Classification and Event Identification Using Word Embedding Anaı̈s Ollagnier1[0000−0002−4349−5678] and Hywel Williams1[0000−0002−5927−3367] Computer Science, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QE, UK {a.ollagnier,h.t.p.williams} Abstract. This paper presents our contribution to the CLEF 2019 Protest- News Track, which aims to classify and identify protest events in English- language news from India and China. We used traditional classification models, namely, support vector machines and XGBoost classifiers, com- bined with various word embedding approaches. Multiple models were tested for experimental purposes, in addition to the two models evaluated within the official campaign. Results show promising performance, espe- cially in terms of precision on both document and sentence classification tasks. Keywords: Data mining · Classification · Event detection · Word em- bedding. 1 Introduction The CLEF ProtestNews Track was introduced in 2019 aiming to evaluate meth- ods for event classification and detection from news articles across multiple coun- tries. This track has two main goals: firstly, development of generalisable meth- ods which can be applied to heterogeneous news article data; and secondly, to support surveys conducted in other scientific fields such as social and politi- cal studies by providing data on political conflict events (e.g. protests, riots). This track includes three tasks: news article classification, event sentence detec- tion and event extraction. Our contribution is focused on the first two tasks. The news article classification task consists of identifying news articles associ- ated with political conflicts through a binary classification scheme (”protest” vs. ”non-protest”). The event sentence detection task focuses on identifying and labeling sentences that refer to protest events (e.g. riots, social events). Both of the tasks attempted here relate to text classification and sentence classification. Recent work in natural language processing (NLP) and text min- ing shows many applications that leverage text classification at different levels Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com- mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem- ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland. of scope. At the document level, many classification techniques have been pro- posed and have achieved good results in the literature [4]. Logistic regression (LR) and support vector machines (SVMs) are two of the most-used techniques [2]. Recently ”deep learning” models based on neural networks have become increasingly popular [3]. At the sentence level, classification must operate on texts that are much shorter than most documents (≤ 160 words), which re- duces performance of traditional text classification algorithms. Main limitations concern the feature sparsity of short text which reduces the accuracy of tra- ditional algorithms, such as the similarity algorithm based on word frequency and co-occurred words [1]. To tackle problems arising from short texts, various methods have been proposed to improve their capacity of semantic expression [5]. More recently, NLP has drawn attention in this context through the use of language models learned by word embeddings, especially in models based on neural networks [6,7]. At both document and sentence levels, effective feature extraction is impor- tant to help the accuracy and robustness of classification models. Inspired by recent work in efficient word representation learning [9,8] and considering the topical scope of the proposed tasks CLEF ProtestNews Track 2019, here we propose two models that were submitted for official evaluation and also several other models that were developed for experimental purposes. All of them are based on word vector learning combined with linear classifiers. The main aim of these approaches is to find the most efficient feature extraction and classification method which can be applied at different levels of scope. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of the analytical framework. In Section 3, we describe a set of 9 different models using different kinds of word embedding and classifier, with and without di- mension reduction. Then, we present results from experimental testing of these models (Section 4) before giving results for the two models submitted to the official CLEF ProtestNews track evaluation (Section 5) . 2 Overview of the proposed framework In this section, we present the proposed framework consisting of three parts: data processing, word vector learning and text classification. 2.1 Data processing For each task respectively documents and sentences were converted to lowercase, all URLs and stop-words were removed. After the tokenization process, all to- kens based only on non-alphanumeric characters and all short tokens (with < 3 characters) were also deleted. Then, we perform a morphological analysis of all tokens in order to identify lemmas, replacing each token by its lemma. 2.2 Word vector models In word vector representations, each word is represented by a vector which is concatenated or averaged with other word vectors in a context to form a re- sulting vector which is used to predict other words in the context [10]. These vectors allow capture of hidden information about a language, like word analo- gies or semantic associations. In the literature, word vector representations have demonstrated efficiency in boosting accuracy of classification models. However, inconsistent performances are observed in some application contexts [11]. In this paper, we explore three popular embedding models, namely, Word2Vec, GloVe and FastText. Below, we introduce briefly their principle. – Word2Vec [14] is a group of related models based on two-layer neural net- works that are trained to reconstruct linguistic contexts of words. Two model architectures can be used: continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) or continuous skip-gram (SG). In CBOW architecture, the model predicts the current word from a window of surrounding context words. As in other bag-of-words ap- proaches, the order of context words does not influence prediction. In the continuous SG architecture, the model uses the current word to define the surrounding window of context words. The SG architecture weights nearby context words more heavily than more distant context words. – GloVe [13] (global vectors for word representation) allows the user to ob- tain word vector representations by mapping words into a meaningful space where the distance between words is related to semantic similarity. Train- ing is performed on aggregated global word-word co-occurrence statistics from a corpus, and the resulting representations showcase interesting linear substructures of the word vector space. – FastText [12] is based on the SG model, where each word is represented as a bag of character n-grams. A vector representation is associated to each character n-gram; words being represented as the sum of these representa- tions. Pre-trained word embeddings on large training sets are publicly available, such as those produced for word2vec [14], GloVe [13] or Wiki word vectors for FastText1 . 2.3 Linear classifiers Despite the popularity of models based on neural networks, linear classifiers stand as strong baselines for text classification problems. Furthermore the state- of-art about these models has proved their suitability and their robustness when they are combined with right features [15]. In addition, neural network models tend in practice to increase computational cost. Following empirical studies con- ducted on the training set provided for each CLEF ProtestNews task, SVM and XGBoost provided best performances in term of accuracy and log loss scores. 1 Date of access: 16th May 2019. 3 Proposed models Nine models were explored for the news article classification and event sentence detection tasks. These models were selected from various combinations within the framework presented above. The best models were chosen according to their global performance in terms of precision, recall and F1-score obtained on the training sets provided for each task. Parameter tuning was performed using GridSearchCV2 in order to select parameter values that maximize the accuracy of each model. Top parameters are presented in tables following the description of each model below. The model architectures described below were used in similar ways for the two tasks (except for the sum ner model, see below). - The xgboost fast model uses word vector representations created by Fast- Text. Vectors were built from the training set provided for each task. Then the XGBoost classifier was used to identify the class of each input. Data fraction of Gamma tree max. min. sum of alpha fraction of columns depth weights observations Document 0.75 0.4 5 6 0.005 0.8 Sentence 0.75 0.4 6 6 0.001 0.85 - The xgboost fast wiki model uses the same architecture as the xgboost fast model except for word vector learning, which is performed through the use of pre-trained word embeddings. The pretrained model3 is composed of 1 mil- lion word vectors trained on Wikipedia 2017, UMBC webbase corpus and news dataset. These vectors in dimension 300 were obtained using the skip-gram model described in [12] with default parameters. Data fraction of Gamma tree max. min. sum of alpha fraction of columns depth weights observations Document 0.85 0.1 6 10 0 0.8 Sentence 0.8 0.3 5 12 0.05 0.75 - The svm fast model uses word vectors built from FastText. Vectors were designed from the training sets provided. Then SVM classifiers were used to identify the class of each input. Data C Gamma Kernel Document 10 1 rbf Sentence 0.001 0.001 linear - The svm fast wiki model uses classifiers based on SVM. Word vector rep- resentations are built from the same pre-trained model that was used for the 2 xgboost fast wiki model. Date of access: 16th May 2019. 3 Date of access: 16th May 2019. Data C Gamma Kernel Document 1 1 rbf Sentence 1 1 rbf - The xgboost glove model uses a pre-trained word vector embedding as initialization for the representation of words. This embedding named GloVe4 is composed of 300-dimensional vectors trained over a larger vocabulary of web data (840B words). Then XGBoost classifiers were used to identify the class of each input. Data fraction of Gamma tree max. min. sum of alpha fraction of columns depth weights observations Document 0.8 0.0 6 8 0.05 0.75 Sentence 0.75 0.3 6 6 0.05 0.8 - The xgboost w2v model is designed from a word vector representations performed by Word2vec. Vectors were built from the training set provided for each task. Then XGBoost classifiers were used to classify inputs. Data fraction of Gamma tree max. min. sum of alpha fraction of columns depth weights observations Document 0.8 0.0 6 12 0.001 0.8 Sentence 0.85 0.3 6 12 0.001 0.85 - The sum ner model uses slightly different text processing according to the application context. • For Task 1, the text was trimmed to capture sentences that are most rep- resentative of the source document. In this way, we aimed to gain topical clarity and reduce the vocabulary space. Similar to a text summarization process, each sentence was scored as the sum of the weighted frequencies of its words within the whole document. The highest-scoring sentences were then chosen to give a concise representation of the document. The best performances were observed by keeping the first 4 sentences with the highest scores. • For both Task 1 (using sentences derived from document level as above) and Task 2 (which begins at sentence level), we then apply text normal- ization using a named entity recognition tool5 . Only entities referring to a person, a location or an organisation are identified. Each entity local- ized is replaced by the name of its class. The aim with this process is to provide harmonized vector patterns which can be beneficial in word representation processes. • For both tasks, the final step is to perform classification using the XG- Boost technique. 4 Date of access: 17th June 2019. 5 Date of access: 17th June 2019. Data fraction of Gamma tree max. min. sum of alpha fraction of columns depth weights observations Document 0.85 0.1 4 12 0.01 0.85 Sentence 0.85 0.4 6 8 0.001 0.8 - The xgboost fast SVD and xgboost fast wiki SVD models were cre- ated from the xgboost fast and xgboost fast wiki models above by the addi- tion of dimension reduction alongside feature extraction. Dimension reduc- tion was applied using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method, a commonly applied technique, in order to reduce noise and increase model stability. Briefly, SVD is a matrix decomposition method for reducing a ma- trix to its constituent parts, to make certain subsequent matrix calculations simpler. 4 Experimental results In this section, we present experimental results obtained on the test sets provided for intermediate evaluation in the CLEF ProtestNews track. The ProtestNews evaluation process was divided into two phases. The first phase (intermediate evaluation) was conducted on test sets extracted from Indian news articles. The second phase (final evaluation) includes English-language news articles from both India and China (see below). The training sets used for experimental testing of the different models are taken from the final evaluation phase (3429 documents and 5884 sentences ex- tracted from India news articles). The test sets are from the intermediate phase and are composed of 457 documents and 663 sentences respectively, extracted from India news articles. Evaluation measures used for each task are precision, recall, F1-score and the average of F1-scores obtained in these two tasks (Avg.2). Table 1. Experimental results using intermediate evaluation data from CLEF 2019 ProtestNews Track. Document Sentence Avg. 2 Model precision recall F1-score precision recall F1-score xgboost fast SVD 0.533 0.392 0.452 0.344 0.072 0.120 0.256 xgboost fast wiki SVD 0.315 0.225 0.263 0.188 0.065 0.097 0.18 xgboost fast 0.773 0.568 0.655 0.152 0.021 0.037 0.346 xgboost fast wiki 0.822 0.637 0.718 0.750 0.391 0.514 0.616 svm fast 0.794 0.529 0.635 0.176 0.108 0.058 0.346 svm fast wiki 0.829 0.716 0.768 0.833 0.326 0.468 0.618 w2v glove 0.857 0.588 0.698 0.761 0.370 0.498 0.598 w2v xgboost 0.798 0.618 0.696 0.333 0.007 0.014 0.355 sum ner 0.535 0.147 0.230 0.461 0.043 0.079 0.155 Table 1 gives results obtained for the model architectures presented in Section 3. At the document level, we observe that the best precision is obtained by the w2v glove model. For recall and F1-score, best performances are observed with the svm fast wiki model. At the sentence level, the best precision is given by svm fast wiki. xgboost fast wiki obtains the best results both on recall and F1- score. The best average of F1-scores (Avg.2) is given by the svm fast wiki model. It is interesting to note that models based on pre-trained word vectors (i.e. x wiki, w2v glove) obtain higher performances than those built directly from the sources provided in the ProtestNews data sets. This finding suggests that, in this context, enriched word vector representation using external data improves global performance of the classification models. The combination of pre-trained word vectors with FastText and a SVM classifier provided a model that was robust and suitable for both levels of scope, especially in terms of precision. 5 Official CLEF ProtestNews results In this section, we present results obtained for the final evaluation phase of CLEF ProtestNews 2019. Proposed models were evaluated on Task 1 (news article classification) and Task 2 (event sentence detection) using two different testing sets. Task 3 was not attempted. As in the experimental results above, the training sets provided were com- posed of 3429 documents (Task 1) and 5884 sentences (Task 2) extracted from English-language news articles from India. Table 2 gives details of the final eval- uation test sets. Table 2. Description of final evaluation test sets. Test set number of records source task1 test 687 India china test task1 1801 China task2 test 1107 India china test task2 1235 China Table 3 gives results for the final evaluation phase. Evaluation measures used are the F1-score for each task and the average of F1-scores obtained across both tasks (Avg. 2). The models presented for this phase are based on the xgboost fast SVD and xgboost fast wiki SVD model architectures introduced in Section 3.6 The best model performance is given for comparison. The best model achieved an average F1-score across the two tasks of 0.652. As we can observe, the results obtained by our proposed models are less effective, with respectively an average F1-score over the two tasks of 0.163 and 0.193. We 6 Due to problems with the ProtestNews submission system, only these two models were entered into the final evaluation, despite their relative poor performance in experimental testing. Table 3. Official results - Final evaluation phase CLEF 2019 ProtestNews Track. Model Task 1 Task 2 Avg. 2 Best run 2019 0.746 0.558 0.652 xgboost fast SVD 0.232 0.094 0.163 xgboost fast wiki SVD 0.294 0.092 0.193 suspect that dimension reduction did not offer an advantage here. Usually used on a large set of features, SVD appears not to have helped extraction of suitable discriminant features for these classification tasks. With these settings, results are better on the Task 1 than Task 2. This may be explained by the difference in length of the text records in these two levels of scope. However, it is interesting to observe that the use of a pre-trained model improved results obtained in Task 1. Comparing performance between experimental testing and the final Protest- News evaluation, we see a worse Avg. 2 score for xgboost fast SVD and slightly better Avg.2 score for xgboost fast wiki SVD, for the final evaluation relative to the experimental test on intermediate evaluation data. We note that in the intermediate phase, models are tested and trained on the same kinds of content (Indian news), whereas in the final phase models are trained on Indian content and tested on both Indian and China content. It appears that use of a pre- trained model is less effective in the sentence level than in the document level when models are applied on the same kind of content. Conversely models trained on similar content are more suitable. We conclude that with these settings, fea- tures extracted are less generalisable, while those extracted from a pre-trained model give a slight decrease in performance but are more robust when confronted with another type of data. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we presented our contribution to the CLEF 2019 ProtestNews Track. Models evaluated combined word-embedding techniques (Word2Vec, GloVe and FastText) with linear classifiers (SVM and XGBoost), as well as dimension reduction as a pre-processing step (SVD). Models showed worse performance when combined with dimension reduction. Word embedding, which is often sen- sitive to the domain of application, provided best performance when word vectors were generated from pre-trained models, independent of the level of scope. In future work, we plan to evaluate all models proposed during the experi- mental phase on the datasets used in the final evaluation phase of CLEF Protest- News. This will help explore the portability of these models to datasets extracted from an another country and estimate their ability to adapt to new domains. References 1. Rafeeque, P. C., & S. Sendhilkumar.: A survey on short text analysis in web. In: Third International Conference on Advanced Computing. IEEE, (2011). 2. Kowsari, K., Meimandi, K. J., Heidarysafa, M., Mendu, S., Barnes, L. E., Brown, D. E.: Text Classification Algorithms: A Survey. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.08067. (2019) 3. Belinkov, Y., & Glass, J.: Analysis methods in neural language processing: A survey. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, vol. 7, pp. 49–72. (2019). 4. Allahyari, M., Pouriyeh, S., Assefi, M., Safaei, S., Trippe, E. D., Gutierrez, J. B., & Kochut, K.: A brief survey of text mining: Classification, clustering and extraction techniques. arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.02919. (2017). 5. Song, G., Ye, Y., Du, X., Huang, X., & Bie, S.: Short text classification: A survey. 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