=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_86 |storemode=property |title=Bird Species Identification in Soundscapes |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_86.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Mario Lasseck |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Lasseck19 }} ==Bird Species Identification in Soundscapes== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_86.pdf
            Bird Species Identification in Soundscapes*

                                       Mario Lasseck

                           Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany

        Abstract. This paper presents deep learning techniques for audio-based bird
        identification in soundscapes. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks are trained
        to classify 659 species. Different data augmentation techniques are applied to
        prevent overfitting and improve model accuracy and generalization. The pro-
        posed approach is evaluated in the BirdCLEF 2019 campaign and provides the
        best system to identify bird species in wildlife monitoring recordings. With an
        ensemble of different single- and multi-label classification models it obtains a
        classification mean average precision (c-mAP) of 35.6 % and a retrieval mean
        average precision (r-mAP) of 74.6 % on the official BirdCLEF test set. In terms
        of classification precision, single model performance surpasses previous state-
        of-the-art by more than 20 %.

        Keywords: Bird Species Identification, Biodiversity Assessment, Soundscapes,
        Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Data Augmentation

1       Introduction

For the LifeCLEF bird identification task participating teams have to identify differ-
ent bird species in a large collection of audio recordings. The 2019 edition mainly
focuses on soundscapes. This is a more difficult task compared to previous editions
where species had to be identified mostly in mono-directional recordings with usually
only one prominent species present in the foreground. Soundscapes on the other hand
are recorded in the field, e.g. for wildlife monitoring, not targeting any specific direc-
tion or individual animal. There can be a large number of simultaneously singing
species overlapping in time and frequency, arbitrary background noise depending on
weather conditions and sometimes very distant and faint calls. Identifying as many
species as possible in such a scenario remains challenging but is an important step
towards real-world wildlife monitoring and reliable biodiversity assessment. An over-
view and further details about the BirdCLEF task is given in [1]. It is among others
part of the LifeCLEF 2019 evaluation campaign [2].

    Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its author. Use permitted under Creative Commons
    License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September 2019, Lu-
    gano, Switzerland.
The approach described in this paper uses neural networks and deep learning. It builds
on the work of previous solutions to the task and combines proven techniques with
new methods for data augmentation and multi-label classification.

2       Implementation

Data Preparation

All audio recordings are first high pass filtered at a frequency of 2 kHz (Q = 0.707)
and then resampled to 22050 Hz with the Sound eXchange (SoX) v14.4.1 audio pro-
cessing tool [3]. Soundscapes from the validation set are prepared for training by
cutting them into individual files according to their annotations. Starting from the
beginning of a file, whenever the label or set of labels changes, a new audio file is
generated with the corresponding labels. Additionally, a “noise only” file is created
from each soundscape by merging all parts without bird activity via concatenation.
Those files containing only background noise are later used together with other back-
ground recordings for noise augmentation.
   In order to also use the validation set for training, it is split into 8 folds via iterative
stratification for multi-label data [4]. As a result, a small part of the validation set can
be used to evaluate model performance while the rest of the set can be added to the
Xeno-Canto [5] training set.
   To allow faster prototyping and to create a more diverse set of models for later en-
sembling, different data subsets are formed targeting different numbers of species or
sound classes:

 Data set 1: 78 classes (with 7342 files from the training set)
 Data set 2: 254 classes (with 21542 files from the training set)
 Data set 3: 659 classes (with all 50145 files from the training set)1

The smallest data set covers all 78 species present in the annotated soundscapes of the
validation set and only contains training files belonging to those classes (not consider-
ing background species). The second data set consists of all files belonging to species
mainly present in the recording locations of the United States. To find out which spe-
cies are likely to be recorded in the US, the additionally provided eBird [6] data is
taken into account and all files belonging to a species with a frequency value above
zero for any time of the year are added to the first data set. The third data set finally
covers all 659 species and all available training files. The eBird data is also used to
create a list of unlikely species for both the Colombia and the US recording locations.
For some submissions this list is later used to set predictions of unlikely species to
zero for soundscapes in the test set depending on their recording location.

    8 files of the Xeno-Canto training set are excluded because they are corrupt or too small
Training Setup

For audio-based bird species identification Deep Convolutional Neural Networks pre-
trained on ImageNet [7] are fine-tuned with mel scaled spectrogram images represent-
ing short audio chunks. Models are trained with PyTorch [8] utilizing PySoundFile
and LibROSA [9] python packages for audio file reading and processing. The same
basic pipeline as for the BirdCLEF 2018 task is used for data loading and can be
summarized as follows:

 Extract audio chunk from file with a duration of ca. 5 seconds
 Apply short-time Fourier transform
 Normalize and convert power spectrogram to decibel units (dB) via logarithm
 Convert linear spectrogram to mel spectrogram
 Remove low and high frequencies
 Resize spectrogram to fit input dimension of the network
 Convert grayscale image to RGB image

In each training epoch all training files are processed in random order to extract audio
chunks at random position. Training is done with a batch size of ca. 100 - 200 sam-
ples using up to 3 GPUs (Nvidia 1080, 1080 Ti, Titan RTX). Categorical cross entro-
py [10] is used as loss function for single-label classification considering only fore-
ground species as ground truth targets. Stochastic gradient descent is used as optimiz-
er with momentum 0.9, weight decay 1e-4 and an initial learning rate of 0.1. Learning
rate is decreased at least once during training by ca. 10-1 whenever performance on
the validation set stops improving. If more than one species is assigned to an audio
chunk, in case of validation soundscapes, one species or label is chosen randomly as
ground truth target during training. Background species annotated for Xeno-Canto
files are not taken into account.
    Besides the common single-label classification approach, multi-label classification
models are trained as well to take advantage of the fact that there are multi-label an-
notations existing for validation soundscapes with two or more species present at the
same time in many cases. For soundscapes, the multi-label approach also seems the
more suited classification method since recordings are mostly not focused on a single
target species. Two loss functions are tested for multi-label training. PyTorch’s Mul-
tiLabelSoftMarginLoss creates a criterion that optimizes a multi-label one-versus-all
loss based on max-entropy [11]. The loss function BCEWithLogitsLoss combines a
sigmoid layer and a binary cross entropy layer [12].
    For the validation and test set audio chunks are extracted successively from each
file with an overlap of 10 % for validation files during training and 80 % for files in
the test set. Predictions are summarized for each file and time interval by taking the
maximum over all chunks. For most submissions, different models are ensembled by
averaging their predictions for each species after normalizing the entire prediction
matrix to have a minimum of 0.0 and a maximum value of 1.0. To increase ensemble
performance a little further, in some cases it helped to clip very low and high predic-
tion values to -7.0 and 10.0, respectively before normalization.
Data Augmentation

To increase model performance and improve generalization to different recording
conditions and habitats, the most effective data augmentation techniques from the
previous BirdCLEF edition [13] are applied in both time and frequency domain. New
methods are highlighted and explained below. The following methods are applied in
time domain regarding audio chunks:

 Chunk extraction at random position in file
 Duration jitter
 Local time stretching and pitch shifting
 Filter with random transfer function
 Random cyclic shift
 Adding audio chunks from files containing only background noise
 Adding audio chunks from files belonging to the same bird species (single-label)
 Adding audio chunks from files belonging to random bird species (multi-label)
 Random signal amplitude of chunks before summation
 Time interval dropout

A few new methods are added for this year’s challenge to augment individual audio
chunks in time domain before mixing them together:

Local time stretching and pitch shifting in time domain. The audio signal is divid-
ed into segments, each having a randomly chosen duration between 0.5 and 4 sec-
onds. To each segment time stretching or pitch shifting or both is applied individually
using the LibROSA library. The time stretching factor is randomly chosen from a
gauss distribution with a mean value of 1 and a standard deviation of 0.05. The pitch
is shifted by an offset randomly chosen from a gauss distribution with a mean value of
0 and a standard deviation of 25 cents (8th of a tone).

Filter with random transfer function. With a chance of ca. 20 %, audio chunks are
filtered in time domain using a butterworth filter design with variable transfer func-
tion. The following filter parameters are chosen randomly:

 Type: lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop
 Order: 1-5
 Cutoff frequency: 1-22049 Hz

For bandpass and bandstop filter types the second (high) cutoff frequency is chosen
between the (low) cutoff frequency + 1 and 22049 Hz (nyquist frequency - 1). De-
pending on filter parameters and audio input, filter stability is not always guarantied.
To prevent unbounded signals the original input is passed as output if the filter output
contains anything that is not a number between -1.0 and 1.0. Examples of a randomly
filtered audio recording are visualized in Figure 1.
                 Fig. 1. Examples of a randomly filtered audio recording.

Mixing random audio chunks for multi-label classification. For multi-label classi-
fication, audio chunks from random files are mixed together and their corresponding
labels added to the target label set during training. Up to four audio chunks are added
with random signal amplitude to the original training sample with conditional proba-
bilities of 50, 40, 30 and 20 %. A similar technique is originally used by [14] for im-
age classification and has shown good results for multi-label audio classification as
well [15]. Here, however, labels are not weighted by signal amplitudes (or influenced
by weighting of the linear combination).

For background noise augmentation, besides using noise from validation files, record-
ings without bird activity of the Bird Audio Detection (BAD) task 2018 [16] are used.
The BAD data set is part of the IEEE AASP Challenge on Detection and Classifica-
tion of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) 2018 [17]. It consists of audio files
from three separate bird sound monitoring projects each recorded under differing
conditions regarding recording equipment and background sounds.
   The audio chunk (or sum of chunks) is transformed to frequency domain via short-
time Fourier transform with a window size of 1536 samples and a hop length of 360
samples. Frequencies are mel scaled with low and high frequencies removed resulting
in a spectrogram with 310 mel bands representing a range of approximately 160 to
10300 Hz. Normalization and logarithm is applied to the power spectrogram yielding
a dynamic range of approximately 100 dB. The final spectrogram image is resized to
299x299 pixel to fit the input dimension of the InceptionV3 [18] network or 224x224
pixel for ResNet [19] models. Resizing is performed with the Python Image Library
fork Pillow using randomly chosen interpolation filters of different qualities. Because
audio chunks are extracted with a random length (e.g. between 4.55 and 5.45 s by
applying a duration jitter of ca. half a second) a global time stretching effect is ob-
tained after resizing the variable length spectrogram images to a fixed width. Image
resizing is also applied to individual vertical and horizontal spectrogram segments to
accomplish piecewise or local time and frequency stretching (see below and [13] for
more details). Since networks are pre-trained on RGB images, the grayscale image is
copied to all three colour channels. Further augmentation is applied in frequency do-
main to the spectrogram image during training:

 Global frequency shifting/stretching
 Local time and frequency stretching
 Different interpolation filters for spectrogram resizing
 Colour jitter (brightness, contrast, saturation, hue)

Table 1 demonstrates the effect of augmentation and single- vs. multi-label training
on model performance. All models were trained with the 78 classes data set using the
same parameter settings with a learning rate of 0.1 and 0.01 until performance on the
validation set stopped improving.

               Table 1. Influence of data augmentation on model performance.

        ID    Description                                InceptionV3 ResNet-152
                                                         c-mAP [%] c-mAP [%]
        E1    Baseline                                       26.5         21.1
        E2    E1 with BAD noise augmentation                 40.1         38.3
        E3    E2 with validation files for training          42.5         38.7
        E4    E3 with validation noise augmentation          50.9         51.3
        E5    E4 with 2019 augmentation methods              53.1         52.2
        E6    E4 with multi-label training2                  49.7         52.9
        E7    E6 with 2019 augmentations (post               50.1         54.7
              challenge result)

More details on individual augmentation methods and their effect on identification
and detection performance in previous challenges can be found in [13] and [20].

3       Results

For the first two submitted runs a single model was used to predict the species for
each file and time interval in the test set. All other runs used an ensemble of different
models. The main properties of individual models are listed in Table 2. Selected re-
sults on the official BirdCLEF test set are summarized in Table 3 and further de-
scribed in the next section.

    Loss function: torch.nn.MultiLabelSoftMarginLoss
                           Table 2. Main properties of models used for submitted runs.

Model ID                M1        M2         M3          M4         M5          M6        M7         M8
Included in run         1         2-10       6-10        3,4        5-10        5-10      4-10       6-10
Number of classes       659       659        254         254        254         254       78         78
Network type            Incept.   Incept.    Incept.     ResNet     ResNet      ResNet    ResNet     ResNet
Input size [pixel]      299       299        299         224        224         224       224        224
Chunk duration [s]      5         5          5           5          5           2.6       5          5
Label type              single    single     single      single     single      single    multi      multi
Loss function           Cross     Cross      Cross       Cross      Cross       Cross     Multi      BCEWit
                        entropy   entropy    entropy     entropy    entropy     entropy   Label      hLogits
BAD data used           no        yes        yes         yes        yes         yes       yes        yes
Val. data (labelled)    no        yes        yes         yes        yes         yes       yes        yes
Val. data (noise)       no        yes        yes         yes        yes         yes       yes        yes
New augmentations       no        no         no          no         yes         no        no         no
Val. set c-mAP [%]      29.7      49.1       51.3        51.2       53.9        52.1      53.8       49.1
Test set c-mAP [%]      21.3      25.9       -           -          -           -         -          -

           Run 1. In order to better compare results and to find out if and how much progress
           was made on identification performance since last year, the best performing model of
           the 2018 BirdCLEF edition [13] was retrained on this year’s data set. All files from
           the Xeno-Canto training set but no validation soundscapes were used for training. The
           model obtained a classification mAP of 21.3 % and a retrieval mAP of 44.7 % on the
           test set.

           Run 2. For the second run, a single model (M2) was trained with main properties
           listed in Table 2. Also validation soundscapes were used for training and noise aug-
           mentation. The third generation Inception model M2 used all above mentioned aug-
           mentations except the new time domain methods filtering and local time stretching
           and pitch shifting. For this and all following models, BAD 2018 files were used for
           noise augmentation. As a result, it is not necessary any more to segment training files
           into signal and noise parts to get background material from the training set for noise
           augmentation like done in previous challenge editions. This greatly simplifies the pre-
           processing step. A c-mAP of 25.9 % and a r-mAP of 69.1 % is obtained on the test set
           resulting in a performance increase of 21.6 % and 54.6 %, respectively compared to
           previous state-of-the-art (M1). Since M1 and M2 didn’t use the exact same training
           set and for the training of M2 not all new time domain augmentations were applied
           the given progress is only a rough approximation.

           Run 3. For the third run, two models were ensembled: the 2nd run model and a Res-
           Net-152 model trained on the 254 classes training set. For this and the following runs,
           predictions of unlikely species regarding recording location were set to zero.
Run 4. The 4th run used the ensemble of run 3 plus an additional multi-label classifi-
cation model (M7) trained on the 78 classes set. This 3 model ensemble obtained the
highest retrieval mAP of 74.6 % on the test set.

Run 5. The ensemble of run 5 consists of all previous models (except M1) plus an
additional 254 classes ResNet-152 model (M6) yielding a higher temporal resolution
of spectrogram image inputs. It mainly differs in the following parameters:

 FFT size: 512 (instead of 1536) samples
 FFT hop length: 256 (instead of 360) samples
 Chunk duration: 2.6 (instead of 5.0) seconds
 Duration jitter: 0.2 (instead of 0.45) seconds
 Number of mel bands: 155 (instead of 310)
 Start frequency: 0 (instead of 160) Hz
 End frequency: 11025 (instead of 10300) Hz
 Local time stretch chance: 40 (instead of 50) %
 Local time stretch factor min.: 0.95 (instead of 0.9)
 Local time stretch factor max.: 1.05 instead of 1.1)

The run 5 ensemble obtained the highest classification mAP of 35.6 % on the test set.

Run 6 to 10. Different combinations of the previously mentioned models were used
for run 6 to 10. Also different snapshots of the same model were included for ensem-
bling and two models were trained on different folds of the validation set. Neverthe-
less, no further progress on identification performance on the test set was obtained.
For run 9 the same ensemble as for run 8 was used except run 9 didn’t use the eBird
data to set predictions of unlikely species to zero in the post-processing step. This
demonstrates once again, performance can be increased when unlikely birds are fil-
tered out for a certain recording location where species composition is known in ad-

         Table 3. Official scores on the BirdCLEF 2019 test set (for selected runs).

           Run     #Models    #Snap-    c-mAP [%]       c-mAP [%] r-mAP [%]
                              shots     Val. set        Test set  Test set
           1       1          1         29.7            21.3         44.7
           2       1          1         49.1            25.9         69.1
           3       2          2         57.5            29.7         71.0
           4       3          3         62.0            30.9         74.6
           5       4          4         63.7            35.6         71.5
           7       7          9         64.9            34.9         73.2
           8       9          12        -               35.1         74.4
           9       9          12        -               32.8         71.1
           10      all        all       -               35.5         72.2
4      Discussion

The 2019 BirdCLEF edition had a clear focus on identifying birds in soundscapes
originating from real-world wildlife monitoring recordings. Although this was a much
more difficult task compared to previous editions, progress in model performance was
obtained by exploring new augmentation techniques and by combining different sin-
gle- and multi-label classification models.
   A large performance increase was obtained by adding random background noise
from other and/or similar habitats. A very good source for noise augmentation is the
data set of the DCASE 2018 Bird Audio Detection challenge (E1 vs. E2 in Table 1). It
is easily available and published under the Creative Commons Attribution licence
CC-BY 4.0 [17]. The BAD recordings cover a wide range of background noise and
atmosphere from a diverse set of different monitoring scenarios and are therefore well
suited to improve model generalization. On the other hand, in cases where the target
monitoring location is known in advance, a model can specifically be designed for a
certain habitat and greatly benefit by using background sounds of this particular re-
cording location for noise augmentation during training (E3 vs. E4 in Table 1).
   With additional methods like filtering audio chunks with random transfer function
or applying local time stretching and pitch shifting in time domain, identification
performance can be further increased (E4 vs. E5 & E6 vs. E7 in Table 1). Unfortu-
nately, training takes significantly longer especially if LibROSA’s time stretching and
pitch shifting algorithms are applied very frequently. Due to the longer training time it
was not possible to investigate the individual influence of each method or different
parameter settings on model performance. To save time, those techniques were only
applied to the original training sample (first audio chunk in the mix) and not, or only
with very low chance, to chunks added for augmentation. Both algorithms also seem
to blur the resulting spectrogram even with very subtle use (time stretching factor
close to 1, pitch shifting offset close to 0). Maybe a more efficient implementation
regarding processing time and quality would be a better choice in the future.
   Multi-label training was successfully applied for the 78 classes set (E4 vs. E6 in
Table 1). In contrast to the single-label approach, for multi-label classification the
residual network obtained better results compared to the Inception architecture (3 rd vs.
4th column in Table 1). Unfortunately, training with a larger number of classes didn’t
work so well even when passing a weight vector as argument to the BCEWithLo-
gitsLoss function to compensate for class imbalances. One explanation for this might
be the exponential growth of possible label combinations depending on the number of
individual labels (classes) and the number of labels considered to be possible for a
single audio chunk. Maybe if species combination constrains are known a priori (e.g.
by distinguishing between diurnal and nocturnal birds) and applied to reduce the
number of possible label sets, models can also be trained successfully in a multi-label
fashion for a much larger number of species.
   To reproduce results and to provide a baseline for future BirdCLEF challenges and
further research on bird species identification, source code will be made available at:
Acknowledgments. I would like to thank Stefan Kahl, Alexis Joly, Hervé Goëau,
Willem-Pier Vellinga and Hervé Glotin for organising this task, Xeno-Canto for
providing the training data and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Paula Caycedo for
providing and annotating the soundscapes. I also want to thank the Museum für
Naturkunde for supporting my research.

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