=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_75 |storemode=property |title=LTL-INAOE's Participation at eRisk 2019: Detecting Anorexia in Social Media through Shared Personal Information |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_75.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Rosa María Ortega-Mendoza,Delia Irazu Hernandez Farias,Manuel Montes-Y-Gómez |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Ortega-MendozaF19 }} ==LTL-INAOE's Participation at eRisk 2019: Detecting Anorexia in Social Media through Shared Personal Information== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_75.pdf
           LTL-INAOE’s Participation at eRisk 2019:
           Detecting Anorexia in Social Media through
                  Shared Personal Information

             Rosa Marı́a Ortega-Mendoza, Delia Irazú Hernández Farı́as, and
                               Manuel Montes-y-Gómez

        Instituto Nacional de Astrofı́sica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE), Puebla, Mexico
                    {rmortega, dirazuherfa, mmontesg}@inaoep.mx

        Abstract. Detecting mental-health risk behaviours at primary stages is crucial
        to bring help to people and to avoid undesired consequences. In this paper, we
        describe our participation at the eRisk 2019 shared task. The proposed approach
        mainly relies on analysing the sentences that include personal information, i.e.,
        fragments of texts reflecting user’s interests, concerns, beliefs, personality traits
        and psychological state. The obtained results are very competitive, validating the
        important role of personal information for early detection of traces related to

        Keywords: Early Text Classification · Anorexia Detection · Personal

1     Introduction

Many people around the world suffer some sort of mental health problem, but only a
small portion of them receive treatment. Several problems that affect the society are
strictly associated to mental illnesses, for example, violence, drug and alcohol abuse,
among others. Therefore, taking care of mental health must be essential to warranty
the well-being of society. There are some mental health issues which particularly
affect to adolescents, such as Anorexia and Self-harm. Anorexia is an eating disorder
that negatively impacts the relationship of the patient with food consumption. It is
characterised by an uncontrolled concern about the weight, even refusing food. On
the other hand, self-harm refers to a behaviour characterised by self-injury usually
performed without suicidal intent. It is usually associated with the action of cutting,
burning, scratching, or hitting body parts. Therefore, it is mandatory to dedicate efforts
as a society to prevent and reduce the negative impact that such issues could cause.
     Nowadays, people use social media as their main communication channel. Such
platforms allow users to express their ideas, thoughts, and personal experiences. This
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
    License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lugano,
makes user-generated content a very powerful source of data for research purposes.
Recently, taking advantage of information coming from social media has attracted the
attention of many studies to identify traces of problems related to mental health issues
such as depression, anorexia, self-harm, etc. In the past few years, natural language
processing methods have been used in order to develop automatic systems able to
identify potential risks related to mental health on user-generated content. Such kind of
research could serve as an additional resource for complementing traditional techniques
used for analysing the people’s behaviour from a social and psychological perspective.
     From a computational linguistics point of view, it is possible to take advantage
of the wide range of methods and algorithms in order to discover particular patterns
depicted in a given text. Thus, helping to characterise text written by people having
mental health issues. However, dealing with such a challenging task is strongly related
to an important aspect: it needs to be successfully accomplished as soon as possible, i.e.,
the early detection of such risks. Most of the proposed approaches using user-generated
content are designed for addressing such problems without paying enough attention to
the importance of detecting potential risks in their first stages. Nevertheless, regarding
the trace of mental health issues, the longer it goes without detection, the more likely
is to increase a life-threatening. This has derived into the development of a challenging
research area: the early risk (eRisk) prediction.
    Since 2017 until now a shared task on eRisk prediction has been organised. This
year, the eRisk2019 was composed by three subtasks: (I) Early detection of signs of
anorexia; (II) Early detection of signs of self-harm; and (III) Measuring the severity
of the signs of depression. We participated only in the first two subtasks. For more
details on the shared task see [9]. In order to address the Task I, we proposed an
approach that mainly relies on the personal information reflected on the written texts.
The main intuition is that such kind of text serves to capture the interest, habits,
personality and psychological state of the users. For Task II, we developed a simple
approach based on the similarity between a given piece of text and a set of phrases
potentially related to self-harm. In order to calculate the similarity, we exploited the
Textual Attraction Force (TAF) [1]. It is a novel paradigm for text classification that
considers not only the distance between two documents but also their relevance in
terms of a given criterion. In our case, we defined a vocabulary of self-harm related
terms for calculating the relevance of each document. Besides, the distance between
two instances was assessed by cosine similarity. Then, the presence of self-harm content
was determined depending on the TAF between the document in hand and a set of
instances including self-harm content. In this case, the organisers did not provide data
for training purposes. Therefore, we retrieved data from Reddit by selecting a subset
of posts published under the “self-harm” topic1 . Unfortunately, the obtained results on
Task II were not as expected. Further work needs to be done on this approach. For this
reason, in this paper, we decided to focus our attention on the proposed method for
detecting the presence of anorexia-related content (Task I).

2      Related work

Early detection of risks related to mental health involves different disciplines such as
psychology and linguistics. There is a strong relationship between the psychological
state of the people with the language they use [6]. Social media content has been already
exploited as a source of data for studying mental health-related issues. During the last
few years, the CLPsych2 workshop has been organised with the aim of promoting the
interdisciplinary study of mental health care. It serves as a forum for sharing ideas
from both psychological and computational linguistics perspectives. Different mental
health-related status have been addressed by exploiting natural language processing
approaches. There are some works in the literature focused on detecting depression
in Twitter content [4, 15, 11]. A linguistic analysis for classifying patients suffering
depression and paranoia was carried out by Oxman et al. [14]. With the aim to detect
content revealing risk behaviours related to self-harm, Wang et al. [19] used data from
Flickr, while Yates et al. [20] exploited posts coming from Reddit.
     Detecting traces of anorexia is a challenging task that has been addressed from a
psychological perspective [10, 5]. Recently, some approaches for dealing with such a
task from a computational linguistics perspective have been proposed. A study on the
content related to anorexia that is shared in Tumblr is described in [3]. Spinczyk et al.
[17] analyzed a set of texts written by patients with anorexia and healthy people. In both
works, the authors identified the use of words related to negative emotions in people
having this eating disorder. Cavazos et al. [2] carried out an analysis of the content of a
set of tweets containing a set of keywords related to eating disorders. Wang et al. [18]
explored among eating-disorder communities on Twitter by sampling profiles of users
self-identified with an eating disorder together with their social network connection.
     Dealing with such challenging tasks has been considered as the main focus of some
evaluation campaigns. The second edition of the early risk detection was organised in
2018 [8] covering two different tasks aimed to detect early risks of depression and
anorexia. The main aim of the tasks was: given a sequence of writings in chronological
order, to detect early traces of depression/anorexia as soon as possible. The participating
systems proposed several approaches exploiting different machine learning algorithms
as well as Convolutional Neural Networks. Several kinds of features were used such
as the traditional bag-of-words, word embeddings, user-level meta-data, some based
on semantic and psychological aspects, and domain-specific vocabularies. Most of
the teams participated in both tasks using similar approaches, the main difference
among them was the use of lexicons related to each of the tasks. The organizers of
the task observed that most participating systems took a decision on the presence of
depression/anorexia until hundreds of writings per user were processed. According to
them, most of the teams concentrated their effort in terms of accuracy rather than taking
decisions for avoiding delay.
     In a previous work [12], the role of personal information for identifying personal
traits (particularly age and gender) on social media texts was studied. Besides, in the
2018 edition of eRisk, an approach based on this kind of information was proposed
[13]. The findings indicated that the most relevant features for distinguishing among
profiles are comprised on personal phrases. Attempting to take advantage of such kind
of data, we proposed an approach for early detection of anorexia by exploring the use
of personal information.

3     Proposed methodology for anorexia detection

The Task 1: Early Detection of Signs of Anorexia has as the main goal to detect
early traces of anorexia by processing sequentially pieces of Social Media texts of a
given author. This task was organized also in 2018, however, this year a new schema
for releasing the data was applied. Instead of made available the data exploiting a
chunk-based approach, an item-by-item strategy was used. Two different stages were
involved in the task: i) a training stage where a set of writings belonging to labelled
users was released, and ii) a test stage, where iteratively user writings were provided,
and then, before receiving a new fragment of data, the system must send a decision
about each user.
    Our participation in the eRisk 2019 challenge is based on the DPP-EXPEI approach.
The approach was introduced and successfully exploited for author profiling [12]. Based
on the idea that personal phrases help to highlight information that reveals the behaviour
or mental state of people, this approach emphasises the value of the terms located
in personal phrases. Specifically, we considered as personal phrases those containing
the following pronouns: I, me, mine, myself, my, and Im. Following we describe the

3.1   The DPP-EXPEI approach

The DPP-EXPEI approach serves to represent a given text by paying special attention to
those terms that are located in personal phrases. It involves a two-stage process: First,
it exploits a feature selection technique called discriminative personal purity (DPP).
Then, in order to assign a weight to each term, it uses a scheme denoted as exponential
reward of personal information (EXPEI). Below we briefly introduce both methods. For
more details about DPP and EXPEI refer to [12].

Feature selection using DPP. Aiming to identify the most relevant terms for
representing a text, DPP considers those terms that appear inside personal phrases. In
order to determine which are the features to be selected, each term has associated a score
according to both the overall distribution of all terms across the categories as well as
the type of phrases it appears in. Formula 1 describes the DPP scheme; it considers the
level of occurrence of the terms in personal phrases (their personal purity, PP) together
with an estimation of the distribution of the terms across the categories. In the original
scheme, the distribution was estimated by means of the Gini coefficient. In this work,
we use the dif function as an effort to deal with the class imbalance and to emphasize
the interest class (i.e., depressive).
                        DP P (ti ) = max {P Pk (ti )} · dif (ti ),                    (1)
    where dif (ti ) represents the difference on the number of documents containing the
term ti in the positive class (we applied a square root to this value to emphasize its
importance) and the negative class.

Term weighting using EXPEI. When using a bag-of-words representation, the
terms in a given document are scored by a weight aimed to determine the degree of
contribution to describe the content of the document at hand. In particular, EXPEI
considers the well-known normalized frequency (TF) weighting together with the
occurrence of the terms in personal phrases according to the PEI value, as it is shown in
Formula 2. The P EI measure estimates the quantity of personal information revealed
by a term, rewarding the terms with a high concentration of personal information.
                                    q                    1−P EI(ti ,dj )
                            wij =        T F (ti , dj )                                 (2)

      where T F (ti , dj ) represents the normalized frequency of ti in dj .

3.2    Early risk detection based on DPP-EXPEI
For each user, his/her writings are represented with a vector. These vectors consider
the 1,000 most discriminative terms according to the DPP values. The terms in the text
representation are mainly lexical unigrams; the function words were excluded. These
terms were weighted by the EXPEI scheme. For the classification phase, we used a
linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) with L2 norm. Additionally, we designed some
criteria to take a decision regarding early detection; these criteria are described below.

Criteria for early decision. In this work, the early detection is tackled by external
criteria aimed to review the classifier decisions. We used two different criteria (C1 and
C2) to decide whether to submit a decision for a subject or to wait for more writings:
    – C1: to assign the positive decisions taken by the classifier in the current round.
    – C2: to submit a positive decision only if the instance was classified as positive and
      it contains at least three terms from the top-50 terms selected by DPP.
     In this edition of the task, the participating systems were asked to calculate a score
estimating the level of anorexia of each user. We computed this score (sc) by counting
the number of words with high DPP value in the users’ posts. That is, for each writing
(round number) r of a subject i, sci,r = (fi,r + 1)/(r + 1), where fi,r represents
the occurrences of the n terms with the highest DPP values in all previously seen
writings (0...r) from subject i. The score is estimated only for positive decisions, and it
is re-computed in each writing round. In the experiments, we considered n = 50.

4     Experiments
4.1    Datasets
The datasets presented in the CLEF 2019 eRisk forum [9] consist of writings (posts
or comments) from a set of social media users. There are two categories of users: with
anorexia and non-anorexia. For each user, the collection contains a sequence of writings
in chronological order. The training data corresponds to the collection of eRisk 2018
challenge, which is described in Table 1.

                Table 1: Number of users by category in the training dataset
                                   Subjects      Training Test
                                   with anorexia    20     41
                                   non-anorexia 132 279
                                   Total           152 320

4.2   Evaluation
The submitted runs were scored by some decision-based metrics. The purpose was to
take into account not only the correctness of the decision by means of F1 measure but
also the delay by the approach to make the decision by metrics for early risk prediction.
Specifically, to associate a cost to the delay in the detection of true positives, some
measures were considered: the early risk error (ERDEo ) [7], the latencyT P , the speed
and the latency-weighted F1 [16]. These measures increase the cost according to the
number of seen writings (items) for taking the decision. Particularly, ERDEo uses a
sigmoid-like cost function and it was estimated with the cutoff parameter o set to 5 and
50 items (denoted as ERDE5 and ERDE50 , respectively). latencyT P assesses the
system’s delay based on the median number of observed (processed) writings to detect
such positive cases. The system’s overall speed factor qualifies the delay by means
of a penalty factor. Finally, the latency-weighted F1 combines the effectiveness of the
decision (by the F1 measure) and the delay.
    Additionally, the evaluation was complemented applying some ranking-based
metrics from IR. For each participating system, it was built a decreasing ranking of
the users by their level of anorexia (or estimated risk) at each point. Each ranking was
scored using the P@10 and NDCG metrics, which were applied after seeing k writings
(k = 1,100,500,1000).

4.3   Results
We trained a model using the dataset of eRisk 2018. Specifically, we used the train
partition of the dataset and we extended the anorexia evidence aggregating the whole
writing histories of users with anorexia in the test partition of the same dataset3 . This
model was applied in the test stage of the competition. The obtained results are shown
in Table 24 . It is possible to observe that both early designed criteria performed in
   We referred to the test partition of the eRisk 2018 dataset, therefore the ground truth labels are
   For the sake of the readability in this paper we used C1 and C2 to denote the submitted runs,
   while in the official results of the task our runs are denoted as “0” and “1”, respectively.
a very similar way. We observed that the differences between both criteria are more
evident in the first rounds, which have less information. In the subsequent rounds, the
size of texts increased, augmenting the possibility of finding the terms with the greatest
DPP values; in consequence, their differences are weakened. This suggests that a more
accurate prediction could be obtained considering the number of occurrences of words
with major DPP in the criterion C1, instead of only considering the number of words
(without repetitions).

               Table 2: Official results of the decision-based evaluation
       run P R F1 ERDE5 ERDE50 latencyT P speed latency-weighted F1
       C1 0.45 0.75 0.57 0.08  0.04  11    0.96         0.54
       C2 0.47 0.75 0.58 0.08  0.04  11    0.96         0.55
       avg 0.41 0.59 0.42 0.09 0.06 54.15  0.93         0.38

    Regarding the official results, the proposed method demonstrated a competitive
performance, since our results are considerably better than the average (avg) methods’
performances in terms of each decision-based metric. For example, regarding ERDE5
and ERDE50 values, the method obtained very small differences against the best values
(0.06 and 0.03 respectively). On the other hand, considering the F1 measure, the runs
of the proposed method were ranked among the top 14 and 15 positions. In this case,
only the runs from five teams outperformed our results. A competitive performance
was observed by the latencyT P and speed measures. On the other hand, considering
the effectiveness of the decision and the delay by the latency-weighted F1 measure, the
method was ranked among the top 12 and 15 positions. Similarly, the runs of four and
five teams outperformed our results. These results show the usability of the DPP-EXPEI
in anorexia detection.
     Additionally, a ranking-based evaluation was implemented to assess the ranking of
the users in accordance with their estimated level of anorexia. As previously explained,
we designed a score based on a domain-specific vocabulary extracted by the DPP
scheme. Examples of words in this vocabulary are: anorexia, disorder, lbs, calories,
anxiety, diet, stomach, weight, fat, therapy, foods, healthy, protein, snacks, gained,
exercise, intake, gym, among others. The performance of the approach using this score
is shown in Table 3. The approach achieved results better than the average values of
all runs in the competition, except to P@10 for 1000 writings where a small difference
with the average was achieved. Note that, the proposed score was favoured when 100
and 500 writings were processed. We believe such behaviour is due to the fact that one
writing has scarce personal information and 1000 writings have a high overlap with the
defined domain vocabulary. However, it is important to highlight that these results show
that the approach is totally reliable to detect the top-10 users with the highest risk.
    Furthermore, the high values of P@10 and NDCG@10 indicate that most of the
users qualified with high levels of anorexia (around 80%) were correctly classified even
though considering one single writing. These results suggest that the proposed score is
very informative, and confirms that words with high DPP values are highly relevant to
identify anorexia.

                Table 3: Official results of the ranking-based evaluation
                                  run P@10 NDCG@10 NDCG@100
                                  C1 0.80    0.75    0.34
                      1 writing
                                  C2 0.80    0.75    0.34
                                  avg 0.50   0.47    0.32
                                  C1 1.00    1.00    0.76
                    100 writings
                                  C2 1.00    1.00    0.76
                                  avg 0.72   0.72    0.56
                                  C1 0.90    0.92    0.73
                    500 writings
                                  C2 0.90    0.92    0.73
                                  avg 0.74   0.74    0.62
                                  C1 0.70    0.78    0.65
                    1000 writings
                                  C2 0.70    0.78    0.66
                                  avg 0.72   0.72    0.62

5   Conclusions and future work

In this paper, we have described our participation at the 2019 CLEF eRisk Lab. We
addressed the anorexia detection task applying the DPP-EXPEI approach. This is
inspired by the relevance of personal information explored in some previous works. The
main idea is that phrases with first-person pronouns contain information about users
that can reveal mental health disorders such as anorexia. Consequently, the approach
emphasizes the value of this information by means of term selection and weighting
methods: DPP and EXPEI respectively.
    The approach showed a competitive performance in the anorexia detection task
according to the evaluation based on decision effectiveness and ranking. In general, the
approach achieved higher results than the average results for each metric. The results
evidenced the appropriateness of the DPP-EXPEI approach for the early risk detection
of anorexia on social media texts. Besides, the results showed the suitability of the
proposed score to estimate the level of anorexia. This score relates the level of anorexia
of each user with the texts’ concentration of a domain-specific vocabulary, which is
formed by the terms with the highest DPP values. These findings allow to confirm
that the personal information shared in social media concentrates a special value for
detecting eating disorders. As future work, we are interested in deeply analyzing the
relation of personal information with the anorexia disorder as well as with other risk
states in mental health such as self-harm.

This research was funded by CONACYT (postdoctoral fellowship CVU-174410 and
project FC 2016-2410).

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