Deep Learning Approach for Semantic Indexing of Animal Experiments Summaries in German Language S. Kayalvizhi, D. Thenmozhi and Chandrabose Aravindan Department of CSE, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai{theni_d,aravindanc} Abstract. Semantic indexing of animal experiment summaries is the process of annotating the summaries with its medical codes. Semantic indexing is helpful in reducing time and performance in knowing the con- text and finding relevant summaries. Indexing the Non-Technical Sum- maries (NTP)s using codes from the German version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) is a challenging task. ICD-10 codes, which is a comprehensive way of storing the health conditions are use- ful for the identification of many disorders, diseases and other health related problems. Thus, annotating the NTPs with codes will make the way of storing, organising, retrieval and comparing the health informa- tion more easier. In our paper, we have approached the problem using deep neural network. This work is evaluated on the dataset given by eHealth@CLEF2019. The test set given by the task is used to evaluate our methodology which attains precision, recall and f1 score of 0.19, 0.27 and 0.23 for Run 1 , 0.19, 0.27 and 0.22 for Run 2 and 0.13, 0.34 and 0.19 for Run 3 respectively. The performance of our method can further be increased by considering other recurrent units. Keywords: Semantic indexing · Deep neural network · Text Mining · Deep Learning · Non-technical summaries. 1 Introduction In the current generation, storing the health reports in digital way helps us in great way to diagnose and reduce medical complications at easier way. eHealth@CLEF20191 [7] is a shared task done on those electronicaly available medical records which consists of three tasks namely Task 1 - Multilingual In- formation Extraction, Task 2 - Technologically Assisted Reviews in Empirical Medicine and Task 3 - Consumer Health Search, in which this paper focuses on Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com- mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem- ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland. 1 Task 1 - Multilingual Information Extraction.[11] In this task, Non Technical Summaries(NTPs) are given which are to be in- dexed with their International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in German version. ICD-10 codes are helpful in many ways to diagnose various diseases and identify its drugs [4, 12, 6, 3, 1, 14, 5]. NTPs are short summaries which are currently publicly available in the AnimalTestInfo database2 , as part of the ap- proval procedure for animal experiments in Germany. The database currently contains more than 10,000 NTPs, many of which have been manually indexed by experts. We have built a deep neural network with LSTM to generate the codes for the summaries.Task 1 of eHealth@CLEF2019 focuses on automatic indexing of NTPs with ICD-10 codes. 2 Dataset Description The dataset is given for the task 1 of eHealth-CLEF@2019[8]. The training set contains 7544 document ids in which 5854 are along with its annotations, development set has 842 ids in which 654 are along with its annotations and the test set contains 407 ids whose annotations are to be found out. Each document of animal summaries in the dataset has six lines of text which has the following information: 1. title of the document; 2. uses (goals) of the experiment; 3. possible harms caused to the animals; 4. comments about replacement (in the scope of the 3R principles); 5. comments about reduction (in the scope of the 3R principles); 6. comments about refinement (in the scope of the 3R principles). The example for ICD-10 codes: C50-C50|C00-C97|C00-C75|II where ’|’ separates one code from another one. 3 Proposed Methodology A Deep neural network model [10, 9] is used in our work for generating the ICD- 10 codes for the NTPs given in German language. The data is prepared for giving as input to Seq2Seq deep learning algorithm. The input documents are split up into sentences (six for each document) and the corresponding ICD-10 codes are generated for the documents. The vocabulary for all the input documents and output labels are all formed. A deep neural network model was built using a multi-layer RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) in which LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) as its recurrent 2 unit. Layers namely embedding layer, encoder-decoder layer, projection layer and loss layer are used to build the deep neural network. The input lines in the document and its corresponding code labels in the embedding layer are used to learn the weight vectors based on their vocabulary. Two hidden layers are used for encoding and decoding.The attention mechanism such as Normed Bahdanau(NB) and Scaled Luong(SL) models [2, 9] are used. Softmax is used as activation function in the projection layer to obtain the ICD-10 codes for the summaries. Loss computed in the loss layer is reduced by back propagation while building the model. Thus, ICD-10 codes is obtained by using the built Seq2Seq model 1. The TensorFlow code based on tutorial code released by Fig. 1. System Architecture for Semantic Indexing of Animal Experiment Summaries. Neural Machine Translation3 [9] that was developed based on Seq2Seq models [13, 2, 10] is used to implement our deep learning approach for Semantic 3 indexing. We have implemented two broad variations of the Seq2Seq model by varying the attention models with a batch size of one hundred and twenty eight, two encoder-decoder layers, dropout of 0.2 and bi-directional. Further variations are done by different considerations in post processing and type of in- put(attention model) given. The different variations are explained in the Table 1. Table 1. Different variations Model No. Attention model Consideration of occurances 1 NB all 2 SL all 3 NB minimum of two 4 SL minimum of two 5 NB minimum two and whole if nothing is generated 6 SL minimum two and whole if nothing is generated 7 NB minimum two and whole if only one code is generated 8 SL minimum two and whole if only one code is generated 9 NB minimum two and whole if only one or nothing is generated 10 SL minimum two and whole if only one or nothing is generated The performance obtained for these variations are evaluated using the eval- uation script provided by the CLEF-ehealth@2019 in shown Table 2. Table 2. Performance of development set Models Precision Recall F1-score 1 0.24 0.81 0.37 2 0.24 0.81 0.37 3 0.61 0.67 0.64 4 0.61 0.67 0.64 5 0.56 0.68 0.61 6 0.55 0.68 0.61 7 0.52 0.68 0.59 8 0.52 0.69 0.59 9 0.48 0.70 0.57 10 0.48 0.70 0.57 From the above models, model 3, 4 and 6 are submitted as Run 1, Run 2 and Run 3 respectively for the shared task. The evaluation script provided by the CLEF-eHealth@20194 is used to eval- uate our models with respect to both development set and test set. The devel- 4 Table 3. Result of evaluation script Test set Development set Runs True positive False postive False negative True positive False postive False negative Run 1 213 889 570 1127 700 555 Run 2 210 871 573 1128 694 554 Run 3 265 1788 518 1148 884 534 opment set has more accuracy than compared to the test set. Testing accuracy can also be improved by building the model using test set as its development set. From the Table 3, Run 3 has more true postive score than the other runs for both development set and test set. 4 Results The final evaluation is done on the dataset provided by CLEF-eHealth@2019. The test set contains 407 summaries which should be annotated. Table 4. Final evaluation for Test Data Teams and Runs Precision Recall F-score SSN_NLP Run 1 0.19 0.27 0.22 SSN_NLP Run 2 0.19 0.27 0.23 SSN_NLP Run 3 0.13 0.34 0.19 DEMIR Run 1 0.46 0.50 0.48 DEMIR Run 2 0.49 0.44 0.46 DEMIR Run 3 0.46 0.49 0.48 IMS_UNIPD Run 1 0 0 0 IMS_UNIPD Run 2 0.009 0.50 0.017 IMS_UNIPD Run 3 0.10 0.05 0.07 MLT-DFKI 0.64 0.86 0.73 TALP_UPC 0.37 0.35 0.36 WBI Run1 0.83 0.77 0.80 WBI Run2 0.84 0.74 0.79 WBI Run3 0.80 0.78 0.79 From the Table, it seems that our approach (SSN_NLP) does not outper- form the other approaches. The performance may be improved by using other recurrent units. 5 Conclusions Semantic indexing is the indexing of animal experiment summaries with ICD-10 codes in German version. We have made use of deep neural network with two dif- ferent attention models for the indexing the summaries with their medical codes such as C50-C50|C00-C75|II. We have splitted the documents into sentences and generated the codes with respect to the documents and combined them accord- ing to minimum of two occurences with NB attention for Run 1 which has 0.19, 0.27 and 0.23 and the same with SL attention for Run 2 which has 0.19, 0.27 and 0.22 and considering minimum of two occurences and considering the whole codes generated if nothing is generated as its code as Run which has 0.13, 0.34 and 0.19 as its precision, recall and F1 score which is evaluated on the test set of eHealth@CLEF2019. Further improvements can be done by considering Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) as recurrent units instead of LSTM. References 1. Alotaibi, G.S., Wu, C., Senthilselvan, A., McMurtry, M.S.: The validity of icd codes coupled with imaging procedure codes for identifying acute venous throm- boembolism using administrative data. Vascular medicine 20(4), 364–368 (2015) 2. 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