=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_66 |storemode=property |title=BioInfo@UAVR at eRisk 2019: delving into Social Media Texts for the Early Detection of Mental and Food Disorders |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_66.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Alina Trifan,José Luis Oliveira |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/TrifanO19 }} ==BioInfo@UAVR at eRisk 2019: delving into Social Media Texts for the Early Detection of Mental and Food Disorders== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_66.pdf
      BioInfo@UAVR at eRisk 2019: delving into
      social media texts for the early detection of
               mental and food disorders

    Alina Trifan[0000−0001−7613−1435] and José Luı́s Oliveira[0000−0002−6672−6176]

                     DETI/IEETA, University of Aveiro, Portugal
                           {alina.trifan, jlo}@ua.pt

        Abstract. This paper describes the participation of the Bioinformatics
        group of the Institute of Electronics and Engineering Informatics of Uni-
        versity of Aveiro in the shared tasks of CLEF eRisk 20191 . The objective
        of the eRisk initiative is to encourage research in the area of information
        retrieval for the automatic detection of risk situations on the internet.
        The challenge was organized in three tasks, focused on the early detec-
        tion of anorexia (T1), self-harm (T2) and severity of depression (T3).
        We addressed these tasks using a mix approach that combines machine
        learning with psycholinguistics and behavioural patterns. The results ob-
        tained validate the use of such patterns in the context of social media
        mining and motivate future research into this field.

        Keywords: information retrieval · early detection · depression · anorexia
        · psycholinguistic patterns.

1     Introduction
The large volume of written data available through social media attracted the
attention of natural language processing researchers over the last years. Social
media data has been identified as an emerging opportunity for revolutionizing
in-the-moment measures of a broad range of people’s thoughts and feelings [13].
Research initiatives such as CLEF Early Risk emerged over the last years as a
proof of the importance of this research area. They foster collaborative work on
the topic of mental health and social data, and push forward new discoveries and
insights. As a practical outcome that the eRisk initiative encourages is the fact
that triaging online social networks data or public forums enables the identifica-
tion of content that requires the attention of moderators to ensure that urgent
content can be responded to more quickly and consistently. Over the last years,
the focus of these shared tasks was the early identification of people susceptible
to depression or suffering from food disorders.
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
    Prevention and early identification of mental and food disorders by means
that are complimentary to traditional medical approaches have the ability to mit-
igate the under-supply of mental health facilities by advancing different types of
counseling or support for the ones in need, such as connecting a depressed person
to resources or peer support when they most need it [11]. Using social data has
yet another advantage with respect to the stigma associated to mental health
screening, as it can lead to treatment of people who are otherwise less inclined
to pursue clinical services [8]. Such approaches can provide new opportunities
for early detection and intervention and they have the potential to open new
insights on research of the causes and mechanisms of mental health [4]. Two of
the tasks proposed by the CLEF eRisk 2019 initiative focus on the early detec-
tion of signs of anorexia and signs of self-harm, respectively. For this purpose,
social media posts had to be sequentially processed and a decision should have
be emitted as soon as possible. The classification metrics used in these tasks take
into consideration the delay in emitting a positive classification of an user suffer-
ing of self-harm ideation or anorexia. The third task of this year’s challenge was
aimed at estimating the level of depression from a thread of user submissions.
    This paper describes the participation of the BioInfo@UAVR team in the
CLEF eRisk 2019 tasks. In our approach, we combined standard machine learn-
ing algorithms with psycholinguistics and behavioral patterns derived from the
literature. The methodology and associate results are presented in this paper,
along with proposed future work. The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
section 2 outlines the research background behind the proposed tasks. The fol-
lowing three sections are dedicated to the description of the tasks, and include
both the methodologies used and the results obtained. We conclude the paper
and discuss future work in section 6.

2   Background

The widespread use of social media, combined with the rapid development of
computational infrastructures to support big data and the maturation of natural
language processing and machine learning technologies, offer exciting possibilities
for the improvement of both population-level and individual-level health [10].
The Internet and social media have quickly become major sources of health
information, providing both broad and targeted exposure to such information
as well as facilitating information-seeking and sharing. As people increasingly
turn to social media for news and information, these platforms can serve as
novel sources of observational data for infodemiology, public health surveillance,
tracking health attitudes and behavioral intention, and measuring community-
level psychological characteristics related to health outcomes [26, 20, 14, 29, 17,
6]. Patients with chronic health conditions use online health communities to
seek support and information to help manage their condition. The automatic
mining of forum posts can provide help assisting patients in need of clinical
expertise by getting proper health [25]. Moreover, patients can realize what are
the feelings or opinions of users who have similar conditions, and caregivers may
better understand how users’ feelings differ under various conditions and then
provide proper healthcare for their patients [27].
   Sentiment analysis has been applied to social media to identify important
public health issues, such as public attitudes towards vaccination or towards
marijuana, just to name a few examples. Emotion tweets can be utilized to detect
and monitor disease outbreaks, which suggests that emotion classification could
help distinguish outbreak-related tweets from other disease discussion [18, 19, 7].
This social data mining can improve our understanding of the determinants and
consequences of well-being, which is correlated with outcomes of both mental
and physical health [22].

3     Task 1 - Early detection of signs of anorexia
Task 1 consisted in sequentially processing pieces of evidence and detect early
traces of anorexia, as soon as possible. The collection contains writings of so-
cial media content from two categories of users: anorexia and non-anorexia. A
labelled training collection was released prior to the evaluation period. For the
test stage a server that iteratively releases user writings was set up by the or-
ganization. After each round of writings release a decision had to be emitted.
Classifying a user as suffering from anorexia was considered an irreversible de-
cision, while a decision of non-anorexia was open to updates in the following
rounds of decisions.

3.1    Dataset description
The training and test collection for this task have the same format as the col-
lection described in [15]. The source of data is the same as for previous eRisk
challenges, namely eRisk 2017 and 2018. They represent collections of writings
(posts or comments) from a set of social media users and, for each user, the col-
lection contains a sequence of writings in chronological order. The characteristics
of the training set are presented in Table 1.

                         Table 1. Task1 training dataset.

                                      Anorexia Non-anorexia
                        #subjects        61        411
                         #posts        24874     228878
                    avg #posts/subject 398.75     566.2
                     avg #words/post    39.95      20.9

3.2    Metrics
The evaluation metrics that have been regularly used for the eRisk challenges
is ERDE, the early risk detection measure proposed by Losada et al. [15]. As
identified in this year’s overview report [16], this measure has several drawbacks,
which led to the inclusion of alternative evaluation metrics. As such, Flatency a
measure proposed by Sadeque et al. [24] was also used. This measure takes into
consideration the effectiveness of the decision (estimated with the F measure)
and the delay for emitting the decision. A perfect system would get an Flatency
of 1. These metrics are further complemented with a ranking evaluation of the
systems after seeing k writings, with varying k.

3.3     Methods

In the preprocessing step of our approach the posts are lowercased and tokenized,
after removing all non-alphabetic characters. Stopwords are filtered, based on the
stopwords list of the Natural Language Toolkit2 . We explored both incremen-
tal and online training with the following three classifiers: Multinomial Naive
Bayes, linear Support Vector Machine with Stochastic Gradient Descent and
Passive Aggressive. For the out of core classification, we trained the classifiers
with batches of 500 users data. The batch size is not expected to have an impact
on the performance of the classifiers3 . For each of these classifiers, we performed
a grid search over the validation dataset in order to identify the best parame-
ters that characterize them. We considered Bag of Words features for the three
classifiers and we applied counts and tf-idf based feature weighting. The classi-
fier that led to better results on the validation corpus was the SVM with SGD
classifier, with a stopping criterion of 1e-3 and a modified Huber loss.
    The number of writings per user was not known in the test stage. Our strategy
for early detection was to only delay emitting a positive decision during the first
3 rounds of getting server writings. This would allow us to get at least 3 writings
for each user, without compromising too much the delay in the response. Another
important aspect of our submission was the fact that we processed each thread
of user writings in real time. This means we did not use any offline knowledge or
processing and we provided a response as fast as possible after getting a round
of user writings from the server.

3.4     Results

The results obtained are shown in Table 2, along with the best results in this
task, for comparison. The results of all participating teams can be found in [16].
Compared to the remaining 12 participant teams, our team was the only one
to submit only one run of results. Most teams used five runs, which was the
maximum number of runs allowed. Our results place us in the middle of the
team rankings for this task.
    In terms of ranking, after processing 1, 100, 500 and 1000 writings, we ob-
tained constant values for P@10 (0.6), NDCG@10 (0.59) and NDCG@100 (0.47).
Table 2. Evaluation of BioInfo@UAVR’s submission in Task 1. The best results were
added for comparison.

                    P R F1 ERDE5 ERDE50 latency speed latency-weighted F1
    BioInfo@UAVR .32 .44 .37 .06   .06     1      1           .37
      Best results .64 .79 .71 .06 .03     7     .98          .69

4     Task 2 - Early detection of signs of self-harm
This task considered the early detection of users of social media prone to self-
harm themselves. As no training dataset was provided, we approached this task
as a cross-validation task rather that an unsupervised classification. Self-harm
ideation often relates to depression and poor mental health, therefore we were
interested in understanding how a classifier trained on a depression corpus of
social media writing would perform in the test stage.

4.1    Dataset description
The training dataset used in this task is the one proposed by Yates et al. [28],
publicly available through a signed user agreement that emphasises on data
protection and proper acknowledgements. The dataset consists of all Reddit users
who made a post between January and October 2016, matching high-precision
patterns of self-reported diagnosis (e.g. “I was diagnosed with depression”). The
depressed users were matched by control users, who have never posted in a
subreddit related to mental health and never used a term related to it. In order
to avoid a straight-forward separation of the two groups, all posts of diagnosed
users related to depression or mental health were removed. In the end, 9210
diagnosed users were matched by 107 274 control users. Each user in the dataset
has an average of 969 posts (median 646) and the mean post length is 148 tokens
(median 74).

4.2    Metrics
The metrics used for the evaluation of this tasks’s submission are identical to
the ones used in Task 1.

4.3    Methods
For this task we followed a standard processing stream for text classification.
We initially split the dataset into training and validation chunks, with a ratio of
2:1. We considered Bag of Words (BoW) and tf-idf based feature weighting with
linear Support Vector Machine with Stochastic Gradient Descent and Passive
Aggressive classifiers. We trained and validated both classifiers on the validation
    The SVM led to slightly better results in terms of F1 in the validation stage,
so we retrained the model with the whole corpus (training + validation). In
the competition’s test stage we used this trained model to predict the class
of self-harm or no self-harm of the user’s writings provided by the iterative
server. Our strategy for this task was very similar to the one in Task 1. We only
started emitting decisions in the forth round of server writings and we did all
the classification online, without applying any offline knowledge.

4.4    Results

The results obtained are shown in Table 3, along with the best results in this
task, for comparison. Our approach ranked 4th both in terms of F1 and latency-
weighted F1 in a total of 33 submissions of 8 different teams. The results of all
participating team can be found in [16].

Table 3. Evaluation of BioInfo@UAVR’s submission in Task 2. The best results for
each metric were added for comparison.

                    P R F1 ERDE5 ERDE50 latency speed latency-weighted F1
    BioInfo@UAVR .55 .39 .46 .11   .08     6     .98          .45
      Best results .71 .41 .52 .09 .07     2      1           .52

    These results stand as a proof of the links between depression and self-harm
and are of a particular importance as the training dataset was completely dif-
ferent from the test one. This task was open to algorithmic imagination during
the training stage as no training data was provided, along with the no disclosure
of any information about the test dataset prior to the test stage. The training
dataset that we used was agnostic to the structure or type of data that was later
released in the test stage. Our team processed the test data online, meaning no
external knowledge or processing was performed after having access to the first
round of test submissions.

5     Task 3 - Estimating the level of depression

This task was aimed at exploring the viability of automatically estimating the
severity of multiple symptoms associated with depression [16]. Given the users
history of writings, participants had to work out a solution for predicting the
users response to each individual question included in Beck’s Depression Inven-
tory Questionnaire (BDI) [5]. The questionnaire assesses the presence of feelings
like sadness, pessimism, loss of energy, hunger/loss of appetite, etc. For each in-
dividual question, a numeric value between 0 and 3 is considered a valid answer,
with the exception of two questions, whose possible answers were: 0, 1a, 1b, 2a,
2b, 3a or 3b.
5.1   Dataset description
A dataset with 20 files, one file per user was provided. Each file contained the
history of writings of the respective user. The number of writings per user varied
from 30 to 1511. The average number of writings of the dataset was 548, with a
median of 328.5.

5.2   Metrics
The ground truth used for the evaluation of the responses provided by the par-
ticipants in this task were the questionnaires filled in by the social media users
whose writings were provided in the dataset. For each user of the dataset the
respective writings were extracted right after having provided the filled ques-
    The evaluation metrics reflected the differences between the answers of the
questionnaire provided by the task participants and the ones provided by the
users that were part of the dataset. Moreover, in the psychological domain it is
customary to associate depression levels with categories. Depression levels are
defined as the sum of all answers of the 21 questions of the questionnaire. The
following depression categories were used for further extension of the evaluation

 • minimal depression - [0..9]
 • mild depression - [10..18]
 • moderate depression - [19..29]
 • severe depression - [30..63]

The following metrics were considered for the evaluation of the results [16]:

 • Hit Rate (HR) - the ratio of cases where the automatic questionnaire has
   exactly the same answer as the real questionnaire.
 • Average Hit Rate (AHR) - HR averaged over all users.
 • Closeness Rate (CR) - the absolute difference between the real and the par-
   ticipant provided answer.
 • Average Closeness Rate (ACR) - CR averaged over all users.
 • Difference between overall depression levels (DODL).
 • Average DODL (ADODL) - DODL averaged over all users.
 • Depression Category Hit Rate (DCHR) - the fraction of cases where the
   automated questionnaire led to a depression category that is equivalent to
   the depression category obtained from the real questionnaire.

5.3   Methods
Our approach for solving this task was a rule-based one and each rule was mod-
elled with reference to several behavioral and psycholinguistics patterns that are
known to be associated with the state of depression (Table 4). The reduced size
of the dataset, in terms of users and the small number of writings per user, along
with the lack of a training set or any ground truth weight, led to the choice of
a rule-based approach rather than the use of standard machine learning algo-
    Moreover, we explored the correlation between some of the questions by
dividing the 21 questions into 6 groups. All questions belonging to a given group
were scored with the same answer or numeric value. The 6 groups and the
included categories (or question names) were:

 1. Depression - suicidal thoughts, pessimism, past failure, self dislike, sadness,
    loss of pleasure, loss of interest and loss of sex
 2. Guilt - guilty and punishment feelings, self criticalness, crying, worthlessness
 3. Appetite - changes in appetite
 4. Anxiety - agitation, indecisiveness, irritability
 5. Fatigue - tiredness, loss of energy, concentration difficulty
 6. Sleep - sleeping patterns

Table 4 overviews the textual and behavioral patterns modelled for each of the
6 groups. For each category, a score was calculated for each user as a normalized
value of the number of occurrences of the features considered for each category
with respect to the total number of occurrences of the same features over the
dataset. These scores were then normalized to the interval [0,3] based on pre-
defined thresholds extracted from the histograms of occurrences. An example of
such histogram and the threshold derived from it are shown in Fig. 1. In this
example, a depression score lower than 0.3 would be converted to a 0, a score in
the range of (0.3, 0.5) leads to a 1, a score equal or higher than 0.5 but lower
than 1 represents a final score of 2 and anything over 1 means the final answer
for the questions in the depression category will be 3.

Fig. 1. Histogram of the depression scores calculated for each of the 20 users of the
dataset. The vertical bold lines represent the threshold values for the normalization
of the scores to the integer values defined as possible answers. In this example user 6
stands out as her text history led to a much higher depression score than the average.
This is the case of what seems to be a support pal - this particular user employed
extensive depression related vocabulary to provide support and comfort.
   Table 4. Details of the textual features considered for each category score.

Depression    Lexical category of a user’s text - depressed users tend to have an
              overall more negative connotation of their texts [21, 12]. To this pur-
              pose we employed the TextBlob library [1] in order to calculate the
              average polarity of a user’s writings.

              Use of self-related words (e.g: I, myself, mine) - depressed users tend
              to use them more often in their writings [9, 23]

              Use of absolutist words - Al-Mosaiwi et al. [3] recently showed that
              anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation forums contained more ab-
              solutist words than control forums. The list of absolutist words used
              is presented next in Table 5.

              Referrals to any of the anti-depressants listed by WebMD [2].

              Mentions of words related to mental disorders, (e.g.:depression, bipo-
              lar, schizophrenia, psychotic, ocd).

              Writings timestamps - depressed users tend to write more at late
              hours of the night.

Guilt         Use of the words cry, guilt and their derivatives.

Appetite      Use of the words hunger, appetite, eat, food and their derivatives.

Anxiety       Use of the words sleep, anxious and their derivatives.

              Writings timestamps.

Fatigue       Use of the words irritated, fatigue, tired and their derivatives.

Sleep         Same as for fatigue, along with the writing timestamps.

           Table 5. Absolutist words validated by Al-Mosaiwi et al. [3].

               absolutely    all     always complete completely
                constant constantly definitely entire   ever
                  every   everyone everything   full   must
                 never     nothing    totall   whole
5.4   Results

Task participants had to provide a result file containing 20 lines, one for each user
in the dataset. Each line contained the username and 21 values that corresponded
to the answers of the 21 questions included in Beck’s Depression Inventory. The
results obtained by our team are presented in Table 6, along with the best results
obtained in this task, for each of the metrics. The results of all participating
teams can be found in [16]. In this task 8 different teams submitted 18 runs and
no single team was able to achieve best results for each of the metrics. Overall,
this task’s results were quite homogeneous with little variations from team to
team. This can be seen as an indication of both the difficulty of the task and
possibly the similarity in the approaches adopted by the participating teams.

Table 6. Evaluation of BioInfo@UAVR’s submission in Task 3. The best results for
each metric were added for comparison. To note that no single team achieved the best
results for all metrics.

                                 AHR ACR ADODL DCHR
                  BioInfo@UAVR 34.05% 66.43% 77.70% 25.00%
                    Best scores 41.43% 71.27% 81.03% 45.00%

6     Conclusions and Future Work

We presented in this paper the results of our team’s participation in the eRisk2019
shared tasks. Through this challenge we came to understand that the analysis
of social media texts has the potential to provide insights into understanding a
user’s mental health status and for the early detection of possible related dis-
eases. Being this our first participation in these challenges, we understand there
is still room to improve our methodologies. Nevertheless, the results obtained
encourage us to further contribute to this area of research.
    As future work we plan to combine the methodologies used in the first two
tasks with the one of task 3. We believe the results obtained in the first two tasks
can be further improved by the use of psycholinguistic patterns that relate to self-
harm ideation or anorexia. With respect to task 3, we are keen in understanding
how a classifier trained on a depression or self-harm corpus would perform on
scoring the level of depression for this task.


This work was supported by the Integrated Programme of SR&TD SOCA (Ref.
CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000010), co-funded by Centro 2020 program, Portu-
gal 2020, European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund.
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