=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_61 |storemode=property |title=Combined CNN+RNN Bot and Gender Profiling |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_61.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Rafael Felipe Sandroni Dias,Ivandré Paraboni |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/DiasP19 }} ==Combined CNN+RNN Bot and Gender Profiling== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_61.pdf
       Combined CNN+RNN Bot and Gender Profiling
                        Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

                    Rafael Felipe Sandroni Dias and Ivandré Paraboni

               School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo
                          Av. Arlindo Bettio, 1000. São Paulo, Brazil

        Abstract This paper describes an approach to bot and gender author profiling
        that makes use of a weighted ensemble of convolution (CNN) and recurrent
        (RNN) neural networks based on char and word n-gram models alike. The pro-
        posed ensemble model is shown to outperform the use of its individual classifiers
        alone, and it was submitted for participation at the PAN-2019 author profiling
        shared task.

1     Introduction

Author profiling is generally understood as the computational task of inferring an indi-
vidual’s demographics from the text that they have written. The present work addresses
two particular instances of author profiling - gender and bot versus human recognition
- as developed in the context of the PAN-2019 bot and gender profiling task [8].
    The tasks proposed at PAN-2019 consist of determining (in supervised fashion)
whether the author of a given piece of text is a bot or a human and, in case of human au-
thorship, to determine their gender. To this end, two datasets were provided, containing
412.000 tweets in English and 300.000 tweets in Spanish, respectively. Both datasets
are labelled with author type (human or bot) and, in case of human authors, with gender
information (male or female).
    Central to our current work, we notice that deep learning methods, although gener-
ally successful in many fields, have been applied to author profiling tasks with varying
degrees of success. In particular, we notice that the two best-performing systems at
PAN-2017 author profiling task [1,5] did not resort to methods of this kind.
    Based on these observations, the present work proposes a new take on deep learning
methods for author profiling by presenting a combined approach that makes use of a
weighted ensemble of convolution (CNN) and recurrent (RNN) neural networks based
on char and word n-gram models alike. In doing so, our goal is to assess whether the
combination of these resources may outperform the use of their individual classifier
components alone, and whether the ensemble method may produce competitive results
in bot and gender profiling as proposed at the PAN-2019 shared task.

    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
    cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
2   Related Work

In this section we briefly review a number of recent studies that address popular author
profiling tasks such as age and gender recognition by making use of deep learning
    The work in [3] addresses the issue of age profiling using convolutional networks.
Unlike many similar tasks addressed at PAN-CLEF and elsewhere, however, age classi-
fication is modelled as a binary classification task (young / adult). The proposed model
was evaluated using a Portuguese text corpus, and it was shown to outperform a number
of standard baseline alternatives.
    The use of deep learning methods is also the focus of the study in [2], which presents
a character-based Convolutional Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and
a word-based Bidirectional LSTM using Global Vectors (GloVe) for gender profiling
on Twitter. A stacked architecture combining both models outperforms the use of the
individual models alone, and also outperforms a number of bag of words and n-grams
baseline models.
    The work in [4] addresses gender, binary age bracket and user type (‘individual’,
‘organisation’ and ‘other’) profiling on Twitter data. All tasks were modelled as a graph
vertex classification task based on two strategies: Naive Recursive Neural Unit (NRNU)
and Long Short-Term Memory Unit (LSTMU). In both cases, the proposed models were
found to outperform a number of baseline systems base on lexical information, logistic
regression, label propagation, and others.
    Finally, the PAN-CLEF 2018 shared task in [9] introduced a gender profiling task
based on a combination of text and image data. Among the participant systems, the
work in [10] was the overall winner of the competition by presenting a neural network
model named ‘Text Image Fusion Neural Network’ (TIFNN) designed to leverage both
text and image data sources.

3   Current Work

Our current work is motivated by the assumption that different learning strategies and
text representations may provide multiple contributions to the tasks at hand, namely, bot
and gender author profiling. To this end, the proposed model - hereby called CNN+RNN-
char-word - combines four neural models into an ensemble setting: char- and word-level
convolutional networks (CNN), and char- and word-level recurrent networks (RNN).
To this end, both CNNs follow a multichannel architecture for variable-length n-gram
representations, and both RNNs follow a long short term (LSTM) architecture with
self-attention. The ensemble architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.
    The weights assigned to each of the individual classifiers are computed by searching
for an optimal confidence estimate for each model so that the combined output error
is minimised. Optimization proper is performed by making use of Simplex [6] using
training data according to equation 1.
                                w̃ = min        fi (x) ∗ wi                           (1)
     x                                                      i=1   fi (x) ∗ w̃i     ỹ


                   Figure 1: CNN+RNN char+word ensemble architecture.

     In this equation, for each model i, we vary the voting weights w ∈ R between 0
and 1 so as to minimise the error rate of the combined models f given by the factor w̃,
which represents the relative weight of the model in the overall results.
     Input texts are individually transformed into one-hot character- and word-level vec-
tors as required by each model. Vectors are taken as initial weights for the input layers in
both CNN and RNN modules, and subsequently optimised through back-propagation.
     The CNN modules make use of 1D convolutional layers with max pooling, using
filters of size 3 and 4, both of which with mappings of size 64, and using ReLU as an
activation function, a 0.003 L2 regularization max pooling of size 2. This is followed
by a fully-connected layer containing 1024 neurons using ReLU and a 0.35 drop-out
regularization and a softmax output layer. Training was performed in mini batches of
size 32 with RMSProp optimization and using entropy loss as a cost function. Validation
was performed over a 20% portion of the data until convergence with Early Stopping.
     The RNN models make use of a self-attention mechanism and memory of size 64
with a 0.12 drop-out regularization. This is followed by a hidden layer conveying 1024
neurons using ReLU as an activation function, and a softmax output layer. Training
is performed with AdaDelta optimization and using entropy loss as a cost function.
Validation is performed over a 20% portion of the data until convergence with Early
     Results from the four models are combined using a weighted voting strategy based
on a confidence estimate for each individual model according to their results during the
training stage.

4   Evaluation

The combined CNN+RNN-char-word ensemble model described in the previous section
was tested against its individual components, namely, CNN-char, CNN-word, RNN-char
and RNN-word. In addition to that, a simple logistic regression baseline - hereby called
                Table 1: Optimal weights for each individual classifier and task.

                Task           CNN-char CNN-word RNN-char RNN-word
                Bot-English      0.24      0.11    0.64     0.01
                Bot-Spanish      0.18      0.09    0.51     0.22
                Gender-English   0.09      0.38    0.10     0.43
                Gender-Spanish -0.02      -0.05    0.27     0.71

Table 2: Bot recognition accuracy results using the PAN-2019 development dataset. Best results
for each language are highlighted.

                            Model            English Spanish
                            LogReg            0.87    0.83
                            CNN-char          0.86    0.82
                            CNN-word          0.67    0.67
                            RNN-char          0.90    0.86
                            RNN-word          0.89    0.85
                            CNN-RNN-char-word 0.94    0.91

LogReg - using a bag-of-words model with LibLinear optimization, L2 regularization
and α =100 was also implemented.
    The ensemble voting mechanism is based on the weights assigned to each individual
classifier during training by performing Simplex [6]. The actual weights obtained from
the PAN-2019 corpus are summarised in Table 1 for the current tasks (bot and gender
profiling) and target languages (English and Spanish.)
    From these optimal weights we notice that the bot recognition problem is more
generally captured by the RNN-char model, whereas gender profiling seems to be best
captured by the RNN-word model.

5     Results
In this section we report results of the proposed Ensemble approach and baseline sys-
tems applied to the bot and gender profiling tasks at PAN-2019, using the evaluation
tool provided [7].

5.1   Bot Recognition
Table 2 summarises accuracy results for the bot recognition task based on the PAN-2019
development dataset.
    From these results we notice that bot recognition was a relatively simple task, with
accuracy scores above 90% for both languages. We also notice that the Ensemble CNN-
RNN-char-word model generally outperforms all alternatives, and that the RNN-char
model was the second best model. As anticipated in the previous section, this outcome
provides further evidence that the results of the Ensemble approach are more influenced
by the use of RNN models than by the use of CNNs.
Table 3: Gender profiling accuracy results using the PAN-2019 development dataset. Best results
for each language are highlighted.

                            Model            English Spanish
                            Baseline          0.74    0.72
                            CNN-char          0.59    0.58
                            CNN-word          0.55    0.56
                            RNN-char          0.64    0.63
                            RNN-word          0.72    0.71
                            CNN-RNN-char-word 0.74    0.72

    Table 4: Bot and gender profiling accuracy results using the PAN-2019 validation dataset.

                                    Task English Spanish
                                    Bot    0.84   0.82
                                    Gender 0.58   0.65

5.2   Gender Profiling

Table 3 summarises accuracy results for the gender profiling task based on the PAN-
2019 development dataset.
    Gender profiling turned out to be much more challenging than bot recognition, as
evidenced by the overall lower accuracy scores if compared to those in the previous
Table 2. From these results, we notice also that the Ensemble CNN-RNN-char-word
once again outperforms all CNN and RNN alternatives in both languages, but results in
this case are the same as those obtained by the LogReg baseline model (at a much lower
    Finally, Table 4 shows results of the Ensemble CNN-RNN-char-word approach for
both tasks based on the PAN-CLEF 2019 validation dataset, as obtained in the final
submission to the shared task.
    Results based on validation data are considerably lower than those observed in the
development data, and particularly so in the case of the gender profiling task, which
suggest a certain degree of overfitting.

6     Final Remarks

This paper presented an approach to bot and gender profiling that makes use of a
weighted ensemble of convolution (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) based
on char and word n-gram models alike. The Ensemble approach outperformed a num-
ber of baseline alternatives making use of single network and language models, but a
certain accuracy loss was observed in the final validation.
    As future work, we intend to investigate how the individual components of the
model interact, and extend the current architecture by making use of word and char-
acter embeddings.

The authors acknowledge support by FAPESP grant 2016/14223-0 and from the Uni-
versity of São Paulo.

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