=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_49 |storemode=property |title=Authorship Attribution in Fan-fictional Texts given Variable Length Character and Word n-grams |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_49.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Lukas Muttenthaler,Gordon Lucas,Janek Amann |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/MuttenthalerLA19 }} ==Authorship Attribution in Fan-fictional Texts given Variable Length Character and Word n-grams== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_49.pdf
   Authorship Attribution in Fan-Fictional Texts given
     variable length Character and Word N-Grams
                        Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

Lukas Muttenthaler?,1[0000−0002−0804−4687] , Gordon Lucas2[0000−0002−5626−6890] , and
                        Janek Amann[0000−0002−9868−9568]

                             University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
             1 Department of Computer Science, 2 Department of Psychology

                                  mnd926@alumni. ku.dk

      Abstract The task of authorship attribution (AA) requires text features to be
      represented according to rigorous experiments. In the current study, we aimed
      to develop three different n-gram models to identify authors of various fan-
      fictional texts. Each of the three models was developed as a variable-length n-
      gram model. We implemented both a standard character n-gram model (2 − 5
      gram), a distorted character n-gram model (1 − 3 gram) and a word n-gram
      model (1−3 gram) to not only capture the syntactic features, but also the lexical
      features and content of a given text. Token weighting was performed through
      term-frequency inverse-document frequency (tf-idf) computation. For each
      of the three models, we implemented a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM)
      classifier, and in the end applied a soft voting procedure to take the average of
      the classifiers’ results. Results showed, that among the three individual mod-
      els, the standard character n-gram model performed best. However, the com-
      bination of all three classifier’s predictions yielded the best results overall. To
      enhance computational efficiency, we computed dimensionality reduction us-
      ing Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) before fitting the SVMs with training
      data. With a run time of approximately 180 seconds for all 20 problems, we
      achieved a macro F1-score of 70.5% for the development corpus and a F1-score
      of 69% for the competition’s test corpus, which significantly outperformed the
      PAN 2019 baseline classifier. Thus, we have shown that it is not a single feature
      representation that will yield accurate classifications, but rather the combina-
      tion of various text representations that will depict an author’s writing style
      most thoroughly.

      Keywords: authorship attribution, n-grams, tf-idf, Support Vector Machine,
      Singular Value Decomposition

? Corresponding author.

 Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
 License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
1 Introduction

Authorship Attribution (AA) is the task of determining the author of a text from a set
of candidates. It can be a daunting exercise for both humans and machines, if one
does not know which parts of a document represent an author’s writing style. How-
ever, if features are represented according to rigorous experiments (e.g., through the
use of regular expressions and hyper parameter optimization) and adequately cap-
ture the syntactic use of language, it may well support automated systems which aim
to recognize a text’s author. In the context of machine learning, AA can be regarded
as a multi-class, single-label text classification problem [6]. Its applications include
plagiarism detection and forensic linguistics as well as research in literature [4,11].
For comprehensive surveys of this topic see [5] and [12].
    In this working notes paper, we describe our approach to the cross-domain AA
task of the PAN 2019 competition, which comprised of the identification of the au-
thors of fan fiction [8]. Fan fiction describes literary works written by fans based on a
previous, original literary work (also called the fandom). Fan fiction usually includes
the characters from the original, it does, however, change or reinterpret other parts
of the story, such as settings or endings, or explores a less prominent character in
more detail [7]. In recent years, fan fiction has generated some controversy concern-
ing the violation of intellectual rights [8]. In this years PAN competition, one of the
tasks constitutes of 20 author identification problems in English, French, Italian and
Spanish (5 for each language). Each problem featured 9 candidate authors, for each
of which 7 known texts were provided. The term cross-domain in this particular con-
text refers to the fact that the texts with known authorship were from different fan-
doms, whereas the unknown texts were in a single and different fandom [8]. While
PAN 2018 featured a closed set of candidate authors, this years task presents an open
set problem: The real author of some tests cases are unknown.

2 Method

2.1 Feature Representation

Similarly to last year’s best performing team [2], we deployed three different n-gram
models to represent the fan-fictional texts. We implemented both character and word
n-gram models. All models are variable length n-gram models as, according to recent
experiments, variable length n-gram models both represent an author’s style more
adequately and yield higher precision and recall scores than fixed n-gram models
which do not capture the full scope of syntactic and lexical features [2,3,6].
    The first model we implemented, which was a standard character n-gram model,
consisted of bigram, trigram, four-gram and five-gram token representations (i.e.,
2 − 5 grams). Hyperparameter tuning experiments revealed that, 2 − 5 gram mod-
els yield the best results and represent an author’s text more thoroughly than any
other additive lower or higher n-gram text representations. However, for this stan-
dard character model we also computed an additional vector of unigram punctua-
tion marks, which we then concatenated with all other character n-gram represen-
tations after pre-processing computation. We kept punctuation marks as we consid-
ered them important features for an author’s use of language. The use, and in partic-
ular the frequency, of punctuation marks in a given text, reveals crucial information
about an author’s writing style [1,4]. Furthermore, we converted each non-zero digit
into a 0, since it is not a digit that represents a unique writing style, but rather how
numbers are depicted in a given text (e.g., 1k vs. 1000; 1, 000 vs. 1.000). The latter step
was implemented for all three models. This particular model primarily captured syn-
tactic and morphological features.

       Table 1: Showcase of text distortion. The text was extracted from problem set 2.

Original Text                                   Distorted Text
“Yes,” she says, “the needs of the many...” “***,” *** ****, “*** ***** ** *** ****...”
“Yes,” you agree. “                          “***,” *** *****. “** ***** ** *** ***** ***** **
It would be the worst thing in my life, but ** ****, *** ** ***** ** ***** **. **** ** * *****’*
it would be worth it. Even if I weren’t able **** ** ****** **, *** ********
to choose it, for whatever

The second model, which may be deemed a distorted character model, consisted of
unigram, bigram and trigram token representations (i.e., 1 − 3 grams). This model
particularly draws attention to punctuation marks, spacing, diacritics, and all other
non-alphabetical characters, including numbers [2]. We replaced all non-diacritics
through an asterisk symbol (*) to yield a uniform representation of dispensable char-
acters and hence distorts the text (see Table 1). We deployed this model to account for
an author’s orthography and punctuation that is not necessarily dependent on other
aspects of language use. We suspected that punctuation and orthography might well
represent individual features of language. To provide an example, an author might
have preferences for ellipses, or might leave out accents in Spanish or French texts.
    Lastly, we computed a variable-length word n-gram model, which consisted of
unigram, bigram and trigram token representations (i.e., 1 − 3 grams). As a word n-
gram model, contrary to a character n-gram model, rather captures the vocabulary
and register than morhological and syntactic features and thus draws attention to
the content, we removed punctuation marks and special characters as such tokens
do not reveal decisive information about an author’s choice of words. We only kept
alphanumerical characters.

2.2 Text Preprocessing

To summarize, for all three n-gram models, we computed the following text pre-
processing steps:

 – Each non-zero digit was represented by a 0 digit place-holder. This step was
   computed, since different digits neither reveal crucial information about the vo-
   cabulary and register nor about the syntax of a given text. What’s important is
   whether a digit or number appeared in a text and how frequently it was used.
   Furthermore, to gather information about syntactic features, it is indispensable
   to know how numerical characters were depicted by an author (see section on
   standard character n-gram model).
 – Each hyperlink, that appeared in a given text, was replaced by an @ sign. We
   computed the latter step, as we did not deem hyperlinks crucial features for an
   author’s use of language. What’s decisive is whether and how frequently hyper-
   links were used within a given text but not the actual hyperlink that was cited.
 – For each string, new lines denoted as either "\n" or "\t" were replaced by the
   empty string.
 – We did not perform text lower-casing as we suppose, that the usage (and in par-
   ticular its corresponding frequency) of upper-case letters (e.g., nouns, proper
   nouns, entities, named entities) reveal important information about the writing
   style of an author.
 – We did not remove stop words as we believe, that function words (e.g., "the",
   "a", "have") - which, in the vast majority of documents, are the most frequently
   used words - reveal decisive insights into an author’s use of language. However,
   we still assign lower weights to terms that appear highly frequently across the
   entire corpus.
 – Weighting for both character and word n-gram models was performed through
   term-frequency inverse-document-frequency (tf-idf) computation to assign lower
   weights to words, which appear more frequently across the entire corpus, and
   higher weights to words which are found only in specific documents and thus
   reveal crucial information about a text. To prevent a division by zero, we com-
   puted smooth inverse document frequency instead of normal idf. Smoothing     ³   ´
   idf means adding a 1 to the denominator within the logarithmic fraction: log 1+n t
 – To decrease dimensionality, enhance computational efficiency and reduce time
   complexity, we computed Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for each of the
   three variable length n-gram models. The final number of dimensions chosen
   (d = 63) was dependent on the number of samples per problem. As each prob-
   lem consisted of 63 texts and d cannot be higher than the number of samples in
   SVD, we deemed this number as an appropriate size for d to capture the most

2.3 Models

For each of the three models (standard character, distorted character and word n-
grams) we developed linear, multi-class Support Vector Machines (SVM). In so doing,
we made use of Python’s Sklearn library [9]. Each classifier was cross-validated three
    Results of the three individual SVMs were combined in a soft-voting manner: We
simply averaged the probabilities for each candidate author across the three models.
Initial experiments revealed that a pure averaging yields better results than feeding
the probabilities into a new classifier. Hence, we did not deploy a fourth model (see
Figure 1).
                 The soft voting computation was performed as follows:
                                                    i =1 p i
                                        arg max                                                (1)
       where p i is the probabilities vector for each individual model and k = 3

Figure 1: Illustration of the model architecture. After text pre-processing, features for the indi-
vidual models were extracted. The three individual probability outputs are combined through
a soft voting procedure into a final prediction.
The procedure was as follows:

 – Firstly, the predicted probabilities obtained by each individual classifier were
   concatenated into a n × d matrix, where n is the number of classifiers (n = 3)
   and d denotes the number of classes / candidates.
 – Secondly, for each text, we computed the average among the three 1×d probabil-
   ity vectors, which, according to soft voting, yields a more accurate probabilities
   depiction than individual probability distributions.
 – Lastly, for each text, a "new" average probability distribution was computed,
   which served as the probabilities vector for the final prediction.

Our classifiers were required to consider that a test text may have been written by an
unknown author. To enhance this algorithmic decision-making process, our models
classified a text’s author as unknown, if the difference between the model’s highest
and second highest probabilities was below 0.1, or if the highest probability was be-
low 0.25. The latter served as an additional feature (compared to the PAN 2019 base-
line model), we regarded as crucial to include in our algorithm. The hyper parame-
ters of the final analysis pipeline are summarized in Table 2. Our final model for the
PAN 2019 shared task was deployed on a virtual machine using the TIRA architecture

                           Table 2: Settings of the final model

      term extraction             n-gram range                    std_char (2-5)
                                                                  dist_char (1-3)
                                                                  word (1-3)
      feature extraction          tf                         sublinear
                                  idf                        smoothed
                                  norm                       L2
                                  proportion of n-grams used 0.5
      scaling                  MaxAbsScaler
      dimensionality reduction SVD                                63 components
      classification              classifier                      SVM
                                  decision procedure              soft vote
                                  metric                          average
                                  min difference                  0.1
                                  min probability                 0.25
3 Results
Table 3 summarizes our results obtained for the development corpus. We compared
performances between the official PAN 2019 baseline SVM classifier, our three indi-
vidual classifiers and the soft vote average model. The highest scores for each prob-
lem are displayed in bold face.

Table 3: Comparison of Macro F1 scores for our different models on the PAN 2019 AA devel-
opment corpus

        Problem Language nr test texts baseline char dist word soft vote
           01        en          561       0.695 0.741 0.742 0.631 0.857
           02        en          137       0.447 0.552 0.423 0.455 0.553
           03        en          211       0.491 0.620 0.579 0.489 0.738
           04        en          273       0.331 0.417 0.238 0.299 0.537
           05        en          264       0.473 0.481 0.417 0.475 0.585
           06        fr          121       0.702 0.711 0.655 0.437 0.777
           07        fr           92       0.499 0.551 0.427 0.469 0.588
           08        fr          430       0.506 0.569 0.474 0.411 0.673
           09        fr          239       0.599 0.656 0.636 0.437 0.723
           10        fr           38       0.442 0.544 0.481 0.303 0.658
           11        it          139       0.651 0.708 0.662 0.505 0.780
           12        it          116       0.594 0.685 0.527 0.584 0.658
           13        it          196       0.687 0.762 0.572 0.625 0.786
           14        it           46       0.583 0.680 0.725 0.464 0.750
           15        it           54       0.745 0.778 0.451 0.654 0.785
           16        sp          164       0.768 0.826 0.536 0.705 0.843
           17        sp          112       0.584 0.653 0.497 0.634 0.723
           18        sp          238       0.704 0.803 0.706 0.610 0.823
           19        sp          450       0.556 0.635 0.441 0.505 0.682
           20        sp          170       0.511 0.530 0.141 0.294 0.479
         mean        all         203       0.578   0.645 0.516 0.499 0.705

No changes were made to the provided baseline classifier; as such it utilized only
character trigrams, a minimum document frequency of 5 (character trigrams that
appeared less frequently than five times across the corpus were not included in the
vocabulary), no text lower casing and no weighting of the bag of words (only using
a count-based approach), a one-vs-rest multi-class strategy. It classified documents
as unknown, if and only if, the highest and second highest predictions were less than
0.1 apart.
    Results showed that the standard character n-gram model performed generally
better than the variable length word n-gram or distorted character n-gram model.
However, in the vast majority of runs, the soft voting classifier resulted in a higher
score than any of the individual models (see Table 2). According to the mean scores
obtained for the three individual models, the word n-gram model showed the worst
performance. This is in line with the assumption, that authorship manifests itself in
style and thus a text’s syntax and morphology rather than in a text’s vocabulary. Word
n-grams primarily encode lexical information about a document, whereas standard
character n-grams and diacritic characters n-grams rather capture the syntactic and
morphological characteristics of the text, which further reveal information about an
author’s writing style.
    SVD implementation reduced our algorithm’s computational time from approx.
30 minutes to just 180 seconds. In the final evaluation, we, unfortunately, were un-
able to deploy SVD due to time constraints, which is why the run time for our PAN
2019 model is 30 minutes and not 180 seconds. The macro F1-score (approx. 70%),
however, did not change as a result of dimensionality reduction.

4 Discussion

Results displayed that the soft voting procedure notably outperformed the individual
classifiers. Intuitively, one might assume that averaging over classifiers with lower
macro F1-scores might yield a worse and not a better performance. However, we did
not perform averaging across the F1-scores, but across the predicted probabilities
ŷ i obtained for each classifier. This served as an additive factor as all three feature
representations were combined into one thorough representation.
      One limitation to our approach might have been that we did not apply a weighted
voting procedure. This could and shall be addressed in future research. Moreover, it
might be interesting to consider a hard instead of a soft voting procedure. We further
encourage others to deploy different machine learning classifiers, such as Multino-
mial Logistic Regression, Multinomial Naive Bayes or Neural Networks. Additionally,
further experiments might compute Principal Component Analysis (PCA) instead of
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to reduce dimensionality and enhance compu-
tational efficiency.

5 Conclusion

This paper presented our soft voting ensemble classifier for cross-domain author-
ship attribution. We combined a standard character n-gram model, a distorted char-
acter n-gram model and a word n-gram model to achieve more accurate predictions
than the individual models themselves. All three models represented the texts as
variable length n-grams, which were weighted by term frequency-inverse document
frequency (tf-idf). Our algorithm can be perceived as an enhancement of the PAN
2019 baseline system. One may infer from the results we obtained, that authorship
attribution models generally benefit from the inclusion of different representations
of text. It is not a single feature representation that will yield accurate classifications,
but rather the combination of various document representations that will depict an
author’s writing style.

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