=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_84 |storemode=property |title=Replicability and Reproducibility of Automatic Routing Runs |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_84.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Timo Breuer,Philipp Schaer |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/BreuerS19 }} ==Replicability and Reproducibility of Automatic Routing Runs== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_84.pdf
             Replicability and Reproducibility
               of Automatic Routing Runs

                         Timo Breuer and Philipp Schaer

        TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences), 50678 Cologne, Germany

       Abstract. This paper reports our participation in CENTRE@CLEF19.
       We focus on reimplementing submissions by Grossman and Cormack to
       the TREC 2017 Common Core Track. Our contributions are twofold.
       Reimplementations are used to study the replicability as well as the re-
       producibility of WCRobust04 and WCRobust0405. Our results show that
       the replicability and reproducibility of transferring relevance judgments
       across different corpora are limited. It is not possible to replicate or
       reproduce the baseline. However, improvements in evaluation measures
       by enriching training data are achievable. Further experiments examine
       general relevance transfer and the augmentation of tfidf-features.

       Keywords: Relevance Transfer · Replicability · Reproducibility.

1    Introduction

Being able to reproduce the results of scientific experiments is essential for the
validity of new findings. Especially in the field of computer science, it is desirable
to ensure reproducible outcomes of complex systems. In 2018 the Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM) introduced publication guidelines and procedures
concerned with artifact review and badging1 . According to these definitions, the
terminology of repeatability, replicability, and reproducibility is coined as follows.
While repeatability is limited to the reliable repetition of experiments with the
same experimental setup conducted by the original researcher, replicability ex-
pands this scenario to the conduction by a different researcher. Reproducibility
expands replicability by the use of another experimental setup.
    In information retrieval (IR) research evaluation is a primary driver of man-
ifesting innovation. In order to apply new IR systems to different datasets, re-
producible evaluation outcomes have to be guaranteed. This requirement led
to the advent of attempts like RIGOR [1], the Open-Source IR Reproducibility
Challenge [5] and most recently the CENTRE lab which has been held in 2018

  Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
  mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
  ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
at the CLEF conference for the first time [3]2 . Its second iteration CENTRE@-
CLEF19 [2] is devoted to the replicability, reproducibility, and generalizibility of
IR systems submitted to CLEF, NTCIR and TREC in previous years.
    ACM badging and CENTRE terminologies do not entirely coincide. CEN-
TRE defines replicability and reproducibility by the use of original or experi-
mental test collections. In the following, we adhere to the definitions used in the
context of CENTRE. We chose to participate in replicating and reproducing the
automatic routing runs by Grossman & Cormack [4]. Thus we are obliged to the
following two tasks:

     Task 1 - Replicability: The reimplemented system will replicate the runs
     WCRobust04 and WCRobust0405 by assessing the New York Times (NYT)
     corpus which has also been used in the original paper by Grossman & Cor-

     Task 2 - Reproducibility: The reimplemented system will reproduce the
     runs WCRobust04 and WCRobust0405 by assessing the TREC Washington
     Post (WaPo) corpus.

    The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we out-
line the original runs WCRobust04 and WCRobust0405. Likewise, document
collections will be introduced shortly. Section 3 will give insights into our imple-
mentation. Summaries of our results follow in Section 4. The paper ends with
Section 5 which concludes our findings.

2     Automatic Routing Runs & Corpora

In the context of the TREC Common Core Track in 2017, Grossman and Cor-
mack contributed the WaterlooCormack submissions. More specifically, we will
focus on the runs WCRobust04 and WCRobust0405. Both run submissions fol-
low the principle of automatic routing runs. For a given topic a logistic regression
model will be trained on relevance judgments from one (or two) collection(s). Af-
terwards, the model predicts relevance assessments of documents from another
collection. In contrast to other retrieval procedures, no explicit query is needed
for ranking documents. Training and prediction are done on a topic-wise basis.
    In order to train the model, text documents are transformed into a numerical
representation with the help of tfidf-weights. The qrel files are based on ternary
relevance judgments and will be converted to a binary scheme. In doing so,
tfidf-features can be subdivided into two classes. Training is based on features of
judged documents only. The likelihood of tfidf-representations being relevant will
score documents. The complete corpus is ranked by score. The 10,000 highest-
scoring documents form the ranking for a single topic.
    Note that there have been other iterations of CENTRE at TREC in 2018 and NTCIR
    in 2019
    The tfidf-features are derived based on a union corpus which consolidates
vocabulary from all corpora. Consequently, training features are augmented by
the vocabulary of the corpus whose documents will be judged. Both runs assess
documents from the NYT corpus. The two runs differ in the composition of the
training set. While WCRobust04 is trained on features derived from documents
of Robust04 only, WCRobust0405 enriches the training set by incorporating doc-
uments from Robust05. Table 1 gives an overview of run constellations.

        Task          Run name     Corpus to be       Relevance     Training data
                                    classified      judgments for
                    WCRobust04       New York       Robust Track     TREC Disks
                                      Times            2004             4&5
                    WCRobust0405     New York       Robust Track     TREC Disks
                                      Times         2004 & 2005        4&5 +
                    WCRobust04      Washington      Robust Track     TREC Disks
                                      Post             2004             4&5
                    WCRobust0405    Washington      Robust Track     TREC Disks
                                      Post          2004 & 2005        4&5 +
Table 1. Overview of run constellations and their respective relevance judgments and
corpora. Depending on the task, a different corpus will be classified.

    The corpora used in the CENTRE lab contain documents from the news do-
main. Relevance judgments and documents are taken from corpora of the TREC
Robust Track in 2004 [7] and 2005 [8]. Relevance will be assessed for the New
York Times3 and Washington Post4 corpora. The Robust04 collection consists of
documents from TREC Disks 4&55 (minus Congressional Record data). Articles
range from the years 1989 to 1996 and add up to approximately 500,000 single
documents. AQUAINT6 is known as the test collection of Robust05. The doc-
ument collection gathers articles from the years 1996 to 2000 and holds around
one million single documents. TREC Disks 4&5 as well as the AQUAINT corpus
consist of SGML-tagged text data. The New York Times corpus covers articles
from over 20 years starting in 1987 up to the year 2007. On the whole, the corpus
contains 1,8 million documents. The NYT corpus is formatted in News Indus-
try Text Format (NITF)7 . The TREC Washington Post corpus comprises news
articles of a time span from January 2012 to August 2017. The initial version
contains duplicate documents. After removing these, the corpus contains nearly
600,000 different articles. The Washington Post corpus is provided as JSON
Lines8 file. Both corpora served as a data basis for the TREC Common Core
Tracks in 2017/18.

3     Implementation

As depicted in figure 1, our interpretation of the WaterlooCormack workflow
can be subdivided into three processing steps. First of all, corpora data will be
prepared, resulting in single documents containing normalized text. The next
step consists of deriving tfidf-features from these documents in order to perform
topic-wise training and prediction. The last step will evaluate the resulting run
with the help of the respective qrels and TREC evaluation measures.
    For our implementation, we chose to use Python. According to the premise
of CENTRE, participants are obliged to use open source tools. The Python com-
munity offers a vast variety of open and free software, thus we had no problems in
finding the required components of the workflow. In the following, more detailed
insights into the processing steps of the workflow will be given.

3.1   Data preparation

Specific characteristics have to be considered when preparing data of four dif-
ferent collections. There are differences both in compression data formats and
text formatting. This circumstance has to be kept in mind when trying to im-
plement the workflow as generic as possible. Extraction of compressed corpora
files is realized with GNU tools tar9 and gzip10 . Within this context, the differ-
ent extensions of compressed files from the TREC Disks 4&5, AQUAINT and
NYT corpora (.z, .0z, .1z, .2z, .gz, .tgz) have to be handled properly. We ex-
pect the routine to start with the extracted JSON Lines file of the Washington
Post corpus. We use BeautifulSoup11 in combination with lxml12 for parsing
raw text data from the formatted document files. Embeddings and URLs to ex-
ternal documents were removed. The raw text will be normalized by excluding
punctuation, removing stop words, and stemming words in the respective order.
For this purpose, we make use of nltk13 . Originally, documents of two corpora
have to be unified into one single corpus. However, our procedure deviates from
this approach. The tfidf-weights are derived solely on the basis of the corpus,
which provides tfidf-features for the training of the logistic regression model.
Fig. 1. Exemplary visualization of the workflow for the replication of WCRobust04
and WCRobust0405. Elliptical shapes represent processing steps and rectangular boxes
their produced results. After data preparation, the TfidfVectorizer can be derived. Orig-
inally, this has to be done with a unified corpus consisting of NYT and Robust04/05
documents. Our approach deviates from this procedure, which is indicated by the
dotted arrow. We derive the TfidfVectorizer solely based on Robust04/05 documents.
Training data for two classes can be acquired with the help of qrel files from Ro-
bust04/05. The training step will result in a logistic regression model, which is adapted
for a specific topic. Tfidf-features of the NYT corpus will be classified with this model
during the prediction step. The run will be evaluated by using trec eval in combination
with the NYT qrels.
That means tfidf-features will not be augmented by the vocabulary of the cor-
pus whose documents will be ranked. We choose this approach with respect to
the results reported in 4.2

3.2     Training & Prediction
Our implementation of the training and prediction routines mainly relies on the
scikit-learn package [6]. More specifically we make use of the TfidfVectorizer and
the LogisticRegression classifier. As explained earlier, training and prediction will
be conducted topic-wise. For both steps, a tfidf-representation of documents is
required. In order to convert text documents into numerical vectors, we construct
the TfidfVectorizer based on Robust04/05 documents (depending on the specific
run). Yu et al. [9] pay special attention to the importance of L2 -normalization of
feature vectors. The TfidfVectorizer uses the L2 -norm as a default setting. Train-
ing features will be stored on disk in SVMlight format to ensure compatibility
with other machine learning frameworks. Depending on the corpora constella-
tions, there are deviating numbers of topics for which the logistic regression
classifier can be trained and used for classification. Only those topics, which are
judged for the test collection as well, can be used for the training of a model.
Using NYT in combination with Robust04, for instance, results in a subset of
50 intersecting topics which are judged for both corpora. Combining NYT with
Robust05 gives a subset of 33 intersecting topics. For each intersecting topic of
the test and training corpus, a ranking with 10,000 entries will be determined.

3.3     Evaluation
The evaluation will be done by the use of trec eval. Besides the ranking from the
previous step qrels of the corpus to be assessed have to be provided. Evaluation
measures are reported in the next section.

3.4     Miscellanea
Our code contributions also incorporate other machine learning models. Origi-
nally WaterlooCormack runs were computed by the use of Sofia-ML14 . We tried
to integrate Sofia-ML in our workflow but were not able to report any experimen-
tal results due to hardware limitations. Using the CLI of Sofia-ML, predictions
are done with SVMlight formatted features. Providing the tfidf-features of the
entire corpus to Sofia-ML was not possible for us, since we ran out of memory
on our 16GB laptop machine. Providing tfidf-features separately as single files
to the CLI prolonged the classification routine to unreasonable processing times.
Likewise, the use of SVM models from the scikit-learn library resulted in longer
processing times. The interfaces of the models are identical and code integration
was possible with little effort. However, due to the more compute-intensive na-
ture of SVMs the processing time of a single prediction nearly multiplied by the
factor of ten.
4     Experimental Results
Based on the workflow described in the previous section, we evaluate different
combinations of test and training corpora in order to assess the characteristics
of the procedure and underlying data. In section 4.1 we try out all corpora
combinations beyond the envisaged constellations of WCRobust04 and WCRo-
bust0405. In section 4.2 we investigate the necessity of augmenting training
data. Section 4.3 has a special focus on the replicability and reproducibility of
the WaterlooCormack runs. In this context, we have a look at the benefits of
preprocessing text data before deriving tfidf-features.

4.1     Relevance transfer
Having four different corpora at hand (TREC Disk 4&5, AQUAINT, NYT,
WaPo) we produce runs for all possible corpora combinations. Table 2 shows
results of all simple combinations. Whereas ’simple’ refers to using only one
corpus for the training step and omitting the enrichment of tfidf-features by
the vocabulary of the test corpus. Figure 2 shows the MAP values in decreasing
order. Classifying NYT documents by relevance judgments from the Robust cor-
pora results in the two highest MAP values. However, the reported MAP values
cannot be compared directly due to the deviating number of intersecting topics
across different combinations.

        Test          Training          Topics           MAP              P@10
                      Robust04            50             0.2963          0.6860
       NYT            Robust05            33             0.3019          0.7212
                       WaPo               25             0.1684          0.5120
                       NYT                50             0.1183          0.2560
      Robust04        Robust05            50             0.1797          0.4160
                       WaPo               25             0.1068          0.3400
                       NYT                33             0.1629          0.3455
      Robust05        Robust04            50             0.1913          0.4360
                       WaPo               15             0.1430          0.3733
                       NYT                25             0.1058          0.3000
       WaPo           Robust04            25             0.1373          0.3200
                      Robust05            15             0.1789          0.4333
    Table 2. Transferring relevance judgments across different corpora combinations

4.2     Feature augmentation
Originally tfidf-features are derived from the union corpus. That implies tfidf-
weights will be determined by the vocabulary of the training and test corpus.
                                                 Relevance transfer across different corpora combinations
Mean Average Precision

                                NYT / Robust05

                                                   NYT / Robust04

                                                                                                                                  NYT / WaPo
                                                                    Robust05 / Robust04

                                                                                          Robust04 / Robust05

                                                                                                                WaPo / Robust05

                                                                                                                                               Robust05 / NYT

                                                                                                                                                                Robust05 / WaPo

                                                                                                                                                                                  WaPo / Robust04

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Robust04 / NYT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Robust04 / WaPo

                                                                                                                       Corpora combination                                                                                             WaPo / NYT

Fig. 2. MAP values for different corpora combinations beyond the envisaged training
routine of the WaterlooCormack runs. The first corpus being labeled is the test corpus,
whereas the second represents the training data. Direct comparison is not advised due
to diverging numbers of intersecting topics. However, it can be seen, that classifying
the NYT corpora with a model trained on Robust corpora results in the highest MAP
In their contribution to the reproducibility track of ECIR 2019 Yu et al. con-
sider augmenting tfidf-features in this manner to be negligible, thus facilitating
generalizibility [9]. Even though this assumption is reasonable, the authors do
not provide evidence. The following setup compares different corpora combina-
tions in two variants. The first variant produces runs based on training with
tfidf-features derived exclusively from the training corpus. The second variant
is based on training features that are augmented by the vocabulary of the cor-
pus to be classified. Numerical representations of documents will contain more
tfidf-features, and less out-of-vocabulary terms during prediction should occur.
This variant complies with the procedure proposed originally for the Water-
looCormack runs. Table 3 reports evaluation results of these runs. For none
of the reported combinations there are significant differences when augmenting
training data. For instance, classifying NYT with training data from Robust04
results in a MAP value of 0.2963. Augmenting the training data with the NYT
vocabulary results in a MAP value of 0.2924. Due to these findings, we omit
augmenting training data for our final runs.

        Test         Training          Topics           MAP              P@10
                   Robust04              50             0.2963           0.6860
                 NYT+Robust04            50             0.2924           0.6660
                  Robust0405             33             0.3751           0.7455
                 NYT+Robust0405          33             0.3715           0.7364
                   Robust05              50             0.1797           0.4160
                  Robust0405             50             0.1766           0.4160
                   Robust04              50             0.1913           0.4360
                  Robust0405             50             0.1938           0.4320
                   Robust04              25             0.1373           0.3200
                 WaPo+Robust04           25             0.1360           0.3120
                  Robust0405             15             0.1987           0.4333
                 WaPo+Robust0405         15             0.1935           0.4200
Table 3. Feature augmentation for different corpora constellations. The first variant
uses the training corpus only for deriving tfidf-weights. The second variant embodies
the vocabulary of the test corpus for deriving tfidf-weights.

4.3     Replicability and Reproducibility of WCRobust04 &

Table 4 reports evaluation measures of the replicated and reproduced Water-
looCormack runs. All reported MAP values stay below the baseline reported by
Grossman and Cormack [4]. P@10 values of replicated runs stay slightly below
those given by the original paper. For each run constellation results without
our preprocessing pipeline are added. Especially WCRobust04 profits from our
preprocessing proposal.
    Grossman and Cormack retrieve better results when enriching training data
by an additional corpus. As explained earlier, the union corpus consists of docu-
ments and relevance judgments from Robust04/05 corpora. The improvement of
evaluation measures is also valid for both our replicated and reproduced results.
Table 5 shows the same evaluation measures based on 15 intersecting topics
across all corpora for a better comparison of both tasks. Reproduced runs yield
lower measures. Figure 3 and 4 show bar plots for each of the 15 topics result-
ing from replication and reproduction, respectively. Improvements by enriching
training data are more consistent across topics of replicated runs. 14 out of 15
topics profit from training data enrichment. Evaluation measures of reproduced
runs are generally lower and fewer topics profit from training data enrichment
(with regards to our sample of 15 topics).

     Test        Training     Preprocessing   Topics         MAP            P@10
                 Robust04          -             50          0.3711        0.6460
 Baseline [4]
                Robust0405         -             33          0.4307        0.7788
                                  yes            50          0.2963        0.6860
                                  no             50          0.2671        0.6380
                                  yes            33          0.3751        0.7455
                                  no             33          0.3784        0.7455
                                  yes            25          0.1373        0.3200
                                  no             25          0.1003        0.2600
                                  yes            15          0.1987        0.4333
                                  no             15          0.2142        0.4333
Table 4. Evaluation measures of replicated and reproduced runs based on all intersect-
ing topics for each specific corpora combination. Outcomes are compared against the
baseline reported by Grossman and Cormack [4]. None of the replicated or reproduced
runs can reach the baseline in terms of MAP. P@10 of WCRobust04 slightly beats the
baseline. Improved measures confirm our preprocessing proposal.

        Test                 Training              MAP                  P@10
                             Robust04             0.2648                0.6067
                            Robust0405            0.3788                0.7133
                             Robust04             0.1409                0.2933
                            Robust0405            0.1987                0.4333
Table 5. Evaluation measures of replicated and reproduced runs based on 15 inter-
secting topics
                                                15 intersecting topics from replicated runs
                            0.6                                                                             WCRobust04

        Average Precision   0.5






Fig. 3. Resulting AP values of the replicated WaterlooCormack runs for each of the
15 intersecting topics.

                                               15 intersecting topics from reproduced runs
                            0.6                                                                             WCRobust0405

        Average Precision







Fig. 4. Resulting AP values of the reproduced WaterlooCormack runs for each of the
15 intersecting topics.
Complementing WCRobust0405 Concerning WCRobust0405, Grossman
and Cormack also report MAP and P@10 values based on 50 topics. Our previous
setups derive rankings for WCRobust0405 based on 33 topics (replicability) and
15 topics (reproducibility). In our case, topic classifiers are trained on intersect-
ing topics only, i.e., there are 33 intersecting topics between NYT and the Robust
corpora and 15 intersecting topics between WaPo and the Robust corpora. With
regard to the remaining topics, no details were given in the original paper. For
this reason, we chose to investigate solely intersecting topics for WCRobust0405.
After contacting Cormack, we came to know that for these topics, training data
is taken where available. That means, when training data is only available from
Robust04, the classifier will be trained with documents from one corpus only.
The resulting rankings should be comparable to those from WCRobust04. Given
this information, we retrieved more complete runs, which are shown in table 6.

      Task             Run             Topics           MAP              P@10
                 WCRobust04              50             0.2963           0.6860
                WCRobust0405             50             0.3534           0.7340
                 WCRobust04              25             0.1373           0.3200
                WCRobust0405             25             0.1708           0.4000
Table 6. Evaluation outcomes of WCRobust04 and WCRobust0405 with equal num-
ber of topics. Depending on the topic, training data might be derived from Robust04
documents only.

Further considerations Even though the workflow proposed by Grossman
and Cormack is intuitive, its description is only one paragraph long in the orig-
inal paper. As we were reimplementing the workflow, many details had to be
considered, which were not explicitly mentioned by the authors. For instance,
our text preprocessing improved evaluation measures, but no details about such
a processing step are given in the original paper. So, it is possible that there
are still hidden details that are not covered by our reimplementation. Further-
more, the implementations of the logistic regression classifier by Sofia-ML and
scikit-learn may differ.
   Reflecting on decreasing scores of reproduced runs, it is worth considering
the data basis of both replicated and reproduced runs. Replicated runs rank
New York Times articles which cover a period from 1987 to 2007. The Robust
corpora, used for training, contain articles that fall into this period (1989 to
2000). Opposed to this, the Washington Post collection contains more recent
news articles from the years 2012 to 2017. News articles are subject to a strong
time dependency, and topic coverage varies over time. This influence may affect
the choice of words and consequently the vocabulary. News article collections
covering the same years may be more likely to share larger amounts of the same
vocabulary, which is beneficial for the reimplemented procedure based on tfidf-

5   Conclusion
Our participation in CENTRE@CLEF19 is motivated by replicating and repro-
ducing automatic routing runs proposed by Grossman and Cormack [4]. For the
replicability task, the New York Times corpus is used, whereas the reproducility
task applies the procedures to the Washington Post corpus.
    We provide a schematic overview of how we interpret the workflow description
of the WaterlooCormack submissions by Grossman and Cormack. The underly-
ing implementation is based on Python and available open source extensions.
    Our experimental setups include assessments of general relevance transfer,
tfidf-feature augmentation and the replicability and reproducibility of the Water-
looCormack runs. Outcomes of relevance transfer vary across corpora combina-
tions. Ranking the New York Times corpus with the help of relevance judgments
and documents from Robust corpora yields the best MAP values. Augmenting
tfidf-features by the vocabulary of the corpus to be ranked is originally intended
for the WaterlooCormack runs. A further setup investigates the necessity of fea-
ture augmentation. Our results conform with the assumptions by Yu et al. [9].
Augmenting tfidf-features is negligible.
    We were not able to fully replicate or reproduce the baseline given by Gross-
man and Cormack. All MAP values stay below the baseline. P@10 values of
replicated runs differ only slightly from the baseline. Our replicated results are
comparable to the classification only approach by Yu et al. Due to missing de-
tails in the original paper, we contacted Cormack concerning WCRobust0405
and were able to complement runs which were initially limited to rankings of
intersecting topics only.
    Reproduced runs generally perform worse. This might be a starting point
for future investigations. General corpora characteristics could be assessed by
quantitative and qualitative analysis. These findings might be related to di-
verging evaluation measures. Likewise, it is possible to exchange the logistic
regression model by more sophisticated approaches. Our code contributions pro-
vide possibilities for using other models and frameworks. Especially Python
implementations should be easily integrable. The source code is available at

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