=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_90 |storemode=property |title=Coral Reef Annotation and Localization using Faster R-CNN |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_90.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Jaisakth S M,Mirunalini Palaniappan,Aravindan Chandrabose |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/JaisakthiMA19 }} ==Coral Reef Annotation and Localization using Faster R-CNN== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_90.pdf
    Coral Reef Annotation and Localization using
                  Faster R-CNN

           S M Jaisakthi1 , P Mirunalini2 , and Chandrabose Aravindan2
                     Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
                 SSN College of Engineeing. Kalavakkam, Chennai, India

        Abstract. Coral reefs are the most diverse and valuable ecosystems in
        the world. It is also called as rainforests of the sea as they are so diverse.
        Coral reefs are important since it provide shelter and food to many ma-
        rine species and also act as the source of nitrogen and other essential
        nutrients for marine food chains. Recent studies show that coral reefs
        ecosystems are extremely threatened due to pollution, sedimentation,
        unviable fishing practices, and climate change. So, coral reefs should be
        protected and monitored to save marine ecosystem. Hence, to monitor
        coral reef a task was introduced in ImageCLEF 2019, to automatically
        identify and label different types of benthic substrate with bounding
        boxes in a given image. This paper presents a Convolutional Neural Net-
        work (CNN) based method to locate and detect different types of benthic
        substrate. We have used faster RCNN architecture to detect the substrate
        since this method is much faster and accurate in detecting the objects.

        Keywords: Coal Reef · Object Detection · Faster R-CNN · Convolu-
        tional Neural Network (CNN).

1     Introduction
Coral reefs [1], [3] are large underwater structures which are composed of the
skeletons of colonial marine invertebrates called coral. These colonies are groups
of individual animals called polyps. The reef structures are formed by the polyps
secretion, upon which they live, which is made up of a substance called calcium
carbonate. These coral make significant contributions to the well-being of people,
animals, and plants in marine and coastal environments. They protect the coastal
land from erosion that is caused by waves and storms. Coral reefs are not only
important in terms of worldwide tourism, but it also serve as an important
indicator to evaluate the health of our planet. In addition, they are an essential
source of food and protein for millions of people throughout the world and also
provide medical benefits to us. But today, we are the ones threatening reefs.
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
Around the world, roughly 50 percent of coral reefs have died in just the past
few decades. The Great Barrier Reef was even declared dead last year. Coral
reefs should be protected and many organisations are working hard to protect
coral reefs. So an automatic system to locate and detect the coral reef in the sea
will be helpful to conserve coral reefs. In the ImageCLEFcoral 2019 task, coral
reefs are localised and annotated automatically using the CNN based object
detection methods in an given image.
    Predicting the location of the object along with the class label is called as
object detection. This can be achieved with deep learning or computer vision
techniques by localizing the objects along with image classification in each image.
The traditional object detection methods involve detection based on block-wise
orientation of histogram features. These methods use low level characteristics of
the object features and hence, not able to discriminate objects of different labels
well. But deep learning based methods construct a representation in hierarchical
manner using low to high level features extracted from neural networks which
improves the detection accuracy much better.
    In deep learning object detection problem can be considered as a classifi-
cation problem by classifying the image patches extracted from the images. In
general the CNNs used for classification were too slow and computationally ex-
pensive because of running on so many patches generated by sliding window
detector. This problem can be solved using R-CNN, which uses selective search
that reduces number of bounding boxes to the classifier. Selective search uses
local cues like texture, intensity, color and/or a measure of insideness etc. to
generate all the possible locations of the objects. The selected objects regions
are wrapped to a fixed size pixels and are fed to a classifier which gives the
individual probability of the region belonging to background and classes. So to
locate and detect the coral reefs in an input image we have used faster R-CNN
technique to achieve good accuracy.

2   Proposed Methodology

Our method for substrate detection is based on the Faster R-CNN [8] archi-
tecture. Faster R-CNN uses Region Proposal Network (RPN) using CNN to
generate region proposals. This architecture consist of 3 layers, namely convo-
lutional layer to extract feature maps, RPN to obtain region proposals with the
help of anchor boxes and detection network for predicting object classes and
bounding boxes. The proposed method consists of 3 stages namely preprocess-
ing, training and substrate detection. In this work we have used five variants of
pretrained COCO object detection model namely (1)Faster RCNN with NasNet
(with augmentation), (2) Faster RCNN with NasNet (without augmentation) (3)
Faster RCNN with inception V2 (with augmentation) (4) Faster RCNN with in-
ception V2 (without augmentation) and (5) Faster RCNN with resnet101 (with
2.1   Dataset

The dataset for this task is taken from coral reefs around the world as part of a
coral reef monitoring project with the Marine Technology Research Unit at the
University of Essex. The images contains the following 13 types of substrates:
Hard Coral – Branching, Hard Coral – Submassive, Hard Coral – Boulder, Hard
Coral – Encrusting, Hard Coral – Table, Hard Coral – Foliose, Hard Coral –
Mushroom, Soft Coral, Soft Coral – Gorgonian, Sponge, Sponge – Barrel, Fire
Coral – Millepora and Algae - Macro or Leaves. The data set contains 240 train-
ing images with 6670 annotated substrates along with ground truth annotations
as bounding boxes.

2.2   Preprocessing

To reduce the computational complexity we have scaled down the input images.
To build a strong object detector we have applied image augmentation [7] to
improve the accuracy. We have created more training images using augmentation
by applying horizontal and vertical flips, rotating by 90 degrees and randomly
adjusting the contrast and brightness of the images.

2.3   Training

We have used five variants of Faster R-CNN architecture that comes with the
Tensorflow Object Detection API [4]. The architectures were pre-trained using
the COCO dataset [6] that contains 300k images from 80 categories of animals,
furniture, vehicles, etc. for general object detection. In order to make the pre-
trained models to learn the characteristics of benthic substrates we have fine-
tuned it using the data set provided by the task ImageCLEFcoral 2019 [2] [5].

2.4   Coral Reef Image Annotation and Localisation

To localize the coral reef we have trained the models using the dataset provided
by the organizers using the hyper-parameters recommended in the Tensorflow
Object Detection API. The different models used in this task are discussed in
the following sections.

Faster RCNN with NasNet In this model we have trained Faster R-CNN
with NasNet as backbone. To study the performance of this model we have
conducted two different experiments, one with image augmentation and the other
without augmentation. This architecture used NasNet to extract the features in
the first stage with l2 regularizer. Since NasNet utilizes very large memory space
we experienced resource allocation problem during the training phase. So we
have down scaled the input images size as 300 × 300 and trained the architecture
using dataset for 120000 epochs.
Faster R-CNN with Inception V2 Faster R-CNN with inception V2 model
extracts the features from the input images using inception resnet v2 during
the first stage. To reduce the computational complexity the input images are
reduced to the size of 600*1024. The model is trained for 100000 epochs with
l2 regularizer and truncated normal initializer in the first stage. Anchors are
generated for 4 scales with 3 different aspect ratio. For box predictor, the model
is trained with l2 regularizer and variance scale initializer is used. The model
performance is evaluated and analysed with both with and without image aug-
mentation techniques.

Faster R-CNN with Resnet101 In this architecture we have used Faster
RCNN Resnet101 to extract features in the first stage along with the image
augmentation technique. The model is trained with the coral reef dataset for
150000 epochs.

2.5   Results and Discussion
The proposed methods were evaluated using intersection over union (IoU), the
area of intersection between the foreground in the output segmentation and the
foreground in the ground-truth segmentation, divided by the area of their union.
The final results were calculated using average performance over all images of
all concepts, and also per concept performance over all images. The following
table shows the result of the proposed method presented in this paper.

                     Table 1. Results of the proposed Method

 Method                                                MAP 50 R 50         MAP 0
 Faster R-CNN with NasNet (with augmentation)          0.139962 0.068156 0.43097514
 Faster R-CNN with NasNet (without augmentation)       0.134396 0.072253 0.42396952
 Faster R-CNN with inception V2 (with augmentation)    0.084863 0.045624 0.42396952
 Faster R-CNN with inception V2 (without augmentation) 0.048321 0.028678 0.28710386
 Faster R-CNN with resnet101 (with augmentation)       0.040993 0.027374 0.27161182

    MAP 50 is the localised Mean average precision (MAP) for each submitted
method for using the performance measure of IoU >= 50 of the ground truth,
R 50 is the localised mean recall for each submitted method for using the per-
formance measure of IoU >= 50 of the ground truth and MAP 0 is the image
annotation average for each method with success if the concept is simply de-
tected in the image without any localisation. From the above table it is clear
that all the methods with image augmentation techniques produced a good mean
average precision when compared with the other methods trained without aug-
mentation. But mean average recall is slightly higher for Faster R-CNN with
NasNet without augmentation when compared to NasNet with augmentation.
This variation may be due to which we have downscaled the input images too
much. So further we need to conduct experiments by increasing the size of the
input images. It is also found that among three different architectures Faster
R-CNN with NasNet produced a good result in terms of both precision and
   In terms of per substrate accuracy, Faster R-CNN with NasNet produced a
good accuracy when compared to the methods presented by the other partici-
pants. Table 2 shows the results of per substrate accuracy presented by other

        Table 2. Accuracy per substrate obtained by all the participating teams

                      hard          hard
               hard          hard                        hard           soft                 fire     algae
                      coral         coral hard hard
               coral         coral                       coral  soft   coral        sponge coral     macro
Run     Group         sub-           en-  coral coral                        sponge
              branch-        boul-                      mush- coral    gor-          barrel mille-      or
                      mas-         crust- table foliose
                ing           der                        room         gonian                pora     leaves
                       sive          ing
27115   VIT   0.0436     0  0.0809 0.0168   0   0.0128 0.0664 0.0722     0   0.0349 0.0526     0        0
27347   VIT   0.0456     0  0.0374 0.0055   0      0    0.0204 0.0918    0   0.0239 0.0498     0        0
27348   VIT   0.0548     0  0.0956 0.0171   0   0.0129 0.119 0.0782      0   0.0365 0.0579     0        0
27349   VIT   0.0637     0  0.1012 0.0195   0   0.0028 0.0758 0.0804     0   0.0329 0.0619     0     0.0004
27350   VIT   0.0597     0  0.0305 0.0141   0      0    0.0422 0.0808    0   0.0299 0.0598     0        0
27398   HHUD 0.0013      0  0.0116    0     0      0       0   0.0702    0    0.002    0       0        0
27413   HHUD 0.0068 0.0021 0.0063 0.0014    0   0.0022     0   0.0523    0   0.0063    0       0        0
27414   HHUD 0.0089      0   0.016 0.0015   0      0       0   0.0562    0   0.0104 0.0054     0        0
27415   HHUD     0       0     0      0     0      0       0   0.0731    0      0      0       0        0
27416   HHUD 0.0346      0  0.0343 0.0064   0      0    0.0437 0.055 0.0008 0.0094 0.0222      0     0.0158
27417   HHUD 0.0356      0   0.033 0.0069   0      0    0.0406 0.0505 0.0008 0.0094 0.0213     0     0.0157
27418   HHUD 0.0246      0  0.0321 0.0038   0      0    0.0269 0.0447 0.0005 0.0086 0.0318     0     0.0012
27419   HHUD 0.0261      0  0.0315 0.0042   0   0.0023 0.0228 0.0423 0.0005 0.0088 0.0304      0     0.0012
27421   HHUD 0.0007      0  0.0167 0.0048   0   0.0006 0.0106 0.0571     0   0.0072    0       0        0
27497   ISEC 0.0198      0  0.0007 0.0121   0      0       0   0.0079    0   0.0277    0       0        0

   From Table 2 it is evident that our method produced better accuracy in
identifying many substrate types.
3    Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank the management of VIT university, Vellore,
India and SSN College of Engineering, Chennai India for funding the respective
research labs where the research work is being carried out. One of the authors S
M Jaisakthi would like to thank NVIDIA for providing a GPU grant in support
of this research work and similarly P Mirunalini and Chandrabose Aravindan
would like to thank the management for providing the GPU machine where this
research is carried out.

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