=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_63 |storemode=property |title=UDE at eRisk 2019: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_63.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Razan Masood,Faneva Ramiandrisoa,Ahmet Aker |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/MasoodRA19 }} ==UDE at eRisk 2019: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_63.pdf
                 UDE at eRisk 2019:
         Early Risk Prediction on the Internet

          Razan Masood1 , Faneva Ramiandrisoa2 , and Ahmet Aker1
                         University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg
                             Université de Toulouse, France

      Abstract. In this paper, we describe our participation in CLEF eRisk
      workshop. eRisk 2019 is the third edition of this track 3 , which was
      first introduced in 2017. In the current edition, the organizers are tar-
      geting Social Media users, namely Reddit, who may be under the risk
      of Anorexia, self-harm, and depression. We participated in both tasks of
      early risk detection of Anorexia and self-harm. Our predictions are based
      on Natural Language Processing using supervised machine learning with
      Support Vector Machines (SVM) and neural networks. SVM gave the
      best results among our five submitted models with latency-weighted F1
      of 0.58 and ERDE5 of 0.08 and ERDE50 of 0.04 for Anorexia detection
      task, while our more complicated neural network models did not show
      the desired performances.

      Keywords: Early risk detection · Anorexia · Self-harm · NLP · LSTM
      · SVM.

1   Introduction
Social Media (SM) provided a more vibrant environment for communication and
sharing experiences. However, different means of interactions on SM platforms
induced enormous amounts of data of different variations. Feeding the data to
machine learning and data mining algorithms revealed much of user personality
that could not be known even by their close family members 4 .
   Hence, the users’ mental health state is not an exception and might be re-
vealed and understood through the use of SM data as well.
   In mental health treatment, professionals use the textual content produced
by people suffering from different kinds of mental illness to analyze and help
them in the treatment and diagnosis. This procedure could be costly to do on
     Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
site, and it may not result in enough data. Therefore, mining social media could
be a promising method to get more related content for analysis. Besides, it is
not only a cheaper source but also, a reliable way to reach more people that can
be at risk and in need of professional therapy [4, 5].
    eRisk 2019 introduced three collaborative tasks to deal with the early risk de-
tection of different mental illnesses, namely Anorexia, self-harm, and depression,
using textual data from related Reddit subreddits. We submitted predictions for
the first two tasks. We used five models for both of the tasks, including variations
of SVM and LSTM neural networks. In the following, we introduce our models
and results.

2       Data

The data was extracted from Reddit5 . This website includes many communities
to discuss certain topics and interests in what are called subreddits.
    The first task is related to the early detection of signs of Anorexia. This task
has two stages training and testing. Training and Test datasets of the same task
in eRisk 2018 were joined to be used as the training set for eRisk 2019. The data
consists of users’ messages, which are separate posts with a title and a textual
    In earlier anorexia and depression detection challenges, users’ posts were
divided into ten chunks each with 10% of each user posts. In 2019 anorexia
challenge, the test data is provided in an item-by-item manner. The predicting
model must submit a decision for the user, i.e., positive or not, upon receiving
each message from their stream. A score indicating the level of Anorexia must
also be submitted after receiving each writing.
    The second task is related to the early detection of Signs of Self-harm. The
source of the data is the same as the first task with the same test stage format.
There is no training data for this task, so it is presented as an unsupervised
learning task to motivate search based methods.
    More information about the data is provided by [8].

3       Methodology

We first pre-processed the textual data by lemmatizing, lower casing, and then
removing stop words, new-lines, and other unrelated terms or symbols related
to the Reddit platform. After the cleaning process, we used different machine
learning approaches to address the tasks. In our strategy, we aimed to use meth-
ods that are as simple as possible, but that led in earlier cases to competitive
results [10] and then also try out more complex models that showed successes in
related areas [12].
3.1   Linear Support Vector Classification

For the first model, we employed a traditional machine learning (ML) model,
which is an SVM with a linear kernel. For the training phase, we concatenated
all the writings for each labeled user, including text and title parts. Then, we
applied a term-frequency transformer and then performed feature selection using
chi-squared test to select the most significant 500 terms. On the resulting feature
vectors from the described pipeline, we performed a 10-fold cross validation
using LinearSVC provided by Python sklearn library. We used grid search to
determine the SVM model parameters. Besides, we defined a class weight to
overcome the unbalanced data problem. The parameters that were used are:
{penalty = ”l2”, dual = T rue, tol = 1e − 3, C = 10, class weight = 1 : 4}.

3.2   Filtered Linear Support Vector Classification

This method is a two-steps classification. The idea is based on the fact that by
observing each user’s posts, we found that the stream contains many posts that
are not related to the mental health issue and discuss other topics like games,
movies or politics. Hence, the first step is to filter out the writings that have
a higher probability of being not related to the topics discussed frequently by
mental health subreddit users and keep only those that are more likely to be
about mental illness related issues. These most related writings pass to the next
classification step to predict if the user is under risk or not. If no writings pass this
filter, the user’s label remains negative. In this model, we tried to narrow down
the writings to get the ones that have a higher probability of having informative
features on the users’ mental health and examine if this will enhance the SVM
performance by adding a pre-filtering phase.
     To perform the first step, we manually annotated writings in the training set
that are not related to mental health. Our guidelines were to filter out any post
that does not discuss any of the following issues: depression, food or cooking,
physical activity, medications, life experience/story, self-harming/suicidal and
eating disorder experiences. These topics are selected based on literature that
mentioned topics written by people with mental health issues and by manually
observing positive users postings in the data [11, 13]. Two people have performed
the data annotation. We first chose randomly 200 posts and annotated them.
The inter-rater agreement computed using Kappa on these 200 posts is κ = 0.72.
     We then extended the dataset and annotated more posts. In total, we have
660 posts. From this 660 posts, 230 (34.85%) are related to mental health, and
430 (65.15%) are not. We trained a linear SVM with similar features to the one
trained for the first model described in Section 3.1, but we selected the most
significant 200 terms. We trained the SVM using 10-fold cross-validation on the
660 writings. The best parameter combination, found using grid search, produced
0.68 as the mean cross-validated F1 score. These parameters are: {tol = 1e −
3, C = 1, class weight = ”balanced”, gamma = ”scale”}.
     We consider this described classifier as a filter which does not allow the
writing to pass to the next step if the probability of it not being related to
mental health is higher than 95%. We chose this high probability to reduce the
loss of true positives.
    The second step classifier is responsible for the writings that pass through
the previous filtering step. It is the same classifier described in Section 3.1. To
train this classifier, we filtered the training data using the step-1 model and used
the resulted data for training.

3.3   LSTM Model

This model is based on a vanilla LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) neural
network, which is a type of recurrent neural network.
    Since the eRisk data is a stream of user’s posts ordered by time, LSTM could
be applicable for classifying users. For training this model, we did not use the
full posts stream, but we used only 45 writings of the users’ streams by which we
took 15 writings from the beginning, another 15 from the middle and another 15
from the end of the stream. We chose the number of writings based on manual
observation of the data in order to summarize the users’ writing stream. The goal
is to have a minimum and a representing number of writings to asses the users’
risk. The features extracted from these writings are a concatenation of doc2vec
features and term frequency features. We trained the model on the concatenation
of all writings (including title and text) for each user.
    The doc2vec model produces a 200 long vector which is a concatenation of
the results of two doc2vec algorithms, namely Distributed Bag of Words and
Distributed Memory with an output of 100 long vector each and trained in the
same way described by [14] using Python implementation provided by gensim
library. We concatenated the 200 doc2vec feature vector with a vector of term
frequencies of the most significant 70 terms selected as described in Section 3.1.
    We used Keras implementation of LSTM with 500 units for output, a dropout
of 0.2, a dense layer of size 2 and Softmax function for the final output. We used
binary cross-entropy for the loss function and Adam as an optimizer. We defined
F1 metric for model evaluation.
    In the test stage, the input to the trained model is given one writing at a
time. Whenever new writings arrive, we concatenate it with the previous ones
and use the concatenation as input to the model. When the stream of writings
became longer, we started to arrange the input to concatenate only 45 writings
the way we described above.

3.4   Global Attention Model

Attention is a mechanism used in deep learning models that have been quite
popular lately, and first appeared in neural machine translation. Attention was
mainly introduced to address the inefficiency of sequence-to-sequence encoding
in memorizing longer sentences [1]. This mechanism allows the model to learn
for each word in the target sequence which words to attend to (pay attention
to) in the input sequence by learning alignment weights between that pairs of
output and input words. These alignments are in turns used to calculate the
final context vector for each word/ time-step. In our case, time steps are the
writings in the user’s stream. Accordingly, the model is supposed to learn the
importance of each of the writings to predict if the owner is at risk of Anorexia.
    The model’s input is similar to what we described for the previous simple
LSTM model in Section 3.3 but using only the doc2vec feature vectors, i.e.
a doc2vec for each writing. The 45 vectors formed an input layer for another
LSTM layer with 16 units and then followed by an attention layer. We use what
is called global/ soft attention, as described by [9], which is a simplification of the
attention mechanism in [1]. We use a dropout of 0.1 and then normalizing the
attention output with the Softmax function and predict a positive result when
its probability is higher than 0.5. In the test phase, we used the same strategy
described in Section 3.3.

3.5    Inner Attention Model

By manually comparing writings streams of positive labeled users and negative
labeled ones, we noticed that the positive users’ writings contain different kinds
of topics and information that is more frequent in their feed. These topics, for
example, can be related to diet, eating habits like fasting and food, and medi-
cations. Hence, the idea is to train a model that learns the importance of each
writing depending on its topic.
    This idea is similar to the model proposed in [12] for arguments classification.
In their paper, Stab et al. use an average vector of embedding of each topic’s
terms to build the attention layer. These topics embeddings allowed to detect
whether a sentence constitutes an argument or not by engaging the topic of the
sentence in the detection model. For our case, we used doc2vec of paragraphs
collected from web sources related to Eating Disorders in addition to posts from
ED related r/EatingDisorders/ and r/AnorexiaNervosa/ subreddits, instead of
topic terms that were used in the original paper. We used collected paragraphs
from eight different web sources that contain articles about Anorexia and other
eating disorders6,7,8 . We used 15 paragraphs from the ED related websites chosen
manually to be as diverse as possible to consider different aspects of the disorder.
Besides, we added 15 writings from the mentioned subreddits. We selected the
writings to cover different topics that users mention in these subreddits, such as
body/weight information, diets, and recovering experiences.
    The implemented model includes an inner-attention layer that receives both
the input as doc2vev features from 45 writings as described before and the
doc2vec feature of 30 paragraphs of related topics and an LSTM with 64 units
with a dropout of 0.1 and a dense layer of 2 units for the output using Softmax
4     Results
4.1     Task 1: Early Detection of Signs of Anorexia
We developed the five models described in the earlier sections for Task 1, namely
Anorexia detection. eRisk organizers evaluate the prediction based on F1, pre-
cision, recall, and ERDE measure, which was first proposed in [6]. However,
ERDE measure has some deficiencies. Hence, eRisk 2019 introduced latency-
weighted F1 score measure [8]. The linear SVM model produces the best latency-
weighted F1 score among our other four submitted models. See Table 1 for
results. Whereas, other NN models performed poorly on this task. The SVM
model ranked 11th between 13 teams’ 54 submitted models according to the
latency-weighted F1 measure.

            Table 1. Results of the five models in task 1: Anorexia detection

                Model        P R F1 ERDE5 ERDE50 latency-weighted F1
                 SVM        .51 .74 .61 .08 .04          .58
             Fitered-SVM .44 .73 .55    .07 .04          .53
                LSTM        .13 .68 .22 .13 .08          .19
            Global-attention 0 0 0       -   -            -
            Inner-attention 0 0 0        -   -            -

    The organizers have added new ranking-based evaluation measures that are
based on the submitted scores that accompanied each received writing. The goal
is to rank the users according to their estimated risks [8]. The standard IR met-
rics P@10 and NDCG were reported after seeing 1, 100, 500 and 1000 writings.
According to this evaluation metric, the filtered-SVM model performed slightly
better than the single step SVM model. Again, the other NN models performed
poorly according to this measure. Results are shown in Table 2. Nonetheless,
these measure values were high compared to other teams, but this could be a
result of a relatively high recall of our models.

             Table 2. Ranking-based evaluation of the five models in task 1
                        1 writing            100 writings          500 writings         1000 writings
                P@10 NDCG@10 NDCG@100 P@10 NDCG@10 NDCG@100 P@10 NDCG@10 NDCG@100 P@10 NDCG@10 NDCG@100
     SVM         .2    .12        .11  .9     .92         .81 .9    .93         .85 .9    .94         .86
 Fitered-SVM     .6    .75        .54  .9     .94         .81  1     1          .87  1     1          .88
    LSTM         .7    .76        .49  .9     .94         .60 .9    .94         .64 .8    .88         .64
Global-attention .0     .0        .11  .0      .0         .08 .0     .0         .06 .0     .0         .07
Inner-attention   -      -         -    -       -          -   -      -          -   -      -          -

4.2     Task 2: Early Detection of Signs of Self-harm
Many studies and investigations showed that different mental illnesses accom-
pany and relate to each other. For example, people who suffer from Anorexia
could be depressed or self-harming and vice versa [3, 2]. Since task 2 had no
training data, we wanted to investigate if training the model on writing pro-
vided for different tasks, namely depression detection, and anorexia detection
could help in detecting users at risk of self-harm. Therefore, we trained the
same five classifiers described before for Anorexia detection on previously pro-
vided eRisk data for depression detection in addition to the data provided for
Anorexia detection. Precisely, we used the datasets provided by eRisk 2018 [7]
on depression and Anorexia and used the positively labeled users in each as pos-
itive self-harm cases. The performance was poor using the mentioned datasets
for training according to the measures proposed by the organizers which were
mentioned in the previous section. See Table 3. The ranking evaluation indicated
higher performance for this task as well. See Table 4.

            Table 3. Results of the five model in task 2: Self-harm detection

                Model        P R F1 ERDE5 ERDE50 latency-weighted F1
                 SVM        .50 .07 .13 .12 .11          .12
             Fitered-SVM .45 .22 .30    .11 .10          .29
                LSTM        .18 .68 .29 .14 .10          .28
            Global-attention 0 0 0       -   -            -
            Inner-attention .06 .34 .10 .20 .20          .07

             Table 4. Ranking-based evaluation of the five models in task 2
                       1 writing             100 writings          500 writings         1000 writings
                P@10 NDCG@10 NDCG@100 P@10 NDCG@10 NDCG@100 P@10 NDCG@10 NDCG@100 P@10 NDCG@10 NDCG@100
     SVM          0     0        0.09  .7     .77         .69 .7    .67         .69 .7    .67         .70
 Fitered-SVM     .7    .56        .52  .7     .66         .69 .8    .75         .74 .8    .75         .74
    LSTM         .5    .63        .53  .5     .56         .64 .6    .66         .68 .6    .65         .67
Global-attention .2    .25        .30  .1     .07         .20 .1    .07         .15 .1    .08         .17
Inner-attention .2     .19        .21   0      0          .11 .2    .16         .14 .1    .07         .15

5     Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we introduced the working notes of our participation in eRisk 2019
for the early risk detection of Anorexia and self-harm. We proposed solutions
based on traditional ML with linear SVM and NNs, including LSTM and atten-
tion mechanisms. What makes this task tricky is the trade-off between deciding
earlier with a low number of posts that a user is at risk of having the negative
consequences of mental illnesses symptoms on the one hand, and being wrong
to classify such user to be at such risk. Accordingly, by looking at the data and
trying to decide whether a user is at risk by reading their posts one by one, it
seemed hard to decide with much confident especially when some users who are
already labeled as positive cases do not have many posts. However, introducing
a score to guide the level of risk and ranking users according to their estimate
of risk could be a more reliable indicator to use, as stated by [8].
    SVM did not perform as it is expected, this could be due to the difference
between the training and testing settings, where the training is done using the
stream of the whole writing for each user, whereas the judging is associated with
each writing at a time. On the other hand, what is most tricky by this kind of
problem is the coding for a user’s writing stream. The NN solutions we used are
initially used for a stream of words that constitute a sentence that needs to be
classified, but in our case, we have several paragraphs/sentences that belong to
one user which should be classified. It is most likely that our input encoding did
not fit with the test and evaluation strategy of the tasks. On the other hand,
as mentioned before, the performance was better in terms of ranking evaluation
when using more writings.
    In our future work, we aim to investigate methods that suit the item-by-item
test phase. Moreover, we need to investigate better encoding for the user input
without losing much knowledge by encoding each post as one unit of information.

6   acknowledgement

This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German
Research Foundation) - GRK 2167, Research Training Group User-Centred So-
cial Media.

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