Zhejiang University at ImageCLEF 2019 Visual Question Answering in the Medical Domain Xin Yan1 , Lin Li1 , Chulin Xie1 , Jun Xiao1 , and Lin Gu ∗2 1.Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China {yan xin,chulinxie}@zju.edu.cn,junx@cs.zju.edu.cn hanlin 233@163.com 2.National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan ling@nii.ac.jp corresponding author * Lin Gu : ling@nii.ac.jp Abstract. This paper describes the submission of Zhejiang University for Visual Question Answering task in medical domain (VQA-Med) of ImageCLEF 2019[2]. We propose a novel convolutional neural network (CNN) based on VGG16 network and Global Average Pooling strat- egy to extract visual features. Our proposed CNN is able to effectively capture the medical image features under small training set. The seman- tic features of the raised question is encoded by a BERT model. We then leverage a co-attention mechanism to fuse these two features en- hanced with jointly learned attention. These vectors then are then fed to a decoder to predict the answer in a manner of classification. Our model achieves the score with 0.624 in accuracy and 0.644 in BLEU, which ranked first among all participating groups in the ImageCLEF 2019 VQA-Med task[2]. Keywords: Visual Question Answering· VGG Network · Global Aver- age Pooling · BERT 1 Introduction Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a multidisciplinary task involves both Com- puter Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. As illsu- trated in Fig.1, presented with an image, the VQA system is expected to answer the raised natural language question about it. In recent years, VQA has been successful in the general domain with a num- ber of effective models and large-scale datasets. With the development of medical digitization, VQA in medical domain is drawing attention because it could not only serve as a supplementary reference for clinical decision, but also help pa- tients better and faster understand their conditions from medical images. To Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com- mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem- ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland. promote the development, ImageCLEF 2019 organises 2nd edition of the Medi- cal Domain Visual Question Answering Task[2]. However, the VQA is very challenging on the medical task. On one hand, valid medical data for training are limited compared to those in the general domain. On the other hand, the content and focus of medical images are distinct from the general images. The glossary and the presentation of sentences in medical report are also different from language in every-day’s discussion. In this paper, we propose a system to effectively solve the Med-VQA problem in ImageCLEF 2019 challenge[8]. As illustrated in Fig.2, the proposed system comprises the following steps: 1. With a novel Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), visual features are extracted from the input image. 2. BERT[4], a NLP network is applied to capture syntactic patterns of question and encode it into context features. 3. To extenuate the effect of irrelevant or noisy information, attention mechanism is introduced to focus on particular image regions based on language. 4. Feature fusion mechanism is used to integrate the visual and textural feature vectors to generate a jointed representation. 5. These vectors then are then fed to a decoder to predict the answer in a manner of classification. Our main contribution can be concluded as follows: Firstly, a novel CNN based on VGG16[12] network and Global Average Pooling[10] strategy is pro- posed to extract visual features under limited training set. Secondly, we use Multi-modal Factorized Bilinear Pooling (MFB)[18] with co-attention to fuse these two features enhanced with jointly learned attention. 2 Related Works According to recent work on VQA problems in the general domain, the perfor- mance of VQA is particularly sensitive to feature fusion strategy of textual and visual information. Deep Convolution Neural Networks(CNNs), such as VGGNet[12], ResNet[6], Inception, pretrained on large dataset in the general domain has been successfully explored to extract image feature in recent years. When encoding the question, the majority of research use Recurrent Neural Networks(RNNs) and such as long short-term memory (LSTM)[7], grated recurrent units(GRU)[3] to capture syntactic patterns. For fine-grained image and question representation, attention mechanisms are effective in extracting the localized image or language features, while global features may bring irrelevant or noisy information. Attention mechanisms have been successfully employed in image captioning [16] and machine translation [15], [1]. For VQA task, [17] developed a multiple-layer stacked attention networks (SANs) to query an image multiple times to progressively infer the answer. [14] used image features from bottom-up attention to provide region-specific features. [13] built upon previous VQA models by developing thirteen attention mechanisms and introducing a simplified classifier to the model. [11] put forward a novel ”co-attention” mechanism that jointly reasons about visual attention and question attention. With respect to multi-modal feature fusion, [11] presented a hierarchical co- attention model (Hie+CoAtt) which combines the co-attention multi-modal fea- tures using element-wise summations, concatenation, and fully connected layers. [5] proposed to rely on Multimodal Compact Bilinear pooling (MCB) which computes the outer product between two vectors. [9] employed the Multi-modal Low-rank Bilinear (MLB) pooling model to get a joint representation based on the Hadamard product of two feature vectors. [18] developed Multi-modal Factorized Bilinear pooling (MFB) method and combined it with co-attention learning. Our proposed VQA model in medical domain derives inspiration from that architecture (MFB+CoAtt). 3 Data Description Fig. 1 shows two examples in VQA-Med dataset[2]. In the ImageCLEF 2019 VQA-Med task[2], the dataset are divided into three subsets: – The training set contains 12792 question-answer pairs associated with 3200 training images. – The validation set contains 2000 question-answer pairs associated with 500 training images. – The test set contains 500 question-answer pairs associated with 500 training images. There are 4 categories of questions: abnormality, modality, organ system and plane. – Abnormality: the questions are mainly in two forms: 1. inquiry on the exis- tence of abnormalities in the picture, 2. inquiry on the abnormal type. – Modality, inquiry on the types of medical images such as mri, CT images. – Organ, inquiry on what organ is shown in the image. – Plane, inquiry on the captured plane such as vertical or horizontal. Fig. 1. Two examples of medical image and the associated question-answer pair from the ImageCLEF 2019 VQA-Med training set. 4 Methods In this section, we would introduce our model submitted for the ImageCLEF 2019 VQA-Med task[2]. Our model consists of four modules: image feature extraction, question semantic encoder, feature fuse with co-attention mechanism and answer prediction, which are shown in Figure. 2. Fig. 2. Our model architecture 4.1 Image feature extraction In open-domain VQA, the convolutional network like VGGNet[12] or ResNet[6] are usually used to extract image feature map which represents the visual content of the image. In order to extract the feature of medical image, we proposed a new convolution network that based on VGG16 network(pretrained on ImageNet) and Global Average Pooling[10] strategy. We remove all the fully-connected lay- ers in the VGG16 network and the convolution outputs of different feature scales are concatenated after global average pooling to form a 1984-dimensional vector to represent the image. The architecture is shown in Fig.3. Our experiments show that the new network structure could effectively avoid over-fitting and improve the accuracy of the model. Fig. 3. Image feature extraction 4.2 Question semantic encoder We propose a question encoder based on the bidirectional encoder representation from transformers(BERT)[4] to get the semantic feature of question. BERT[4] is a pre-trained language representation model proposed by Google. Unlike the context-free model such as Glove which generates a ”word embedding” for each word, BERT[4] emphasizes more on the relationships between a word and the other words in a sentence that can effectively avoid polysemy. The model we used is a basic version of BERT[4] which includes 12 layers, 768 hidden variables with a total of 110M parameters. To represent each sentence, we average the last and penultimate layer to obtain a 768-d question feature vector. 4.3 Feature fuse with co-attention mechanism The strategy to combine visual and semantic feature plays an important role in improving performance of VQA task. Co-attention mechanism assigns weight of importance to features from different regions to avoid the irrelevant information. We therefore use multi-modal factorized bilinear pooling (MFB) [18] with co- attention to fuse the two modalities of features. The network is shown in Fig.4. Fig. 4. MFB with co-attention 5 Experiments 5.1 Visual Feature Network As discussed above, the convolution network with global average pooling[10] could effectively avoid the over-fitting on the small dataset. As shown in Fig.5. Severe over-fitting has occurred in the model without GAP (the left one). As the training progresses, the loss on the validation set decreases and then increases. This did not happen in the model with GAP (the right one) and the model achieves higher accuracy on validation set. Based on the performance on the validation set, the parameters are set as follows. We use the ADAM optimizer with initial learning rate 1e-4. The regu- larization coefficient is 1e-3. The dropout coecient in MFB is 0.3 and the batch size is 32. We train the model for 300 epoch on one GTX1080Ti for 1 hours. Fig. 5. Contrast whether GAP is used or not. 5.2 Evaluation The VQA-Med competition[2] adopted two evaluation indexes, accuracy(strict) and BLEU. Accuracy was used to measure the ratio between the number of cor- rectly classified and the total number of test data set. BLEU measures the sim- ilarity between the predicted answer and the actual answer. Based on the above architecture, we submitted six valid runs, among which ”VGG16(GAP)+BERT+MFB” achieved the best accuracy score of 0.624 and the best BLEU score of 0.644. The result of the competition is shown in the Figure.6 with the team ID: Hanlin. Fig. 6. Official Results of ImageCLEF 2019 VQA-Med. The ID of our team is Hanlin. 6 Conclusions In this paper,we describes the model we submitted in ImageCLEF 2019 VQA- Med task. 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