=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_64 |storemode=property |title=Ensemble of Streamlined Bilinear Visual Question Answering Models for the ImageCLEF 2019 Challenge in the Medical Domain |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_64.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Minh H. Vu,Raphael Sznitman,Tufve Nyholm,Tommy Löfstedt |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/VuSNL19 }} ==Ensemble of Streamlined Bilinear Visual Question Answering Models for the ImageCLEF 2019 Challenge in the Medical Domain== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_64.pdf
   Ensemble of Streamlined Bilinear Visual
Question Answering Models for the ImageCLEF
    2019 Challenge in the Medical Domain

    Minh H. Vu1 , Raphael Sznitman2 , Tufve Nyholm1 , and Tommy Löfstedt1
                      Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå, Sweden
                   ARTORG Center, University of Bern, Switzerland

        Abstract. This paper describes the contribution by participants from
        Umeå University, Sweden, in collaboration with the University of Bern,
        Switzerland, for the Medical Domain Visual Question Answering chal-
        lenge hosted by ImageCLEF 2019. We proposed a novel Visual Ques-
        tion Answering approach that leverages a bilinear model to aggregate
        and synthesize extracted image and question features. While we did not
        make use of any additional training data, our model used an attention
        scheme to focus on the relevant input context and was further boosted by
        using an ensemble of trained models. We show here that the proposed
        approach performs at state-of-the-art levels, and provides an improve-
        ment over several existing methods. The proposed method was ranked
        3rd in the Medical Domain Visual Question Answering challenge of Im-
        ageCLEF 2019.

1     Introduction

Deep learning (DL) has dramatically reshaped the state-of-the-art in computer
vision, natural language processing (NLP), and many other domains. This is the
case within medical image analysis as well. With exceptional outcomes for various
diagnostic and prognostic tasks, DL has attracted the attention of the medical
community. The hope is that DL will improve results or provide automated tools
that can support clinical decision making, for example in the Visual Question
Answering (VQA) task.
    VQA is a complex multimodal task that aims at answering a question about
an image. Here, a system needs to fathom both the image and question in order
to correctly answer the question. Most recent VQA methods consists of artificial
neural networks trained to answer a question regarding a given image [9]. Such
models incorporate: (1) a question model encoding the question input, (2) an
image model extracting visual features from the input image, (3) a fusion scheme

    Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
    Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12
    September 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
Q:“Is this a        Q:“Is this an MRI    Q:“Is this image     Q:“What is most
contrast or         image?”              modality T1, T2,     alarming about this
noncontrast CT?”                         or FLAIR?”           MRI?”
A: “Noncontrast”    A: “Yes”             A: “T2”              A: “Dermoid cyst”

Fig. 1: Examples of questions and images and their corresponding answers in the
ImageCLEF-VQA-Med 2019 challenge.

that combines the image and question features, and (4) a classifier that uses the
combined features to select the most likely answer.
    ImageCLEF [8] aims to support the need of the global community of reusable
resources for benchmarking the cross-language annotation and retrieval of im-
ages. In 2019, ImageCLEF had four main tasks: lifelogging, medicine, nature,
and security. With the purpose of providing a “second opinion” for clinicians
on complex medical images and offering patients an economical way to monitor
their disease status, ImageCLEF organizes a medical domain VQA challenge,
called ImageCLEF-VQA-Med [1] (see examples in Figure 1).
    In the present work, we describe the model that we developed for the ImageCLEF-
VQA-Med 2019 challenge. First, we present a novel fusion scheme for questions
and images. Second, we introduce an image preprocessing step that suppresses
unwanted distortions to enhance the quality of the ImageCLEF-VQA-Med im-
ages before they are fed into a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image
feature extraction. Third, we propose to utilize a pre-trained Bidirectional En-
coder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model [5] to extract the ques-
tion features. Last, we present an ensemble of VQA models that gave a large
boost in the evaluation metrics on both validation and test sets.

2   Related Work
Since most existing VQA methods use standard embedding models for text [12]
and standard CNNs to extract image features [6], the research focus has largely
been on fusion strategies that combine information from both input sources [6,10,3].
Recently, attention schemes have also been introduced in VQA models in order
to focus the trained models towards question-guided evaluations. The review
paper of Kafle et al. [9] offers a comprehensive overview of recent VQA models.
    An image model is used to extract visual features from the input images. Most
recent VQA models use CNNs, often ones that are pre-trained on e.g. the Ima-
geNet dataset [13]. Popular choices for the image model includes: VGGNet [15],
GoogLeNet [16], and ResNet [6,10,3]. Multimodal Compact Bilinear (MCB) [6],
Multimodal Low-rank Bilinear (MLB) [10], and Multimodal Tucker Fusion for
Visual Question Answering (MUTAN) [3] are current VQA methods that employ
bilinear transformation to encode image and question. As with these, we used
a ResNet-152 model, that was pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset, to extract
visual features.
    Common models employed to extract question features include Long Short-
term Memory (LSTM) [7], Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) [4], and Skip-thought
vectors [12]. Skip-thought vectors is a powerful unsupervised encoder-decoder
approach that has been used in many recent VQA models [6,10,3]. In the present
work, we not only used Skip-thought vectors but also evaluated the use of a pre-
trained BERT model [5] to extract question features. The BERT model has
obtained state-of-the-art results on a wide variety of NLP tasks recently.
    Attention mechanisms have led to breakthroughs in many NLP applications,
for example, in neural machine translation [2], and in computer vision, such as
in image classification [17]. Propelled by the remarkable success accomplished
by attention mechanisms in computer vision and NLP, numerous VQA models
have employed attention schemes to improve predictions.

3     Proposed Approach

For the task of VQA [9], we are interested in predicting the most likely answer,
â, given a question, q, about an image, v. The problem can be stated as

                             â = arg max P (a | q, v, Θ),                         (1)

where A is the set of possible answers and Θ denotes all model parameters.
    Figure 2 illustrates the proposed method. It uses pre-trained networks to
extracts image and question features (in red and green, respectively), and feed
them to a fusion scheme. These features are combined using an attention mech-
anism [6] (orange) to compute global image features, ṽ. We proposed an efficient
bilinear transformation that takes two inputs: global image features and global
question features, q̃, and yields a single latent feature vector, f˜, that is then lin-
early mapped to the answer vector (white) to generate the output. The proposed
bilinear fusion scheme is further described in the following section.

3.1    Proposed Method

To encode questions and images, we first make use of a multi-glimpse attention
mechanism [6] to compute global image features, ṽ = [ω1T , . . . , ωG
                                                                     T T
                                                                       ] ∈ RKG ,
where K denotes the dimensions of the identity core tensor, that is decomposed
using Tucker Decomposition in the attention scheme (see [3] for more details),
and G is the number of glimpses.
                                   14 × 14 × 2048

                  ResNet-152                               Dropout-Linear
                                     Attention      ṽ
         “What is the modality?”                            Bilinear-ReLU

             Question model                              Dropout-Linear-ReLU   “Nuclear medicine”

Fig. 2: Proposed method. We used a ResNet-152 model, that was pre-trained
on the ImageNet dataset, to extract image features. Skip-thought vectors or a
pre-trained BERT is employed to extract question features. These features are
passed through an attention mechanism to produce global image features, ṽ,
while the question features are linearly transformed to obtain global question
features, q̃. We then apply the proposed bilinear transformation on these global
features to compute output features, f˜, before calculating the output probability
vector over the possible answers.

      The global question features can be written as

                                   q̃ = ReLU(Wq q + bq ),                                      (2)

where q̃ ∈ RKG , q ∈ RJ are the question features, and Wq ∈ RKG×J and
bq ∈ RKG denote the weight and bias terms, respectively. ReLU is the rectified
linear unit activation function.
    Given these, the output features of the proposed model are encoded as
                                                 
                       KG X
                       X   KG                                              
        f˜i = ReLU            q̃j wijk ṽk + bfi  = ReLU q̃ T Wif ṽ + bfi , (3)
                           j=1 k=1

where f˜ ∈ RK , Wif ∈ RKG×KG and bfi ∈ R denote the weight and bias terms
in the bilinear scheme, respectively.
    The probabilities of each target answer over all possible target answers are
then written as
                           f = SoftMax(Wa f˜ + ba ),                         (4)
where f ∈ RN , and Wa ∈ RN ×K and ba ∈ RN denote the weight and bias
terms, respectively.

3.2     Implementation Details and Training

The proposed method, illustrated in Figure 2, contains three different compo-
nents: an image model (see Section 4.1), a question model (see Section 4.2), and
the proposed fusion with an attention mechanism model. The implementation
and training details of the latter one is discussed below.
    To implement the attention mechanism, we followed the description in [3].
 We used the Adam optimizer [11] with a learning rate of 0.0001, a batch size of
 128 and used a dropout rate of 0.5 for all linear and bilinear layers. We trained
 the proposed model for 100 epochs on an Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU, the training
 time for the whole network with the attention scheme was around 1.5 hours.

 4     Ensemble of Multiple Models

 We employed ensemble learning to build a committee from a collection of trained
 VQA models, each casts a weighted vote for the predicted answer, in order to
 use the wisdom of the crowd to produce better predictions.

 4.1   Image Model

 We preprocessed and augmented the images before passing them through the
 pre-trained ResNet-152 model to extract image features.
     To remove unwanted outer areas (text and/or background) from an image,
 we applied the following sequence of image processing techniques:
 (1) Normalize the intensities of the input image to 0-255.
 (2) Apply Otsu’s method to binarize the normalized image using a threshold of
 (3) Apply an open operation on the thresholded image with a rectangular struc-
     turing element of size 40 × 40.
 (4) Fill the holes of the binary image.
 (5) Remove all connected components, except the two largest ones.
 (6) Compute a bounding-box of the foreground.
 (7) Crop the image to the bounding box.
 (8) Apply an open operation with a rectangular structuring element of size 50 ×
 (9) Crop the normalized image to the enlarged bounding box.
(10) Multiply the results from steps (8) and (9) to obtain a cropped image.
(11) Resize the cropped image to 448 × 448.
(12) Z-normalize the resized image.
     Data augmentation was applied on the pre-processed dataset before the im-
 ages were sent to the network to improve the generalization. We used two types
 of data augmentation: (i) rotate the image by a randomly selected number of
 degrees from the range [−20, 20], and (ii) randomly scale the image size using a
 scaling factor in the range [0.9, 1.1].

 4.2   Question Model

 We evaluated the use of Skip-thought vectors and a pre-trained BERT model
 for extracting the question features. These features were then used in the VQA
 models (see Table 2).
      Fig. 3: Example images passed through the pre-processing pipeline.

    We used the same preprocessing techniques for the questions as was used
in [3,6]. These were: (i) removing the punctuation marks, and (ii) converting to
    To overcome the challenge of seeing new words in the medical domain, we
employed a Word2Vec model trained on the Google News dataset that includes
three million words vectors. We then used a linear regression model without regu-
larization to map the Word2Vec to the Skip-thought embedding space [12]. This
enabled our Skip-thought vectors to generate 2,400-dimensional word features.
    BERT is a deep bidirectional transformer encoder that has obtained new
state-of-the-art results on multiple NLP tasks [5]. The BERT model was pre-
trained for general-purpose language understanding on a large text corpus, called
WikiText-103, on two unique tasks: Masked Language Model (MLM) and Next
Sentence Prediction (NSP) [5]. We employed two pre-trained BERT models: (i)
bert-base-multilingual-uncased, and (ii) bert-base-multilingual-cased, to extract
question features. Of each pre-trained model, we used a feature-based approach
by generating ELMo-like [14] pre-trained contextual representations using two
methods: (i) Second-to-Last Hidden (768-dimensional), and (ii) Concat Last
Four Hidden (3,072-dimensional) (see Table 7 in [5] for details).

4.3   Fusion Model with Attention Mechanism

In addition to the proposed model, the ensemble contained MLB and MUTAN
models, for which we used freely available PyTorch code.
   We integrated ten different MLB models [10] in the ensemble (see Table 2).
To prevent overfitting, we reduced the dimensions of the identity core tensor, K,
to 64, 100 and 200 (the original value was K = 1,200, see [10]). Furthermore, we
replaced all hyperbolic tangent (tanh) activations by ReLU activation functions.
    We employed five different versions of the MUTAN architecture [3] in the
ensemble model (see Table 2). All hyper-parameters were set as in [3]. As with
the MLB model, all hyperbolic tangent activations were replaced by ReLU ac-
tivation functions.
    Both MLB and MUTAN were trained to minimize the categorical cross en-
tropy loss using the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.0001 and exponen-
tial decay rates of β1 = 0.9 and β2 = 0.999. As in the proposed model, the batch
size was 128 and the model was trained for 100 epochs. As for the proposed
method, the training time for both the MLB and the MUTAN models on an
Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU was about 1.5 hours.

4.4   Ensemble Model

By varying the pre-trained question models and a few hyper-parameters of the
fusion schemes, we trained more than 40 base models separately on the training
set. We then evaluated their performance on the validation set to select the top
26 performing models (see Table 2), and built ensemble models using those 26
    To generate the outputs for the test set, we trained the 26 aforementioned
models on the concatenation of the training and validation sets with the aim of
making the networks learn a wider range of answers.
    We then used two ensemble techniques: the average,
                                        1 X
                                 ã =         fm ,                           (5)
                                        M m=1

and the weighted average,
                                            m=1 wm fm
                            ãweighted =   PM           ,                    (6)
                                             m=1 wm

where ã, ãweighted ∈ RN are the output probability vectors over the answers,
fm ∈ RN is the answer vector corresponding to model m that was computed
by Equation 4. The M is the number of models, and wm ∈ R is the weight
corresponding to the performance of the mth model (computed as the mean
accuracy over the last 21 epochs on the validation set, as seen in Table 2).

5     Experiments

In this section, we detail the ImageCLEF-VQA-Med dataset, and compare the
proposed method to MLB [10] and MUTAN [3] when applied on the validation
set. In addition, we discuss the results of the ensemble model on the test set.
Table 1: Mean accuracy (and standard errors) computed from the last 21 epochs
on the validation set for MUTAN, MLB (with default hyper-parameters), and
the proposed model. K and G are the dimensions of the identity core tensor and
the number of glimpses, respectively (see Section 3.1 for details). Note that we
used Skip-thought vectors for all models.
   Fusion        Question         Activation         K    G    Mean      SE
   MUTAN [3]     skip-thought     tanh             n.a.    2    58.35    0.18
                 skip-thought     tanh             100     8    58.96    0.11
   MLB [10]      skip-thought     tanh             200     4    58.23    0.16
                 skip-thought     tanh            1200     4    58.74    0.12
   Proposed      skip-thought     ReLU              64     8    60.12    0.17

5.1   Material

The ImageCLEF-VQA-Med data were partitioned in three sets: (i) a training
set of 3,200 images with 12,792 Question & Answer (QA) pairs, (ii) a valida-
tion set of 500 images with 2,000 QA pairs, and (iii) a test set of 500 images
with 500 questions. Different from previous challenges, the organizers of the
ImageCLEF-VQA-Med 2019 categorized the questions in four groups: Modality,
Plane, Organ System, and Abnormality. The task was to answer the questions
about the medical images in the test set as correctly as possible.
    The evaluation metrics were: (i) strict accuracy, defined as the percent-
age of correctly classified predictions, and (ii) Bilingual Evaluation Understudy
(BLEU) score that computes the similarity between n-grams of the ground truth
answers and the corresponding predictions.

5.2   Results and Discussion

Table 1 compares the performance of the proposed method to MLB [10] and
MUTAN [3], while Table 2 shows the mean and standard error of the accura-
cies of the last 21 epochs of the 26 best-performing methods on the validation
set. From Table 1 and Table 2 we see that: (1) the proposed method performs
better than state-of-the-art methods on the ImageCLEF-VQA-Med dataset, (2)
bert-base-multilingual-uncased gives better question representations than bert-
base-multilingual-cased does, and (3) the question features extracted by the pre-
trained BERT models are as good as those produced by the Skip-thought vectors.
    There are two possible explanations to why the proposed model outperforms
MLB and MUTAN. First, the ReLU overcomes the vanishing gradient prob-
lem that hyperbolic tangent activation functions suffers from. It thus allows the
proposed model to learn faster and therefore it may perform better. Second,
by using the bilinear transformation instead of an inner product operation to
produce the global question and image features, that are used in MLB and MU-
TAN, the proposed method considers every possible combination of elements
Table 2: Mean accuracy (and standard errors) computed from the last 21 epochs
for the 26 best-performing models on the validation set. The first column indi-
cates the fusion scheme with attention mechanism that was used. The second
column contains the question models that was used to extract the question fea-
tures. Here, “bert-uncased” and “bert-cased” are bert-base-multilingual-uncased
and bert-base-multilingual-cased, respectively (see Section 4.2). J denotes the di-
mension of the question feature space, while K and G are the dimensions of the
identity core tensor and the number of glimpses, respectively (see Section 3.1).
Note that we used ReLU activation functions for all models.
      Fusion         Question               J      K    G    Mean       SE
                     bert-cased           768    n.a.    2    57.75    0.18
                     bert-uncased         768    n.a.    2    58.35    0.18
      MUTAN [3]      bert-cased          3072    n.a.    2    58.42    0.17
                     bert-uncased        3072    n.a.    2    58.88    0.21
                     skip-thought        2400    n.a.    2    59.64    0.20
                     bert-cased           768    200     4    57.57    0.15
                     bert-cased          3072    200     4    58.45    0.11
                     bert-cased           768    100     8    58.56    0.15
                     bert-cased          3072    100     8    58.73    0.12
      MLB [10]       bert-uncased        3072    100     8    58.74    0.19
                     bert-uncased        3072    200     4    59.15    0.16
                     bert-uncased         768    200     4    59.45    0.19
                     skip-thought        2400    200     4    59.90    0.11
                     skip-thought        2400    100     8    60.02    0.10
                     bert-uncased         768    100     8    60.09    0.22
                     bert-uncased        3072    200     4     58.83   0.15
                     bert-cased          3072    200     4     58.97   0.12
                     bert-uncased        3072    100     8     59.10   0.21
                     bert-cased           768    200     4     59.12   0.15
                     bert-cased          3072    100     8     59.33   0.18
      Proposed       skip-thought        2400    200     4     59.62   0.13
                     bert-cased           768    100     8     59.63   0.24
                     bert-uncased         768    200     4     59.72   0.17
                     skip-thought        2400    100     8     59.85   0.13
                     bert-uncased         768    100     8     60.09   0.22
                     skip-thought        2400     64     8    60.12    0.17

from two aforementioned features, and thus become more capable of learning a
larger range of answers.
    Table 3 presents the accuracy and BLEU scores of the ensemble models on the
validation and test sets. We selected the top 6 performing ensemble models on
the validation set and used those to make predictions to submit to the evaluation
server. As can be seen in Table 3, the ensemble of 11 proposed models resulted
Table 3: Results of the ensemble models on the validation and test sets in the
ImageCLEF-VQA-Med 2019. # denotes the number of base models used in the
ensemble, while “Run” is the submission ID on the leaderboard. “skip-thought”,
“bert-768”, and “bert-3072” denote the ensembles of base models, that use dif-
ferent types of question models: Skip-thought vectors, 768-dimensional BERT
and 3072-dimensional BERT, respectively. Our results won the 3rd place at
ImageCLEF-VQA-Med 2019 without using any additional training data.
    Ensemble   Description     #         Validation               Test   Run
    n.a.       single best      1       60.50 (62.62)     60.60 (62.30) 26843
               bert-3072       10       60.85 (63.21)
               all models      26       61.15 (63.48)
    Weighted   skip-thought     6       61.25 (63.39)
               bert-768        10       61.40 (63.69)     61.20 (63.10) 26880
               proposed        11       61.55 (63.87)     61.20 (63.20) 27196
               bert-3072       10      61.30 (63.86)
               bert-768        10      61.40 (63.73)
    Average    skip-thought     6      61.55 (63.80)     61.40 (63.30) 27197
               all models      26      61.35 (63.61)     61.40 (63.30) 26863
               proposed        11     61.60 (63.89)     61.60 (63.40) 27195

in a 1 % improvement on strict accuracy, which is consistent with the literature
results of using ensembles.
    Our best performing model, that achieved the strict accuracy of 61.60 and
the BLEU score of 63.89 on the validation set, was the ensemble of 11 proposed
models (see Table 2). This ensemble model also performed the best on the test set
(61.60 accuracy and 63.89 BLEU score), and won 3rd place in the ImageCLEF-
VQA-Med 2019 challenge without using additional training data.

6      Conclusion

We have presented a novel fusion scheme for the VQA task. The proposed ap-
proach was shown to perform better than current methods in the ImageCLEF-
VQA-Med 2019 challenge. In addition, we introduced an image preprocessing
pipeline and utilized a pre-trained BERT model [5] to extract question features
for further processing. Last, we presented an ensemble method that boosted the

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