=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_88 |storemode=property |title=Extracting Protests from News Using LSTM models with different Attention Mechanisms |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_88.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Thenmozhi D,Aravindan Chandrabose,Abishek Shyamsunder,Adithya Viswanathan,Akash Kumar Pujari |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/ThenmozhiASVP19 }} ==Extracting Protests from News Using LSTM models with different Attention Mechanisms== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_88.pdf
     Extracting Protests from News using LSTM
     Models with different Attention Mechanisms

                   D. Thenmozhi, Chandrabose Aravindan,
     Abishek Shyamsunder, Adithya Vishwanathan and Akash Kumar Pujari

               Department of CSE, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai

        Abstract. Extracting Protests from news is very useful because it helps
        in the early identification and subduing of contentious events and con-
        trolling violent public outbreaks. This also helps in the study of social
        sciences on the difference in protest types and their expression across
        countries. In this paper, a deep learning approach is presented for classi-
        fying input documents developed using data from one country and is ex-
        ercised on data from others. Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) a variant
        of Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) is used to implement our approach
        for the text classification. Models were created for 2 tasks in specific, the
        first aimed at identifying if a given news document led to a protest or
        not while the latter predicted if or not an input sentence contained an
        event trigger. The data given by CodaLab - CLEF 2019 Lab ProtestNews
        was used to develop and evaluate the performance of the models. The
        documents and sentences were assigned labels ‘protest’/‘non-protest’ and
        ‘event-trigger’/‘not-event-trigger’. A total of 4 LSTM models were imple-
        mented with different attention mechanisms, and the ones implementing
        Scaled-Luong and Bahdanau obtained higher overall F1 macro scores of
        0.3290 and 0.3682 on the final evaluation test set respectively.

        Keywords: Text Classification · Information Extraction · Long Short
        Term Model · Recurring Neural Networks · Attention Mechanism

1     Introduction

Text classification refers to the process of assigning tags or categories to textual
data according to its content. It is one of the fundamental tasks of Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) which involves the application of computer techniques
to the analysis and synthesis of natural language. Information Extraction, a field
strongly associated with the aforementioned topics is the automated retrieval of
specific information from a body of text. Using these in unison, the CLEF 2019
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
Lab ProtestNews TASK 1 aims at classifying news documents as ‘protest’ or
‘non-protest’ given raw data and TASK 2 aims at classifying a sentence as one
containing an event-trigger or not given the sentence and the news article con-
taining the sentence and Task 3 the extraction of various information from a
given event sentence such as location, time and participation of the event [6].
    This paper focuses on the use of LSTM, an artificial RNN architecture with
different attention mechanisms to perform efficient binary classification of input
data and assign class labels for TASK 1 and TASK 2 of CLEF 2019 Lab Protest-
News, functioning along lines similar to that of the novel work published by Peng
Zhou et al. [18], which employs Bidirectional LSTM as well as Two-dimensional
Max Pooling for the purpose of text classification.
    The main challenge is to extract various event information from news articles
across multiple countries around the globe. The events considered mainly focus
on politics and social movements across the globe collected from Indian and Chi-
nese news articles written in English. Neural Networks can be used for addressing
these kinds of problems, but the ability of RNNs to outperform traditional mod-
els in applications such as Discriminative Keywords Spotting, evidenced by the
works of S Fernandez et al. [4], favours the use of the latter. RNNs use the most
recent information to perform the present task. Classifying news articles, how-
ever, requires long term dependencies and the vulnerablity of RNNs to hold only
the most recent information is overcome by the use of LSTM. As seen by the
successful employment of LSTM for Statistical Machine Translation in the pa-
per authored by Kyunghyun Cho et al. [2], they are a special category of RNNs
designed specifically to solve the long-term dependency problem.

2   Literature Survey

This section serves to analyse the wide array of published literature and helps
in getting an insight into the various models adopted to tackle the problem at
Research works [17, 12, 15, 5] present various machine learning approaches for
detecting violence from given textual data. These vary from rule mining [17] to
sub-graph pattern mining [12].
Sudha Subramani et al. [15], although focusing on detection of domestic violence,
view the problem as one of binary classification much similar to the approach
used in this paper. Other studies [7, 10] bring to light different deep learning ap-
proaches for the classification of textual data. Madisetty Sreekanth and Desarkar
Maunendra Sankar [10] in particular, employ a Convolutional Neural Network-
LSTM, which has maximum correlation with the model adopted at present.
Mazhar Iqbal Rana et al. [13] provide a comparison of various classifiers in con-
text of short text aiding in sound judgement of baseline establishment.
Big Data Analytics and Probabilistic methods [3, 11] can also be used as alter-
natives to those mentioned above.
Even though many papers [14, 10, 11] concentrate on data obtained from various
social media forums, the concept can be migrated to news articles while taking
into consideration the greater length and diversity of news instances. The four
models listed in section 4 have established their efficacy through various works
published [8, 16, 1, 9], differing from one another along the attention mechanism
used. These in their basic form consist of two components, an encoder which
computes the representation of each sentence and a decoder which decomposes
the conditional probability.

3   Proposed Methodology

This model classifies news documents as protest and non-protest news, event-
trigger or not event-trigger and it extracts various information from a given
sentence such as location, time and participants of an event. To meet the objec-
tives, the following are done

 – Gather news articles
 – Preprocessing of news articles
 – Grouping and Indexing of news articles
 – Feature selection from news articles
 – Labelling the news with the help of the model

                           Fig. 1. System Architecture.

    Text pre-processing is the initial and important step in news article classifi-
cation process. pre-processing step makes sure that the learning model receives
only the data that are considered useful and the noisy data is removed from
the text. The data comes from various sources and ought to be cleaned before
it is fed into the model. The noisy data or useless information which includes
punctuation marks, non-alpha numeric characters etc. are first removed from the
text with the use of regular expressions. A dictionary of unique words is created,
and these unique words help in embedding the input sequence to the model to
do the classification.
    The objects of the training file are separated from one another by using
‘newline’ as the delimiter. A multi-layer RNN with LSTM as a recurrent unit
are used to build a deep neural network model for finding the classified labels.
Several layers are used to build the deep neural network namely, embedding layer,
encoding-decoding layers, projection layer and loss layer. The weight vectors are
learnt from the input sentences and label input based on their vocabulary using
the embedding layer. 2-layered bi-directional LSTM is used as hidden layers to
perform the encoding and decoding using the embeddings of input sentences or
paragraphs. This is shown in Fig 1.

4   Implementation
The current methodology adopted for the TASK1 and TASK2 of CLEF 2019
Lab ProtestNews is implemented using Tensorflow. The data provided, belonging
to 4 unique sets namely Development, Training, Testing and Testing_China is
presented in Table 1.

               Table 1. Data Set for ProtestNews Task1 and Task2

             Languages               No. of Instances
                           Development Training Test China_test
             Task1Document     457       3430 687       1801
             Task2sentence     663       5885 1107      1235

    A total of 4 models [8, 16, 1, 9] have been implemented by using the deep
learning approach mentioned in section 3. The 4 models implemented all belong
to seq2seq class of algorithms and vary from one another along the attention
mechanism used
 – Model1- 2 Layered, bi-directional LSTM, with Normed-Bahdanau attention
 – Model2- 2 Layered, bi-directional LSTM, with Scaled-Luong attention
 – Model3- 2 Layered, bi-directional LSTM, with Bahdanau attention
 – Model4- 2 Layered, bi-directional LSTM, with Luong attention

5   Results
A total of 4 models were submitted and were evaluated by the CLEF 2019 Lab
ProtestNews Evaluation engine. The test data provided was classified into two
sets, the first belonging to news articles from India and the latter containing
articles from China, labelled Set 1 for China-Task1, Set 2 for China-Task2, Set
3 for India-Task1 and Set 4 for India-Task2. The Table 2 shows the various F1
macro scores obtained by the models in the final evaluation stage.

     Tasks       Model1            Model2            Model3            Model4
     Task1 Set1 Set3 Avg. Set1 Set3 Avg. Set1 Set3 Avg. Set1 Set3 Avg.
            0.027 0.123 0.075 0.134 0.263 0.199 0.158 0.389 0.274 0.233 0.357 0.295
     Task2 Set2 Set4 Avg. Set2 Set4 Avg. Set2 Set4 Avg. Set2 Set4 Avg.
            0.015 0.026 0.021 0.370 0.547 0.458 0.357 0.567 0.462 0.196 0.038 0.117
    Average       0.048             0.329             0.368             0.206
                          Table 2. Final Evaluation Results

   Clearly Model 3 for which the 2 Layered, bi-directional LSTM, with Bah-
danau attention was adopted produced the best results of the lot with a F1
macro score of 0.3682.

6    Perspectives for future work
From Table 2 given under results, undoubtedly Model3 outperforms its peers for
the test data given under Task2. Thus, with the scope of the current study under
consideration, adopting the input structure of the training data of Task2 (i.e.
sentence wise rather than Document wise) and administering the same in the
implementation phase of Task1 may provide better results, thus increasing the
overall accuracy. However, there may be two approaches that must be juxtaposed
for the post processing of predictions outputted by the model. These are as given
 – At-least-one approach: If any of the sentences belonging to a
   paragraph/news-article is classified as class 1 (I.e. classified under ‘protest’)
   then the whole paragraph/news-article can be classified as class 1.
 – Vote-based approach: Each of the sentences can be considered to voting for
   either class 1 or class 0 when classified. Finally, the whole paragraph/news-
   article can be classified based on which class obtained the maximum votes.

7    Conclusion
We have developed deep learning models for information extraction and text clas-
sification using data from one country and tested them on data from different
countries. RNN-LSTM models were used to classify documents and sentences to
the labels ‘protest’/’non-protest’ and ‘event-trigger’/’not-event-trigger’ respec-
tively. The 4 models implemented differed along the attention mechanism used.
The various F1 macro scores obtained were 0.0481, 0.3290, 0.3682 and 0.2064 re-
spectively. The performance may be further improved by the effective splitting of
Document data at the pre-processing stage and applying appropriate integration
logic of the output at the post-processing stage.

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