=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_56 |storemode=property |title=Neural Weakly Supervised Fact Check-Worthiness Detection with Contrastive Sampling-Based Ranking Loss |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_56.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Casper Hansen,Christian Hansen,Jakob Grue Simonsen,Christina Lioma |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Hansen0SL19 }} ==Neural Weakly Supervised Fact Check-Worthiness Detection with Contrastive Sampling-Based Ranking Loss== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_56.pdf
          Neural Weakly Supervised Fact
    Check-Worthiness Detection with Contrastive
          Sampling-Based Ranking Loss

Casper Hansen, Christian Hansen, Jakob Grue Simonsen, and Christina Lioma

             Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen

        Abstract. This paper describes the winning approach used by the Copen-
        hagen team in the CLEF-2019 CheckThat! lab. Given a political debate
        or speech, the aim is to predict which sentences should be prioritized
        for fact-checking by creating a ranked list of sentences. While many ap-
        proaches for check-worthiness exist, we are the first to directly optimize
        the sentence ranking as all previous work has solely used standard clas-
        sification based loss functions. We present a recurrent neural network
        model that learns a sentence encoding, from which a check-worthiness
        score is predicted. The model is trained by jointly optimizing a binary
        cross entropy loss, as well as a ranking based pairwise hinge loss. We ob-
        tain sentence pairs for training through contrastive sampling, where for
        each sentence we find the k most semantically similar sentences with op-
        posite label. To increase the generalizability of the model, we utilize weak
        supervision by using an existing check-worthiness approach to weakly la-
        bel a large unlabeled dataset. We experimentally show that both weak
        supervision and the ranking component improve the results individually
        (MAP increases of 25% and 9% respectively), while when used together
        improve the results even more (39% increase). Through a comparison
        to existing state-of-the-art check-worthiness methods, we find that our
        approach improves the MAP score by 11%.

        Keywords: fact check-worthiness · neural networks · contrastive rank-

1     Tasks performed
The Copenhagen team participated in Task 1 [1] of the CLEF 2019 Fact Checking
Lab (CheckThat!) on automatic identification and Verification of claims [4]. This
report details our approach and results.
    The aim of Task 1 is to identify sentences in a political debate that should
be prioritized for fact-checking: given a debate, the goal is to produce a ranked
list of all sentences based on their worthiness for fact checking.
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
    Examples of check-worthy sentences are shown in Table 1. In the first ex-
ample Hillary Clinton mentions Bill Clinton’s work in the 1990s, followed by a
claim made by Donald Trump stating that president Clinton approved the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In the second example Hillary Clin-
ton mentions Donald Trump’s beliefs about climate change. While this may be
more difficult to fact-check, it is still considered an interesting claim and thus

            Table 1. Example of check-worthy sentences (red highlight)

Speaker   Sentence
CLINTON I think my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s.
CLINTON I think a lot about what worked and how we can make it work again...
TRUMP Well, he approved NAFTA...
CLINTON Take clean energy
CLINTON Some country is going to be the clean-energy superpower of the 21st century.
CLINTON Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.
CLINTON I think it’s real.
TRUMP I did not.

2   Main objectives of experiments
The task of check-worthiness can be considered part of the fact-checking pipeline,
which traditionally consists of three steps:
1. Detect sentences that are interesting to fact-check.
2. Gather evidence and background knowledge for each sentence.
3. Manually or automatically estimate veracity.
Sentences detected in step 1 for further processing are described as being check-
worthy. This detection can be considered a filtering step in order to limit the
computational processing needed in total for the later steps. In practice, sen-
tences are ranked according to their check-worthiness such that they can be pro-
cessed in order of importance. Thus, the ability to correctly rank check-worthy
sentences above non-check-worthy is essential for automatic check-worthiness
methods to be useful in practice. However, existing check-worthiness methods
[10,16,11,5,6,9,19] do not directly model this aspect, as they are all based on
traditional classification based training objectives.

3   Related work
Most existing check-worthiness methods are based on feature engineering to
extract meaningful features. Given a sentence, ClaimBuster [10] predicts check-
worthiness by extracting a set of features (sentiment, statement length, Part-of-
Speech (POS) tags, named entities, and tf-idf weighted bag-of-words), and uses
a SVM classifier for the prediction. Patwari et al. [16] presented an approach
based on similar features, as well as contextual features based on sentences im-
mediately preceding and succeeding the one being assessed, as well as certain
hand-crafted POS patterns. The prediction is made by a multi-classifier system
based on a dynamic clustering of the data. Gencheva et al. [5] also extend the
features used by ClaimBuster to include more context, such as the sentence’s
position in the debate segment, segment sizes, similarities between segments,
and whether the debate opponent was mentioned. In the CLEF 2018 competi-
tion on check-worthiness detection [15], Hansen et al. [9] showed that a recurrent
neural network with multiple word representations (word embeddings, part-of-
speech tagging, and syntactic dependencies) could obtain state-of-the-art results
for check-worthiness prediction. Hansen et al. [6] later extended this work with
weak supervision based on a large collection of unlabeled political speeches and
showed significant improvements compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.
This paper directly improves the work done by Hansen et al. by integrating a
ranking component into the model trained via contrastive sampling.

4   Neural Check-Worthiness Model
Our Neural Check-Worthiness Model (NCWM) uses a dual sentence representa-
tion, where each word is represented by both a word embedding and its syntactic
dependencies within the sentence. The word embedding is a traditional word2vec
model [14] that aims at capturing the semantics of the sentence. The syntactic
dependencies of a word aim to capture the role of that word in modifying the
semantics of other words in the sentence [13]. We use a syntactic dependency
parser [2] to map each word to its dependency (as a tag) within the sentence,
which is then converted to a one-hot encoding. This combination of capturing
both semantics and syntactic structure has been shown to work well for the
check-worthiness task [6,9]. For each word in a sentence, the word embedding
and one-hot encoding are concatenated and fed to a recurrent neural network
with Long Short-Term Memory Units (LSTM) as memory cells (See Figure 1).
The output of the LSTM cells are aggregated using an attention weighted sum,
where each weight is computed as:
                                  exp (score (ht ))
                            αt = P                                            (1)
                                   i exp (score (hi ))

where ht is the output of the LSTM cell at time t, and score(·) is a learned
function that returns a scalar. Finally, the attention weighted sum is transformed
to the check-worthiness score by a sigmoid transformation, such that the score
lies between 0 and 1.

Loss functions. The model is jointly trained using both a classification and rank-
ing loss function. For the classification loss, we use the standard binary cross
entropy loss. For the ranking loss, we use a hinge loss based on the computed
check-worthiness score of sentence pairs with opposite labels. To obtain these
pairs we use contrastive sampling, such that for each sentence we sample the k
most semantically similar sentences with the opposite label, i.e., for check-worthy
sentences we sample k non-check-worthy sentences. In order to estimate the se-
mantic similarity we compute an average word embedding vector of all words in a
sentence, and then use the cosine similarity to find the k most semantically simi-
lar sentences with the opposite label. The purpose of this contrastive sampling is
to enable the model to better learn the small differences between check-worthy
and non-check-worthy sentences. The combination of both the classification and
ranking loss enables the model to learn accurate classifications while ensuring
the predicted scores are sensible for ranking.

    Prediction                                                  Check-worthiness



                            LSTM              LSTM                   LSTM

                        Word embedding    Word embedding         Word embedding
                        Syn. dependency   Syn. dependency       Syn. dependency

    Sentence                word1             word2                  wordM

Fig. 1. Architecture of our Neural Check-Worthiness Model (NCWM). The check-
worthiness score is used for minimizing the classification and ranking losses.

5     Resources employed
Our approach is summarized in Figure 1, and in the following the underlined
values were found to perform the best during validation. The cross validation
consisted of a fold for each training speech and debate. The LSTM has {50,
100, 150, 200} hidden units, a dropout of {0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5} was applied to the
attention weighted sum, and we used a batch size of {40, 80, 120, 160, 200}.
For the contrastive sampling we found the 5 most semantically similar sentences
with the opposite label. For the syntactic dependency parsing we use spaCy1 ,
and for the neural network implementation TensorFlow.
    To train a more generalizable model we employ weak supervision [3,6,8,18]
by using an existing check-worthiness approach, ClaimBuster2 [10], to weakly
label a large collection of unlabeled political speeches and debates. We obtain
271 political speeches and debates by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from
the American Presidency Project3 . This weakly labeled dataset is used for pre-
training our model. To create a pretrained word embedding, we crawl documents
related to all U.S. elections available through the American Presidency Project,
e.g., press releases, statements, speeches, and public fundraisers, resulting in
15,059 documents. This domain specific pretraining was also done by Hansen et
al. [6], and was shown to perform significantly better than a word embedding
pretrained on a large general corpus like Google News4 .

6   Results
For evaluation we use the official test dataset of the competition, while choosing
the hyper parameters based on a 19-fold cross validation (1 fold for each training
speech and debate). Following the competition guidelines, we report the MAP
and P@k metrics for the full test data, only the 3 debates, and only the 4
speeches. This splitting choice was done to investigate how the performance
varies depending on the setting.
    Overall, our Neural Check-Worthiness Model (NCWM) obtained the first
place in the competition with a MAP of 0.1660 (primary run). To investigate
the effect of the ranking component and the weak supervision (See Table 2), we
also report the results when these are not part of NCWM. The model without
the ranking component is similar to the state-of-the-art work by Hansen et al.
[6] (contrastive-1 run), and the model without either the ranking component
or weak supervision is similar to earlier work by Hansen et al. [9]. The results
show that the ranking component and weak supervision lead to notable improve-
ments, both individually and when combined. The inclusion of weak supervision
leads to the largest individual MAP improvement (25% increase), while the in-
dividual improvement of the ranking component is smaller (9% increase). We
observe that the ranking component’s improvement is marginally larger when
weak supervision is included (11% increase with weak supervision compared to
9% without), thus showing that even a weakly labeled signal is also beneficial
for learning the correct ranking. Combining both the ranking component and
weak supervision leads to a MAP increase of 39% compared to a model without
either of them, which highlights the immense benefit of using both for the task
of check-worthiness as the combination provides an improvement larger than the
individual parts.
    To investigate the performance on speeches and debates individually, we split
the test data and report the performance metrics on each of the sets. In both of
Table 2. Test results for our full Neural Check-Worthiness Model (NCWM) and when
excluding the ranking and weak supervision (WS) components.

    Test (Speeches and Debates)           MAP     P@1     P@5     P@20    P@50
    NCWM                                0.1660 0.2857 0.2571 0.1571 0.1229
    NCWM (w/o. ranking) [6]             0.1496 0.1429 0.2000 0.1429 0.1143
    NCWM (w/o. WS)                      0.1305 0.1429 0.1714 0.1429 0.1200
    NCWM (w/o. ranking and w/o. WS) [9] 0.1195 0.1429 0.1429 0.1143 0.1057

    Test (Speeches)                       MAP     P@1     P@5    P@20    P@50
    NCWM                                0.2502 0.5000 0.3500 0.2375 0.1800
    NCWM (w/o. ranking) [6]             0.2256 0.2500 0.3000 0.2250 0.1800
    NCWM (w/o. WS)                      0.1937 0.2500 0.3000 0.2000 0.1600
    NCWM (w/o. ranking and w/o. WS) [9] 0.1845 0.2500 0.2500 0.1875 0.1450

    Test (Debates)                        MAP     P@1     P@5     P@20    P@50
    NCWM                                0.0538 0.0000 0.1333 0.0500 0.0467
    NCWM (w/o. ranking) [6]             0.0482 0.0000 0.0667 0.0333 0.0267
    NCWM (w/o. WS)                      0.0462 0.0000 0.0000 0.0667 0.0667
    NCWM (w/o. ranking and w/o. WS) [9] 0.0329 0.0000 0.0000 0.0167 0.0533

them we observe a similar trend as for the full dataset, i.e., that both the ranking
component and weak supervision lead to improvements individually and when
combined. However, the MAP on the debates is significantly lower than for the
speeches (0.0538 and 0.2502 respectively). We believe the reason for this dif-
ference is related to two issues: i) All speeches are by Donald Trump and 15
out of 19 training speeches and debates have Donald Trump as a participant,
thus the model is better trained to predict sentences by Donald Trump. ii) De-
bates are often more varied in content compared to a single speech, and contain
participants who are not well represented in the training data. Issue (i) can be
alleviated by obtaining larger quantities and more varied training data, while is-
sue (ii) may simply be due to debates being inherently more difficult to predict.
Models better equipped to handle the dynamics of debates could be a possible
direction to solve this.

7     Conclusion and future work

We presented a recurrent neural model that directly models the ranking of check-
worthy sentences, which no previous work has done. This was done through a
hinge loss based on contrastive sampling, where the most semantically similar
sentences with opposite labels were sampled for each sentence. Additionally, we
utilize weak supervision through an existing check-worthiness method to label
a large unlabeled dataset of political speeches and debates. We experimentally
verified that both the sentence ranking and weak supervision lead to notable per-
formance MAP improvements (increases of 9% and 25% respectively) compared
to a model without either of them, while using both lead to an improvement
greater than the individual parts (39% increase). In comparison to a state-of-
the-art check-worthiness model [6], we found our approach to perform 11% better
on the MAP metric, while also achieving the first place in the competition.
   In future work we plan to investigate approaches for better modelling check-
worthiness in debates, as this is important for real-world applications of check-
worthiness systems. Specifically, we plan to (1) investigate how context [17] can
be included to better model the dynamics of a debate compared to a speech;
(2) the use of speed reading for sentence filtering [7]; and (3) extending the
evaluation of this task beyond MAP and P@k, for instance using evaluation
measures of both relevance and credibility [12].

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