=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_270 |storemode=property |title=Overview of the CLEF-2019 CheckThat! Lab: Automatic Identification and Verification of Claims. Task 2: Evidence and Factuality |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_270.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Maram Hasanain,Reem Suwaileh,Tamer Elsayed,Alberto Barrón-Cedeño,Preslav Nakov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/HasanainSEBN19 }} ==Overview of the CLEF-2019 CheckThat! Lab: Automatic Identification and Verification of Claims. Task 2: Evidence and Factuality== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_270.pdf
        Overview of the CLEF-2019 CheckThat! Lab:
         Automatic Identification and Verification of
          Claims. Task 2: Evidence and Factuality

                 Maram Hasanain1 , Reem Suwaileh1 , Tamer Elsayed1 ,
                    Alberto Barrón-Cedeño2 , and Preslav Nakov3
        Computer Science and Engineering Department, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
                          DIT, Università di Bologna, Forlı̀, Italy
                 Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU, Doha, Qatar

          Abstract. We present an overview of Task 2 of the second edition of
          the CheckThat! Lab at CLEF 2019. Task 2 asked (A) to rank a given
          set of Web pages with respect to a check-worthy claim based on their
          usefulness for fact-checking that claim, (B) to classify these same Web
          pages according to their degree of usefulness for fact-checking the target
          claim, (C) to identify useful passages from these pages, and (D) to use
          the useful pages to predict the claim’s factuality. Task 2 at CheckThat!
          provided a full evaluation framework, consisting of data in Arabic (gath-
          ered and annotated from scratch) and evaluation based on normalized
          discounted cumulative gain (nDCG) for ranking, and F1 for classification.
          Four teams submitted runs. The most successful approach to subtask A
          used learning-to-rank, while different classifiers were used in the other
          subtasks. We release to the research community all datasets from the lab
          as well as the evaluation scripts, which should enable further research in
          the important task of evidence-based automatic claim verification.

Keywords: Fact-Checking · Veracity · Evidence-based Verification · Fake News
Detection · Computational Journalism

1        Introduction
The spread of “fake news” in all types of online media created a pressing need
for automatic fake news detection systems [23]. The problem has various as-
pects [24], but here we are interested in identifying the information that is
useful for fact-checking a given claim, and then also in predicting its factual-
ity [5,13,20,22,25,28].
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
               Debate               Check worthiness                  claims

                             A   Rerank search results
                             B   Classify search results
                             C   Classify passages on usefulness
              Web search                                           Fact-checked
               results                 Fact-checking

Fig. 1: Information verification pipeline with the two tasks in the CheckThat!
lab: check-worthiness estimation and factuality verification.

    Evidence-based fake news detection systems can serve fact-checking in two
ways: (i ) by facilitating the job of a human fact-checker, but not replacing
her, and (ii ) by increasing her trust in a system’s decision [19,22,25]. We fo-
cus on the problem of checking the factuality of a claim, which has been stud-
ied before but rarely in the context of evidence-based fake news detection sys-
tems [3,4,7,15,17,21,27,29].
    There are several challenges that make the development of automatic fake
news detection systems difficult:
 1. A fact-checking system is effective if it is able to identify a false claim before
    it reaches a large audience. Thus, the current speed at which claims spread
    on the Internet and social media imposes strict efficiency constraints on fact-
    checking systems.
 2. The problem is difficult to the extent that, in some cases, even humans can
    hardly distinguish between fake and true news [24].
 3. There are very few large-scale benchmark datasets that could be used to test
    and improve fake news detection systems [24,25].
    Thus, in 2018 we started the CheckThat! lab on Automatic Identification and
Verification of Political Claims [1,6,18]. We organized a second edition of the lab
in 2019 [2,8,9], which aims at providing a full evaluation framework along with
large-scale evaluation datasets. The lab this year is organized around two differ-
ent tasks, which correspond to the main blocks in the verification pipeline, as
depicted in Figure 1. This paper describes Task 2: Evidence and Factuality.
This task focuses on extracting evidence from the Web to support the making of
a veracity judgment for a given target claim. We divide Task 2 into the follow-
ing four subtasks: (A) ranking Web pages with respect to a check-worthy claim
based on their potential usefulness for fact-checking that claim; (B) classifying
Web pages according to their degree of usefulness for fact-checking the target
claim; (C) extracting passages from these Web pages that would be useful for
fact-checking the target claim; and (D) using these useful pages to verify whether
the target claim is factually true or not.
    Since Task 2 in this edition of the lab had a different goal from last year’s [18],
we built a new dataset from scratch by manually curating claims, retrieving Web
pages through a commercial search engine, and then hiring both in-house and
crowd annotators to collect judgments for the four subtasks. As a result of our
efforts, we release the CT19-T2 dataset, which contains Arabic claims as well as
retrieved Web pages, along with three sets of annotations for the four subtasks.
    Four teams participated in this year’s Task 2, and they submitted 55% more
runs compared to the 2018 edition [18]. The most successful systems relied on
supervised machine learning models for both ranking and classification. We be-
lieve that there is still large room for improvement, and thus we release the
annotated corpora and the evaluation scripts, which should enable further re-
search on evidence-supported automatic claim verification.1
    The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the
task in detail. Section 3 describes the dataset. Section 4 describes the participans’
approaches and their performance on the four subtasks. Finally, Section 5 draws
some conclusions and points to possible directions for future work.

2     Task Definition
Task 2 focuses on building tools to verify the factuality of a given claim. This is
the first-ever version of this task, and we run it in Arabic.2 The task is formally
defined as follows:
       Given a check-worthy claim c and a set of Web pages P (the re-
       trieved results of Web search in response to a search query repre-
       senting c), identify which of the Web pages (and passages A of those
       Web pages) can be useful for assisting a human in fact-checking the
       claim. Finally, determine the factuality of the claim according to the
       supporting information in the useful pages and passages.
   As Figure 2 shows, the task is divided into four subtasks that target different
aspects of the problem.

                  Fig. 2: A zoom into the four subtasks in Task 2.

    In 2018, we had a different fact-checking task, where no retrieved Web pages were
    provided [6].
Subtask A, Webpage ranking: Rank the Web pages P based on how useful
   they are for verifying the target claim. The systems are asked to produce
   a score for each page, based on which the pages would be ranked. See the
   definition of “useful” below.
Subtask B, Webpage classification: Classify each Web page p ∈ P as “very
   useful for verification”, “useful”, “not useful”, or “not relevant.” A page p
   is considered very useful for verification if it is relevant with respect to c
   (i.e., on-topic and discussing the claim) and it provides sufficient evidence
   to verify the veracity of c, such that there is no need for another document
   to be considered for verifying this claim. A page is useful for verification if it
   is relevant to the claim and provides some valid evidence, but it is not solely
   sufficient to determine the c’s veracity on its own. The evidence can be a
   source, some statistics, a quote, etc.
   A particular piece of evidence is considered not valid if the source cannot be
   verified or is ambiguous (e.g., expressing that “experts say that. . . ” without
   mentioning who those experts are), or it is just an opinion of a person/expert
   instead of an objective analysis.
   Notice that this is different from stance detection as a page might agree with
   a claim, but it might still lack evidence to verify it.
Subtask C, Passage identification: Find passages within the Web pages P
   that are useful for claim verification. Again, notice that this is different
   from stance detection.
Subtask D, Claim classification: Classify the claim’s factuality as “true” or
   “false.” The claim is considered true if it is accurate as stated (or there is
   sufficient reliable evidence supporting it), otherwise it is considered false.

    Figure 3 shows an example: a Web page considered as useful for verifying
the given claim, since it has evidence showing the claim to be true and it is an
official United Kingdom page on national statistics. The useful passage in the
page is the one reporting the supporting statistics. For the sake of readability,
the example is given in English, but this year the task was offered only in Arabic.

           Claim                               Useful Web page
  e-commerce sales in UK
   increased by 8 billions
  between 2015 and 2016

Fig. 3: English claim, a useful Web page, and a useful passage (in the orange
rectangle on the right).
    Figure 4 shows an Arabic example of an actual claim, a useful Web page,
and a paragraph from our training dataset. The claim translates to English as
follows: “The Confederation of African Football has withdrawn the organization
of the Africa Cup of Nations from Cameroon.” The page shows a news article
reporting the news; it is useful for facrt-checking since it contains a quotation of
an official statement confirming the claim.

                                                            pageID: CT19-T2-077-22
              :CT19-T2-077 ‫االدعاء‬
    ‫األفريق لكرة القدم تنظيم‬
                      ‫ي‬      ‫سحب االتحاد‬
      .‫نهائيات كأس أمم أفريقيا من الكاميون‬

                                             parID: CT19-T2-077-22-01

Fig. 4: Arabic claim, a useful Web page, and a useful passage (in the orange
rectangle on the right) from the training data.

3       Dataset

Collecting claims. Subtasks A, B, and C are all new to the lab this year.
As a result, we built a new evaluation dataset to support all subtasks —the
CT19-T2 corpus. We selected 69 claims from multiple sources including a pre-
existing set of Arabic claims [5], a survey in which we asked the public to provide
examples of claims they have heard of, and some headlines from six Arabic news
agencies that we rewrote into claims. The news agencies selected are well-known
in the Arab world: Al Jazeera, BBC Arabic, CNN Arabic, Al Youm Al Sabea,
Al Arabiya, and RT Arabic. We made sure the claims span different topical
domains, e.g., health or sports, besides politics. Ten claims were released for
training and the rest were used for testing.
Labeling claims. We acquired the veracity labels for the claims in two steps.
First, two of the lab organizers labelled each of the 69 claims independently.
Then, they met to resolve any disagreements, and thus reach consensus on the
veracity labels for all claims.
Labeling pages and passages. We formulated a query representing each claim,
and we issued it against the Google search engine in order to retrieve the top 100
Web pages. We used a language detection tool to filter out non-Arabic pages,
and we eventually used the top-50 of the remaining pages. The labeling pipeline
was carried out as follows:

1. Relevance. We first identified relevant pages, since we assume that non-
   relevant pages cannot be useful for claim verification, and thus should be
   filtered out from any further labeling. In order to speedup the relevance la-
   beling process, we hired two types of annotators: Amazon Mechanical Turk
   crowd-workers and in-house annotators. Each page was labeled by three an-
   notators, and the majority label was used as the final page label.
2. Usefulness as a whole. Relevant pages were then given to in-house an-
   notators to be labeled for usefulness using a two-way classification scheme:
   useful (including very useful, but not distinguishing between the two) and
   not useful. Similarly to relevance labeling, each page was labeled by three
   annotators, and the final page label was the majority label.
3. Useful vs. very useful. One of the lab organizers went over the useful
   pages from step 2 and further classified them into useful and very useful. We
   opted for this design since we found through pilot studies that the annotators
   found it difficult to differentiate between useful and very useful pages.
4. Splitting into passages. We manually split the useful and the very useful
   pages into passages, as we found that the automatic techniques for splitting
   pages into passages were not accurate enough.
5. Useful passages. Finally, one of the lab organizers labelled each passage
   for usefulness. Due to time constraints, we could not split the pages and
   label the resulting passages for all the claims in the testing set. Thus, we
   only release labels for passages of pages corresponding to 33 out of the 59
   testing claims. Note that this only affects subtask C.

   Table 1 summarizes the statistics about the training and the test data. Note
that the passages in the test set are for 33 claims only (see above).

           Table 1: Statistics about the CT19-T2 corpus for Task 2.
                           Claims           Pages         Passages
           Set          Total True     Total Useful      Total Useful
           Training        10     5       395     32        167     54
           Test            59    30     2,641    575      1,722    578
                    Table 2: Summary of participants’ approaches.
    Subtask                             A                B              C           D2
    Team                          [10] [12] [26] [10] [11] [12] [26] [10] [12] [11] [12] [26]
    BERT embeddings                                                 
    Word embeddings                                                           
    Bag of words                                                                  
    Feed-Forward DNN                                                
    Naı̈ve Bayes                                                         
    Random Forest                                                                 
    Gradient Boosting                                                               
    Support vector machine                                               
    Enhanced Sequential Inference                                              
    External data                                                   

    [10] TheEarthIsFlat
    [11] UPV-UMA
    [12] bigIR
    [26] EvolutionTeam

4      Evaluation

In this section we describe the participants’ approaches to the different subtasks.
Table 2 summarizes the approaches. We also present the evaluation set-up used
to evaluate each subtask, and then we present and discuss the results.

4.1     Subtask A

Runs. Three teams participated in this subtask submitting a total of seven
runs [10,12,26]. There were two kinds of approaches. In the first kind, token-level
BERT embeddings were used with text classification to rank pages [10]. In the
second kind, the runs used a learning-to-rank model based on different classifiers,
including Naı̈ve Bayes and Random Forest, with a variety of features [12]. In one
run, external data was used to train the text classifier [10], while all other runs
represent systems trained on the provided labelled data only.
Table 3: Results for Subtask 2.A, ordered by nDCG@10 score. The runs that
used external data are marked with *.
  Team                Run   nDCG@5       nDCG@10       nDCG@15       nDCG@20
  Baseline             –       0.52         0.55          0.58          0.61
  bigIR                1       0.47         0.50          0.54          0.55
  bigIR                3       0.41         0.47          0.50          0.52
  EvolutionTeam        1       0.40         0.45          0.48          0.51
  bigIR                4       0.39         0.45          0.48          0.51
  bigIR                2       0.38         0.41          0.45          0.47
  TheEarthIsFlat2A     1       0.08         0.10          0.12          0.14
  TheEarthIsFlat2A*    2       0.05         0.07          0.10          0.12

Evaluation measures. Subtask A was modeled as a ranking problem, in which
very useful and useful pages should be ranked on top. Since this is a graded use-
fulness problem, we evaluate it using the mean of Normalized Discounted Cumu-
lative Gain (nDCG) [14,16]. In particular, we consider nDCG@10 (i.e., nDCG
computed at cutoff 10) as the official evaluation measure for this subtask, but
we report nDCG at cutoffs 5, 15, and 20 as well. For all measures, we used
macro-averaging over the testing claims.
Results. Table 3 shows the results for all seven runs. It also includes the results
for a simple baseline: the original ranking in the search result list. We can see
that the baseline surprisingly performs the best. This is due to the fact that in
our definition of usefulness, useful pages must be relevant, and Google, as an
effective search engine, has managed to rank relevant pages (and consequently,
many of the useful pages) first. This result indicates that the task of ranking
pages by usefulness is not easy and systems need to be further developed in order
to differentiate between relevance and usefulness, while also benefiting from the
relevance-based rank of a page.

4.2   Subtask B
Runs. Four teams participated in this subtask, submitting a total of eight
runs [10,11,12,26]. All runs used supervised text classification models, such as
Random Forest and Gradient Boosting [12]. Two teams opted for using embedding-
based language representations: one considered word embeddings [11] and an-
other BERT-based token-level embeddings [10]. In one run, external data was
used to train the model [10], while all the remaining runs were trained on the
provided training data only.
Evaluation measures. Similarly to Subtask A, Subtask B also aims at iden-
tifying useful pages for claim verification, but it is modeled as a classification,
rather than a ranking problem. Thus, here we use standard evaluation measures
for text classification: Precision, Recall, F1 , and Accuracy, with F1 being the
official score for the task.
Table 4: Results for Subtask 2.B for 2-way and 4-way classification. The runs
are ranked by F1 score. Runs tagged with * used external data.

         (a) 2-way classification                  (b) 4-way classification

Team           Run F1       P       R   Acc Team         Run F1       P       R   Acc
Baseline        –    0.42 0.30 0.72 0.57   TheEarthIsFlat 1    0.31 0.28 0.36 0.59
UPV-UMA         1    0.38 0.26 0.73 0.49   bigIR           3   0.31 0.37 0.33 0.58
bigIR           1    0.08 0.40 0.04 0.78   TheEarthIsFlat* 2   0.30 0.27 0.35 0.60
bigIR           3    0.07 0.39 0.04 0.78   bigIR           4   0.30 0.41 0.32 0.57
bigIR           4    0.07 0.57 0.04 0.78   EvolutionTeam 1     0.29 0.26 0.33 0.58
bigIR           2    0.04 0.22 0.02 0.77   Baseline        –   0.28 0.32 0.32 0.30
TheEarthIsFlat 1     0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78   UPV-UMA         1   0.23 0.30 0.29 0.24
TheEarthIsFlat* 2    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78   bigIR           1   0.16 0.25 0.23 0.26
EvolutionTeam 1      0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78   bigIR           2   0.16 0.25 0.22 0.25

Results. Table 4a reports the results for 2-way classification —useful/very useful
vs. not useful/not relevant—, reporting results for predicting the useful class.
Table 4b shows the results for 4-way classification —very useful vs. useful vs. not
useful vs. not relevant—, reporting macro-averaged scores over the four classes,
for each of the evaluation measures.
    We include a baseline: the original ranking from the search results list. The
baseline assumes the top-50% of the results to be useful and the rest not useful
for the 2-way classification. For the 4-way classification, the baseline assumes
the top-25% to be very useful, the next 25% to be useful, the third 25% to be
not useful, and the rest to be not relevant.
    Table 4a shows that almost all systems struggled to retrieve any useful pages
at all. Team UPV-UMA is the only one that managed to achieve high recall.
This is probably due to the useful class being under-represented in the training
dataset, while being much more frequent in the test dataset: we can see in Table 1
that it covers just 8% of the training examples, but 22% of the testing ones.
Training the models with a limited number of useful pages might have caused
them to learn to underpredict this class. Similarly to Subtask A, the simple
baseline that assumes the top-ranked pages to be more useful is most effective.
This again can be due to the correlation between usefulness and relevance.
    Comparing the results in Table 4a to those in Table 4b, we notice a very
different performance ranking; runs that had the worst performance at finding
useful pages, are actually among the best runs in the 4-way classification. These
runs were able to effectively detect the not relevant and not useful pages as
compared to useful ones. The baseline, which was effective at identifying useful
pages, is not as effective at identifying pages in the other classes. This might
indicate that not useful and not relevant pages are not always at the bottom of
the ranked list as this baseline assumes, which sheds some light on the importance
of usefulness estimation to aid fact-checking.
Table 5: Performance of the models when predicting useful passages for Subtask
2.C. Precision, recall and F1 are calculated with respect to the positive class,
i.e., useful. The runs are ranked by F1 .
             Team                     Run     F1      P     R     Acc
             TheEarthIsFlat2Cnoext      1    0.56   0.40   0.94   0.51
             TheEarthIsFlat2Cnoext      2    0.55   0.41   0.87   0.53
             bigIR                      2    0.40   0.39   0.42   0.58
             bigIR                      1    0.39   0.38   0.41   0.58
             bigIR                      4    0.37   0.37   0.38   0.57
             Baseline                        0.37   0.42   0.39   0.57
             bigIR                      3    0.19   0.33   0.14   0.61

   One additional factor that might have caused such a varied ranking of runs is
our own observation on the difficulty and subjectivity of differentiating between
useful and very useful pages. At annotation time, we observed that annotators
and even lab organizers were not able to easily distinguish between these two
types of pages.

4.3   Subtask C

Runs. Two teams participated in this subtask [10,12], submitting a total of
seven runs. One of the teams used text classifiers including Naı̈ve Bayes and
SVM with a variety of features such as bag-of-words and named entities [12]. All
runs also considered using the similarity between the claim and the passages as
a feature in their models.
Evaluation measures. Subtask C aims at identifying useful passages for claim
verification and we modeled it as a classification problem. As in typical classifi-
cation problems, we evaluated it using Precision, Recall, F1 , and Accuracy, with
F1 being the official evaluation measure.
Results. Table 5 shows the evaluation results, including a simple baseline that
assumes the first passage in a page to be not useful, the next two passages to be
useful, and the remaining passages to be not useful. This baseline is motivated
by our observation that useful passages are typically located at the heart of the
document following some introductory passage(s).
   Team TheEarthIsFlat managed to identify most useful passages, thus achiev-
ing a very high recall (0.94 for its run 1), with a relatively similar precision to
the other runs, and the baseline. Note that in all the runs by the bigIR system,
as well as in the baseline system, the precision and the recall are fairly balanced.
The baseline performs almost as well as the four runs by bigIR. This indicates
that considering the position of the passage in a page might be a useful feature
when predicting the passage usefulness, and thus it should be considered when
addressing the problem.
Table 6: Results for Subtask 2.D for both cycles 1 and 2. The runs are ranked
by F1 score. The runs tagged with a * used external data.

(a) Cycle 1, where the usefulness of the (b) Cycle 2, where the the usefulness of the
Web pages was unknown.                   Web pages was known.

Team             F1     P     R    Acc Team               Run    F1     P     R    Acc
EvolutionTeam 0.48 0.55 0.53 0.53 UPV-UMA*                 21   0.62 0.63 0.63 0.63
Baseline      0.34 0.25 0.50 0.51 UPV-UMA*                 11   0.55 0.56 0.56 0.56
                                  UPV-UMA*                 22   0.54 0.60 0.57 0.58
                                  bigIR                     1   0.53 0.55 0.55 0.54
                                  bigIR                     3   0.53 0.55 0.54 0.54
                                  bigIR                     2   0.51 0.53 0.53 0.53
                                  bigIR                     4   0.51 0.53 0.53 0.53
                                  UPV-UMA*                 12   0.51 0.65 0.57 0.58
                                  EvolutionTeam             1   0.43 0.45 0.46 0.46
                                  Baseline                      0.34 0.25 0.50 0.51

4.4   Subtask D

The main aim of Task 2 was to study the effect of using identified useful and
very useful pages for claim verification. Thus, we had two evaluation cycles for
Subtask D. In the first cycle, the teams were asked to fact-check claims using all
the Web pages, without knowing which were useful /very useful. In the second
cycle, the usefulness labels were released in order to allow the systems to fact-
check the claims using only useful /very useful Web pages.

Runs. Two teams participated in cycle 1, submitting one run each [12,26], but
one of the runs was invalid, and thus there is only one official run. Cycle 2
attracted more participation: three teams with nine runs [11,12,26]. Thus, we
will focus our discussion on cycle 2. One team opted for using textual entailment
with embedding-based representations for classification [11]. Another team used
text classifiers such as Gradient Boosting and Random Forests [12]. External
data was used to train the textual entailment component of the system in four
runs, whereas the remaining runs were trained on the provided data only.

Evaluation measures. Subtask D aims at predicting a claim’s veracity. It is
a classification task, and thus we evaluate it using Precision, Recall, F1 , and
Accuracy, with F1 being the official measure.

Results. Table 6 shows the results for cycles 1 and 2, where we macro-average
precision, recall, and F1 over the two classes. We show the results for a simple
majority-class baseline, which all runs manage to beat for both cycles.
   Due to the low participation in cycle 1, it is difficult to draw conclusions about
whether providing systems with useful pages helps to improve their performance.
5     Conclusion and Future Work
We have presented an overview of Task 2 of the CLEF–2019 CheckThat! Lab on
Automatic Identification and Verification of Claims, which is the second edition
of the lab. Task 2 was designed to aid a human who is fact-checking a claim.
It asked systems (A) to rank Web pages with respect to a check-worthy claim
based on their usefulness for fact-checking that claim, (B) to classify the Web
pages according to their degree of usefulness, (C) to identify useful passages from
these pages, and (D) to use the useful pages to predict the claim’s factuality. As
part of the lab, we release a dataset in Arabic in order to enable further research
in automatic claim verification.
    A total of four teams participated in the task (compared to two in 2018)
submitting a total of 31 runs. The evaluation results show that the most suc-
cessful approaches to Task 2 used learning-to-rank for subtask A, while different
classifiers were used in the other subtasks.
    Although one of the aims of the lab was to study the effect of using useful
pages for claim verification, the low participation in the first cycle of subtask D
has hindered carrying such a study. In the future, we plan to setup this subtask,
so that the teams would need to participate in both cycles in order for their runs
to be considered valid. We also plan to extend the dataset for Task 2 to include
claims in at least one language other than Arabic.

This work was made possible in part by grant# NPRP 7-1330-2-483 from the
Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements
made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.
    This research is also part of the Tanbih project,3 which aims to limit the
effect of “fake news”, propaganda and media bias by making users aware of
what they are reading. The project is developed in collaboration between the
Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), HBKU and the MIT Computer
Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

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