UniNE at PAN-CLEF 2019: Bots and Gender Task Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019 Catherine Ikae, Sukanya Nath, Jacques Savoy Computer Science Department, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland {Catherine.Ikae, Sukunya.Nath, Jacques.Savoy}@unine.ch Abstract. When participating in the “bots and gender” subtask (both in English and Spanish), our aim is to automatically detect different text sources (sequence of tweets sent by a bot or a human). When a text is identified as being sent by humans, the system must determine the author’s gender (author profiling). To solve these questions, we focus on a simple classifier (k-NN, k = 5) usually able to produce a correct answer but not in an efficient way. Thus, we apply a feature selection procedure to reduce the number of terms (around 200 to 500). We also propose to apply a Zeta model to reduce the number of decisions taken by the k- NN classifier. In this case, we focus on terms used in one category and ignored or used rarely by the second. In addition, the Type-Token Ratio of the lexical density (LD) presents some merit to discriminate between tweets sent by a bot (TTR < 0.2, LD ≥ 0.8) or humans (TTR ≥ 0.2, LD < 0.8). 1 Introduction1 In the last two decades, UniNE has participated in different CLEF evaluation campaigns with the objective of creating new test collections on the one hand and, on the other, to promote research in different NLP domains. This year, our team takes part in the CLEF-PAN in the subtask “bots and gender profiling” using both the English and Spanish corpus (Rangel & Rosso, 2019). Within this track, given a set of tweets, the computer must identify whether this sequence was sent by a bot or a human. In the latter case, the author gender must be determined. This author profiling question is not new (Schwartz et al., 2016) and has been the subject of previous evaluation campaigns (Potthast et al., 2019a). This problem presents interesting questions from a linguistics point of view because the web offers new forms of communication (chat, forum, e-mail, social networks, etc.). It was recognized (Crystal, 2006) that such communication channels might be viewed as new forms between the classical oral and written usage. In addition, CLEF-PAN campaigns allow us to access large text corpora to verify stylistic assumptions and to detect new facets in our understanding of gender differences (Pennebaker, 2011). 1 Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano, Switzerland. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the text datasets while Section 3 describes our feature selection procedure. Section 4 exposes our combined Zeta and k-NN classifier and Section 5 shows some of our evaluation results. A conclusion draws the main findings of our experiments. 2 Corpus When faced with a new dataset, a first analysis is to extract an overall picture of the data, their relationships, and to detect and explore some simple patterns related to the different categories. A statistical overview of these PAN datasets is provided in Section 2.1 while Section 2.2 focuses on the emoticon distribution across the different categories. The distribution of the Type-Token ratio values is exposed in Section 2.3. Section 2.4 proposes to use the lexical density to discriminate between bots and humans. Finally, Section 2.5 exposes a brief overview of the distribution of positive and negative emotions. 2.1 Overall Statistics To design and implement our classification system, a training corpus was available in the English and Spanish languages. As depicted in Table 1, the training data contains the same number of documents (one document = a sequence of 100 tweets) in the bots and human categories. In the latter case, one can find exactly the same number of documents written by men and women (1,030 in English, 750 in Spanish). These values are obtained by concatenating the two subsets made available by the organizers, namely the train and dev parts. To be precise, the train subset is composed of 2,880 English documents and the dev by 1,240 items (for a grand total of 4,120). For the Spanish corpus, one can count respectively 2,080 and 920 documents (total: 3,000). As each document is not a single tweet (but usually 100), the mean number of tokens per document is around 2,097 for the English language (median: 1,920; sd: 961.4; min: 100; max: 5,277). For the Spanish language, the mean length is 1,889 (median: 1,925.5; sd: 619.2; min: 100; max: 4,933). In this computation, the punctuation symbols and emoticons (or sequences of them) count as tokens. For example, from the expression “Paul’s books!!!”, our tokenizer returns {paul ’ s book !!!}. As we can see, a light stemmer was applied, removing only the plural form ‘-s’ (Harman, 1981). This choice is justified to keep the word meaning as close as possible to the original one (which is not the case, for example, with Porter’s stemmer reducing “organization” to “organ”). English Spanish Bots Human M / F Bots Human M / F Nb. doc. 2060 1,030 / 1,030 1,500 750 / 750 Nb tweets 205,919 102,842 / 102,930 149,968 75,000 / 75,000 Mean length 2,097 2,014 / 2,123 1,889 1,964 / 1,821 |Voc| 95,323 / 102,689 95,590 / 89,141 101,826 119,965 human: 162,384 human: 147,109 Table 1: Overall statistics about the training data in both languages Looking at the mean length for both genders, Table 1 does not corroborate the common assumption that “women are more talkative than men”. For the English language, the mean is slightly higher for women (2,123 vs. 2,014) but not for the Spanish corpus (1,821 vs. 1,964). As text categorization problems are known for having a large and sparse feature set (Sebastiani, 2002), Table 1 indicates the number of distinct terms per category (or the vocabulary size denoted by |Voc|) which is 101,826 for the English bots category. Moreover, and for both languages, the vocabulary size is larger for the human category than for the bots (English: 101,826 vs. 162,384; Spanish: 119,965 vs. 147,109). The texts sent by bots are certainly composed with a smaller vocabulary and the same or similar expressions are often repeated. 🚑 #JOB 🚑 #medical Anesthesiologist https://t.co/t8C84NGQuI 👈 #hiring #health 🏥 https://t.co/HlAmnmpjPZ 🏥. 🚑 #JOB 🚑 #medical Mental Health Nurse https://t.co/i9PEEOOxz2 👈 #hiring #health 🏥 https://t.co/HlAmnmpjPZ 🏥. 11:21 Of the Izharites, the Hebronites, the family of the LORD, that I am a brother to wife. 9:2 And he called for their land to Assyria unto this day have I drawn thee. 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍄🌻🍀🍄🌺 🍀🌺🍀🍀🍄🍀🍄🍀🍄 Table 2a: Examples of two tweets sent by three distinct bots RT @EdinburghUni: The future of Scotland’s international relations will be discussed at ‘Global Heritage, Global Ambitions: Scotland’s Inte… Indeed Murray.... https://t.co/fUZ3dqGL1U Getting ready for Easter ! Growing up in Québec my sweet memories of Easter are from la cabane à… https://t.co/OrIEL6cBSH Diner tonight ... Nettles a la crème 🍃🍃🍃🍃 https://t.co/eE4vycXV9h Table 2b: Examples of tweets sent by two women Happy 1 year with the most amazing girlfriend I could ask for❤ https://t.co/94QD5vM2KJ RT @CuntsWatching: "No idea he cut hair" 😂😂😂 https://t.co/qAgs7rRGR3 RT @Jam10Moir: When yeh forget to take the hanger aff yer jersey https://t.co/Gd5SIrS3vA @UbuntuBhoy It's a hard life. @DR_Kronenbourg I nearly fucking was 😂 Table 2c: Examples of tweets sent by two men Of course, the tweets produced by bots are not really generated by computers but correspond to retweets or tweets showing text excerpts extracted from a larger corpus. To illustrate this, Table 2a exposes six examples of tweets generated by three bots, while Table 2b and 2c present four tweets written by two women and men. 2.2 Emoticons An interesting aspect of web communication (Crystal, 2006) is the frequent usage of emoticons to denote an author’s emotions (e.g., 😱, 😊) or to shorten the message (e.g., 🙏, 👌, 💻). Table 3 shows the most frequent emoticons per category and language. From this table, it is not fully clear how we can simply detect a pertinent pattern to be suitable for automatic classification. One can infer that humans employ more frequently such symbols compared to bots. On the other hand, women show a higher usage of emoticons but without showing an important difference about the emoticon types. When analyzing the sequence of emoticons, the most frequent one is “😂😂😂” follows by “😂😂”. English Spanish Rank Bots Male Female Bots Male Female 1 👉 55 😂 406 😂 457 😂 102 😂 236 😍 328 2 👈 51 👍 193 😍 316 🏻 62 😍 165 😂 310 3 😂 39 🏻172 😭 270 😍 62 👏 153 🏻 234 4 👀 36 👌 150 🏻 259 👉 60 🏻 141 😭 210 5 🔥 33 😍 150 👏 248 🇪 55 🤔 129 👏 179 Table 3: The most frequent emoticons per category and language 2.3 Type-Token Ratio As bots could be deployed to send a repetitive message (maybe with a slight modification), one can assume that the TTR value (the number of distinct word-types divided by the number of word-tokens) should be smaller than for a sequence of tweets written by a human. Of course, the text genre has a clear impact on this estimation, with a lower TTR value for an oral production compared to a written message. As a comparison basis, the TTR achieved by Trump was 0.297 vs. 0.362 for Hillary Clinton (oral form, primaries debates) (Savoy, 2018). Over all candidates, Trump achieved the lowest value, depicting a candidate owning a reduced vocabulary and repeating the same expressions again and again. These examples indicate that values smaller than 0.25 or 0.2 represent a clear lower limit for a message. Based on the training set (English language), the TTR values have been computed for documents sent by bots and humans. The two resulting distributions are depicted in Figure 1. In this case, one can see that messages sent by bots tend to contain the same or similar expressions resulting in a lower TTR value, even lower than 0.2 (usually producing a boring message). A similar picture can be obtained with the Spanish language (see the Appendix). With the English training data, one can count 398 documents generated by a bot having a TTR value smaller than 0.2 (over 2,060 or 19.3%). On the other hand, only 13 documents having a TTR smaller than 0.2 have been written by humans. For the Spanish corpus, one can find 843 documents generated by bots with a TTR values smaller than 0.2 (over 1500, or 56.2%), and none by human beings. Histogram Type-Token Ratio (English corpus) 500 TTR Bot 400 300 TTR Human Frequency 200 100 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 TTR values Figure 1: Distribution of the TTR values for the bots vs. human (English corpus) 2.4 Lexical Density The lexical density measures the percentage of content words in a text. This percentage can also be estimated by considering the number of functional words in a text and assuming that a word could be either a content word or a functional one (see Eq. 1). In our implementation, the English language has 571 functional words while for Spanish such a wordlist counts 350 entries. 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡(𝑇) 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(𝑇) LD(T) = *𝑙𝑒𝑛(𝑇) = 1 = − *𝑙𝑒𝑛(𝑇) (1) Histogram Lexical Density (Spanish corpus) 250 LD Bot 200 LD Human 150 Frequency 100 50 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 LD values Figure 2: Distribution of the lexical density values for the bots vs. human (Spanish corpus) As shown in Figure 2, bots tend to present a higher LD value than the set of tweets sent by humans. For example, by assuming that the maximum value for a document written by a human is 0.8, the system can consider documents having a larger value as sent by bots. On the training set, one can count 322 English documents or 216 Spanish ones (sent by bots) for one single English document written by a human (and none in the Spanish corpus). 2.5 Emotion Distribution With the English language, we have a list of words corresponding to positive (159 entries) and negative (151 entries) emotions (extracted from the LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) (Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010)). According to Pennebaker’s findings (2011), one can expect a larger number of emotional words in tweets written by woman. According to the data depicted in Table 4, such a difference does exist but it is rather small. Moreover, when analyzing only the emotions expressed with words, the mean is rather low (2.5%) but even smaller for bots (1.86%). One can also consider that emotions are also provided by emoticons and thus we need to take account of both the emoticons and words indicating emotions. Positive Negative Bots Male / Female Bots Male / Female Mean 0.0186 0.0239 / 0.0252 0.0043 0.0057 / 0.0056 Median 0.0152 0.0233 / 0.0239 0.0032 0.0052 / 0.005 Stdev 0.0164 0.009 / 0.0106 0.006 0.0032 / 0.0034 Table 4: Distribution of the positive and negative emotions (English language) 3 The Feature Selection According to our point of view, the key function of a successful classifier is to be able to generate a good feature set. Moreover, we also want to understand the proposed attribution and be able to explain it in plain English. Therefore, one of our main objectives is to reduce the feature space into one to three orders of magnitude compared to a solution based on all possible isolated words. As shown in Table 5, the vocabulary size (|Voc|) is large for all categories and languages. If text categorization can be characterized by such huge feature spaces, they are also sparse (when considering isolated words, n-grams of words or letters). Many terms occur just once (hapax legomenon) or twice (dis legomena). Ignoring those words reduces the vocabulary size by around 50%. To reduce this feature set and based on the training data, terms (isolated words or punctuation symbols in this study) having a tweet frequency (df) smaller than a predefined threshold (fixed at 9 in our experiments) are ignored (Savoy, 2015). With the English bots corpus (see the first two rows in Table 5), this filter reduced the feature space from 101,826 to 15,478 dimensions (a reduction of 84.8%). Higher reduction rates can be achieved with the human vocabulary (English: 162,384 to 14,728 (90.9%); Spanish: 147,109 to 13,866 (90.6%)). Using the term frequency difference, we can observe the term more employed in each category. For example, the terms “urllink” (replacing the sequence “http://aref”), “job”, “developer”, “and”, “hiring” or “swissmade” appear more frequently in tweets sent by bots than by humans. As other examples, we can mention that men used more frequently: “the”, “that” “it”, “he”, “a”, “is” and the punctuation symbols “.”, “,”. Woman tweets contain more “rt” (retweets), “you”, “to”, “my”, “your”, “thank”, “me”, “love” and the punctuation symbols “:”, “&”. These short examples tend to confirm part of Pennebaker’s (2011) findings, indicating that definite articles are more frequently used by men while personal pronouns and emotions tend to appear more often in female messages. English Spanish Bots Humans M / F Bots Humans M / F |Voc| 95,323 / 102,689 95,590 / 89,141 101,826 119,965 human: 162,384 human: 147,109 with df > 9 15,478 9,122 / 9,227 16,725 11,488 / 9,848 human: 14,728 human: 13,866 with tf 8,699 5,768 / 5,417 8,732 5,415 / 4,552 human: 10,173 human: 9,283 Voc Uniq 345 373 391 364 Table 5: Vocabulary size with different feature selection strategies To go further in this space reduction, one can then add a final third step by applying a feature selection procedure. For example, one can reduce the feature space to a value between 200 to 500, allowing a manageable space to explain the proposed decision. For example, previous studies indicate that odds ratio, mutual information or occurrence frequency tends to produce effective reduced term sets for different text categorization tasks (Sebastiani, 2002), (Savoy, 2015). In addition, our classifier will also consider terms used infrequently in one category and ignored or used rarely by the other (Zeta model) (Burrows, 2007), (Craig & Kinney, 2009). To achieve this, terms appearing only in a single category are extracted and ranked according to their term frequency (tf) or document frequency (df). Instead of considering all of them, only the top 200 most frequent ones (based on the tf and df statistics) are judged useful to discriminate between two classes. The two wordlists (each containing 200 entries) are merged to generate the final terms able to discriminate between the two categories. The size of those lists is depicted in Table 5 under the label “Voc Uniq” (e.g., English bots: 345, English human: 373). For example, within the bots category, one can find terms such as: “camber”, “cincinnati”, “cooperative” or “norwalk”. The male category is characterized by terms such as: “outwildtv”, “obstruction”, “avalanche” or “golfer” while in tweets written by women, one can find “gown”, “allergy”, “👭” or “ballet”. It is also interesting to analyze the distribution of definite articles and some pronouns (Pennebaker, 2011) in both languages as depicted in Table 6a (English) and 6b (Spanish). In those tables, the number of documents in each gender is the same and represents the half of those appearing in the column “Bots”. Thus, looking at the frequencies, one can expect a pattern such as 2:1:1 when the term occurrence frequency is the same through the different categories. The frequencies depicted in Table 6a confirm Pennebaker’s findings. Definite articles (“the”, “a”) are more frequent with male writers, and personal pronouns (“i”, “you”, “me”, etc.) are more often used by women. Exceptions can be found. The English pronoun “he” is clearly employed more often by men. Bots frequently adopt the pronouns “you” or “we” and use more infrequently “she”. Is the bot style more feminine? Bots tf/df Male tf/df Female tf/df the 95,860 / 1,881 54,272 / 1,030 48,311 / 1,030 a 67,654 / 1,895 32,316 / 1,030 31,773 / 1,030 i 24,367 / 1,568 24,160 / 1,022 29,598 / 1,014 you 39,521 / 1,654 16,916 / 1,030 20,811 / 1,030 she 1,403 / 628 1,347 / 557 2,114 / 685 he 4,633 / 1,092 5,269 / 897 3,165 / 765 we 13,331 / 1,463 6,661 / 995 7,483 / 985 swissmade 439 / 6 0/0 0/0 swiss 62 / 47 15 / 15 15 / 14 spain 68 / 46 89 / 64 44 / 39 italy 79 / 64 92 / 57 113 / 59 portugal 25 / 19 37 / 29 22 / 19 germany 147 / 96 105 / 78 66 / 56 france 213 / 147 158 / 112 145 / 103 Table 6a: Some occurrence statistics for the English corpus (tf / df) Bots tf/df Male tf/df Female tf/df el 56,700 / 1310 26,180 / 750 19,505 / 750 un 21,627 / 1256 19,233 / 749 8,930 / 749 una 12,070 / 1191 6,293 / 742 5,817 / 745 unos 1,155 / 367 355 / 263 276 / 211 unas 710 / 254 156 / 129 163 / 146 yo 2,174 / 552 1,892 / 662 3,073 / 662 tu 4,178 / 686 1,687 / 577 2,569 / 648 ella[s] 562 / 319 381 / 253 534 / 323 ello[s] 674 / 362 442 / 281 429 / 265 nosotro[s] 511 / 276 260 / 190 282 / 198 vosotro[s] 118 / 74 43 / 32 32 / 26 Table 6b: Some occurrence statistics for the Spanish corpus (tf / df) The Spanish corpus also confirms Pennebaker’s conclusions. Definite articles (“el”, “un”, “una”, etc.) appear more frequently with men, and personal pronouns (“yo”, “tu”, “ella”, etc.) are more associated with the woman’s style. The Spanish pronoun “nosotros” (we) or “vosotros” (you, plural) are usually not present but this indication is often implicit with the verbal suffixes (e.g., “podemos” we can). (A linguist will also infer that frequencies of such pronouns will be rather small due to their spelling composed of 8 letters, not a length reflecting the less effort principle). Finally, when analyzing the popularity of some countries (see Table 6a), one can see that “france” is the most popular while “swissmade” appears only with bots. For the other names, “italy” is more associated with women, while all the others are with men (except “swiss” that is associated with bots) (due to soccer, a sport popular in Spain, Italy and Germany?). 4 Proposed Text Classification Strategy Our solution is based on a three-stage function. In the first, the needed variables are initialized (function preProcessing() in Figure 3) and they correspond to the unique vocabulary used in the two categories (VocUnC1, VocUnC2) and to the document representations belonging to the two categories (PtC1, PtC2). Based on the training data, the system extracts the vocabulary (isolated terms with their frequency) appearing in both categories (function defineVoc()). From them, one can determine the terms appearing frequently in one category but absent (or occurring rarely) in the second (in our implementation, such a term can appear up to three times (min=3) in the second category). To rank them, the term frequency (tf) or the tweet frequency (df) statistics are applied. Instead of returning two wordlists, the system selects the top 200 most frequent ones in the underlying category and merges them (function topVoc()). In Steps #5 and #6, the system represents the documents belonging to Category #1 or #2 as vectors (generating the PtC1 and PtC2 variables). After this initialization, each document belonging to the test sample can be processed (see function binaryClassifier() in Figure 3). In Step #1, the Zeta model is applied. This function counts the number of distinct terms appearing in VocUnC1 (denoted N1) and in VocUnC2 (or N2). If (N1 > N2+q), the test identifies the given document as belonging to Category #1. On the other hand, if (N2 > N1+q), it is assumed that the document must be labeled with the second category (e.g. Human). If the Zeta reaches a decision (e.g., dec=1 for Bot, dec=2, for Human), this value is returned. preProcessing(trainDoc) 1 vocC1 = defineVoc(trainDoc) 2 vocC2 = defineVoc(trainDoc) 3 VocUnC1 = topVoc(vocC1, vocC2, top=200, min=3) 4 VocUnC2 = topVoc(vocC2, vocC1, top=200, min=3) 5 PtC1 = definePoints(trainDoc, C1) 6 PtC2 = definePoints(trainDoc, C2) return(VocUnC1, VocUnC2, PtC1, PtC2) binaryClassifier(newD, VocUnC1,VocUnC2,PtC1,PtC2): decision = 0 1 dec = Zeta(newD, VocUnC1, VocUnC2, q=3) 2 if (dec == 1) or (dec == 2): return(dec) 3 aTTR = TTR(newD) 4 if (aTTR < 0.2): return(dec=1) 5 dec = k-NN(newD, PtC1, PtC2, k=13) return(dec) Figure 3: The main steps of our automatic attribution system Otherwise, Zeta is unable to achieve a clear decision (dec=0). For those cases, the TTR value (Type-Token Ratio) is computed (Step #3 and4). When this value is smaller than 0.2, the decision is taken as “Bot” (dec=1). In addition, we might have computed the lexical density value and returned “Bot” if this value is larger than 0.8. This step was not included in our final submission (due to time constraints). In general, the Zeta model (together with the TTR value) cannot always propose a clear answer. In this case, the system calls the k-NN function (with the new document, and the set of points corresponding to Category #1 (PtC1) or #2 (PtC2)). In our experiment, the k value was fixed to 13 and the distance between two text surrogates is computed according to the Manhattan function (Kocher & Savoy, 2017). When the document type is found to be sent as human, the system re-applies the binaryClassifier() function but with Category #1 corresponding to male and Category #2 to female (but ignoring the TTR computation). 5 Evaluation Table 7 depicts the accuracy rate achieved with our model under different conditions and for both the type (bot vs. human) and the gender (male vs. female). These results were achieved with the English corpus using the dev test set. In the first row, all words have been used to build the document surrogates. In the second line, the vocabulary size was reduced to consider only terms having a df value larger than 9. In the next row labelled “FS”, our feature selection is applied. Finally, the last five lines correspond to a feature space reduced to 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 terms selected by the information gain function (Sebastiani, 2002). When applying our nearest neighbor approach, Table 7 indicates the mean accuracy rates achieved considering k=13 or k=5 neighbors. To compute the accuracy rates, only the train subset is used to define the needed wordlists and document surrogates (in other words, based on 2,880 English documents, and 1,240 Spanish ones). During the evaluation, only the dev subset was needed to derive the performance values (or with 2,080 English documents, and 980 Spanish ones). English (dev set) k = 13 k=5 type gender type gender All voc 0.8807 0.7161 0.8863 0.7161 with df > 9 0.9032 0.7436 0.8976 0.7339 with tf 0.9024 0.7557 0.8984 0.7420 100 IG 0.8927 0.7105 0.8960 0.7129 200 IG 0.8807 0.7081 0.8911 0.7145 300 IG 0.8831 0.7048 0.8815 0.6992 400 IG 0.8895 0.7177 0.8871 0.6992 500 IG 0.8960 0.7282 0.8911 0.7056 Table 7: Evaluation of under different feature selection strategies (English corpus) The important conclusion that can be drawn from Table 7 is that it is possible to reduce the feature set to a few hundred words and to still have a good overall effectiveness. Considering k=13 neighbors tends to produce better results (and this solution is less prone to over-fitting). Table 8 reports our official results achieved with the TIRA system (Potthast et al., 2019b) using the first (test set 1) or the second (test set 2). These evaluations correspond to our feature selection (FS) with the inclusion of the Zeta test and TTR filter. More information can be found in (Rangel & Rosso, 2019). TIRA test set 1 TIRA test set 1 TIRA test set 2 k=5 k=13 k=13 Classifier type gender type gender type gender FS+Zeta test+TTR 0.8939 0.7689 0.8939 0.7992 0.9125 0.7371 Table 8: Official Evaluation of under different feature selection strategies (English corpus) 6 Conclusion Using the CLEF-PAN datasets of the “bots and gender profiling” written in English and Spanish, we were able to achieve the following main findings. First, the text genre associated with bots can be viewed as repetitive, showing a low TTR value (usually lower than 0.25). After fixing a threshold (e.g., 0.2) for this value, one can detect 9.6% to 55% tweet sequences sent by bots (see Figure 1) with a low error rate (around 3%). For a large majority however (90% for the English corpus), documents present a higher TTR value and no decision can be reached with this simple rule. Similarly, one can compute the lexical density value and one can see that values larger than 0.8 correspond very often to bot tweets. Second, analyzing the emoticon distribution, or the most frequent ones, we can infer that humans tend to employ them more frequently than bots. In tweets sent by machines, the used emoticons indicate directions or appear to draw reader attention (see Table 3). If humans have adopted the emoticons in their web communications, it is not clear whether we can easily distinguish their usage between men and women. Third, our attribution approach is based on a cascade classifier. In a first step, the Zeta classifier is used to determine the category (bots vs. human, male vs. female) based on terms occurring infrequently in the first class and never (or very rarely) in the second. When the test sample is strongly correlated to the training set, such a strategy works well and can accurately determine close to 85% when a decision can be computed. As the main drawback, this approach fails to propose an answer when the vocabulary appearing in the new document is not associated clearly with one of the predefined wordlists. In such cases, a second classifier must be used (k-NN in our experiments, with k = 5, Manhattan distance). Fourth, removing terms occurring rarely or in a few documents corresponds to our first step in the proposed reduction procedure. In addition, we impose that terms appearing more frequently in a given category must be selected for that class. This strategy can be further improved by applying a term filter (e.g., mutual information, odds ratio (Sebastiani, 2002), (Savoy, 2015)). After this step, the number of terms could be limited from 200 to 500. This last step is usually accompanied with an effectiveness decrease (around 3% to 8%, depending on the collection). References Burrows, J.F. All the way through: Testing for authorship in different frequency strata. 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