
els in order to come up with the final check-worthiness score for the sentence.
    Team nlpir01 extracted features such as tf-idf word vectors, tf-idf PoS vec-
tors, word, character, and PoS tag counts. Then, they used these features in
a multilayer perceptron regressor with two hidden layers, each of size 2,000.
For their contrastive1 run, they oversampled the minority class, and for their
contrastive2 run, they reduced the number of units in each layer to 480.
    Team TOBB ETU used linguistic features such as named entities, topics
extracted with IBM Watson’s NLP tools, PoS tags, bigram counts and indicators
of the type of sentence to train a multiple additive regression tree [1]. They
further decreased the ranks of some sentences using hand-crafted rules. In their
contrastive1 run, they added the speaker as a feature, while in their contrastive2
run they used logistic regression.
    Team IIT (ISM) Dhanbad trained an LSTM-based recurrent neural net-
work. They fed the network with word2vec embeddings and features extracted
from constituency parse trees as well as features based on named entities and
sentiment analysis.
    Team é proibido cochilar trained an SVM model on bag-of-words represen-
tations of the sentences, after performing co-reference resolution and removing
all digits [27]. They further used an additional corpus of labelled claims, which
they extracted from fact-checking websites, aiming at having a more balanced
training corpus and potentially better generalizations.7
    Compared to last year, there have been a number of new features introduced
such as context features, readability scores, topics, and subjectivity. In terms or
representation, we see not only word embeddings (as last year), but also some
new representations based on PoS, syntactic dependency, and SUSE embeddings.
Moreover, the participants this year actively explored ways of using external data
and re-ranking techniques, with systems going beyond simple classification and
introducing specialized ranking losses and regression models.

    Their claim crawling tool: http://github.comx/vwoloszyn/fake_news_extractor
Table 3: Results for Task 1: Check-worthiness. The results for the primary sub-
mission appear next to the team’s identifier, followed by the contrastive sub-
missions (if any). The subscript numbers indicate the rank of each primary
submission with respect to the corresponding evaluation measure.
    Team                  MAP RR          R-P     P@1     P@3     P@5     P@10 P@20 P@50
[17] Copenhagen           .16601 .41763 .13874 .28572 .23811 .25711 .22862 .15712 .12292
     contr.-1             .1496   .3098   .1297   .1429   .2381   .2000   .2000   .1429   .1143
     contr.-2             .1580   .2740   .1622   .1429   .1905   .2286   .2429   .1786   .1200

[12] TheEarthIsFlat       .15972 .195311 .20521 .00004 .09523 .22862 .21433 .18571 .14571
     contr.-1             .1453   .3158   .1101   .2857   .2381   .1429   .1429   .1357   .1171
     contr.-2             .1821   .4187   .1937   .2857   .2381   .2286   .2286   .2143   .1400

[13] IPIPAN               .13323 .28646 .14812 .14293 .09523 .14295 .17145 .15003 .11713
[36] Terrier              .12634 .32535 .10888 .28572 .23811 .20003 .20004 .12866 .09147
[8] UAICS                 .12345 .46501 .14603 .42861 .23811 .22862 .24291 .14294 .09436
     contr.-1             .0649   .2817   .0655   .1429   .2381   .1429   .1143   .0786   .0343
     contr.-2             .0726   .4492   .0547   .4286   .2857   .1714   .1143   .0643   .0257

    Factify               .12106 .22858 .12925 .14293 .09523 .11436 .14296 .14294 .10864
[9] JUNLP                 .11627 .44192 .11287 .28572 .19052 .17144 .17145 .12866 .10005
     contr.-1             .0976   .3054   .0814   .1429   .2381   .1429   .0857   .0786   .0771
     contr.-2             .1226   .4465   .1357   .2857   .2381   .2000   .1571   .1286   .0886

    nlpir01               .10008 .28407 .10639 .14293 .23811 .17144 .10008 .12147 .09436
     contr.-1             .0966   .3797   .0849   .2857   .1905   .2286   .1429   .1071   .0886
     contr.-2             .0965   .3391   .1129   .1429   .2381   .2286   .1571   .1286   .0943

[1] TOBB ETU              .08849 .202810 .11506 .00004 .09523 .14295 .12867 .13575 .08298
     contr.-1             .0898   .2013   .1150   .0000   .1429   .1143   .1286   .1429   .0829
     contr.-2             .0913   .3427   .1007   .1429   .1429   .1143   .0714   .1214   .0829

    IIT (ISM) Dhanbad .083510 .22389 .071411 .00004 .19052 .11436 .08579 .08579 .07719
[27] é proibido cochilar .079611 .35144 .088610 .14293 .23811 .14295 .12867 .10718 .071410
     contr.-1             .1357   .5414   .1595   .4286   .2381   .2571   .2714   .1643   .1200

5    Evaluation

The participants were allowed to submit one primary and up to two contrastive
runs in order to test variations of their primary models or entirely different al-
ternative models. Only the primary runs were considered for the official ranking.
A total of eleven teams submitted 21 runs. Table 3 shows the results.
    The best-performing system was the one by team Copenhagen. They achieved
a strong MAP score using a ranking loss based on contrastive sampling. Indeed,
this is the only team that modelled the task as a ranking one and the decrease
in the performance without the ranking loss (see their contrastive1 run) shows
the importance of using this loss.
    Two teams made use of external datasets: team Copenhagen used a weakly
supervised dataset for pretraining, and team é proibido cochilar included
claims scraped from several fact-checking Web sites.
    In order to address the class imbalance in the training dataset, team nlpir01
used oversampling in their contrastive1 run, but could not gain any improve-
ments. Oversampling and augmenting with additional data points did not help
team é proibido cochilar either.
    Many systems used pretrained sentence or word embedding models. Team
TheEarthIsFlat, which has the second-best performing system, used the Stan-
dard Universal Sentence Embeddings, which performed well on the task. The
best MAP score overall was achieved by the contrastive2 run by this team: the
only difference with respect to their primary submission was the number of train-
ing epochs. Some teams also used fine-tuning, e.g., team Factify fine-tuned the
ULMFiT model on the training dataset.
    Interestingly, the top-performing run was an unofficial one, namely the con-
trastive2 run by the TheEarthIsFlat team [12]. As described in Section 4, this
model consisted of a feed-forward neural network fed with Standard Universal
Sentence Encoder embeddings. The only difference with their primary run is the
number of epochs they trained the network for.

6   Discussion

Debates vs. Speeches While the training data included debates only, the test data
also contained speeches. Thus, it is interesting to see how the systems perform
on debates vs. speeches. Table 4 shows the MAP for the primary submissions.
This year again, the performance on speeches was better than on debates. The
best MAP on speeches last year was .1460, while on debates it was .1011. We
can see that thus year the performance on speeches improved by more than
10% absolute, while the performance on debates decreased by almost 5%. We
are not sure why this should be the case, but the speeches in our test dataset
contain about twice as many check-worthy claims as there are in the debates
(see Table 1).

     Table 4: MAP for the primary submissions for debates vs. speeches.
                           Team                Debates Speeches
              [17] Copenhagen                    .05382   .25021
              [12] TheEarthIsFlat                .04873    .24302
              [13] IPIPAN                       .06321     .18585
              [36] Terrier                      .021011    .20533
               [8] UAICS                        .023510    .19834
                   Factify                       .04374    .17906
               [9] JUNLP                         .03875    .17437
                   nlpir01                       .03298    .15048
               [1] TOBB ETU                      .03149    .13119
                   IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, India      .03646   .118810
              [27] é proibido cochilar          .03517   .113011
Ensembles We further experimented with constructing an ensemble using the
scores by the individual systems. In particular, we first performed min-max nor-
malization of the predictions of the individual systems, and then we summed
these normalized scores.8 The overall results are shown in Table 5. We can see
that there is a small improvement for the ensemble over the best individual sys-
tem in terms of MAP (compare the first to the last line). The results for the other
evaluation measures are somewhat mixed, which might be due to contradictions
or duplication of the information coming from the different systems.

Ablation Table 5 further shows the results for ablation experiments, where we
add one system to the ensemble at a time. We can see that the ensemble of the
top-4 systems works best. However, as we keep adding systems, the score does
not always improve. This can be due to various reasons, e.g., the noise and the
wrong signal we get from the systems can harm instead of improve the final
score. The best combination of teams in terms of MAP is shown on the last line
of the table, and it includes the teams Copenhagen, TheEarthIsFlat and Terrier.

Table 5: Ablation results from adding one team at a time to an ensemble. The
ensemble is the sum of the score by each of the teams in the ensemble. The order
of adding the teams in the ensemble is based on their official rank.
Team                                    MAP RR      R-P   P@1 P@3 P@5 P@10 P@20 P@50
Copenhagen (best team)                  .1660 .4176 .1387 .2857 .2381 .2571 .2286 .1571 .1229
+ TheEarthIsFlat                        .1694 .3959 .1613 .2857 .1905 .2000 .2286 .1714 .1286
+ IPIPAN                                .1647 .3681 .1548 .1429 .1905 .2571 .2000 .1714 .1314
+ Terrier                               .1707 .4474 .1694 .2857 .2857 .2571 .2143 .1929 .1286
+ UAICS                                 .1601 .4025 .1557 .2857 .2381 .2286 .2143 .1714 .1257
+ Factify                               .1605 .3983 .1655 .2857 .2381 .2286 .2143 .1571 .1286
+ JUNLP                                 .1547 .3211 .1873 .1429 .2381 .2571 .2000 .1929 .1229
+ nlpir01                               .1538 .3376 .1930 .1429 .2381 .2286 .1714 .2071 .1257
+ TOBB ETU                              .1530 .3386 .1918 .1429 .2381 .2286 .1714 .2000 .1257
+ IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, India              .1476 .3148 .1918 .1429 .1905 .2000 .1714 .1857 .1257
+ é proibido cochilar                  .1514 .4585 .1750 .2857 .2381 .2571 .2143 .1786 .1200
Copenhagen + TheEarthIsFlat + Terrier .1747 .3771 .1877 .2857 .1905 .2000 .2429 .1929 .1257

7    Conclusion and Future Work
We have presented an overview of the CLEF–2019 CheckThat! Lab Task 1 on
Automatic Identification of Claims. The task asked the participating teams to
predict which claims in a political debate should be prioritized for fact-checking.
As part of the CheckThat! lab, we release the dataset and the evaluation tools
in order to enable further research in check-worthiness estimation.9
  We also tried summing the reciprocal ranks of the rankings that the systems assigned
  to each sentence, but this yielded much worse results.
    A total of 11 teams participated in task 1 (compared to 7 in 2018). The
evaluation results show that the most successful approaches used various neural
networks and logistic regression.
    In future work, we want to expand the dataset with more annotations, which
should enable more interesting neural network architectures. We also plan to
include information from multiple fact-checking organizations. As noted in [14],
the agreement between the selection choices for different fact-checking organi-
zations is low, meaning that there is a certain bias in the selection of claims by
each of the fact-checking organizations, and aggregating the annotations from
multiple sources could potentially help in that respect. It would further enable
multi-task learning [37]


We want to thank Spas Kyuchukov and Oliver Ren for taking part in the anno-
tation process of the new speeches and debates for this year’s extended dataset.
    This work is part of the Tanbih project,10 which aims to limit the effect of
“fake news”, propaganda and media bias by making users aware of what they are
reading. The project is developed in collaboration between the Qatar Computing
Research Institute (QCRI), HBKU and the MIT Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).


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