=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_58 |storemode=property |title=Detecting Bot Accounts on Twitter by Measuring Message Predictability |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_58.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Piotr Przybyła |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Przybyla19 }} ==Detecting Bot Accounts on Twitter by Measuring Message Predictability== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_58.pdf
       Detecting Bot Accounts on Twitter by Measuring
                   Message Predictability
                         Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                                        Piotr Przybyła

                  Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
                                        Warsaw, Poland

        Abstract We present a method for deciding whether a given Twitter user is a
        bot or a human based on the textual content of their feed. Since messages pub-
        lished from the same bot account frequently follow simple, repetitive patterns, we
        propose to recognise such accounts by measuring message predictability. This is
        performed using two language modelling solutions: based on a linear model op-
        erating on hand-crafted features or a pre-trained neural language model (BERT).
        When evaluated within PAN 2019 bot detection shared task, our solution reaches
        an accuracy of 91% for tweets in English and 88% for tweets in Spanish.

1     Introduction
The problem of assessing credibility of content published and shared on the web re-
mains one of the important challenges brought by the growing importance of the Inter-
net. Many undesirable phenomena of the new communication platforms, such as social
media, stem from the fact that their users have limited or no knowledge on the identity
of their interlocutors. This anonymity combined with digital interfaces of online ser-
vices makes it possible for computer programs to automatically generate messages that
would look similar to those composed by human users.
    Such applications, called bots, could serve good purposes as a means for automatic
distribution of information valuable for a wider audience, e.g. a weather forecast. They
could also be used to send undesired advertisement of products or services, similarly to
email spam messages. Finally, some exploit bots to manipulate public opinion and heat
up discussions on controversial issues for political purposes, as it has been demonstrated
in the past [15,1,7,2]. In any of the above cases, it seems beneficial for the quality
of online conversations to make their participants aware, which of the accounts they
interact with are bots.
    Several attempts have been made to use machine learning (ML) to automatically
detect bots in popular social media services, especially Twitter. Most of these solution
    Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
rely on observation of a given account in terms of social interactions specific to Twit-
ter: number of following and followed users, frequency of messages, occurrences of
mentions, retweets, hashtags etc. The textual content of the messages in the user’s feed
seems to be less commonly analysed in this task.
    In our study we aim to contribute to this relatively under-explored direction by
building a bot detection algorithm, which recognises bot accounts based solely on the
textual content of the messages in their Twitter feed. The feature that is used to differ-
entiate these accounts is message predictability. We notice that while bot users publish
different types of content, the messages within one account usually follow a single,
repetitive pattern. Therefore, the more easily a message could be predicted given the
rest of the feed, the more likely the corresponding account is to be a bot one. Humans
appear less predictable and post more diverse messages.
    In order to measure message predictability, we employ two language models: one
based on logistic regression using a collection of manually designed features, and one
based on a pre-trained neural model. We aggregate the predictability values of all mes-
sages from an account to compute its feed predictability measures, which in turn are
used as features for a final bot detection model. The model is trained and evaluated
using the datasets of a Bots and Gender Profiling shared task [14] at PAN workshop at
CLEF 2019. The source code and models of our approach are available online1 .

2      Related Work

Social bots have been investigated thoroughly [8] due to the role they play [17] in the
proliferation of non-credible information through the web and social media [10] and
increasing political polarisation [18], both processes motivating very active research.
Nevertheless, accounts using bots remain challenging to identify, partly because the
underlying applications actively try to prevent that (i.e. by simulating a human-like
behaviour), as in many cases such identification would defeat their purpose.
    Botometer [19] is the best known bot detection program. It uses a random forest
and a plethora of features describing an account, including the associated user profile;
number and user profiles of ‘follower’ and ‘followed’ accounts; contents and sentiment
of messages in the feed; the network of retweets and mentions; tweeting time patterns.
The tool runs as a service allowing internet users to check a selected Twitter account
[20] and has been employed to analyse the influence of Russian bots on the discussion
around vaccination [2] and the contribution of bots in spreading low-credibility content
[17]. Other solutions [6] are based on the sentiment of messages from the analysed
account compared to either its followers and or all users discussing the topic of interest
(elections in India). Neural sequential models (LSTM) have also been applied to learn
from a behaviour of the user, represented through sequence of words in messages and
their posting times [3].
    To sum up, the methods that were applied to the task so far achieve good perfor-
mance by combining some representation of the content of a Twitter feed with its social
context. Nevertheless, the research suggests the content component may be sufficient on
its own, as even a simple representation of it (through part-of-speech tags) constitutes a
strong group of features in Botometer [19]. A content-based bot detection model could
also be seen as a step towards a multi-platform solution, as it would be less dependent
on Twitter-specific social features.

3      Task
The solution described in this paper is evaluated within the Bots and gender profiling
shared task [14] of the PAN workshop [4] at the CLEF 2019 (Conference and Labs of
the Evaluation Forum) conference2 . We participate in the bot profiling problem, where
the goal is to recognise whether a given Twitter feed was produced by a bot or a human.
The task consists of two sub tasks, one involving tweets in English, the other one in
    Each author is represented through text of 100 messages from their feed, with no in-
formation on social media context, apart from the in-text mentions of other user names.
Figure 1 shows fragments of two feeds from the training set from a human (left) and
a bot (right) account. The whole training dataset includes 4120 such feeds in English
and 3000 in Spanish. During the evaluation, participants of the shared task submit their
software to TIRA infrastructure [12], where it is automatically executed on hidden test

4      Methods
In order to decide whether a given Twitter feed comes form a bot account, we perform
a three-step procedure.
    Firstly, we compute a predictability score for each message in the feed, which mea-
sures how well this message could be predicted in the context of the feed. This is es-
sentially a language modelling task and is performed using two ML models: a logistic
regression on hand-crafted features (LASSO) or a pre-trained and fine-tuned neural
language representation model (BERT).
    Secondly, we gather the predictability scores of all the messages in the feed and
compute several measures of their distribution, such as mean or standard deviation, that
describe the overall feed predictability. In case of bot accounts it could be expected that
the messages will be similar and easy to predict, which corresponds to higher mean
    Finally, the measured values are treated as features for a logistic regression model,
trained on all gold-standard cases of bot and human feeds, which returns a score indi-
cating the likelihood of a given feed coming from a bot account. The same procedure is
applied to tweets in English and Spanish (with separate models).

4.1     LASSO Model of Predictability
Measuring message predictability using this approach requires converting all messages
to features and building linear regression models, one for each feed, predicting whether
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Figure 1. Partial Twitter feeds of two training examples from the PAN training set, labelled as
human (left) and bot (right).

a given message belongs to this feed or not. The predictability score for a message is
obtained by computing the response of the model corresponding to the feed the message
is taken from. High value of the score indicate that the message is easily recognised by
the LASSO model of the feed and could be considered predictable.

Message Features The purpose of the prepared feature set was to enable the linear
models to learn properties characteristic to each feed, but at the same time to avoid
overfitting. The features describing a message include:
 – length of the message text (number of characters),
 – number of tokens in the message,
 – number of occurrences of unigrams, bigrams and trigrams of word tags, excluding
   those with less than 10 occurrences in the corpus.
Splitting messages into tokens is performed using the Stanford CoreNLP [11] toolkit.
    Because of the informal language style of tweets, we have decided that the role
of word tags should not be played by part of speech categories, but we use a Twitter-
specific tagging scheme instead. The scheme assigns each token one of the following
 – @mention for Twitter mentions,
 – #hashtag for hashtags,
 – RT for retweet indications,
 – URL for web addresses,
 – number for numerical expressions,
 – w for individual lowercase letters,
 – W for individual uppercase letters,
 – wooord for alphabetic strings containing a character repeated three times,
 – word for alphabetic strings in lower case,
 – WORD for alphabetic strings in upper case,
 – Word for alphabetic strings with only the first letter in upper case,
 – wOrD for alphabetic strings with other casing scheme,
 – : for colons,
 – ( for opening brackets (regular, square or curly),
 – ) for closing brackets (regular, square or curly),
 – - for hyphens, minus signs, dashes and tildes,
 – ' for all quotation marks and apostrophes,
 – . for full stops,
 – , for commas,
 – ! for exclamation marks,
 – ? for question marks,
 – / for slashes,
 – E for individual emojis,
 – EE for strings of emojis,
 – * for any of the following characters: $, +, &, <, >, %, *, #,
 – ** for strings including the above characters,
 – ... for ellipsis (marking a tweet extending beyond a character limit),
 – w0rd for alphanumeric strings,
 –  for any token not matching any of the above.

Additionally, the tags ^ and $ at the beginning and end, respectively, of the tag se-
quence, could also be included in the n-grams.

Computing Predictability Scores In order to assess the predicability of the i-th tweet
from the j-th feed (ti,j ), the following procedure is followed:

 1. Build a dataset consisting of all N tweets t1,j . . . tN,j from the feed in question and
    N additional tweets from the training set t∗1 . . . t∗N (coming from other users than
    j), represented through their features,
 2. Create a class variable y, such that y(ti,j ) = 1 and y(t∗i ) = 0,
 3. Build a logistic regression model on the dataset using the glmnet [9] package in
    R [13], using L1 regularisation (LASSO) and selecting the λ parameter through
    Bayesian information criterion [16],
 4. Apply the model to the same dataset and collect its response ŷ(ti,j ) as predicability
    score for the i-th tweet.
4.2     BERT Model of Predictability
The second approach exploits a pre-trained deep language model BERT [5]. One of the
tasks BERT was trained on is predicting whether two given sentences could follow each
other in a text, which resembles our problem of assessing likelihood a message given
other messages from the same feed. Therefore, we use a pre-trained BERT model and
fine-tune it to the task by providing examples of subsequent messages from the training
data. In order to measure how predictable a given feed is, we check how the tuned BERT
model responds to pairs of messages from it. Similarly to the LASSO approach, high
values of output mean that our model has found messages from the given account likely
to occur in the same context and predictable.

Fine-tuning To fine-tune the BERT model, we first prepare a dataset including pairs
of messages coming either from the same feed or from different ones. Specifically, for
the i-th message from the j-th feed (ti,j ), two training cases could be generated:
 – x = (ti,j , ti∗ ,j ), y = 1, comparing the message with another one (randomly
   selected) from the same feed (i∗ 6= i),
 – x = (ti,j , ti,j ∗ ), y = 0, comparing the message with one from another (randomly
   selected) feed (j ∗ 6= j).
In order to limit the fine-tuning time, the training cases are only generated for 20% of
the messages.
    Next, we load a BERT model from the checkpoints available online (for English:
uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12, Spanish: multi_cased_L-12_H-768_A-12)
and perform the fine-tuning process according to BRAT documentation3 and using code
shared as a Google Colab notebook4 .

Obtaining the Predictability Scores Using the BERT next sentence prediction model,
now fine-tuned to detect Twitter messages coming from the same feed, we can assess
the predictability of any given feed. To do that, we generate test cases according to
the procedure described above, except only pairs from the same feed are used and no
messages are skipped, and observe the model response. If the returned values are close
to 1, it means it was easy for the model to recognise the similarities between the tweets.
Therefore, the model response to the pair (ti,j , ti∗ ,j ) is treated as predictability score
for message ti,j .

4.3     Feed Predictability Features
The message predicability scores are aggregated as feed predictability features using
seven measures:
 – mean,
    – median,
    – standard deviation,
    – fraction of scores above 0.9,
    – fraction of scores below 0.1,
    – skewness (or 0, if undefined),
    – kurtosis (or 100, if undefined).

4.4    Bot Detection Model

Finally, once each feed is described by predicability features, we can build a prediction
model that would use them to decide whether the feed comes from a bot account or
not. We use logistic regression in R [13] again, but this time the regularisation is not
necessary due to low number of features, so we simply employ the glm() function
from the stats package. The bot detection model could be built using feed predictability
features computed based on LASSO, those coming from BERT, or the concatenation of
both (LASSO+BERT).
    The regression model is trained on the training data using gold-standard labels and,
when applied to new data, return a continuous score between 0 (human) and 1 (bot).
Given that the evaluation requires a single decision for each feed and the dataset is
balanced, we apply a threshold of 0.5.

5     Evaluation

Our bot account detection method is evaluated in two scenarios:

    – PAN: the basic evaluation scenario prepared by task organisers involves prepar-
      ing models using the training data provided, uploading scoring software to TIRA
      infrastructure and applying it to unseen test data,
    – Internal: additional evaluation is performed internally by dividing the training data
      into internal training and internal test in order to compare the performance of dif-
      ferent approaches.

     The training data provided by the organisers include 4120 feeds in the English sub-
task (2060 humans and 2060 bots) and 3000 feeds in the Spanish sub-task (1500 humans
and 1500 bots). For the purpose of internal evaluation, the feeds are randomly divided
into internal training (80% of feeds) and internal test (20% of feeds). The BERT fine-
tuning and bot detection model inference are then performed on the internal training
data and applied to the internal test. For the purpose of PAN evaluation, the LASSO
features and the corresponding bot detection model are re-trained on the whole training
     For internal evaluation, we execute three versions of our approach:

    – using features based on message predictability from logistic regression (LASSO),
    – using features based on message predictability from the BERT model (BERT),
    – using both of the above sets of features (LASSO+BERT).
                                          Internal              PAN
                         Feature set English Spanish English Spanish
                             LASSO 0.9090 0.8783 0.9155 0.8844
                              BERT 0.9260 0.8983             -       -
                     LASSO+BERT 0.9369 0.8933                -       -
Table 1. Bot detection accuracy of our approach in internal and PAN evaluation scenarios for
English and Spanish tweets with respect to the feature set involved.

    In each case, the output on the test is was converted to binary decision using an 0.5
threshold and compared to the gold standard labels through accuracy.
    Unfortunately, we were unable to execute the BERT-based versions within the con-
straints of the PAN evaluation. Given the computational resources on the TIRA ma-
chines, calculating an output of a BERT model takes around 5 minutes per feed, which
means scoring the whole test set would exceed the evaluation time limits imposed by
the PAN organisers.
    Table 1 includes the results of the evaluation. We can see that the BERT features
provide better predictability estimates than LASSO, resulting in higher classification
accuracy for both English and Spanish. In case of English the best results are achieved
by combining the features from BERT and LASSO. In case of Spanish there is no
benefit from combining the features and the overall results are substantially worse. This
could be explained by smaller amount of training data available and using a multilingual
BERT model instead of a language-specific one, like in case of English.

6   Conclusions

The performance of the algorithm, with the accuracy on unseen test data around 90%,
seems satisfactory. Nevertheless, there remains an open question of how this results
would translate to a real-life bot detection ability. The answer depends on how well the
data of the PAN shared task reflect the overall population of bot and human users on
Twitter. Representative datasets of this kind are typically challenging to obtain, as peo-
ple and organisations publishing content through bot accounts do not intend to disclose
this fact. Additionally, the distinction between ‘human’ and ‘bot’ may not be clear-cut
in case of so-called ‘cyborg’ accounts, where some messages come from a bot program
and some others are written by humans [2].
    Our hope that the proposed approach could perform well on other datasets and re-
lated tasks is justified by the fact that it does not rely on any features specific to Twitter,
but builds on the very nature of bots. Such programs will always be more predictable
than humans, as long as they generate content through automatic processes. Moreover,
our method casts the bot detection problem as a language modelling problem, which is
a fundamental task in natural language processing. Further advances in the field could
therefore be used to improve the predictability measurement and bot recognition accu-
This work was supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange through
a Polish Returns grant number PPN/PPO/2018/1/00006.

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